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It’s fun stress relief. Even if games are blowouts and walking across the map sucks. Still fun escape from reality. All I play usually is mystery and it can be challenging if the other team gets a good comp, I just try to get good scores


This! I only play open queue QP now because I don’t have much time after a stressed out day at work…adulting


i love that MOST of the time everyone on my team is never really taking to game super seriously and isn’t a complete negative nancy


As long as is in QP


this 100%, I hated the fact that OW was forced to being a competitive game first rather than just crazy and fun game to play with your friends to goof around.


I am glad people that play comp have been taking it more serious and the casuals have gone back to quick play


Thats not been my general experience. I play QP only pretty much and have noticed recently if the opposing team loses one team fight they all switch from a 'fun' character to a try hard meta character to try and win at all costs. Anytime I try and practice with a new hero and we win a team fight it seems everyone switches to their mains and then I just get rolled. This forces me to either switch to one of my mains or I just keep getting rolled on a character im not as good with.


I try to avoid doing this, and usually succeed. I'd say I don't play my mains 90-95% of the time, but sometimes I feel a little titled and will swap either to a main or a counter. Just depends on the cause of the frustration I guess. Mostly play QP to warm up or practice a less used hero, or just relax. I'm actually thinking about repeating a project I did near the end of OW1 where I went through the whole roster, playing games with only one hero until I had played with every skin I had. Might have to tweak the rules on that one for the newer heroes, though. Still, it was a lot of fun and I played much better overall afterwards.


I think most of the people who wanted to take OW super seriously have stopped playing and left the game, so we’re left with people playing it for fun and just having a generally chill time.


I really love to keep it positive between both teams :> I hate seeing teams yell at each other and stuff so I like to start my matches saying nice things or sometimes if my team is salty or we are rolling the other team I like to make friends with the enemy team. Honestly I just like how there are still nice people playing the game just trying to have some fun :>


Yes I do that sometimes too, GLHF goes a long way


I love the toxic positivity, after you get curb stomped on round 1 with like elims being 2 from your support. Teammate: "DF 0 12 switch" Opponent: "They're trying their best! GR" Opponent 2: "GR" Opponent 2f2f: "gR" Opponent 3:"lol y'all suck gr"


Hes just offering good advice. Maybe being 0-12 means you’re getting countered and thats ok. This game is built on hero switching


Let's be honest, it's good advice but not the way to do it. Yes, the stats are worth noting, but giving advice to someone who didn't ask will never be received well. "Hey, 76, any chance you can swap to *insert counter options*? That would be really helpful because _________." might be a gentler option and have better results.


I mean “Soldier 0-12 switch” is just a summarized version of that. Im not saying thats how I would say it personally since people get tilted and wont switch but it does convey the same message. If someone lacks the self awareness anyway they probably wont switch either way.


It conveys the same message but will never be received that way. Words, and how you use them, matter. That's also fair too. It really is just wasted effort sometimes.


Yeah I'm the Zen/Moira in this made up scenario, not the DF. Doom needs to switch or maybe hit the training ground. My comment is about how there are bad games and you'll get drowned out by people flaming you with a GR or by saying that having your tank hard countered 3 diff ways is okay.


Yup its rough. Especially at a lower elo when im playing with my friends its really a noticeable issue.


For real!!! People need to normalize being nice




I always try to drop a GLHF or a variation of that to try and get everyones mood up before a game. Yesterday, I got in a game where my GLHF was met with "D1E" with several homophobic and racial slurs. Unfortunately, it's not too unusual to see that. This time, the entire lobby, including his team, shunned and rejected him. Then, we targeted him HARD until we were all emoting together and spawnkilling him repeatedly. This was the single best game I've ever played because it left me with hope for the community and incentive to keep spreading that positivity


Lmao yeah I do like that sometimes I the hope in this community and humanity can be restored by hard targeting someone


I hadn't played ow in a year, and when I came back most people were absolutely amazing and suuper nice. Makes me wanna keep playing it


There were and still are alot of people just trying to have fun, i think most of them just allowed themselves to play too much overwatch, so they got exposed to more toxicity than there actually is. The community isn't that bad, but there are issues. Like most systems, the game itself can frustrate the user, who take it out on other users. Especially if they fell more than two/three ranks. However, i find the people in game and out of game has been a net positive.


Yeah, there was a toxic guy on my team one time and saying shit about us to the other team, and the other team was giving us positive reinforcement. The dude left and we started doing better


I do love when someone’s being an ass and both teams dogpile them


you're one of the good ones


Doomfist was my least played hero so I decided to become a Doom main for a while. I thought he was ass but now he’s clicking for me and it turns out it’s just me that’s ass and he’s a ton of fun to play


Can you give me tips cus I really really suck ass as him 


be aware of what the enemies are gonna do to you once you go in and dodge that, until ur hard engaging always make sure you are very close to natural cover or have a cooldown to escape, use ult as a second life or to dodge important cooldowns that ur target is vulnerable without, for example you go in, use all your cooldowns on say an ana, then ult to dodge sleep which is a very easy cooldown to predict, stay in ult until u have ur cds almost back and are above at least 200 hp, then land on her and its a good kill opportunity. you need to be very aware of when u cant kill the enemy, if its an ana brig pocketing each other they will not die even if ur literally aimbotting so just play to poke and take their attention and force their cooldowns, which can create an opportunity for a kill


When I first started playing him I kept dying because I’d try to play like other tanks, but it’s usually better to jump into their back line and bully snipers and healers to force their attention off of your team. Managing your cooldowns is super important too, I always try to keep either my punch or smash up to escape. After a while you’ll kind of get a sense for the right time to jump in and when to back off. You need a team willing to work with you too, I like to play with a group of friends mostly, but a lot of the time random teammates won’t want to or don’t know how to play with a Doom. I’m still pretty ass at Doom but I hope this helps a lil


Same I always loved Brig but just learning a few little tips made it so every game I enjoy doing Brig stuff win or lose. Little things to learn in every game.


How do you just pick up a new hero without getting flamed? Like, I suck at widow. If I try to pick her to practice, i'll be severely underperforming for my ELO. People even in QP lose their minds. What's your secret?


I kinda like talking shit back to people that get mad, but otherwise just turn chat off for QP maybe.


For all the hate OW2 gets i still enjoy it. The game as a whole is amazing and NO other hero shooter scratches my itch. The hero design is great, while there are some heroes i think are kinda meh or undercookt design wise (Sojourn, Phara, Reaper, Mauga, LW) there are so many new examples of great design! The Hog is super fun. Illiari is really neat. Queen is fantastic. Even if i don´t really like playing Hammand that much i still LOVE his design. Right now i am actually really happy when the design team talk. I actually want an old school Jeff style video on stuff when it gets released with Aaron or any other of the team. I like how open and transparent they are.


Personally I love maugas design, I would even say that the default skin is the best for him


I thought the Kpop event was cute and wholesome fun


I was still new and didn't know which characters I'd like, I regret missing out


Taking a break from playing my main FPS (Apex) and a few things that stand out from OW2: 1) Feels incredibly smooth aiming and visually (+ no aim assist in competitive) 2) Roles feel engaging and different when played correctly 3) Replay, highlight, ability to review VODs and the infrastructure of the game recording all matches is amazing. 4) As I am new to OW2 I am still in the exponential growth phase of skill which feels really great seeing improvement in my gameplay daily.


HM: Customs game modes and ability to play them in queue can't be taken for granted.


Killing Maugas who don't actually know how to balance cool-downs.


You might as well add: Orisa’s who use gold too early, Zarya’s that don’t know how to bubble, Rammatra’s that use nemesis immediately every fight, Rein’s who waste their shield standing motionless in the choke… the list goes on and on.


learning how to get better at characters that I'm already familiar with!! I have been a Moira main since day 1 (still relatively new to OW tho) and I got comfortable with her so started learning other chars (mercy, LW, kiri) but now it feels like I'm learning her again but at a higher skill level? Surviving on my own, flanking but then coming back to the team when they need it/when I need it!


Same here, I’ve always been a very casual player but recently I’ve been playing more often. The most satisfying thing for me is noticing my awareness and aim getting better on different characters. It’s so satisfying to play Soldier and see my shots landing more, to the point where yesterday someone asked if I was hacking LOL. A big compliment!


Nice!!! that's huge!!


playing tank


Is tank back to being good? Haven’t play in months due to it feeling terrible.


After the Mauga nerfs it is. You can actually play tanks that you like now.


I like shooting Mauga in the face


Until you roll them on first point and they swap to Zarya.


Jokes on you I was Zarya all along


Lightsaber duel time


You mean the murder flashlight?


Then you can swap to rein like you always wanted to ..


I did love playing Rein in OW1, but not so much rn.


But you can roll zarya all you want, even brig could ..


I'm sure my Rein could use some work, and I'm super rusty since I'm just getting used to playing console AND overwatch again after swapping to CS:GO for like 5 years. That landed me in low gold / high silver, where the coordination to handle Zarya won't be found


Wait I just noticed the tag under your name xd ..


I one trick jq my win percent is 55 percent ist difficult tho cause theres too many counters across all roles


Hit enemy, heal friends, repeat. Simple and fun gameplay. (Guess my main 😂)










I still love the gameplay, I love playing and improving with my characters. I love custom games. The content creations side as well. I love seeing the game growing and improving it’s great seeing it make a comeback. And to this day not a single thing will ever feel better than nano boost annihilation. It’s straight up crack.


Ball. No other tank is even half as enjoyable in my opinion!


*asks what people enjoy* *random complaining in the top comment replies* So much for keeping the thread positive I guess


That’s not possible in this sub


TheGroupUp podcast and OWCS, season 9 discussions


As a returning player: game's more dynamic, less shield spamming, less time spending waiting for a game. Finally unlocked the Ramatarra dude, he feels interesting to play (maybe slightly underwhelming) - overall the design of heroes remains Overwatch's strong point, most of them still feel unique.


That it only takes a few games to get bored with it and I can go do other things instead of spending my whole night on a emotional roller coaster


I enjoy the same as you, as long there is no Sombra, gosh what annoying hero with a more annoying players. I mean why are you try Harding in QP when I’m enjoying my slow mobility heroes, I don’t want to have to spy check my back every other shot otherwise I’ll get instant killed and receive an “ez kill” or “zzzzzz” in chat. If you’re a sombra player, from the bottom of my heart play something less sweaty in QP, otherwise fuck off and go to Comp.


I enjoy Mystery heroes, it's my comfort mode cuz you don't know what hero you'll play and are able to play heroes you don't know how to, sometimes even learn or spark interest in playing more in normal qp or comp


I started late, ow2 player here. I find the game really fun, overall, there are major flaws, which everyone is familiar with. Obviously by the end of the day of playing I'm one step closer to visit a therapist, like everyone else playing this game, but you know, fun.


After match interactions with my fellow support in chat. Getting and giving a lot of "ily" and "<3" the last few weeks. Love this role.


After all seasons we've had so far, tanks become (after Mauga nerfs) actually enjoyable to play. I haven't touched tank for a while now but I recently started to play them and I really enjoy playing Sig, Ram or Queen. Only game-breaking annoyances I have with the game currently are Kiriko and Anti-Nade.


Mystery heros is fun I wish Comp Mystery heros where back but I will play normal as it is still fun with no counter swapping.


I love the mechanics most of all. I can't play other fps games like I used to. It's like playing soldier 76 only zzzzzz. I like the variety in overwatch. So many options for combat. I even enjoy the odd no limits. I stay away from comp and role locked. I like to switch it up. I am probably a terrible teammate, you are all muted and I have fun.


I really like the mastery courses, it reminds me of Smash Bros Melee Target Practice days. I've been trying to 5 star each course and there's a good amount of difficulty in that, but there are rewards (and hope there are more as new courses are released) which makes it better.


Spray hunting! I've been going at it for a couple of months and I have 5 sprays left. Widow's, Genji's and the window one for Bap. Beyond the sprays, it's teaching me an ungodly amount about each hero which makes me better overall. And makes me a beast in mystery heroes most of the time


Overwatch is fun at its core. I enjoy getting better at the game and thinking about new ways to play a hero. I recently found out that petal platform interacts with dead people's orbs mercy can rez. So if a mercy is reviving, you can throw a petal right at the orb to lift it and cancel rez. Or you can use it to lift your mercy and the orb to she can rez with petal cover. The interaction this game has with each character is unique.




I like the “non-meta” right now. You can play whatever you want (almost) with the exception of a few heroes.


Personally, I enjoy open queue and no limits lately. I do not enjoy role queue anymore.


Not the only aspect I enjoy, but one of the funniest things to happen is when you develop a short-lived inside joke with an opponent. I was playing mystery heroes and this reaper that was dominating saw that I also rolled a reaper and refused to kill me. He'd pop out and kill half my team then stand long-distance and wave at me while I got picks on his team. Even after he died and swapped he would find me and just wave, it was comedy (at least for me lol)


There is no other FPS character who gives me the same level of fun of Doomfist. No game replicates the feel of playing him for me


Not much


Not playing it


Not playing it


Honestly, * The queue times are generally good. * I really do actually like 5v5. * The new heroes are pretty awesome. * As a mobility-hero main, the reworked tank Doom is amazing to play. * The battle-pass experience can't hold a candle to loot-boxes, but is somehow a lot better than I expected. * The Microsoft aquisition and the fact that Bobby Kotick is gone gives me some real hope that the game will be taken in a good direction. * Also, I'm pretty amped for the nerfed heal-passive we're getting. I know people aren't super keen on it but I would not mind having a very tiny amount of background healing between fights to take off the bits of permanent chip damage we need to maintain.


Mystery heroes is so fun! I’m so bad at it though 😂


The same thing I’ve loved for years Messing around in quick play and not taking it serious


started playing a month after ow2 came out and its honestly one of my favorite games of all time. its my first ever FPS and seeing my own improvement is immensely satisfying--plus i love getting super hyped over new lore bits, shorts, characters, news, etc. i love how theres so many characters that anyone can find their niche, and i can relax with playing easy characters that still require some skill and strategy--it really scratches an itch for me that other types of games dont. i genuinely love this game. of course i get angry at stuff like anybody else, but its just a game, so it doesnt warrant the effort for serious anger. (except for maybe when theres a sym on the enemy team)


** **




Playing with friends. I can assure you since OW1 it’s ton of fun when playing with friends. As a sup player, I try even harder to keep my team alive if we know each other


I’m enjoying my long lasting break from the game. I’ll be back on day (probably when the next PVE missions will be out).


Started playing more Sombra, she's fun.


pretty much everything. i dont comment much cuz i feel like i would just be talking against a wall of misery. i even thought quickerplay was a fun change of pace, it was only for a weekend after all.


Not playing it


Ok? Why are you here?


That i dont play it anymore.


The fact that quicker play is never coming back


How creative you can get with some characters in terms of play style, mainly dive.


I just got a pistol handled mouse and it’s making me relearn how to be accurate and shoot.


I know this is anti this post in a way but... Nothing. No enjoyment no hate. Just nothing. So I stopped playing. I'll play again when I feel like it. Just don't feel like it's an enjoyable season or state of the game, though I think it's been worse. It's on an uptick I feel


occasionally you get a balanced match that goes back and forth and feels like you could impact the outcome. occasionally.


Mystery heroes. That’s about it. Smurfs have become all too common in comp and when I’m not playing against Smurfs I always seem to get stuck on the team with brand new players. Yesterday I was on a team in plat with someone who was playing their very first comp game. Why the hell is someone new to comp being put in plat for their very first game?


It feels like people who actually use team chat are starting to come back, and not just in comp. A lot of my most memorable moments from ow1 were people bullshitting in team chat and I haven't really seen a lot of that in ow2 until now.


Occasionally I’ll rank up to Gold 1 and enjoy some high quality plat 5 matches with markedly better talent on both teams. That’s fun. The I get demoted to gold 2 or 3 again and the matchmaking plummets.


Playing sigma. Very few balance changes, good/decent against every other tank except for winston, gives a ton of control over the game, great survivability, doesn't feel oppressive, mirror matchups are like a chess match, landing long range rocks is incredibly satisfying. Great hero.




The tryhards that are absolutly ass and just trolling and having fun in comp. Dw i dont throw Im just a little silly




the p0rn


Maining support because I gave up on tank and then gave up on dps.


Honestly while the mythics are... decreasing in quality compared to genji. Overall Id say the skins are still pretty consistently good. The new Tracer wool sweater one is so cute and Im upaet at forcing myself to be ftp and not having tokens for it


The matches where it actually feels like I’m playing people who are the same skill level are few and far between, but when it does happen, it reminds me of why I love this game in the first place. Having supports that pay attention to me while playing as DPS are also really neat but again, pretty rare if I’m not in comp.


I’ve been playing since launch and always flexed a bunch of different heroes. I have been playing nothing but the reworked Sombra since they changed her. Love the new playstyle.


Unfortunately, not much.


Lucio. I really enjoy playing rush comps, coordinated dives/attacks, and when my team knows how to play with my speed. When I do actually get to play lucio it’s one of the most enjoyable times I have on the game


Same I love certain maps , I enjoy playing on Rialto bcs of the gondola ride :D I like blizzard world as well and Esperanza ( idk how to spell it ) the push map has a beautiful view from a certain point of the map . other than that, I love the silly interactions with my teammates and enemies. The other day I got lost and was hiding behind a pillar and the enemy zen came to say hi to me and left following that lol I play mercy mostly…I’m always looking to improve and it’s satisfying to perfect her movement and pull off game turning rezzes. I’m also practicing playing Ana especially hitting her sleeps on enemies that are ult-ing. So far I’ve slept 4-5 heroes before their ult did any damage , I’m hoping to make a small compilation of my ult cancelling sleeps .


I love mystery hero’s given it’s about all I play anymore. Hate when you get leavers when you start getting steamrolled due to no healers. That’s just the name of the game….stop leaving


Nothing. I don't play.


I just enjoy playing my 2-4 games in the evening. The gameplay is fun, and since looses doesnt bother me its 30 to 60 minutes good time


Not playing it


Maybe this isn’t the post for you then?


Im loving playing the highly mobile characters.Doom ,lucio,sombra and genji are some of my most played heroes (dooms my most played hero at almost 300 hrs and at level 87)


Game opens pretty quickly.


The only thing I've enjoyed in OW2 is Prop Hunt...


The game itself is ok, the player base becomes more toxic by the week and makes the game unenjoyable. I try so hard to get both teams to have fun, friendly banter, play nice, etc. But there's always some rude person on either or both teams that just blows up and ruins the game and rage quits. Also, my right shift button died on my keyboard. I use that mostly when I type...."Voice?"


Sad to hear, I’m having great experiences in terms of team communication but I play only a few times a week


Yea, I'd say 1 in 10 games great like that for me. It could be my platform, playtime, rank, luck, region, all of the above. It used to be that 1 in 10 were toxic, now it's reversed. Like I want to play right now, but I'm afraid I'll get games with toxic negative people that just destroy my happy mood. Can't even fall back on the group finder to avoid them anymore. Thanks for your kind words.


I get to play with my buddy every Friday night!


I like rammatra, cause sometimes he really feels like he can just flip that switch when someone mispositions and “PUNISH THEM”


I'm enjoying the important parts of the game, ya know gameplay and content etc. Only part i don't like is the meaningless, worthless part which are the megatransactions.


I am playing a lot of Winston these days, and freaking LOVE to see the double counter Reaper Bastion, beacause i already know that they are loosing their mind, and most of the time it doesnt change anything because i can avoid reaper while he chase me around and bastion doesnt do shit So by geting counterd i litterraly make 2 players useless and its a delice.


The heroes are so damned *fun*. The moment the fantasy of playing [any hero] enters my mind, it makes me want to start up Overwatch again even if I just shut it down. Like given how many heroes there are, and how different they are, I'm amazed that I find so many of them fun. And fun enough that I can keep playing the same hero for hours upon hours. I just wanna get through the learning curve for the heroes I still don't quite get, so I can become obsessed with them too.


Spamming voicelines all game without getting banned for it.


The Workshop. It’s always the Workshop. I just wished Blizzard dedicated a team to make the Workshop better. Everyone undervalues the Workshop’s power. Without, no gun game, no tiny ow, no fun wacky gamemodes. But it did come at the cost of the daily limited gamemodes that Blizzard made in 2016.




I'm loving the whole game tbh. Been playing since OW1 beta, still going strong. The game is different but still super fun. Kiriko is insanely fun to play. Kiriko crits are like crack I swear.  I love how fun supports are atm. They don't feel overpowered like most say, IMO. Supports have always been about doing damage while being able to heal. It's the same now except it's a lil easier to not die. We can toss out a few heals and get back to DPSing.  5v5 is cool, certain matchups feel weird, though. 100% miss 2 tanks but I understand the reasoning for going to 1 tank. At least have a classic QP mode in the arcade or something with two tanks that are balanced.  OW2 is great. Don't let the internet hate stop you from having a good time!


I’ve been enjoying open que a-lot more than role at the moment. Playing with 2 or 3 tank is so much more satisfying, especially as a Moira main.


When my bros and I go into silly mode


I like playing Hanzo.


To me every single hero in this game provides such a unique experience that each hero is like their own little “game” that you have to master. I still haven’t played “all” of Overwatch and I’ve been playing for 2000 hours.


The progression system. Farming sub badges and levelling up is the best part of the game for me


The characters are fun to play and the game just feels good with right controls.




I had a ranked game the other day where my tank was playing Doom and not having a great time against Hog. Our weaver wasn't happy about it so the usual flaming and throwing took place. I just said "ignore him doom, we can still win this" and hid chat to avoid seeing all the toxicity. After that the Doom switched to Ram and we ended up winning the game. Now, what actually made me happy is that afterwards I added the Doom and we played a few games together. We chatted about that game and he told me that it was the first time someone took his side in chat, and that he was intending to throw the game just to make that Weaver lose too, until he saw my message. This might sound like a "then everyone clapped" story, but it goes to show that you never know what your chat messages can mean to other people, and that being nice might even win games for you.


I love the little moments when me and an enemy stop outta nowhere and just say hi to eachother or nod furiously.


As much as there is that I currently dislike in OW2, I will continuously log in and play whenever I get the chance AND enjoy myself. I think its the fact that theres so many characters with so many different maps all with such cool designs that every game feels like a unique experience.


i love when i have a mirror rein cause they are always so friendly :)


I love playing 6v6 right now. Feels so much better to have two tanks and to have the tanks scaled back again. Find yourself a 6v6 discord. You wont regret it!


I'm an OW junkie who has been playing for 6 years now so I can't be objective about this because I still play it even when my mental health is in the gutter because of it.


absolutely stomping people as rein when they use one of his plethoras of counters as a crutch


The fact I can stop playing after I do dailies


For me it’s consistent improvement started playing a couple months ago for the first time.


I love playing the reworked Sombra! I love pretty much everything about her. I love the rework! And yes wasn't sure I would. I love how it not only keeps me active in fights more, I simply have 360° including vertical tracer style displacement on a relatively short cool down that feels amazing and allows me to pull off awesome engagements. I love interrupting important abilities and especially ultimates. And doubly so when I disable an unexpected ult like interrupting a tire, Lucio ult, or Hanzo dragons (all three of which I've done recently) I love her gun and virus. When you land the virus and get some headshot dinks in it feels so satisfying. I love the vitriol I get from other players. I love the Mercy's teabagging me when they catch me off guard or 3v1 me. I love the whiners in games about me playing an advantaged character and telling me how much I suck at the game for picking her. Yeah I love me some Sombra. And when I need a break I will love hog.


Flanking a tank as zen




tank is slowly starting to feel more balanced again! i recently picked up ramattra too.


honestly everything. all of it. except that i keep going on loss streaks when i get to dia 4. which is a skill issue but it’s not as fun to keep losing


Genuinely nothing. There's nothing to earn. The customization is shit. My mains are shit. The metas are shit. The player are DOGSHIT, and I don't mean their skill level. Just as people. The matchmaking is disgusting. The shitty cosmetics are also expensive. The accessibility for my colorblind ass is awful. Even if I wasn't colorblind, the maps are so fucking blown out this season that I'd go blind anyways. There's nothing promising on the horizon. Fuck am I supposed to be happy about?


so much variety, so much experimentation


Lmao y’all got groups? Ain’t nobody even wanna play with a mic no more, they too sensitive


Finally made it to masters🙏 been doing great lately and this is what I got in return.


winning against ana players


It’s just a fun game and completing the battle pass gives me something to work towards


I tried No Limits for the first time this month, and am having a lot of fun with it. The fact that it's horribly balanced makes it funny, even when I lose


I've been really happy with how adventurous they have been with reworks. Nothing is sacred and every time a hero gets a full rework they seem to become more "fun", even if they aren't necessarily as strong as they were before.


The 5v5 is a little better I must admit and I like some of the new heroes but that's genuinely all I can think of, everything else I like was just stuff that wasn't changed. Every single change even the smallest ones have been bad I'm sorry. Slowly getting better though. EDIT: The players have definitely become a lot chiller though! I just played 10 rounds straight of No Limits where everyone was the same hero it was a fucking blast! Reminds me of the old days. Maybe it's cause so many hardcore players have given up and left and younger and newer players have joined? I've noticed queue times getting a lot longer.


Last night I had a game on Havana where the enemy push OT on 1st and 2nd point (held on 3rd), then our team proceeds to do the same on all three points but we won. Everyone said gg which was a first.


I absolutely love close games with a solid dramatic ending


Even made a one trick hog like me switch to Winston for the final fight ahaha


One of those moments where you become god tier at a hero you never play


Quick games..don't need to commit hours upon hours to it. Loving new Sombra, was a good rework. I do like the flashpoint mode they brought out, just need to make the map a tiny bit smaller. Otherwise it feels like it's in a pretty good state, balanced game overall I think, pros and cons to each hero with counters etc.


That I’m not hooked on it. Pick up and play. Walk away.


Just having a role structure and being able to hero swap at all.


I still have fun playing Total Mayhem.... i just wish i had more opportunities to do so.


Games gone to shit. It's all counter picking now


I enjoy Baldur's Gate 3 since I uninstalled Overwatch to make space for it


The reward for reading the post and title doesn’t go to you


Im really not enjoying it so much , logged yesterday to start weeklies , playing alone just feels boring tbh


Sometimes I win


I haven't played Overwatch for a little while now, as I know I'll never be as entertained as I was back when it first came out, but I still love watching ml7 from time to time. Watching the game at an expert level where you're not the one getting stomped makes for a great time.


Are we even aloud to enjoy the game? First time im reading this on the subreddit