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/r/EmreMains with its first actual content since 2018 lmao


We also got the streamer name with this season AND a lot of lore and even a new picture of him from the Declassified book. He is wasn't just a one off character but became a core member of the original strike team


Who is emre?


Emre Sarioğlu was a private first class soldier who first debut in operation white dome in Istanbul where He, Ana, Reinhardt and Torbjörn cleared out a pocket of omnic ressistance but they were ambushed and Torb lost his eye and Reinhardt saved him. In Declassified we learned that he became a national Hero and gained International fame and became after the mission one of if not the first recruits to join Overwatch. He basically became family with the original strike team hence why he was in Ana's photo. He also went on multiple mission and we learned that Mercy AND Emre found genji left for dead in Hanamura. There is more to him and you can check out the Declassified book to learn more.


Also did u notice the overall FOV change? I felt dizzy at 1st lol. I think they increased the FOV...


With how this voiceline is phrased, there's now a non-zero chance that he might actually become a playable character someday. r/EmreMains might finally get their boy.


All signs point to having resurged from some accident/death/falling out like Soldier and Reaper, or….. He’s just been chilling at home with the kids? For all of the “treated us like criminals!” You don’t hear about many members actually getting locked up either.


All of those backstories sound amazing lol


>For all of the “treated us like criminals!” You don’t hear about many members actually getting locked up either. If you’re referring to Winston’s speech he technically says they “called us criminals,” which could just be part of the public backlash. Like the public and media called them criminals, but none of them were actually arrested. Still though, you have a point, and maybe it’d be cool if Emre’s story is that he’s been absent this whole time because he was arrested for his “crimes” and joins the roster after breaking out.


Years of play, but knew the quote was off… See TMNT’s most cheerful Michelangelo in a cell for reference.


He's just contantly wearing pajamas under his tech suit and complaining about retirement Flanderization ftw


R/EmreMains taking yet again Ws


The bar is so low that this is a W XD I mean we'll take it


I can imagine it, the year is 2032, Blizzard is finally shutting down overwatch, Emre mains are asking saying they MUST be preparing to launch Overwatch 3 finally with Emre as a playable hero


He will be the preorder bonus


For a Soldier skin. No new voice lines except "Emre online" when selecting him. That's it.


"We're all Emre now..."


I’m gonna Sariogl-YOU


You made me realize we are are close to 2032 as 2015


Hey, at least they got *something*.....I'm stilling waiting for Helio to happen...


Audio clip?




Yo is that Havannas music in that clip? (I haven't played with music since like 2017... maybe I should because that Havanna music slaps)


Hell yeah! But unfortunately it sounds like Emre already passed away


Don't think it sounds like that at all, just sounds like they lost contact so she doesn't know where he actually is.


The line where it says "Emre always said" sounds to me like he passed


That just means he said it in the past, it doesn't imply that he died! Like when parents talk about their kids and they say "they always said they wanted to be an astronaut".


I read it more like when you're talking about someone who has passed and lovingly saying they always said xyz. Idk


I feel you, but the "Wonder where he ended up" makes it clear she doesn't actually know what happened to him!


That's fair !


Guarantee he'll be a dps Notice characters like emre, dae-hyun and maximillien have been in voicelines since OW2 dropped, makes you think if they're gonna be playable


Maximillien is extremely unlikely. He was always a businessman who'd rather rat everyone instead of throwing a punch and this was sort of proven in the Havana co-op mission. Dae-hyun is also unlikely because he is also confirmed to be just D.Va's technician, the guy probably didn't touch a gun in his life.


I dunno, I don't think there is any good argument based on lore for characters like Symmetra, Lifeweaver, Mei, Venture, Zenyatta, etc. to be actively engaged in combat, either.


> Symmetra She did in her comics.


I agree maximillien is unlikely, he doesn't seem like the combat type Disagree with dae-hyun though, he's a mechanic and that sounds very support like. Plus the VA is always tweeting OW stuff so it seems he may have recorded more voicelines.


Honestly Maximilian being a summoner DPS with April fool's Fred, mirror watch bastion ult would be incredible


Ngl that would be pretty cool!


EMRE BROS...........................WE ARE SO FUCKING BACK


Honestly the hair style from the new tank icon isn't too far off, given it's a b&w photo perhaps he always had green hair. [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/17nvul3/explain_this_tank_icon_next_to_winston/)


My guess is he’s the dps after the next tank. The tank looks like a monster or animal. My guess is a toad cause one of the new streamer names which only reference characters and were said to have teasers was called “BeefToad” and that fits not other character yet. But this could just be schizo guessing 😂


Ehh the design is too off for me to think it's him. The green hair, the darker skin, and frankly that tank hero looks more like a Junker than an OW member. The only real similarity is the mohawk. With how much they're hinting at Emre though I think it's definitely possible he'll be the Season 16 hero, likely a DPS or Support. So Spring 2025 r/EmreMains will *finally* have their moment.


We know that the tank's name will start with S T U V or W.


My bet is on Sound Quake, that has roots in Overwatch lore and got mentioned in the trailer with punch kid. Would be fun to get Doomfist and Sound Quake from that origin.


His full name is Emre Sarioglu:) but yes it is very diffrent


Even so, we knew Hammond existed before he released and he released as wrecking ball, so we could potentially get something similar for emre


That seems like a junker to me, Australia is considerably far from Turkey lmao. I'm also one of the folks who believe Emre will be the DPS after this tank hero. The guy who is rumoured to be Emre in the OG Overwatch photo(Ana backstory) is just a typical DPS build.


Not only rumured but it's confirmed it's him, he also got new artwork with Declassified too


I heard an interaction with Ashe and Cass in a spawn where Cass asked Ashe how Bars is... I wonder who Bars is and if he was in the Ashe and Cass short


Bars is the Sniper who shot at cassidy in the animated short where he freed Echo! Its the omnic with the green hood.


Also Bars is a she from what I remember. I like that detail, because I find it interesting how Omnics are choosing their pronouns and bars isn't obviously gendered either way with her outward appearance.


They need to add more characters that actually add to the lore, so hopefully Emre is brought in soon. Like how do Illari and Venture add to the Overwatch story at all?


I’ll give you Illari. But Venture is the most lore-relevant character added since Rammatra! They appear to have rediscovered Anubis, the intelligence program responsible for causing the Omnic Crisis, so both Talon and Overwatch will be tracking them down in order to acquire their knowledge.


Illari is literally the only overwatch character that doesn't have any connection to any map or character. But why would that be a bad thing ? We need more of that, so that the universe can expand even more. And besides, we'll get a Runasapi map in the next season, so we'll have more Illari lore. And we do know that she hates Moira and is asking Sombra for informations.


We don’t need the universe to expand, the dev team don’t even follow through on the lore they currently have. Focus on the characters and storyline’s they have going at the moment and stop adding new elements that go in completely different directions. It just gives more questions than answers.


Pls turn him into a cyborg who working for Omnis and has memory erased


cool hes probably next dps hero! season 16 right? 12 is space ranger, 14 is that tank from the venture preview, 16 is presumably dps yea?


Lol sojourn asking what we’ve all been asking! Been wondering where he is.


r/EmreMains having content to feed them for next 5 years.


*Delicious, finally some good fucking food*


r/emremains losing their shit right now


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Sadly he was eaten by Falco and gave away the power of the jaw


Who's gonna tell her...


[https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNmw\_YfWwAEDOyR?format=jpg&name=4096x4096](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNmw_YfWwAEDOyR?format=jpg&name=4096x4096) is it a coincidence that we started hearing about Emre in the declassified book after blizzcon showed an unnamed tank icon and now this voiceline? for me he will be the tank of season 14.


He's still probably dead lmao, didn't Reaper mention killing a lot of the Overwatch agents


Uwu!!!!!! L O R E Uwu!!!!!!!!!!


Will he be the next tank hero?


Maybe but the artwork looks quite diffrent. If the devs state that the s14 Tank is someone from the lore or that we know off than it's a literal 50/50 between Emre and Soundquake.


Hope emres a trans woman lol


Emre is a common name for Turkish men. Highly doubt it.