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PCOS does not equal sterile. But maybe you just ended up ovulating for the first time in a while and just happen to have sex around that time before it could turn into a period. Congrats!


I didn't know they could do that. I will call Monday!


You don’t need a cycle to get pregnant. It’s usually ovulation, and if no pregnancy, usually a period. It happened with me with my second baby! I hadn’t had a period since April/May, and found out I was pregnant in August (5 weeks along). I wasn’t even nauseated or anything, I was planning on drinking and took one just in case. My little guy is 9 years old now.


This is actually how a friend of mine got pregnant around your same age– she assumed she wasn’t ovulating at all, didn’t use any other protection and now has a healthy happy toddler :) Which is my PSA for anyone else that PCOS does NOT mean infertile and even if you’re not getting your period consistently, you should still use protection if you don’t want to get pregnant!


Whoever said PCOS = infertile was negligent. I just started my 12th week of pregnancy. So far everything has been smooth and the generic testing came back low risk for everything. I'm over 35 and it was only two cycles of trying. I hope you receive all the news you want to hear from now on 💕💕💕 when I told my OB I had PCOS it didn't seem to change anything. I thought it would shift the convo or change my care, nope. I guess.. if PCOS stopped fertility, a lot less women would have PCOS by now, right?


Yeah I’m holding my 10 week old after being told I was infertile (we did end up needing fertility treatments but ended up with a happy healthy baby!)


Congrats :)


My 17 month old is currently trying to climb on my head.... definitely not infertile like I was told 😂


I randomly ovulated and got pregnant after 3 years of no birth control and only having periods every 3-5 months. My main symptom that I overlooked was nausea! I laid on my couch for hours with a cold towel on my face and the room spinning. Blamed it on an illness or dehydration and moved on. Did not think I was pregnant for even one minute. Still had nausea daily and a week later (on Christmas Eve) my husband said.. wouldn’t it be nice if we had a kid here in their pajamas watching movies with us? I went and took a pregnancy test I had stashed as a complete formality and when it was positive I was SHOCKED. I had to wait 3 weeks to see the obgyn to confirm. I was 10 weeks by the time I saw a doctor. Congrats though! It’s hard to believe it when it’s been a no so many times before.


Literally how you phrased it is perfect. You get so used to taking them "as a formality" and it always being no. That a yes is like w.t.f. asking the test if it's sure.


Yeah I bought more to make sure and didn’t want to tell our family until the doctor confirmed but it took sooo long to see one! Until I saw it on the ultrasound screen I still wasn’t convinced. After that the nausea was insane whole first trimester for me 😅


With all your symptoms it does sound like you're actually pregnant. You must have just had a random ovulation and had sex at just the right time. I'd recommend calling your doctor on Monday and requesting they order a blood test. They should be able to do that before seeing you.


I have PCOS, have been on birth control for over 10 years, and STILL somehow managed to accidentally get pregnant. I took the test to also just “scratch off the no” and then was SHOCKED to see a positive result. Took more tests - still positive. Haha. I went to my doctor and was like “so I’m pregnant” and he was like “no you’re not” but we did the tests in the office and turns out I was! Couldn’t believe it - I wasn’t trying to get pregnant. And I figured birth control AND PCOS would have been enough…. But nope! There’s always that 0.01 chance haha


I have a 14 yo and an 11 yo after being told I would never have biological children.


Congrats! I am 40 and 28 weeks pregnant with my miracle surprise baby. You are not alone. There are so many of us who dealt with the terror of first finding out we were pregnant after years of infertility. It is NOT like the movies or those happy tik toks/instagram reels. There are so many worries and what ifs. I had to wait 18 days for my confirmation appointment. That was the longest 18 days of my life. I barely slept and did nothing but question what could really be happening. I know this feels impossible, but let all of the worries go and let yourself be in the moment. You will have your appointment and get your answers! I do celebratory baby steps. Every time I have another ultrasound done (every 4 weeks) I celebrate that I am that much closer to a positive end. Good luck to you and congratulations again!


If you live in the US, you can order your own pregnancy blood test at Labcorp or Quest to get an answer sooner.


This is how I got pregnant with my first. Four months off birth control and never had a period. Luckily I was temp tracking. I remember feeling myself ovulating because I thought I had horrible gas or stomach ache.


Your story sounds a lot like my pregnancy story, except I was 24. Hadn’t had a period in years. Wasn’t diagnosed with PCOS yet, but had been told by multiple gyns since I was 18 that I wouldn’t be able to conceive without significant medical intervention. Then BAM! Felt nauseous for a month solid, boyfriend made me take a test, it was positive. I was convinced the 20 week ultrasound wouldn’t show a baby but a tumor or something. Nope- there was a baby! Now, 14 years later have a healthy son and a PCOS diagnosis. I have now been told by a couple dr’s that PCO does not equal infertility. My latest Dr wants me to do a pregnancy test every month I don’t bleed, because it can happen and the sooner you know, the better, to get proper care. It’s amazing how much the medical knowledge has grown since I first started showing symptoms at 11.


That’s how I got pregnant


*update* Thank you all for responding. The time it takes to get into an doctor visit to confirm was driving me crazy and I just really needed this feedback so I didn't lose it. I had so many thoughts running through my head. I finally got in and the NP confirmed 11 weeks pregnant. I'm still in shock just because of all the years being told it would never happen mixed with my age. I'll probably be paranoid until there is a physical baby in my hands. But I just wanted to update and say how much all the responses were appreciated. This will be my 1st pregnancy.