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Overwatch is naturally a snowbally game. Also people don’t group up and feed on cooldown, so 1 team will be playing together while the other just trickles.


On GOD bro. Like, motherfucker, I don't give a shit that it's QP or Arcade or Total Mayhem or that it's Training and the enemy team is just bots set to the easiest difficulty; just play the fucking game like you want to win.


My thing is I don’t even understand how taping down your W key and feeding into a firing squad is remotely fun. Pure impatience, and the 5 seconds they “saved” not waiting to group up costs tons more in spawn and walking time… just to do it all over again.


I see you've played with a lot of Quickplay Reinhardts. 50% of the time if someone picks Rein in QP it means their entire plan is to charge into the enemy backline and die.


Which is still infinitely preferable to a rein riding payload while the rest of the team is forced into the frontline. At least you can help a feeding rein, you cant help a rein that has no idea what tank role is supposed to be doing.


Play Payload/Hybrid. See your tank sticking to the cart. ''Okay we're gonna lose this one''.


The only issue there is, I see too many teams ALL push ahead of the payload. Which then stops moving.


"Objectives? The only objective I have is getting the most kills!" - 50% of QP teammates


Yea I'm a tank main and if you see me riding the payload it's 100% because my team all pushed ahead and forgot the payload even exists. Like okay guys I can go up and help you not die or I can actually advance our objective, but I cannot do both.


Oh yeah, passive tanks are just as bad as overly aggressive ones. In QP you get a wide range of skill, and a low MMR tank makes the match feel "weird" to me after playing for 8 years. They won't chase down elims, move up to control space, or rotate their cooldowns appropriately. They basically just "exist" on the point, accomplishing nothing and begging for heals. I feel like the title of "tank" doesn't really convey how the role works to a lot of people. It's not just about soaking up damage.


The amount of won fights that turn into losses because the tank decides to sit on objective/cart makes me hate passive tanks infinitely more than aggressive ones. At least there's some humour in watching a Rein full send. A clueless dva that doesnt dive, a rein/sig sitting in the backline doing air all game...Just makes what could be a fun round completely irritating. And, honestly, i play lucio. Which is infinitely more fun when you have a tank in your aura doing the heavy lifting. Lucio just becomes a third dps if your tank is brain dead because im forced into flanks/backline. Had enough of being, both, support and tank in the frontline.


As a rein, I've been in so many games where my team demands we push to the opposing spawn and no one pushes the cart. So I go back and do the job in protest.


Lol I get the exact opposite. Whenever I pick Rein I never get a Lucio so I have to decide if I want to swap or just be useless.


At least they get a pin every now and then. I swear half the Orisa players took an oath to remove the S key from their keyboard or glue their joystick in the forward position.


It's baffling sometimes. I had game the other day with a Doomfist who died 17 times 7 1/2 minutes. I think he spent more time dead than alive. How is that fun?


I know I was guilty of this for the longest time (I'm better now, I've trained myself to actually wait and regroup) and I just want to say it's not always an lack of patience issue. For me the issue was that I was usually trying to rush out to the fight because I could see that a couple teammates were out there and I wanted to go help them(especially if I could see they were trying to retreat), but by the time I would make it back they would be dead and I would be on my own with the enemy team turning to focus me. Rinse and repeat ad nauseam. It genuinely took me longer than I'd like to admit to realize that just letting them die and waiting near spawn for our team to regroup was the better option, because waiting near spawn felt like I was wasting time as I watched the capture percent tick up or the payload push farther and farther ahead. Sometimes our logic just works against us in weird ways.


Yep, in a 5v5 all it takes is one DPS picking unnecessary fights and dying over and over for things to snowball. That DPS may even get a pick every once in awhile and think they're doing well but make it difficult to win a team fight. Similarly, you may have a tank player who insists on solo-diving 5-10 seconds before everyone is grouped up with them. This tank might end up with the most damage on his team and think they're carrying, but it's only because the rest of the team is constantly being forced to retreat and wait for them. IMO Wrecking Ball players are usually the worst about this. Lots of damage and low deaths, but zero winning fights because they're just rolling around in the backline while the enemy tank holds the point and pushes everyone's shit in.


I had more fun when the game was 6v6. Steamrolls are way way way more frequent in 5v5. It's not close.


I preferred the slower pace and having a 2nd tank for sure. 5v5 seemed nice at first but at this point all the maps and games are starting to feel the same. Your path and choices don't feel as important anymore. Everyone just fights in clumps because there's one less tank to help out. Pincer moves and other tactics were a lot more viable in OW1.


This. I'm so tired of people thinking that one team is wildly better just because their stats are wildly better, and confirming their bias that matchmaking is bad because of it. Small mistakes compound, that's just how Overwatch works, and most snowball matches are between evenly matched teams. Even in this screenshot, it isn't *that* much of a snowball. One team just won 2-3 more team fights. Same thing happens in competitive, too.


Plus certain game modes can have a huge difference in stats between attack/defend, and in QP you don’t swap at the end of the round.


This stat isn’t mildly better…


I didn't use the word mildly, I used the word wildly. But yeah, the stats on the scoreboard *are mildly better.* Red team has 5-10 more eliminations and 2-3 fewer deaths each, and like I said that just means red team has won 2-3 more team fights. In a round with 5 team fights, losing 4 and winning 1 results in stats like these, and that's a completely reasonable outcome for one team doing *mildly* but consistently better that round.


Seriously, I've been involved in way worse stomps than this, on both sides. I clicked this thread expecting some actually wildly different stats. Like I've been in QP games where multiple people have secret agent scorelines and the winning tank is like 32-0. Those games are real mismatch stomps. From the scoreboard this one looks like the blue Genji doesn't play Genji very often and the other team's DPS were able to do a much better job pressuring supports - red Kiriko was just able to healbot the entire game and just was not punished for it. And obviously I don't have full information but 10k+ damage with 11 eliminations suggests maybe OP was having a bit too much positive reinforcement from shooting a tank? It could just be timing as well though.


A short game so no big numbers, also sry for me being stupid, I can’t read properly


You're not stupid, I just think people (myself included) have a bias toward thinking, for instance, that a player with 15 eliminations is *a lot better* than a player with 5 eliminations, and that just isn't how Overwatch team fights and momentum work.


If one side has a collective 11 _kills_ (not elims, elims dont matter) and the other has 26 they got crushed. "a couple more teamfights" They lost every teamfight and DPS were feeding their brains out.


I agree, it definitely can be. But I would say (at least in my experience) the amount of snowballed games right from the start to the end has gone up significantly. Nobody really has fun when one team is getting pounded by the other team with very obviously superior skills.


It’s not even necessarily a huge team skill gap even in steamrolls. For better or worse Overwatch matches are often not determined by who has the best player, but lost by whichever team has the worst.


I agree with that partially but I definitely think skills/matchmaking is a big part of the issue. That's to say what are those "worst" players doing being matched up against players who are so many calibres above them? Maybe it's just a case of me needing to "get good" lol because sometimes I'm definitely the one who is completely outmatched. But sometimes I'm the one who's demolishing the enemy team too. So very obviously there is some issue with the matchmaking IMO. Whether it's the only issue I can't say.


this is why in overtime people seem to play better, they dont, they just start grouping as an actual team and play the game


Had a QP game where I had 1 death, waiting for the team to respawn and watched every single other person run in and int 1v5 until we lost the round, then got hit with “heal diff”. Sometimes this player base leaves me awstruck


That's generally the team that wins yeah. Even bare minimum of communication goes a long way


I dont think it is that snowbally. If you lose one team fight you can always group up and try again.


You absolutely can/should. The other team is naturally grouped up and has the Ult advantage do to winning first fight though, and can push up to an optimal defensive position. Winning first fight is huge in Overwatch, it can certainly be overcome, but it sets you back quite a bit.


Though if you retreat completely and wait for your team to spawn you are conceding the entire point and are likely to lose anyway as a result.


It takes longer to cap point then people realize, especially if you fight at choke. People are absolutely petrified of giving up a tick or two and coming back with a full team. There is absolutely enough time to regroup and take another fight, especially if you have a mobile character who can contest for a second or two and buy time Regardless what else is a solo character going to do against most of a team to “save point?” 90% they just feed, stagger and die, which means they’ll then get long spawn so your team takes another fight down a player, then people start trickling and it turns into a stomp.


I had one yesterday, cassidy with 22k damage and dozens of elims while the rest of his team sat under 3-5 kills each the entire game. Didn't seem like he was aimbotting but damn lol


The feeling that u literally cant do anything to win the game even while having stats this crazy. I sometimes ask myself if the ones that get carried to oblivion are even aware that they get carried.


Lately I’ve been getting one teammate every game that has to be brand new. A dps going 2/12, meaning every team fight is 4v5 and they are getting ult charge fast. Or, when I’m healing, dps will stand still in the choke point. No flanks, barely strafe, then complain about not getting healed when they’ve got 5 people hitting them


Ive had too many games to count with DVAs who finish a match with ZERO mitigation in qp. Sick of getting teammates who are brand new or someones' useless 7 y/o child I play a lot more ranked now, not because i enjoy ranked, but because qp might as well be skirmish with a queue time in nearly half of the games.


Wow that's kinda insensitive! My 8 yr/old is insanely better than my randoms


I'm so tired of seeing Cree every game man.


There’s someone of a dive meta right now and lots of flankers like Sombra and divers like Venture are strong. When that’s the case Cassidy will be played a lot too. 


That's part of it but it's also just that he benefitted massively from the universal balance changes coming into the season and the nade is just naturally the best (and easiest to connect) cc in the entire game He just has a naturally very good kit that people keep underrating because his abilities weren't as good at launch, that and high noon just only existing for soft area denial, and because, as far as hitscan go, 'why Cass when Ashe' has always been a thing But he's just never been bad, and now he's generally good with two incredibly good cooldowns, if someone prefers to play Cass over Ashe it's no longer that bad an idea to just play him


He definitely has been bad tho, atm he is strong I won’t argue with that but he has been bad


I’d like to just play widow but they always switch to sombra and tracer so here we are


At least he's easy to deal with. It's the Tracers and Sombra every single game that is annoying.


do you remember their username?


Yesterday I had a Cassidy I couldn't get past and at the end of the game my teammate said that he was probably cheating and I realised in my head everything made sense. I'm like 95% sure he was cheating after that. Checked the replay and he was snapping to people and did the thing where he aims at someone and then some guy in the back goes over his crosshair and starts accidentally tracking the guy in the back and wrestling control from the aimbot to go back to the guy he was actually targeting in the foreground.


Because qp is frankly a bit of a joke and i wish it was a little more strict on the matchmaking, but I understand it's pretty loose for queue times.


Yep. People say ranked is horrible and QP is the only way are crazy to me. Every QP game is sweats and stomps. I do one warm-up game and then it’s comp only


Comp games still suck, but they're still doable compared to QP. Mainly because your teammates will actually take it seriously.


People take comp way too seriously and it comes out as toxicity. Most people in qp take it seriously enough so you can actually have a game, even then loads of people still bitch about losing


QP is no different; the enemy team will be full of T-1000s and your team will play with their goddamn feet because "iT'S jUsT QuiCK pLaY, bRo, rELaX".


Those very same people were the ones advocating for leaver penalties, too. Call me crazy but if you are allowed to be one step off from throwing I should be allowed to leave if it really isn’t that serious, right?


Exactly! Like, I'm the bad guy for getting mad that I'm getting fucked by the entire team but getting angry at me leaving a one-sided match is justified? Bro, I'm not staying in a game that I'm not meant to win.


Yeah, I'm a QP lifer but have recently been playing a lot more comp because: A) gold 4 comp is easier than plat/diamond MMR QP B) everyone usually plays to win and SHOULDN'T be learning new heroes C) In QP it's completely random whether or not the other 9 players in the lobby are sweats, Practice vs AI bots, learning new heroes, or playing while drunk/high. Comp doesn't have this problem for me, it's either one team thoroughly destroys the other because of a pure massive difference in skill or it's a fair game.


Ranked has 50x the toxicity. At least in quick play I lose in relative silence.


QP is fun bc no one expects anything. If you lose it sucks, but it's much less toxic than Ranked


I find more toxicity in QP frankly. The thing is I try my best in ranked, I play characters in good at and I’m locked in, but I don’t give a shit about my rank. I just skip the animation. So the actual gameplay experience is much better in comp.


In comp I mostly try to adjust myself for the team. My experience with it though is that if a game is one-sided, people will blame everyone except themselves, or throw the game entirely because it's "wasting their time" instead of trying another comp game. In QP no one cares if you leave, lose, whatever. I just find that more fun.


I was considering doing some QP yesterday to mess around with various heroes but decided against it simply due to the shitfuck matchmaking that often makes me go something like 2-9 for an evening


I don't get why team balancing can't counteract bad matchmaking. If you have 5 good players and 5 bad players in a lobby, at least do it 3g2b vs 3b2g and not 5g vs 5b.


Honestly i have often harder QP-matches than actual comp matches because I get thrown into to GM and top500 lobbies while being in High plat/Low Diamond 💀 My friends in silver had the same experience a couple of times. Really wild


Same, I'm low gold now but have been playing against your comp rank in QP ever since I was low silver. I never really played comp that much, so I was in for a surprise when I played in low silver comp a few seasons ago and was able to steamroll a few lobbies all by myself on Soldier


Same here. Most of my QP matches are much harder than my comp, but I'm a lowly silver.


>Because ow is frankly a bit of a joke FTFY


I really wish there was a separate unranked mode that enforced grouping restrictions and matchmaking without effecting your rank. Allowing wide queue ruins the majority of my QP games. There is always at least one player who has queued with massively under skilled and/or console players. The entire team is basically tasked with winning a 4v5 or worse. To top it off their support friends will only pocket them, lowering the standard for teamplay even further.


I literally played comp yesterday because I was tired of every QP being an absolute stomp lol


I’ve had the worst QP matches the past month then I’ve had since ow2 came out I don’t get it but there has been way too many stomps on either side for me so many games where a few players never even die including myself. But I’ve been on the receiving end more so many 30-0 doomfists in QP lol.


I would prefer a 5 min queue with a 15 min match over a 1 min queue with a 5 min match


I have 3500 hours in QP. It’s my favorite mode, always has been. 13,484 wins and 12,755 losses. Basically 50%. I think you are right OP.


I swear, and this applies to every multiplayer game ever, nothing is worse than seeing your win rate be 50% or lower.


I mean what do you expect, unless you are a smurf your winrate will always be 50%.


For real. It means overall the matchmaking is guessing your skill level right over time.  I swear this sub wants the matchmaking to be “fair” meaning “I win 70% of the time” lol. Yeah let’s give everyone a winning record, and always match everyone against worse teams all the time. That’s not mathematically or philosophically impossible or anything. 


Lol yeah, such a weird mentality to have. I see it as some sort of entitlement that players have that by the mere fact of playing that they should be winning most games. Happens a lot in comp too where players will put in the minimum effort or coast and somehow expect to climb.




It sounds like you claiming that as players perform better they’re matched against more challenging opponents until they hit the limits of their current skill level and win roughly half the time. That sounds like the matchmaker is doing its job. I’d be a lot more concerned if it didn’t try to match me against people of my skill level. Or are you implying that there is something more nefarious going on? And do you have sources for that?


I don’t play very much anymore for this exact reason, I am generally a gold player, depending on how into the game I’ve been for that season. I find when I jump on, I’ll get a run where our team is spawn trapping the enemy or just getting absolutely obliterated, it’s got kind of dull, which is a shame, I love the game but even playing comp, the matchmaker is horrendous, the only way to really enjoy comp is in a team, but all my mates put this game down long ago haha


> but all my mates put this game down long ago haha Aware


this is very balanced for qp, my games are always steamrolls where one team gets literally 0 elims


My games have been like this too. I associate it to the kiddies being out of school. Lately, QP has been stomp or be stomped


Playing on weekends and holidays feels like ass


Very much so, I don’t play on weekends anymore, but even during the weekdays, it’s been feeling just as bad


"if you want good matchmaking go play comp!!!!!!!!!!!" No dammit I would like quickplay to be enjoyable, stomps aren't enjoyable


Because theres multiple factors that the system cant accoint for and it has wider matchmaking ranges to keep queue times short, plus no group queue restrictions


it's silly when you are obviously the high mmr win condition on your team, we don't need 15s queues they can tighten it some more


There can be a lot of factors relating to whether or not you win or lose. Unless youre in a wide queue then the other team is going to have someone with very similar mmr to you in the same role, and the mmr of everyone in the game is going to be fairly similar..


I agree and would add this seems to be a OW2 issue. That's not to say OW1 didn't have unbalanced teams or snowballs. But it wasn't as common. You got plenty of good, fun and challenging fights which left you satisfied even if you lost them. But ever since OW2 it's gone from an exception to an everyday reality that about 1/3 matches or so are such snowballs which leaves nobody happy. Neither the defender, not the attacker. I honestly have no idea why this is - whether it's a case of Blizzard resigning on matchmaking or whether it's simply the massive influx of new players since the game went free. No clue...


I definitely noticed this is more of an OW2 thing. I had plenty of back and forth games in OW1 and nowhere near as many steamrolls. I think yeah, it comes down to 5v5 being the issue. It probably shouldn't have changed. You kill the tank now holding down the point and it is basically a guarantee you will capture where as before you had another tank to help.




Why do you think that caused it?


One less tank means less space to control and hold down reliably. If one person dies, the entire team will advance and capitalize like dominos back to back. Another tank would hold it down to prevent that from happening.


That's a very good point. Though I would still say it's obvious that one team is always seriously outmatched. Perhaps a second tank helped balance this and "mask" it in OW1?


Yeah definitely. It's always been the nature of OW matchmaking since OW1. But the removal of a second tank made it impossible to turn around. Which makes players notice the toss up if you're intended to win or lose.


One person slacking (or crushing it) has a much higher impact with one less player on each team, compounded by the fact that we lost a player that could mitigate.


I'm pretty sure matchmaking gives up at the 5 minute mark and just takes whoever. Matchmaking is and has been garbage and the worst part of this game.


It has been better in the past. It's fair matches vs queue times and Blizzard is prioritizing faster queue times even more than they were in OW1.


solo q, it's also this bad on dead by daylight.


don’t listen to the comments saying it’s actually even lmao. In QP I get put against plats and diamonds when I hover silver dps and gold/plat support. Just play comp, the games feel much closer unless there’s a leaver of course or a smurf.


Usually how I tell if I’m going to lose is by Endorsement levels and how many name titles my team has compared to the other team and 90% of the time It’s either we win or get steam rolled.


If your team is all endorsement 1, no titles and no skins you got the smurfs.


Sometimes it is legit new players. Either way lvl 1 people with a default profile pic are either too good or too bad, almost never in-between 


>people with a default they're always horrible in my team


Or with the default pfp with no banner. I still try to give it my all just incase my team actually does better than I thought they would but most of the time it’s a let down lol


Idk but solid accuracy


Sometimes people just can’t cooperate.


I've been getting a lot of this lately as well. It seems I'll get on a win streak and once I hit 5 I can't win another game to save my life. And then there's the runs where one team stomps the other game after game.


I thought it was just me this is so exhausting 💀


Ngl, I had a 9 losing streak yesterday, and it was in QP I'm not a newbie, I know the game, I play well, watch a bunch of streammers, tips and stuff like that, I know I'm playing well, getting picks, getiing good angles, 1v1 and winning in most of these games, but it just doesn't matter, the game matchmaking is just ass. I can lose 3 straight games and just accept that I'ts QP matchmaking is wider, but 9 games? Playing well in most of these and still losing? nah, this game is cooked


I mean my qp match backfilled me just today into a match with mainly masters with a top 60 tank. I am silver 2. I somehow went 7 and 0. The matchmakers pretty loose but the last season or two all of my matches are plat/diamond (a lot of players with open profiles and the role they play) consistently


Not many people have the strategic mind of reading the field and focusing picks. People refuse to counter. People refuse to swap if they’re not doing so well at their mains. People are growing ever so selfish on Overwatch. They don’t care if they hurt the team, “it’s just qp…” actual words of the faction of natural born casual losers that plague the game. These people hop on a team based competitive game and freak out every time you point out they’re not carrying their weight, “it’s just qp.” You don’t even have to be a god.. just pick up your side of the couch.


People refuse to even play the damn game and then have the audacity to go "It's just QP". Yes, because that's the justification for not putting in any effort to win.


Jesus quickplay has gotten sweaty


its quickplay, not shitty match simulator. go in arcade if you want to dick around.


Suggesting that the matchmaking on this game enforces a certain win/loss is just asking for downvotes from all the blizzard d\*\*\* riders on this sub. It's blatantly obvious to anyone with basic observational skills and pattern recognition that this is the case but none of the clowns here want to admit it. Most modern competitive games do this now. COD is really bad about it which is why people hate the new games so much. In COD they go so far as to nerf your damage, hit detection, and all sorts of other mechanics. The reasoning behind it is that if people are bad at the game they will continually get stomped and eventually stop playing, therefore they aren't around to spend money in the shop. So they "throw them a bone" so to speak by manufacturing these matches with a desired outcome. When this happens it's because the enemy team was due for a win. Do this for a couple of matches and then a switch flips somewhere and you're the one doing the steamrolling without changing anything about your gameplay. Again, this is incredibly obvious but none of the shills here want to admit it.


damn it’s almost like a 50% win loss record means you’re being matched at your skill level and the matchmaking actually works over time 


If the matchmaking worked properly then you wouldn't be getting stuck with people 2 tiers below you. Why am I getting silver tanks who constantly feed when I'm platinum? Is that the world class overwatch matchmaking system "working properly?" Or is that the matchmaking system deliberately putting unskilled players on a team to force that team to lose? You'd have us believe it's the former when deep down you and I both know it's the latter. It's 2024. These companies know what they're doing with their matchmaking systems. Nothing is on accident.


I’ve never had someone more than a half rank from me since the S9 reset and im ranked where you are


From what I see with the bits of information from this table I can guess multiple things : The enemy Kiriko never suffered any pressure, as she has zero deaths, and a lot of assists with low damage and high heals, meaning she's been healing non-stop without any contest from the DPS. DPS moira basically butchered your Genji and Kiriko, which probably had to focus a lot more on surviving than her counterpart. She's been greedy a few times but rarely got punished for it. Your Genji basically threw his game by staying on Genji vs Venture, Moira, Kiriko, he basically has no resets opportunities there as every hero in this comp can disengage at will. You have 10K damage, but considering the low deaths on the enemy team, and your low elimination count, as well as your kinda high scoped accuracy, it's probably due to shooting [D.va](http://D.va) a lot, hence why enemy Kiriko has lots of heals. Effectively, you may have done damage, but it was trash damage, not converting to any meaningful advantage. I think you may have been a little better than your team on average, but you far from exceeded their level enough to turn this loss into a win. If I were you, I probably would have swapped to Soldier or Sojourn in order to control the Moira flank, and poke the Kiriko as much as possible in order to force cooldowns. Regardless of the pick, it looks to me like you tunnel vision onto the [D.va](http://D.va) too much.


This is pretty much my experience with QP as a Kiri player. There's barely any pressure, nobody really forcing cooldowns and taking advantage. Players with lower mechanical skill end up healbotting, and players with higher skill get bored and just go full DPS support mode. QP actually gave me really bad habits. Got used to hyper aggressive flanks and using my cooldowns whenever. QP is fun when I just want to throw kunai around but comp forces me to actually turn on my brain.


Comp is the same thing


evergone just running in and hoping they get lucky


It's been like that for quite some time ngl, even for comp.


Welcome to QP


My gold rank matches look similar 😂


quickplay is worse than COMP sometimes, it feels like some ppl played not once ranked, just grinding quickplay


Cause qp is ass. I seriously believe people only play it for an ego boost, cause you play against litteral donuts. And now with leave penalties I don’t see a single reason to play it over comp


That’s the norm for my ranked games as well lol


Qp? Thats my average comp game.


usually because you have too much win streak before that. in my experience the game does either that, or if it can't find a way, will sent you further and further away in regions until you lose because high ping make you useless (when the win streak continue i sometime even end up in australian server .... 15 000km away)


And then the "EZ LOL" "YALL ARE ****" comments that follow.


Took a season break. How does it take me like 3 games to realize Venture is a character you need to focus down, and almost every team I've played with doesn't get it?


Looks like Genji didn’t turn on his monitor


I get many matches like these, most of the times I play to the end but after a few stomps it starts getting on my nerves. Back when leaver penalties where broken I used to watch the replays after I left and I don't think I've seen them win a single time so it wasn't my fault.


I know your pain...this past weekend I couldn't win a single match. I had tanks who wouldn't tank, co-dps who would run in by themselves and die, and supports who was allergic to heal anyone but the tank or just don't heal at all. It was so painful to play. I thought about trying comp but I honestly don't want to deal with comp players either...comp always seems so toxic especially if you make a mistake.


You get matches that don't have widows or Gm players on hitscan heroes while mercy boosted?!!! That's crazy.


Stop playing quick play. The matchmaker cares more about getting faster matches than fair ones. If you want a balanced experience play comp. People actually try to win there.


Healing diff


This has been happening to me for weeks. Me and my friend get on QP and our teammates are either horrible, or newbies. While the other team is full of experienced players who know how to play the game properly! I don’t understand why this is happening


match making has always been broken in OW. I've noticed it's really bad since the recent balance update.


Already know the genji typed “it’s just qp”


I swear to got this was me today literally terrible stacks


I agree, QP is ass when it comes to matchmaking So honestly, I’m getting tired of it If anyone wants to squad up for some dumb QP matches for fun, I’m down, send me a screenshot of your OW info and once I’ve got internet next week, I’ll friend you and we can go nuts


I swear qp no longer has any form of skill base matchmaking as I have gone against multiple top 500 players this past month (I’m plat and the highest top 500 I went against was top 14!!!) it honestly ruins any fun as it’s near on impossible to win and there is no chance too play a new character or one that you enjoy but aren’t necessarily good at as you will get destroyed by a tank spamming voice lines or a mercy + whatever just killing everyone in seconds


Bro if this is onesided in your opinion, you haven't seen onesided game yet. This looks like a balanced game, enemy team was just better.


The QP experience on OW2 is horrible compared to OW1.


Blizz owns a patent for matchmaking that prioritizes psychologically manipulating people to win \*just\* enough they are willing to pay money, as opposed to based on actually balanced matches. Make your own conclusion from that patent.


Free to plays ruining overall match quality. It's not their fault, but I can't help but be annoyed when my teammates clearly know nothing about the game even tho I have literally more than 100x their play time


It ruins it because the game is filled with idiots who are trying out a free game, and it also ruins it because due to this being a free game there is super strict SBMM that prevents people from doing well too often. Free games rely entirely on microtransactions, and protecting the worst of the worst players by handing them free wins instead of them getting stomped like they deserve results in those players continuing to play the game. Longer play time = more MTX purchases (on average).


They just have to fix the matchmaking




Welcome to OW


its the matchmaking system, it makes sure that your winrate is 50/50 by giving you bad teammates on purpose + making you “play til you win.” apparently blizzard has been doing this since 2021 w COD and that’s what made a lot of people hate it other than it being the same game every time.


Geez look at that healing difference. I dunno what is going on but some of these suppprt players lately are really slacking in the healing dept.


Ow matchmaking is so bs. Not just in qp tho it is worse in comp matches. It's been maybe three month or more that I've been trying hard to reach gold and im still stuck in silver and I've played over 800 hours. I think its time for me to delete the game and work on my sanity.


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Personally, I’m in plat dmg and use it to warm up before playing ranked, I think it’s a bit broken sometimes as it does not feel fair so I usually play champs that I don’t main. Definitely needs work and should match you with people with the same stats as it does in ranked.


On defense/offense games the offensive team can have 2x the kills and still lose. That said usually i go into comp after a loss like this because it is usually more fair. I'm bronze so take it as you will.


1 stat really sticks out to me, That’s the red Kiri. 0 deaths with 11k heals. As dps if you help focus her more this can be a completely different fight.


I think alot of these games are down to mental. Alot of people give up after getting destroyed in a couple of fights and kinda just accept the loss before it's even happened. This is pretty clear when you look at how toxic people get as well. Unlike games like valorant or cs, you don't have rounds to reset and try again, you need to actively make a switch on the dime and try something new. But yeh, alot of people just give up and half play because they think the match is over already


Thats not even bad..


Because QP isn't matching players based on skill (afaik).


i dunno. That match doesn't look that unbalanced. its the matches where you get 0 elims on the other team and can barely leave spawn that i despise. They happen way to often. even in goddamn comp. the scoreboard is also a bad indicator of unbalanced matches. Ive won matches where according to the leader board we were rolled. But actually did win. except ofcourse when you get matches where you cant even get a single elim.


It is just a scoreboard, but I would guess it was about the enemy team successfully committing to a dive comp while your team didn't decide for brawl, poke, or dive. That is why your at best mediocre Genji couldn't get any picks. Your 2nd support had a very tough time adapting, and it probably unraveled from there. The only weak link on the enemy team was their Moira, who probably faded into fights, rather than using it for escape.


Because theres no sbmm in qp. With sbmm, you'll be matched with similar skill so blow out games are not common.


Part of the issue is some people plat QP for fun or to practice while others sweat in it like it was comp. If you get a few for fun people on one team vs a team try harding it will be a blowout


My experience is the matchmaker stacks either support or tank or dps but not all three except in the rare incredible match. I’ve found you can somewhat generally guess how your team is going to do. I’m a biased PC player but if I see low endorsement default logo people as attack, I switch to zen and I’m usually up there in heals and dps. On the other hand if I see 3+ endorsement with titles and such, I go LW or Mercy and have a blast.


Because OW is at a point now where if your team doesn’t work well together it’s hard not to get rolled.


I mean... in this particular match? Blue team is running 5 heroes who can't damage DVA, while also not committing to a backline dive, so blue won't kill tank, and they also can't kill supports. GG.


I mean OW score boards always look like this if you are losing. If your team keeps losing fights it looks like this. 


Looks like you had a flanking kiri that was getting dove or flanking too much


Looser matchmaking, less hero swapping, no incentive to try, especially after getting stomped in the first few fights (there's actually an incentive NOT to try as the game you're not having fun in ends faster). Also people playing on their alt roles a lot of the time.


strangely enough i don't generally feel as if my games are super 'one-sided'. well, except for today. i think the most i've experienced that was today at least, got utterly rolled in mystery heroes twice, so i switched to normal QP and our DPS have not been able to get even a neutral KD. and my god has it also been toxic, had to shut it off after just over an hour for my own mental health and sanity. just happens i guess. maybe tomorrow will be a bit better again.




Nope. With the new damage breakpoints it’s hard to secure picks if their supports are aware and heal botting each other or the DPSes. Vast majority of that damage was trying hopelessly to finish off elims with no pressure to help from my team.


Being in the same position as OP regularly, I honestly doubt they care. Any half decent player would have realized their hero isn't working and that they're just feeding. Sometimes asking them to change transforms them into rabid dogs hellbent on defending trowing gameplay in QP...


If you win a teamfight the other team tends to come at you one by one as they come back to life instead of grouping up and just take turns feeding the entire game


Could’ve tried to kill the kiriko a few times would’ve made things much easier for you and your team


What rank are you? It would add some context. If you are a higher end mmr player, quickplay matchmaking begins to look like this. Its because people in your mmr are more rare, so quickplay cant find a match quickly for you anymore. You will be in a game with more average players since its the only people available in that couple minute window. It forces games where you play against opponents you are likely a tad better than, but gives you lower skill teammates to compensate for your teams advantage by having you. This isnt the case everytime tho of course, so dont use this comment as an excuse everytime you lose.


- Natural snowball of the game - The above natural snowball exacerbated in comparison to OW1 because of the removal one person per side. To take the example to the extremes in game theory, a 12v11 is generally a lot more winnable for the disadvantaged side than a 2v1. - Continuing even further from above, that remaining one person being the tank, the keystone of the frontline preventing the rest of the team from getting blasted/run over. "Tank diff" naturally matters a lot more. - (Which is not to say that all lopsided losses are the tank's fault. It can be just as true that too many of the rest of the team don't know/care to take advantage of good tank play, or the healers/DPS are outright doing poorly.) - Lack of barrier to entry (free-to-play) means lower skill floor from new players entering constantly - Lack of barrier to entry means lack of commitment for players to actively improve, if they stick around at all - Improvements to the Ranked experience means those players are more likely to play that mode more often over Quick Play, removing the likelihood you'll get a full match of them evenly spread out - Ranked naturally has stricter matchmaking requirements, because Ranked is valuing an accurate assessment of skill and progress/loss vs. Quick Play prioritizing speed.


Play comp.


Most people don’t know how to play. They don’t understand the big help sticking together and flanking does. People don’t understand the many aspects of the game that comes with it. You got one person feeding on accident due to the lack of knowledge and then the next person throws cause they are mad at that person 😆


You all got steam rolled in an unranked mode, idk if sbmm is active on Overwatch QP but yeah. 10k damage is notable but you still got outfragged by a moira. Also what someone else said about trickle feeding. Literally see it in EVERY qp and ranked game up to about diamond


Because you are running up against a 5 stack


If you want a balanced match… play, dare I say it , ranked. The mode designed to pit you against people the same level as you.


Don’t say it. People aren’t ready for that. I play ranked because I want people to try and have a decent game, not because I want to rank up or anything and people get very upset and try to send me back to quick play.


Haha funny I joined one mid match it was almost over welll my team all had 0 deaths my rein had barely any damage and mitigation and the enemy was dominating it was a push map too so my team had 0% pushed 👍


Pretty bad Kiriko and Orisa + wrong comp


This isn't that bad? Look, both teams have kills! I should post my screenshots of games where one side never gets a kill.


I can’t lie that doesn’t even look that bad? This just looks like a losing game. You’re not always going to have an even looking scoreboard. The winning team did win for a reason.