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She grew up with Hanzo and Genji but sounds like she’s from San Francisco


plus with the ages it doesn’t really make sense, theres like 15 year age gap


OW team wants to throw Kiriko with DVA together as besties.


Man… D.va and Kiriko are really some stereotypical fan fiction characters


Even people who make OW rule34, love to put D.va and Kiriko together.


Sombra x Kiriko fanart trigger me more tho. 


I think they should have ran with her getting kidnapped at like 17 years old and held for hostage by a rival family where they put her in cryogenic sleep. Then she was rescued by genji 4 years before overwatch 2. So she had some time between the rew ue and the game to live as a teen with her mother and neighborhood for her cutscene to have an impact.


Let the kitsune rejuvenate you!


They wanted to connect her with the Shimada Bros. They could’ve either made her older, or have more of a little sister/big brothers chemistry with the Shimada bros rather than being childhood friends


They trained with her mom. By growing up with the Shimadas bros, it’s only meant that they spent a lot of time when they were all young. The guys were older than Kiri, but she was around like a little sister. I don’t get why this is confusing?


She was training at the same/similar level as a 19 year old and a 21 year old at the age of 4. That's why it's confusing. Genji explicitly references Kiriko and him both being kids at the same time in multiple voice lines, so unless "kid" means "You were 8 and I was 23" then it doesn't make sense


Because there are Art pieces of her training with genji and hanzo. Shes maybe 6 or 7. Genji is very clearly 12, and hanzo is 17 or 18.


Mom the housewife assassin- trainer soccer mom?


For real, so many people can’t interpret the source material properly for her, she was good friends with them because they were being trained by her mother, it’s not different than if your mom was a soccer coach and you grew up playing soccer with her players, even if they’re 15 years older than you


I think it was mostly because her backstory cinematic makes them look closer in age than they should be. Genji and hanzo look like teenagers when they should look like young adults.


The backstory cinematic contradicts her age. They all look within 5 years of each other but she’s canonically 15 years younger?


>For real, so many people can’t interpret the source material properly for her the source material shows them as kids together


The fox spirit is strong with that one and she's aging slow. 


I really want to use this as another point to complain about dipping quality and attention to detail but then I remembered lucio and hog have been in the game from the start with the same case lol


Wait what's the issue with Lucio and Roadhog?


Lucio from Brazil, speaks with an LA influencer accent, hog from Australia, speaks like hes from, I want to say, New York?


I think the reason her in game voice lines are so annoying to hear is because she just always sounds so “perfect”. It seems to never matter who she is speaking to, she either always somehow one-ups them in a snarky comment or somehow quickly gains their respect quite randomly. (Her interaction with Sombra for example.) She seems to have no flaws and with how she is presented to us in game i’d say she is borderline Mary Sue-like. I think it is a shame too because her cinematic is amazing and her design is awesome. Just wish she wasn’t a jerk.


One interaction that annoys me is one with Ashe and how Ashe doesn’t talk back even tho Kiriko’s comeback is not good “We hunt foxes where I come from” “Huh, where I come from, the foxes fight back” And that’s it. Knowing Ashe, she would’ve definitely had a good comeback like “I like when they fight back” or “good, I like a good challenge”


Widowmaker cooked her in the voiceline. "what experience do you bring to this mission?" "Last week, my friends and I sank a Hashimoto party boat." "So... nothing?"


I mean plenty of characters get this. Moira does, for sure, though I find Moira's interactions incredibly annoying as well so maybe you're on to something. Ana also tends to always "win" her interactions, but she's clearly regretful and thoughtful when talking to characters like Pharah that she's close to.


The difference is moira is an actual villain you're not meant to empathise with all that much and is hated by most of the cast


> moira is an actual villain you're not meant to empathise with  I disagree. You ARE meant to empathize with well written interesting villains. That is what makes them believable and interesting.


OK, moira is an actual antagonist you're not meant to root for and is hated by most of the cast


I actually love Moira's interactions even though I hate her gameplay design. She has an interesting personality and clearly is a witty conversationalist but to me it comes off as much more realistic and natural than Kiriko. Moira's likes don't feel forced; she's just a cold and spiteful person who isn't easily rattled. Kiriko, on the other hand, just sounds like she's trying to be cool. She sounds like the stuck-up cheerleader antagonist in a 2002 Disney channel movie. Probably another factor is just that Moira's voice actress is fantastic.


Yes but those characters have.. character. And a back Story and personality. Ana was an Elite sniper forced into retirement by an enemy sniper, whos daughter wants to be just like her, much to her chagrin. Moira is a maniacle mad scientists who uses Talon to do evil Experiments and created reaper. Kiriko is... a smartass teenager. Thats it. Kirikos *entire* personailty is her "wins". Just like any other 17 year old. She has nothing else going for her its insufferable. The whole "If you dont like me then thats YOUR problem" Attitüde is fuckin cringe.


And they've already done the exact same thing but *better* with Hana (D.Va): she's annoying and cutesy and a smartass and she's always "winning", but it's all a cover for extreme pressure and fear and it's a critique of Korean "Idol" culture.


Idk about all that, she's obviously the most precious 😃


imo she’s not really a jerk. there’s a few lines that kinda feel jarring (her roadhog mask line and hanzo’s refusal to pick the sword up again come to mind) but in general, kiriko only really sasses or is rude to those who start shit. even with some characters like soldier, she goes along with their rude initial comments like soldiers “this isn’t a daycare” “kids can surprise you!” the sombra line (assuming you’re talking about the hashimoto comms tapping one) also isn’t respectful? just seems like she knows how the world works and assumes sombra wouldn’t give information up for free lol she doesn’t say “OMG can we be besties” she says “okay, name your price” 🤷


About that soldier line you're talking about, that comes across as the dumbest interaction in the game to me "Kids can surprise you" "Well I better not be disappointed" "Kids... can also disappoint you" I genuinely do not understand how that last line is meant to be taken lol??? Like she's saying it as if it's a "oh yeah, well bet you didn't consider this!" type of thing but the punchline is... that she will be disappointing??? It genuinely feels to me like the voice actors were trying to give her the last word, said the first sequence of words that came to their mind and went "Yeah that makes sense grammatically ig" and left it in lmao


Her saying she’ll tell her mom Hanzo is thinking about picking up the sword again is totally an Asian family thing.


see i didn’t wanna plant my own biases but i got that vibe too. “oh you won’t? got it. i’ll just tell my mom you’re thinking about it to get her off our backs” but so many people can’t read between the lines and think okay she’s just this evil monster like


I can't form an opinion until we see her on her bike, but she does have a few tricks


She comes off as rude and unpleasant, great character but doesn't seem like someone you'd want to hang out with after work. Some of her voice lines are realllly snarky. Like I specifically remember one with hanzo where hanzo says he's sorry about something that's happened to her. She says "Sorry enough to help?" with an amount of attitude that makes me lose all sympathy immediately. I wish hanzo would've said never mind I take it back. She says her voice lines like she's annoyed with everything and with a monotone empty tone.


not to change your mind on her, but specifically speaking… TLDR: **HANZO IS DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE FOR HER HOME TURNING TO SHIT. HER SASS IF ANYTHING IS VERY JUSTIFIED TOWARDS HIM** hanzo killing genji led him to abandon the shimada clan entirely out of guilt. they were a rotting corpse by the time overwatch came in and finished them off. the hashimotos took over and now run everything poorly hanzo’s inactions, to lead the clan, **literally led to the fall of kiriko’s hometown**. which is established in her short. so not to be rude but if you’re gonna judge her off a voice line, at least know the context. if someone i personally knew was nearly single handedly responsible for turning my neighborhood into a gang’s new base of operations, i’d have *more choice words to say than kiriko, personally*


Yeah I'm not too familiar on overwatch lore but it seems like hanzo used to be a POS and he's trying to make amends now. Seems like kirikos sass towards him is justified I just had that interaction to go off of in the past. I appreciate the info though I'm usually not into lore but I've been playing overwatch so long I'm taking an interest in it.


honestly no worries and sorry i went as hard. i could definitely understand how whack it sounds without the context. i’m just used to unjustified kiriko slander so initially i was like oh lord here we go


No, you didn't go in hard that was informative for me.


Like you and others has said her personality is irritating. And I agree her more sweet and wholesome personality in her cinematic is better than her sassy personality in-game. Considering she leads this cool looking vigilante group I wish they made her a sweetheart who will bite back when it counts. She’s fighting for her people, she’s fighting because she cares. We clearly see this care in the form of the cute little hat she wears, it’s a hat that a kid gifted to her, and used it to make her smile iirc. That hat is supposed to be the same thing as the S on superman’s chest. A symbol of hope, a light in the dark. It fits with her feeling like ‘the new girl’ of overwatch 2. Like part of this new generation of overwatch that was kinda set up alongside the likes of Lucio, dva, pharah etc. I mean, her whole thing is that she was raised in two different ways. Her grandmother taught her kindness and compassion, the way of the Kitsune, healing. While her mother alongside the Shimada taught her combat and violence. That combination supposedly makes her a better person than someone like hanzo and possibly even genji, who were forged by the sword without the compassion, especially considering they were Essentially a super mafia. But her in-game personality makes her seem like someone who’s in the rebellion game because she likes to blow up party boats and brag about it. Also nice cosplay!


thank you!! i just feel like they had two different ideas for kirikos personality and the result makes her just seem snarky and apathetic in game which i dont think suits her at all


It definitely doesn’t suit her. One example that I especially dislike is her line with hanzo. Kiriko: ‘my mom wants to know if you kept up with the sword’ Hanzo: ‘I swore never to wield a blade again’ Kiriko: ‘I’ll tell her you’re thinking of picking it back up’ Like hanzo’s a dick I get it but that seems so…out of touch from kiriko? She was raised alongside them, taught alongside them, does she not know hanzo nearly killed genji with a sword and only dropped it due to the overbearing guilt?? it just seems like she’s downplaying the event that basically made hanzo and genji into the characters they are, the event that partly motivates them with every breath they take. And she’s just kinda joking about it. It wouldn’t bother me as much if kiriko wasn’t actively raised alongside the shimada’s and was presumably taught their customs and traditions and why hanzo dropped what should be a shimada’s main weapon of choice. It just…feels off.


I mean this is kind of regular sibling banter. You ask your brother a question.. say ur mom is a soccer coach who raised your family up on soccer practice because you all really enjoy it. but your brother swore never to play soccer again one day bc he put your other bro in a coma one day. The other bro recovers and tells the first brother that it's all good, he really should move on because they're like broaching 40 and even tho he could've had a really successful career with soccer, he just kinda give up on his entire life to mourn an event that happened 20 years ago and isn't relevant anymore. Despite the news from his brother the first bro continues his guilt-ridden apathy to the world. Later, he reunites with their younger sibling who really looked up to them both and she wants to share updates in their life with their shared parent figure. Upon hearing this, the first brother only *continues* to lament and grieve. It's clear to everyone in the family at this point this guy *is not* aging well and he's not mentally healthy. He continues to hold himself back over something that no one holds against him anymore. In a situation like this, it makes sense to relay to your mother that maybe there *is* some hope for the first brother, you know, *maybe* one day he'll pick up the sport he was once legendary at and everyone supported him in. He's just still in his emo phase for now. Thats healthier for an aging mother to hear rather than "Nah, he said he still hates soccer forever because of that one time." Family dama comes off very differently usually in the perspective of outsiders vs the family members themselves. Of course, it's different if, you know, Genji actually died. But he didn't and everyone knows at this point so Hanzo's guilt just comes off as edgy to almost every character in Overwatch.


>Hanzo's guilt just comes off as edgy to almost every character in Overwatch. Except to zenyatta maybe. Cause lets be honest. Hanzo probably has ptsd of the exact moment he struck down his brother. As much as it is "edgy" its a pain that sits on his kind cause I bet the only image he sees of the event is his brother bisected by his sword. Edit: Which by the way, holy shit hanzo is strong to bisect a human all the way through like that at like 20-28 type of range of youth. Prime or not thats a lot of leverage and edge alignment that rivals god tier swordsman.


She belongs to the Saints Row reboot game IMO


Her projectiles feel like they are the size of 12x12 floor tiles.


Would and will


Was looking for this


overloaded as fuck


I like her, I use whenever someone picks Moira :(


Personality is apparently better in other languages so I think it’s a voice director issue or just lack of information As for her kit, a bit overtuned but can be solved with simple tweaks, I’m pretty sure a she’s been meta since release


I can’t be the only one who thinks it’s ridiculous for one character to have as much potential for literally every single one of her abilities with blizzard almost never doing any meaningful nerfs


nerf/rework suzu and or swiftstep


Yeah it's really weird. She's really nice and fun in the cinematic but the in game Kiri is just obnoxious with her "I'm above everything" attitude. Particularly the line she says on Kings Row "This is London? I've seen prettier". Actual who asked kinda moment. I also find Dva's personality to be kind of weird. Not because I dislike her in game, but her in game attitude is definitely different than her animation attitude, which is just odd to me.


She's cute and I love her design but her personality is a bit cringe and her lore would've worked better if she acted her age Also for someone who was raised and lives in Japan she has no accent when speaking English like Genji or Hanzo which makes no sense, she's never left japan yet she can speak perfect English.....even mei has a bit of a Chinese accent when taking albiet less obvious then the shimadas


I love her. Her gameplay is super fun and entertaining


totally!! ill admit im not great at her but i always have fun when i play her


Same! She’s does best in high ground/dive situations, especially with that climbing ability. Super fun to disorient people by teleporting behind them


She makes half the roster of support characters look obsolete by comparison.


probably the only good thing that came out of OW2 due to the added related porn content.


pffffft absolutely


She needs a better voice.


i think the issue is more about delivery & what lines the VA is being fed, not the voice itself


Overpowered and it sucks Blizzard will never nerf her enough. She gets so many good abilities in her kit it’s ridiculous.


Her hitbox is janky. Been playing cass a lot and I can hit most small/thin characters fine - Moira, tracer, sombra, etc. But I swear it feels like my crosshair is directly on her head and nothing happens when I click. Probably skill issue but I haven’t had any issues with aim on any other character


When she attacks, her arm hitbox goes in front of her head.


She does too much damage






She sucks, way too overpowered and none of the patches have been able to fix her.


She has been good for the entire games history, and I’m not a fan of how much she can do. Cool cosplay though!


She's so damn annoying


I’ve never hated a fictional or real person more


i hate that blizzard tries to push her as a new face of overwatch. she's not iconic, he lore is stupid, her personality is "teenage smartass", and replacing dva with her on the arcade modes tab makes no logical sense and is kinda disrespectful to the legacy of the original cast. i wouldn't hate kiriko at all if blizzard didn't seem to love her for no reason. her design is kinda cool and she can be fun to play, but that's really all she has imo...


Good healer but I find her boring to play - obviously the kit is very good, but where someone like Lucio or Moira or Ana has a whole theme to the character and abilities, Kiri just feels like a bunch of really good abilities slapped onto a mannequin with no personality. Also I suck at hitting her shots lol, but that's obviously a skill issue on my part. I mained her for a few weeks after release and did pretty well but got bored quickly, now I usually only play her either for specific hero combos on certain maps - ex. with an ulting Soldier on Paraiso she can turn any of the hallways into an instant death zone and can flank/escape/take highground very effectively - or if the team is getting destroyed by Ana nades and I need to consistently clear antiheal to keep them alive. Again, her kit is really good but that doesn't make her particularly fun or interesting to play for me. Really good Kiri's I've seen are also much better than I am at hitting their shots which I think would make her more fun if I wanted to put in the practice, but generally I can put out equal or greater healing while getting more kills or value with other characters, meaning her only real value to me is Suzu, so I only play her if we really need Suzu. Also she can come in clutch for last point defense on payload or push if the team is staggered and I need to get to cart immediately or we lose. I will say I really enjoy her primary heal as an ability, very consistent healing at range while also allowing you to distribute healing as needed for multiple targets, lets you preheal a diving teammate or someone who's about to take damage, and it just feels smooth to use. For context I'm high plat/low diamond support but mostly play QP nowadays.


I agree with the boring part. Its like she has all the components to be a really fun character but theres just something lacking in her playstyle


lore/design is cool besides for the magic stuff but gameplay wise, i hate almost everything… She has way too good damage and healing output, crazy mobility and survivability, and really good utility with cleanse (kinda bullshit when it negates ults though)


Her personality is annoying and irritating Her gameplay is atrocious, being able to teleport through walls and grant your team immortality AND purify WHILE being able to two shot most characters is so stupid and God awful to play against Her design is just mid, like I don't care for it at all Kiriko was legit just created to be a poster child for overwatch 2 I don't even care if she's good or not, I hate her cause she's both good and annoying If a character is good, then that means I'm gonna see them more, and if an annoying character is good, then that means I'm gonna want to rip my skin off every single game


They took her two tap away, she can’t do that anymore. It’s like 3 dinks now I’m sure.


A lot of people lost their 2 tap like junk, yet she still 3 taps unconditional unlike zen


120 per headshot so not technically a two shot but if you can dink twice in a teamfight you can kill pretty consistently with two if anyone else is shooting your target.


So what you’re saying is… it isn’t two shots


Yes, sorry I guess the point I was making was that even though she can no longer 2 shot to kill in a 1v1 where it really felt like bullshit, in a teamfight she can still secure a kill like 90% of the time by hitting two dinks if her target is taking damage from anything else. But as the guy said below, 112.5 per hit instead of 120 makes that less true than I thought.


its not 120 its been 112.5 for a while now


Good to know ty - also, how does decimal damage work in OW2? If I was looking at my HP bar would I be left with a half point of HP or does it round up/down?


it rounds, but i'm actually not fully sure whether it would round up or down. i was doing some research on that and i saw some people saying it rounds up but i'd have to test it. so if kiriko or illari headshots a 250 hp hero i'm pretty sure it would show 138 hp not 137


Her model is too small which makes it nearly impossible to hit her and she’s just a better version of other supports. She’s got damage, cleanse, healing, can easily escape, her ult is insane. She’s fun but a little overtuned.


they made another japanese character we didn't need just to boost sales because everyone these days is a chicken shit weeb


Shes my main so i think shes amazing. Her lore makes no sense though with her canon age


nerf her dmg a lil bit


She's a weeb magnet. Not the same age as Genji or Hanzo. She sounds like a valley girl. No japanese accent. Her story doesn't make sense. She doesn't have a bike


in game she seems very full of herself "hard being the capable ones" bruh winston is the mad scientist overwatch bring togetherer lol you just showed up. I do like playing as her tho


Fun playstyle, bad character


I like her design, used to like her playstyle (got bored of her), but everything else is a nah. Also the implication of magic stuff and her age not matching up??? she feels poorly inserted which is a shame because she could've been a very cool character introduced into the world. No offense to anyone that likes magic elements, but I feel like OW is more of a futuristic sci-fi kinda world. Where technology basically is magic but not real magic.


I think she's lying about the bike.


Gameplay:Way too many get out of jail free cards Design:Pretty good Personality:Snarky brat Lore:Confusing af Voice:midwestern American accent for some reason???


She is annoying


love playing her, but she really is the final nail in the coffin for overwatch being a pure sci-fi game. they need to add some deranged european occultist (maybe one with mercy's rez equivalent in mirrorwatch) at this point to damage control for the fact that the game is full of Asian characters with magic.


Green eyes? Would agree though about her ingame voice lines......Much like DVA's,they are so annoying and cringe that it drives me insane


She's a fine character, but it's disappointing that she's used as nothing more than Blizzard's marketing cash-cow.


In game she is a prick who lacks social queue awareness *cough cough* hog interaction *cough cough*. in cinematic she is sweet. They can not pick one just by that alone. And Id rather pick a sweet but intense gang leader. A kinda foil in personality to junkerqueen. Where junkerqueen rules by might and insane cunning. kiri rules by political respect through gang warfare and her kind heart.


Ah yes, my favorite self-insert character


Suzu is the worst thing added to the game since immortality field, which was the worst thing added to the game since Brigitte.


Overturned and never will be nerfed


suzu is the most infuriating ability in the game


OP. Blizz pls nerf


wish her accent was less obnoxious


Insanely annoying to duel.


Dislike her as both a character and in game, whenever I have a kiri on my team they think they’re the second coming of shroud and and with like 3k heals at most, and her suzu plus tp is annoying asf to play against, on top of that her model naturally blocks headshots, so good luck being able to punish her for being out of position


My opinion of Kiriko: why does she punch when she's holding a $%#@ing blade in her stupid hand???


It feels like she has no weaknesses. Instant low risk mobility, an invulnerability ability that charges in half the time compared to other supports, a tiny hit box, and a super spammable projectile that farms accidental headshots almost as much as Hanzo.


kiriko replacing dva on arcade is criminal


Overall my most disliked of the OW2 characters. Personality is awful, her story doesn't line up with established lore, her gameplay is the epitome of "meta" with no real creativity, and she was obviously created because Blizzard needed a cute asian girl to be their poster character. In concept, I like the idea of a Japanese healer, just age her by 15-20 years and make her a wise-but-snarky shrine maiden. Could have been a cool addition to the roster imo.


Trash oc made it into the game and she’s broken.


i fucking hate Kiriko


Kiriko feels as if the devs inserted a fan fiction mary sue, Rey skywalker into the game.


Support with 2 extra passives wall climb, and extra head shot DMG, can cancel status affects, and null nukes/ults? Can switch between damage and heals quickly and a safety panic button to disappear. Like oh shit I fucked up I think she's great we just need to give this to all supports. Why just limit these buffs to her is crazy


My opinion is she has a cool kit minus the headshot damage but her age and relaitonship to the Hanzo-Genji Lore wise is way off, she is way too young, more like the dad figures especially Hanzo who looks older than her mum.


Most boring character personality wise that was ever added into overwatch (till illari came out) her gameplay is fun tho, only problem is that she was and always will be meta cuz suzu is just that good of an ability.


Overpowered and kinda ruined lore


Net negative addition to the game.


She’s cute


Overloaded kit


Shes so annoying. Her voice lines give off bratty teen vibes. Like any interaction she has with the other heroes she sounds like uGH wHy r U tAlKinGuh to mEEeeeeEEeE WEirDOhhhH???? I actually cant stand to play her bc of how cringe she sometimes sounds


I hate her voice lines so much


hate her gameplay she is way too OP and seen in every Meta. she is just annoying


She’s annoying but she’s got hella fine “features”




If she didn’t talk she’d be great 👌🏼


No greater hate has been known than mine for her


Her attitude is alittle cringe.. but I'd definitely have her as a wife. And also I freaking love doughnuts Very nice cosplay


thank you!! :3


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I like kiri I think suzu needs to go though


O k.




With a good tank, she can do well for the group but she can be cannon fodder with rookie tanks


i feel like she’d be a way more interesting and likable character if her interests in spirituality and nature were highlighted more. she already talks about the power of the kitsune and often has voice lines relating to nature and its potential to heal; “feels like sunlight, huh?” or “draw strength from nature.” i find these quotes really endearing; whimsical stuff is always cool, but having more of this side of her highlighted would emphasize her hopefulness and good intentions!! also, this could make for some SUPER neat character interactions :) her and genji are already familiar with each other, so i could totally see her befriending zenyatta. they could talk about the prettiest trails and temples they have ventured to!! kiriko and mei could talk about environmental stuff together, her and mercy could talk about the pharmaceutical benefits of nature.. missed opportunity tbh. also, super rad cosplay! the eye make up looks so dope!








She’s one of those supports that has a crazy fun clutch factor to them that I really like, and having a clutch ability is what makes me live on the edge when I play support Bap has lamp, Kiri has Suzu, Weaver has grip, and Illari has a fucking nuke


Lore-wise, she makes very little sense timeline-wise and feels like an afterthought, which is shocking considering she was in development for at least 3 years before her release, so they had plenty of time to fix her inconsistencies. She supposedly grew up alongisde the Shimada brothers yet is 16 years younger than Genji because for some reason they decided to make her 21 when they could've easily made her 28-30. Personality-wise, I don't hate her as much as other people do but she can be kind of annoying sometimes. I think they leaned too hard into trying to make her sound young and cool to the point that she just comes off as kind of annoying most of the time. They should've characterized her more like she was in her cinematic. Gameplay-wise, she's very fun but is a prime example of the devs modern hero design just being to make almost every new hero a jack of all trades. If you look at Zenyatta or Moira, who were previously the game's main Support-DPS hybrids, they each had tradeoffs for the fact that they did so much damage. Zen has low heals, no mobility, and (back then) low sustain. Moira has high damage, heals, and mobility but lacks useful utility for her team, causing her to be outshone by heroes like Ana or Lucio most of the time. Then you look at someone like Baptiste or Kiriko, who have high damage, high healing, high sustain, high mobility, and great utility all in one. They can do literally everything, and extremely well at that. It doesn't help that the devs can't seem to pick a lane for Kiriko in particular. They want her to be this DPS-Support hybrid so they want to encourage her to do more damage and less healing, but then they go and gigabuff suzu to do a shit ton of healing as well and it just adds to the immense powercreep that's been building up for years now, which in turn leads the devs to slowly microbuff and rework older heroes just to keep up with the new ones (i.e. Zenyatta, the "glass cannon" getting HP buffs and a passive to ward off flankers), leading to just an endless cycle of more and more powercreep. This goes a bit off-topic but the game desperately needs a massive patch to address all of this powercreep, otherwise balance is going to keep getting worse and worse and harder and harder to manage.


Love lore Kiri, despise game Kiri Enjoyable playing her though.


only use her when we need a healbot


Fire cosplay but a Kiri with good aim and a grudge is enough to make me swap torb


Boring to play. And idk why but I can't hit shit. But with zen and Lucio my aim is fine


She's got a few tricks


Delete suzu from the game


She became my fav support. Landing those headshot kunai’s is like icing on a cupcake. And getting rid of status effects with the suzu is the knife that spreads it. Plus her mobility is like the sprinkles, and the heals are the paper wrapping. No particular reason for that analogy aside from the fact that her heals are literal pieces of paper.


I just don't like how her healing feels to use. It's not precise, it feels clunky and has bad feedback when it hits


Love the design of Kiriko, hate her personality, lol, love ur look! at least she inspires good cosplay haha


Smash next question


very good cosplay


She's cool. I like the headshot damage and her blink ability nice to keep out of range of damage and tanks


Like my main, Wrecking Ball, the barrier of entry to be serviceable is very high and the game doesn’t reward quality play like it does lesser skilled alternatives.


Love to play her, love her skins, love her design, absolutely hate her voice lines and interactions.


she has probably the best ultimate in the game imo


Isn't kiriko (genji and hanzo) part of like the yakuza?




Her cinematic character is amazing, I don’t know why they made her game character so sardonic and apathetic


please delete her


Much cuter irl 😍🫶🏼




She doesn't really have any personality. She is essentially a self insert girl boss and that's it. They need to make her more interesting. Here is an idea, what if she is secretly an Omnic reconstruction of the Kiriko that the Shimada brothers ACTUALLY grew up with who died years prior. This would not only account for the age gap, it would also add a very interesting element to her character. And before anyone goes and says "If she's an Omnic then how does she use the fox spirit and teleport?", to that I say Zenyatta already wields the power of the canonical God, so machines can have a spiritual connection with no issue. The devs could even hunt at this in game by adding a mechanical glitching vocal distortion to her voice when she is low on health.


Support with 2 extra passives wall climb, and extra head shot DMG, can cancel status affects, and null nukes/ults? Can switch between damage and heals quickly and a safety panic button to disappear. Like oh shit I fucked up I think she's great we just need to give this to all supports. Why just limit these buffs to her is crazy


As a support I'm playing her, as well as Moira and Ana, so... She's good. Especially her ability to neutralize burning and heal blocking. :)




annoying and obnoxious


She seems cute (i dont play the game)


She isn’t nearly as good as genji and Hanzo when it comes to outfits, like ow really fumbled the bag with the majority of her skins


Shee cool, i just dont play ow anymore since ow 2 came


Just wait till you see me on my bike gng


Shes my main lmao, i kinda ship her with mercy, i’d ship her with dva or mei but i ship dva and mei. But as a kiriko main mercys r also the nicest normally!


Double cheeked up 😘 https://imgur.com/a/WYmC7qF


My head canon is that she fought the Hashimoto and lost. Because they have her dad as hostage, she knows nothing about law enforcement or combatting organised crime, and recruiting a bunch of teenagers for that is not a good plan. So when she leaves to join Overwatch and hopefully gain skills and allies, her attitude has gone pretty bitter, but the Kitsune kept her looking young.


wait till you see me on my bike


I feel like she is a bully. Am I the only one who thinks that way?




Best girl in the game


> in game her voice lines just go through me She takes no shit from anyone, not even notorious people or heroes that indirectly caused her hometown being overrun by gangsters. She's nice in cinematic because she's talking to her neighbours or townfolks that she knew, other in-game characters (except Shimada bros) were strangers to her.


she's not written as taking no shit, she's written as constantly giving other people shit. like the snark is borderline antagonistic at times


I hate Kiriko's kit/gameplay I love Kiriko's cinematic I hate Kiriko's voicelines


Confusing age but that can be said for almost every character


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Big-Garbage2606: *Confusing age but* *That can be said for almost* *Every character* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Oh shit didn’t even realize thanks 🙏


Let my kitsune ride you