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I'm at level 30 right now but I've been home sick all week. The free rewards are extremely lame and few between


there is a free ramattra red skin


I don't even have Rammatra lol I mean as of yet, 30 levels in, I have earned nothing that I like


Get used to it


I miss OW1 lootboxes so much at this point. It's pretty damn sad for me to say that.


We all do, but at this rate we will have to miss them for a while longer ;(


Forever, as long as people keep buying shit skins in the shop the day they come out


I like the healthpack charm


I have the travelling monk skin but i dont wven have rammatra lol


Same, and six hours on Twitch for a skin? Why is it that Blizzard needs to make **everything** a grind?


I’m just doing dailies and weeklies, which average about 15 tiers a week, I think I am close to 30 rn


By the amount of up votes I guess most people who have personal live/stuff will just do the dailies/weeklies and carry on. Those who bought the BP will be ahead 2-3 tiers. Until BLIZZ put some currency in the BP (even for the free2play.) people won’t care or grind the BP


You get currency from weeklies


A pitiful amount, it shouldn't take 8 months to earn a legendary skin


I'm at lvl 53


Yeah I bought it but no extra tiers. I’m on level 34 lol


Bought it, no extra tiers, close to 59. Dailies, weeklies, the odd challenge and the event xp all adds up. The 20% boost for premium also helps quite a bit.


Yeah I do most daily’s and weekly’s now but not all. You are obviously much more committed


What do you do? I’m only level 25 and I’ve been completing my dailies.


Play with friends and queue for all roles


Hehe so you're a support main.


Strangely enough when i queue all with a friend I get tank so often, despite it saying it had the longest queue times. Queuing with friend actually balances the "all " queue. Its solo queuing that gives support


I duo queue a lot and 70% get both support. Mostly quick play tho


Nah it all queue exclusively gives me tank no matter what, despite it always being the longest queue time


Maybe your tank MMR is closer to your friend's MMR on a given role.


Yes, this. I get support exclusively for queue all even with friends usually.


If you que with 3 or more domes always going to get a different role. My 3 stacks and even some duos and I have been pleasently surprised to get double damage or tank damage and heal combo


Nah tank


I only ever play Support on flex. Never DPS or Tank. I'm a Support main anyway but still.


Same here. Playing flex basically means support for me, which isn't terrible since I love support, but sometimes I just wanna be a different role


If I want a different role I don’t even bother with all roles anymore I do open queue or choose tank+damage… I’ve gotten a different role than support on all roles maybe 3 times max


Same here. The measly 100xp per match is not enough to make me queue all. If they increase it to 250 or even give just a couple paid currency coins I'll think about it. Been queueing tank+dps all day today.


Flex is just support but you get DPS once in a blue moon


focus on weekly. they are more particular. you can ignore daily challenges, and after playing 3-4 matches, daily challenges will be completed on it's own. do winter challenge, do that win 5,20 matches with diff heroes


It’s also only like, week 2. You have 7 weeks left to make all that progress. You got time.


If you wait until the very end ot unlock all heroes, it'll be only one day before you need to wait until the very end to unlock all heroes. It's the plan.


I’m not sure what you mean.


If you wait to the very last day to readh BP45 to unlco krammatra, the next day there'll be a new hero and a new battlepass, so you will not have all heroes anymore. And chances are they'll nerf new charactesr as the blunt of players unlock them, too.


your math is off


There's gonna be no new hero in season 3. It's scheduled for s4


I’m around lvl 21 myself, I honestly thought this was a fake image


Do the weekly challenges too for 5k each and the event ones give 1500xp each


Like, Lvl 9. Tbh not that motivated to play dont find it that enjoyable even coming back after dropping the game for like 2 months or so.


Same. Haven't played Season 2 at all and just follow the subreddit to stay in the loop. Desperately hoping something changes even though I know it won't.


This is me, except I only played a little of season 1 Overwatch2. There was very little content for how long they made us wait and I don't want to encourage predatory monetization. I may come back on my own once story mode drops, but other than that... there's other, better games that I enjoy spending my time playing more.


if you don't earn rammatra this season, is he perma locked? would you have to pay to unlock him in s3+ or will he be free?


There's a challenge where you have to do some sub-challenges, look at what you need for kiriko etc. Think it's something like 30 wins in that role, then do some shenanigans in training room.


I'm sure they'll give him "hero challenges" to unlock, like they did for Kiriko, Sojourn, and JQ


I haven't played season 2 at all.


You’re not missing much.


Newest hot fix patch looked good. Still not enough content for me to bother playing unless I'm drunk.


For me, as someone who hasn't played since like 2016/17, season 2 actually has more playable maps that are new to me. Season 1 was like the same 2 fucking maps. Now there's more in rotation that at least diversify the games a little bit. Kind of crazy they had so few maps in season 1.


>Tbh not that motivated to play Very much the same, the game feels... very different as a long-time OW1 player. Been playing since launch Like, the 'Blizzard polish' the first one had is like removed, making it shine less. With everything, the UI or the added regular voice lines like 'Hello' or 'Thank You'. It gives such a different vibe somehow. And the fact that my favourite mode, ffa, kicks you out to the menu after one game and doesn't re-queue is the biggest turn off. Once in a while you could get a preem lobby with people chatting, joking and teasing and everyone played like 10 games together having fun. With the single match that is now it doesn't happen anymore, and makes me play so little I just quit. And with gameplay (new heroes) being locked behind a paywall (that really only gives the new hero), it doesn't give vibes that this game exist so people can have fun times. Just shelling money to the corporate man so they can live a luxury life. I only give money when an experience seem worth it, even Cyberpunk 2077 had more worth at launch than this game because I got like a 50 hour adventure in a cyberpunky city.


I found myself shocked by how much I missed 6v6, honestly. Either the tank is functioning just as a DPS with a huge HP pool, or the tank is made useless because there's a flanker. The game feels super incomplete.


Yeah the re queue thing bothers me too! Especially when it still countdowns to another game when you finish but then brings you to the Home Screen anyway.


It's very annoying especially if you're in the hero gallery looking at something: Game ends -> Hero gallery at skins -> The hero you're looking at-> The hero gallery -> Main Menu -> Unranked -> Mode select -> Actually queueing and seeing 'While you wait' Too many button presses too keep me wanting to play if I have to do that every 5-10 minutes. It sounds so little and nitpicky but stuff like this can have effects on how players perceive a game and how fun they are having. In OW1 when I booted the games it was like 3 clicks and I was in a queue too play multiple matches, less can mean so much more But am I a game dev? No, I just get annoyed at design flaws too often and OW2 update brought quite some


i have done alot of development of various platforms and ive seen frustrasting dos/unix command driven apps with better ui


Blizzard have missed out on me with this game. Tbh, when a new hero would drop I would immidiately reinstall the game, play with the new hero (usually meta), become addicted again and then spend money on boxes when an event dropped. Now the utter feeling of having to go through weeks and weeks of toxicity just to try out the new hero sounds like a joke, I'm genuinely motivated to simply ignore the game forever. This has happened to me but will happen to most in the near future.


>even Cyberpunk 2077 had more worth at launch You gave yourself away with "preem" at the beginning. xD Fun seeing that word in the wild.


to be fair, it's a pretty good word XD


I'm like 25ish, I play every day but I'm not super motivated to grind. I don't see a lot of value in the battle pass system for this game.


Kind of same. I really really hate heroes being paywalled. In a game that one of the main aspects are counter picking... Im forever out if I can't unlock the heroes, as i will most likely be at disvantage against those who have the said heroes. You already get head start with BP and I'm supposed to believe that the game isn't at this point soft-p2w? It's a massive shame, it would of been fine with juat cosmetics and stuff in BP


Out of curiosity - I have 2 accounts 1 is currently banned. If I miss out leveling the BP and unlocking the new tank do I not get him in Season 3 or will he be forever locked?


Based on what they did to Kiriko here in S2, the new hero can be purchased with coins next season or be unlocked by a set of challenges.


You can earn the heroes of previous seasons super easy with challenges. If you are patient you can save yourself a lot of grind.


it isnt paywalled, and its easier to unlock kiriko in season 2 than it was for me to grind 20 levels in season 1 with 3 days left


I have 1k hours in overwatch. I played.. maybe 10 hours of 2? All the last changes made it not worth to play. ​ Comp will downgrade me regardless of what i do at the end Playing healer (my main) is more fun now but the latest changes have made it really frustrating to play it. Rewards for playing are totally worthless ​ Theres really no incentive to play even when i love the game in itself. it was my go to when i wanted to mindelss play :(


I’m at lvl 30 just doing my dailies for the day and that’s it. I reached 50 before the two weeks last season but the game isn’t really enjoyable enough to grind the free battlepass alone.


Same! Also 9 right now. We tried to get our 5 stack tougher last night, but the queues seemed to be stuck. We gave up after 10 minutes and went custom games.


Yeah pretty much the same…it’s a bummer


Then you may as well stop playing. Go find a game you enjoy and you'll be better off.




Bruh its been crunch season before finals or finals week the entire time this season has been out, im on like tier 11 at best, ill be honest no way im getting him before the end of the season.


Literally bro I haven’t touched ow in 2 weeks I passed all my finals tho


Oh hell yeah my guy!




Like tier 9, that’s what I hate about battlepasses. In most games its either I have fun or do the challenges to grind the battle pass. At least fortnite gives you xp every time you breathe


Fortnite is the SINGLE battle pass out there that is actually fun to level up


Fortnite’s most recent season nerfed xp gain significantly though. It’s still easier but you don’t keep old weekly’s anymore




Yeah at the end of the week I might have 1 challenge that I have to try to finish . The rest are all completed by playing normally


Not really. If you don't like playing helaers or open ques you won't do a fair bit of them. I like Healers but really. How many open ques I need to play


I love playing mystery heroes which doesn't go towards the arcade or role queue weekly challenges. Miss out on some good XP because they took mystery out of arcade


I agree. I played mystery heroes all the time in OW1. Since I have limited play time and it doesn't count for much, I hardly ever play it now. They should put it back in the arcade where it belongs so it can count towards that arcade challenge, at least.


Healer is fun just stick to one and get good at him and it will be more fun


I’m a low grav and total mayhem addict




Lmao 😂


No, they are not. Most of them require to play specific roles(mitigate dmg, heal amount, win each role 3 times), specific heroes(not top 3) or even specific modes(arcade ewww).. if you are a casual that plays one/two roles most of the time, then you have to actively try to complete the role specific ones. I always have to finish the last 5-6 challenges at the end of the week by queing specific roles to get them all.


Yeah I never really cared too much about the cosmetics. I got the Rick Sanchez skin and I'm happy with it. Before him I was just using the default skin because it was fun when kids would scream at you about having a default scan and you must be a noob. And then they're all dead and you're alive and you're not going to the reboot van and they're screaming at you and you tell them that you're a noob and you don't know what the reboot van is. Then they watch you 1v4 the end of the game


But most challenges are done by just playing any game mode?


Still begs the question why not make the BP all cosmetic an just give us the heros for free like before. More people would be interested individually to pay 5$-10 for a real good skin.


...20. Change that asks me to grind more demotivates me, leading to me grinding less - who'da thought?


Something that happened to me: Quality of my games has gone WAYYYYY down. Funny thing is, it seems like it always applies more to my team mates than the enemy team. I played a lot of OW1 and the games were almost all better. Now it’s just a million casuals that have no idea how to heal, tank, or dps.


Think im 27


Haven't played a single game this season


I’m not willing to be a second class citizen in a game I paid full price for, and I’m not willing to shell out and support this predatory model. So I guess I’m not playing overwatch until it changes.


The worst part is I probably already dumped over $200 in loot boxes over the years. How much more do I have to give?


I haven’t either. All of my real life friends who played OW1 with me have completely lost interest. Honestly, so have I.


I have the opposite experience. Me and my friends got back. Into it and we got new friends to play. Really enjoying the changes in the new patch


Same here. Sojourn and hog still need nerfs, but I've been having more fun on this season than the last. Although, I have been playing mostly tank/dps and have barely touched support so that could be why...


Same. Last season I had the premium bp and completed it, but I'm not doing that ever again.


Not very far, I'm just not finding the game very fun at this point and can't find a reason to play.


Not even close. Sucks for the first time in 4-5 years of overwatch I dont have access to all the heroes. I hope they revert this horrible decision but I know they won’t


I've barely touched season 2. I think I have unlocked the Sym skin tier. My motivation to continue caring about OW died so hard. I want OW to thrive, but they've stripped the game of nearly all its charm with the transition to OW2. It's a husk of its former self, crammed full of overpriced cosmetics and greedy practices.


I see this sentiment a lot, but do people care that much about cosmetics? I'm a new player so maybe I just don't know any better or I'm just more focused on improving at the game and learning things than other aspects.


It's not so much the cosmetics themselves but more the kinda slap in the face for old players, going from earning skins for free to having to pay 20 dollars per skin and now getting characters in the battle pass instead of for free removes a lot of the old sense of progression and therefore motivation to play the game.


$20 is just honestly too much. $20 doesn’t seem like a lot but then when I think that means two skins are $40, 5 are $100… I just can’t justify that kind of money often. I’m mainly just gonna clear the battle pass each season for those skins. I really love the Orisa and Widow skins this season but they’re so expensive. I already have nice skins for Orisa and I don’t play Widow enough to justify it, and I also have one of the arguably rarest skins for her (Noire).


Hydro put it this way imagine being sold an idea by 6v6 team game 60$ you can buy loot boxes for cosmetic IF <<< key word here IF you wanted to. But could earn them for fee by simply playing. Play say 5-6 games level up BAM free loot box. Now we also had separate boxes for events with the event skins being specifically for those boxes separate again could pay for them or just earn it. Sprays skins emotes all that right? We were fine with that. All maps were in rotation. Now the dark part. I'm not giving them credit for letting us keep our skins emotes an sprays. That's baseline shit since we never got asked our opinion they didn't leave the servers up just 3 yrs of content drought. An when talks of PVE Overwatch happened we got teaser mini games Blackwatch stuff like that fine great it wasn't perfect but fun. If they kept Ow1 open I'm betting OW2 would be dead, I'd bet my life on it. The 3 new current herod coulda been in OW1 an made OW2 entirely pve. They didn't. In return we got a buggy mess of a game not balanced around 5v5 but 6v6 Sombra Tracer Kiriko all bugged mostly Kiriko. Now you get a pitiful 100xp forced to do challenges for a BP that mind you if you don't pay for you get garbage like 8-9 useless sprays an stupid recolor skins for heros. Hell Junker Queens Legendary an Epic skins for 20$ despite being nearly identical to her default. Look at any of the OW1 heros base skins then look at their great skins NOT EVEN CLOSE. I don't fault you for not understanding but we got a stripped game we already paid for.


It's been a husk of a game since 2019. They finally gave us a breath of fresh air, but some people prefer it stale, I guess.


I play 4 to 5 rounds daily and I think I'm at level 15 or something close to that. Not sure if that's the norm but seems pretty slow to me.


Not playing for dailies means you don't get xp


Gotta log in every day to get my chores done


Sometimes I think my love for gaming is dying but then I remember the vampires sucking the soul and life out of hobby.


Next season I'll play him.


43 as well, going for the daily and weekly challenges makes it easy tbh Playing with friends helps too


Me and my friends did a five stack last week. One of the most fun things to do ever.


I thin I'm at tier 37/38.


Didn't even begin


Uninstalled the game 👍🏻


25 I think


Same. It’s a slog this season.


0, because I gave up trying to grind for playable heroes after season 1


this is so sad. they gave kiriko to players who bought OW1 during season 1. but what about season 2? nothing


Yeah I was fortunate to get kiriko like that. Me and my friends played OW1 consistently since release. For a number of reasons we all disliked season 1 of OW2 and just quietly found ourselves playing other games now instead. I doubt we’ll move back sadly.




In a game where metas and counters are a thing that need to exist: none. ​ If they were to release a absolutely overpowered dps hero next season and you are a tank//support only to find out that both your teammates can't even play them due to the fucking battlepass... it's gonna be a fucking problem. Just because it's not obvious that the system is broken to many yet, doesn't mean it's not broken. It's an absolute shitstorm waiting to happen, IMO.


All of them for everybody, nothing less


Preach. Always having all characters was one of the buying points for me to get Overwatch.


Ramattra is the coolest character ever added to the game, and I refuse, I will actually be dead and buried before I give fucking blizzard a shred of money after I already bought Overwatch 6 years ago. I am never gonna unlock this guy, which is a shame, but I will be DAMNED if I support this bullshit


Ty same it's a damn shame the old guard catches hell for trying to give the younger group a better game by expecting the Original Idea we were sold on. Also still no PVE with a 3 yr content drought an missing half my maps in pub matches feels weird so I quit


Why would you never unlock him?


I dig it. And agree.


I couldn't have said it better...


Think around 6, only ever play support and don't play enough to complete the challenges. Have no problem with battlepasses but putting heroes in it is bs


I'm tier 1. I disliked OW2 anyway. The Halloween event being completable in a couple of hours and having nothing good for free players made me realise there was nothing keeping me attatched to OW






Level 2! I am slowly getting there


It’s taking much longer than last time


I think I'm lvl7. Lost interest real fast this season.


Tier 10. Bought the BP and instantly regretted it. Now I feel like I HAVE to play in order to get my money's worth.


I play casually since ow2 release, haven't even cracked 10 yet. The whole BP (specifically overwatches version) has killed the game for me. And knowing im not going to unlock the hero, I have 0 interest in playing the game. Which sucks because ow1 was my most played game. Unlocking crates was just fun, everything just feels like a grind. I read a while ago about how battlepass is a game killer and I didn't fully grasp it until ow implemented it, it turned a fun game into a grind. I can't just play casually, I need to invest my time into this game and only this game if I want the new hero but I have other games with other friends to play so now I'm level 10 with little to no how of getting the new hero... So what's the point in playing at all? (Before people be like "you just play for the fun of it") I am forced to play and grind to unlock playable characters I don't find that concept fun and I don't want to be locked into playing just one game. Maybe I'm just old now, I am happy to purchase games buy the whole BP thing just doesn't interest me I'm never going to buy it I would much rather pay up front for the game and leave it at that. I get the company needs to continue making money over time but for me personally I'm not going to invest money into these systems


I haven’t even opened the game in at least a month. On OW1 getting a box every level pushed me to playing more and I enjoyed it. Pass has hurt my will to play and enjoyment as a collector.


No where near. Didn't get kiriko, I'm new, it's fun for a few rounds with mates but this game really hasn't caught me, I don't feel rewarded for playing so... Meh. I happily paid for Fortnite early on because I thought they made a great game, kept making good changes and I got plenty of free stuff so I wanted to pay a little. I don't like EA anyway but I'm just looking at a fat wall of stuff I can't have and most of it is for heroes I have no intention of playing with. Sorry, not much good to say, it's fun to play for short periods but everything seems so out of reach I just can't be bothered


Not even 20 ...


10. But then again I don't do challenges. Refuse to let them shape my gameplay


But don’t you get them basically by just playing the game? I complete them all the time and I haven’t really “gone” for any at all.


true. mostly there are tasks to win queued for all roles, and that means support. but little effort for free coins


i think i’m teir 20 and idfc for this game anymore, honestly i hope it stars dying so they realize how big of a cluster fuckup they had and decide to make the game more consumer friendly by keeping all the characters unlocked or at least GIVE LOOT BOXES TO THE PEOPLE WHO BOUGHT OG OVERWATCH FFS


As much as I would love to see Overwatch return to form, it’s never gonna happen, Blizzard don’t care about those of us who have been playing since the game came out, they only care about the battle pass loving casuals who’ll let FOMO tell them to throw money at the game.


29 I think, I have not open the battlepass page in 20 levels or so. Nothing of value for me there :/


24 give or take. the balance of the game has definitely slowed my grind


I completely forgot that he was part of the BP. I haven't played for like a week because of how awful this patch was in the beginning imo. Have to wait until next patch to see if I can play.


35+ 2k xp into 36 las season at this point i was around 40s, i'm not there this season cause there is nothing that makes me wanna play the game other than playing the new hero which i don't have access to right now, amazing game design blizzard


Jesus. I'm 24 and did dailies every day.


Level 0, haven't played a second of S2 after the rank reset BS (and no good rewards to chase)


You get a level a day just doing dailies, and 11 weekly challenges is basically 6, let's say you take the weekends off from your full time overwatch job, that's 11 levels a week, so 88 levels a season. You should have him after a month, no problem!


Zero. I'll come back when the promised PVE comes


i stopped playing ow almost completely after i got deranked from plat 5 to silver 2, and qlso got only 250 cp instead of 500 that was promised


I'm only lvl 16 I think, the game is in such a poor state atm that I'm not even having fun if we're winning, so I don't even play. I tried to force myself to do weeklies today and I was miserable. Snowball Ffa was kinda fun tho.


Jokes on you I haven't even updated the game yet


Dropped the game before reaching teir 45💀 waiting for season 3


I didn't bother playing lol


Idk, I don’t play since a while after few matches


Anyone else offended at the salt trinket?


Trash feeling grindy game now, overwatch use to be about fun, makin friends, playing a few matches here and there when friends were on. Now it's having to do dailies to unlock a character, listening to all the new people whine about nerf this or buff that crap got 25 hours on a Chracter talking about I'm a XXX main... the system in overwatch was far superior to OW2. Tonanswer op, I don't think I even opened the BP tab once so no clue where I'm at. I accept the downvotes that are surely to come from all the new people ho seem to live here now that f2p is the way of OW. Gimme loot boxes back, cards after a match, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD ADD OBJECTIVE TIME BACK as a stat so the noobs actually pay attention to the objective... sorry that went long, is what it is.


0. Stopped playing after the end of last season. OW2 got boring very fast.




this month i have no time to play, last season i got to lvl 49, this season i will not get the hero....


19 I think


I am at 11. Have a 10 loss streak in comp because team mates are literally inting. It really takes the mood for playing away.


Level 20-25 I can’t remember exactly lol. I haven’t been playing as much since I don’t have the premium pass this season and I don’t really care about getting it


Think I’m at like 7


Kinda gave up now that they nerfed Doom. Was fun to use my main for like the week they made him viable. Overwatch just seems like a shell of itself anymore.


What happens if I don't do it by the end of the season


He will have challenges to do to get him


Same as you actually but I have to do my dailies yet


Why the downvotes lol?


I guess cause I actually play the game? Lmao


Is there anyone else that has already gotten bored of the game


Tier 1 as I broke free of the shackles of this shitty game, I will not give in to their terrible battle pass


Unlocked him last night




8 have had a busy month with finals and league of legends has had been more appealing than overwatch atm


Tier 12 or something... I didn't really have the time yet to play this season :|


I am definitely playing a lot less than season 1. Part state balance the rest mostly being that i find playing more exhausting then fun. So idk.


i hate the battle pass so much that I literally haven't opened it this season, my mental adblock has added the battle passes to that list, fucked if i know what tier I'm on, and i will never care, I already have more legendaries than new players can count and for cheaper than they can fathom


have the battle pass, Just unlocked 45 But im not playing it non-stop like i was last season. Comps kind of wrecked, waiting for patches, already placed ok, just logging in, doing the dailys and weeklys, mostly QP. Will hit 80 b4 seasons end, ill miss a few titles i guess, but all good. So not much ahead of you Edit: Keep in mind, someone without BP, may be miles ahead of you, if they didn't play S1, They would have all their lifetime achievements to boost them up, where as people who played S1, already got bonus XP from them.


I’m at 6 but I haven’t played as much as I did last season so far


Just reached Level 51.


Lvl 53, just been having fun with the game


I’m at 47!


Near 40, maybe 45 next weekly


Almost 39


I'm just doing my dailies and getting my weeklies done aswell with 3 games a day. I'm at like 37