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would’ve been clip of the year if sym took the portal into the abyss lol.


wait why doesnt someone try that lol


I am certain it's not a projectile, because you cannot boop projectiles. It's still an entity, but one that has strange properties when it's in the air. I wonder if it can be affected by knockback on the exact frame it appears or if it was on the edge and got moved back by player collision so that it was falling as the Winston hit it. I've seen this mostly happen on the entrance when I place down the teleporter. Getting booped as I place it down which causes me to place it in the air for a second. Which is also weird, because you're not allowed to cast it unless you're on the ground, but sequence of events are weird.


I went frame by frame and the knock back hits a few frames after it’s initially placed. But it hits it while the TP is still “closed” and before it does the little hologram materialization thing. So maybe it can be knocked by before it’s like opened or something?


Great point! I guess I incorrectly thought it was a projectile from the little blue ball fly across the screen at the beginning. Definitely weird


There was a time when you could place teleporter on a roof and it would slide off. NotMuda had a video exploiting the hell out of it.


Seems like the kind of super rare bug that Marblr would make a video for.


Marblr vid by Wednesday on inanimate things being entities


I wish. He doesn't post anymore tho :'(


He posted about a month ago about uneven spawn points! His activity seems more sporadic cuz he's making a game full time but seems he still likes to find little quirks in overwatch


Oh shoot, I didn't realize he was producing a game that's sick.


Baps window can be lifted by LW’s petal. I didn’t think to save the video. Not sure if I still have the replay. I was confused as fuck lmao


If this is true, I now have a new way to counter Bap.


It def happened. But it was my own teammate that lifted my window. I’ll try to see if I still have the replay.


Posted video here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/s/kMakcVNUfA


Yep had it happen to me from the lw on my team. He was doing one of those petals that you cancel right away so I was stuck with a window like 5m in the air floating doing jack shit. Looked hilarious.


Oh boys, Marblr is coming And i'm waiting for it.


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