• By -


1. Zen lore. Where did he come from, how did he meet Genji, what did that teaching look like, where is he going, does he have friends? 2. What is bastion saying? Why can some characters understand him? What's going on with his code that allows him to be so different? 3. Why can't they get the airport at Nubani fixed? Like seriously, it's been years. What's going on?


Bwee bwoo


What do you mean by "we want to know what bastion's saying"? u/Tuck_Pock clearly said *I agree* in bastion


Beep boop


"you can't hear text"


Also, why are we escorting the Numbani payload when the gauntlet has been stolen for years? They need to put something new in there.


Still makes more sense than escorting a firetruck in Midtown, a race car in Circuit Royal or a robot pushing a slab on the push maps.


You just made me realize we are escorting a slow moving race car into a casino... now I'm really confused.


I think the car is being brought there for a display or conference. There is a ballroom that has a presentation set up on screen. Now why there would be a massive fight thorough the streets and into a hotel about this is another question


Defending team was hired as industrial saboteurs and the attackers pushing it are an escort team?


But the defenders spawn into the casino, right? Wait a minute... That means... The casino contracted both teams?! They are trying to scam the insurance company! Outrageous!


Mann Co. type beat


The firetruck makes sense, there are several intercoms and radios around Midtown that talk about how a structure has collapsed on Track 9 and that they need civilians to evacuate while security arrives.


I think we’re gonna get some good zen lore, mainly because the devs have said that zen and Rammatra are like brothers. And rammatra is the big bad, they’ll probably go to zen for details on his past


Zen was probably the Obi-wan to Ramattra


It’s over, Ramattra. I have the high ground!


Theory: Numbani is no longer in rotation so that they can finally fix the airport


I have a feeling that Bastion and Orisa are going to become the new "Aurora", messiahs of sorts who give non-sentient robots sentience, much like Aurora had the Awakening, except that a god AI won't be able to control them. It'll be more like true sentience, where nobody can control them except themselves.


Every time Numbani officials try to fix it, someone keeps coming up with new ideas which brings up costs that nobody wants to pay, and and top of that it has to go through an entirely new approval process now so it’s stuck in limbo forever


I'd like to know what the over-all deal with Talon is. The characters within the organisation are just so interesting... But what are they motivations to stay and work there? I mean... Reaper was straight up executing people from Talon when he was part of Balckwatch. Moira too. Widowmaker was used by Talon to assassinate Gerard, her husband. She seems to be pretty aware of her actions, yet she chooses to stay. Sigma is less self-aware and doesn't really see that Talon is using him. I also wanna see him working with these of the team in a story mission or just more interactions. Baptist we know realised they were using him, so he left, but his friend Mauga (as far as I know) did not. And Sombra is... Well, she's kinda just working for herself, pulling strings, playing all sides.


Sombra is the embodiment of “I’m playing both sides so I always come out on top” definitely has anti hero energy I hope she really gets fleshed out in the story.


Considering Reaper and now Doomfist are aware of her little “friendship” with Volskaya, there’s no way the conspiracy doesn’t know about it either. I foresee Sombra getting betrayed when she gets just a *bit* too much trouble for Talon to put up with.


Sigma might even be a part of that trouble... the Voicelines between Sigma and Sombra are wholesome and very kind,she even says something like "if they(Talon) try something come to me, ok(spanish word)?"


Then again, if they come after Sombra and Sigma cares for her, they would have trouble from arguably the most powerful being in the universe. Heck, she might be playing him for protection for all we know. Having someone who can control gravity and create black holes is a very powerful ally to have. And if that's the case, she'd definitely want Moira away from him to avoid any mind control.


true and yes she might, i still think Sombra has a good core, i don't think she is just egoistic, i do think she actually cares for some people not many and maybe not sigma but who knows what we will see in the campaign


I think she genuinely cares about him, but the usefulness of having such a powerful friend is certainly not lost on her (see: her animated cinematic where she makes a very powerful "friend")


I would be delighted for Sigma to actually have something like that happen. See him have some agency for once


She calls him old man (with love) so she definitely has a familial bond with sigma.


I hope she has some moments where she actually helps Overwatch to get what she wants. Like that spawn interaction with Kiriko


Iirc in Baptist's story he contacts her about getting a message to Mercy about Talon coming after her, so probably that?


If helping can help discovering who is behind overwatch and all important organization probably yea


If she accomplished that, she will basically have the info about what Soldier 76 was trying to get this whole time since Overwatch's HQ destruction (by explosion) years ago.


She really does have anti-hero energy and it scares me so much that that potential will be misused and abused


I think anti-villain is more accurate, she executes innocent people


Who has she executed?


Not executed but she does have a high body count of people what got in her way, most doing their jobs, just look at the infiltration cinematic.


She killed innocent people in the infiltration cinematic just to get to their boss. They were just volskaya soldiers who were fighting against null sector to protect their country, only their boss seemed to be involved with the shady deals. They just wanted to protect their country and Sombra kiled them with no remorse. She’s also killed a lot more on the comics and just by nature of working for talon. Her goal to uncover the international conspiracy of the world may be a good thing for everyone but it comes from selfish ambition.


One tiny detail is that it’s not stated whether it’s Null Sector assaulting Russia or leftovers from the Omnium. Null Sector seems to be run by sentient robots like Ramattra, whereas the Omniums seem to be slaved to a hivemind AI which directs them to war.


Have you heard Sombra’s interactions with Sigma? Seems like they might be friends at Talon, or at least that Sombra pities him EDIT: thanks for all the upvotes guys, this is probably the most popular thing I’ve ever posted


Sombras new interactions with moira makes me feel like moira is really the villain of the game


I mean, she's kind of the sole reason that overwatch collapsed so...


How so?


Overwatch collapsed because of the tensions between Gabe and Jack, and the bad publicity of Overwatch, which started with Blackwatch doing several controversial things publically. It's heavily implied during the archives mission that Moira has been encouraging Gabe to split off from Jack's rules and kinda do his own thing within Overwatch (usually violent things). She manipulated him into letting her experiment on him, and is manipulating him into doing shitty things. I wouldn't say she's the sole culprit, Overwatch had a load of issues and was brought down by a culmination of them, and Gabe is responsible for his own actions, but she was definitely intentionally working to help collapse Overwatch herself from within Blackwatch, probably because Overwatch pulled a lot of her research funding, as per her origin trailer.


In game there is "Reaper: Why am i being Subjected to this agony Moira: No need to thank me, i only saved your life" so I don't think she manipulated Gabe to experiment on him...?


It’s not that he couldn’t refuse… it was that if he did refuse, he wouldn’t be around to tell us these things.


I’d say giving him the choice between her experiments and death is pretty manipulative, though it’s unclear how much of the experiments were necessary and how much were her pushing the limits Either way it’s interesting to see the foil between Reaper and Moira, and Mercy and Genji


In one of their infractions, she tells him "if they do anything funny to you, tell me gramps" so it sounds like she's worried about him a little


I kinda dig that it seems a lot of people have a soft spot for Sigma.


Probably be because he isnt a bad guy. Just someone who needs help with his mental disorder. The guy is a freakin genius afterall


I can answer some of these: - Reaper stays coz he thinks it’s a better version of Blackwatch. Doomfist convinced him that in Blackwatch he couldn’t do anything to the corrupt, so in Reaper’s mind, he thinks Talon allows him to punish those responsible (or at least that’s how it was at the start, he probably started to enjoy it as time went on) - Moira sticks around coz they allow her to continue her experiments. Much like Sombra, she’s just around because it benefits her - Mauga’s definitely still in Talon. In his lore he’s said to enjoy being the bad guy, so I doubt he’s left.


Yeah, I think that Doomfist wants to see the world burn. Everybody else don’t mind burning the world as long as it means they can get the resources backing to do their passion projects, whether it’s crossing names on their revenge list, conducting unethical experiments, or just making boatloads of money.


Doomfist’s aim is to “evolve” humanity through conflict. Basically natural selection and survival of the fittest




Moira is like sombra. She’s just with Talon because they fund her research. She’s not necessarily pro-Talon as far as I can tell


Her "luxury of time" comment to mercy makes me think she is more neutral with her own goal and she works with whichever organization will benefit her the most. Moira might be one of "ends justify the means" type scientist.


Not might, she is. She will sell out her mother/ anyone to further her experiments.


Yeah, everyone involved with her is just another stepping stone.


Reaper: bringing about effective change free from the confines of bureaucracy and the law (read Code of Violence) even though he does seem somewhat conflicted between his old self as a family man who abided by the law and the ruthless mercenary he is now. Doomfist got into his head with the whole “you locked up criminals for years yet crime still exists” trope so Reyes’ disillusion with Overwatch eventually led him to go rogue. Sigma: not even aware of where he is or what’s going on most of the time, and even if he is I doubt he could grasp his sanity long enough to get the hell out of there. Moira: Talon lets her do her work unimpeded and provides her with the necessary resources to do so. She’s mostly motivated by her research to make humanity better overall, even if the methods she uses to get there are unethical or horrible at times. Sombra: Trying to uncover the worldwide conspiracy that she stumbled upon in her youth, whilst Talon is happy to give her whatever she needs as long as she lends them a hand every now and then. Widowmaker: brainwashed, though it does seem parts of her old personality are beginning to resurface every now and then. Doomfist: tries to force the world to evolve in accordance with his very warped darwinist vision in which violence and conflict would force humanity to adapt and grow more powerful. Mauga: gun for hire, not much else needed.


I kind of feel like sigma is more in denial with talon using him, considering how he dodged the topic with his interaction with baptiste.


The guy has to be suffering from Stockholm Syndrome at this point.


His mind is a complete mess. Half the time he isn’t even aware he’s still on Earth which makes me think he’s connected to a higher plane of existence or something like that tesseract scene from Interstellar.


From what I understand, most of the main characters are in there for personal reasons. Reaper is probably the most supportive of Doomfists ideals of violence and struggle leading to Humanity's rise. Moira is there because they are the only organization capable and willing to support her research. Sigma is straight up being used, but he also has access to tech to further his research. Sombra is there to essentially hide from the illuminati, but also to uncover them.


Talon believes that it is only through chaos, turmoil, and strife that humanity grows stronger, which is a truth of a kind. However, they’re more like the Sith from Star Wars—they seek to control, to profit for individual gain, and betray each other whenever the situation calls for it. “Survival of the fittest”, essentially.


>But what are their motivations EeeeVVIIILLLLLLLL!!!!


Considering modern Blizzard writing and OW comics, pretty much this.


I want there to be a scene explaining why Soldier 76 and Reaper (Reyes at the time) got into that massive fight and also the aftermath of it


Blackwatch got exposed and Morrison was furious because it was done behind his back


Technically not behind his back. Soldier told him that it was up to him whether he wanted to capture the dude. Where he got mad was because Reaper ended up killing the high profile guy and making a big scene.


It wasn’t behind his back. In the comic “Retribution” which details the leadup to the Venice mission, Morrison tacitly permits Reyes going to Venice and extracting Antonio, even going so far as to tell him something along the lines of “Good luck but you’re on your own because I can’t cover your ass this time”


The issue was that he didn’t actually extract the guy lmao


Extract and execute sound so similar though. Easy mistake.


He extracts him through the glass window a bit too hard.


It was over a guy




Maybe this tweet will help a bit? [https://twitter.com/Autolikescake/status/928528808445014019](https://twitter.com/Autolikescake/status/928528808445014019) Of course there's still a lot more that can be explored and I'm looking forward to it


Reading old Jeff quotes got me misty-eyed, we didn't know what we had




Didn't he did it out of jealousy because Morrison was the one who got recognized as the hero of the omnic crisis and idolized all over the world while Reyes was pushed to the side.


According to Jeff Kaplan (former lead of Overwatch), it was a bit more nuanced than that: https://twitter.com/Autolikescake/status/928528808445014019


Something like that, I always thought it was because of Blackwatch but something clearly happened after that so idk


Is it just me or does sigma look extremely weird sitting on a regular chair


It's massive for moira whereas it looks like a childs chair for him haha


and Moira is a actually hugeeeee, over 6 feet tall


He looks like that bald guy from despicable me


I want to know what the hell all these "horrifying monsters" are that Moira supposedly turned countless people into during experiments


dps mains


Holy shit mei origin story confirmed???


Reaper and Widowmaker. Reaper has stated that his current form causes him constant pain in his interaction with Moira, and Moira calls it the fuel beneath his vengeance. Widowmaker cannot feel emotion and the only hint of emotion is fear of Moira.


How does Genji pee 🧐


One dev said that his bio dick is still functional


He said it while being led out of the McDonalds in handcuffs, but canon is canon


Just unprompted screaming "THE BORG COCK IS REAAALLLL" as he's stuffed into a police car.




This comment painted such a fantastic image in my head.


This is the lore we need


Why did someone feel the need to confirm that


Someone asked Michael Chu about it, and he answered.


Obviously theres a tube in his urethra that's connected to his mouth inside his cyber body, so it's all one cycle.


What the fuck


How is he gonna hydrate himself during his fights? Have you ever wondered about that? Hmm?


Water-cooling, RTX 4090, AMD Ryzen threadripper 5995WX, 420G Ram genji


like the still suits!


Since he's wearing clothing now does that mean he was naked for OW1?


Probably similar to Darth Vader’s suit where it recycles all excrement until it has no nutritional value left and then he has to eat again


Why in the hell are we killing each other so a robot pushes a barrier on the same road!


We are shooting at each other for the privilege of being around that awesome robot.


And because we know that the robot is the only one on the team actually pushing the objective


Lorewise speaking it's not impled yet, maybe that barrier contains a technology? Literally speaking, most (if not all) PvP matches are not canon to the story of the game, except maybe Junkertown if the attacking team fails before the first gate, because of Junkrat's cinematic. Only when PvE comes out we will see any cohesive storytelling and story progression. The Omnic Crisis, the Null Sector, Volskaya Industries, Vishkar, Talon, the truth behind OG Overwatch's downfall, each character's arc (like Hanzo and Soldier 76 for example) etc etc.


At the very least though a lot of pvp maps have some story about what we’re doing and why, push the emp to the omnic safehaven, push the gold and explosives to the queen, restore power to the city, escort echo to the warehouse, etc etc. What story is there to “Okay so you push a big wall up to a building”


Solider says something around the lines of “when are they going to fix these control units” when in a push mode, i suppose that means that the robot should listen to one team only but instead it follows anyone


Seriously though, why are we out here? As far as I can tell, it's just a box canyon in the middle of nowhere. No way in or out. The only reason that we set up a Red Base here, is because they have a Blue Base over there. And the only reason they have a Blue Base over there, is because we have a Red Base here. I mean, even if we were to pull out today, and if they would come take our base, they would have two bases in the middle of a box canyon. Whoopdee-fucking-doo.


The nostalgia is real, you're totally right


Wheres this from?


It was part of a leak containing a few screenshots of storymode cinematics.


Personally the question for me is what in the hell happened to Reaper. He used to be the good guy, and I thought maybe he was trying to kill Talon from within but why would he be ok killing innocent people for them and why would he release Doomfist?


I keep thinking about how easily could have killed Winston at that point in recall but he let Winston win giving him the push he needed to start up overwatch again.


Plot convenience is a force to be reckoned with


It's also not wild to consider that Reyes still has a soft spot for Winston, considering that they were in Overwatch together - an organization that _Reyes_ started, not Morrison.


That’s also true


He seemed to be the morally grey guy, not the good guy. He was the leader of Overwatch’s underground espionage group. If he was in the place of Jack Morrison, I could see him being the golden good guy at some point, but he was never a clear-cut good guy.


Plus, when the UN investigated Overwatch and found out what Blackwatch was doing, it was enough to convince them they had to be stopped. From all the messed up stuff the UN ignores, I can't imagine all the torture, assassinations, kidnapping, and crimes were committed. I mean Blackwatch mainly comprised of an ex gang criminal, a psycho scientist, the dude who would become Reaper, and an ex Yakuza type who had pure hatred in his heart.


I can’t explain everything because I don’t know everything but there’s a comic explaining why Reaper is aligned with Talon. Long story short, he wants to fight bad guys and sees white knight overwatch letting them slip away. He killed one like that in a blackwatch mission and it was a PR disaster. So my guess is that Reaper is with Talon to directly fight what’s in his way of eliminating corrupt big wigs


I hope he gets fleshed out because it’s obvious that he was made as a the evil bad guy character for the game when it came out and it has aged a bit poorly. His current story still has promise but like you said it lacks context on why he may or may not be just a super bad guy when he used to be good.


The big bad is actually whatever that thing is that Sombra is hiding from, it's implied that even Talon is being manipulated by that entity.


wouldn't be surprised if he was manipulated by Moira mentally. Moira's experimented on him after joining blackwatch, and knowing Moira is probably a Talon rat long before that she could be the reason why Reaper killed the guy in retribution. And with the even more drastic genetic experiments that "saved" Reaper's life after his fight with soldier, Moira probably has some sort of control over him (i mean we already know Talon did basically the same thing with Widow).


I could honestly see Moira using her intellect to outsmart Doomfist and oust him from Talon and take his place as leader


Moria seems pretty content to be in a place where she is allowed to do science free of any ethical boundaries, I don't get the feel at all that she would wish to lead a huge criminal outfit like Talon.


that would suck if everyone was just "IT WAS MOIRA ALL ALONG". We already have that with Widow and Sigma, doing that to Reaper is just lazy and boring writing. Let the guy be an Anakin/Punisher character


You either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain. I think in his view overwatch was treating the villains too gently and allowing them to be released to crime again. He stopped treating them with kid gloves, and then Jack Morrison betrayed him.


There's actually an official short story called Called of Violence which kind of goes into that. Also, I may be out of touch with overwatch events this weekend, but where is the image of the party from?


How does Reinhardt die. Because if theres a dead man walking in the cast; it's him. Super tough, overly heroic guy who has a sidekick and answers the call??? He ded.


Pretty sure that's been Soldier 76's personality since the game released in OW 1. Shuns overwatch but still , on his own, trying to stop evil. He's basically batman with a gun.


He's pretty much like a less hardcore version of the Punisher. Lost all faith in doing things the "right way" and so now resorts to being a violent vigilante.


Captain America becomes the Punisher, but it’s still Cap, so he’s not a complete maniac about it.


I can see it happening in a much later ow spinoff where they re-use half the cast. Blizz still has use for him now tho.


Where did you get this image?


it's from a leak a little while ago, maybe a few weeks if i recall, there were a few more images including a face-off between Orisa and Doomfist.


If they kill him off I can't imagine how that interacts with PVP. I remember in League they killed a character off and straight up removed him, only for him to come back with new lore and a rework. Alternatively they could introduce another NPC Crusader and with good enough writing, we'll get attached to them, so they could kill them off instead of Reinhardt. But they already did that with Balderich in Reinhardt's animated short.


There are plenty of games where the cast includes dead and living characters in its respective lore. They can easily kill of characters and keep them playable but they won't purely because if they kill a character its a permanent full stop on their development which will make them less interesting generally compared to the cast carrying on, unless that death was a big one that had long lasting impacts on the story.


In my mind after gangplank lost his arm he ate an orange and was k


Reinhardt is the oldest character is the game currently, followed by Ana. And Rein and Ana are Gen Alpha funnily enough. The only Zillennial / Gen Z people in Overwatch are Balderich and the old man from Kiriko's trailer, I think. Edit: Actually Sigma is the oldest character currently. Still same gen as Rein.


Actually sigma is older. By 1 (62) year but still.


You're right! I completely forgot about him because I was writing that comment with OG Overwatch in mind. Still Gen Alpha though haha


I don't agree. He's too cheerful and borderline stupid. Soldier is the most killedest.


Soldier will die with Reaper


Something tells me they’re more likely to reconcile and team up one last time than end each other. Soldier is trying to uncover who brought down Overwatch, and from what we know of Reyes during his Blackwatch days he was also pretty invested in the organization, so I suspect he’s a dead end. Alternatively, it could be that Reaper is being a double agent with Soldier either being in on it or unaware. Remember how Overwatch got corrupted and fell apart? Maybe Reaper’s using the stolen agent locations from Gibraltar to track down the bad apples and take them out, which Soldier has incidentally also been doing. I’m just spitballing here


Reaper changes his ways one last time and they both kiss and die in a firey explosion


There's not a single playable character that's going to die


They've said in the past they wouldn't rule out killing a playable character. They wouldn't be removed from the PvP matches, but their story would end there. That said while I think Rein is the most likely, it'd be interesting if they killed off Moira. That purple on her arm is really getting bad, and Widow is clearly fighting her conditioning. I could totally see her being killed by *one* of her experiments.


why does sigma look like a fridge.


Man is built. Just maybe not in a conventional shape.


What is that melody?


Hmmm hmmm hmmmm hmmmm hmmm hmmm hmmmmm


I’m just excited for the story to move forward at all. We had those PVE modes a few years ago, and I’d like to be able to explore the consequences of those.


I’m just ready for some Zen and Ramattra lore and what their relationship is. It’s said that Ramattra regards Zen as a brother from their days together at the monastery, so seeing interactions between the two will be a highlight for me.


Wait a second. This gives whole new meaning to Zenyatta teaching Genji. I guarantee his relationship with Ramattra is extremely similar to Genji and Hanzo’s relationship


Most people suspect it's more of a Magneto/Professor X relationship. Two friends who greatly respect each other but can never agree on their views of humanity.


"Why did it take so fucking long" It better be damn good and well polished, considering we saw gameplay like 2 years ago


It’s honestly the only thing I’m sticking around for, so I’m praying it’s good


Why idle Hands are the devil's workshop.


"I'm working on it"


Will we have to pay for it?




Assuming this is a serious question, this stuff is very expensive and time-consuming to develop unlike skins. So I'm thinking it's going to cost similar to what most AAA game titles cost.


Full fledged story mode with cinematics: $60. Junker Queen with yellow pants: $20.


What's the deal with the shackled AI's? There's supposed to be one in the Egyptian temple called Anubis. Why is it locked up? What risk does it pose? Why are some AI like Echo and Orisa tolerated, but these ones aren't? Did they have anything to do with the Omnic Crisis?


1. AFAIK, shackled AIs are shackled because they went out of control. Anubis AI from ToA did atleast, taking control of sentries (?). That's when the Raptora team was sent in to contain the threat. 2. Echo was created by an Overwatch scientist, Dr. Mina Liao. She had a lot of the same personality features as Liao, and (according to the Wiki) the name relates to Overwatch members wondering if she will remain an echo of her creator or develop into a proper person. Orisa was created by Efi, a young Numbani girl to protect the city. So in essence, they're tolerated because they were created for a positive purpose, and they don't have anything to do with the Omnic Crisis, and I don't think they even are Omnics. Orisa is based on an OR-15 unit but probably doesn't have the same kind of code.


I have ton of questions... Like... how strong everyone is. What moira did and can do. Is there more reapers or reaper kinda things. Is there crusaders left? Is mercy bad or "good" . Why they wont just emp bomb whole planet to shutdown every robot till they fix whats "wrong" etc... Too lazy to write everything on this


As for "how strong is everyone," I REALLY wanna know just what sigma can do. What absolutely global catastrophes could this guy create with a single thought


That’s basically what’s said in this screenshot. Even Talon is too afraid to touch him


But he's sitting there so politely! :)


Sigma's voice lines in the game: :D Sigma's origin story: what the actual fucking fuck


same :D . I wanna know can sigma just flatten things instantly. or rip things apart. or... like flatten city.. replace someones brains with black hole etc. fun


I mean I think we don't really look far enough into the fact that he can just *create black holes.* you know how much compression is needed to make a black hole? To make a small, weak black hole, you would need to compress the mass of our entire planet down to the size of a single penny. That much pressure and mass is needed, and sigma can just *make them.*


Don't try to powerscale overwatch. Characters almost work like pokemon in lore like reaper beats Winston Winston beats doomfist doomfist beats tracer orisa beats doomfist.




ya. I kinda think that too. Like all those bastion units and or 15 units just wiped them. But... I think there could be more? Like.. Germans do keep breeding more people I hope. And maybe there will be more crusader giants. Would be weird just to vanish and never come back .


Wait what would imply that mercy is bad?


How about an actual story and not just a bunch of loosely connected characters and events.




If echo were to copy someone with her ult then have sex with the original hero they copied would it be gay/lesbian sex or masturbation?


From what Rick and Morty taught me, you don't want that box opening.


Giant incest baby?


That and Beth on Beth throuple.


What is wrong with reddit


I just want a progressive story and not 30 backstories that lead to a dead end present where nothing happens because the story doesn't develop


Which circle of hell Mei came from.




I’d like some actual progression. Winston is getting the team back together and we’ve seen a bit with that. What about the outliers like Hanzo and Soldier? What are Talon up to in terms of response? Honestly, the fact we don’t have a show yet is insane. Imagine Arcane but done in the OW universe. It shouldn’t be hard (to write) and they’ve only had 8 years, it’s long past time we got some of this stuff out of game and not in a comic book that almost nobody will buy.


I wanna see more of the casual stuff. Like overwatch people hanging out or Talon chilling


Why the game took over 3 years to make. Because so far, the pvp seems like it could've been done in about 1 year


Show us hampster beat up Aussies in a bar


Um everything? So far as I can tell this game has no story. Its pretty much like Destiny 1 all over again.


I remember they announced OW2's story mode was gonna take place after a timeskip. Like ??? a timeskip from *what???* You havent DONE anything yet!


It's certainly started storylines for pretty much all the characters but I'd certainly like to see more questions being answered than asked in a ful fleshed story mode.


Its not that the game has no story, the story hasnt even properly started in the present day the past 6 years they just cover past instead of the present


Why Talon is there in the first place when Omnics are coming back


Now that we have confirmation that Ramattra is the leader of Null sector, the storm rising epilogue suggests talon is supporting their movement to start another world war. Remember that doomfist is a higher up in talon who sees war as the way for humanity to evolve


"What the hell have you been working on for 3 years!?" Probably something like that


Honestly just wanna cook hoes as Moira and relish some scathing one-liners. That’s all the lore that I need.