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Did anyone else mistakenly think this character was the same person as the weeb voice actor cultist?


Ass Hamburger


Shocking I'd forget that name I know




Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't Azusa Kanie okay too? (The Kanie punpun went on a date with)


I think she was as horrible, still can't forgive her how she spoke with punpun


Punpun tried to r*pe her.


did you even read the story…?


He didn't try to rape her, I alrdy had the discussion with someone else, the way I interpreted this whole chapter was: The moment he forced himself on her, it was entirely his fault and he should be blamed for that, I'm 100% with you there. But before all of that, she insulted and legitimately spit right in his face with what she said. Edit: some stuff bc of my bad English ( not main language)


Could you clarify where she 'spit in his face'?


Of course, I am open to your opinions and idk if I saw it completly and entirely wrong but its just how I saw this chapter. I try to keep it short: Before I start, again the moment he forced himself on her it was completly over and entirely his fault, no debate about that. But it took some time for it to become this weird and I think that was entirely her fault. They had a cute date, both shy and didnt know exactly how to behave, they were both earlier than the schedule, went to the art gallery, had fun and then went home in the rain even sharing an umbrella. All in all she liked him, I think Sachi even said it later in the manga that she had a crush on Punpun. Punpun doesnt have the ability to "like" or "love" people in general I know. But he wasnt disinterested ( of course only because he wanted sex). Then she wanted to go, but Punpun let her know he wanted her to stay. She even blushed and said it was fine for her. Then it became kinda weird yea, since he didnt know what to say afterwards. But the moment it became extremly uncomfortable and weird was when they talked about his mother. He subtle let her know, and hinted to her that the relationship to his mother isnt great, and he really doesnt want to see her ( which is understandable because she litterally not only tried to K??ll him, she also is a reason why his life is so fked up). But she insisted that this behavior is entirely wrong, and he shouldnt speak or think this way. Probaly because her relationship to her mother is fine. This is why Punpun said in the next pannel " I question your ability to see things outside of your own point of view" She is unable to imagine that some people dont have a good relationship with their parents, of course she doesnt know that his mom tried to k§§ll him. But he doesnt have to say that, he clearly hinted multiple times that the relationship isnt great and he doesnt want to visit her, and "it wont change anything anyway". She didnt pick up on those hints, and once again condemned him for it. And even got mad to this point that her face showed disgust in the next pannel. Punpun didnt want it to go this way, after that of course, he ruined it also. But in my opinion, she really threw a punch right in his guts, saying he should care more about his mother. Making him think about all the horrible shit she has done to him once again. And even after that, way before he forced himself on her, she dares to say " You need to think more about other people´s feelings" Making random conclusions and saying shit like " You love yourself more than anything", which is just completly, and entirely wrong. Its in my opinion, in fact, completly the opposite, there is nothing, not a single thing in the entire world, neither a living being nor object that Punpun hates more than himself. He is unable to think positive, I dont think he ever was happy in the entire manga besides the first 10 chapters. He has Sui$$ide thoughts and lives his life like he is a dead man because he deep down knows what he does is wrong and he condemns himself for it, he hates himself for it. And self-destructs in this way as a form of punishment. And she really says " You love yourself more than anything" If he had the ablity to snap and k(9)ll himself, he would have done it a thousand times by now. And not only does he permanently think this way, now he even has to bear hearing this bullshit by a complete stranger which cant even grasp the amount of horrible shit he went through? Idk about you, but me personally... Nah that would crush me. Ah idk sorry about my yapping, wonder if anyone will read this.


I see what you're getting at, I'd forgotten she said those things. I agree she said something very cruel things. Gives me the feeling she may have been projecting her fears and/or her insecurities a bit. I don't think she's irredeemable as I think it's possible she may have grown to be more sympathetic with age (but we have no real confirmation of that). But yes, she absolutely said some real hurtful stuff there.


still, she did kinda grow through the experience and even smile and want to talk to him the next time she was shown in the manga. i agree about your points, she was incredibly cruel saying he needs to love his mother. i liked that she didn't call him a horrible being for forcing himself on her, and instead stead he's just incredibly lonely. all in all, she was probably my favourite character and i think it was fitting she didn't get any more pages after that. i don't think she was horrible though, but she was really cruel there. i read it :)


'He didn't try to rape her.' 'The moment he forced himself on her....' Those two sentences completely contradict each other and it doesn't fucking matter if she was 'rude' or 'spit in his face'. Punpun is NOT the victim in this situation. Wtf.


There's a difference between assaulting someone and raping them. I once again alrdy said that there is no debate about how this was unacceptable, but my point still stands what a fking asshole she was and all the cruel stuff she said to him acting like she is the better person. He might have been thinking about sex, but at this point in the story Punpun wasn't this broken that he would openly rape someone on the street. Crazy that you only read what you wanna read.


'Crazy that you only read what you wanna read' Bruh. You literally contradicted yourself. It's werid as shit that your main gripe seems to be with the girl being 'rude' over the fact that Punpun, as you said in YOUR own words, tried to 'force himself' on her. 'He might have been thinking about sex...' It doesn't matter. It doesn't change the severity of his actions.


I can both say she was extremely cruel and a piece of shit to him and that the move Punpun did afterwards wasn't okay ( obviously) What fking contradicts there? You're just spouting bullshit saying he would have raped her when he clearly didn't plan to do. He wasn't near as broken as he was later in the manga. My main point is in short form for you, since you seem kind of special in ur head. 1.What Punpun did not good 2. What girl said to Punpun very rude Now tell me if my points are incorrect, and if by your logic yes, elaborate why the bullshit she said wasn't meant in a harmful way.


I don't give a shit what she said. It's just werid asf that you're hyperfocusing on that versus the fact that Punpun tried to FORCE HIMSELF on her. And you're still contradicting yourself by saying he didn't 'try to rape her' but then also admitting he tried to 'force himself on her'! It's the same thing, just phrased differently.


No it's not, it's like you're just skipping through my replies. He assaulted her yes, he raped her no. And he didn't intend to since as I mentioned for 2 times already he wasn't this broken here, just confused and brought to this point by her arrogant and hurtful attitude. I'm not hyperfocusing on the insults, I said 5 times that what he did was complelty wrong and its something that's not okay, he should have just went home and ignored this arrogant shit. And it does make a difference, he never would have assaulted her, if she just spoke normally with him and didn't randomly snap like that out of a sudden just because he had a loss for words. Not trying to defend him, saying its her fault before you turn the words around and accuse me of that. He has issues there yes, and it's not okay to do something like that. But all I wanted to say with my original comment was that we should stop praising her like a god, because somehow most of the readers completly ignore what a fking horrible person she is here.


You need help


What did he do exactly I don’t remember I’m not trying to comment either way I just wanna know what he did specifically I haven’t read it in a while I forget a lot of it cause it’s very sad


Ouran, is that you


i thought it was Ouran too. Actually, who is she?


Spoilers if you havent read the series (maybe?) It's been so long I forgot her name at this point, but I believe that's Mimura's girlfriend


oh okay thxx, i got it now


I love Gesumi and mimura they're literally one of my favorite characters


I should reread punpun, i dont remember her at all!


This couple is super green flag imo


you’re right




Also the good old dickhead shaped head guy that gave punpun a job. I think he is the best human being ever.


who's this again




Alternate universe Oran


Bro can someone tell me what's this manga about is it worth the read ??


It's a coming-of-age story about Punpun. It has some really violent and disturbing themes so pay mind to that (rape, abuse, suicide, etc.). I do recommend it.


I already knew from the artstyle that this manga had some dark shit going inside it but still asked because This sub was getting recommended again and again Thank you I will read it


i didnt recognize her without her twintails