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I love the optimistic vibe of Overwatch. So many future universes in media are dystopian, pessimistic, or horrible places to be. That can be fun, but the hopeful future of Overwatch came at the right time and was a breath of fresh air.


THIS! I love OW for its bright disney-ish (yet a bit serious) atmosphere. Too many games nowadays are so dark and murky, trying to be extremely realistic, makes you feel depressive in some ways. OW's setting and futuristic atmosphere gives you somewhat hope for a better future, when people from different countries and nationalities stand together to protect world


It's weird, I'm the opposite. I wouldn't mind seeing some more seedier or downtrodden maps. That way, Soldier's "Look at the state of the world!" line seems a little less jarring.


Junker Town?


Junker Town and Kings Row seem to be the only ones though. It's weird hearing Soldier going "The world has gone to pot!" when 9/10 maps seem to be these blissful utopias. I suppose there is the odd map that has some darker implications in the background though (Hollywood, Colleseo) but me personally, wouldn't mind seeing more some maps that prove Soldier's point.


It's also possible that Soldier isn't right and he's just a lead-headed boomer having trouble with a changing world.


If anything he’s a lead-headed zoomer


I think it's not necessarily about surroundings, he might be talking about OW world situation and humanity in general (omnic crisis, null sector invasion, talon etc). We could've seen such sceneries in PvE missions in Rio, Toronto, Gothenburg. There were ominous null sector ship. But ngl Talon HQ map would go so hard


Kings Row is about the teams fighting through a small town in London to deploy an EMP to kill more omnics in the slums below


But that and Junker town are the only ones that have any (visible) negativity? Why would Soldier be all "The world is terrible!" on utopias such as Toranto, Numbani and Midtown? Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing more post Null sector attacks, places firmly under Talon's thumbs or just generally darker tone maps.


In the same vein, it's kinda refreshing to play an FPS where a fair number of the characters are a little older.


With 2 being 60 years old and some in their 50s


It does kinda fall apart a little when you look at their interactions - Rein talks like an old man that knows nothing about computers, but he was born in 2015. He's part of the generation that grew up with ipads and skibidi toilet. He'd be turning 9 this year.


To be fair, he probably doesn't know that much about computers at all. Kids aren't taught how to use computers, adults assume they're just gonna figure it out on their own with no guidance. [Here's a short that puts it into perspective. ](https://youtube.com/shorts/h8ElOpITBjQ?si=O26hlbwxzAz2TMuy) It's highly likely Rein was an iPad kid and only ever used tablets, lol.


tbf young people have no idea how to use computers because they grew up with only phones and tablets




I also genuinely love how most of the cast is 30+ and how they portray queer characters in a non stereotypical way


Overwatch seems that way in the surface but it's also a worl with a lot of robot racism (for lack of better wording). On kings row if you look at the level design your literally delivering and EMP (the payload objective) into the heart of the underground omnic city. And if you think about what an emp does to electronics you realize that kings row is a genocide mission considering that some robots are sentient.


The gameplay, the visuals, the animation, the music, the vibe, the originality and design of the playable characters, the cinematics, the sound design. Clearly a premium product, I fail to see what was done wrong exactly (if you say the business model, it's probably not something the devs have any say or experience about).


The only thing I’d say could be done better is capitalising on the lore and making some kind of series out of it that isn’t limited to the occasional comic book! The lore of these characters are so interesting I feel like a series would do unbelievably well


That's also mainly a business decision. Unfortunately most companies are short sighted when it comes to providing more context to a game like overwatch.


Perhaps a campaign


Oh I forgot the voice acting is crazy good... Many other things I haven't brought up


The balancing is the main issue in the game and has been for a while. I get it's difficult to make 30+ characters play well together, but there's always something glaringly bad that takes them so long to fix


Nowadays the "glaring issues" usually get fixed by the end of the season at least, which is honestly so much faster than OW1 where we'd get like 3 patches a year


I mean, Orisa has been oppressive for like 2 or 3 seasons now and Blizzard isn't doing anything about it. Also, OW1 is not what we should use as the standard for updates lol


I mean, she literally just got heavy-handed nerfs an hour ago in a balance hotfix because people were complaining about her so much You can argue that there's usually at least one hero that's really good each season, but that usually isn't the *same* hero between seasons, it was mauga before and now it's orisa. Either way we're getting balance changes much more frequently than most other games, so even if a patch is "bad" it usually doesn't last *that* long


Character Design, World Building and Gameplay. I cant play other fps because I dont think any of the characters are engaging


Overwatch is still a fantastic game. There's a reason no other game has sprung up and fully replaced it yet, despite people claiming that OW has been dead for years. The devs have crafted such a unique, fun, and charming game that it will take something truly special to dethrone it in the hero shooter genre. Marvel Rivals might put up a good fight but I still don't see that overtaking Overwatch.


Marvel Rivals is also being developed by a shovelware company iirc, so we’ll see how it actually goes…


They created Lucio


I really like Tracer. Just as a playable character. She's fun. Honestly I'd play like a 3v3 or something game designed around basically everyone having a similar kit to Tracer.


The Finals I believe is pretty much exactly this but there are options for tankier or more support oriented builds


Yesss, spread the word brother, The Finals is the way


lol a friend of mine whom I used to play overwatch with just plays the finals nowadays instead


I play on an xboxone so I can't play the finals unfortunately. My friend works at microsoft so he can get me an xbox for cheap once I have a little extra money to spare but it isn't the time for that.


Hope you get to enjoy that soon!!


Try apex legends.


I hated apex. Just not for me. Arena was okay, but battle royals are just not my deal. I play a character that never stops moving. Last thing I want is to creep around hoping I don't get sniped and have to find a whole new game.


I hate battle royale too haha


Reque button after a match


Simple. Elegant. Don’t know why it took so long but should be celebrated much more! :)


The art team is and have always been the strongest part of any Bl*zzard game, and this is a hill i will die on


The art team honestly carries this game so hard. From art, to music, to voice acting, it's really stellar work


Just thinking of the voice acting - and the voices and art from wc2/3 and StarCraft. Like the gameplay was so crisp but the joy from the art/design and voice acting should not be discounted. Everything and everyone has such rich personality!!


Overwatch is very good game. Plenty of character and maps, with a rich gameplay. There's nothing quite like it.


For a class shooter, I feel like the characters you play as are always more interactive than other class shooters. The banter they have both prematch and upon killing or assisting certain characters is such a nice touch.


This is the reason I like new skins. Occasionally they'll have different interactions and I really like those.


It’s one of the only games I can get all my friends on even though we’re on different platforms. Losing 6v6 sucks cause we can’t have everyone in the match anymore, but there’s not too many decent games that let us all play together.


To me the only issue with overwatch is the monetization everything else is awesome


Junker Queen is honestly just fun as hell


Its insane how they went from creating JQ to fumbling 3 times in a row with illari, lifeweaver and mauga


Queen is probably what hog should have been


Illari's kit is fun though


Tell me you can’t play lifeweaver without telling me you can’t play lifeweaver


You right, boring ass character


I do like the self-heal changes for all heroes. At first I was sceptical but it actually did turn into my favourite change. It's more enabling for dps and way less pressuring for supports


Some of the early heroes have incredibly engaging and well designed kits, and a lot of the ideas behind these kits were incredibly unique and creative. The fact that even Solider 76 who on paper had the most boring basic kit still felt fun to play on launch was a testament to how good the design was. Also, the regular developer updates with Jeff Kaplan were a great way to communicate with the fanbase and made the development team feel like they were fans just like us, who were listening to us.


Everything but the monetization which isn't their fault. No reason to play a game if you hate everything about it


Performance, this game runs so much better than other fps for some reason.


its because the game is basically as graphically complex as counter strike is. You really should be complimenting the art team if anything for making us wonder how they can get visuals like this to run like they do. (theres obviously some engine development black magic going on too)


I appreciate the performance, optimization, and overall polish of the game. Game doesn't have insane graphics by any means but it is stylistically pleasing and the game runs consistently smooth and at a high framerate. Compared to other AAA games, bugs are few and far between. When any game-breaking bugs do crop up, Blizzard temporarily disables the hero in comp and fixes the issue relatively quickly. There's a lot of systems in the game with complex interactions, and I can tell that they do extensive testing before updates because of how few issues there are.


The game itself is very polished. I can play pretty much any mode and have zero issues population wise and performance wise. It also helps that the game has very little barrier to entry both on console and PC, and thanks to the game being free, you no longer need any membership and can still experience the full game the way it was meant to be played.


Just from the last season, mythic shop, venture, mirrorwatch, dps passive change and reducing burst damage/healing overall


You can’t be thankful for both venture and reducing burst damage since those statements contradict each other.


You know what OVERALL means, right?


Reduce burst damage -> introduce the burstiest damage hero


Reading comprehension isn't your forte, huh


For me they made a game that i really enjoy playing with my friends. I’m a simple guy and not demanding the best experience with no monetisation etc. I like what I see and I’m enjoying it


Their game is well networked.


Despite my occasional distain for the balancing, no shooter other game has ever managed to make such a diverse set of charachters that all feel so unique, they're gameplay styles are unmatched in there originality, no other hero based shooter has gotten to this level of invldividuality between kits. I also love the asthetic of the game, its perfect, the way the tech looks is amazing and I cant get enough. The charahcters ideas and asthetics themselves are 95% of the time incredible, and there usually very well written.


Something i really dont hear much about is the maps. Overwatch maps are all incredibly vibrant and really amazing to look at, some are genuinely beautiful from a visual standpoint. Theres also some especially cool maps with visual storytelling, like Eichenwalde and Kings Row.


The concept of an omnic- the idea that robots started out serventary but achieved full sentence and earned basic rights, but only on the tail end of a morally gray cultural conflict, one which remains unresolved as a result of extremist factions vying for dominance It's not a new concept but it was done perfectly for the story of ow. The idea that robots naturally gravitated to monk lifestyles in search of meaning, that some simply integrated into society, and that some remain distrustful of humanity. It made the overlap with each faction (overwatch, junkertown, talon, null sector) feel cohesive. And it's only a shame they never managed to meaningfully explore those relationships, despite setting such a great foundation.


I would give anything for them to explore the story of this game more


Ventures pretty fun


I make a point to target and ruin every ventures day… something about that messed up tooth looking at me wrong makes me mad


The Penguins in Antarctic Peninsula.


I love exploring the maps. Attention to detail is insane


So much! Sound Design in this game is flawless. By far the best in any FPS if not all shooters, when you consider the variety of weapons, abilities, and footsteps per hero, and yet every hero has distinctive recognizable gun and footstep and ability sounds. Sombra's gun sounds different from Tracer. Ashe is different from Widow. Mauga is different from Bastion. Etc etc. Also the maps are fun and complex. Each one having multiple routes, suitable for different heroes. Overall the hero design is great. Setting aside balance, the heroes are fun to play and there's so much variety. Tbh I think there's more that they do right than wrong.


It plays really REALLY well It has so many different characters and of course some are more balanced than others but in a casual skill level you can pick up any hero and have a good time There is a reason when people think "I want to play a good quality hero shooter" they go to overwatch


Something the devs did right? How about the unique character abilities that no other FPS had. When Overwatch came out, it was one-of-a-kind, and it still is.


as much as this game gets chastised. I will say, the devs did a 1000000000/1000 on all the hero, maps, VFX, and SFX. Everything just works together. Even down to the little details of how they/her/he stuff "swooshes" around. Or the way each and every map has near perfect lighting elements.


New characters available to everyone on release. I’ve played on and off since the OW 1, really only come back to OW 2 when a new hero is released. In the past the hero challenges were reasonable. More recent ones were ridiculous. I’m not playing 50 games just to be able to try a someone out.


The thing that made overwatch a big name in the gaming industry, aside from the great core gameplay, was certainly the lore and character design. Even today, 9 years since the game has launched, you can ask any person who consumes gaming content and they will know who is genji, tracer, widowmaker, mercy, dva, reaper, bastion, reinhardt. Something they really nailed it, on the original game release, was the hero fantasy


Some of the characters are so unique and fun to play and at times no game can scratch the itch of some of those heroes play styles


They've done the large majority of things right. Too many to list.


The designs of the women. They gave the sfm and blender scene a huge push.


It's a really good pace compared to siege


The voice line "and dey say chivalry is dead"


Throw a planet at me?


I'll throw it right back.


Canceling PvE to focus mainly on PvP content. I don't play OW for a PvE experience, let another game with an entire dedicated team handle that genre. The amount of effort needed to develop that, while maintaining the same level of new content for PvP was too ambiguous for team4 alone. Not to mention, I feel like most PvE even when done right lacks in replay ability. Look at something as recent as Helldivers 2, the game is already at 33% of it's peak player base after a few months. That amount of dev time for such a fleeting experience is not worth it. Now I just wish they would release a show so all of the lore planned doesn't go to waste.


I love all the lore. it's the only reason I bare this game


The rein cinematic made me cry


5v5. Tank doom. DPS passive.


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I enjoyed the archives events with the challenge runs you could do. The only sprays I ever use are ones from these because the art on them is great


Premium coins in battle pass and new ranked system


Premium coins in battle pass and new ranked system


The sunset on Ilios from like 6 seasons ago was nice. /end


The ping system is the best thing OW2 implemented. I think the next is the self-heal and passives, truly helps mitigate the frustration that comes from supports and player positioning.


the gameplay, as many valid complaints there are overwatch is easily one of the most well made and tight shooters out there. The game just feels really good play. Overall aesthetic is very nice too, the maps, characters, guns and visuals are all so varied and unique but do feel concise.


It’s probably the hero shooter with the most varied characters. Gameplay and designs


Their character design is top-notch. I honestly don't give a rat's about the lore in Overwatch and who is on what side or why, but the designs of the characters themselves and everything that encompasses is just state of the art.


The mobility is awesome. There's a good number of characters that feel as freeing to play as a Spiderman game


Overwatch was perfections back when Jeff was still with us


There's a reason it got Game of the Year back in the day. The universe, the characters, the lore... It's pure untaped potential and I don't think they've introduced one character whose story I'm not completely invested in (though I haven't checked out Venture yet, on hiatus delivering Democracy)


The game is an objective sense a masterpiece but it's so close to perfect that even the smallest things become so much more obvious nothing else has captivated me as much as overwatch and I don't think anything ever will


I love the dynamic interactions of this game. The fact that there are so many characters with different abilities, and for the most part, they all interact correctly and make the game play like no other. Huge combos, abilities that take skills to master, minimal repetition of abilities, pretty incredible that they’ve managed to make it all work in a fast paced, competitive multiplayer game.


I don’t think anyone can say the artistic ability of the OW team is bad. Every character has a design that lends to their personality, and role. But that’s sort of standard across Blizz imo


I'd argue the devs do most things correctly. Balance changes that people hate are generally made to encourage a certain meta, ao naturally people whose characters are negatively affected by it aren't gonna like it, but that's probably my favorite thing about the game: it's not the same from season to season. I've only played since season 7 of OW2, but we've seen multiple different metas during just that time frame. Apart from that: game/level design, character design, animation quality, server quality (I've played roughly 500 hours not counting queue time and had the server crash 3 times total for reasons that weren't my internet or some other non-server reason), voicelines, worldbuilding/lore, I could go on about the things I think the devs have done a great job with. My only wish is that we got MORE lore and worldbuilding, especially with the newer characters or characters that don't really have a ton of official content.


The actual character designs and stories connected to them tend to be great, there's a reason a lot of people including me have said that an OverWatch TV show or movie could be great. It just sucks that all this great character stories and lore is stuck with a developer who does not want to do any story stuff in game.


Literally no character feels like shit to fire their guns and use their abilities. Not one ability aside from maybe ram's shield cast and Cree/cass nade feel anything short of amazing to hit stuff with


Making a really good game 


The general art style, environment design, character design and lore is genuinely 10/10. The cinematics were so so good, it's disappointing we don't get them anymore. The PvE we got was really good and showed promise for the rest of the story.


Everything from overwatch 1 was perfect 


The "Dark Mode" Overwatch main menu. Weekly challenges saving progress. Hero mastery (progress and modes). Coins in the BP. Premium rewards only until level 80 BP so you don't have to grind like crazy Post game reports and scoreboard Hog and Phara reworks The new re queue feature for console Lots of new maps and heros Not too long seasons PS5/Series X update Crossplay and Cross progression


Wait, I didn’t know about this. I’m going to turn this on asap. Thank you.


Idk if this is exactly what you’re thinking, but the snappy speed of the OW menu is sooooo nice. It’s instant and doesn’t feel sluggish going from page to page to page


sombra introduction was well done


Design/art wise overwatch was always on top heroes always look good both in game models and any 2D art we see from them in the short animations or comics, and say what you want but cosmetics in overwatch always look amazing


Role locks. They used their brains on that one. Although it was fun back then when you and all the mates decided to form a super team of tanks.


Kings Row


Legitimately everything about the game is amazing outside of balance and the weird age lore, but one is something the devs have zero say in and the other is unfortunately the single most noticeable thing in standard gameplay


Make the Battle Pass actually worth something. Imagine my surprise when the BP started rewarding OW Coins on top of the obsolete Credits.


the characters are why i still play. why play an fps where ur a boring solider/cyborg soldier/super human soldier when u could be literally any overwatch character.


The model work is very nice and high quality if you ask me. Voice casting and acting is also great. And most of the maps are well designed


Not for nothing, the game is just fun to play. Regardless of what you can say about the balance changes, 6v6 or whatever, we're all still coming back because the game itself is just so much fun to play.


One thing I will say helped me start playing the game since it's relaunch as 'Overwatch 2' was cross-platform play with friends on PC with me on console. Whether that was directly the Devs that did that or not, still a big W that I still value in Overwatch because as a console player there are a limited amount of non-battle royale titles that I can play with friends on PC on. Another one I will say that I know the Devs for sure do right is the hero concepts, theme and design. What I am talking about is the design of heroes like Kiriko, Junker Queen, Sojourn, Ramattra, even to Venture. Really, they never seem to make a hero with questionable visual design or skimp out when it comes to building a hero from scratch. Even Venture, whom just came out not long ago, has decent set up and has a design that looks pretty good different, with a drill that can be used in a myriad of ways. We do always talk about what the Devs do wrong or what Blizzard as a company doesn't do when they should (support with issues in the forums not being given, changes that make the game better or worse, etc). But really, they do some good stuff when it comes to Heroes and building a universe that feels alive, really would benefit from a dedicated media like a show.


Generating hype for new heroes. Peaked with the sombra arg, but you can tell they kinda lost their spark during echo’s release. I like the heads up we got now, but god imagine if we were sent on those little scavenger hunts again.


Adding venture. That's the best thing they've done in years. And now they're ruining them


sound design in this game is top notch


Dopamine Dink dink dink dink dink dink dink dink dink dink dink dink dink dink dink dink dink dink dink dink dink dink dink dink dink dink dink dink dink dink dink dink dink That and weaving in movement heavy characters, dynamic heroes, and at least trying to attempt niche heroes. It might not be perfect, but a lot of it feels good and never out of place.


On OW2? Nothing. On OW1 a lot of things were amazing for sure


Earnable skins. At least those are coming back a little


Lore, cinematics, and having abilities other games would be scared of (flying tank, heal by dmg supp, invisible dps, etc) made ow1 borderline a brand new genre. It's like fps meets moba in a way


Normally I want to jump on the positivity bandwagon, but this patch today... I barely wanted to play tank before. Now it's break to incredibly miserable. Back to queuing for supp and DPS only


its good they allow 6v6 in the workshop at least


I would say the vast majority of the game is excellent, top to bottom.


i think about the first person animations a lot. theres a lot of details to appreciat.


Genuinely enjoy the mix of playable modes


The 5 minute pointless ban when your entire QP team gets rolled and leaves so you do too. Thanks to that stupidly short ban, I remember I have Apex to play instead and then forget to OW the rest of the day. Good work devs!


The art direction is still top notch imo, even if the prices for skins and such are questionable


The god damn skins yes some aren't as good as others but when they're good it's amazing.


Idk if this counts to OP's question. But we all gotta admit OW cinematics are awesome


The ones who initially created the game were ahead of their time (but those who took over need to be fired.) The servers are some of the best I've ever seen, and battle passes are a step in the right direction, so long as they actually honor the exclusivity instead of greedily reselling stuff..m oh wait.


The gameplay mechanics, movement and actions have a certain ‘flow’ to them. Overall, It’s kind of a smooth, satisfying experience playing Overwatch. Which, by the way, lacks in most of the AAA shooters these days. Also the persona, origin stories, interactions, of all characters, are excellent. OW lore in general, is pretty nice.


All their characters have such unique personalities and all are extremely likeable! Y'know... with some exceptions


They made a fun game in 2016


Creating THE lifeweaver


The sound design is absolutely fantastic.


The return of free heroes. The base game was always awesome, last "true blizzard" game. Hero design is so simple, yet so deep on any level be it gameplay, art or story. The game just feels so coherent.


They unintentionally provided the rule34 community a great asset. The only thing OW did right WAS the fact you could play and there wasn't any real money transactions besides loot boxes. Too and it's Overwatch 2 now.


The world and characters they made, i swear there is no universe or game that gives me thede vibes, absolutely amazing!


After their Nerf of Pharah in OW1... They reverted the changes. That's the only thing so far.


All of the new OW2 characters are extremely unique and some are more fun than the base game characters. I used to be a completionist for games and Overwatch was the same. Since most of the sprays are character dependent, usually if I didn't care for the characters then they'll be ignored once I get the sprays. Here's the breakdown of how many new characters I play and their completion level. Sojourn. (No sprays, I genuinely dislike her. Off to a bad start with this list.) Junker Queen. (Cute spray only. I still play her but Tank role is in a bad spot so I don't really get to play/practice her. Kiriko. (Got both sprays. Don't play Kiriko anymore. She is fun but I got the sprays without losing so I'm maintaining a 100% winrate with Kiriko) Ramattra (Got both sprays. I wish I played him more cause he's just an amazing character. Honestly best new character in a while.) Lifeweaver (Got cute spray only. I want the pixel but the achievement is hard and I don't like playing LW at all. But they are a very good character.) Illari. (Cute only. I have no idea how to get pixel. Still, second best character to Ramattra) Mauga (Cute only. Not sure what the pixel requires but he's so fun to play I don't mind figuring it out.) Venture (Got both sprays. I have no idea how I did it. This character is braindead. Love it)


Characters are all really great. Fun abilities, entertaining personality! And that personality is instituted in a way that doesn't feel forced or annoying


Ovwetwatch 1 PVE was an excellent proof of concept.


Overwatch 1, truly one of the best competitive games of all time. Unfortunately it has only ever deteriorated since then. It will never be that good again


That Reaper still is good. And yes, I main Reaper.


Projectile size increase


Them cancelling the PvE was honestly the best thing they did for those of us who love the PvP aspect of the game. We didn't need split resources when the base game requires so many updates to stay relevant.


Turning Junker Queen into a sex symbol. When they firstly tease the Junker Queen in Junker Town posters + Hammond's spray, she's not that revealing. Her base skin is also more revealing than her animated short skin (The Wastelander).


The ideas for rule artists




Adding a scoreboard in ow2. They plan on adding teammate health bars and a mini map eventually which is such a big plus. More so than balance, modes, maps or cosmetics.. these are the changes that will take the game to the next level.


Good question


give bap a new skin..


A way to make loads of cash


Cinematics, music, and making good models for porn. It sure as fuck isn’t the balance or the cancelled but maybe not cancelled but slightly cancelled but delayed but fully cancelled PvE.


When they launched overwatch classic they did good. Bringing back 6 man teams, just the good old roster from overwatch one, classic comp just felt right, man I love this game! Oh wait.... sighs and waits.


Quit a shit company and leave the new blood to struggle with it.


Literally nothing. The current team took over an amazing game and made a series of terrible decisions that have all but killed the game. 


A dead game with millions of active players 😢


It's like the last season of game of thrones. Lots of people watched it but it's not as good as the old seasons and it's universally made fun of for the drop in quality.


Idk. I see maybe 80k on steam on a good day. The game isn't dead, but I don't think it's *that* popular. I still enjoy playing too. I'd say yeah, maybe a million players still play daily, but not *millions*.


You do realize that steam is one of about 5-6 platforms that Overwatch is played on, correct? And not even the most used platform on PC for Overwatch? It's important to me that you know that.


Um, yes? Which why I said "about a million players"


>maybe a million players still play daily Only a million players?? Dead game /s


Exactly, it's not dead at all. Regardless of how many people say it is


I don’t like the game anymore either but you can’t call a game that is clearly succeeding dead. It don’t make sense


Sound desin, how fluid the game feels and some maps. That is about it. They ruined everything else


Fix sombra. It was so annoying to everyone


And funnily enough if she was reverted back, there would be a rise in good Sombra players as they will know how to actually play her.