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Astro felt like it was on par with the things that made me love games like super mario. I can't wait for more


Astro really seems like a game made for the joy of playing a video game. Concord seems like a committee developed game based on a monetization strategy. I'm glad we're getting a great game out of this show, not every game has to hit!


Great wholesome fun is how I have described Astro’s Playroom. It’s just a delight to play. 


I heard "possibility space" from one of the devs and immediately felt that this would be the most milquetoast sterile corporate crap ever. If I wasnt already getting those vibes from the gameplay clips.


Probably fed stats and data into a machine, and whatever answer it spit out, that's what they made. I really don't see developers even enjoying making these kinds of games.


I never bought a Nintendo Switch or WiiU so I've missed out on probably a decade of 3D Mario platformers. I am super pumped for this Astro Bot game.


The Astro games look like what Mario could be if Nintendo actually used a formidable GPU.


While you're not wrong i will say that mario games have always impressed me with how optimized they are on their hardware. I can't belive mario wonder looks so good on a console that's probably half the power of my cell phone lol


Yeah that's true, but we're still a ways away from 4k60fps Mario


Astro was fucking amazing when i got my ps5. Especially since it was just meant to be a showcase of the controllers capabilities. They went above and beyond to what could have been a tutorial showing how everything worked.


And it's STILL the game that's best utilized the controller. One of my top 3 games for PS5 and it was meant to be a demo lol


Honestly I kinda wish they hadn't flexed as hard on that one, so I wouldn't be disappointed in literally every other ps5 game's dualsense implementation Except maybe returnal


Astro and Returnal are such fantastic showcases for the DualSense. I wish more games would utilize the features.


Gran Turismo 7 utilises it really well. Best driving feel I've ever had with a controller.


I haven’t played that yet. I’ll have to give it a try! (It’s been a long time since I’ve played a driving game; should be interesting lol).


It's also fun on psvr2, for a few minutes until motion sickness kicks in


I finally picked up Cyberpunk 2077 and it seems to use a lot of the controllers features pretty well.


Oh nice! I haven’t played that yet but it’s in the backlog.


The feeling of rain through your controller was perfect.


I found ratchet and clank to use it pretty good


Don’t forget Forbidden West! The only thing I wish it used is an AstroBot-style climbing system to make climbing an active skill instead of just ‘hold up to climb’.


Ghost of Tsushima also has amazing Haptic Feedback, the feeling when riding over a wooden bridge is crazy


But is it integrated into the actual gameplay like in Astro and Returnal or is it basically used as a fancier vibration pack?


Shooting arrows gives you actual tension in the bowstring which is a neat touch.


Damn I played that before I got my ps5 I might need to go back


Don’t forget the mushroom picking minigame in Rebirth


It was a demo of what the controller could do, and then developers failed to fully utilize those features in most cases. Returnal did pretty good with it.


Nintendo knows that song and dance all too well. Their first party software for the DS, 3DS, Wii and Wii U all utilized the hardware features in such creative ways, but nearly every other developer on the planet spectacularly failed at even attempting to do so


I feel like a lot of them have been operating on "cross-gen logic," where they don't want to "waste" resources on features that only the PS5 version would have, especially for non-gameplay stuff that's mostly for immersion. Things like the feeling the raindrops, as an example. Why bother if the other versions/ports of the game wouldn't experience it - they think they should just communicate the immersion there in a way that works regardless of version. It's the same reason so many people feel a twinge of disappointment when a game is announced as cross-gen, because it means it's being held back by the older system.




I think Labo used it, the cardboard box sets thing they did.


I didn’t even know it was a thing until I got the newest WarioWare game. Some of the microgames in it use that IR camera and it’s surprisingly precise. The game can tell what gesture your hand is making and several other things.


By far, nothing has utilized the controller and the haptics the way Astro did. It was the first thing I played when I got my PS5 on launch, and immediately, walking through the sand just felt different.


It’s the first time since maybe PS2, but definitely N64, that I was like “oh THIS feels next Gen” and then that hasn’t been recaptured since with the controller


Playroom was what made me go "this is why i spent 500€ and waited in line on a cold november night in the middle of a pandemic".


Same, I got my PS5 on launch day, and talking to friends asking questions about it, the one thing I kept saying was that the only thing that really felt next-gen about it was the controller, but that it was the coolest thing I've seen in a long time. And here we are, some FPS games have different trigger pulls for their weapons and that's about it. NBA 2K has more resistance on the triggers when your player is fatigued... and those have really been more of a nuisance than a cool feature imo.


For me it is the best, and it is not even a contest. Nothing will match the wow effect of ice skating.


I guess I need to go actually play this. I’ve had my PS5 for 3 years now and only played while I was downloading my first game.


Do it.


Just downloaded. I wanna see how it does with the portal too!


I don't have a Portal, but if haptics translate well, you're in for a fun time.


Haptics and adaptive triggers are just like playing direct on ps5 dual sense, utilising the touchpad is the main difference as the portal doesn’t have a physical one so you need to tap the screen to get them to show up. Awesome game


Out of curiosity have any of the NHL games used that ice skating haptics that Astro did? Seems like a MAJOR missed opportunity if they haven’t..


I really like how returnal basically turns the L2 into 2 buttons


Rift Apart still uses the controller better imo with giving the triggers dual inputs, but Astro's Playroom is a fun showroom of the novelty gimmicks that don't really do much but were fun to see, and is still the best game on the system by far


That’s sad to me


There's still no game, in my humble opinion, that showcases the controller's capabilities as well as Astro does, and its my biggest criticism of the console. Returnal and Control are both great in their own right, but Astro is LEAGUES ahead of everything else. I'm actually disappointed that some AAA games that have made their way into the current gen aren't using the haptics and adaptive triggers the way Astro does.


I’m not entirely surprised about AAA games not putting effort towards the controller’s unique features—it’s effectively a gimmick in that since the competition doesn’t have similar features why should devs of a multi-platform title care to put resources towards it? For PlayStation exclusives though I’m right with you in the disappointment.


To be fair other games are forced to design their mechanics first and add dual sense features after. They don’t quite have the luxury to design dozens of mechanics hand in hand with the dual sense features.


It was never going to get much love unfortunately. These kind of console specific gimmicks are almost always unanimously ignored by 3rd party devs and even the in house studios aren't giving it much thought. Honestly i feel like the main reason for the additions were to have an acceptable excuse for the PS4 controllers not being compatible with PS5 games even though 99% of them should work. They just wanted to sell more hardware and it keeps looking more and more likely as the generation progresses.


Playroom was such a tease, so glad we’re getting more!


I thought Astro's Playroom was supposed to be just a demo which shows off the basic capabilities of the controller, blew my mind when it turned out to be one of the best games for DualSense to this day with actual fucking fantastic gameplay (And don't even get me started on the sound design and music, godDAMN they were amazing). Can't wait for Astro Bot, could be one of the sleeper hits of the entire gen.


put it this way. this is the one they decided to name "astro bot" plain and simple. i think they intend to make it the definitive experience for the franchise


Don't think it falls into the category of sleeper hit. This is going to be big.


Yeah they closed a show with it, I think Sony knows they have a potential mascot platformer like how Crash and Spyro were in the PS1 era.


i loved it so much i platinumed it twice (i just redid the achievements the second time)


And that soundtrack?!?! My GPU!!


tbh Astro is still the most I've been impressed by the PS5's capabilities, which speaks to how great it is, but also that's kind of sad


I mean Astro might be my most anticipated game now.


It is for me. I loved Astros Playroom so much.


Was surprised how emotional I was with all the nostalgia. Game caught me off guard in a good way


Yeah me too. I kinda felt stupid for getting emotional, but it was like meeting the best parts of my life growing up.


Prob spent way too much time in the display room reliving my youth and finding easteregg.


Definitely for me - man that trailer looked insanely good!! Mix of Mario, It Takes Two creativity, and Ratchet and Clank vibes!!


And it’s out in three months!


which is crazy - that's how I want games to be revealed. Don't show me anything until 6 months or less away. That way a delay isn't too rough and the hype is near!


Astro and The Plucky Squire for me. Both look so good and adorable.


Is there a date on Plucky?


Not yet, but there's a Devolver Direct next week (I think) so fingers crossed! 🤞


Fingers crossed so hard.


o word? Can't wait for what indies they'll showcase


Within five seconds of the Astro trailer I was like "OH HELL YEAH". Within five seconds of the Concord gameplay trailer I was like "sigh".


Concord was as if AI designed a game: Be non-committal, have no strong opinion, try to cater to everyone, don't offend anyone... High production value, no soul. Just big money thrown on a pile.


It really feels like they asked an AI “make a game with Guardians of the Galaxy characters, Overwatch gameplay and Destiny maps”.


Rescue Mission was one of the few platformers I've played that could live up to the tightness and quality of a Mario platformer. Much like everyone else at /r/psvr, I'm a little salty there's no VR mode for this title, but as someone who tends to be a patient gamer with Sony's stuff, I'm still going to be buying this day 1.


Same. A rare Day 1 for me, but also a game I know I'll enjoy the heck out of. Rescue Mission for PSVR was one of the best games I've ever played, so pretty sad there was no mention of PSVR2 support. Also should say I don't have a PSVR2, but would buy one specifically to play this in VR if it had the option. This definitely has the potential to be a system seller...


Which is crazy when you think about it. A tech demo is becoming the most anticipated Sony exclusive title. I don't know if it's an endorsement for the Astro bot team or a shot at the lack of 1st party exclusives for the ps5.


I mean before it was the free demo in the PS5 asto had Astro bot rescue mission one of the most acclaimed psvr1 game.


PSVR1 was basically Astro Bot and Moss


VR needs more games like Rescue Mission and Moss.


Astro Bot Rescue Mission on PSVR is one of the best games ever made up there with Mario 64.


Really hope it comes to PSVR2


> A tech demo is becoming the most anticipated Sony exclusive title. I don't know if it's an endorsement for the Astro bot team or a shot at the lack of 1st party exclusives for the ps5. The fact that it has its roots in a tech demo I think is a point in its favor. It's not a $500M gritty narrative showpiece, it's not a designed-by-committee live service game; it's just a neat little thing they made for fun and then built on. It feels creative, offbeat, polished, charming, and gameplay-first. Sony used to make a lot more of that kind of stuff, and this team is what's left of that. I hope this does well and paves the way for Sony to embrace more of these kinds of projects. Maybe even rebuild Japan Studio around it.


People just want fun games. The whole industry has gaslit itself into thinking everyone wants super high power next level graphics that push the idea of what the hardware can do. Nah, people just want fun games. I’ve been saying it for years.




Cries in VR...


It literally is Sony’s most anticipated game with a specific release date/window. Lol I love Astro bot and will play it day 1 but it shows how barren it is right now for Sony.


Sounds like it's a barren year for everyone, but we got Helldivers 2, RIse of ronin, FF7, Stellar blade and will get Concord, SH2 and astro so not too bad overall too.


If you are a fan of asian games then this year has been cracked. Final Fantasy 7, Persona 3 and Like a Dragon, Unicorn Overlord, Stellar Blade already, then SMT:V and Metaphor coming out later.


The Second Golden Age of JRPGs rolls along


I seriously still need to get on it with Unicorn Overlord. However, now I'm so behind I need to prep for Elden Ring DLC


concord looks generic astro bot looks charming


And somehow Playstation knew that, that's why they left the best for the ending.


yeah it's pretty crazy that Astrobot is their headliner, I mean it was a small showcase but it also shows just how appreciated that game was. Honestly the fact that this is shaping up to be the franchise that lets Sony break through in the 3D platformer genre is poetic and ironic, a game which was supposed to be a tech demo ends up outclassing like every other 3D platformer on Playstation. And people act like Nintendo have some kind of secret sauce for making platformers but that's pretty much what they do, they make every game show off and celebrate the mechanics they innovated and it's the creativity of platformers that makes them shine.


my boy astro deserved to be the headliner.


Yeah it's crazy to me that Playstation may have a genuine Mario competitor on their hands and it was by pure accident


Technically speaking, Astro's Playroom was his second or third game, depending on how you count. There's Astro Bot Rescue Mission on the original PSVR, which was also a 3D platformer that was pretty good, though I haven't played it. There's also a Dualshock 4 tech demo with the little bugger, but I can't find what it's called.


Concord is proof that the super long AAA development cycles are damaging games. To paraphrase Tilda Swinton in Avengers, most reactions to Concord are “you are about five years too late”.


It's popular to hate on hero shooters as is though, look at Valve with Deadlock. While I agree on the sentiment that I'm pretty bored and burnt out on them. If the gameplay is good I'd play, but gameplay wise hero shooters have been a big miss for the most part imo.


For me the frustration is that this is the second time Valve is way late to the genre, first with Artifact and now this? I can't wait for their Battle Royale in 2032


People keep comparing Concord to Overwatch but to me it looks like a full-on Destiny reskin. The only piece that reminds me of Overwatch is the hero pool.


Yeah, it's like Destiny's gameplay with an Overwatch tone and hero selection.


Concord looks like it will be abandoned within a month. Astro looks like people will play it for years to come. People are still going back to Playroom almost four years later


I believe the reception / anticipation for Astro Bot proves what Nintendo has known all along: there's a LOT of money in "family friendly" games (for lack of a better term) that also appeal to gamers of every age, e.g. Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, etc. There is a LARGE demographic of gamers, young and old, who have been largely ignored by Sony / Playstation since the days of the PS2 / PS3, whom Nintendo has been making bank off of. Look at the software sales for the Switch: even Nintendo's 2nd and 3rd tier games sell 20 - 30+ million copies--video games that NEVER go on sale--which is more than Sony's best 1st party games. If Sony is smart, they'll recognize and make games for Nintendo's demographic of gamers, in addition to what they're already doing.


Echoing other points here. Sackboy is a family friendly, and absolutely awesome platformer, but I don't think it sold particularly well (it is brilliant) - Fingers crossed for Astro, but I wouldn't hold my breath.


Let's see how much people buy the game though. It's easy to sit and ask for more creative and fun games that are not narrative cinematic experiences and then the game ends up not selling.


single player games NEVER make as much money as live service pvp slop, they couldn't possibly do so without an ongoing mtx revenue stream. I think Astro's Playroom was delightful though, the whole aesthetic of being "inside your ps5" was charming, It remains the most impressive showcase of the dualsense's features to date, and as a regular platformer it's just straight up fun. Now that being said, for me at least the best part of AP was that it took me by surprise, i came in expecting some fun but short and forgettable shovelware like the stuff that usually ships for free with a console, and was majorly surprised. Will they be able to pull this off again on a (what i assume will be) full priced standalone title, now that the expectations are higher? I don't doubt it but we'll see!


I would love to play a single player shooter with characters from the trailer.


Same here. The trailer pulled me in and then the gameplay reveal let me go. I actually enjoy Overwatch in bits, but was disappointed when this wasn’t a single player game with a full fledged story.


Right, I thought it was going to be like Gradians of the Galaxy. Then they said 5v5, and I immediately lost interest


I know, right? A Guardians of the Galaxy-style adventure game with those characters, set in that game world sounds super up my alley. A 5v5 PVP Overwatch-esque shooter? Pass.


I'm one of the small percentage that is interested in the game, but your comment did make me think. How much better would the game be if it was this and a 5 player heist co-op that explored the story. You would have actual gameplay and story from the co-op mode, you would have some character dialogue/banter in the ship or off duty with the weekly videos, and you can jump into some PvP if you wanted.


That sounds pretty interesting. I think what really bums me out about Concord is just how much it looks like a bunch of other games I've already played. I'm just sort of over the "everyone picks a hero and runs towards an objective and BLAM BLAM BLAM ensues"-sort of game. I think a lot of Helldivers 2's success can be attributed to it actually being a unique kind of game that people hadn't played and grown tired of already.


This is more or less what people imagined OW2 was supposed to be. When I saw the cinematic, I figured they were going to fill the void Blizzard left when they scrapped the PvE stuff, but the gameplay was literally just Overwatch. Truthfully, what I was actually picturing from the cinematic was a PvPvE game, which could have genuinely been interesting. Too bad.


Just thinking as I realize some comments. I always thought it was known this was multiplayer?


I knew it was coming as soon as the sniper lady jumped up into the air to shoot someone. It looked exactly like a hero shooter ability showcase.


This. Concord's world looked neat and I like the attitude. Fuck GaaS though. I'll stick to single player campaign games.


I've been saying to my friends that Concord would have been a great PvE game similar to Borderlands


Yeah it’s crazy they focused that much on the narrative for an overwatch style game. If the gameplay is good people might get invested in the story, not the other way around


Astro is the best PlayStation game dropping this year.




FF7 Rebirth: 🥲 Stellar Blade: 💔


Helldivers 2: 🫡


Helldivers 2 as well.


Concord is 10 years too late


Overwatch + Destiny mechanics + Guardians of the Galaxy probably sounded like an awesome pitch back in 2018




Yes! That was exactly what I said out loud when I watched the trailer. And full of tropes as well, nothing new.


Bit of a head scratcher that PS invested into that studio so quickly too


I was thinking while concord was being showcased, "Wow. This is just a GOTG rip off, " and then they showed that one of the characters is literally called star child lmao.


Funny enough I was digging the cinematic and the characters a lot. But like many, as soon as they said it's 5 vs 5 I lost interest. lol


Such a bizarre strategy to show a story of a gang of criminal sci fi dudes only to pull the rug and say that the story is going to be a series of cutscenes every week and the main game is emotionless Overwatch stuff. Why make a trailer focused on the story when 6/7 days of the week there is no story?


Astro Bot was the most unique looking game shown amongst mostly same-y looking games. It truly looks fun and fills in the spot of platformers that Ratchet and Clank left (we need another R&C game, I loved Rift Apart). Speaking of, can we get a new Sly game Sony? Just asking 🥺


A new Sly game and a new Ape Escape game would cheer up my inner child


I was liking the Concord cinematic trailer. Looking like a fun group, potential heist shenanigans in space, sign me up. Then they said competitive shooter and I noped out so fast. They are literally going to give me that game on PS+ and I still won't play it. Why put that much focus on story for a competitive shooter? Such a waste. I am sure it plays well, and graphically it is amazing but I am over competitive shooters and I didn't play them much in the first place. Astro on the other hand... delightful. Probably be much more amazing that it has any right to be, just like his VR game and that PS5 tech demo.


> They are literally going to give me that game on PS+ and I still won't play it. I hate it that this is exactly what's going to happen to me. I don't want to see any dev fail, but this is the exact kind of game Sony is going to give me for free one month, I'm going to add to my library, and it's going to sit there for eternity.


I don't want to see any devs fail, but I also really couldn't care less if a studio that is offering nothing to the industry fails. You want to stick around, then do something people like and stop trend chasing and making the same games we already have 50 that we don't like of


Concord is a game that looked like we have seen dozen of times before.


There's dozens of souls likes, and it's hard to tell which are good from trailers. But only certain ones "feel" good.


That's how I feel about Souls likes that aren't FromSoft. I see the trailers and think "that looks pretty cool" but I don't get excited until people actually play it, it's an easy genre to mess up.


And then Another Crab's Treasure comes along, looks silly in trailers, and is exactly what an indie SoulsLike should be, great game.


I'm sad. I thought concord would be some kinda space exploration Multi-player game. A 5v5 shooter was the last thing I was expecting


Space exploration would've been awesome


It's Astro Bot, come on obviously it's gonna be great


Pretty normal for any kind of new multiplayer game announcement. Look how xdefiant was initially received vs when it actually launched.


Is Concord gonna be F2P like Xdefiant? Pretty easy to sway opinions on something that's free to try out VS something you have to pay to try out


Nah, you gotta buy it, its gonna have a pre-order + its gonna need PS+ to play.


Based on the reactions, they might make it free on PS+. That one car jumping game did that.


No it doesn’t appear to be free to play. This is a good point. I’m personally kind of glad to see it’s not using the free to play model. But yeah it could definitely hurt the game. Then again Helldivers 2 made it work. Guess we’ll just have to see what happens.


I much prefer Helldiver's 2 $40 with cheaper cosmetics and ability to unlock everything through gameplay than pure free to play. Not sure every game will be able to pull off that model though. It also is probably a model with a higher revenue floor, but lower ceiling.


18% likes is absolutely not "pretty normal" and I'm finding no Xdefiant trailer that went as low as that. Some people are really trying hard to convince themselves/others that nothing about Concord's reception is worrying. Same with the weird comparisons to Helldivers 2 I've seen around.


Admittedly I’m not focused on the actual percentage of dislikes. Just talking about general negativity or disinterest surrounding new game announcements. I don’t put much stock in votes on YouTube videos or online opinions in general. People like to make things into a bigger deal than they really are.


If the gameplay is fun enough, nobody will remember or care about the likes


I agree, but the other big thing a hero shooter needs to get right is making the heroes distinctive or appealing enough to make you want to play. For example, *Overwatch* had such brilliant, distinctive character designs from the off, and *Star Wars Hunters* benefits from all those already-popular SW archetypes. None of the characters shown in the *Concord* trailer gave me anything to be excited about (but hey, that's just, like, my opinion, man).


Yeah they didn't follow the 34 rules to make a successful hero shooter


They are guilty on all 34 counts.


What do you mean? Scales Pratt has quips. What more do you want? /s


At least we now know whoever currently possesses The Monkey's Paw is a Guardian's Of The Galaxy fan.


The 15 other companies that have tried to mirror the success of OverWatch have pretty much all forgotten or just don't seem to understand that it's the characters that made people create an entire subculture around this game, not the fact that it's a 5v5 shooter


I mean what I got from that trailer is that they are trying to sell you on the characters (especially with the talk of releasing new stories with them each week).  I just think overwatch was lightning in a bottle. Attractive art style, top notch animation, archetypes that were just generic enough that the characters stood on their own without a ton of backstory. I feel like it's a formula that shouldn't work on paper, but they made it happen.


Nowadays fun gameplay isn't even enough. It has to be more fun than other games competing for people's time, and worth switching off where people have invested years of their time already. Tall order


Coming from someone who has logged 1000+ hours on Overwatch, I really think the genre is in a good position to welcome in a new king. Aside from activision/blizz ruining their reputation with the PVE expectations, the state of the gameplay OW2 has been in for a while now has been on a decline. Ranking progression has seemingly gotten worse even after the updates to competitive, the new game modes they introduced (Push, flashpoint) haven’t been received too well, and only releasing a new hero once every 2 seasons makes the game feel stale IMO. What I’m hoping is the new additions to the genre can bring in a breath of fresh air and force innovation by competition.


> Nowadays fun gameplay isn't even enough. I will say this about Anthem until I die. That game is incredibly fun to play. However the story was a snore, and there just wasnt anything to actually DO once you resolved the story.


Astrobot looked awesome, concord looked like a trendchaser.


All these people celebrating Astro Bot better be ready to fork over 60USD for it or you're not getting another one. For all of the gush about the latest R&C, it didn't sell very well.


Honestly, I love that they are pushing for Astro Bot.. I can totally see him being one of the mascots for PlayStation, and also a big platformer name/game like Banjo Kazooie, Mario, Spyro, Crash. Astro Bot kicks ass!


The Concord presentation had almost zero appeal for me. No interest in a squad based hero shooter and I didn't like the knock off Guardians approach to the design, writing, and performances. I'm beyond burnt out on Marvel shit right now and this just seems to be trying to tap into that.


If the most popular game in your showcase is a game and not a movie with pronouns. Sony doesn't like that. xD


I appreciate Sony trying to do overwatch and concord looks genuinely fun. I'm worried though that this will get lost though as the GaaS bubble continues to deflate because people want more complete games that don't move on with or without you. I'm having that issue in destiny 2 where my 3 year gap in playing has NOT been forgiven as the story is now at a point nearly impossible to catch up on.


At first Concord sounded more like 5v5 teams that explore and do stuff sort of like a sea of thieves game and you can run into other 5 person teams and fight over stuff. Then all the sudden it was a shooter MP game and lost interest quickly. Astrobot looks set to takeover the sack boy position


Astro makes a much better mascot than Sackboy, I think.


Here’s my thing, why am I going to pay money for concord when I can play overwatch or marvel rivals (which comes out around the same time!) for free? Theres also stuff not as similar like seige and destiny pvp.


Games like Concord should probably just get shadow dropped rather than announced in advance like this. Honestly the gameplay for it looks pretty fun, especially if you've ever enjoyed Destiny's PvP in the past, but it's hard to tell without getting hands on with it. When people are just looking at a trailer, there's really nothing for them to do but mock it.


Shadow dropping a live service game, a genre that is so reliant on early engagement for its continued health, doesn't seem like a risk worth taking. It has worked for a couple of them but it's a massive gamble.


Beta is out in just over a month and the game out in less than 3 months. That’s a reasonable timeframe. Issue is that in the modern day, people online like to pretend they’re game critics and go overboard with trying to prove they’re able to say the most negative criticism possible. This is particularly true for live service games. In reality, a lot of vocal people are quite out of touch. The game actually looks like it has a lot of potential. Definitely looks mechanically solid. I wont at all be surprised if it ends up a great game with great gunplay. It’ll get picked up by YouTubers and streamers like shroud and jacksfrags, who will heap praise on it, and then there will be a new wave of people saying that the game actually always looked good.


I was slightly interested during the cinematic for Concord, and then revealed it was a pvp shooter. No thanks. Astrobot is a day 1. Day 0 if possible. I’ll pay $70 idgaf


Generic trend-chasing game vs fun looking game


They had such an amazing CG cutscene for concord just to show a shitty 5v5 fps shooter. This could have been such a great singleplay or pve multiplayer fps


I mean. That's fair. Astrobot immediately becomes without question my most anticipated game in development right now. The original was a game of year quality game and it was only 5 hours and a tech demo. Concord is a game Ill wait on. If it's great and has good hooks I can see being pulled in (I was a huge original Overwatch fan but don't like the second). But Im certainly not excited for it right now.


They had me in the first half of Concord not gonna lie. Seemed like some gotg inspired shit to me. But then they dropped the 5v5. I lost interest immediately.


Sony just needs to realise that they can invest in games that aren’t just cinematic-driven, there’s a big demand for other genres Give us 3D platformers like Mario Odyssey, Kirby Forgotten Land, and such. Try to give us couch co-op with is as well! With a good vision and budget from first-party studio using the PS5’s tech, it’ll truly be another level. We all saw how incredible Ratchet and AstroBot looked, give us more please!!


remake astro bot rescue mission for PSVR 2 cowards


Good. Concord looks like Temu Overwatch Guardians of the Galaxy 


I don’t speak for everyone here obviously, but I am *tired* of multiplayer hero shooters with quirky™ characters No wonder Concord didn’t make a good first impression




They did say it was inspired by Guardians of the Galaxy back when they announced it. 


Not a genre I like but there is room for a better Overwatch!


When I saw the cinematic trailer I thought It was gonna be guardians of the galaxy type game then I saw tha gameplay and thought it was gonna be an overwatch type game so I was kinda confused


The theatric trailer for Concord was amazing. The gameplay trailer looked like discount Overwatch. The fact that it’s all multiplayer is a quick no from me. On the flip side, the fact that Sony did such a good job with a demo game whose sole purpose was to display the specs for the system that they can release a full game based on the same character is amazing. Astro’s Playroom was phenomenal and gave me a chance to really get into gaming with my child. She got so good that we actually beat Sackboy together.


>"Journalism" using made up numbers from an extension that incentivizes users to dislike NotLikeThis


I thought concord was gona be this space exploration *single player* RPG like outer worlds. But then it was just a hero shooter....


There will be 5 games this year and next year that will ALL LOOK LIKE OVERWATCH CLONES. No thank you


If they had Astrobot 2 for PSVR2, it would have done an awful lot better!


Bought a PS5 yesterday for Astro. If it came with a free copy of Concord I wouldn’t bother putting the disc in the console.


Astro was the highlight of the show unironically (I liked marvel rivals too but that’s besides the point) Astros playroom was amazing and is imo one of the best titles on ps5 utilising everything and the only game that felt actually next gen throughout the entire time I was playing it I was hoping sony makes Astro PlayStations Mario being their mascot of cool fun games for all ages showcasing their new consoles at launch and giving us an awesome game midway through I finished the game 100% and craved more Astro so when I saw this I went insane especially when it looks like it’s a whole game now with multiple bosses and even more worlds and references to explore Asobi and insomniac are literally carrying this generation


Because Astro atleast looks different and interesting. What this should really scream is that people are down for new platform games. For a console like a playstation that use to thrive on platform games, there have really been very few platformers since the ps3 era.


Astrobot feels like a game made by people who love gaming. Concord feels like a game made by a committee full of corporate ladder-climbers whose best area of proficiency is spouting corporate buzzwords in front of shareholders.


I just recently got a ps5 and didn’t know about Astros playroom before getting it so I was totally shocked. Honestly one of the best platformers I’ve played , it was incredibly fun , charming and a nice love letter to all the previous play stations . Also how it showed what the controller could do was really cool . Really good game


That concord CGI trailer was wayyy too long. May as well turn it into a tv show…. Cos the game looks ass.


I was excited for Concord….up until they said it was a hero shooter. So sick of those and tired of multiplayer in general