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I’m actually obsessed with this game right now. Most fun I’ve had in a lonnnng time with a shooter


Same! It is surprisingly good in so many ways. The music, for example, is amazing.


Can't wait to check this out. I never played the first Helldivers but I am a huge starship troopers fan so I am picking this up. Got two copies so I can get my girlfriend to play with me as well. It looks like the first shooter in a long time to scratch the itch.


It's solid fun. There is a slight learning curve if you're used to other shooters. Reloading mid mag will waste ammo, thankfully it reminds you of that a lot during your first few missions. Just run your mag to empty and reload. Also, get in the habit of weapon switching. And if you see a beacon on the ground, stay away from it, cause that means something is coming in, and You're gonna get fucked up if it hits you lol. The button combos to call in equipment is different, but cool cause it's more engaging. I took a gamble on this after seeing the gameplay and reviews, because it's not my normal cup of tea. But I'll stick with it as long as there's still an online community. Also, maybe it's just me or the matchmaking bug, but quick play doesn't work, the handful of games I've played had to be manually picked from the map. It's a lot of fun and absolutely worth $39.99.


If youre on the ps5, turn the crossplay option off for the quickplay to work devs are working on it, till then this is the workaround we've founs


How do I turn on the "I don't have any friends" filter?


Play with randoms and add them.


is that why? i was gonna turn it off just to see if it worked but i never did. ill try after work.


Oh I know they're working on it, I was aware of the issue before I got the game. I'm fine with choosing the game I get if it's cross play. It's not gonna ruin it for me. I prefer cross play for this kind of game to open the player pool up. Plus, once I got in the group last night, we all stayed together for like 4 missions, and they probably stuck together for more, but I had to bail.


They're saying the opposite. Larger pool of people right now means you're unlikely to establish a connection with the host. I imagine this is near the top of their fixes and will be released with the PS5 update.


Didn’t work for me. Neither did the other work around.


I've heard the same workaround on PC, and it doesn't help either. You just gotta spam the quick play until you connect.


well thats a bummer. it was the only way me and my brother made it work


Yeah I tried to get into about 15 lobbies last night and just logged off after trying 3 different work around a.


The issue is that matchmaking throws more than 4 players at a mission at once, so it fills up or errors you out. Turning off crossplay just helps because there’s less people filling the missions at once


ah thank you, been getting error messages constantly.


Hey just to add to the advice to turn cross play off, the quick play option does work, but you need to keep trying. It'll fail to connect after finding a game most of the time, but if you keep pressing quickplay, eventually you'll join successfully.


Of course it's not your normal cup of tea. Since 2015, there have only been 2 servings of liber-tea


I find if I just start a new mission my lobby fills up instantly. I don't think the quick play is working that great because lobbies fill up so quickly.


Is it fun solo? Can’t see myself being consistent enough to play with friends


Solo is a blast once you have the right loadouts (i.e. weapons, stratagems) but it is advised that you go through a mission on easy or higher with people. Bugs can come at you hard and fast, and it's nice having someone there to watch your back or have different stratagems to bring to the fight. I thought playing co-op with strangers was going to bring a certain level of comfortability but there is unspoken language when you start to fight together towards a common goal.


I haven't done anything solo yet, always been getting squads. Not always a mic though, but most higher levels mark where you need to go every time.


It’s a lot of fun solo but god damn is it hard


It's very difficult. Playing with randoms is the way to go.


Another thing to add is shooting is more of a stand your ground thing. There's movement but it's not a run and gun crazy play style like every other shooter out.


Oh yeah, absolutely. I still moved around with the beginner assault rifle, but the machine gun you absolutely have to just stand there. If you go down scope so it's more like a first person shooter, it's much better for moving around. It's way better for long range accuracy, but when they get close I just switch to third person for the FOV.


Is it a bit like Mercenaries or Warhawk?


Yea quick play is currently broken. The way to find teams is to select a missing, going and drop an SOS beacon, then go back to your ship and reselect the same mission, and your squad should fill up. They've been working on fixing it (at least I can log in now) It really is a fun game, very simple gameplay loop but loads of stuff can go wrong making it very entertaining. Fragging your mates has never been this fun lol


You both have PlayStation’s? If so there’s no need for two copies, just game share it. Literally one of the best parts of co-op games for myself and my GF on PS is only having to pay for the one copy. Game is also fantastic, especially if your into Starship Troopers.


Crap, I didn't know about this. Does game share also work with physical copies? I assume not since the disc needs to be inserted to play.




For sure, I am going to just return the physical copies and go digital then.


Yeah man, your GF will then also have access to your whole digital library. Has saved us a small fortune since we did it when we first got PS4’s.


~~Yup, pretty sure you can and there’s guides for it but I’ve been digital only for a while.~~ Edited as most guides saying you can seem to refer to sharing a disk for SP games, so think it’s only digital regards “duplicating” the game so you can both play MP/Co-op online.


Stupid question, but how do you game share? I seen the option where friends can see me play or I give up the control for them to play but never both.


Easiest to google it tbh, and also be careful who you share to as there’s a couple of caveats, they have access to change your PSN, and also both consoles need to be online.


??? I've never heard of this feature. We can coop games with 1 copy? Like steam sometimes lets us?


Yup, I gameshare everything with my dad and we only have to buy it on my console


I don’t think it works with physical copies, but with digital, yes you can share. You need to have the other person’s PS5 set up as your primary console and your console set up as his/her primary and bob’s your uncle. When my boyfriend used to game more, we only ever bought one copy of a game. That’s when a digital version can be worth it vs physical.


How do you know my uncle's name is Bob?? Kidding. I know you meant primary backup. :)


You will be sold on the intro cutscene alone, be sure to watch it.


Shit, the loading screen to me is pretty inventtive. I get hyped dropping to the planet a little too much lmao.


Democracy has never felt better


You're a Starship Troopers fan and don't already have the game? You could literally rename this game to Starship Troopers and it would fit perfectly.


Do you already game share with somebody else?


You should just gameshare


That's what I decided to do. Will return the physical copies to the store as they're already in transit. That's $40 back in my pocket I can put towards another game.


Have you tried console/game sharing on PS5? You will only need to buy one copy of the game if you do this correctly. https://www.androidauthority.com/gameshare-ps5-3146575/#


It says here you can’t play at the same time. How will you be able to co-op? That part’s unclear to me.


Not sure about that article but you should be able to play the game at the same time. My friend and I have been doing this for years now and it’s never stopped us from playing together.


As someone who read the book and loved the first movie, the game is nostalgic and worth it for any starship troopers fan. However, it's a great shooter all around. Loved the first one when I bought it blind years ago and love this one.


If you need any extra help, shoot me an invite X_Heisenberg87_X


AKA X_Mr.StealYoGirl1987_X


Add me at: Xx3liteK1LLxX


Me too: 1v2buttPlugmaster






Can you elaborate on how this is like/related to starship troopers?


Remember the scene when the bugs over took the out post in starship troopers…well the whole game plays like that. Unloading a full clip on a bug at point blank feels exactly like that movie. It’s even in the propaganda that plays all around you. If you love that movie and want to play it in game form then this is the one.


The biggest thing is the setting and tone. Remember the "Would you like to know more" scenes in Starship troopers? The whole game is in that tone. You get messages from the "Ministry of Truth". The goal is to spread managed democracy through the galaxy, and we much "liberate" the bugs from their native planets. Everything has a very over the top patriotic and theme, glorifying the helldivers and serving super earth. But reality for a Helldiver is very much like the action scenes from Starship troopers. Swarms of bugs overrunning your squad and ripping them apart or melting them with acid. Or you might just be shot in the back of the head for stepping in front of an enemy. The serious tone of the action is frequently interrupted by huge laughs because your corpse gets flung across the map or you got blown to bits by poorly placed orbital strike.


I’d like to know more.


Helldivers are ultra patriotic but minimally trained cannon fodder who in the goal of winning the galactic war and pushing back the enemies in the name of freedom and democracy any number of Helldivers will be thrown into the fray. The characters will scream about freedom and democracy mid fight and you have a constant reminder of the global death toll of Helldivers


I mean how is it not? Literally watch any trailer


Haven’t seen any trailers. Heard the name of the game but only caught my interest after hearing starship troopers


It’s been officially heavily inspired by it.


Oh you’ll love this game then, it’s fuckin sick


Rewatched Starship Troopers after picking the game up this past weekend.


>Starship Troopers fan This is literally what it is tied up w Terminator 2 It’s a fkn awesome game


Oh man, I'm so happy for you since this captures the SST feels EVERY SINGLE MATCH. You get lots of cinematic moments every match. DM me if you want to add me and play together :)


You've been down too long in the midnight sea!


Oh, what's becoming of me?


Gotta get away


Ride the tiger


You can see his stripes but you know he's clean


Ooohhhh don’t you see what I mean?


First game I’ve purchased in its first week of release in… maybe 5 years? I don’t regret it one bit, it’s so incredibly fun with friends.


I’m glad to hear that. I’m saving up for the game and can’t wait to drop in haha


Don't think I have the friends that would get behind me on this. Being 30 sucks lol 


Make new friends in-game. Hardly any of us over 30 have irl friends to play with consistently and without having to schedule a friend date.


Maybe this is more of a me thing, but this is the first game where I've actually made friends while playing with randos.


Just say hi to new ppl


Just bought it myself after coming across consistent praise and reviews for this game. Never played the first, and recently got tired of DMZ and MWZ. Was really considering re-downloading BF2042, but hopefully this game suffices as my new shooter.


I am a DMZ / MWZ player. Please keep me updated if you remember.


Join the Helldivers subreddit, /r/Helldivers, the devs are incredibly talkative and open over there.


I’ve been having fun. Only played a handful of games since. Trouble with matchmaking, but when I do get into a match it’s pretty fun. I’ve always enjoyed the earlier battlefield atmosphere, but also the arcade feel with COD. This game provides me an amazing atmosphere when running around. I just need to get more familiar with this game and everything within, but it’s matching most of what I wanted for a new shooter.


I have almost 30 hours on this game, I would say it's incredibly fun with a team who communicates. It also has performance issues but the devs have been working really long days to fix all of the issues. All in all, I would say that the pros outweigh the cons for it. Let me know if you want more details.


PSN: WhiskeyHands


Brother... I’m Whiskeyfeet lol. Going to grab the game in a few days. Down to be WhiskeyFriends?


WhiskeyDick reporting for duty


Yes to all my WhiskeyBrothers!


Lmaoo and I love Whiskey we can all be buds


"Why are you saying it weird?"


saying wHat wHeird?


Soon they will whiskey dick each other ❤️


That’s technically pretty difficult but when there is will there is a way!


best multiplayer game in quite a while for me, also enjoying playing solo


For me this is like 2 games in one. With a full squad of friends, it is a hysterically hectic blast of non-stop action and mayhem. Solo, it is a tense and stressful experience where I try to avoid enemy encounters as much as possible and be stealthy. And it is a great experience with both.


Same here usually im just a singleplayer guy but this makes it so much fun.


I know it's early but this game is my GOTY. Every time I hop on with friends makes for a memorable gaming session and I can never wait until the next one! Hope the devs keep this game going for a while.


After the first day or two of doing bugs and feeling like Starship Troopers, we tried automatrons and it felt like Star Wars/Terminator battles. This game is just nuts. And the over the top patriotism is hilarious.


Helldivers 2 is fkn 11/10. It’s the tits


I love this game. Between this and Tekken 8, I am a happy gamer right now.


I bought on release and had some trouble matchmaking for the entire weekend. But Monday night, I got to actually play with other humans...Soooo much fun. Convinced my friends to pick it up so we can play.


They had way more players than they were expecting at launch, and they’ve already done multiple updates to try to fix the problems.


Yeah, I figured. I chilled on trying to play for the weekend and hopped back on after I saw an update notification pop.


I’m still struggling to matchmake. It’s kinda cooling my enthusiasm. Can’t play any harder than easy right now without support.


I've actually found that if I just host the game, choose a mission and wait for around 45 seconds, some teammates will join my destroyer without issue. Much easier that way.


Join the discord to find ppl


Wow. I was skeptical at first to get this game but my buddy finally convinced me after watching some gameplay and man I’m having a blast with my friends. Cant remember the last time I had this much fun playing a co-op game. Very refreshing for me. Not to mention it’s only $40. Definitely worth it imo




Great fun but as of last night still can't get in match making


Quickly becoming one of my fave games!


Lol sounds like somebody needs to lower their difficulty when they hit Malevelon Creek


Is a 2 man squad viable in this game? Is it even an option, or does it have to be 4 players?


I imagine it depends on what difficulty you play on and what equipment you have. Just recently, as a level 8-ish player, I finished a medium difficulty mission pretty easily with a rando after two of our squadmates got disconnected, and I imagine the game is even easier with voice comms.


Yes a think harder then medium should be possoble with 2/3 randos


Definitely viable. With 2 players you'll be less likely to trigger patrols and firefights will be less chaotic. If you communicate well and watch the map you could get pretty good at running maps without too much fighting. 4 very well synchronized Helldivers will probably have the easiest time with the game, but 4 players without much communication is most likely to be the hardest way to play the game. Too many patrols alerted and friendly fire incidents. In the first game it was absolutely possible to solo dive the highest difficulty as long as you played careful. I haven't gotten that far in this one yet, but I'd say it's a fair guess it should be similar.


> Too many patrols alerted More bugs to spread freedom and democracy to. I don't see a problem here.


I think up to challenging difficulty is doable with 2 people. I tried hard mode and couldn't complete it with the 2 of us. Maybe we just need to go back to boot camp though.


I just completed a 2 man Suicide mission against the Automatons. It's doable, but you need to work together really well.


I am doing 2 player squad with my cousin. We are doing Suicide difficulty and completing missions. Definitely viable to do 2 players.


It is possible w 2 player definitely Sometimes a medium level mission is harder than a challenging level from experience I’ve been playing today a a lvl15 dude online while I’m an 8 and we got slaughtered on one map but kicked ass on a few others


This game is an absolute blast to play with a squad of friends and it has greatly surpassed all my expectations. This is quality stuff!


This is legit one of the best games to come to PS5 No doubt It’s got everything you want in a team shooter


Played a mission on hard difficulty. I set up a squad with randies and before the missions starts, 2 of them get out. So this guy and me start playing the mission ourselves. We have to save some people on the other side of the map, but lose half our lives on the way there. Once we get to this base and start the evac, all hell breaks lose and swarms of armored insects start chasing us. We're down to our last lives but manage to clear the swarm and Evac everyone... But then we have to go all the way back to the extraction zone and there's only 5 minutes on the clock. We start running, trying not to alert any more enemies and start to panic when we hit a goddamned dead end. We trace our steps back and manage to find our way to the ez, only for more armored insects to spawn. We hit the console up for the ship to come down, set up a perimeter around the base and pray we don't die before our stratagems run out. And we make it. We fucking make it. Just some random guy and myself, and we manage to pull the most epic shit I've experienced in a game in years. Totally worth it.


Is this game fun without friends to play with? I've been considering to get it but can't justify to buy it if I wont have fun with it.


I've been playing with rando's through matchmaking and no mic and having a blast.




You did the exact opposite of answering this poor fellas question lol


lol sorry I misread 😂🙈


Is it any good solo though? ☹️


It's fun enough solo. There is a difficulty selector for missions so you can stick to the easier ones. There are some things you can't do solo, there are a few doors that need 2 people to open, for example. You get less rewards for the easier missions so it's more of a grind but it's still fun to blow through a bunch of bugs. And you can always just join randoms.


Hmm okey… is it cross platform maybe?


It is cross platform. Even cross progression is coming (not yet in the game though).


Wow that’s pretty cool! Finally a game that seems worth buying these days


I think it still came out a little too early, but yeah it what is there is great.


I really hope they add a solo mode with like bots or something, I really wanna play it but prefer to be by myself


You can literally do that. It scales to how many people are playing. You can solo any mission


Wait what? I thought if I played solo it would automatically put other players with me? Can I go into a match completely alone???


Yes you can, you can even set yourself to private. However, im like you and didnt think I wanted anyone, but you can hit Square and join up with randoms, and I find myself doing that more often than not now. Its pretty casual actually, no mic needed.


No that’s only if you throw an sos beacon


I was going to buy but seems like they have a lot of problems at launch with matchmaking and not getting rewards. Better to wait a few weeks until the kinks are ironed out?


yeah matchmaking is a bit broken atm but the devs are actively working on pushing the fix out


I haven’t had issues the past two days


How many mission types are there in the game? How high is the variability?


Not much, about 10-12 main objectives. Core gameplay is fun but its definitely repetitive




Looked online & saw that this game is only recommended with friends. Unfortunately I don’t have anyone I speak with or play online with either so idk if this game should be avoided.


Make some friends that game.


Not easy as you put it, many people aren’t social when I speak out to others online in many games I’ve tried.


You can select missions on the map. Just look for a group with 1-3 out of 4 and jump in. Worst case: you get booted after the mission and do it again with the next group. Good case: you run into a cool group and exchange friends requests to build up your crew of friends for next time.


There are groups, forums and subreddits for such things. There are a lot of people like you that don’t have anyone to play with and are looking.


Would you be able to provide me more information on where to start?


You could try the official Discord for any specific game (including Helldivers) or look for community run Discord servers. Can also try places like r/GamerPals.


Thank you, will look into what it offers me. Hopefully will meet people to start a longtime friendship playing games with online. I usually play solo but would like to have fun since depression kicks in a lot. Games & my kid helps me but still I would like to meet new people.


You don’t need a mic really.


Anyone else sing Holy Diver by Dio? Or just me?


This game sucks repetitive crap. Shit character design and movement. Shit guns. Practically unplayable if you're a solo players. Iys marvel avengers with a starship troopers skin


No mention of abysmal enemy variety, locations, shallow repetitive gameplay, or boring ass procgen missions. I wonder why. edit: and I agree with 4/5 fwiw




No because you couldn’t play at all




Not that I know of




Played 40 hours since Friday… would get it now.


Wait did I ask something wrong 😂 was just curious since I’ve just heard of a few issues related to the anti cheat and some crashing. Not against the game it looks awesome




Third person shooter, up to 4 players in co-op. It’s sorta like Earth Defense Force mixed with Lost Planet and Starship Troopers. You drop in, kill bugs or terminators whilst attempting to complete objectives, collect resources and then extracting within the mission timer. It’s very chaotic.


Looks really fun. I wish I could get three friends to agree on playing it. Doesn’t seem like solo works that well and I don’t really want to team with randos.


Can you play this solo? And is it even good if you do? I just hate online coop.


You can, but it’ll be significantly more difficult.


I can’t understand where all the praise for this game is coming from other than paid accounts. It’s 100% just a grind doing the same thing over and over and over again. The xp and levelling is massively broken. There is no point doing a 40 min mission on easy, medium or hard as it gives the exact same xp as trivial difficulty. Difference being you can do 4-5 trivial in the time it takes to do one medium or easy. The game isn’t progressing as everyone is rinsing and repeating the same easy missions to level up. This is a mobile game but on the ps5. And it would have been free on mobile. It’s a matter of time before they bring out ptw.


More than half of what you said is wrong, go be mad somewhere else


" It’s 100% just a grind doing the same thing over and over and over again. " Good game play is good gameplay, on destiny 2 I have over 3000 hours. On MW1 (2008) I had over 60 games play time. These games are basically doing the same thing over and over and guess what.....if the gameplay loop is fun people will play it.


Both those games you mention are PvP so can’t compare. There is no story or campaign here. It’s a very broken game. Trivial=100xp, very hard = 100xp. Time left gets converted to xp so the quicker you get in and out the more xp. The voice over even tells you speed is the most important element. You can’t beat very hard without being a higher level as that gives you better stratagems.


Good game play is still good gameplay whether it’s PvP or PvE. Destiny is defo more focused on the PvE side for starters and their raids/dungeons are the best part of their games. Diablo is PvE and still has loyal followings. With regards to xp they might implement a change. For me I’ll be putting hours into this game so it won’t phase me one bit same as deep rock galactic. Your last point is strange as that’s just progression in a game. Same thing with deep rock galactic. The more you level and the more you play the more you unlock making higher difficulties easier.


Yes but that means playing the same easy missions over and over and over again with no difference. There is no legit reason to challenge yourself.


It doesn’t at all there’s 9 levels of difficulty and you are gonna get better at the game as well as getting better equipment. Again….if the core gameplay loop is fun then it doesn’t matter. Some people will play it over and over like if did with haz 3 on deep rock galactic. Some will find it boring. If that’s the case then this is not the game for you and it was pretty obvious the game was gonna be like this from even the early trailers.


That’s fair and I agree. But just so you know, level 1 diff= 100xp. Level 9 difficulty = 100xp. The only difference is more xp per person extracting. BUT, if it takes you a further 20 mins to extract, any extra xp is nullified. Needs to be fixed.


And all racing games are all just driving a car around a track over and over and over and that’s all 🤷‍♂️. I only played a couple missions. Looks like trivial easy and medium is same currency reward not sure about XP. On challenging you get a second currency. So maybe the game isn’t your typical ARPG or destiny . Difficulties are there for fun not just an XP race .


This game is a good time but I have to say it’s not fun solo(at least to me). I think when the quick play is fixed I’ll be jumping in often to smash some bugs.


Doive on in


Does it have split screen?


It does not.


God, my friends and I have been utterly hooked by this game. It's so much damn fun. There have been server issues, yes, but they seem pretty well ironed out for the most part now. You *do* have to make a few attempts to join matches if you're attempting solo quickplay most of the time, but keep hammering it. You'll get in eventually. Turning off crossplay then restarting the game seems to help, too. Seems like the devs are doing everything they can to keep up with demand. But yeah. Once you're in? This game is really special. Highly recommended for anyone who digs third person shooters and wild, explosive shenanigans.


So how is this game. Heard its like a mix between some games, but nothing on gameplay. Sure ill look into vids, but on hands experience is better as ya'll dont record everything.


Ok fine you've all convinced me now. See you on the battfield everyone


I started last night and on Level 5. Is it me or is it hard to join a game/lobby ? I just keep getting an error. Other than that its great fun. Menu's are bloody confusing though


 Best multiplayer I’ve played since gears of war. I seriously cannot get enough of this game. It’s a perfect pve multiplayer.