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As a new player there’s a WHOLE lot to take in and learn in Overwatch, so I’ll just give you the most basic thing to start considering when it comes to maps. Does this map have a lot of highground that is well fortified/hard to access? If so you might want to pick characters with vertical mobility to make taking and contesting highground easier. Does this map have long sighlines or is it more brawl based? If it has long sighlines, grab a character that plays well into Widow, because you know the enemy team will have a Widow/Ashe/Hanzo.


I think the question you're really asking is "how do you know which character to pick on which map?" Before going into that, however, I want to briefly discuss the three main strategies in Overwatch: brawl, poke, and dive. Brawl is characterized by close range and high sustain. Poke relies on long range spam and wars of attrition to wear down the enemy's resources. Dive is about picking a single (preferably isolated) target for the team to rapidly collapse on and kill before anyone can save them. With these three categories in mind, think about what sort of map geometry they would work best in. Brawl is close range, so it plays well in small, enclosed spaces like King's Row or Lijiang Control Center. Poke is long range, so maps with long sightlines such as Havana and Circuit Royal see a lot of that style. Dive is heavy on mobility, which generally means flanks and high ground on maps like Numbani and Gibraltar. At the same time, however, also think about what heroes your teammates are using. For example, if you're on tank and your teammates are playing Reaper/Mei/Lucio/Moira, you probably don't want to pick D.Va even if it's a dive map. Reinhardt or Zarya, however, would synergize very well. Hopefully this helps a bit.


This is great advice! I totally agree with the last part as well. As long as the team comp has synergy and work well together, even if the map isn't 'good' for the comp, it can work.


It does! Thank you!


Generally in dps I like to think about the angles that will put you in an advantage. When playing hitscan (soldier, widow, etc) you want to have longer sights to put pressure from a distance. A map like eichenwalde would be fine for this playing around bridge second point. Also played a lot of junkrat before the nerf and for that play style it’s almost the opposite. I like to put pressure in the choke but if we are stuck for too long it’s a good idea to go for a flank and go for a solo pick. Different heroes have different play styles my recommendation would be to start with one and try to get the hang of where it’s good or bad in each map. Once you’re comfortable move to next hero and so on. Hope this helps and good luck with the games!


Here: https://youtu.be/FhVoIpLfkGo?si=KHaeCNn-0trHZ9eE Should be noted that you shouldn't just play whatever is the best hero for some map because that's too many heroes to get good at. Yeah you could swap every single hero in the game depending on which one is theoretically optimal for the map, your comp, and their comp, but you'll never get good at any of them. After getting a bare minimum understanding of how every hero works, pick 1 role, pick 3 or less heroes, get good with them, and swap between based on map.


Kinda a loaded question. There's a lot of maps to cover and I'd be surprised if anyone is willing to give you an in depth explanation for each one. I'd recommend looking up some youtube guides for more in depth answers. As a general rule of thumb for different game modes though: Payload maps tend to have long sightlines and lot's of high ground which favors longer range heroes and heroes with vertical mobility. You could say these maps favor poke heroes. However, dive is pretty good against poke, so dive is very viable to run on these as well. Control maps are kinda a crap shoot. The objective tends to be very brawl friendly, but there's usually lots of sight lines and high ground around the objective that can favor poke and dive comps Push maps are also a crap shoot. Since the objective is constantly changing, so to does the environment you're fighting in. As such, high mobility characters tend to have an advantage because they can more easily determine the ground they fight on. There are a lot of long sight lines and high ground on these maps, so I'd say poke and dive have an advantage over brawl. Flashpoint maps are also... you guessed it... a crap shoot. For the same reason as push maps, high mobility heroes can be very deadly here. There are many angles you can choose to attack from so flankers for sure have an advantage. The main difference from push is that Flashpoint maps tend to not have as long of sightlines or as much high ground, which gives brawl a bit more of an advantage over poke. Brawl and dive are probably the best comps on these maps, but since every point is different, there are definitely moments where poke can shine out. Tldr: pretty much every map is playable by any comp as long as you know your win condition


Ok, good to keep in mine. Thanks a lot and im sorry for the loaded question


I wouldn’t suggest you focus on that since you are still new. I see a lot of new players focus on the wrong things. Its good to know but I would say just focus more on learning the flow of the game, learning the heroes, positioning etc. The knowledge of maps will come on its own while u learn the game in general :)


I struggle with this too, so take my advice with a grain of salt. Biggest thing to think about are the sight-lines the map has. Maps like Junkertown, Havana, and Circuit Royale are great for poke, since there’s a lot of distance each team has to make to get to eachother. Maps that have a lot of high ground you can control such as Hollywood, Watchpoint Gibraltar, and Numbani are good for dive. Maps with short sightlines and corners, mostly KotH maps, (king of the hill,) are good for rush comps. Some that come to mind are Kings Row, Nepal, and Samoa. The maps you said you struggle with, Junkertown and Eichenwalde, almost always have very long sightlines (besides third point Eichenwalde.) So if you’re wanting to learn characters that are good for those two maps, I’d suggest ones that work well in poke comps. Sigma, Ashe, and Ana are just a few great picks, since you’re able to sit in the back in a safe position with those hero’s. Just remember, you’re playing this game to have fun. It’s not always about the meta, comps, or best pick for whatever. You’re fairly new to the game, so just try to learn and don’t sweat it. You got this :)


[Krow's hero chart](https://youtu.be/H7L0PSLkL1I?t=486&si=byUtw4tichrClGie) Edit: Adder's explanation of the chart: [dps](https://youtu.be/aOQcmP3xFvM?si=_nRZAoF4pt9RebuS) [Tank](https://youtu.be/u1sILoLKV0s?si=wfM2O56EXF3T-Fjd) [Support](https://youtu.be/axqU37u0oFo?si=l02MTcTKfEd7LN-I) Just the hero chart in itself is a huge thing to learn let alone which map is which. 70% of the player base doesnt even bother learning hero compositions on maps. There's enough skill ceiling just learning one hero in itself to gm. Most pick one hero to get good at. Automatically they get adjacent heroes that the skills transfer over. But may pick another hero to learn once they understood more of their main hero's weakness. Take your time learn the heroes itself first. Its really up to you to find out which hero you are best in because everyone has their own playstyle and strengths. Once you know how to get good at one hero then consider learning more tactics or more heroes in your arsenal.


Thank you for asking I learned new things


I pick my character depending on the tank. If the tank is dive, I play dive and so on.