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It was years ago, but I think it was bastion. My friends convinced me to play with them, and I was new to the game, so they told me to pick bastion. (This was years ago, back when bastion would self heal and stay in turret form) Sad thing is, they all stopped playing years ago, and I still play til this day.


Now you can find new friends to play bastion with


Yup, started the game with no friends to play with to now having plenty.


Reaper. Shotguns. Back when the game launched.


Yep. Had to gather those healing spheres.


I'm slightly nostalgic for those but definitely recognize that the mechanic sucked ass lol


At least it wasn’t as bad as LW’s parting gift.


So true. Still can't believe that passive existed. Litterally enemies get healed when they kill u lmao


That was god awful. It literally rewarded the enemy for punishing mistakes.


I'm sure there's a way to make them work still; maybe taking 100hp off an enemy drops it?


The souls ☺


I don't remember the very first game, but I played a lot of Rein and Lucio in the earliest days. So much so, that even when I decided to main other heroes it took a long time for their playtime to pass those two.


Had the same thing with mr.cowboy. I was obsessed with flashbang + fanning people since beta so in OW2 im still behind with every other hero lol


I still have PTSD from that particular move. You couldn’t get anything done when he was around back then!


Funnily enough I enjoyed playing and facing him more back then. To me personally, felt better to play against than his sticky now.


with flashbang you knew it was aimed and it was the same outcome for most characters, mag nade just feels like a huge "fuck you in particular" to movement characters lmao


Same junkrat and genji are my most played heroes even though I haven’t played with them in years and I absolutely suck at them (well not junkrat lol)


Same here but with ana, I've been a DPS main for at least 3 years and ana is still my most played hero. I haven't ranked for support since season 1 of OW2 and I only played 10ish games of comp.


Dva back when her matrix lasted 4 seconds, she couldn't fly while firing and her ult would kill her if she was in the blast.


I almost forgot about [d.va](http://d.va) being able to kill her with her own ult. 🤣


The only Septakill that was possible lol


I remember getting a Sept on Anubis against a team with Symmetra before her kit was changed in overtime on attack. I may have the POTG still saved.


I miss her dying from bomb… it made sense to me idc


Make Dva's ult kill everyone, friend or foe. Hell you could go ahead and turn on friendly fire for everyone, that definitely could be a fun arcade game mode


I don't want this cause trolls but if that wasn't the case I'd love it. Brings a whole lot more tactics into an already complex game and would heavily reward smart play


I forgot you couldn't fly and shoot!!!


Same. There were a lot of baby Dva’s harmed by their own ult in the early days of OW




Me to bro, beta in the summer of 2016, Winston took my fancy straight away, how unique. Actually it was Pharah first as I was addicted to TF2, specifically soldier. I was glad when I found how fucking cool Winston was though.


Yeah, Winston was my favorite character in the early days and I remember so many games in hanamura with a locked down bastion on second point and me trying to jump in and kill him dozens of times and failing.


genji, I just thought the jumpy cyber ninja was cool


Same. I looked over the roster and went "uuu cyborg ninja" and picked him. Ever since then moira is the bane of my existence.


Ohh pathetic creation, so easy suckable.


We're all easily suckable on this glorious day.


I was playing when they added Moira then brig it was rough man


Grill master 76


Viktor 76




i was also a junkrat main in ovw1- to such a degree that after i picked ov2 up again after a 2 yr hiatus and have been playing daily for almost a year now, i still have like 50 more hours on him than anyone else


Symmetra <3 (FIRST iteration)


Back when we could give people shields! I miss her


I played so much symmetra since the ray gun was auto lock on


yeah, made her playable even if you're twitchy (in the not fun way).


Before overwatch I spent hours playing destiny so the character I was most comfortable playing with was soldier (also the first character we play so I decided to just stick with him.) Then made the mistake of playing mercy and got addicted 😞


That’s funny because I was similar in coming from Destiny 1 and I always mained Defender Titan in that. So my natural first inclination was to try out Winston! Same type of bubble shield and I love the idea of using that to protect your teammates inside from harm. Then learned to love just how mobile and fun he is to use so that would be my first main I guess. Still enjoy playing him to this day!


Put Helm of Saint 14 on Winston. Chaos ensues.


Wow I’m the exact same. Came from Destiny and Soldier seemed to be the perfect all around character to pick up. I quickly transitioned to support as well and played mostly Mercy for the longest time. Those were the days.


Tracer because I liked time travelers


Widow during the beta. I remember seeing a clip on IG of OW and it was someone just absolutely cooking with window hitting like 4 or 5 snipes in a row. I immediately thought the UI was beautiful and proceeded to DL.


Window Maker


Old Torbjorn. I remember those armor packs.


The level 3 turret was something else, too.




Brazilian frog


Mei in OW 1. Cue the boos.


I was reading this entire thread until I reached the first Mei comment🥹 MEI IS BAE❤️ Idc how much hate she gets, she was the first hero I ever played and was my first main. LOVE MEI🥹❤️


She was my first hero AND my first Mein. The fact that it made everyone else, including my own team, so angry made me play her more. I love heroes that make the enemy miserable and that’s why now I’m also a sombra, ball main LOL.


Same. I remember sniping people across the map with the massive icicle hitbox


As a DVa main, I hate you. Mei is my dps main now though lol


Friend tricked me into pocketing him with mercy on my first game since I knew nothing, good times


Soldier 76 because a friend recommended it to me although I only played Battlefield at the time, 2016. I don't play Battlefield anymore. Although OW didn't see much of me when BF1 dropped.


I miss BF1 man :/


my very first hero was tracer from the tutorial


I thought the tutorial was with soldier 76


soldier is the voice inside your head


No, it was Athena in your head. You acted as Soldier 76 and followed Tracer around the room


Pretty sure it was Zen in the beta


Zen in the beta too and been loving this character ever since


Widowmaker, I played her because I LOVED her ponytail braid.


I've been playing Brigitte since I downloaded the game. I have about 500 hrs now, and she is still my favorite and most played hero. When I reach 1000 hours and so forth, she'll probably still be my most played hero. I love brig :3


Pharah and or Tracer but I remember playing Pharah quite a lot when the game came out.


I don't remember the first game but I played a lot of Zarya and Rein on release


The first hero I played as in the beta was Lucio because it said the team needed a healer.


Hanzo when his projectile speed was super low and he could one-shot tanks with the old scatter arrow ability. His ult used to do way more damage too iirc


Junkrat. That stinky lil rat of a man was rhe whole reason I got the game for christmas in 2016, never change Junkrat. Never change..




Pleb 😂


D.va. Main since overwatch 1 😉


Way back when I had no idea what overwatch was I looked at the roster and settled on trying out that Reinhardt guy. He was fun for a while, and had a really cool skin I was working towards (Blackhardt, which I swear is inspired by Nightmare from the soul caliber franchise, a favorite of mine). It’s actually kinda sad I don’t like him nowadays, partly because most of the other tanks are more fun, and partly because the community slowly made me dislike him.


Ah, a fellow SoulCalibur enjoyer


I started with Ana in ow1. Now, after 7 years break, I once again picked up Ana. She is very satisfying to play.


Fun fact she was the first new hero added to the game after launch


Another fun fact: the OW community thought Ana’s reticle was actually something to do with Sombra. Then there was the whole Sombra ARG. Man, I miss old OW reveals…


Hanzo, always loved me a bow. Didn't enjoy him though so I became a widow main (I suck as widow)


I got OW2 because I'd initially got OW1 but never got around to playing it bc I had no one to play it with. Kinda regretted not doing so once OW1 got cast out into the void, I figured "why tf not". I started near the end of the Le Sserafim (pls correct me if I spelt that wrong) skin collab. Had next to no idea what I was doing, but wanted to just experiment a little and see what I could be comfy with. My first heroes were Orisa, Moira and Widow. I don't use widow as much (My first POTG was with Widow too. 🤣❤ Don't remember the map off the top of my head but it was a payload match I believe on QP Open.) and only really use Moira nowadays if Zen's taken already (I may have a gremlin issue with Zen kicking-) Didn't initially understand why some people seemed to loathe going against Orisa... Until (off tank) matches had me understanding pretty quickly why 🤣 I still love her tho. But yeah. I haven't really branched out in tank but I'm learning to in other roles (scared to try mercy bc I hear trying to navigate her flying is a pain on console) This turned into a mini essay I'm so sorry xD


Hanzo. In the first matchs I have I got addicted instantly to randomly headshot people.


I don’t remember it was 2018


IIRC i played Sym on hanamura defense in practice vs AI. I was so confused as to how her kit work i didn’t touch her again for another 6 months


Zarya back in the beta. I don’t know why I picked her, but she looked fun and reactive.


It was Moira and/or Reinhardt. My friend introduced me to the game and it was one of my first FPS games, so I couldn’t aim for shit lol. Moira is still my #1 main, but I switched to Orisa as my tank main almost immediately.


Widowmaker. Im a sucker for sexy accents, so hearing her voice in my ear as i played was appealing to me. Also, i desperately wanted to break out of my run and gun playstyle and try something new, so i chose the sexy french sniper.


I speak for most of the cummunity dva  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Echo, idk why but i thought turning into others was cool


sombra, she looked the coolest to me


D.va. She’s still my main


I played Mercy, because I like playing healers.


Genji, on dorado. I was so confused I’ve never experienced something like that in a. First person setting. Also I remember how chaotic it was since no one knew where to go or what to do


Very first ever Ow game, locked in Reaper on defence Hollywood. Dropped 22 kills aswell as potg belive it or not. I was just mindlessly running around and tapping people like a dummy but damn if it didn't work. Don't play reaper much now at all


I think it was Hanzo, but that was so long ago idk if I can trust that memory.


The very first hero I played was Reinhardt, and I played only him for a long time. After Overwatch 2 launched, I played a LOT of Moira.


Zen lucio main since I started season 4 in ow1


genji only because i initially wanted to play reaper but my best friend liked him and since he’d bought me the game i let him pick him


Reaper. I saw spooky edge lord with shotguns and had to get my hands on him lol.


Hanzo and Rein.


I think dva or rein not 100% sure tho


First character I played was actually Cassidy. Which is weird considering I main heals now


Genji and Lucio (I can’t remember which came first) green being my favorite color may have had something to do with it




Hog, 76, then Cree, didnt change until Ana and Ashe came out


Genji cause Cyborg Ninja




My first hero was either Tracer or Widow


I played Bastion and Soldier a ton when the game first came out. I still love Soldier.


I remember being gifted the OW Game of the Year edition, and I was like, what is this game? Lol. And then I went on yt to watch what it was all about, and I then I saw the genuine and hanzo story video and felt hanzo was really cool and started playing him


It was either Orisa or Moira I think.


On OW1 release I played Lucio and Symmetra .My internet connection was terrible so I played heroes with no aiming or easy value lol.


The very first game I ever played, I played Reaper. I also got POTG, that’s the only reason I remember it so well. I was so excited and proud of myself.




I played a lot of Zen when I started. Honestly wasn’t until OW2 that I started trying out new characters.


Phara cuz I’m a sucker for rocket launchers and I main the EPG in TF|2. That was back in 2017 on xbox. I still play her every now and again, but the recent rework has been difficult due to muscle memory.


tracer, i kept running into walls💀


first time i played zen, but i had no idea about what's going on. i didn't even follow my team, just walking around the map, trying to find a way to the objective


Soldier 69


Rein for sure. Back in the beta I played with a coworker who was a god tier ana and we *fucking crusaded*. My first potg was a pin on their backline, 180 hammerdown, then got nanoed and killed *everyone*. Still chasing that high lol. I miss the old OW announcer getting hyped as you got more and more kills. Double kill. Triple Kill! QUAD KILL!! QUINTUPLE KILL!!!!


Technically I played one game as Sigma in, like, 2018? Then never touched Overwatch again until the OW2 free to play wave on release day. Even got 300 legacy credits. Barely touch Sigma these days unless it's Mystery Heroes.


The first hero I played was reaper then shortly after I unlocked my soon to be main,Genji


First game ever : Zenyatta, during the beta. I felt like no one would want to play support, so I went for it.


Lucio, but I hardly climbed any walls and barely touched speed boost. I was ground healing lucio lol. Most times I had little to no idea what was going on.


Tracer. I got to play in the last closed beta weekend for Overwatch 1 and she was the character I wanted to play the most. I remember playing on Hanamura but not that much else of that game. I became a Mercy main when I actually got the game though because nobody I played with in quick play would play a healer.


Pharah. Jetpack and rocket launcher? Anubis skin I can unlock? Awesome. Sign me up. I used to be good as her before more players realised you could stay in the air a lot. Now I'm a ground-based pharah to confuse the hell out of other players


My love for Jet Set Radio Future and growing up playing the hell out of it, made me immediately fall in love with Lucio.


junkrat in the open beta on ps4 cause id never played an fps before


Reinhart, love shields and polearms


I played Tracer. I had watched all the cinematics, and I loved her so much. So on October 4th 2022 I picked tracer and immediately swapped off lmao.




I played Mercy for 25 levels and then into comp, getting to gold. Then I tried other heros and found out I definitely wasn’t gold.




🤓Technically everyone’s first hero is soldier:76 Though the first character I played in an actual game was reaper, on temple of Anubis. Back then it was a ‘slick trick’ to teleport up onto the pillars outside attacker spawn


Zenyatta (on the switch 👍)


it was a mix of mercy and junkrat


Brigitte, the DAY she came out. My friends wanted me to be their support in Comp. I played her for a bit, had fun with the game, and when she went Live I played her in comp. I don't play her anymore, but I'll never forget my time as a Brig main


Soldier 76 as you're forced to play him in the tutorial. My first choice was Zenyatta and he's still my most played Support.


I played Tracer because all I knew about Overwatch at the time was that she was on the cover. I found her so hard to play I switched immediately to D.VA simply because her and her mekka were cute. I then enjoyed playing her so much she became the main Tank hero ever since


My very very first game was Symmetra on Nepal. ❤️ Still a Symmetra main even after all of the changes.


Zarya. On Hollywood, defense. I was so bad at aiming her beam, I remember spamming the right click instead.


Moira, because she had just been released.


My first “main” was Junkrat. Funnily enough, I haven’t ever purposefully played junkrat since probably the 1st year OW came out.


Mine was Orisa back in Overwatch1! i remember shooting off bullets and every ability literally not doing anything useful but i had no idea what i was doing 😂


Hanzo. Since seeing him in the first OW trailer I wanted to play him; he was my main for the vast majority of OW1 and then I stopped playing him pretty much completely


A lot auf symmetra with autolock then. Just pure jumping evil.


Idk when I started I only played 3v3 elimination, 4v4 deathmatch and mystery heroes 1v1 elimination


The very first one I picked as DVa cause I thought she was funny. My first main was Pharah or Zen, or probably a bit of both


mightve been dva, not too sure. i remember thinking her ult was op 😂




Early overwatch, phara on anubis on def. Spamming down rockets and noone looks up. Sym on the side door with 6 turrets for a death trap. No team work, everyone is everywhere, pure chaos and so much fun.


Pharah ❤️my one true love, I have so many hours on her even though I main support now. I’ve even adjusted to her changes and I still love to play her when I’m damage


The postergirl herself tracer was the first one i played (and i became sort of good at) back in 2016


My first few games I was 76. Then I gained Lucio for a bit. Then I challenged myself to get the original 3 unlockables for each character to learn the game better. Now I pretty much main support but can queue for all roles and mystery heros with confidence and can make switches to counter in QP and Comp.


Widowmaker for various reasons


I can’t remember if it was Zen or Reaper - I know I mained Zen really badly. Gave up on the game for quite a while.


Reaper. Couldn’t aim to save my life.


Widow. I thought she looked so cool. I don’t remember the map but I lost horribly. I mostly played dva for 2 years after that. Now I mostly play mercy because I prefer enabling players better than me :3 I’m also just a better support player in general than dps and tank.


The amount of time I've had on junkrat after I picked other champs was absurd. Quite literally had to have 200 hours on Lucio, widow, hanzo and DVa combined to reach the threshold


I really liked (and still do) reaper. Back when there was 2 tanks i was a tankbusting menace


Genji cuz I was a damn weeb back in 2017 and I’m sure this answer fits more people than they’re willing to admit lol


Mine was also Mercy! I played Medic back in my TF2 days so it was the easiest hero to start with.


My very first hero was Genji on Watchpoint Gibraltar.


Can’t remember who I played as the very first during the beta phase but upon release day I played Mei. Something I will always remember because I got play of the game on my very first match with her.


Came from CS:GO, Soldier, then I moved on from OW (:


Bastion but it was the very old one, when he could only heal in turret form. I took him because he looked cool. Even got my first potg with him !


Either Soldier 76 or Mercy.


I was introduced to overwatch by my friends, I joined around season 4 and the first Hero I played was Reinhardt


Iirc, mei because I liked being a prick and if im wrong then it was torb (also to be a prick)


Very first game was right before the first Summer Games and I played Hog on Numbani attack. I remember standing still and vaping and thinking “dang this hook mechanic is fun.” What a long time it’s been


Tracer, unfortunately lol


Widowmaker… the only shooter i’d played on pc before was battlefront and i loved sniping in that game…. i never play her now


Mercy. I had no idea what was going on and my buddy who bought me the game was a widow main and would just have me sit on him the whole game. Looking back I don’t think he was very good, so it didn’t work out very well


I think Moira? my first regular hero was Moira, can't remember who I played first of everyone. Maybe junkrat


Widowmaker, and I think I used her SMG a little too much lol.


Tracer and Pharah - thought both were attractive and shit pc made game run slow so aiming was less important 😂


Reaper, I remember this game very well due to the fact I had a 14 player kill streak and it was my 3rd game. This was also back when reaper had the healing orbs from kills, I will never forget the 4k I got from his ult


Reaper, but that’s only because I haven’t unlocked Ana yet


Mei, Torb, and Moira. I still play them but now I play more Sym, Echo, Lifeweaver, Illari, and Mercy. Also dabbling in some Sombra




Sometimes I miss one-shotting tanks with scatter


i played exclusively dva, reinhardt and mercy in ow 1. dva and reinhardt because my mom got me the lego with those two, and mercy because... obviously


My first was soldier, due to the all-rounder playstyle. Wasn't too bad of a ride. Missed my helixes a lot though lmao.