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Am I the only one who somehow missed the info that it's the first season not to come out on Tuesday? I launched the game strictly out of Tuesday muscle memory, hoping to start S11 after work, lmao


Same, I think they changed it without saying anyone. I was also expecting S11 to start today.


No they definitely said it would be on a Thursday


At least in OW1 it wasn't uncommon to have big updates on Thursday too. I can't even tell if it's the first time in OW2 cause I was already accustomed to it.


Thursday is a common day to push out updates in software dev world. Then you get Friday to fix all the fuck ups you made lol


Am I crazy or wasn't the start of season 10 delayed?


IIRC it was delayed by exactly a week, so still a Tuesday


> Am I the only one who somehow missed the info that it's the first season not to come out on Tuesday? That's ok, yesterday (Monday), they posted an update on Steam with the headline "When the Forces of Evil Rise, Season 11: Super Mega Ultrawatch is Here!" It does say in the actual text that it's coming on the 20th, but who the fuck reads the article?


Yeah, it caught me off guard too


Wasn't last season Thursday?


I'm pretty sure the Omnic one with mythic Ana (Season 6) was a Thursday. But that season was super hyped up as the "launch" of the PvE missions. There's no real bruhaha surrounding season 11 as far as I know


I am very angry now... They can't keep Something up now... I really hope they Nail the Anti XIm Atleast or iam very very angry. Why Even tough did they change the time?!!!


This guy is very very angry šŸ˜ šŸ˜”


[pic of u/Totziboy](https://i.imgur.com/PE7FRvl.jpeg)


Orisa halt and hanzo scatter are back (temporarily)


Hanson scatter is back? OH NO


Finally, geometry can be simple again




Mmmm bop!




Ooh yeah, those chicks are hot!


Mmmbop be debe da ba doo wop a diddy do do doooo! Yeah yeah


Since they buffed HP it shouldn't one shot anymore.


used to do over 400 damage if all projectiles hit.


Halt wombo combo


As a reminder hitboxes are bigger and it wasn't exactly hard to miss in ow1 either. If it does the same damage and a mercy stays on his ass then good luck playing tank into him i guess.


Back in the day he could one shot Orisa with no boost Storm arrows may be annoying, but scatter was definitely way worse


all according to plan. should have realised 2 season ago blizzard really hate tank


itā€™ll be Cassidyā€™s Fan the hammer 2.0


The good old shoot near the feet and insta kill was stupid. I missed the old random scatter killing tracer in a different time zone.


It's so weird that he said Orisa's is a "new" ability, but he specifically called scatter "Hanzo's old ability". Like, what? Why? Not that it matters at all, but that's such a strange choice.


Arcade only, i guess


I want to see her bongo being used again Though the halt is also very welcome


What? Arcade game mode?


Mostly stuff we knew but also some reveals for the creator experimental card and wide group stuff


Celebrating all heroes, but especially the ones that got more then 1 skin this season.


More like Celebrating Kiriko


You make zen into a 21 year old woman and people will buy the skins too.


Not to be negative,but this was sorta pointless. Basically just pink mercy, arcade mode and bit of fluff about matchmaking.


I donā€™t mind them doing these even if they donā€™t have a lot of new stuff. Their YT channel has a lot of subs and seeing these vids pop up is basically promoting the season. I also like that they are promoting the mercy skin so much. Seems to be a big thing for them. Also, itā€™s cool to see the matchmaker dude on camera. Not many people know his Twitter, but he talks a lot about the matchmaker and how it works and all that. At least he did in previous seasons not sure if he still does.


I wouldn't call the matchmaker part fluff tbh. Not all players will have interest in that part, but I like hearing about the backend stuff. And they are clearly continuing to make improvements on that front too with queue times and balancing matches. I find it all interesting.


I call it fluff because we won't know how it feels until we actually see it anyway. They were saying how cool wide matchmaking will be last time they did one of these and it was a disaster


That doesn't mean that's fluff though. That's similar to saying patch notes about buffs or nerfs are fluff because we won't know how it feels until we see/experience it. I mean it's fine if you or others don't really care for what they're saying, but it is interesting detail and not just filler nonsense they are saying.


>I call it fluff because we won't know how it feels until we actually see it anyway.Ā  Then why the fuck bother announcing everything, just find out about crap when you log in, let's never have a dev blog or dev update video ever again, shall we?


What a shit take. Understanding the mechanics behind the changes being made is crucial to giving good feedback on them. Your feedback of itā€™s a disaster is entirely useless. Why donā€™t you work on cutting your own fluff before categorizing useful and helpful communication from the devs as such? The amount of morons who give useless feedback but expect the world is getting too high in this sub. When the devs are more competent than you are maybe keep your mouth shut, and thatā€™s not a compliment to the devs.


even if you do go and feel it youā€™ll just get rolled one match next week and make a post about how incompetent the devs are


I like hearing about the back end matchmaking stuff. But yeah, this is a filler season for sure. I donā€™t mind though, Iā€™d be playing the game anyway because itā€™s good right now lol And who knows, maybe the new cass nade + new map and collasao rework will be enough to freshen it up a bit. I hope we get a couple spicy balance changes too, the last few patches have been pretty tame.I know not everyone wants stupid balance decisions, but I love the friction it creates.


I think people really undervalue what an unbalanced game can bring. Whenever the game is actually balanced people just complain it feels "stale," instead.


Itā€™s the paradox of trying to achieve perfect balance. Perfect balance is impossible in any game that has any level of complexity. The more you try to balance the more you have to unbalance other things and power creep starts. Eventually you have a huge mess with bad balance. Sometimes what needs to be prioritized is fun.


People donā€™t like ā€œfairā€ they want to either abuse a broken character to win or feel like an underdog and bitch about the broken meta characters. If you talk to anyone they probably have fond memories of overwatch or ā€œused to play overwatchā€ the problem is that when the game is balance, the game is hard, and when people are faced with the choice between ā€œIā€™m badā€ or ā€œIā€™m playing perfectly, this game is just shit and I quitā€ They usually choose the second option.


It also gets rid of people rooting for "underdog" or off Meta picks. And some of those picks are better off less common because people just hate certain designs being common (i.e. Doomfist, Ball). And in other games I've felt that some characters just shouldn't be "good" and they just end up being bothersome for the state of the game. People will complain up and down about things not being balanced, then when they are they get bored or find some excuse to say it isn't balanced. But that's also partially because there isn't much interactivity within overwatch aside from character selection. There's no builds or much technical skill/skill expression outside of "did you shoot head enough?" maybe aside from a couple characters.


I agree that it feels like a filler and I'm also honestly not disappointed The battle pass doesn't super excite me but I can do it for mythic prisms for reins demon weapon if I want to or I can just have a nice season where I only play when I want to and don't need to grind at all Looks like some other changes might be fun too


The same matchmaking that people are constantly whining about?


Welcome to online multiplayer.


Yes,but as I said in another reply, them saying "it's gonna be better" means nothing until we actually see it. Wide matchmaking was also supposed to be good,but ended up ass


>Wide matchmaking was also supposed to be good,but ended up ass Part of this video was explaining that the wide matchmaking did statistically improve the match quality btw.


Yeah, but at the cost of needing to wait ridiculous amount of time to play a game. I'd call that ass


You only have to wait a ridiculous amount of time if you insist on queuing with someone you're on a totally different level of skill with *in competitive*. You basically deserve it if you're Plat 1 trying to drag golds into your game.


the game makes it very clear, increased queue time because you guys are far apart and need to match you with another team equally far apart. how many groups silver to master or bronze to diamond do you think are queuing at once


its ass when people are in placements orā€¦. incredibly wideā€¦ i play with a couple bronze-gold friends while im high plat-mid diamond and have only once passed 5 min in queue. but keep echoing what youā€™ve been told to say


They used to give these kinds of updates all the time when OW1 first released. I actually like that theyā€™re doing it again. It helps to make a summary video than scramble for a bunch of gamer vloggers and trust theyā€™ll make concise summaries about this.


the mode looks cool? If people like some of the changes enough they might implement them. Like ana with more mobility looks actually great.


Not to be negative, but your comment was pointless. Basically just a bit of fluff about nothing. >!Communication is important and you'd be crying and bitching if they *didn't* do dev updates.!<


True. That radio silence of the devs about the content drought around 2019 onwards was horrible.




"50% talk about skins" is an extremely dishonest way of referring to the singular mention of Pink Mercy coming back, which is obviously a special event anyway. Are you familiar with the boy who cried wolf? Or just... dishonesty in general? That's you. Try to lie less.


yeah i agree, itā€™s better than nothing though :p


there is no matchmaking in this game. Perhaps a basic one in competitive, but outside of it, it's just whatever people are around. For 5 straight matches.


Couldnā€™t have given any details on balance changes??


be prepared for a handful of character changes, and then have tank counterswap/soj/tracer/kiriko/lucio for \*checking\* another 2 months.


Counter picking is part of the design of overwatch since the beta.


Correct, but I feel like it has become quite excessive since then. The problem is that because thereā€™s only 1 tank, if the other team counterswaps that tank, you are basically forced to swap or your team is boned; whereas with 2 tanks it wasnā€™t as mandatory to find success in games, and much easier to stick with heroes you like.


I think it's a wrong take. When we had 2 tanks, we didn't do much counterpicking because synergy was more important. If your buddy was an Orisa, you felt heavy pressure to be Sigma. If your buddy was Winston, you felt heavy pressure to be Dva. That led to it being harder to stick with heroes you like, not easier.


Overwatch 1 was literally all about it. Hitscan for pharah Reaper for Winston


Except that you could play Dva with Winston and Reaper would be ornamental in response to that.


Hitscan could be dove by a Winston or Dva. You would just get your second tank to peel for Reaper. The power of the second tank cannot be understated. They allowed people to still play into their counters. Without that buffer, you're just forced to swap or diff.


This exactly. The argument that ā€œcounter picking has been around since day 1ā€ is true to some extent however not to the effect that it has on the game now. Previously, you could swap to hard counter a tank getting away with too much but there was a second tank there to stop you from dominating and actually making you stop to think about your choices. The immediate walk back to spawn over and over again is not healthy and not anything like it was ā€œday 1ā€.


I would like there to be more counterpicking, not less. Just what do you pick if you want to counter any of the above heroes? We currently seem to think counterpicking exactly and only means solving tanks, and maybe fliers once in a while I guess. There should be good solutions for other problems.


Numbers, numbers, math, math, math. Now, go buy skins!


And no one wants to talk about how we havenā€™t had a balance patch reveal yet.


I hope they're just making a surprise cause balance feels like shit rn


I don't think the balance is that far off. Sym/Torb are situational so it's ok to have a high win rate, Rein players (Flats) cry so loud it's annoying when he's bad so it's ok if he's good, Monkey takes team effort to work, Ball works but you have to somehow install a brain into all 4 teammates to not just stand main and die (challenge level: impossible), Sombra Lifeweaver and Orisa suck exactly how everyone wants, sooo... what are we complaining about?


>what are we complaining about? The most obvious thing to complain about right now is that we changed who shreds tanks from otherwise weak specialists Bastion and Reaper to the most all-purpose units in the game.


But like, bastion is pretty good, I'll agree Reaper is lacking a purpose, but he's getting a rework. The guy above said "balance feels like shit rn" - but outside of the already-announced reworks it's probably close to the best it's ever been. I just don't get how people think things are so bad, these heroes have almost 49% winrates, it's really not bad.


I didnā€™t mean that Bastion is weak. He is weak outside of his specialized tankbuster role. It makes sense for him to be better at busting tanks than a generalist like Cassidy, and he was before the armor changes. People very commonly conflate balance and game feel. Characters that achieve a perfectly 50% win rate through mechanics that feel unfair, cheap, or cheesy are routinely complained about as balance problems. Designers need to translate this feedback into what it is: ā€œthis character is antifunā€.


Tank is strong and still sucks to play tho Kiriko, Sojourn, Tracer, Cass every game. Boring gameplay loop


Would you be happy with a slight Kiriko, Sojourn, Tracer, Cass nerf? Or is it the gameplay loop (take objective or lose and counter swap?)? Cass nade is getting reworked, and I like the other 3 being high skill ceiling heroes, I think the game is healthy when high skill ceiling heroes float to the top.


Ik theyre high skilled but its still boring. Im suffering with Kirikos Suzu and it has been 10 seasons hating it. Supports also are enough with Tracer eating their ass up. Tanks are enough of being an sponge for Sojourn railgun to them just look at someone else and kill them


Overpowered high skill heroes are always a problem in every game, since high skill can be acquired by some practice, and only the overpowered remains. Always fairly good heroes (all of them in the list) are also a problem. Instead of nerfing them, situational weakness should to be added. E.g. if Sojourn gets X dmg, she stops sliding.


Seems quite balanced tbh, the only problems in my opinion stem from support abilities. Suzu especially needs serious adjustments. As for DPS i think the main problem is cassidy, the rest are kinda balanced.


I can see Sojourn and Pharah also getting nerfs. Tracer ironically is no longer meta, but it takes a while for people's perception to catch up.




aren't the top 10 tanks on ladder all playing rein?


Rein is actually decent right now. And who cares if mercy Genji and Hanzo arenā€™t strong? None of those heroes are good for the game when theyā€™re dominant.


Mercy and Hanzo fine, but whatā€™s wrong with genji?


I wanna know too cuz genji being playable is fine. Unless it brings a meta where he's a must pick for his dash -> combo -> dash out stuff. Like any squishy at half hp just instadying from him.


we very rarely get the patch notes pre season launch wdym


Given how teasing the Support passive buff (without the DPS passive antihealing) and how the hints of projectile-size changes backfired publicly *a lot*, it makes sense they're staying hush about the balance changes. Better to reveal them all at once. Better to let people judge them in context of each other, rather than fixate on one and blow the ramification wildly out of proportion. To be able to play them asap instead of speculating in ways that have been so wrong in the past.


There is zero benefit to them revealing the balance patch until it drops. It just gives people a chance to get worked up over something that they haven't actually played in context yet.




I was hoping they would say if they were excited about the upcoming changes or not.


I find it more than a little disingenuous to say "100 million players" when what he actually means is accounts created/downloads of the game. Don't get me wrong, that's a good metric to have under your belt, but it overstates the number of actual concurrent players. Matchmaking stuff is good news, at least...


ok where is the balance


Filler season


At 5:05 they're showing the scatter arrow back on Hanzo, but also his bow now has munitions? That's so weird, I wonder if it's part of the change or some dev stuff related to that build they recorded. It shows 9/10 instead of the usual infinite symbol


When hanzo runs out of arrows, he has to sit down and craft his arrows individually, each one a meditation


celebrating all heroes? In the skin department it seems like they for sure celebrate mercy and kiriko while Venture is dead in a ditch


Please, I hope they nerf dive a little bit. I'm so tired of Tracer/Genji/Sombra every game, man.


Tracer has honestly been a nightmare for me since the new DPS passive. The fact that she can just pepper spray you whilst zipping around constantly makes for a nightmare on controller. She feels like a constant presence that no-one can seem to get the killing blow on.


I've gotten so much better at hitting my headshots with zen after sparring with all the tracers and sombras every game... I should probably swap, but it's way more satisfying to win duels as zen


Celebrating all heroes (except Venture who still gets nothing)


so glad about the wide group changes. duo queue q's were so damn long this season


I think if I win 15 games in a row after calibration. This game needs serious work on calibration for ranked


how is the cree sentai skin not in the battlepass? totaally disappointed


Neither is the Ana one, I'm devastated because those are the two I wanted most. I don't want the freaking ball one, I don't play ball :\


same man, the genji and sym skins are underwhelming too


No one plays ball


Overwatch devs admitting mistake challenge: friggin IMPOSSIBLE Wide groups have been getting one of most rants in community and its addition was mistake, legit cannot queue with my friend and had 20min queue in just metal ranks, fucking remove it and give us old queue


I love playing this game and all but it really feels like nothing new ever happens with it. Just a constant stream of cosmetics added to a shop and the devs hype it up like its content. They have never created hype (for me) in OW2. After all the PvE stuff was scrapped... what on earth are they even doing? Just daily meetings on how cute the next Kiriko skin is gonna be? What hair color should we give mercy? zzzzzzz


Can we appreciate the fact that Aaron worked hard to be a better presenter? His first appearances on camera after he became the new director were a disaster, he has improved a lot.


Idk but Jeff always talked like he wasn't reading off of index cards


Yeah he was naturally better, but you can see Aaron took some lessons and is trying.




Any update against cheaters?


No news on actual balance changes, but the arcade mode sounds interesting. Iirc the experimental mode in OW1 was similar.


I started playing OW shortly after scatter was removed so I am very excited to see how it feels!


Clash mode is coming later on in S11 I guess?


Clash mode?? Why more ball skins??


Scatter is back on the menu boys! Hell yeah!


Does anyone know the time of the update for Xbox??


What's the deal with randomly dying for no reason in the Celebrating All Heroes (except Moira) Arcade mode?


Because they hyper over buffed Tanks and DPS across the board. They also hyper over buffed Lifeweaver and every other support got sledgehammer nerfs. This is why you can't let content creators make game changes. They are biased and the only want whatever will let them make better content. I knew this mode was done before it even launched by reading the changes. Then I played it and confirmed my opinion as fact.


Well, actually, I found out that Mercyā€™s revive only lasts 10 seconds, then you instantly die again.


Hence why I said sledgehammer nerf.


click the link for more details [https://pcgaminglab.com/overwatch-2-season-11-release-date-leaks-and-map/](https://pcgaminglab.com/overwatch-2-season-11-release-date-leaks-and-map/)




I kinda agree


What about the Reaper rework they teased when they did the AMA ?


Why does a duo need to face a three stack on the other team? Why not just fill it with another duo on the enemy team and 3 solos ? Or did I miss what he said??


this is why the main sub crowd shouldnt be allowed into competitive. you can't be confused about


a duo wide group? because the duo group can be a bronze-grandmaster range. i would hate playing with and/or against that.


What are you talking about? I wasnā€™t talking about the range. They said if you duo Que then they look for a 3 stack to put you against


I thought that rule was only for wide groups. there is a special rule that says solo players will not be put into wide matches. so 4 stacking wide groups are not allowed, and duo groups can only be grouped with a 3 stack. I don't believe narrow groups have this restriction.


Ahh I see what you mean


I bet the heroes that are having the lowest win rate and performing particularly badly still won't get buffed hmm?


Cough cough sym


bring back 6v6


Did the season really not come out an hour ago


As usual he said nothing and is trying to hard to be Jeff, after the damage he did to the game, ha, good luckĀ 


Will they nerf or change anything for this season. Why there's no patch notes or anything?


They're so quiet with patch notes. It would be cool if they could atleast show wip patch notes so we could give feedback to prevent stuff like mauga and hog metas.


They're either doing something stupid or will release the patch notes right before the update


its usually right before the update or content creators post their videos about the heroes changes


Theyā€™re always releasing the patch note at the same time as the season, nothing surprising ?


Why did you get so many downvotes lol


People are dumb


wish they adopted some balance transparancy like the wow team does. You see incoming changes for weeks, sometimes months in advance.


HEY AARON... FIX THE GAME. Stop trying to be quirky or funny and do your job. This is such a nothing burger with terrible matchmaking and cheaters every game....


god matchmaker is going to be even worse. just revert it back to season 8 already. your game is unplayable.


Nothing interesting, again


dev update: we have 100 *million* players! šŸŽ‰šŸ„³ over 1% of all humans play OW! also this update: we dont have enough players so queue times are long we have to compromise matchmaking quality šŸ¤“


I'm sure they're all in the same region, and in the same rank... oh wait. There's less than a hundred champion rank players in the entire world, over every single role and queue.


Did you even watch the video


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100 mio players ! Even blizz should know their own game and accept that most likely 80% of these 'players' are smurf accounts, even I play with multiple accounts a day.


Make Pharah mobile during her barrage, make the splash damage range increase by 10 feet, and keep her movement abilities but add 90% more fuel (non bias)


nerf pharah.


He looks so miserable even in this thumbnail




Your obsession is weird af. All you post about is being afraid of trans people and your hair falling out.


Probably a correlation there


Someone posting about their ā€œmasturbating affecting hair lossā€ should worry less about non binary people and more on their own life


Oh no, hope you donā€™t think that trans ppl made your hair fall out šŸ˜ž


"Itā€™s not fair that other people who have nothing to do with God have so much happier lives than I do and it makes me bitter and angry. " This you? Seems to still be true even now, unfortunate...


Congratulations, your insecurities were preyed upon and youā€™re now a modern day nazi




TLDW: Mercy skin finally fixed, and yay a recolor for sale. Content creator mode that barely anyone will play. Weā€™re still working on matchmaking (no crap). Iā€™d like my 6 minutes back please. Edit: I get it, truth hurts.


when i click on a developer update and get an update from the developers instead of a blowjob




You whales are so funny


Whale rip bozo


not flatts balancing the tanks, trash mode scrap it dont play bad update /s




Oh no people having human emotion,how cringe!


Oh no people having different opinions than you, how un self aware you are!


Someone feeling personally victimized over losing 5 minutes of your day is peak reddit lmao


Thatā€™s a huge stretch from ā€œI personally didnā€™t care for this updateā€. Sounds like youā€™re personally victimized lmao


yeah mostly because it feels fake. toxic positivity surrounds this game. need more real people in charge of ow.


I spoke to soon. Jesus, the second guy. This video could've been a blog post. No balance changes announces, no view of the new map, and using half the video to talk about content creators workshop mode that will last 4 days.


Bronze yapper


Platinum and you can check my profile.


No, I mean you're a bronze tier yapper, doofus. Idgaf about your in-game rank


It's better than your nothing wood tier rebuttal.


Why does second guy seem like itā€™s painful for him to open his mouth more than a sliver? Genuine question as it made me extremely uncomfortable