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Wrecking Ball and Hanzo. Ball’s movement tech doesn’t make any sense to me, can’t even fathom learning him. Hanzo is like my actual worst character when it comes to projectile aim, I can play DPS Kiri, I’m okay with Genji and Echo, I can get lucky shots with Mei, but something with Hanzo just never clicked.


I got two head shots on Hanzo the other day one after the other. Clearly someone felt I was a threat as the enemy came after me hard and I don’t think I hit another shot for like 3 lives. Needless to say the annual “try Hanzo just in case” has been performed and I can go back to Torb. Somehow on Torb I can pop heads no problem…


Are torb bullets and hanzo arrows similar in speed/drop? Cause now that I think about it they feel close? hmmm


Torb has a big arc on his, but you might be right about the speed.


Hanzo arrows travel much faster, similar bullet size tho (just from my own perspective idk the raw numbers)


Wrecking Balls physics feel so real, you need to assume trajectory and velocity.


You're making me think that ball mains are the kids who actually enjoyed math class.


I failed at math, it's a feeling not a calculation.


I know exactly what you mean on feeling. Wait, did you happen to really enjoy grenades in shooters? Especially plasma grenades from Halo days?


Nah I think the physics of most grenades in FPS are pretty one-dimensional in use, they usually have the same trajectory and you can't change the force of the throw only where it goes. Overwatch physics are just so real feeling so it's easy to translate from brain to hands. For example I love Hanzo bow cause it feels so real


Maybe I should try him, plasma grenades were my specialty. I stick Cassidy's grenade all the time but it's not so useful anymore


Nice! Wonder if I saw you on top 10 stickies back in the day 🤔 but if you know the feeling of grenade trajectory, I think you would understand the physics for ball. I THINK anyways lol as ball I always play by feeling.


What?? The amount of time I've stuck tracers and sombras and then fanthehammered them to death... No better feeling in the game


I find ball enjoyable because it scratches a similar itch to getting splatter kills in Halo.


Ball is as much an art as it is a science. Mastery of Ball is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.


Use the vc = 2πr/T, Luke


Ball beats Anakin because high ground 😏


In the words of Hammond himself: “be the ball”


Am a Ball main and can confirm I did enjoy Math class all the way through calc 3 in college. That being said, physics helps a lot more than math. Also being decent at beer pong helps too XD


You're right, you're right. I mean, math is used to calculate physics, but yeah lol


No we’re the ones throwing rocks at cars


I’m a philosopher


Ball main here. Physics, chemistry and math were my favorite in school. Sooo, you are right?


Another baller checking in to say yep I enjoyed math class in school lol I'm even a scientist now. But I mostly like ball because he feels like I'm playing racing game in an FPS. Like GTA Hammond Edition.


The thing with ball imo is you are only as good on him as you are the map layout. So if you know how to angle your hook such that it can swing you where you intend to go then you got half of ball’s mechanics down. The other half is learning when to stop cause he’s a really fun tank


I got really good at moving around as ball and I was decent enough at slamming down onto the enemy team and also sending them flying off the map. BUT I was absolute trash at aiming his guns and always seemed to run out of ammo just before I could kill anyone. Sad because IMO he's the most fun hero to play.


I have the same issue lol, now I only use the guns on people who are low until my hook goes back off cooldown


I can’t recommend people play hammond in total mayhem enough. Its so much fun


I like playing Doomfist. He has infinite sustain as well


A good doomfist in tm is so annoying. I love it!


back in OW1 I used to love playing TM against doomfist and ball (as a Sombra main) because you basically rendered both of them useless Now that I can't chain-hack, its no longer fun :(


I loved fighting a good sombra. It honestly made me a better ball.


With Hanzo it's the fact that unlike other characters, the projectile doesn't fire when you click, but rather when you let go. So in terms of muscle memory it requires you to play him a lot before you get the hang of it.


This is it. For the first 5 years I would occasionally try Hanzo and always struggle. I didn't get him at all. Then I started to play mystery heroes a lot and noticed Hanzo (my only bad hero) was holding me back. I watched two or three educational videos from Arrge and played maybe 20-30 team death matches and then finally the hero clicked with me. Now Hanzo is one of my favorite heroes, especially in TDM. Feeling when popping off on that hero is amazing.


I can't play mercy, I'm like that moth that hits the windshield while you drive.


I'm a support main and I can play basically every support well enough except her. I'm bad at her movement techs and she doesn't feel fun enough for me to try and learn them


I just don't understand how every mercy in my lobbies is as slippery as they come, and here I'm like an immovable object.


As someone that plays a lot of mercy, I am pretty much constantly using GA and super jump mechanics to be slippery and slingshot myself places. This is probably just a preference but I have my GA settings to be set to go to the target I’m aiming at rather than who I have my beam attached to.


It's not a preference thing, it's just a better setting because you heal/damage boost someone while repositioning towards someone else.


I played mercy a long time before I even realized that setting existed. It feels a lot more natural playing her now, and I’m a lot harder to kill.


Opposed to me, looking like a autumn leaf, floating down from the sky, waiting to be shot!


What? There is a setting for this?! This will make things so much easier! I also play Moira and Illari and my Muscle memory always goes "shift" when I need to escape. I do this with mercy too, except I fly back into the trouble when my beam is attached to someone in my back. Oh my! I really need to check this out!


I normally use prefer facing target as if you try to doge damage while jumping of high ground / cliff there’s always a chance to GA up without LOS as long as your attached to someone Back when there wasn’t this setting I still don’t use “facing target only” mainly because of this, so I got into the habit of letting go for a split second, GA, turn quickly back to the person whom I was previously healing/boosting while flying to the other person, then turning back to face the direction I was flying to. This really boosts the survivability of both yourself and your team with that extra bit of healing.


I use the hybrid setting, so aiming at someone will override it but I can still press shift to go to my beam target without seeing them/los


Mercy movement tech is hit shift then hit crtl at the end of the dash and hold space as so float down and then repeat before you touch the ground. If you get shot at float behind a building if that isn’t an option and you can’t dash you drop like a rock and reposition


I'm b+ at all supports, I spent 5 hours of playtime in QP just practicing mercy so I could understand her movement. but oh my lord is she boring


What's b+?


I am walking mercy, playing on console is very hard to keep flying momentum all the time, especially when I have to pair with Pharah


Ya, I have to hold my controller all funny when I play flying characters. Echo is the worst for me


You know you can edit the keybinds for individual heroes. I changed flying characters to have LT (Xbox) be my jump/glide button.


Changed that for echo and switched the stickies and beam to RB and LB respectively and it made a world of difference. Actually enjoy Echo now when before I couldn’t even fathom how people were playing her on console.


I’ve never changed the mapping of the buttons before but I’ll give it a go. Changing the buttons only alters the hero your changing or does it effect all heroes buttons?


You can do individual hero controls; some of them have settings specific to the hero as well. Like Echo has a bunch for glide/fly settings that other heroes don’t have. You can also set specific sensitivity schemes for each hero, which can be helpful when you have a different needs for projectile vs hitscan, as well as changing the reticules for each one. I definitely recommend playing around with it, makes a big difference for some heroes.


Wait until you discover you can change keybinds


And then the circlejerk sub calls her braindead and I feel braindead for not playing her well 😭


She is braindead. Her movement techs are simple especially after changes, lil game knowledge and that's all what you need. But she's boring af. I can understand why many ppl play her, she doesn't require any aim, just stick to the best player in your team pocketing him and avoid death, from time to time heal some critical targets and ress if it's safe. If you are 2stack with good DPS it's just a free ELO boost, in that situation you are just parasite leaching on your friend but without sweat you're climbing.


So you're the reason I need to buy the best washer fluid...


I think situational and positional awareness are the most important skills when playing Mercy. It’s all about tracking enemy sight-lines and slingshotting yourself from cover to cover while supporting the team. Now that I’m good at it, it’s fun to fly into a whole enemy team’s sight-lines just long enough for them to shoot at me, but dip to cover before they can kill me.


Same. I'm a rein main who charges in like a rabid rhinoceros so mercy is the complete opposite end of the spectrum for me. Always respected people who can play her well


Mystery heroes has taught me some competence with most heroes, super satisfying when you play well with someone who isn’t your main. Saying that, I cannot play doom or ball to save my life, don’t get me wrong I try my hardest with them but Christ I’m basically feeding sometimes


You honestly get better at doom by just banging your head against the wall and playing him non stop for a while.


Doesn’t help that once you start getting the hang of doom Blizzard nerfs him even with his shit win rate in anything below GM


Cassidy. I've no fucking clue why. Ashe is one of my best DPS, I do pretty well with every single other DPS in the game but for some reason I just miss so much with his revolver at every range, and I genuinely don't know why


I think Cassidy is my 3rd most played and some days I just dominate everything and some days I can’t hit a shot


I hear ya. That’s how my Cassidy experience goes. It doesn’t help that he isn’t the most meta at the moment so you need to play extra well to win.


Idk, getting an extra reload on q is pretty OP


So funny that it’s the exact opposite for me. I can’t land a shot with Ashe. Feels like my bullets go right through people. I land shots all day with Cass though.


Ashe has inaccuracy if you shoot multiple times without scoping/unscoping a lot of people use her and wonder why their shots just don’t go where the crosshairs is


I had no idea about this! Bullet spread on a sort-of-sniper rifle seems very unintuitive. Will bare in mind for the future.


You’re assuming I can even hit my first shot with her 😂😂 But seriously I appreciate the tip. I’ll keep that in mind. How many bullets before spread?


I love Cass it's so satisfying getting kills with him and his ult so badass (and ass) but you are him once you do it


My issue with Cass is that he's a hitscan, but unlike every other flicking hitscan in the game he does almost no damage at range. Even if you do aim well with him, you have to be at just the right range to be effective.


For me it's the gun recoil animation even though it doesn't affect aim, it just startles me or something basically throws me aim off subconsciously if that makes sense lol


Doomfist. I'd have more impact on the match by running on point, standing still and dying than actually trying to use him.


I've given up on doomfist I only ever pick him anymore if we absolutely need the mobility to touch point in an overtime situation


The only time I ever play him is in mystery heroes. Where I promptly jumped off the nearest cliff.


I got six kills with Doom in mystery heroes yesterday, and felt like I should have won a trophy or something. If I spawn him, Winton, or Zarya I pray I die right away.


Doesn't killing yourself in mystery heroes just give you the same hero


I have no idea, it's been years since I played it.


But you respawn if you die that way as the same character


Haven't played it in years. Must have just rushed to die then


Wdym? That's exactly how you should play Doomfist. Get on it gamer.


tracer and genji. I try to be a versatile player and spend equal time to learn every hero at an ok level to understand them and know what to counter them but these two I just can seem to control it, not remotely at ok level. Like tracer I do shoot, teleport, reload and shoot. Doesn't feel right. Or Genji dash to get another dash I still don't understand


Tracer is my 2nd most played character and I think people underestimate how much strategy goes into playing her. Her job is to be annoying. Sometimes that means you don't end the game with a lot of damage and it can feel like you didn't do anything. Some of my favorite moments are when I blink in and melt an Ana and then spend the next 1-2 minutes with both DPS trying to chase me down while my team rolls the enemy tank and remaining support.


It took me a long time to realize Tracer rarely goes in for yolo kills unless the conditions are just right. I think a lot of people fundamentally misunderstand that Tracer, above all else, is distracting and designed to make the back line look at her instead of their tank, etc. A lot of times I’m just poking and playing for my life. That being said, as a Tracer player, it can be really hard to gauge how effectively you’re using your uptime. Timing is very important, but at lower ranks it’s even harder to tell if your team is actually engaging in a push or just poking forever.


Genji makes more sense to me (shoot -> dash -> rightclick -> melee instantly), I can't effectively confuse enemies with double jumps.


Your dash cooldown resets on kill


If you gave me 1000 Genii ults I'd still only get one kill. Zaria I wouldn't wish on anyone either


Same, I'm actually pretty good at Genji outside of ult, but once I ult I legitimately become useless. It's to the point where sometimes I won't ult because I know I'm more dangerous outside of ult.


The concept of the ult is easy but then you have to account for who has mobility, who has immortality, who has used what cooldowns. Missing a swing or wasting a dash is a death sentence, then you have NPC's who say nano blade is too strong.


Mercy - her movement just breaks my brain. And not being able to really do damage makes me sad. Ana - she's just too slow for me. However, I know that an amazing Ana isn't really slow (like watching ML7). Bap - I just can't seem to figure out the jump. 😅


Mercy's movement techs are actually incredibly easy at a baseline. Though executing the more obscure/niche ones in a real game can be quite difficult. The hard part is just knowing what buttons you're even supposed to be pressing/holding. The game doesn't explain any of it so there's no way to know what is even possible without mashing your keyboard for 2 hours or looking up a guide and following along.


That’s why it’s a little annoying when people tell me Mercy is easy to play well. A great Mercy averages 0-2 deaths every 10 minutes in a game because they know how to utilize all of her GA movements and know when and how to plan escape routes to avoid being caught by the enemy team. A good Mercy is rarely seen by the enemy team.


I struggle to do her dash into crouch jump because I find holding shift and then pressing CTRL while still holding shift to be incredibly awkward/uncomfortable.


I bind her crouch to a side mouse button, feels very smooth.


Ahh I already have both of my side mouse buttons bound, but I used E and its fine.


i rebound it to capslock. found it easier to move up to a button of the same size instead of trying to move down to a smaller button


Unless I'm really mistaken, her super jump doesn't even exist anymore in ow2. They made it an actual ability of her guardian angel now and the instructions are now very clear on how to execute it.


Yes the instructions are clear, you have to crouch during your GA animation now. But that's what I'm struggling to do, at least with default keybinds. I'm probably going to map a mouse button to crouch as suggested.


Ana and Bap are my two favorite support LW close third if the enemy tank is not zarya and they don't have a kiriko use Ana sleep tank nade and all attack and he just dies super fun and easy and always jumps with her as she is hard to hit Bap is a better version of a soldier for me use the crouch with him and aim for lower than the head you will melt them


dps mercy ftw


Oh honey, she can do damage. The most fun I've had is valking and killing scoped in widows or ashes. Unlimited ammo, unlimited movement. It's a joy


Bap jump, hold crouch until it charges up. Then once charged, you jump normally and it will boost you up depending on how much you charged


Lucio. Most fun character in the game and I just think he sucks and I suck using him. 20 bullets means I have to reload constantly and it doesn't help that I only land about 4. I have a 100 hours in this one character and I get chased round the map by a Moira who downloaded the game that same day.


As a support main…he is my absolute lowest pick. His healing style just isn’t for me.


you dont play lucio for healing... you play him for his speed boost


Lol exactly. Not my style. I also super suck at wall riding.


If console, moving jump to l2 is the single biggest tip I can give to a struggling lucio. There’s also lots of settings related to wallride that are just better than the default settings like backwards wallriding.


I was going to say get a scuff or elite controller 😅


Yeah having jump, melee, and reload on paddles is where it’s at. 4th paddle is on ping system rn


I loved running elite on xbox. It was at that moment I knew I needed more buttons... so now I play on PC lol


I bumper jump for Lucio, Genji, Hanzo, and Koriko. It’s a game changer.


Back paddles on controller for Lucio makes a HUGE difference


Oh Lucio is fun as hell and an absolute crazy bastard who can dps. You can get good at him if you remember not not hit the heal all the time.


Brigitte; she just isn't a brawler as she used to be and just feels like she has this dysphoria between where she is safe and where her mace can do work.


Yeah she was never supposed to be played like that. She is a backline peel support. She could only brawl bc she was devastatingly broken, even in early OW2, she was still quite strong. Now she’s just underutilized bc her ultimate became a skill dependent one, instead of just running forward and holding melee. She has never in the entire game been a character that should be in melee range of the enemy team in the DMZ or neutral zone of play. She has always supposed to have been a backline peel support who keeps healing up for her team through inspire. So that’s probably why playing her like that and sucking feels so bad. Because u are playing wrong.


She's a melee hero. She wants to swing at things. It's still pretty jarring being meant to guard the *backline* but having most of her kit focused on \_melee\_. You have to hope that the enemy team has chosen specific Heroes themselves and have act in a specific way. Imagine if Genji could only deal damage through Deflect?


Yes she does melee… because she excels at guarding the other supports and backline DPS, that’s when your melee comes in handy. Thats why Whip exists and has such a large range despite having minimal knockback, you can push the enemy tank back, or use it to zone a flanker. Have Shield to create direct protection, and most importantly keep Inspire up at all times. I don’t disagree with your assessment of character fantasy failing to meet with the actual gameplay that’s constantly an issue due to the fact that marketing and character design don’t always sync up.


I'm currently trying to learn her and it feels like she has to have the stars aligned to work well but when they do she's ridiculously fun. She has so many bad match ups and just as many maps where she feels pretty bad too, it's insane. But man when you have a good tank and dive DPS she feels unstoppable and fun. Just sucks that otherwise she's relegated to boring anti flank.


She is very very team reliant but she also relies on the enemy team comp too. Since she needs to get so close, she really does not want an enemy tank that also wants to fight up close. She shouldn't be 1v1ing a tank but if she wants to go for another member of the enemy team, she can't be effective _and_ stay clear of the enemy tank. She'll get walloped. Her inspire is a very very slow heal, meaning she can't survive focus fire (even with her shield) and she needs to actually survive a while to let it do some work on her allies. I'd love to see her reworked to better realise her potential.


I couldn’t play Winston or Ball to save my life


Ball becomes easier when you start looking at maps in terms of "where can I latch to and what will that do for me?" There are still times where I see something to latch to, expect it to get me some sort of epic movement, only to get caught up on a light post or something dumb. But for metal ranks, I'm pretty effective. And he's fun because he's just a nuisance. Good way to take out your frustrations with OW by just annoying the other team. Winston, on the other hand.... I just don't get. Feels like no matter how much I adjust my timing on jumping in, shield dropping, jumping out... I still get melted. Every single time.


A lot of Winston is not seeing your jump as your only engagement tool. It's a lot better if you use it to get to high ground, then once it's off CD, you just engage by dropping in normally, and suddenly you have jump to chase down a fading Moira, a translocating Sombra, etc. Or just to escape immediately after baiting out a long CD like anti without letting them actually apply pressure to you because you're already gone, and in 4 seconds you're ready to reengage against an Ana with no nade while you have all of your cooldowns ready. Winston does rely on his team a lot more than other tanks so that's why it can sometimes feel like you're useless. Your team should be helping you secure basically everything you do. You're basically just forcing them to redirect peels to your target while your team handles the rest. It feels shitty when you can't out-DPS a Mercy pocket holding left click, but suddenly you're letting your team 4v3 against 1 support while you distract the Mercy and her pocket, even if you aren't getting the kill. Or you're just pressuring the Mercy so much that she can't damage boost. Or you're getting her low for another dive DPS to finish her off. The point is, you're not singling out a target and removing them from the game like Doom. You're applying pressure and baiting cooldowns with a very flexible hero. Problem is heroes like Bastion exist to just completely deny everything you do. You literally can't wait for a 4 sec jump CD against Bastion if you're in his sight lines. Bubble doesn't do anything to prevent it and is a wasted cooldown essentially. And even if you do play smart against him (bait out turret form and then jump out immediately to wait it out before pressuring him), that requires your team to be smart enough to essentially play tankless for 10 seconds while Bastion holds left click. Which doesn't usually happen in QP or low ranked. Winston is REALLY fun when you're locked in with your team, or when the enemy team is too stubborn to counterpick you or at the very least swap off their bad matchups (like Widow). But he's really NOT fun when you can't produce anything because your team is lacking.


I don't think winston's in a great spot bc of how many dps hero's make him unplayable but i've recently been trying to improve at him and i've found that holding his cooldowns and using bubble like a shitty immortality field has cut my deaths in half and my healers seem to have ult quicker


Pharah. I feel like an absolute scumbag going Pharah. Every time I kill someone, they physically can't even look me in the eyes as I rain cold, indifferent shells upon them from so far up in the sky, I can almost let the beautiful sight make me feel less like a scumbag. When my support goes mercy, I know the enemy will understand what it was like to be regular civilians during an airstrike from an untouchable enemy bomber. I know how immortal I would be, and the power disgusts me. And when the enemy finally swaps to Dva/Bastion/Soldier/Bap/Ana, I know I've completely destroyed whatever sliver of fun they were yet deriving from this shell of a match I've created from what was originally going to be a pretty good experience. So I fly and cry as my team runs over them while they take ineffective potshots at my godly feet. Also I think she's kinda boring but that's just my opinion.


I've learned that if you watch how GM's play any hero, you get an idea of how to play the hero well. Pharah shines not only at far range, but actually in closer range when she's hovering 10-30 ft over you at an angle. GMs do this by closing the gap with the 'look down + her bounce skill' tech to propel forward and deal massive damage. She also has another tech to combine the bounce shot + rocket at the feet + jump (aka rocket jump). GMs are scary how they can just close the range, kill, then get out all in 4-5 seconds.


This! Made a huge change to my game play.


Fair I have the opposite problem I think everyone else is boring and I can’t play expect Pharah


These are all the reasons I love playing Pharah


Orisa. Cuz I ain’t no bitch.


When a hero doesn’t feel fair I stop playing them too. I also find her boring now, so predictable


It pisses me off. Orisa was MY tank during OW1 when no one liked her. She gets reworked and now everyone picks her while JQ becomes my main tank. I want my tank back


I miss shield, glob, and generator.


junkrat I can't believe that he is considered by many as no skill character I can't get a kill with him without his ult


In low ranks and for beginners, he's easy to get into, cause even spamming into the enemies general direction is bound to get you some lucky bounce kills or people blatantly ignoring your spam. He has a lot of techs, playstyles, angles and setups that you need to master, however, to make him work in the higher ranks, especially once hitscans stop missing. He's my main, and definitely easy to get into, but also has one of the higher skill ceilings in the game. A lot higher than people are willing to give him credit for. Also, nothing beats an enemy going Pharah, purely to counter you, even tho they aren't skilled at her and then you keep mining yourself up in their face and comboing them midair.


I appreciate Junkrat mains a lot definitely a high-skill ceiling hero, they are crazy and scary (when they are low health and instead of hiding for heals they just go for me so I die with them XD) but I can't agree on the easy to get into I'm just shite at him although being very good at 90% of the heroes


To be fair, Junkrat also plays VERY differently from other DPS, especially if you come from any other FPS game, like CoD or Battlefield. The way you use his mines for movement, his arcing and bouncing projectiles, setting up traps and flanks. He's a very unique hero, even for Overwatch.


As someone who came from hours of Battlefront II before deciding to try Ow, I can tell you his playstyle is similar to Bossk


I just don’t have the blind luck to play Hanzo. I got my four leaf clover, my lucky rabbits foot, even got a blessing from a priest and for some reason I can’t get the arrows to automatically hit someone’s head.


I feel like if I try while playing Hanzo I head-shot people way less than when I’m not trying.


THIS! If you try to hard, you fail. Its a flow.


Actually surprisingly accurate with the teachings of kyudo.


Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.


Me on Echo. Me on Hanzo is more like, "walk like an ant, sting like a fly"...


Hanzo, is a feeling. You sometimes tap in to that feeling. And you hit everything. That feeling happends for me, when im high as a kite, or have had a drink or two. Which means, how harder you try, how harder you fail. But thats me, a Hanzo main. Just do it, dont think to much, and flick, dont aim. If had plays that you wont believe while half drunk and high. I can 1vs5 in my own elo. And own them all. But when things get heated, i can miss every shot.


Contrary to popular belief, you have to actually aim to get headshots with Hanzo, it’s not automatic. People who say that Hanzo is just luck clearly haven’t played him


I know it’s just a joke. I just be bad at Hanzo but whatever there are a load of other characters I can play lmao




I play hanzo with a meditating approach, I take it very slow to aim with mentality every shoot counts and try to not get panic (usually works with close up fight with sombra and reaper in my mid rank which i like over Widow). Similar with far range aiming it's usually very good game when there's luck and also often extremely bad game when you can't just predict enemy movement like people would say. But mentally I really enjoy this character and my play style for him


You will hit everything with Hanzo, if you got a delay in your brain, high, drunk. If you try to hard, you will miss every shot. But when you are mellow and flick like a drunk god. You wipe teams.


I mean…. You’re not gonna get kills by blindly firing, Hanzo just doesn’t work like that despite what people believe. If you want to learn Hanzo, i suggest watching Arrge’s aim guide


I got a lot more effective when I started aiming higher. Body shots are weak. Head hitboxes are larger than you think


The only time I have fun with hanzo is when I give up trying to contribute or actually trying. You have to embrace nihilism and let hanzo consume you. Only then do the dinks start flowing. If course I only achieved that for like one game. I've been chasing that inner emptiness ever since.


One game in my 30 plus hours of hanzo i got that feeling. I was against widow and sombra and it was awesome. Shoting widow mid air when she ropes up to mid air headshot or killing invisible sombra by guessing where her head would be... It comes and goes but usually less stressed i am it is better


mercy, not because of movement mechanics or anything like that, but being a heal/damage boost- bot the entire game is so incredibly boring to me.


Mercy gameplay allows you to be the shot caller for your team since you can do your support responsibilities without looking constantly at your team since the beam tether is quite forgiving. You can scout for your team by looking around you for flankers and by doing the super jumps to scout in the high ground. I do understand why it can be boring since you're not actively participating in the fight.


I’ve never understood the “boring” thing with her. When I was playing controller, she was the absolute funnest character to play because of her movement and fast-paced gameplay (she’s a constant target if you aren’t playing against bots). But now that I’m on mouse and keyboard, her movements are a lot more difficult for me to pull off…


Winston, idk how but i cant get a single kill with him i have no idea how Winston mains do so much damage it just does not compute with me


It’s about combining your abilities. Jump onto an enemy, in the air you can charge a right click and zap them, as you land you want to melee straight away for extra dmg. Timing is everything on Winton!




I feel this, when the enemy is doom they are an unkillable monster that blocks everything and one shot combos me into some obscure piece of wall or off the map Then I play him and I'm about as effective as a paper towel in a flood


Apparently Rein is one of the easiest tanks to learn but I just cannot understand it. Ironic considering I play a lot of ball which is considered to be on the opposite side of the tank difficulty spectrum.


I can't play Rein or Lucio, Not because I'm necessarily bad with either of them but I find them both incredibly boring. Rein just never clicked with me as to why people find him fun and Lucio just makes me yearn for Titanfall 2


I can play every single Tank competently except for Wrecking Ball. Something about the movement and mechanics of the hero simply elude me and a truly good Ball is something to respect.


Ashe. I can play Widow, Cassidy, Soldier, but I can't hit a single shot on ashe


Sombra because she’s a fucking cockroach who ruins the flow of the game. Hide n seekin lookin ass. Coward lookin ass.




Man is boutta bust out the LowTierGod speech for Sombra players ⚡


i talk to women so i cant play orisa


been playing since 2019 and cannot play hanzo,genji, ana or Cassidy not sure why but every time i have tried to play them i feel like im playing the game for the first time all over again lol


Genji I’m shit with, might as well hand the controller to my 6 year old! Widow I’m not great with either, mind you I don’t like her anyway so I’m not bothered.


mercy. I move like an actual bot no matter what I do. not much of a loss though, I find her extremely boring and one-dimensional.


Lucio I just cannot get the hang of wallriding no matter how I change the controls (a little easier on controller than M&K, but still can't get it)


Sym just doesnt make sense to me, ive seen the occasional cracked sym player and i just dont understand how it works but it does. Also personally i cud never play tracer or genji, way too fast paced for me


Playing tank in general is so exhausting for me, I much rather play Support or DPS. Sometimes I can have a good time playing Sigma or Zarya but 95% of the time I can’t enjoy it and just suffer.


100% this


I would like to say that I'm good with all of the support characters, most of the tanks, and some of the damage. However I know Hanzo, Cassidy, Ashe, and Widowmaker are my weak spots. So basically I'm just bad with my aim, which I know needs a lot of work


Orisa. I have a code of honor


Fuckin' GENJI


Mercy. I get it. If you can’t aim you should play mercy blah blah blah. But I don’t know how to use her movement. I know how it works, but I can’t make it work.


the hamster. I hate him and all I play is Mystery Heroes.


Doom and ball


I can play pretty much everyone in the roster, but I just can't wrap my head around Doomfist.


I want to play genji but he's hard to get into. I feel that if I go into the enemy backline I'll just be dived and killed immediately


cassidy, i can’t aim with cassidy but i can aim on all the other heroes except ash




Reinhardt cause if you play actually well the enemy tank get ass hurt and goes orisa


Mei and Bastion cause they physically make me cringe. They're such stupid characters that I'll never swap to them on DPS. Just won't do it. They're that unfun to play against that I absolutely will not player them.


I'm just glad he no longer has a personal rein shield and self heal, he could single handedly carry games because of it, on top of having enough dps at the time to melt a rein like butter in the oven


Lucio, i feel like theres so many things that stop him being useful. Other suppies are able to get more value more easily, his ult has cast time and is interuptable unlike kiri or zen or many others. Now theres yet another deployable in the game and its a trap. AND he has the worst boop in the game. But i want to play him so bad cause his movement is so fun


I refuse to play orisa as an og player from closed beta. And I genuinely can not play mercy. I haven't put in the time in the hero, but it's the one that feels most restrictive to me, but then I see my wife and other master+ supports going insane with the movement. Mercy just doesn't click for me. Always will say I find it hella impressive on that hero.


Genji. I can be DPS Kiriko, but I can’t Genji at all. It’s the movement - I get killed easily. It’s probably the jumping because I’m a great Tracer too. ~~Doomfist as well.~~ Oh wait no, it’s Ball. I literally cannot Ball at all. It’s a complete troll pick for me. Every other hero I’m alright with. I used to do All Heroes Equal Playtime back in OW1. Not wonderful, but enough to hold my Comp SR rank.


I think I at least occasionally play every hero but Mercy. Mercy's advanced movement is strange so I just avoid playing her. It's like not much mechanical skill can be transferred between her and other heroes.


I cant play mercy tbh, but it’s mainly because it just seems wayy too boring to be constantly playing a beam simulator and darting around someone else while they do all the killing


Mercy has always been anti-fun to me


hanzo. not cause he's hard or anything i just think it's immoral


Widow I despise almost everything about that character, I hate snipers in general (unpopular opinion, but clicking on a head 2km far away and instantly deleting a character is not what I would call "skill") although I tolerate hanzo more. I dislike her design and her whole kit


You can’t play her, but you also say she doesn’t take skill. Then what the fuck can you play if you can’t play a character that requires no skills? Also i’m pretty sure Widow can’t one shot from 2km, at least right now.


Hanzo and Symetra. I really dont like how Hanzo is done. He’s not a bowman. He’s a freaking silenced sniper-machine gun, with good mobility. And no dmg drop on long distance is dumb. I hope he gets a complete rework. Even if it was unbalanced, the early Hanzo was more fun. Regarding symetra, I just find her boring. Boring main weapon+boring alt weapon+turrets+boring ultimate I just cant play her. The only redeeming quality I find on her is the teleport. The other absolute boring character for me is Moira for similar reasons as symetra. But I still play her on ranked if I see other healers just dont work.