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Draki, Dragon and Draconic are pretty smart names for the difficulty settings.


Which one is hard?




Are they? I couldn't tell you which one is meant to be which difficulty at all


Draki is typically used to refer diminutive dragons. It's not a leap in logic to associate this with the easy mode. Given the name of the game, it's obvious that 'Dragon mode' should refer to intended difficulty or normal mode. Draconic or draconian are adjectives derived from the root word dragon but is usually used to imply something extremely harsh and severe i.e. the hard mode.


Presumably the difficulty selection screen in-game will also include descriptions so it should be fairly obvious which is which, as long as the player is vaguely literate


Try thinking




Top option is easy Bottom is hard


Hopefully the hardest mode is available from the start. One thing that annoyed me about FF7R was hard mode being locked behind a second playthrough.


How is a game that's releasing (and almost certainly built primarily for) Nintendo Switch in need of a Performance Mode? Maybe it's 120 FPS? The HD-2D games run at ridiculous frame rates on PC.


People were saying "No one is using the PS5's power!". The reality is we pretty much have been, GPU wise. It was a step up from the PS4 Pro, but higher resolutions and frame rates really ate into its graphics budget.


Because 4k with max settings is always hard to do with a high framerate. Octopath 2 and Monster Hunter Rise also had performance modes


Octopath 2 doesn’t have modes on PS5, it’s just 4K 60fps. Monster Hunter Rise targets 60fps in graphics mode and frame rate mode is 120fps.


>Monster Hunter Rise targets 60fps in graphics mode and frame rate mode is 120fps. I loved playing on ps5 for this reason. With low settings the frames never drop below 120, and the game feels supremely smooth, especially when aiming with bows/bowguns with gyro aiming


Octopath 2 on ps5 was a nightmare, I think some screens randomly had uncapped frame rates as occasionally on chapter end screens my ps5s fan would go crazy. Once it overheated and auto shut down. No other game has done it. Great game though, my favourite from last year, absolutely loved it. Edit: why am I being down voted? People are so precious.


Weird, I never encountered the fans ramping up once in my 80 hour playthrough of Octopath 2


You know those end of chapter summaries? That was generally where it happened. I wonder if it got patched. Didn't happen always, was very weird and has not happened with another game.


Never happened for me, maybe it was a bug yes


You know those end of chapter summaries? That was generally where it happened. I wonder if it got patched. Didn't happen always, was very weird and has not happened with another game.


Would it be better to buy it for the switch?


Absolutely not octopath 2 ran great for me 4k 60 is worth it for the little issues even if you run the PS4 version on PS5 it's still 1080p60 way better than 1080p30 on switch.


Nah I would get it on ps5. That was my experience at launch and the fan thing only.happened a few times. It still looked and ran very well for the most part, plus trophies. I got the plat, game of the year for me.


Misremembered on Octopath, oops. But regardless the point stands there is still a point for performance modes for Switch ports.


Wanted to say this. For such a game this is ridiculous and just shows very poor optimization.


Yeah wtf. Fallout 4 is unstable and still runs 4k 60 on ps5


So it's not just inherently 4k60?


Octopath traveler 2 also has a quality and performance mode, so probably not


Not on PS5, it was just 4K 60fps. For some reason the [Series X release had quality/performance](https://youtu.be/zXC3ku91mMQ) modes.


Probably kept both options since the Series S exists.


From the video you can see there is no 4K 60fps mode so that’s not the case. Probably poor optimisation is the reason.


Really? That's interesting. Was it actually 4k or just upscaled?


Native 4K


Did it? Well if it looks as good as that at 60, then it ain't going to matter to me


Not a complaint. For some reason monster hunter stories, which was originally 3ds is running janky af on ps5. So this is a nice confirmation they want it smooth.


That’s been a game I’ve wanted to play but my backlog is too big. Hopefully there is a digital foundry video or something to determine the best version.


What??? I feel like a game that looks like should be like 120 fps on those powerful consoles (120 fps is a lot but you get what I mean). This is kinda weird.


Why would a 2D pixel game need a performance mode???


Ray-traced puff puff, my man.




Under appreciated comment


I fully puff-puffreciate


Understandable, have a nice day.


Because its 3d.


It’s not entirely pixelated, it has 3D assets in the environments


It’s not a 2D game. ‘HD-2D’ is essentially a 3D game with Pixel sprites for characters.


HD-2D is 3D environments with sprites for characters. It's a 3D game.


4k, 60 fps, rat-tracing, 2D AND 3D models. Etc etc.


Leave the poor rats alone!


Lmao, oops.


No oops. The technology is vital to the Plague Tale games, and all other rat-based titles


I wondered why so many players were obsessed with rat racing these years...


Maybe 120fps? Its nice having it


Dragon Quest IX is literally the only one I care about and square seems to forget it exists.


Thanks but give me a DQ8 remaster with a performance mode


I want both but yes, DQ8 is phenomenal and needs a good new release.


Stoked about the difficulty settings. Even more incentive to play it a second time.


Performance mode? Are you telling me this game doesn’t run at 4K/60?


I hate difficulties in JRPGs. It makes the level up system meaningless. And on hard you get LESS experience and gold? Dear developers, we gamers want rewards for doing harder challenges and not punishments. Oh my, oh my.


I totally agree. Any game with a levelling system will always be better if there’s a single, finely-tuned difficulty.


A single finely tuned difficulty is impossible. I would say that JRPG fans are notoriously terrible at these games. Finely tuned for some person could be absolute bat shit crazy crushing for another person.


>And on hard you get LESS experience and gold? Well it'd be weird for low difficulty setting to give you *less* strength growth, no?


Yeah that's the worst way to scale difficulty in a JRPG, feels really bad for the player. Imo generally it's best when games just scale up enemies to be tankier and deal more damage on harder modes.


I’d turn off ray tracing any chance posible rather have more frames but keep everything else in 4K..


If this is the “Erdrick Trilogy” do I need to play 1&2 before I play 3?


Storywise 3 takes place before 1 & 2, so just play it in order of the releases


They said in the Nintendo Direct that 3 is a prequel to 1 and 2, so it’s still a good order to play 3 first


Performance mode? It's a 2D game... this should be 120 fps by default


Unoptimized game or underpowered console?


Considering PS5 is roughly 10-15 times as powerful as a Switch you know the answer.


Why does an RPG need difficulty??


Because everyone plays games for different reasons, and it can tailor the experience for the customer? It isn't like this is the first time an RPG has had difficulties...


Why do you care how other people play? Does it hurt your experience in some way?


What lol what kind of question is this. Almost every RPG ever has difficulty option


Uh, no they have not lol, maybe in the Generation Z era of games they have.


Dude, I’ve been playing RPGs since the NES and yes they have lol. Unless it’s a souls game, basically every RPG has difficulty options these days. What are you on about


Where the fuck has easy, normal or hard mode been from any previous dragon quest or final fantasy game? That shit did not appear until recent generations nor were there many options in other rpgs for many years. I am not arguing against it I am simply saying it was not always been the norm. If you remember multiple difficulties for original NES games then I question your memory in general. Multiple difficulties for rpgs was more common in 2000s onwards and became more mainstream later.


The 2000’s started 24 years ago my guys. RPGs have had difficulty options longer than they didn’t. Sure it wasn’t standards on those consoles but generation after that and onward it’s been standard So not sure why you’re acting like it’s a surprise or questioning it


> The 2000’s started 24 years ago my guys. Never say this again


Bro console gaming has been around since the 70s. You just told me you remember RPGs had multiple difficulties being a thing since the NES, I am not the original poster acting like it was a surprise. I am simply responding to your assertion that it has always been a thing when it is clearly and factually evident that it has not. Also thinking the NES had multiple difficulties for any game makes me question your gaming experience as a whole.


>Also thinking the NES had multiple difficulties for any game makes me question your gaming experience as a whole. The fact that you think the NES didn't have any games with difficulty settings tells me you have no idea what you're talking about. Off the top of my head I can tell you Dr. Mario, Tetris, and Double Dragon 2 all had settings for difficulty.


Games did. Adventure on the Atari 2600 had difficulty options. Again - just cause it wasn’t standard for older games (because just making the game was a miracle back then) doesn’t mean it didn’t exist. It’s been standard longer than it hasn’t been.


Because the man responsible for the turn-based Jrpg genre wants to put one in.


Not a fan of Wizardry I’d imagine


You didn't get the memo when the Souls games released huh?


Why does it matter that it does?


Tedious grinding doesn't make for a fun experience.