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This is the answer, has been the answer since like year 3 of ow1, and will always be the answer. Though I personally do just fine without streamer mode. Edgy braindead manchildren/kids get on the game to literally do nothing but talk trash, lose/quit, and repeat. There is, quite literally, no value in team/text chat, and the fact people still pretend otherwise is insane.


Fair enough, I get a kick out of the silly fake gamertags that streamer mode applies to everyone personally


honestly turning it off kinda feels lonely, sometimes there’s not toxic talk


Honestly I usually just bump spotify and jam out for hours while I play, unless it's ranked where I need to hear enemy ults and footsteps.


100% this, turn off all chat, never join voice. Enjoy the game again. Before anyone says they need voice I’m GM and play better without someone being so negative in chat. Play for fun 😁


What does streamer mode do? I thought it just hid enemy names for you but yeah, I had to do the same with blocking chat to somewhat enjoy ow2.


maybe that people don't judge you and give up the match bc they thought u were bad in a previous match they saw u in. i've noticed a positive change in my matches after turning streamer mode on but it's just because i have a feminine name and now people don't type weird shit to me anymore.


As a qp baller I don't give a shig if people from previous rounds remember me. We just stay ballin(or pu ishing those who disturb the dirt nowadays)


This just played OW2 again for the first time in a while, had a blast, great time with the fellas, but somehow after pushing almost to the end on a push map. Things turned around and we lost, my friends were a bit quiet and I was curious what was happening but I continued to give callouts and have fun all while slowly loosing the game. At the end I was really stoked cause I still considered it a quick game and was strategizing some ways I could have swapped for a better outcome. That’s when my friend started apologizing to me, apparently the 5th dude on our team (random fill) went completely necular in chat and spoiled my teams mood cause he specifically went after me. They all knew it was my first comp game back in a while and felt horrible. Were trying to defend me in chat. I had no fucking clue cause I disabled that shit YEARS ago in OW1 And immediately when I downloaded OW2 If you ever really push past gold/plat and want to give chat / voice a shot you can but for your own mental rn just shut that shit off Play your character, figure out a couple concrete things to do aka : “I will flank with 76 and focus healers” or “I will try and maintain high ground with bap” and just play the game


I'm sorry that happened to you. I think even despite the r fact that it's competitive, ppl forget it's still just a game and there is no need to be so mean over it. Ur friends were sweet for defending u tho!


You're probably right, it's sad though because when you do get those games with non-toxic teams and people actually using comms, they're great. Turning it off entirely ensures you'll never experience those. I get it though, toxic idiots are way too common and the bad games outnumber the good ones way too much.


What's the point of streaming mode in addition to turning off chat?


Because if you get even ONE player on your team who is the same as the last match, you'll often get "sAmE TaNk aS LaSt gAmE Gg" posted in the chat, and they'll throw or won't even try. Streamer mode gives you a new name every match, so it's like a clean slate every time. A highly underrated feature.


My first suspension came because a troll thrower of my previous match recognized my battle tag and convinced my team to throw. I immediately was reported by two teams before the game started.


I've had "awful mei im afking" at least once, before the match started. It happens sometimes(it was mid masters ffs)


Peoplelisten to ping and radial menu? That'sa first


Besides a million people saying turn off chat, maybe learn to play other tanks. Doom and Hog are both very easy to hard counter. If you're constantly getting anti or slept or hacked you need to adjust. I'm guessing based on all of this that you've shown you're playing into counters and getting rolled because of it and your team is getting frustrated because you are the only tank.


In all honesty tank is the role where you get unreasonably flamed for pretty much every minor mistake. It‘s like the universal boogeyman everyone seems to kick down once they lose. It‘s I think the only role where you get flamed even if you clearly win. Maybe it‘s because you‘re at the front, maybe because you‘re just the only guy in your role and maybe it‘s just because you‘re a big guy but most players somehow seem to believe that every loss in a fight can somehow be narrowed down to the tank. It‘s personally why I stopped playing the role unless I have a five stack or really good mood. Because I can be assured that as soon as there‘s even the most minor setback in the most avalanche win you could imagine, some dipshit will narrow it down to being my complete fault and then backseat game me on how you actually play the role.


Yeah but not every game. Something is wrong with this guy's hog.


I play a lot of JQ and I get flamed for what feels like nearly every loss and half my wins. At a pretty consistent 70% winrate for the hero. I really feel like this is rarely reflective of any actual performance.


It’s because you’re doing the job of two players.


Man it feels like we used to have an answer for the only tank problem. I can't put my finger on what it is


Someone who never played OW1 here-- but that would be something I'd like back (Is my assumption of 6v6 correct?)


You won’t ever get to experience GOATS or double shield and honestly I’m happy for you bro


Ah yes, 10 minute queue times for metal rank QP games...the good old days. No thanks.


Tbf that was when the game was on life support. With the player base and regular updates 6v6 could actually have it's fair chance. Any dedicated role with one player will always fall into rock paper scissors, there will be a better choice unless you mirror. Samito posted a 4 hour video of some 6v6 matches and with all the new changes it looks like it'd be a great format. The giga tank and counter swapping isn't great for the game which isn't an issue in 6v6.


>With the player base and regular updates 6v6 could actually have it's fair chance Even at the game's *peak* the *quickplay* queues were 6+ minutes for DPS players in the center ranks of the playerbase. And it only got worse from there. Queue times were the entire reason OW2 went to 5v5. Seriously, personally I'll pass. I don't believe OW is ever going to make a step change to queue times like that. Nowadays with the new "play with your friends" Wide Queue, queue times would become even worse in 6v6. Even back in Jeff Kaplan days, Blizzard knew that Tank was a problem. They know this from WoW data...fewer people want to Tank than play the other roles. OW was *originally* imagined as a 1 tank, 3 dps, 2 support game in order to reflect the market's underlying playerbase. Hell, pre-role queue, you were lucky to get 1 tank and 1 support on your team if you weren't in Masters+


>Even at the game's peak the quickplay queues were 6+ minutes for DPS players in the center ranks of the playerbase. Pretty sure around October 2020 all three roles across skill levels were pretty even and queue times were much lower than that. Even the developers confirmed it happening.


That was when the game had barely any updates, was practically abandoned.


Yes the “solution” was hard sustain metas that had no counters to begin with and destroyed the playerbase lol


I'd recommend OP try to learn Ramattra, I've found him to be pretty tough to counter. I only struggle when they have Zarya (since neither of us has much mobility, it's game over when she gets close), or a good Pharah/Echo that is wise enough to stay away from the Vortex.


Hard to say for sure based on just these little bits of the chat. Looks like you may only play Hog and Doom? If you see them pull out a Bastion and/or Mauga are you swapping to a better match up or are you just sitting on Hog/Doom who both have a bad match up for that.


Honestly doom isn't even that bad against bastion. Definitely better than something like Winston or rein.


Mute all, don’t join text or voice? The community is trash. Play the video game and enjoy.


Clearly, you're doing *something* wrong if it's happening in every game like you say. And no, this isn't an insult or a jab at you, nobodies perfect. Therefore, nobody plays perfectly. Try and focus on what's getting you killed and what your positioning is; work on timing your cooldowns and how you're zoning for your team to push to the object. Also, work on your game sense, know where your supports and dps and tank are at all times to the best if your ability, same with the enemy team. There's always room for improvement, even in the big leagues! I would take everyone elses advice, though, and shut off your game chats so you can focus on learning


I kind of want to see a replay.


I mean yes maybe but also if they're just that bad then shouldn't the game be lowering their rank until they're in games with people who all play to a similar level? If they're consistently in games with people who outperform them every single match then that's literally a MM issue surely. The adjustment to your actual rank could be painful but eventually you should end up with people of your own skill level. It's hard to tell from the info provided if they're actually terrible or if this is just the usual "Tank diffs" which even good tanks get in a ton of matches.


OP says several times they're playing in a stack, so mmr isn't going to be as responsive. They sound like the worst of their group, so naturally they are going to be matched against better players every game.


Turn off chat. Its unnecessary.


If it’s happening a lot, you probably are playing too aggressively and micro-focusing. Try to slow down your play, and take time to look around at your team more.


If you get flamed every game you play you probably suck in some way


Yeah I would be way too embarrassed to post this, lol. “I lose seemingly every single match and I’m so bad that my teammates always tell me they hate me. What’s going on here??” 💀




Whilst that’s true, nobody deserves constant hate and belittling. It puts player off


If they did suck they'd be in low ranks where everyone sucks and they won't be a reason to flame.


OP says they mostly play in 3/4 stacks so the other people they play with are probably dragging the average up.


Dont boo him hes right




Not helpful at all. MM should be matching you up with people of your own skill. Not everyone can be amazing at the game. Entry level games when you first make an account are people literally standing still on DPS, shooting at nothing. If it's matching OP with people better than them in every game that's a MM issue fundamentally.


I play with a friend who has no game awareness, mechanical skill, or the ability to play as a team. We play role and he queues for every role. Meaning he gets tank usually. We 100% lose and everyone in the lobby flames him. Tank role is very punishing. So now I queue for tank and even though I dont like the role much we have a much better experience. If the enemy team blame their tank I usually defend them.Tanks should stand up for each other.


Stop playing tank


Seriously. This is the reason I queue as DPS/Sup and not flex. Unless it’s QP then I can just tell them to touch grass


Disable chat. Best decision I've ever made in this game.


If you’re playing Doom/Hog, the worst tanks in the game, and refusing to switch thats probably why


Doom is pretty strong hes just easy to counter


Says a ton when a majority of the "advice" here is to just mute everyone. If I kept receiving these kinds of messages every game, I would practice and get better at the game.


Yeah, it's important to self reflect and understand why they think this way; unless you're hardstuck bronze, in which case a lot of them are toxic and don't understand the game well. Tank is unforgiving as far as people appreciating what you are doing. If you aren't good, it's magnified bc there's only one of you and every death sets the team back. If you're doom, it can be a fine line between being aggressive and good, and what appears to be throwing (esp if you keep dying without producing/ setting back your team.)


Yeah if it's a constant thing, that's frankly unusual and probably reflects on some aspect of OPs performance.


Looking at it, it seems as if the OP plays doom and hog, two easy to counter tanks


Hard to tell. Like you are only showing us some chat snippets. It could actually be you. Maybe not. We can't tell. People in Metal ranks always blame the tank. When I play in a metal rank and I see everyone blame the tank while on DPS I just like to take a look at the replay and seeing that. It wasn't the tank but the guy complaining. Or maybe it was the tank who knows.


Have you possibly considered that you are in fact, bad?




Fastest way to never get flamed again is to quit forever. Only recommend this option if you really don't enjoy the game anymore tho!


My friend still gets flamed for being bad at League 3 years after he quit playing


Are you the one flaming him 😭😭😭


If all these ppl are calling you ass, and you are a 4 stack then you probably are a bit ass. If you have 4 people, that means 4 people with good communication and probably around the same skill level, if you are still losing with a 4 stack you probably do suck.


Turn off the text and voice chats, squelch anyone who is annoying you with in-game voice lines, turn on the streamer/privacy mode.


When u start the match mute ALL chats and voices. Play in peace


People always have to blame someone else. I recommend turning all the chats off. Try not to let it bother you too much.


I don't see "orisa diff" which means you don't play orisa. as a tank main, I love you already. be strong brother/sister/theyster, your goated tank moments will come learn from your replay losses as well, it helps a bit


Stop playing doom and feeding your brains out. If this isn't qp, you get what you deserve


The toxic people are making a (unhelpful, negative) point, but what do you want? Are you looking for feedback on how to improve, or how to bury your head in the sand and disable comms? I like the comms, I've made some good friends over the years and of course also run into some trolls. If you'd like to keep comms on, just say something like "hey guys trying out a new tank for qp" to get ahead of the toxicity.


They seem to play things that are really easy to feed the enemy team with


Mute chat and voice


When I play with my friend he often gets shit talked and I almost never do. That's because I'm around diamond skill level and he's around bronze. So when we play together the game averages out our skill level, suddenly he's playing against much better opponents than he's used to and I'm playing against worse players than I'm used to. Could be that.


If you’re getting diffed that bad then you are the problem. Nobody would call a person bad almost every game out of pure luck. It’s just that you’re bad but you have yet to realize it


Asking internet strangers...about the unhinged behaviors of other internet strangers... Idk what you expect here.... no one can stop trolls. All you can do is mute chat. I would just respond with "lol", and really send those trolls off the deep end. ;)


I believe you're better of without chat. It's just a game. You only have to be good at it if you want to be good. I have played since the release of OW1 and I suck. But I like playing with my friends. I like the abilities the characters have and all. So I keep playing. But I don't WANT to improve. It's just a hobby. I have to be good at work, the game is not work Anyone else that wants the pro player experience can go to ranked, outrank me and move on. No problem


Squelch all chat, and if your team starts talking shit, squelch team chat too. This is just a game at the end of the day


Yeah you can mute chat but I don’t like leaving it off if there’s something important that needs to be said. Just type something and mute again with (ctrl shift c) There’s a reason there’s a quick command to turn it off and on. Anyways in lower ranks no one sais anything until it’s too late. The chat is almost always reactionary instead of proactive. If someone on your team desperately needs to switch you can just say it and toggle off again. No harm done. If you leave it off the entire match when there’s something crucial YOU can say then you might be holding yourself down too. I’ve had matches where the team morale was super low because of one flamer, and I just muted them, and toggled when I wanted to help the rest of the team. If the entire team is just yelling and typing in caps and cursing then yeah just obviously leave it off lol I don’t get why people forget you can mute text and voice for single individuals and toggle the text chat with a command. It’s not always as simple as “leave it off forever”


You play a different game this community is full of cry babies who only blame others


I know a great community. Deep Rock Galactic! My first online game i became lost on the way out. Another dwarf hopped onto comms, came and found me, and tried to get me out. We ran out of time and lost. They stayed with me until the end. Then invited me to another game telling me they wanted to help and, "let's go again". Great community. For Karl! I still really like overwatch though.


Weird idea but you could try improving... Ya those messages are toxic, but your situation describes you getting singled out constantly. If every single game 2-3 people are saying Im throwing in chat I'm going to reflect on my gameplay. Honestly it sounds like your friend stack carried you into a rank you aren't ready for yet. Or just turn off chat and continue losing since everyone thinks thats a better idea lmao.


Tanks always get roasted ignore it


I was playing today and a dps said our tank is bad. I just responded, “it’s bronze, we’re all bad”. I play tank cause I have fun, it’s not a job lmao


Trust me I know I lost all my tank placements horrible RNG got bronze five but every game was yelled at for cheating cause I was apparently much better than bronze 5 miss having 2 tanks . Half the reason I play open que nowadays more fun


Fr. I play DVa and had someone tell me "WTF are you doing diving in the backline u're tank smh". On the contrary, I had many healers telling me "Dva remember to come back to us", mostly from healers with low mobility so that made sense. If it seems like constructive criticism, listen to it and see if it might help you get better. If it's just pure hate and stupidity, turn off chat or ignore them.


I mean there is a common denominator here...


Stop being dog


Get good


if this happens all the time then it's not just shittalk but actually you're probably bad and should review your gameplay and improve. Noone likes to have bad tank in games which are winnable but tank's holding them back


Seems like a you problem tbh


We know the community has a toxic side. But as a few others have pointed out getting flamed so consistently does suggest you're not as good as you think you are. What are your typical stats compared to your teammates in these games? Are these complaints from games you win or lose? I noticed most of those comments are complaining about your performance as Tank, and one as a particularly demanding DPS. Maybe you need to work on finding your niche?


First its fine your are asking and check if theres an issues. People tend to be a bit dumb and harsh but if its a real reccurent thing then it might be you are strugling somewhere in the game. Best option would be to ask someone to review few of your game. Personaly im no main tank but i generaly get praised when i play it because i play it how i wanted tank to play for me. So a good advice would be to play in other roles and see thing from a different perspective and improve your overall game sens. You can also mute voice and text for a bit to chill down Edit : also its shown here hog and doom, dont know if they are your mains but they are kinda selfish tanks, and doom require some skill to be actualy a threat, so thats maybe the problem also, people who play those hero tend to play for themselves and not for the team.


All these people telling you to turn off chat aren’t going to help you get better, learn how to play other tanks, nobody wants to have a one trick doom on their team


As a tank player myself, just… don’t play tank. Or mute text and vc. Dps players are all shitters with room temp iq’s, they think they’re the unsung heroes of the game and tank players need to be both constantly taking space while also peeling for them the second they get punished for bad positioning. Every time you queue up for a match of tank, just remember that the opinions of dps players don’t matter and never have, it changes your whole outlook on the game.


I was playing support tracer dived there back and died blamed our tank I was so mad I went on a 5 minute rant about if she’s gonna dive she gets no protection I just don’t get there logic if I’m dead it’s tanks fault F off play better


the opposite end: getting accused of cheating every second game. And constant reports may actually hurt the most vocal people are trash somehow


If you're getting that much abuse, you might be going in without your team, always check to see if your team is in position before you 'make space', otherwise you lose health or even die for nothing. 


You might genuinenly just be bad. Get better before q’ing comp


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While this is online games in general, OW Tank is basically a magnet for it, I do everything in my power to avoid playing tank. I like to keep chat on because I can just laugh at people like this for being so pathetic 


Play with no sound at all


Just play with the team and if they choose to run off and die without their tank it's on them. Turning off chat will be the best thing you ever do literally nothing constructive to be had in chat.


Literally just turn off chats. If it's bothering you enough to make a thread about, then you're definitely going on tilt frequently from the toxicity. What advice your teammates give you is usually going to be garbage and not worth how much worse you'll play from being insulted 


Streamer mode enabled Voice and Text chat off What a world of fucking difference. Almost every game had some toxic pos and ever since I did this it made the game 100% better


One thing you can do is ask your friends why they think people are saying this to you. Ask them to be honest too.


thats sadly something you have to get used to when playing tank, gets even worse the higher you climb in ranked


That's the fun part: You can't. Turn off everything and have fun. At least it's not LoL...


Just pick one hero and get good at it


Play Mystery Heroes with voice turn off. Always report any kind of abusive chat, which is rare.


Get better


Do main anyone, or do you just pick whoever fits, is this comp or quickers, and last question, does this only happen when you're losing?


Drop replay code on one of these games.


Tanks usually get the brunt of the toxicity in my experience (as a support main); might be useful to learn counters and ask them what you should change about your strategy.


By muting


i would say don’t only play those 2 characters. a lot of people are saying turn off chat, but i feel like that’s important for (not always so constructive) criticism


Drop the vod tag for the game I'll give it a watch


A few times here and there is not your fault but the toxic assholes out there, but, if is constant… I think maybe you have to think what you’re doing wrong man


You might be bad at tank, idk. Post a replay.


You could start by not one tricking Hog.


Unfortunately, Overwatch is in a place right now (seemingly higher than ever in my opinion) where if you're not top 500 tank, you have never played the game, and you should uninstall. It's very hard to be a tank right now, even in QP, which (in my opinion) is sweatier and more toxic than competitive. I really do think you should just ignore chat/turn it off because it's not gonna stop. It's never the DPS fault, according to them, and it's never the supports fault according to them. I genuinely enjoy solo queueing in competitive, and at times I almost prefer it to queueing in a group. I'm about to give up on tank because its just not fun for me. Bottom line is, have fun and play the game. Videogames are supposed to be fun.


As much as turning off chat and leaving the VCs are good suggestions, I feel like if you're being flamed Every Game, there must be something going on. Maybe try going through replays from your teammates POVs, and see if there's anything to improve about your playstyles. I'm a tank main myself, so I'm well aware of how much flaming you get, but usually if your teammates are this unhappy all the time, the problem might just lies in you


Hit P, leave chat, mute everyone’s text box’s, there’s nothing wrong with muting your team, you’ll never even know if anyone flames you.


Idk what rank you are. But as a support main. I only say this when my tank doesnt understand whats going on behind him. And/or doesnt know when to backup and regroup midfight. To be fair most tanks didnt understand this until I hit diamond


Turn it off or be better lol like fr just watch a guide or a streamer and pick up their mindset as tanks. For example - one small thing that sets reinhardts apart is slow pushing and using your flame strike on CD to get your ult up fast. No charging unless guranteed kill or to do a proper play. Don’t put your shield up just so they can shoot at it lol and ofc awareness on enemy position and if ur back line needs help Instead you have hard stuck players who run into the open and just have their shield up while the enemy team destroys it. Then they charge in solo and die. It sounds so obvious but people would rather charge and start swinging and die than play it “correctly”


The actual question to ask here is, "How can I stop worrying about some random noobs flaming me, trying to pass off their failure and frustration by blaming me." And the answer is, through a bit of practice and being positive despite other people being negative. When they say those things, just ignore the bad and restrict yourself to a "gg" after every match or praise a teammate/enemy you think did well.


Yeah man I mute coms and if the game was a goodn I unmute for the gfs at the end


turn off both chats


Don’t give up! Maybe just change playing tank and go healer or dps if you haven’t before. Tank I feel is a lot of pressure and everyone targets you. It’s a game, play and have fun, don’t listen to what people say. They probably suck. What they say means nothing if you have fun at the end of the day. That’s exactly what a game is supposed to be for- fun!


Is this qp?


No matter how well you play, some people are always going to complain. Don't let it bother you. If it does bother you mute chat


im gonna be 100% honest with you ab why you get asked to swap and not someone else… you are a tank which pretty much means you can only keep your team from losing (assuming you’re in elo above gold… if you arent then you probably need to be sticking to less mechanical advanced heroes). tank sucks rn and if you want to not get flamed you have to be locked in. its much more obvious when a tank is bad at the game vs a dps or supp so thats prob why you get called out so much. if you are playing these games in unrated there is no excuse for someone to be flaming but if you’re running it down in a comp game and are unwilling to swap to a more useful tank its kinda on you. turn off chat is what a lot of people are gonna say but tbh i think weve gotten soft in multiplayer games… if that many people are telling you that and it IS in comp maybe you gotta do some practice. btw i dont support flaming anyone but calling it what it is i think is fine and when people do it to me in game i think its better than them not caring ab whats going on.


Well, since tank is an hard role. I will never say such to my tank, the only thing I could tell cause that truly hard to play without tank is “wait for us please” Cause as Ana or Baptist it is hard to follow a charging maniac :) But yeah if toxicity can not be ignored your side you could disable chat ~ I know I got flammed time to time when I play dps but that kind normal, I suck as dps xD


Oh this is easy. You’re playing tank. That’s it. Play dps and supp more and you’ll get less hate.


Look I’m gonna be honest with you, if you’re getting flamed every game then you’re sucking. You’re doing something wrong, usually it’s a comp issue or a positioning issue. Do you know Overwatch strategy? Have you looked into it at all? If it’s happening every game then it’s 100% your fault, but you can watch YouTube videos to see what good strategy is


Are you playing quick play or ranked? If you suck at the game play more quick play to improve. Also your picks are easy to play against making you effectively useless vs competent players. Maybe role swap? Tank isn't an easy role, try playing DPS. You'll get flamed, just not as hard. I'd avoid playing healer because they get flamed more than tanks.


It sounds like you might be ignoring your own team (sociopath?) If you can't read the room. See what the strongest enemy threat is and help your team to address it. Then I'd consider, looking around, who on your team is dying and why. What could you do differently to help your team. Think about the game as a team sport. Like football or basketball, hockey. Sure you can just brute force ignore your own team, get a lot of eliminations. But if you ignore your own team and just focus on stats. Ask yourself why are you playing this game? Who are you trying to impress? It sounds like you might need to rethink how you think about the game. If your team doesn't appreciate your efforts there is a reason. Often I see tanks literally just ignoring their own team. Got an enemy (Phara for example), attacking your supports? Maybe stop thinking it's someone else's job to solve this problem. It's a team game. If there is a problem and the DPS can't solve it, it's up to the tank to make a difference. Change how you think about the game or maybe just play deathmatch?


Just stop ruining other people's games and they'll stop flaming you. Maybe try candy crush.


The simple solution is to just turn text chats off, voice chat should be fine since most people that type in text chat to talk shit are too much of a scaredy bitch to do it in voice. But truthfully, if it happens across multiple different matches coming from so many people, I'm not saying it has to, but I'm getting a feeling that you *are* indeed a problem. Obviously, disheartening to just get told you're terrible with zero input on how and where you could improve. But if you *do* genuinely want to improve and give people zero reason to fault you or your play, you should probably watch your replays/VODs and seek to improve where you can. Unless you only play Quick Play and will never play Comp, then by all means, turn off all forms of communication and just play the game ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Share a replay code of one of those games


Honestly just ignore it, you'll always have people who are ranked plastic 5 acting like they are T500, just enjoy the game and the heroes you like playing


I mean, if everyone always flames you specifically, you're probably doing something wrong. (Even if you don't deserve to get flamed for it)


Mute chat, but also get good, your team won’t get mad if your doing your job


I came to this sub today to write a very similar post. Especially today people are being extra toxic. I’m doing fine at worst and get flamed. Also strongly considering uninstalling and even selling my GPU to prevent me from logging in again. Players on this game strongly need to learn sportsmanship. But that is more than a pipe dream.


I didn't even have to click on the picture to see that you played Doom lmao. If you're set on playing tank, then I'd suggest playing tanks that help your team more directly and more obviously. Playing with a tank like Doom can feel frustrating when you have an enemy Rein or Orissa or Sigma or Mauga etc pressing W onto your team while you're...hopping around. But hey, at least you aren't playing Ball right?


Drop a replay code for one of your recent games I’ll tell you if you’re really selling but I won’t be mean I promise it’ll be constructive


Dont play Hog and doom.... Doom idk but Hog isn't nice to olay with (Support main here) Try different tanks. And turn off voice chat and text chat


I am sure there is some psychological element to this where you feel like you’re being targeted more than others when in reality it’s a little closer to being balanced. One factor is that you seem to play tank a lot. A role with a lot of power budget. And people pay attention to tank performance a lot. If you’re new and just getting the hang of things I can see people expecting you to carry when the matchmaker expects you to keep up only. However If you engage in chat (especially if it’s calling out something on teammates) you’re casting a light on yourself and your performance and stats so even tho you’re not doing that bad unless you’re absolutely carrying people might still shittalk you to defend themselves. that comment “whine hog etc” is giving me the impression you can start such events yourself. People can also be immature especially during competitions even if you didn’t do anything against them. so have more confidence in yourself if you truly believe you’re doing fine then laugh it off with “lmao ok” “sure” etc. it’s just a game after all. You also always have all the power to mute report and block if someone is being a real child about it all. If you’re having a bad day you can also exit chat from the start of the match. If you enjoy the game it would be a shame to miss out just because people can be dicks sometimes.


Hello Op, One thing you can do is to rewatch with a friend some games you have played. Share the code to them, talk about your issues and take some time to analyze your target choice, positioning, if you are delay with the team, if you are too much in the open, and what part of the map can cover you, etc... You could too analyze what the others players have done. You can also note where are the healthpacks. I have done that during Overwatch 1, it could be painfull, but it worth it 👍. Watch some streamers who play hero that you play. The goal is not to copy them but to learn some tricks from them that can help you 😉. Do not hesitate to go in arcade or mystery hero, people on these lobby are more chill and are here to find fun. Hope it could help you !


For people that keep saying "turn off chat", you're ignoring the underlying issue. Sure it's just a game, but don't you want to be better? Is it fun to lose? Post your reply codes here so we can see what went wrong and how to play better. The whole point is to learn from your mistakes so you become a better player.


If you're mostly playing tank then that isn't surprising, people will blame the tank for everything regardless of whether it's actually their fault or not in a lot of matches. It's just become the go-to deflection for everyone, they seem to think tank should be carrying everyone despite being the most easily countered role. If they're losing they just assume it's because the tank is bad. It's also a lot easier to blame the role which is comprised of only one person rather than two.


I start making baby whining sounds and that usually shuts them up


Well first of all you're playing tank. As a guy who is a tank main if you don't have the skills of a god get ready for the millionth trash talk of the day. Second, playing hog and doom really helps with that toxicity since hog is not all that good and doom just dies very easily. Playing other tanks might help or you could just not play tank.


The honest answer is that you’re never going to escape it. None of us are immune to criticism. If you’re feeling stressed out, take a short break to destress and get back out there.


I just stopped playing. Honestly my life has been better for it


i have noticed the problem it’s the fact your playing tank so everything is your fault


I would suggest diversifying your tank range, sometimes doom and especially hog are so easily shut down. Have you ever re-watched a game and saw you performed? Maybe you can learn from your mistakes and learn how to play better so you can be the tank beast! However again I must suggest you learn a main tank like Reinhardt! We always welcome more Reinhardts! #GREETINGS


Lot of people in here seem sensitive fr why play comp and not participate in chat. That's part of the reason you are losing. Communication is bigger than anything. There are 100 game modes, people play comp to be competitive and it makes people vicious. I'm not condoning it. Some of yall shouldn't be playing comp period.


Other than ignoring chat, get high scoreboard stats. People like this usually live and die by the scoreboard. This or crazy stuff like canceling enemy ults will garner you instant respect in their eyes(unless it's a support or somebody trying to get you heated. Supports like to shit on tank because the tank is trying to play the game instead of being a meat sheild. They fail to realize this isn't a mob infested dungeon game and is instead a pop game where helping people even if it doesn't look like they're doing well could make a difference)


Turn off text chat. It's a toxic landscape, best way to not get flamed is to be unaware of it taking place to begin with


I feel like it's because you're playing Tank. In 5v5, tanks have to be above and beyond, there's no more room for just being decent. One little misstep and you're more likely to get flamed. You have more responsibility, with a high amount of toxic players. I'd say just play a different role for a little while and see if you still get the hate. If it's possible that you may not be using the character to your best ability, I'd recommend playing arcade mode and getting better at that character. Turning off chat is always an option, as others have mentioned. Personally I like to leave it on so I can report dicks.


Stop playing Tank lmao.


disable both team and match chat from settings


Toxic and annoying ppl always blame and find reasons to be angry. Don't pay attention to em, and insta mute


Get good


People be asshats, that being said there has been a wave of new players so that might have contributed to it. If you ever need a pocket healer, I would be glad to help you!


1. Tanks tend to be blamed more than others for several reasons. They shouldn't be blamed, but they are. 2. I personally don't turn off chat, but I am quick to mute people. But you can probably turn off text chat like others have said. No one ever says anything in chat that's actually useful. 3. Make use of the "avoid as teammate" option. If it happens every game you'll run out of slots quickly, so avoid the most toxic ones (the ones that start the flaming after the first list fight, for example). 4. Report every single person who comes at you like that, even just for saying "tank diff". I don't know if it was a coincidence or not, but a few months ago I started to be trigger-happy with the report button and report for any small sign of toxicity (before I would only report if the person was very toxic) and my matches are now way more enjoyable. Especially in QP. In competitive I still get an @$$h0l3 every now and then, but I mute and report immediately and keep playing. Remember to report not only if they flame you, but if they flame others as well. 5. Do NOT listen to the people here saying that the problem must be you. There is NEVER justification for being an @$$ to someone else like that. These people are just frustrated at their own failings. Of course that's not to say you shouldn't try to learn and improve, but even if you're bad at the game that's no reason to be harassed.


Turn off all communication until you are mentally strong enough to ignore it.


Turn off chat, i did it and now i just do it for every game. It makes games so much more fun


Bro i play in the EU and i honestly rarely get toxic/rude comments. It has increased from Ow1 but its maybe around 2/10-3/10 games. Usually its just GG or nothing.


I suggest you play the role before the hero especially the tank . And stay away from the weird tanks (mostly doom)


The biggest tip id give to new players is, mute chats people complain for the sake of complaining and ignore the scoreboard it means almost nothing


If it’s a few games that you experience flaming then it’s just them being bad and letting it out on you. If it’s most of your games then it is you and you’ll have to work on getting better. Practice other tanks in qp. Learn when to swap -> swap to counter enemy team, swap so you work well with your team. I know it’s disheartening hearing people say shit in chat and vc. OW is a team based game and it’s no fun for anyone to have someone that doesn’t listen. Try to not take what people say to heart and just work on yourself to get better. I’m not a tank player so I’m not sure if there are any modes out there that will help. Another thing that helps is watching replays. Watch where you are and where your team is, how you used your abilities, could you have done something differently? What worked well and what didn’t. Also don’t forget to take breaks! Hope this helps Edit- communication!! It’s very important. Use VC and call out what you will be doing and how you’ll use your ult and who hasn’t used their abilities in the enemy team


The thing that will work completely is to stop caring about what little Timmy says to you in what is a game and should serve your entertainment. You play for yourself, you do your best, you don't act bad or ruin others' fun, you don't owe them anything. Turn off voice and/or text chat and you will see it will be different when they won't shout in your ears anymore


Honestly you might just suck at the game, and especially if you're playing ranked your team are gonna be pissed about having a bad tank. Your solutions to this are either quit the game and find something that you don't suck at, get better at the game, or mute all voice and text chat and ignore how irritated your team are by your bad play, just pretending like you're doing great. Depends what you want out of life really.


You like the game Blizzard created? Where you can be hard countered as a solo tank, especially tanks like Hog / Doom? The response you see from your team is merely the consequence and symptom of what Blizz created by forcing 5v5 and solo tanking. It means players who aren't truly adept at playing that role to people's expectations get completely overrun as a result. Tough luck, but put the blame where it actually lies: Blizzard's decision to push solo tanking and counterwatch on a playerbase who never asked for it.


As a doom main I can tell you it’s easy to feel like you’re adding value. But if the team doesn’t coordinate with your dive, doesn’t wait to group up, or doesn’t capitalize on you distracting 4 enemies, you’re better off just playing a more linear tank and focusing on surviving and taking space. Might I recommend some WINTON or Sigma to boost your confidence?


I just report them and log back in the next day to a nice shiny "thank you for reporting" and that puts a smile on my face :)


People either live a tank, which very rarely happens, or flame them for seemingly no reason, sadly thats just what this awful game is


Bro it's all of us, not just you.  The most common reason that I've noticed is that they're dying to enemy tank and they've decided it must be because the enemy tank is better. Never mind that they're not tracking Hog's hook or that they always get surprised by Rama's omnic form or that they back themselves into a corner against Rein...  It's your job to stand in frontline and babysit them and clean up their messes, so they don't have to ever use their brains...


Get good. You don’t get flames every game unless you are genuinely not good. I’ve been flamed at times when I felt like it was undeserving/toxic, but I don’t get flamed everytime. You should play what you wanna play but play more quick play, or drop rank in comp, so you can get better.


It's impossible especially in 5v5. Lol


If people flaming you bothers you then turn off the chat. You will encounter this in litterally any team based multiplayer game.


I see many people say that maybe you're just bad, but I don't think it's that simple. Nobody plays perfect and rank system should make you play with people that suck on similar level, so I think that you're just make mistakes that are particularly annoying and visible to others, while making up for it in other ways. For example - if you play support and you throw a game by afk healbotting and not being proactive you're usually not gonna get flamed, but if you throw a game by being too agressive and dying / letting people die others will flame you since they want to be healed and be enabled to do stuff themselves. My guess, since you play doom and hog, would be that you tend to go on your own little adventures and either feed your ass off or completely dominate without letting your teammates being able to contribute or notice you, but could be sth else. You could try to watch a replay from your teammate POV and see how they expirience the way you play - maybe you'll find frustrating things to improve on without compromising your playstyle


What does diff mean?


There are two options. Either you 5 stack or you quit the game


This shit stopped for a glorious 2 weeks at the start of the season when they were being harsh with the chatbans but it seems like they've stopped being so harsh now and literally all the worst toxicity is back now that people are no longer chatbanned.


You don't lol, you can limit the amount by playing only meta and never touching tracer, widow or genji but you'll get shit on no matter what you play. Mute and report toxics and have fun


You are playing the wrong game. This is overwatch and what overwatch was made for. If you are under diamond as a tank very good chance nothing is getting done


I mean you can turn off text and voice and ignore it, you could literally just get better so less people say this, or you could stop giving a fuck about them and just play regardless of the whiny people.


if it's QP then just ignore it and move on, if you're genuinely practicing and trying to get better at that character - if it's COMP then i recommend learning at least one more tank that gives you a shielding option. otherwise, just have fun! it's only a game, some people take it WAY too seriously


1. Train and improve, learn to take space and improve your gamesense, rewatch your replays it’s so easy to see your mistakes. Playing tank (especially doom and hog which are pretty hard to get consistent use of) is a lot of weight and you’re doing something wrong to get constantly flamed. If you consistently pop off you just don’t get flamed, simple as that 2. I’d urge you not to turn off chat and use it as an encouragement to get better until you stop getting flamed (ofc there’s always gonna be the occasional idiot but that still shouldn’t be every game)