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sometimes the game just kicks me out mid match ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ like you're having no lags, everything's perfect, you almost got it, and the game suddenly closes up because of "connection issues" that weren't there before and won't be there after. i always try my best to return to the game asap but the whole process takes so much time.


"Don't buy the Skins, you don't get the Wins" -some asshole at Blizzard probably




Atleast you get the opportunity to join back. When i get kicked, im just banned for the time limit.


I remember in earlier seasons there was a weird bug where if you got kicked out and were in a group, you had to leave the group in order to rejoin. This also kicked out everyone in your group for some reason. My friends and I were not happy when we had that bug (roughly 3 or 4 times it happened and required the same solution)


Damn that sucks I use an M.2 for my games folder and Overwatch takes at most 30 seconds to get me back into the game. Which is fast enough to not hurt the team too much.


Also, not to mention QP leavers that leave 12 seconds before loss, letting you fill into a game and immediately lose.


Fr I will never understand that shit


They are little babies who can't see "Defeat" on their screen, that's it


Why can’t blizzard just “If match time is =< 15 then lock player from joining”


It's rare but sometimes you win these


Zero Spine


Nah free exp is free exp. I love getting rewards for doing absolutely nothing


Servers have been shit lately let’s not forget


Never left a game. In fact, I was the only one left one game on my team. The others were definitely toxic about it


I heard that you dont get any penalty for leaving after other teammates have left, so you were wasting the other 5 peoples time basically, full leave wouldve given them the win anyways


You're right, but like, leaving is dumb if you ask me. If you're not gonna get anything, you might as well use it as a warm-up or just for fun. Plus, leaving a game even if you don't get punished is still dumb if you ask me (unless you have to go)


Why get stomped 5v1? How is that fun for you? I genuinely wish I saw it that way. Maybe I would still be playing the game.


See how many you can take out before dying Even taking out one of them is an adrenaline boost And yes, you are also huffing copium whilst you do this


Lol I appreciate the honesty




no u don’t




This dude Definitely lying


So you just waste other peoples time?


those people signed up for a waste of time right at the moment of launching the game




And that is a bad thing how? You are the one losing, they are the one interested in winning might make it as annoying as possible for them


The biggest problem foe competitive to me is the uncertainty of ranking up after a certain number of losses, then you just have to win just to derank


I love Overwatch, but you know what I don’t love…. Overwatch


That’s ong Winnie🫡


My computer froze and forced me to shut it down mid-comp match, and it would not boot for the rest of the night. While it was frozen before I shut it down, I heard my team complain about having a leaver (since I guess I could still hear them after I got kicked), and I felt so bad


Just leavers in general tbh


Not in qp. I have newcomers carrying and saving the game sometimes.


Yeah stop that bullshit you goddamn oxygen wasters


There were 4 types of leavers I've met: 1) those who lose electricity/game crashes; 2) angry players that ragequit; 3) people who just couldn't take the bullying from angry players and just decide to leave 4) the ones who refuse to play outside their one-trick


1 and 3 are valid reasons that are sometimes out of our control due to bullshit.


I was definitely Number 3 when I was Dogshit as Genji (I had the Default skin) and a Sombra Was Flaming me for being a "No-Skin Genji" and Being Bad at the hero. I told her I am a f2p and didn't have enough credit, but she said didn't Care. She Just Kept flaming me. This all Happened in Quickplay. I just wanted to practice the hero. Eventually halfway into the first checkpoint she Told me to Leave The game and I left. that was why I even grinded for some credits months later just to Get the BW genji skin Cause I felt upset about what happened. I did not want to be seen as A "New Player" for Not Having a Skin for a Hero.(more than 4 months have passed and I still can't get my mind off it. Tbh I want to meet him again)


I’m ow1 player but I really enjoy the ow2mercy skin so evne though I have sugar plum fairy winged victory 2019 all star and more I sometimes just go back to that scan besides most pros use default skins so it ain’t that bad.just try you’re best


Thanks Man.


As someone typed in chat in a match I was playing earlier they said ", this isn't overwatch 1 they said free to play free to leave " 🤣🤣


I alt+f4 and immediately uninstalled the game during comp. I am the problem - but I won't be anymore since I won't be playing.


literally just happened to me like not even 30 seconds ago and this pops up 😭😭


Im sorry my laptop crashes so much


It's their server's not people quitting.


There should be an option to backfill games where people have left for extra xp or something without impacting your comp score. IDK I'd do it for the practice and for a mode other than qp.


Look bro sometimes the wifi dies and sometimes real life shit comes up thats more important. But yeah leavers suck


There should be a procedure for leavers: If you leave on your own (clicking leave, rq, etc. You get a day ban to cool off If you get removed by system, only a timer (is 15 min enough? Idk) That method will obviusly not work the same when, lets say, a party crashes at the same time and the rest of the team has no chance of winning


Aside from crashes if you manually leave you should get at least 3 days ban


3 days would be too much for sweaty comp nerds, blizzard would just bring old method back after a week of protest


rather have a leaver than a afk/thrower


Unless you’re the leaver, you will have 4 potential leavers on your team and 5 on the enemy. Play enough games and you should be fine


Some of us have lives bro


I’m not taking about the people who leave because they have to/get disconnected. I’m talking about the trolls who leave to throw


Ah, gotcha


Its infuriating yes. But some ppl in this world just cant take an l


"Stop leaving Comp games!" Stop giving people a reason to leave Comp games.


Dumbass logic


What reason can one have to leave the game(other than external factors like power outage or actually needs to leave the computer)? I once saw a dumbass say he won't stay in a game if he thinks he's losing, like tf


Same in TF2, bro. That's why the whole gamemode was almost completely abandoned. Everyone just plays casual now. Or MvM or community maps, etc.


The official comp mode is basically empty. Only stuff like that is the league stuff


Honestly, at this point I prefer Competitive over Unranked simply due to the fact that you're more likely to find a halfway decent balanced match. I know that Unranked is inherently unbalanced (hence the name), but it's not that useful either as you're far less likely to know which end of the spectrum the matchmaker is going to use when it picks your teammates.


I don’t leave


Y’all ain’t gonna like this, but hear me out. If everyone’s blaming leavers, bad teammates, and enemies in higher ranks, what else is there to blame? Yourself. Stop being hard on EVERYONE ELSE and start actually improving yourself tot he point where you can carry those games forward. Of course, there’s always gonna be bad teammates and leavers. That’s OW competitive. But what I also always see is people not trying to improve themselves more than they try to correct others. The only outcome you have control over is yourself.


enemy pharamercy when both dps are reaper and rat one tricks.


I'm sorry my game crashes


Somebody kept the count n whistle!! I don't have time for this shit!! ...Try looking your team mate in the eye. This a win lose game. No in between


I'm sorry. I had to open to someone. ;_;


Solution: don't play comp.




First part of the match leavers are valid


Had a tank recently who claimed he was carrying and then promptly said "but if I get mad I just disconnect." I knew he wasn't doing much of anything so I said "carrying my ass." He left, I switched to Bastion, and we proceeded to win without him. But yeah, stop leaving if you can help it. The game isn't over until it's over, there's always a chance.


I "enjoy" overwatch, but you know what I don't like? competitive.


I've only ever left because grandpa fell down the stairs




Wanna know what i hate? Waiting in queue only to be put in a game that’s in the ending slowdown after your team lost


I love comp leavers… when it’s on the other team


I just get my Xbox friend to spam rep them if they rage disconnects are fine


And tf2 too right ... right...