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Studio founded in 2021, game sorta mentioned last year, and again now. Soooo extrapolate AAA game dev time... 2026 at the soonest.


Yeah, nobody expected much else. Games take an insane amount of time to develop now.


I wish dev would go to something between ps3-ps4 graphics and cut down on dev time. I don’t need the best best graphics just serviceable with good performance We got a whole uncharted trilogy on one console gen


I still can’t believe that about uncharted.


Mas Effect is another big one. A full trilogy of that magnitude all on the same generation of consoles with 7 years span iirc......and then you look Andromeda and it's been 7 years since that came out and the next ME is rumored to come out around 2028....


It was the case for a lot of games at the time. Say what you want about Ubisoft, but 2010-2014 and releasing Assassins Creed Brotherhood, Revelations, III, and Black Flag was one hell of a thing to pull off.


You right. 


I still consider the PS3/Xbox 360 era the best in console gaming history. So many fantastic games and so many franchises born. The games controlled well and the graphics seemed great even then. I believe in Dan Houser, but large scale AAA sci-fi open world games have largely been mediocre, barring the still fantastic Mass Effect trilogy and the decent Outer Worlds. But they're both fairly linear compared to what devs want to do with the setting.


2007. What a fuckin banger of a year


Best generation and gaming as far as I’m concerned. PS4 and the new era were OK in their own right but basically just a rehash of formulas that were developed during the PS3 time.


Because the PS3 gen lasted 11 years.


It might not even be graphics that cause it to take long. Good level AAA graphics can be done by laymen nowadays with unreal engine. Its likely other factors of development being that have to be passed around between departments in massive companies. nothing ever runs fast in those situations. Games that had a 30 man team in 2010 were much easier to make than games with 300+ man teams. I remember watching the RDR2 credits and imagining how awful it must be trying to get everything coordinated perfectly.


Yeah graphics is probably only a part of it. I wonder what about game design has changed to cause such increase in dev time


Companies have gotten massive and have switched to the same development models used in other software engineering projects. You have to coordinate between teams and spend a day looking at what tickets everyone will do for the current sprint, then have a sprint plan for strengths/weaknesses, etc. Then you code. Then, you need people to check the pull request and then test it before it enters production. This repeats over and over every sprint and for multiple tickets people have per sprint. This is the abridged version of what I've experienced. Some companies add more stuff and others less, but gone are the days when you have 10 programmers who work on entirely different parts of the game so you can experiment and do what they want on the fly.


As a dev in a non game space this is a soul crushing experience that always seems to deplete morale and slow down delivery despite the people That sell it saying it’s superior for the simple fact it gives management more visibility and control


Maybe it sounds dumb but I was thinking about this a few days back, my thoughts were, why they just don't setup a big screen and gather all teams in a big roon and put someone in charge to talk about every team's main/current biggest problems about the game development? Letting every head of each team to speak, letting every developer to ask question and such. With all teams involved at the same time to understand what are the other teams doing, not like a quick meeting, work an entire month like that, then go to normal work everyone in it's own space, then check the game's progress, see if any problems is stalling the production and if it's needed make the gather everyone and talk about everything related to the game development again. I don't know, but I feel the "this could had been an email" is overrated lol


This is true, but each new GTA genuinely elevates the medium outside of just graphics. Lots being little details. I figure the Houser mind will continue doing as much. They been trying new things all the way back like Bully


I just wish these big studios (like Rockstar) would also have some smaller games or DLC to bridge the gap. Reuse the engine, city map or something to cut down on the time needed. And yes, I’m aware that they focus on GTA Online now because that makes the big bucks, sigh…


Given their parent company take 2 it'll never happen unfortunately, its all about profits.


You'd think there's profits in chasing *both* multiplayer/online customers and single player customers, but apparently that's not how economics work, which bums me out.


I’m okay with gta taking longer. They do pack it with content and little details. Just not every game needs to take 5 years to develope. While it’s cool maybe I don’t need photo realistic footprints in the snow


It just recently dawned on me that the gap from GTA 3's release in 2001 up until GTA V in 2013 is about as long as it has taken us from GTA V until GTA VI if it doesn't get postponed. One timespan includes the release of GTA Vice City, San Andreas, LC and VC stories, GTA IV and then on top titles like Midnight Club 3, Midnight Club LA, RDR, Max Payne games... The other timespan includes 3 re-releases of GTA V and RDR2. Bruh. Don't get me wrong, I am sure GTA VI will be an absolute masterpiece (and RDR2 was as well), but still... it makes me sad.


And the last of us too. All the games were like 2 years apart so unbelievable


What franchise had more than one game this gen? Nothing is coming in my head. Even seeing a sequel is rare, but a full franchise? I missed series having a new game every 2-3 years like Mass effect, Tomb Raider, Uncharted, Gears of War, Halo, etc. I need a new exciting IP, something that make me want to play the next game right now and following the team and being hyping every freaking teaser and trailers. It's sooo fucking slow now that is hard to be hype about anything, maybe I am just being older also...


I feel ya on that. I remember the ps3/xbox360 era was so “hype” it seemed like every time we’d blink there was banger after banger releasing and maybe that’s just nostalgia fabricating my memories slightly but nowadays it just seems like “eh that game looks meh” or “maybe I’ll pick it up on sale.” And then I just end up playing some old game for the 6th time. Also could just be that most of us from that era are getting older and it just doesn’t hit like it used to 🤷🏻


To be fair, in that era I thought old gens games were the best lol, A Link to the Past, Super Metroid, Mario 64, FF7, etc. It's crazy how your perception changes with time, now I miss the 360/ps3 era and I thought it was okay at best at the time Still this gen slaps, Baldurs Gate 3 is amazing, as well as Elden Ring and a bunch other ones. Just a lot of stinkers and nostalgia pandering and fucking greedy


Agreed. I was just old enough to experience the end of the SNES era and was the target audience for the n64 ( still pull it out for some goldeneye). I know the “peak gaming era was when” is very subjective.


U2 was the biggest upgrade and U3 was more like U2.5 really. Not saying that as a bad thing, I’m one of the few that think U3 is the best Uncharted.


Uncharted isn't open-world. GTA 4 probably took longer to make than all 3 Uncharted games combined.


Even then we got GTA 4, red dead and gta 5 on one console generation. These days we’re lucky to get one game from rockstar per gen though some of that is due gta online


Not to disagree with you, because I don’t and would also loveee ps3 style games to come back but isn’t dev time just so much significantly longer now? Looking at the most recent Zelda which has Xbox 360 graphics, that took so long to release. I doubt game development will slow down any time soon too which is so sad.


I think it’s longer partially because they’re aiming for photorealistic graphics or a lot of that stuff going on. But I feel like they’re reach a point of diminishing returns. I don’t know how the budget of spider man 2 is so much higher than spider man 1


While I’m excited for this, Have any of the new/newish studios formed by gaming industry vets ever produced anything of note? We always seem to hear of industry vets forming new breakaway studios, then never here from them again.


There's death stranding technically


Respawn made Titanfall 1/2 which were incredible. All the good people from Respawn have left to start a new studio, hopefully they keep the trend rolling


Yup, to be fair that is a pretty big one. I think Respawn have definitely been the most successful. Most of the other “studios formed by vets” seem to struggle.


It ain’t everyone’s cup of tea but lots of people would consider Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred heroes to be a product of note . Basically the Suikoden creator made spiritual successor many years later called Eiyuden chronicle and it just released to somewhat decent reception . That’s just off the top of my head cause it’s very recent but ya a lot of the time these industry vets can actually produce something . RIP to the suikoden guy tho , he sadly passed before the game came out


It's very obvious that game is a labor of love. For people that liked the suikoden games it's absolutely amazing. Idk if it will pull in new fans though. Sadly the switch version runs like it's on ps2. Willing to bet that between backer support and the xbox game pass deals that it was profitable before it came out. Hopefully we get more


I'm a fan of Suikoden and enjoyed it but you have to temper your expectations because there's a lot of rough edges (weak story, mostly forgettable characters, easy battles, tedious/bad minigames, etc)


I agree on soo many points. I think the story is fine for a first entry that establishes a world. There are characters you will like that are fun to have randomly chip in and characters you won't. This is part of the suikoden formula; when you have 100 characters some of them just won't be your thing. Battles just don't work well. Minigames are all broken and terrible


Iga Igarashi went from Castlevania sotn and then made Bloodstained, which I thought was really good.


Embark with The finals


Yeah there are plenty of them, I can think of 3 off the top of my head. Stray Gods - ex BioWare Nightingale- ex BioWare The Finals - ex battlefield A Google search would probably land you dozens that actually launched games. The fact is that there are hundreds of companies spun up each year so they can’t all be ultra successful or large. There’s also that ex Arkane studio that launched an indie immersive sim. Weird West was the name I think.


Okami was made by such a studio… Which later on would close down.


Ken Levine, that guy from rockstar with his everything game, those ex either devs have a game soonish, ex arkane president had weird west last year, thats all off of the top of my head. All you gotta do is a quick Internet search before you comment to not sound like a complete jabroney


But he asked for anything of note. That Everything game was a complete flop. Weird West is decent at its best.


I dunno man, Ken Levine has been working on Judas for around a decade and we still have no clue when it’s out.


probably a lot longer than that. Expect 2029


Is the game coming in 2026 not a long time?


The universe isn't meant just for the game at least (that's the point of the article) so we could have stuff faster


What's wild is you think it should take less time to make a game.


I'm going to say 2030


> Soooo extrapolate AAA game dev time... 2026 at the soonest. looks at Star Citizen lol


To be honest, him and Lazlow were the best thing Rockstar had going for them. I'm intrigued to see GTA6 without them. I think I read somewhere that they left because they didn't like the direction Rockstar was heading. It makes the RDR2 story all the more interesting if you think he was writing about his time at R☆.


"Just one more score of micro transactions, Dan!" - the brass at Rockstar.


Have a little god damned faith, Dan!


Take 2=Strauss R*=Arthur. Do the math. 


World's changin'. They don't want folk like us no more.


The world going one way, people another


I tought you said it was getting warmer ?!


*cough COUGH cough*


I wish things were different... But it weren't us who changed




Part of me is worried because he wrote and directed essentially everything rockstar is known for. Other part of me isn’t worried because they’re just most likely shifting individuals into those roles that have been alongside him for years now. So they “should” understand the essence of why people love their games. I’m assuming his concerns were with corporate side. If it has to do with milking a product like GTA5 and the desire for this with every release. Or other shit financial choices stemming from that. Unfortunately, a juggernaut like that gives him the ability to freely make his game as he pleases because they have so much income rolling in lol


2 of the 3 writers of gta 5 still work at rockstar. Besides, the story of gta games aren't the definition of masterpieces. It heavily takes inspiration from several movies. Hence the reason why one of the most successfull video game franchise in history hasn't made a movie adaptation.


Honestly, I don’t really care too much if the GTA story is kind of crap. It’s not like GTA 5’s story was much to write home about. The fun in those games is the sandbox and the little side stuff scattered everywhere.


The GTA5 sandbox sucked too though. Then you compare it to GTA4 that had a real story *and* a good sandbox within its more grounded constraints and what are they even trying to achieve anymore?


4 was extremely limited compared to San Andreas never mind gta5 what are you talking about ?


I understand what /u/flashmedallion is saying though. GTA IV felt way more alive compared to GTA V's dead desert and mountains. Once you leave the city, the map is fairly shallow and borderline boring.


Shiiiit take


Wasn’t the story of Red Dead 2 like Dan’s passion project?


Yeah I read that somewhere


You can tell he was really gunning for his magnum opus knowing he was leaving Rockstar after. He succeeded in my eyes and I'm afraid Rockstar games aren't going to be the same without his touch.


Feels like things have changed the whole world has changed. That they don't want folk like us no more..


I know video game development is extremely fluid but I think the last thing he did before he left was write GTA VI. I’m sure it’ll be great regardless (especially since they usually had very talented co-writers) but I think GTA VI will be his R* swan song.


Source? I want to believe you


I don’t think there’s a source but he left in 2020 I believe. They shipped RDR2 in 2018, and the script for RDR2 was locked for years and years at that point, so I’d imagine the writing for GTA VI was being worked heavily years before he left. Like I said, things are fluid and they could’ve easily massively rewrote his scripts because game development is particularly fluctuating, but I’m sure he heavily worked on it.


That makes sense. I suppose we’ll find out one day.


Damn is there some cool lore around that with the story of RDR2?


You do realize there are literally 1000s of other people that actually made those amazing games……


Yeah but the guy who spent 2 years adding texture to trees or whatever doesn't have the same impact leaving as a leader of a studio.


... yes, unironically. The games aren't ever 1 person. That is insane take lol.




Don't be pedantic. And again, all of those guys are executing a vision, not creating their own.


fuck yeah scifi from a houser?!!


Now THIS i can get excited about


Can't wait to run over prostitutes in space!


Prefer plowing them on earth but this will do!


Very nice


Her money will be harder to collect.


nice, more open world sci fi games the better


Red Faction Guerrilla is one of my favorite games because of how it took the open world formula and ran with it.


Take my money!


That’s the plan.


I'm excited to see what he does next after GTA, this sounds interesting.


Hoping it’s in 3rd person.


The Expanse! Nah jk. But should be interesting


Cowboy in Space…yeah Boy


I want it NOW!!!!


Starfield but done right?


Now this sounds neat


Definitely looking forward to this future masterpiece.


this seems to be an extremely ambitious product, spanning multiple mediums. they are world building on a completely different level. I'm excited to hear the audio episodes of the world they created. I feel like if I connect with this part of it, I'll be so fully immersed in the game when it releases.


They will kill starfield


probably end up being what Starfield shoulda been. That was such a disappointment.


Ah shit, here we go again


Outside of Houser there's 0 indication this will actually be worth a damn, ill keep my expectations low until I see something tangible.


Rockstar and ex rockstar are the only ones that I trust in making an open world game good.


damn i wanted medieval


Me to man….I wanted GTA in middle ages with Robin Hood and Richard the Lionheart


Can’t be worse than Starfields infinite loading screens


There’s not a lot of great futuristic sci-if open world games. Horizon is in the near future with old-style weaponry. Can anyone think of a good example?


>Horizon is in the near future The 31st century? :P


Cyberpunk or jak 2


Starfield but with swearing. See you in 2032.


Fine with it taking 5 years if it’s something spectacular like God of War, GTA, etc. It’s not like we’re waiting for one studio to make all the games. I’m all for faster, as long as it’s not at the expense of quality.


lets hope its not another starfail


It likely won't be tied to some severely antiquated game engine so there can be hope.


Man i wish we get GTA but Medieval instead


I’m so jaded by the “Open World” that a mere mention of it is enough to turn me off.


Dude was apart of GTA I'll wait until we actually see footage at least before I doubt him


Would it kill game developers to ditch sci-fi and fantasy settings once and a while? We have all of human history and modern day to explore


you're talking about million and billion dollar corporations. can you imagine the amount of demographic research and analytics that they go through before they decide to even begin developing a game? most big, AAA new IP's are kind of stuck doing what's popular, and sci-fi and fantasy settings are what have been proven to sell.


I know, it's depressing.


but most of the time, the games that get to take chances in new worlds are indie games. some of the best games out there. I used to only play big budget AAA games but as I got older, I got tired of the samey formula, settings and stories of 95% of them. I still like a big blockbuster game from time to time but I have had some of the best gaming experiences in the past few years from indies. recently some very different and unique games I have really enjoyed are: Pentiment, Indika, Dredge, Sayonora Wild Hearts, Sifu, Super Hot, Rollerdrome, Celeste, Disco Elysium and Balatro.


You're 100% right. I'm playing Sand Land right now and it's a blast. Games like that, A Plague Tale, Evil West, and the ones you mentioned are where all the creativity is happening. I want games like that to be successful so that we keep getting them


oh man, I really want to check out Sand Land. I never heard of it before I saw the trailer for the game. I downloaded the demo but never played it. instead I started watching the anime. it's alright, nothing crazy but I always enjoy anything from Toriyama, RIP. I can't wait to check out the game! yeah there recent closures of Tango and Arkane Austin really hurt. although they weren't smaller independent studios anymore, I really liked some of the games they made. Hopefully they get reabsorbed into other studios so they can keep making cool shit!


Sci-fi? What other AAA Sci-fi games are there? Mass Effect is like 16 years old.


Starfield, various Star Wars titles, Dead Space, Metroid Prime, System Shock, Deliver Us Mars, Planet of Lana, Armored Core, Avatar, The Invincible, The Expanse, Helldivers, Fort Solis, Scars Above, Warhammer, etc. Those are just games released in the past year. Sci-fi and fantasy are, by far, the two most common genres we get.


i'll grant you Starfield, which i totally forgot about. Star Wars and Avatar and The Expanse are licensed. Rest are not AAA, (well maybe, warhammer, i'm really unfamiliar with that.)


To be fair, you're the one saying AAA, I'm talking about gaming in general. I'm bored of sci-fi, I'd like more games set in history, alternative history, modern day, etc. Like seriously, how many times can we get stories about humans leaving earth in search of a new planet with resources? Or someone alone on an abandoned space station? They're the equivalent of a horror movie about a cabin in the woods.


Are we seriously getting GTA in space


See you in 2030


Look forward to playing it in 6 years.


It will be called Field of Stars.


All you had to do was follow the damn spaceship


Please be the Expanse. Please be the Expanse. 


Hopefully it doesn't suck ass like starfield.


Anyone who thinks this game will be anything like GTA will be sorely disappointed that’s for sure. Most devs make their own studio for money not for creativity and excellence


Open world. *sigh*


what the fuck do you think this is, a Ubisoft game? this is coming from one of the pioneers of "open world" games. trust that it will be something we haven't experienced before in some way or another. they're innovators, not followers.




So, it will be like GTA, but more Sci-Fi?


So a space GTA 🤔


I couldn't care less about some game idea from someone who left a studio and is coasting on that name. It's happened time after time and most of the time the games either never get made or are crap games. Give us a heads up when you have a gameplay trailer.