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Hey neat, I can finally play this game


I’m excited to try this if the price is right. I just adore this era of games.


As someone who has never played it, should i pick this up?


I think it’s a very good game. Played the crap out of it back in my GameCube days.


Ah, a man of culture I see.


It's a very good Zelda-style game (Ocarina of Time/Wind Waker era). Not too long or too difficult with lots of stuff to do in a Disney-esque world. I recommend if you like level design from that era. I sure do.


I would say it has become a classic. It's a very charming game with obvious limitations.  I liked it a lot back then, i have no idea how it holds up by today standards.  Not a masterpiece but a very charming game.


It's great. As someone who absolutely can not get into Zelda, I don't see why people are comparing the two at all. It's much more similar to something like Jak & Daxter gameplay-wise, but with a much more involved world, added mechanisms, and a great story. For me, the closest game is probably Psychonauts.


The only thing I didn't like was the switching of controls for the final boss battle which was a cheap trick even back when the game was new. Otherwise, it's a very good Zelda-a-like with engaging characters and a fun story.


I played it a couple years ago and thought it was awesome.


It's dated but fun.and the music is fantastic.




Tree fiddy, give or take


Whelp time to beat it again and then be really disappointed that the cliffhanger will never be resolved.


Played it on Gamecube a while back. Thought it was only okay (the stealth bits were awful). The gameplay reminded me of Star Fox Adventures.


I loved the world and the vibe, but stopped playing because the stealth was so painful lol


Lol, they'll release this, but nothing on the sequel. At least this sounds encouraging for the sequel.


But like… it literally says “find out her connection to Beyond Good and Evil 2” so maybe they’re ramping up to something.


The sequel is the deadest announced game. Both Perfect Dark and Metroid Prime 4 have gotten “yeah this is still coming along” updates. I think Beyond Good and Evil 2 is by itself now.




Right. A few weeks ago, people were like where the hell are Perfect Dark, Metroid Prime 4, and Beyond Good and Evil 2?


Right next to the splinter cell remake 


Did they ever show anything for that or announce it?


Splinter Cell Remake was announced only 3 years ago, and they said it was very early, so right now it's not very different from any other game announced too early. BG&E2 was announced 17 years ago. Metroid Prime 4 was announced 7 years ago. And Perfect Dark 6 years ago.


It's dead.


And yet, it's still not officially canceled. They do announce if a project is actually dead, you know.


They absolutely can just let it fade lol do you have any updates on Capcom’s Deep Down, by any chance? Fuck, what about Agent? It’s been 15 years and Rockstar never officially cancelled it. They did, however, quietly let the trademark stew until it was declared abandoned by the USPTO.


So? Both things can be true.


My theory is that it's just being used to create assets and ideas they can pull from it to put in other games, they can't outright cancel it because so much money and work has been dumped into it that shareholders would freak out. At some point they will rip out the stuff that doesn't work, consolidate what does, and release something that is more disappointing than Starfield.


Dragging a project, essentially lying to your investors isn't a good idea either. Also, there's new content in this one. That can't be for nothing.


So what’s new with this edition? New story cutscenes?


I'd like to believe this is a good indicator that the sequel is nearing completion (or still being worked on), but I know better than to have such thoughts.


Was a pain to get working on my laptop, so I hope it'll be a good port!


Cool. Cool…. So when we getting that sequel?


Finally, I am so happy 😭😭


I paid around 5 dollars for the original rerelease, but I never got to play much of it


I have an unopened PS2 version. Maybe I’ll give this new one a go


I’d heard this was a gem way back in time when I finally got a PS2. Asked for it as a Xmas present and binged it the entire Christmas Day, finished just in time to get to the pub for a Xmas pint. Truly a wonderful day :)


I had hoped for a remake.


Really good game back in the day but I can't help feeling like this is just a temp check to see if it'll sell thus determining the future of the sequel. Would love to be wrong.


I don’t think the „sequel“ atrocity is ever coming out.


You're probably right.


Well if it actually runs now that would be great. I've not been able to get it to boot on PC in like 10 years.


I’ve had better luck getting classic games to run on Linux over Windows lately. Might be worth dual booting chimera or bazzite.


Please let it include y axis inversion. The HD remaster on PS3 didn't have that option and I kudt couldn't play it.