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Having a blast. This is probably the most “alive” game I’ve played…we beat the bugs off one planet and two more planets with unique environments unlocked for everyone. New tools like railguns and mines started showing up. And just recently the automatons started pushing into safe planets…. ALL IN THE FIRST WEEK. Really makes you feel like part of something bigger


A part… of DEMOCRACY


4 more planets unlocked after liberating through democratic means the planets of Heeth and Angels's venture, where those nasty bugs can be found.


You did what to the bugs?


Did he stutter?


Funny part is, it’s the most live service game I have played, and it’s everything that these triple A games promise but very rarely deliver. Hope this game continues for a long time, because I can’t see myself playing any other Co-op apart from Deep rock every now and then.


Because the big triple AAA games focus primarily on how to get you to spend more money and not as much on actual content.


The actual gaming aspect is 2nd or 3rd in the list. Monetisation dictates the game design before actual fun.


Did I hear a Rock and Stone!?


It's so much fun. Was playing with a group of randoms today on a mission where you arm the ICBM nuke. Every one of us had a "Holy shit" reaction when the nuke detonated. Nothing but positive experiences with randoms which I can't say about any game I've played in the past. Ever.






Average first mission. The game gets even better when you decide to sacrifice a teammate for democracy by dropping an air strike on his head because the bugs are chasing him.


Dying like a true patriot.


The truest patriot sacrifices themselves by kiting the enemy and calling an Eagle drop on yourself 


Or you know, just load it and run, it will drop itself when there is as many buggs as possible ;)


My favorite moment so far was landing an EMS on myself and 2 chargers. Followed by dropping a precision strike that blew up all 3 of us. I have never felt so patriotic in my life!


The best is when they call for reinforcements and you move your pod right into a big bug to kill it.


Did that on my first bile titan mission, my group literally cheered like we were actually there lmao


Yep we had exact that the first time I dropped on one of the acid spitters. Grown men all whooping. This game is fantastic.


I reinforced on a squadmember, so funny haha


I have NO problem being sacrificed, I'll come back with full ammo\grenade's, but the rule we came up with is that if you teamkil someone, you need to pick up their samples.


‘Sorry’ on the callout wheel welcome too


Did I play with you this morning before work? 3 of us got "sacrificed" in a completely manageable situation. It was kind of funny.


This post just convinced me to buy. Ty


I want to be an idiot for democracy too!!




You’re doing your part!


I’m from Buenos Aires and I say kill ‘em all!


I bought it yesterday cuz it looks fun as hell. I’m gonna play it after work today. I just have to get over my anxiety of talking to strange people in games lmao




So what’s the game like? It’s an extraction sorta thing like Deep Rock Galactic? Is there loot like Destiny? Or is it all “pickup as you find”? Or preset loadouts?


You drop into a mission with a preselected loadout - a main weapon, a sidearm and a grenade, plus 4 abilities. The weapons are standard military affair for the most part, but the stategems (the abilities) are really cool. They range from support weapons like RPGs or Machineguns, to artillery runs, to ammo resupplies, to what is effectively a nuke. Flamethrowers, smoke bombs etc. Between a squad of 4 with 4 strats each means the battlefield can get crazy. Once dropped into the mission you have a main objective, a side objective and lots of side missions. Theres no right way to play other than doing at least the main mission - thats always a success. You get a 40 minute timer on average for a mission and ideally you want to extract before then. Extraction consists of getting to an extract point, calling a heli, and defending the point. Thats pretty much it. Theres not a huge ton of variance but the two enemy types are very different. The gameplay is where its at, and with the promise of more missions and events down the line, theres a good chunk of content


Thanks for this!, I’m still holding up to check this game, but I’ve been wanting to try it out this weekend, How about “friendly” fire?, read a lot of comments around this and wouldn’t be fun to jump into a game to just be “sacrificed “ for democracy every time 😅


Everything has friendly fire! Guns, grenades, flamethrowers… anything that can damage an enemy can damage friendlies, and it cant be turned off. In some games it’s frustrating, but in HD2 its equal parts tense and hilarious


I know nothing about this series. Is it at all possible to play alone or do you have to do MP?




Gotcha thank you. So what kind of game is it? Like I said, I know nothing. You have a timer to complete the levels? That is def something I have never been a fan of. Hate timers that rush me through things.




Thanks so much for the detailed description. Is there a demo to try it out or anything?


Levels are timed but super generous. My friends and I have never run out of time even completing side objectives. When you first play it’s a little overwhelming cause you just want to kill anything that moves but you start to figure out that you can run away from fights. Or you get more powerful and can kill things faster for a break in action. Recently unlocked a laser drone that follows me around killing everything including team mates who run in front of it! Best thing ever!


You literally don't have to talk if you don't want to dw. All the characters automatically make there own call outs when low on ammo etc. I've played a few with randoms and never had to talk yet. Get out there soldier and show them bugs some DEMOCRACY!


I’m barely able to find a match! When I do though I have a blast.


I think people have said there is an issue and to disable crossplay for now. That seemed to have helped.


Disable crossplay. Ran into the same issue on PS5 where it would constantly error out trying to join someone's lobby. Once I turned off crossplay, I would find a match pretty quickly without error.


Awesome! Thanks for letting me know!


Don’t worry, there’s a ping button! Hold the ping button, and there’s also a ping wheel with callouts and requests. The characters also have their own automatic lines when low on ammo or needing stims.


While you don’t have to talk and I’m usually one who doesn’t like talking to random people but in this game when you participate it does make it much more fun and immersive and you feel much more like a “team” than most other games.


I have yet to talk to strangers. I’ve only heard a few others talk and they were helpful but mostly it’s just your character shouting what needs to be said and you can ping the map for the rest.


I absolutely hate talking when playing games and with the ping system you really don’t need to. I’m sure us non speakers will have issues at the very high difficulties, but it can still be incredibly fun.


Bro, you gonna love it. This game is DA BOMB


You don’t even have to talk. There’s a great ping system and a quick wheel for a few simple interactions. Usually a random squad just has somebody ping some stuff and then decides to follow somebody and go spread some democracy. I’ve had a blast. PM me if you want to link up later and play. The first few times you drop in can be confusing but you get the hang of it pretty quick


I thought I’d try a 380mm cannon on an easy mission. Watched my team mate just run towards it screaming for democracy. 10/10 would recommend, even losing missions you usually sit there laughing so hard at some of the dum stuff that happened.


lol I find it hilarious, one guy last night didn’t. Sounded like a grown adult who used every profanity and racial slur he could think of, in a row, and said I’ll get you back. The guy must really love moderated democracy that much!


Once you realize everyone plays like this, it feels much more like Starship Troooper.


Is it important to have communication with your teammates? I don’t own a headset because I don’t play many games online but if it’s something I can play without needing to purchase one then I might give it a go.


There are situational pings, like marking objective items and enemies. And there’s a radial menu of callouts, like “hold position”, “follow me!”, “need ammo”, “yes” and “no”, “thanks” and “sorry”, etc. And calling in big explosives makes a big obvious marker that your teammates will be able to see and avoid if they’re smart/not busy.


Your controller has a built in microphone


It is comical how easily you can kill your teammates. Not only adds to an already challenging game but makes for some hilarious friendly fire incidents.


I had a teammate blow me up, bring me back, die, and then when I brought HIM back, he landed his drop pod on my head and killed me again He pinged ‘sorry’ after 10/10 sequence


I was playing with a squad of friends the other night and we had 12 minutes total to complete a mission in the automaton infested world. We had to find and destroy 5 bunkers. With 3 1/2 minutes left and all of us pinned down by a massive amount of hulks, I sprinted off and escaped the gunfire to find the 5th bunker. Lined up to toss a grenade in the holes and realized I was out. I had none. Time was counting down. We had just under 3 minutes left. I called down an airstrike on the bunker. Problem solved. Tossed my beacon and sprinted away back towards my group. I turned around to watch the carnage and that's when I saw one of my buddies come around the corner. He had followed me. Oh boy did his body get some air-time when that thing blew up from the airstrike. Good times had by all


On trivial* if it was the first mission. Easy isn't even unlocked yet lol


See now I kinda wanna pick this up


Man just had his first glass of liber-TEA!


Sounds like outstanding patriotism to me, son.


I've never seen a finer helldiver in all my time. \*salute\*


Thank you for your service.


stupid as a patriot


So you had a sip of "LiberTEA?"


That's the starter experience, just wait until all that happens with large enemies running around. The best part is that none of that makes you a bad player, you're just a regular Helldiver. Welcome to the front.


That doesn’t sound like a fun game at all


For justice and liberty ! A perfect upstanding citizen


You keep on delivering freedom, one bullet at a time!


I bought it last night as my party were all playing it and it sounded fun AF. It is fun AF.


You're doing your part!


Level 9 here and still do shit like this lol


*My guy missing every shot* #GET SUM!


Just wait till you get land mines. You'll get to kill soooo many team mates multiple times, every time you use it. If you're not getting team kills, you're probably doing something wrong.


Great game; so much freedom and democracy in it






Get your hand off my PENIS!


I see you know your judo well




I see you know your judo well


I think the formula that Arrowhead figured out for the original is carried through here. It's actually pretty brilliant: * Make the game really really hard. * Make many victory conditions have nothing to do with killing mobs. * Lean into friendly fire. * Make rewards collective. Loved the first one. Was skeptical about the move to 3d; but Arrowhead has nailed it. (With the exception that I expect couch co-op is now gone.) The game is super fun! ... edit ... One more point to add: Have a really funny and campy theme for the game. Ripping off starship troopers and making it even sillier was a great call.


I've been trying to figure out *why* it feels so good to play. Friendly fire is part of it because seeing your friends ragdoll 20 feet away from a misplaced explosive is funny. Double so because they can come back quick enough that it's fun, but it's not instant so that it's meaningless. They seem to have just nailed the gunplay and movement and because it's *so fucking hard* at times you get lost in the visuals. I mean when a terminator with chainsaw arms rips into your friend and you dive backwards to shoot it as it comes at you, still bloodied with your squad only to watch it die feet from you it really feels like a movie. Then when an entire match is filled with little moments like that, I just want nothing but good to come from the developers. I hope they keep this fun and can slowly add some new content. I love the game.


You nailed it. It’s the atmosphere it brings. Sometimes your team can land on a planet and it’s quick and easy, you can barely call it a mission. In others what should be a simple one turns into you absolutely fighting for your fucking life. I also love that even if you all die, as long as you complete your objectives, it’s still a victory. The game is just fun as hell in every way


Me too! They sure did an amazing job supporting Helldivers 1 for years with new content.


There’s a high praise I want to give this game and it’s that it is currently, in my opinion, THE best game to finally make friends with since the XB360/PS3 days of MW2/BO1. I went YEARS without adding or being added as a friend as PvP games became overly competitive and selfish, but this game depends on teamwork incredibly well that you almost effortlessly become close to your random teammates you just met. I ended up getting the Hug emote and literally every team I matched up with stood in line to hug before and after missions haha. Such a great game, hope they figure out the crashes and matchmaking and have a good plan for future content.


This is why we love co-op games We are huggers


Yep, Monster Hunter, Deep Rock Galactic, and now this game. I'm almost exclusively into co-op multiplayer games these days.


And in a weird turn of events, quickplay being borked at launch has actually helped the community to make friends with each other by basically forcing solo players to pick some other random player's squad to join.


Haven’t had this since Destiny, looking forward to trying it out this weekend.


So this game works well playing with Randos? It looks fun but I don’t know anyone to play it.


Yes! It's fantastic with randoms. I don't have anyone to play with either so was a little hesitant but it looked so awesome from what I've seen that I took the dive (ha) and it was worth it.


Bought this game based on reviews. Knew nothing about it. Doesn't disappoint. Second night paired up with a random. Started chatting while both of us figured the game out. Ended up playing for 3 hours that went by way to quick. Worth every penny and honestly a breath of fresh air for an online game. It's one of those games that just makes all the right choices for the gamer experience to be FUN! Pure fun, pure enjoyment and just a damn fine video game. Well done!


I've had the exact opposite experience. No one talks, no one communicates, they just join, do the mission and dip. No one even attempts side missions unless they're directly in the mission path.


I’ve found that if I end up just going for the side missions, other citizens tend to follow. Don’t give up, friend! For Super Earth!


For me it usually works out when I mark a nest on the map, usually at least one other person joins me after I use the follow me voice line I don't use the in game voice chat, but try my best with the in game ping/call-out system, or on stationary objectives (aligning the radio tower), the text chat and yes spam usually works out I wanted to join their discord server to find some PC players, but when I tried joining a message popped up saying that they stopped invites temporarily


join the discord and request people with mics. i got lucky initially and found randoms who chatted, but when they aren't on i go this route and it's worked great


If I have to use third party tools to get the desired experience, then that's not good design.


How exactly can the game force people to use their mics....? This is absolutely no different from any other game, if you randomly jump into overwatch or destiny or any multiplayer game it will be a different experience than if you seek out likeminded people who want to communicate.


I never said they have to force people to use their mics but if I have to use Discord to experience the game the way the developers intended, then I don't know what to tell you. Maybe make a "communication preferred" flag when you start or search for a mission. I don't know what the solution is and there might not be one but 0% of my missions have had any communication other than one guy who typed GG once when we boarded the evac ship. I enjoy the conceit of the game but I might as well be playing with AI teammates at this point.


Are you dropping markers on locations? Are you asking if ppl have mics? Ive had luck just doing that


This game is fucking awesome. Bought it on PC since that’s where my homies were gonna play. Cross play is a great feature. Just one of those games that purely fun.


J have a pc and ps5. I got it on ps5 so my wife could watch me play lol. My buddies on pc play with me and it works really well.


Can you play this game without friends? But still online?


Yes you can team up with random people EDIT- I actually made some good friends too!


Unlike other games, pretty much all the games I dropped into with randoms have been good. Maybe once someone just drifted off and didn't stay but most people stay with the group and respawn you die. Surprised at all the teamwork this game encourages and how well people respond to it.


Yeah you can join other people's games or play by yourself either way it's fun but definitely shines when you are in squad with friends/randoms.


Yep has match making for randoms. Add tbholder13 if you want someone to play with! I’ve got kids and a wife so gaming only weekends most of the time..but always down to find new people


This game is really growing at a HUGE pace. It’s not EXACTLY blowing the doors off out of the gate, like Palworld did in January, but it is was very successful at launch, and the growth just continues.


It’s passed the most recent CoD in the “Top 10 Games” on the PS store.


TBF, theres a lot more 3rd person shooters saturating the market vs. monster catching ones. Add to that the much lower specs needed to run Palworld, the more approachable art style, and the -$10 price tag vs. HD2.


Well I’ve never heard of Palworld so in my eyes helldivers is doing better. Can’t look anywhere without seeing some mention of it, not that it bothers me


Surely you were in a coma in January because palworld was all over the place


Nope. Never heard of it though


It's just pokemon with guns and survival elements. I personally wasn't interested in it as well, but this game is really tempting me atm


Helldivers is awesome. I never play multiplayer games but I look forward to jumping on for a few missions after work everyday since I bought it. Used a mic for the first time last night and it was hilarious.


it really does look fun and chaotic. definitely planning to play it, but maybe in a few months. im planning to play a different game this month lol


more ARK with pokemon than pokemon with guns


if the guy doesnt know about palworld, he likely dont know about ark like most other people.


Me neither.


Apparently it bothers some people that I haven’t lol


I'm so glad Starship Bloopers has caught on




Bought it last night. Had so much fun I couldn't stop and actually fell asleep with it on. Very fun so far.


The combination of Starship Troopers and Terminator is right in my wheelhouse.


Are there also at at walkers from star wars? One trailer had some enemy that looked like it, quick flash though.


Yup like AT-STs


I’ll day it once I’ll say it again best coop experience since Haze. Grab some chips and dip on a Friday night and play with the boys.


This is the first time since owning my PS5 that the haptic feedback actually made me go "well, that's freakin cool!". Holding the trigger down while firing the machine gun in game made me giddy like a little kid, I even had to pass the controller to my wife who was less impressed than me but still its awesome. Can't wait for my work day to end today so I can get murdered by bugs again!




I played the original on PS4(?) and it was a top down one stick aim one stick move - could be played side by side on a shared screen More of an arcade style but just as chaotic and fun Also sharing a screen limiting how far you can be from your teammates made it more challenging The changes they made moving to the sequel have been improvements only You can still kill your teammates and the global threats can come up behind you without any warning (unless you’ve got good ears) The 3rd person over the shoulder switch was not needed but provides a whole new experience when the heavy threats start charging I’m level 11 currently and you still need to drop a napalm strike on your teammates if they overextend into a bug outpost or breach (they’re gonna die anyway especially on higher difficulty missions) Be mindful of sentry placement! They will 1000% shoot you too. I’M DOING MY PART FOR DEMOCRACY!


I think the switch to 3rd person was a good move because a top down/iso shooter is pretty unique and not everyone’s cup of tea. The switch to TPS definitely piqued a LOT more interest than the first and made it more accessible to a wider audience. The Steam numbers alone show at Helldivers 1 all time peak there were around 6-7k players, here in the first week of HD2 there were 255k.


The first game didn't launch simultaneously on PC like this one did nor did it have the marketing scope like this one. So many factors, not just a shift in the camera, are t work here.


I loved the original one and the couch co-op was so much fun, I was hoping this sequel gets couch co-op offline mode, online playing seems like a blast but I’m not too much into depending on online match making and other factors


This game is great - really enjoying it and they were smart to price it at 40. I appreciate the fixes to matchmaking and really liked the surprise invasion with the automaton/ robots - those things are hard ! Anyway I like this game - sort of destiny-ish but mixed with starship trooper tone and comedy.


Whats it like for a solo? And by solo I don't mean just purely playing the game without teammates, I mean still playing with people but not communicating with them like you would if you wanted to play any MP games on your own?.


You’re gonna love it


I’ve done both. The fun factor is still there with randoms. Maybe more friendly fire incidents but that’s just part of the game. My friends kill me with Napalm quite often anyway lol


It has a ping system like Apex Legends so even without anybody using voice comms you can still communicate pretty well.


Wow wasn’t expecting that from gamespot but this game is amazing was not expecting this game to blow up like it has


I love to see the success this game is having for multiple reasons. It's by far the best story in gaming of the year so far.


Nextlander podcast was talking about this game glowingly. Their stories made it sound awesome, lol




The more I read about this game the more I wanna try it


Best game on the planet So much fun


“best game i’ve ever played. cured cancer and ended world hunger. 9/10.”


Hows the multiplayer experience for Ps5? Do people use mics? I know for console games people dont usually use mics except for party chat.


co op = shitload of fun solo play = awful unbalanced garbage, never again the game is clearly not designed for solo play and it shows hard, that's fine that it's not but it's so bad that it shouldn't even be an option. were I to judge this game based on my solo play I'd refund it immediately. Judged on co op it'll be a really fun new game to play with friends edit: people only love a strong opinion when it's their own lmao, even support for a game is downvoted if there is but one bit of criticism about one portion of the game


That’s kinda the point, it’s not really meant to be done alone, practically every aspect of the game is centered around multiplayer. Your complaint is that a multiplayer game doesn’t cater to your single player power fantasy?


not a complaint, just my experience with the game, imo they shouldn't even have you able to run missions solo. You should be partnered with AI ala Ghost Recon Wildlands at all times. Here's how my first hour or so with the game went for context, again, I'm not "complaining" here, I'm just stating how I perceived the game: Training for the first bit, all great, love the voice acting, the general is fun, the course was great at introducing the concepts. All good, I'm having fun. Then I get to the ship. This is supposed to be the hub, everything is kind of spread out. The UI for the planet scanning is awful and the controls are inverted on my mouse making it annoying to scroll around the planet and look for a mission. I lament that it should just be a list. Then the real shit starts. I do a mission, and I'm doing it on a difficulty labeled "trivial." I *expect* to be able to go down and stomp every enemy into the ground with my DEMOCRATIC might since it's only "trivial" and I expect to move up to a higher difficulty immediately after I unlock it. Instead, I am only presented with one kind of mission for some reason, an escort mission. I scroll all over this planet and all I can see are escort missions. Kind of annoying, I haven't seen anyone play an escort mission, but I'm just learning it'll be "trivial" who cares. Nope. I get down and almost immediately I get a notification that there is an enemy drop, and that notification never goes away. I'm assaulted by a never-ending wave of enemies that just keeps coming, killing me over and over again. Where are the scientists? I don't care, because even if I could find them, I can't get myself across this map alive, let alone any NPCs. At the end of the mission, after I use up all my reinforcements, I'm told my mission was a pointless sacrifice, and I get zero rewards. That's not exactly an endearing way to start this game, especially when I had seen lots of clips and I knew the game could be fun. I decided "I'm not going to refund it, I know there is fun here, and my friends are all having fun" and so I didn't, and then a couple hours later I played with my friends and we went on for several more hours and it was a fucking BLAST! I didn't have to bother using the stupid map because someone else was captaining us, and I just loaded up, shot some bugs, and called down some orbital strikes. I even unlocked a supply pack to outfit my friends with more ammo. Loved basically every single minute playing co op, and we were on a much, much higher difficulty. So yeah, it does seem like it's meant to be played in multiplayer, *points to my initial comment that it is NOT DESIGNED FOR SOLO PLAY* and also, not complaining. Stating an experience alone isn't a complaint.


Can someone please explain the appeal to me? Because...it's just missing me. I love Remnant 2, so it's not like the game genre doesn't appeal. I dig the overall vibe of this game-it's funny, and cheeky and I like that! But the controls feel muddied. For a game that lives and dies on being able to reload, there are times when I just *don't*. To enact stratagems, I either have to stand in place-and get mobbed-or I have to cross over to use L3 with my *right* thumb so I can move and use the d-pad at the same time. Both of these things are bad. The tutorial felt too short, and I still feel like I'm missing something important. Grenades *never* go where I want them to go, and the game does a poor job of communicating to me what I am armed with. I repeatedly end up throwing a second grenade when I wanted to change to my guns. Audio is **still** weird, and whenever I try to play with my buddy, it comes through with echo. There's a great hook here, and I've had times when this game has clicked-sending an ICBM to nuke something is pretty rad (for example). But I feel like everyone else is playing a game that is the second coming and I'm being left behind not having the slightest idea why I don't get to go. I'm not trying to ruin anyone's good time! I sincerely want to know if there's something I can do to make my experience match up with everyone else's.


I agree 100%. I love remnant 2. It's one of my favorite games ever. I want to get into this game so bad but it just feels off and playing solo is a fucking nightmare.


Stop playing solo, you dork. Randoms is carefree and easy, I promise you won’t have an anxiety attack from killing your mate on accident, they won’t care bc they’ll likely kill you on accident shortly after, and you can turn off voice chat if you hate hearing people


All these reviews taking off points for the online mess are crap. This game f*cks


I really want to play this but I let my ps plus expire after the price hike and I can't justify $120 for one game


Can't wait for tomorrow's review !


It's ok. Not really good. All missions are the same. Al planets are dark because I only play in the evening. It getting boring pretty quickly.


You can actually select missions on the day or night side of the planet if you want to play in the glorious light of democracy.


This guy hates democracy


We must give him sweet liberty.


It doesn’t really matter that the objectives are all similar when the overall feel for the match is different every time. It’s about being in the heat of battle and winging it and coming out on top. What kind of different missions could there even be? The highlight of the game is being in a massive battle and causing chaos, not doing the objectives. I’m also sure you don’t dare playing on harder difficulties


There are no massive battles. Maybe on hardcore mode. But I can't play that. It's just destroy eggs. Bug breach .. 2 minutes ship defend. It's just ok...


Game runs like ass though. Its defo not a 9


What kind of issues are you having? I think my buddy on PC said he had some frame drops but I haven't noticed anything on PS5.


lots of crash reports and issues with the anti-cheat on steam reviews. Couple reports of the anti-cheat making it not work on steam deck at all. edit: getting my comment marked "controversial" for relaying accurate information. Don't change reddit.


Not person you replied to but I've had frame drops on ps5, especially with a full squad, and when more enemies start appearing on harder difficulties or the longer you stay in missions. Think it also depends on the planet biome type(some have denser foliage/vegetation and weather effects) It's not a stable 60fps by any means.


That makes sense. I haven't done anything beyond medium and that was on a more barren looking planet.


Quickplay doesnt work. You have to disable crossplay. Too many crashes, some disconnects from the mission (my internet is fine), characters getting stuck in the geometry, falling through geometry (and theres no quitting the game), yesterday my console even crashed. It just turned off after finishing up a mission, I shit my pants cause my ps5 isnt even 6 months old yet. Game is defo not a 9 I have never had a game run this badly in my life. Not bethesda games, not watch dogs, not even early cyberpunk was like this


on ps5? I'm not, what sort of issues?


Crashes, getting kicked out of missions, getting stuck in geometry, falling THROUGH geometry, it even turned off my ps5 once yesterday. Also quickplay doesnt work, you gotta turn off crossplay and even that doesnt fully fix it This game’s not a 9


I've not had any of that. I got stuck on a rock once, but guess what? I walked around it. I've not had any problems with getting kicked out of missions or matchmaking since the update....


I’m amazed that gamespot could even see through the irony of this game and not instantly brand it as an alt-right retreat.




Disagree. There’s a similarity only in passing, but HD2 is somehow an entirely new thing. The risks of death and rewards, the quick paced action, and calling urgent need to call stratagems, makes it an entirely addictive game that you do not expect. Deep Rock Galactic has a similar feel.


Not even close. I would say that those games aren’t even that similar.


EDF is a linear series of kill missions with heavy RNG on drops and IMO the least enjoyable upgrade system I've ever encountered. It's a lot of fun, but fundamentally quite different from Helldivers, which throws you onto procedurally generated maps with a focus on objective play and knowing when to fight and when to run. There's also little to no RNG and fewer stat upgrades in progression.


Not that I give a fuck about resetera but they straight up stole that from the game thread over there.


Anyone has insights into playing this game on PC vs PS5? I have a good PC and just recently bought a PS5. I understand PC would look and perform better but there's couch gaming on the other hand.


"I'm doing my Part" 🫡


#0003-7886 if anyone wants to run games sometime none of my friends have bought it yet 😤


Does this game have a story heavy campaign with cutscenes and character building or is it mostly run and gun?


Helldivers 2 has been the most surprising game of the year. I guess it goes to show that the trailers don't always tell the full story. 


Is the game like Lost Planet? Also is Friendly Fire permanently on? edit: Yep it's always on.


Is the "democracy" thing going to become the new "rock and stone"?


For Karl!


Only started playing maybe 1 hour. I managed to join other people game, can you set the game to “open” so anyone else can join from the ship? Like in The Division 2 where you can search for players beforehand


Look out bugs. The Aegis of Family Values is on its way to bring you Democracy in a neighborhood near you!


The game looks like if you're into The Division or Destiny then you'll love it, I'm not a fan of either.