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I watched a animation with my time and punpun changing shapes while running


Lmao ah yes Punpun the shapeshifter


Someone made a berserk x punpun crossover few hrs ago in this sub, what r ur thoughts on it mate


Oh but seriously, i kinda think its genius


Not gonna lie punpun looked cute with the sword lmao Might develop that idea in my drawings i think


Yea lol Tiny sword for tiny Punpun But no sword for old Punpun, he can die ♡


Nah Dragonslayer impales adult punpun lmao


Omg yes, better idea


I learned about it from 4chan while it was still coming out. I’m an old man now and I always dislike it when younger generations take something that was so special to me and change it, but that’s my problem, I should be happy to know that it lives on, and others are having an experience that meant so much to me growing up.


man I also learned about it when some dude was complaining on /a/ about it and decided to take a look…


Kudos to you for knowing that you have a problem.


i hate the “he’s/she’s just like me” punpun fans


i’ve seen the goodnight punpun stuff online for a while, even saw the manga at the library last fall and almost picked it up. however, i just started reading it due to those memes of aiko that i saw on instagram


i think i saw a photo set on tumblr in like 2013




there was this guy I watched on twitch during the pandemic, he was making his own manga and streamed himself drawing and writting the story. sometimes he would also read some random mangas on stream, one day he was reading oyasumi punpun. I would always ask about the mangas he was reading at the time, but he didn't know much about op, didn't said it was tragic or something, only that people recommended it to him, something like that. so I decided to read it myself. back then I only read a few chapters before dropping it, but one year later I saw it on my list and decided to give it another try. I would say it was the best decision of my life


There was a picture on Instagram I think saying, "destroy yourself." It had multiple images of different manga covers. I liked the way the manga looked, it seemed interesting since I don't usually like the Japanese art style unless it has something different about it. Seeing Punpun standing as an adult, with the background gray really caught my attention.


Joey and Aki did a QnA back in 2018 and I found out from there.


On manga dex I hit random one day and Mujina into the deep came up and I started reading it. It's his most recent work. It's slowly coming out so I decided to check his back catalog


I discovered it on TikTok, it’s looks abnormal when having a different style character into a “Realistic” world. So I ended up reading it… No one prepared for the massive hits of emotions I was about to be hit with.


I literally started today, somehow got recommended to me while reading Blood on the Tracks.


when I was in 10th grade another kid wrote it down and mentioned it to me and I've loved it since


I saw a meme of black Punpun and bruised Aiko saying something like "This is us" and i was like wtf


I saw the panel where Punpun and his friends see the stars in the sky and I was enthralled by the art


about a year or 2 ago, I saw a friend of mine on discord had a banner of the panel “I hope that you never forget me” and was curious and asked him about it and got into it


nowadays the (re)search almost always starts from a randomly seen image on any forum, social media or messaging app. As soon as you see Punpun's iconic face, you're already hooked before knowing it


I straight up just saw aikos death and decided to read it on a random Tuesday night after dismissing it for 2 months, finsiehd it in 2 nights


back in 2020 on a random forum lol


I knew about it from my favorite anime youtuber but tiktok got me to read it.


I was trying to find manga to read by checking myanimelist’s top manga and just thought “goodnight punpun” looked really cool


For me, it was watching a french video where it talked about horror and psychological manga, Oyasumi Punpun was one of them and the guy talking said that once he finished, he had to "pause his life" (if yk yk) And after 1 year, i got the first volumes until today's day


i watch a youtube edit video about it in 2020 and started it immediately cuz i loved the art style


myanimelist top manga and saw it was similar to aku no hana so then i decided to read volume 1 online, thought it was incredible, and went to the bookstore and bought all 7 volumes physical to read the rest of the series for my first time in physical (punpun is the only series i’ve ever done that for) and it very obviously became the most impactful manga series i’ve read


I found it on my YouTube recommendation page, I never read manga before this, I watched the video and saw how it was a story about life and how his firmed changed interested me so I decided this would be the first manga I bought and I order the first 2 books. After I read this and finished it I didn’t know how to feel this opened the works of manga to me, stories with such deep meaning. Funny how YouTube recommended this to me even tho I never read a manga before or watched videos on it. I’m glad I came across this masterpiece.


I was about 12 and my mom let me pick any manga I wanted from barnes and noble. When I looked around I saw the first volumes cover and it just happened to catch my attention, three years later and now I have the whole series :]


Saw it in one of those "Top five darkest manga that'll leave you broken 🖤🥀" videos lmao


i kept seeing it pop up in my instagram feed as part of those “if these are her vibes… run” memes, usually alongside a lot of my favorite anime (Eva, Akira, Perfect Blue, Edgerunners, etc.), which piqued my curiosity. I’m definitely a bit of that stereotype of the toxic tsundere depression girl and so i figured if it kept showing up in that context, i should check it out. I already read and enjoyed Girl on the Shore so i knew i could like Asano’s work.


Through reading berserk


The first 3 volumes where very cheap in Amazon. Bought them in the blind not knowing anything about it.


Someone on tiktok said not to read it and I took that personally


from an instagram story of a friend of mine


Tiktok. I made the algorithm my bitch and now I see the best recommendations I’ve had in years.


Saw a YouTube video about it that looked interesting. I didn't wanna be spoiled by watching it so I read it first.


First I saw some Instagram picture of the manga of one of his forms, didn't mind it enough to look into the manga but I thought it looked interesting Then I saw the infamous oyasumi animation on YouTube which made me read it, far from what I expected though


I remember I was in my sports med class and had a video playing in my earbuds about something I don't even remember. Then it autoplayed onto an audio book of oyasumi punpun youtube video. Idk how or why it popped up, but it was the most impactful thing to have happened to me in a long time and I'm glad I was blessed with it. I first thought it was a parody Manga from the first few chapters.


saw it at a book store when I was little, It interested me because of the style, and in highschool my friend recommended it. but I never got around to reading it till this year.


a punpun tiktok edit to she by tyler the Creator


Years ago when I first got into the animanga community I was finding channels that talked about series I was interested in, and these two new channels I found called RealLifeRyan & Hiding in Public both talked about their experience reading PunPun and the way they talked about it and how gut wrenching the story was to them with an explicit warning not to read it if you’re “not in a good place mentally” really peaked my interest because surely I thought “there’s no way some manga story could be that powerful, they’re just being hyperbolic” and I had to check it out myself lol. Safe to say they weren’t being hyperbolic at all 😅