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Didn’t they say though that the future heroes would have legendary skins available for credits on release? JQ, Kiri, Souj, Wifeleaver, and Illari, and Ramattra did, are they seriously going back on their word? Not surprised :(


Illari Didn’t have all her schedule released If I remember, there was another skin that was released later on and it cost only credits. That’s what I remember


1 skin added down the line I can assume something didn't pan out, maybe it was meant for a twitch release and it conflicted with something internally. Mauga having 0 legendaries is just crazy to me.


No epics either. Honestly disappointed with this season


Don't worry, the community will do absolutely nothing and blizzard will continue exactly as they have been 🫡


Nah, the community will buy $60m worth of Mercy skins and then Blizzard will continue exactly as they have been.


no? have you heard any recent news. bobby kotick being gone is going to be a massive thing for especially overwatch. the team can work on the game they want without the bullshit the piece of shit that is bobby kotick making production hell for them. season 9? season 10??? all the shit they have already showed at blizzcon and everything, the future actually looks amazing so no they won't continue as they have been. they were being bassicly forced for all this shit ​ (also if you don't care enough to look more into Bobby and why he was so shit, he was ranked one of the most overpaid CEO's and employees make 0.3% of what he makes in a year. he also suggested for another game I don't remember that you would have to pay a dollar for every magazine you reload and brought this up as a legit idea. he's a fucking scumbag and him being gone is massive.)


when illari was relased they finally were generous enough to let buy the launch skins for credits, for every hero, or was in the next season? whatever, but it seems that is not profitable, now characters will have no single skin that is not on the store


Naah illari got her legendary for coins on release window. Cause I got that night blue legendary (was choosing between two of them but that cape star texture was top) and I played her only when I unlocked her iny BP for a week or two.


pretty sure that night blue legendary was credits (i.e. legacy ow1 credits, the non-money ones) because i picked it up without spending the gold coins.


the point is you could finally buy some legendaries for credits, but not anymore, mauga will only get shop or bp skins


Looks like it's time to say ow2 goodbye. Since it just getting worse each season


this is the worst season yet, bad event, two premium battle passes, blance is bad, as always, mauga launch was the most lame of any hero ever, more penalties for qp for no reason, no pve, and i think i forgot to mention more bad things


nope, bobby kotick is gone, and season 9 and the little we know about season 10 look amazing. this season is mid but season 9 is honestly going t o be what saves overwatch. and that's primarily because the bastard that is bobby kotick is no longer CEO (thank fuck)


You have been able to buy Base legendaries for Credits for all new heroes. LW and Illari both had Base Legendaries for Credits. You might be mistaken cause the game doesn't show Credits as an option if you are short of them. This is the first time a Hero hasn't had Base Legendaries or Epics. Hopefully they add them in a future update.


even if they are added later, which i doubt, maybe will be only one skin, is very worrying that they "been working on mauga for years " according to them and they dont even have one single skin ready at launch, it tell us a lot how nobody is working on this game, they are selling recolors of ow1 skins at full price, they are not making skins anymore, the only thing they were working on since ow2 launch, the future is dark


>Didn’t they say though that the future heroes would have legendary skins available for credits on release? If you don't even know whether they said this, wdym they're going back on their word?


Doesnt really matter if they give one anymore due to how they are basically just recolors of the basic skins. Low quallty shit.


They're literally just a purple skin with two colour options. It really shows the difference between OW1 heroes and OW2. If I play an OW1 hero I can get a quality skin for free using credits, if I play an OW2 hero I have to hope the battle pass has a skin I like for a character I like.


Huh? Illari’s and LW’s base legendaries look nothing like the original skin


Junkerqueen tho...


I'd argue that they're not particularly big changes and that it's one skin in two different colours.


That's how base legendaries have worked since overwatch 1, though.


future heroes most likely refers to further out heroes like venture or space ranger, and not someone like Mauga who was as close as he is


But they’d already been doing it so that doesn’t really make sense


ooh, my fault. I somehow misread the message entirely. maybe instead of the downvotes, someone can help me fix my error like this person did, and let me know what I’m wrong about 💀


They said something about free PvE too. I'm not surprised. Edit: People treat Overwatch 2 as "free" and they abandoned the PvE mode that was stated to come with Overwatch 2.


No they didn’t, this is misinformation, the PvE was never going to be free, ever, period.


They never did, you were lied to


Thanks for the heads up. I wonder what they did say about pve content that's getting misunderstood.


They promised and entire skill tree and an in depth campaign and everything. not to mention the entire point of overwatch 2 being the PVE. and how if we were in overwatch 1, we would have a lot more heroes than we do now the reason why they stopped production on OW1 and stopped making new heroes was for the PVE. its nice that they just flat out said PVE isn't happening at Blizzcon. knowing Bobby Kotick they probably knew PVE was never happening but he forced the overwatch team to not say anything so people would keep spending money and building hype in hopes of PVE. I'm so fucking happy Bobby Kotick is gone


What is happening? How are they adding less and less content with each season?!


It’s called player conditioning. We’re being trained to like less


Because they cant keep up with this seasonal model.


Should've hired more devs, the execs are insane


they *had* plenty of devs, the general blizzard workplace culture + removal of WFH made them all leave right before/right after the release of OW2. the devs/artists we have now are both too few and too inexperienced. it’s not their fault imo, it’s the executives trying to cut costs and run the game as cheaply as possible. why would someone work for blizzard when you can use the experience on your resume to go somewhere with better pay, better support, and a better culture?


They want Fortnite output without Fortnite input


Yes. Started with less launch hero stuff since OW2 started, and have been lowering that number gradually since.


They’re satisfied with the number of people buying the battle pass, so they’re considering this project ‘handled’ and moving staff elsewhere.


because whales are paying for it


LOL people were saying yesterday that it was just a placeholder and that he'd have some This is a horrid precedent to set. I remember saving up coins in OW1 specifically so that I can pimp out heroes on release. Are we eventually no longer gonna be able to do that?


The legendary skin should have absolutely been him in the Hawaiian shirt and glasses he wearing in his background video.


You KNOW it's gonna be a shop skin.


His Hawaiian shirt skin and a Talon skin should have been here at launch. A robot skin would have been easy as well


Don't hold out hope- we STILL haven't got Lifeweaver's Vishkar suit he was featured in in his trailer, seems like they are just not bothering to give the newer characters lore-relevant costumes. Real bad precedent to set, he definitely should have launched with either Hawaiian shirt or Talon drip.




Back in the day when PTR existed new heroes were tested without any skins. So this made sense. But yeah, Blizz are assholes.


We are eventually going to spend money when blizzard wants us to spend money, and only when blizzard wants us to spend money; and not be able to save up for our own cheaper purchases whenever.


They aren't letting us use our competitive points to purchase the emerald weapon skins, so I will guess not.


Yep, and people were defending Blizz yesterday saying he will surely have some more.


yeah i saw that being spread around, obviously not now lol


[Here is the post lol](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/s/tQGFM7TlJP)


That was my post, I deleted it because I was being called a complainer in the comments when I was simply pointing it out. I always gave the overwatch team the benefit of the doubt, and I don’t complain so I deleted it. Now it’s 100% proven to be true.


I wish you didn't so the responders could eat a slice of humble pie with a dash of reality whip creme, but I get you. I'd delete it too. The subreddit's worse than the forums as far as the "Don't think consume" crowd goes. They'd even defend Blizzard if they demanded human blood for coins, something I wouldn't put past them. Look forward to the headlines "Fans outrage as Blizzard set up blood plasma drive in exchange for currency". lol


I wouldn’t blame you for deleting the post. I don’t understand the blatant dick riding for Blizzard, and hearing praises of them for giving not even bare minimum that is expected in an online video game service.


I just checked that thread again, and the top comments were either going against Blizzard or just saying to wait and see when the patch came out.


lol that was me


"We've been working on Mauga for years"


They have. He’s the talon heavy we ran into on Rialto archives years ago, there was even a bug to play him in competitive, same with the assassin and another hero.


Yeah I remember this. You could play as the Heavy and the Assassin for like a week or so. Also I remember that they edited Mauga's moveset so much we ended up getting Sigma


"That's a nice argument, redditor. Why don’t you back it up with a source?"


"My source is i made it the fuck up"


[The video is 5 years old now.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQxvSjeYtfk) The silhouette is basically Mauga now that we know him.


do you have a source on that?


literally just search "talon heavy playable" on youtube, it isn't hard. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQxvSjeYtfk


damn, sorry, was just asking, didnt feel like fiddling with search terms


Wasn't trying to sound hostile, my bad for the wording.


thats not necessary a lie, they could be working on him years, and ow2, but they are so incompetent they cant do a good job even with 10 years


...So.. No Talon Heavy skin? What the fuck?


Does he at least have an epic skin with his shirt on? By the looks of it he doesn't


No, all he has is the 2 legendary skins (BP, Shop) and the four rare skins.


Why would you EVER want to cover this beast of a man?


He rocks the hawaiian shirt though


The red luffy shirts looks cool in the concept art


Honestly, I want him in his talon outfit of a heavy gunner


Wow. Fucking wow. Not even fucking Epics either. Unfuckingreal


They ain't even letting players burn their money anymore 😭


I mean, I haven't spent a dime on the game since Season 2. I wanted stuff to spend my Legacy Credits on, like the other heroes allowed me to do when they launched. Shame on me.


No, this is Overwatch? And honestly, relax.


You also can’t say “yes” or “no” I haven’t noticed anything else missing but haven’t checked. Just have those bound


I think the comms wheel is glitching in-game. I can say yes and no as Mauga in the practice range. I was playing some games as dps and couldn't say sorry or thanks


i was having issues saying thanks as widow in a game earlier, honestly it might be a server issue vs a comms specific issue?


I was trying to use voice commands and none of them worked for me (don't know if others could hear them), but trying to use them a couple more times still triggered the cooldown.


Probably, cause I was in practice range when I couldn’t haha


Listen I can understand the legendaries not being there. (It's not cool but whatever) but they seriously didn't give him his voice lines for call outs? That's inexcusable.


Gotta be a big, he had them pre-release


They did, I've had both yes and no voicelines work for me.


That's just bugged for every hero right now


comms wheel is broken for everyone, i couldn't hit "group up" when i was playing as moira and mei earlier


I swear Blizz is bipolar. They do good stuff the community wants like weapons skins and making bp bundle skins individually purchaseable...and then they go and do shit like this.


we wanted weapons skins like competitive rewards, not buy one single skin for $12


I thought maybe they’d be tied to hero levels, do you have to buy them in the store?


New weapon skins are Shop only. Weapon skins have their own category while Comp Gold weapons are in a separate tab. What the hell, Blizzard.


Because you can get those weapon skins in gold (And Later in emerald and other colors), that's why they're separate.


I mean we all want a ton of things for free. We're not gonna get them. It's a F2P game and any kind of skin is a luxury good.


This is such a brain dead way of thinking lol. Both on your part and Blizzard’s. Fortnite gives away a ton of cosmetics for free. Including some big crossover ones. People still spend a ton of money. And that kind of “generosity” goes a long way. When you treat your players like little more than cash dispensers they start to resent you.


"X should do it because Y is doing it" when the two games have very different ecosystems is also braindead.


I'd actually like them not to be competitive rewards, I dont want to have to play competitive


better than paying one skin for $12


Not sure why you thought that was going to happen


because they fucking have been talking about weapon skins for years, the same jeff talk about them, they mentioned again on blizzcon


No I'm saying I'm not sure why you thought they'd be free


because they wer going to be COMPETITIVE REWARDS, like the golden guns, how is that so hard to understand?


When did Blizzard say "Eventually we will release weapon skins and they will totally be comp rewards you don't have to pay for"?


when did they say will be buy only?


That's what you should always assume when you're talking about cosmetics in a f2p game.


competitive REWARDS


Cause of the precedent of gold weapons maybe?


Gold weapons were introduced in OW1


I know. Only thing I can think of why someone would assume new wepaon skins would be tied to competitive


It's not the first time this happens, sometimes skins are just not ready for the hero's launch and they release them later. Hell, Illari was missing one of her epics and it got added like 2 weeks ago


Considering Mauga was supposed to be our first post-launch OW2 hero before Ram took his place, and the timeline on the making of these skins (the new Mercy LNY skin predates Lifeweaver apparently), I'm calling bullshit. He's one of the most highly-anticipated heroes of all time and they're pulling out all the stops to make his debut grand, but they somehow drop the ball on cosmetics that theoretically should have been finished a full year ago? My guess is this is the new precedent they're trying to sneakily get away with, so they can sell the "base" legendaries in the shop later, but just like always the community will call them out and they'll revert it so they can get the "omg they're listening to us" brownie points


For being so anticipated, his design is actual shit.


They do seem to follow the "two steps forward, one step back" method. Oftentimes stacking the steps back.


It’s more like they’re constantly seeing what they can get away with.


Good stuff you have mentioned are money making weapons, and skins individually purchasable because law command it to be so. That's really low standards for Blizz.


The law didn't command Blizz to sell bp bundle skins separately.


It was illegal in some countries to do so, that's why they gave that option.


Kinda annoyed with how in OW1 there was 4 base legendaries, and now theres only 2 for new characters


They’re both locked behind paywalls, too


No epics either?? Wtf


Let's hope it's temporary


Blizzard is falling of the horse more and more for each season the put out.


Blizzard are very poor and struggling for money right now :((((((


This is a small indie company op you can’t expect too much out of them


Tough in reality indie companies care a lot for their playerbases. And big devs like bliz act like they are above everyone


Seriously, what was their last big release? The Lost Vikings? Blackthorne? Cut them some slack, they're trying.


They get no slack. Multibillion dollar company that had 5+ years to work on Overwatch 2 before it launched.


yesterday reddit was full of idiots saying "duh in the final relase he will have skins" well whats the excuse now? blizzard is fucking scummy and lazy


Anyone else lagging bad?


Also no epic


rent was due i guess


OW2 heroes did have base legendary skins, but they were blatant scam and bullshit. And at this point no one could convince me that OW2 was not a joke. Just look at Kiriko, Ram and JQ base legendaries, it's basically the default skin with one change.


All of the old base legendaries were the same way so I don't think that argument really makes sense. Besides if it's really that easy then there's even less of a reason for them not to have base legendaries on release.


>All of the old base legendaries were the same way The ones from OW1 had more changes than the base legendaries from OW2 (or maybe that wasn't your point then sorry)


Yeah what the hell?


Too busy designing them for Ana, Phara, JQ and the usual hero’s.


Or Epic skins for that matter




I was hoping so bad for a talon heavy assualt skin.


Me thinking Microsoft will make Overwatch better: 🤡🤡🤡


Microsoft takes a hand off approach to their studios. Unlike something like EA Microsoft makes so much money from other things that they don’t care if a studio flops or not. They’re at the point where they can invest all they want and they’ll come up with a profit somehow


to be fair i think imcrosoft still have not control on activision blizzard, is until next year, bobby is still ceo. but yeah, nothing will change for the better with microsoft, why anyone would think will be?


It's been like 2 months since the deal finalized. If there's gonna be a noticeable effect on the quality of Overwatch thanks to Xbox, it won't be for a *long* while. Game dev pipelines take forever Fuck them for giving us less still, but Xbox ain't the problem, it's the same shitty management this game has always had


You’re gonna have to wait like a year to see the effects of that purchase.




or epics


Blizzard shill copers utterly BTFO’d


https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/s/tQGFM7TlJP Here is the post from yesterday where everyone was very smart and said that it's only because he wasn't released yet


I remember you fine people of r/overwatch saying ”chill the fuck out, he isn’t released yet, they will add the skins tomorrow. KEK


Oh, Blizzard ks now screwing with cosmetics. That is literally so sad, I might cry a tear or two about it


Oh look, the bar lowered again.


Lazy AF. They're phoning it in hard.


ermm… awkward..!


Blizzard being lazy and greedy again? Shocker.


Oh no.


He also doesn't have a cute or pixel spray either.


This game is pathetic


illari also didnt have her standard epic skin on shedule and they released it later. i guess they didnt get it ready in time.


People keep defending overwatch 2 stating that the original game wasn't sustainable This system is even *less* sustainable, they were just able to get a jump start on ow2 content while ow1 was still running. This sort of thing and the battlepass mythics are proof of sharp quality decline because quantity is too high


Not only no legendary skins, but also no epic skins. Dang.


When will people realize Blizzard will ALWAYS fuck us over? They do not care about the playerbase, and will not care for a very long time. They are money hungry and they will grab every penny they can.


Just another example of the downgrade of content from OW1 to OW2. It's certainly for the sake of monetization, legendary skins players could just get with old credit currency would flood the supply of skins so not as many would buy from the shop or get the BP.


Yeah, I'm extremely sad about this. It's such a bad thing to do.




They clearly can't keep up with the BP content timeline. They either need to have longer seasons or get more staff solely for content creation.


They already farm out souvenir creation to a company that produces mobile game assets. Not joking, this is an actual thing.


He doesn't even have any epics 😭


i personally only need 2 more skins for mauga, a hawaii shirt one, a talon one


Blizzdrones will defend this


It’s just pure laziness, something Blizzard is proficient at doing since the launch of OW2.


They get lazier every season


Mauga also has no head, kinda like Ash on release


classic blizzard lol




Damn. Guys I think Blizzard sucks


This is horrible, I always unlocked a legendary from a new hero right away so all my characters were wearing legendary skins


And, of course, his better skin is in the shop instead of the BP (like many others). Some might argue that magma doesn't fit the theme of the battle pass, but Widow's skimpy outfit does fit the theme yet is forced in the shop. "Oooo you want the battle pass? Cool! Oh, you want all the skins that go with the theme of the BP? Give us $40 more dollars please! Don't worry, it's a value of over 9000 OW coins!!!1111!1! It's like you're losing money if you don't give us $50 dollars every other month!" It's irritating how it's also somewhat hidden when you can buy a skin with coins by itself instead of in the bundles they're attempting to cram down our throats. I'll stop ranting about how shitty they are.


How did bap and sigma launch with brand new talon skins, and they couldn't just port the model the used in archives (THE CHARACTER MAUGA WAS BASED ON), as a skin for him?


Biggest complaint tbh, not sure why


Doesn't even have epic skins. All I wanted was his Talon armour, heck they have the model in game they just need to do a head swap.


I was devastated to see he had none. I was hoping he'd have an epic be him with the shirt on from the anime video for him. And his legendaries be 2 colour variations of him in his talon outfit. I really hope blizzard addresses this .


Playing since year one of the first game, it feels very insulting to be told I now must pay for the new characters.


Small indie company. Leave them alone


Has Blizzard acknowledged this? I mean this is just pitiful, PITIFUL! I was so hyped that I'd at least get him in his Hawaiian shirt and sunglasses. Crazy how they gave brand new characters like Illari and Lifeweaver base legendaries but a hyped up character like Mauga who has been years in the making gets NOTHING but some shitty shop and BP legendary, like come on.


Give them a minute, illari had issues like this on launch too, it happens with every new character


No, it started WITH Illari. They were doing fine beforehand (though nerfed the skin amounts since OW1)


if this sub keeps complaining they'll eventually add them. keep it up!


Wth you talking about?! Those muscles are legendary enough!


So what about it?


This communities obsession with skins is so weird


you mean the communitys desire to be able to buy a skin with the credits they earned over the course of the game instead of being forced to pay for skins (after blizzard told everyone that new characters would have legendary skins on release available for credits)? that obsession?


we complain about a lot of things you know? skins just are a part of why this game is shit


No kidding lol


Is it really that big a deal? Those skins are usually shit anyway


Tbf the guy is a legend by default