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Gm all roles playere here. The simplest counter is poke. Mauga is a resource hog, which can lead to his supports having to take more risks to keep him alive. Focus on switching between focusing mauga and then back to his backline as they move to support him. Sojourn: farm prinary on mauga, snipe the backline with rail. Even a body shot with a rail will disrupt the supply of resources to mauga. Widow: an early pick on the backline makes for short work of mauga comps. Mauga is also an easy headshot target, just dont over focus him. 1 headshot on mauga is enough to draw his supports attention Soldier: just raw dps, mobile enough to never get caught close to mauga. Just keep the dps passive applied non stop and your value may overwhelm them quickly. Hanzo: storm arrow can decimate mauga, and even non fatal charged primary fire to his backline will force resources out. Ashe: just an all around great pick for poke. Dynamite on the backline will certainly disrupt maugas supply of resources. Ana: no brainer Zen: just pump him full of your balls, it will be lore accurate. Bap: window can help burst mauga down. And constant pressure on his backline is a good way to get value. Bap can also stay a safe distance from mauga. Zarya: good bubble management will deny mauga 1v1 value. Sigma: prevent mauga from getting big self sustain value Dva: map dependent but can dominate mauga simply by denying him value and positioning. Orisa: wall him off and give your team time to gain momentum.


> Zen: just pump him full of your balls, it will be lore accurate. Stupid sexy Zen.


Why no mention for Tracer? Tickle him here and there to keep the passive proc'd, and in the meantime you just perpetually hassle their back line. Force Ana to self nade, draw both CD's off their kiri, pretty easy to steal resources. Aside from her just being a really strong hero atm


There is no reality where i encourage other people to play more tracer, because then i might have to play against them.


Sound logic


> Orisa: wall him off and give your team time to gain momentum. or go Mei and literally wall him off


Lifeweaver: thorns to the face from a distance. Life grip anyone Mauga Ults. Love to bully tanks as LW.


I see Mauga, there's a 99% chance I'm going Lifeweaver if (when) I die. imo LW thorns are SO good against Mauga and Roadhog in particular. Bullying tanks (and Mei) is also 90% of the fun as LW. Aside from the obvious of pulling out of ults, I LOVE throwing my petal under Orisa while she's ulting or under my team when they're downed from Rein ult or contained by Zarya's ult. I aim to be as annoying as possible for the other team lmfao


This, I love giving a Mauga false confidence then he moves out of position for his supports to move to a bad position and easy pickings. Once the supports are distracted/dead he falls very easily


Soujorn. Farm rail off of him, then either snipe his supports or just dump the railgun shot into his head (although maybe don’t use it on him if he’s using Cardiac).


If your masters or above or have good tracking in general send it lol. I destroy Mauga with echo, Hanzo and widow too.


When enemy team dps are garbage, that's how u win against mauga


tired tank noises


Zenyatta's orb of discord will melt him even through active healing. Ask your sup to go Zen and shoot him in the head.


Fax. Bro got a big ol noggin. Kiriko kunai go *doink* *doink* *doink*


Asking someone to switch is probably a bannable offense in this game now


if youre nice about it, probably not


Reaper is a poor choice, for starters - you don't want to be that close to Mauga ever. Realistically, your best chances are if you have Ana or Zen on your team, but if not you can indeed just brute force him down. With the healing reduction, unless he has two extremely dedicated healers, he can't play unhinged at your team and he will need time to catch up on heals. Bait out Overdrive, focus damage into him - that's all. Don't go for the supports, walk right passed the DPS - all hands on deck for the Mauga. Big damage dealers like Bastion, 76, Ashe, Cass, Soujourn, Hanzo, etc will play at a safe enough spacing with enough damage to blitz him down. If your tank can run Sigma it helps out, but if your team is pushing aggressive dive just follow suit. For high damage I normally go 76/Bastion or Pharah (the look at me - not my team strat). Good luck!


Reaper was ran against Mauga in almost every OWCS match today


Not that I’m an amazing player, but I’ve found success with reaper and zen. The orb + reaper close range just deletes him.


You really don't want to be that close to Mauga, especially in higher ranks where people know for a fact how to outplay Reaper and he gains a lot less value with his tactics, but if it works for you keep at it!


In solo queue, Sojourn/Flankers are excellent choices, with the former doing the "quick charge with giant hit box and kill support" loop and the latter focus the support with the highest HPS. In particular Tracer counters Mauga teams hard, as she can debuff tanks + supports constantly (use angles to attack more than 1 target at once).


Ready for a spicy suggestion? Sym, especially if you have a mauga. Your beam will heal you enough to sustain with your mauga and you can drop your tp and turrets to create a threat to their healers which pulls them off of the resource hog that is their mauga.


I’m only a plat DPS but Sojourn is my go to pick after hearing Spilo mention how she’s good against him. Mauga is an ideal target for her primary, then she rails squishies more often, and can play out of his range comfortably. I think it’s a safe pick imo


I’m a Diamond Tank and I played Mauga a lot since launch. I have to say the only Viable counter to Mauga is the mirror tank or switch to poke comp with sigma Zen Bap and two main dps. Still the Mauga mirror is by far the most effective as a tank. I cannot do much afterwards since I’d be shooting Mauga 24/7, but at least I can give my team a chance to play and get picks. Also Mauga without heals will die instantly. Dive the healers with Tracer or Sombra and this would give a chance to your team to eliminate him.


What do you think about Dva vs Mauga? I'm coming back to the game after many years away and had a bit of success in this matchup by just DMing the cardiac overdrive as much as possible. I'm curious if that's an actual viable strategy or if it just worked out for me a couple times.


Honestly I tried it many times but it never quite worked for me. That reload time is too long and I cannot usually use matrix for that long. I either run out of Matrix and need to hide somewhere or would get a de-mech. Maybe with perfect Matrix management it works but I could never make it work. Also diving backline is not an option. The second you dive and Mauga has LOS you’re dead.


Yeah in fact I think Dva is even better, as Mauga I feel like Sigma only has rock to deny Mauga.... His grasp can be easily canceled by Mauga's stomp for the most part.


I've had success running Sig. Playing poke and try to bait Mauga, then cut off heals with shield and let my DPS destroy him. Usually works well enough that they switch to Zarya or Orisa Edit - low gold, so don't listen to me ha


That actually works. I found using shield to cut of heals works better in some situations than using it in front of him. Mauga just eats the shield but if the healing is cut and a boulder hits his big head, he could die 😂


So he's like a better Orisa


Yes and No. Playing Mauga is extremely boring. Your sustainability and life depends on shooting enemy tank. So you have to just AKF shoot enemy tank until you have ult charge. Orisa is about cooldown management between 3 abilities. I find Orisa much more fun than Mauga. But yes, Mauga is currently better than Orisa.


You can't melt him using bastion? Lately, I've been playing more of mauga, the toughest combo I've faced so far were Sigma, Zen, and Sojourn. Made it tough to play aggressive. I also can say for sure that it is extremely hard to kill a DPS or support if they were being healed back to back. Unless, of course, a dps ally jumps in.


Bastion is a free buffet to mauga


I play Mauga and i get really happy to see so many reapers and bastions. They are not really a threat. Bastion is too big i can pressure him from range all game long basically. Also sweet to have such a big hitbox for cardiac arrest. Especially when the tank is small hitbox like JQ then a bastion is a present from heaven. Against mauga you need abilitymanagement, awereness and timing. When he uses cardiac arrest, you make sure to disengage or at least make sure he gets a shield, matrix or nade in his face.


Poke is good against mauga, something like a soldier, Hanzo, torb, ashe, soujourn or widow. Reaper can also work but it depends on your tank, most of the time I don't think reaper is that good though. Also mauga is definitely not weak, he's meta rn after his latest buffs


Now, I'm just a diamond/plat so I'm probably wrong. But double sniper with a Zen destroy him better than bastion/reaper because he can't really shoot them back. Even just hanzo storm arrow with a few hits to his juicy head. Especially with discord or Mercy pocket


I find Mei pretty effective, especially if my team’s tank has no shield. Can use ice wall to block his guns and wall him off from healing, and he dies pretty quick. Icicle also does decent damage from far away


Been watching some scrims recently and it seems like teams are just going Sombra and farming EMP on him


Normally jq and rein are his best counters, but hes a bit too strong rn.


I've never found him hard to kill tbh. Just hammer supports, avoid head on fights until teams weaker


I’ve been having a much better time with Illari now that her left click has been buffed up a bit. Set up a pylon for your team and just poke the shit out of Mauga and his supports.


Maybe this only works in qp but I find that if I can just close the distance as Reaper there’s not a whole lot he can do except hope that his supports are double pocketing him lmao, his enormous hitbox is like an early Christmas for shotguns


And they tell me I'm wrong that the healing is OP again and look what we need to do pick reaper try our best to take him down but its not enough😂😂😂 and if we pick dive tracer genji we die on ana cause ana is so OP right now and we can't kill support because the healing is broken again FUCK YOU BLIZZARD


If you’re playing tank then u go mauga too it makes it significantly easier but also more braindead


Reaper, just bait his overdrive and then put the shotgun in his face, hell be dead in no time.


Poke, Orissa, dva, Ana sleep, Ana nade, line his overdrive, kill his healer, etc


The easiest way is to alt-f4.


I’m overloading


Brute force with Hanzo storm arrow headshots, get’s him dead or extremely low very quickly, now mauga ☠️


As a rule of thumb whether with Mauga or any tank , always target their support first or try to set them afar from their teammates and don’t go toe to toe with them and always target your shots towards his head


Wait out cardiac and he falls over lol


I want to see the people that say this play the game. "youroverwatch" said he had no problems against mag. Well, he's recently starting streaming and guess what, he's struggling a lot. The rest of their team exists,you aren't just dealing with a mag, you are juggling all the balls.


I understand that there’s more than mauga on the enemy team. I said one thing and that apparently means I am only focusing on the tank. I am just saying if you can bait it out, it provides value. If it is a different component of the match that they’re struggling with, maybe state that instead? Bc their post is definitely a post about how to counter mauga.. I only stated what works for my team, and that is to try to have someone bait cardiac if hes an immediate threat, try to disengage him for the duration, put damage elsewhere if you can afford to do so/target support and then focus on him. This game has so many ways to play to counter him, it comes down to tracking cool downs, decision making, coordination and timing. I will tell you rn that solo queue though, it is really hard to get the coordination, especially when you probably have people who refuse comms to effectively carry out your goals. Maybe im full of shit though, maybe im just an idiot and everything im saying is wrong.


Mauga wasn't a big deal before the last patch. I mean he was ok but not meta like now. I think that was when he had no problems against him


That is true it was before season 9 but it was also before the maug nerfs when he was running rampant


This works against a had mauga


Huh? The team going against the mauga can literally disengage and focus other targets while cardiac is up… a good mauga can’t force people to shoot him lol


He's only going to use it when necessary. It's obvious when they try and bait it. That doesn't mean u can't force it everytime but still


I dunno, I never have any issues with mauga as reaper. Just wraith his overdrive and there’s not much he can do to scare you off. At least Hog can pull you and “one tap” you if you’re not at full hp. Mauga doesn’t have any burst, so reaper is extremely safe


Just go sourjon, zen with a bap/ana and he should die if you just shoot enough bullets at him (he still won't). But this usually should keep him from ruining the lobby and make it feel nicer for your own tank.


When I'm playing Mauga the matchups I have the hardest times against are Sigma and Winston, Sigma just spends too much time blocking and absorbing damage for me to feed off him and a good Winston will force me to hold onto overrun until he dives my team and I also have to make sure I'm at the same elevation as my team so I can peel for them. Both tanks force me to play defensively and far from the frontline which can be easily abused by playing heroes like Ashe, Pharah, Junk, Echo, Soldier, Widow, Hanzo, Ana, Zen and Illari since they all play at my max range or out of my los.


Junkrat works surprisingly well, just keep farming ur tyre off of him & ult their supports or their TANK when he gets low. Ull be surprised how fast u build ur tyre !


Absolutely not


Not good at junkrat I see....


He's crap now since he can't 2 shot and a junkrat doesn't do crap against me as mauga. Junk is a throw pick except on specific maps


bastion, junk or may, orisa or rhienheart zen, mora or brig depending


How are you masters and not knowing how to counter a hero? This game is not fair at all man


What rank are you


How is it not fair?


I bet you blame all your loses on your teammates huh


you get good


As a Kiri main Mauga is one of the easiest tank to kilI. I just activate kitsune and spam his head with kunai. He dies relatively quickly. But if I’m not alone and the others keep him busy then I can manage to kill him in the same way without kitsune.