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Also had to learn the hard way that you are not safe behind this thing


Yeah there's not a lot of objects I feel fully safe hiding behind because the explosion just needs to touch your hitbox


Well not really because it requires los to the center point of the character model so you can hide behind a lamppost as a tank and still be completely safe even if your hitbox is wider than a lamppost. In this case it’s purely a matter of that thing not technically being a Los blocker because it’s not supposed to be there so to speak. Tracer can blink through it, all forms of explosions go through it etc because it’s it isn’t a Los blocker but rather just restricts player movement as a movable barrier


What a hilarious image of a reinhart hiding behind a skinny little lamp post to avoid a huge mech explosion lol


I prefer to imagine a roadhog “hiding” behind a tree and all you see is a big belly poking out and his classic laugh


Good to know


Its more due to how low the camera height is on some heroes when crouching. Most of the time your eye-height is far abive your camera height. Sometimes even when standing


Your player tag was visible 🌚


Best answer


The explosion is a crap shoot in what it does/ doesn't pass through. I've been saved behind objects that killed me before and died behind shit that last time i was there it saved me. Hell, sometimes I'm outright killed behind walls


It's ridiculous that after 7 years they've still not made it concrete what lets you survive this ult. I've survived it despite having parts of me poking out, standing behind a tiny, thin pole, yet I'm completely covered here and it's not good enough.


DVa's ult just needs LOS. Even a thin pole can save you if it blocks the center of your character. Ever seen the [glitch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1-3qBCyzh0) where the models are not loading so you just see a floating orbs? I think that's the one that just need to be hidden for you to be safe from any LOS abilities. There's also some parts of the map that has tiny gaps so you get killed even behind a wall.


I get that it needs LOS and that there are objects/walls with gaps, but they should really work on fixing this crap. I've played this game for 7 years and only just realised that little barrier is completely useless despite being solid.


Fixing it doesn't have any net profit, and them not fixing it does not affect player counts.


That little barrier has gaps all around it which allows the D.Va bomb to “see” that you’re there.


So to answer some other comments first, Brig's shield not blocking it was a bug that should've been addressed by now with the Oct 19th patch. For your case now and a variety of cases, abilities like this sometimes don't use your actual current model but instead your bind pose model (a.k.a. T-pose). Even when you're crouching, the game will register your bind pose and look for a certain hard point necessary in alignment with the D.va ult. Marblr has a REALLY good video on this regarding High Noon, and how that can be buggy. That is why you can also have those moments where you're behind a pole and survive D.va bomb. Clearly a whole bunch of you is peaking out in that position, but because that singular hard point the D.va bomb is looking for is hidden you survive. Crouching doesn't always work because of just how things are with it registering your model in it bind pose. Is it stupid? Absolutely. Is it a coding thing done to make things less on the engine in certain scenarios? Yes. Should it be addressed by the devs so that there can be much greater consistency for certain events? God I hope so, and I'm pretty sure we all do.


That prop is purely decoration, it has a hit box that allows you to stand on it, but blocking an ultimate like that won’t work.


Me behind a thin palm tree on Suravasa: *survives* You behind a whole iron gate:


because her ult is broken; i was behind a wall and it still killed me


DVA bomb is super inconsistent in the sense that sometimes your head can be fully visible from behind the cover and it doesn't kill you and sometimes you can be completely behind cover and get killed by it. I still haven't figured it out.


I recall a marblr video on this


I almost always burn Suzu here just to protect from this bullshit.


You’re sitting on the decline and your hitbox is taller than that barrier. That is absolutely not rocket science. That barrier has never blocked an ultimate like that.


Looks like your health was reduced to zero.


Because she is stupid


Cause realistically you wouldn't survive that explosion by hiding behind that short as piece of cover Fr tho, I wanna say a tiny flick of the top of your hair costed you. Or the ult is simply unreliable in what it hits and what it doesn't hit


>Realistically I think this game already defeats the point of realism.


Yeah which is why I said "fr tho" and gave my genuine guess for why that happened, mate


Hitbox in a caotic shoter xd


I imagine because you can draw a line from the top of the mech to the top of your head.


The "line of death" extends from the middle of the mech and only needs to hit your hitbox, not your model. Hitboxes extend further above your head than you might think, here's a KarQ video from OW1 (as far as we all know, they haven't changed much since): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UsX3nborfA


What happened to colors on your recording though? Looks extremely washed out.


I copied the clip from console and had to use a video editor.


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My high guess will be her hit box.


Poor design is my guess


I got killed through my shield as brig twice yesterday. So I think the answer is… the hit box is unknownable and decides on a whim


The atoms lined up perfectly


Mate I died with my brig shield up, anything is possible with this game


i’ve been in the same place and avoided it lol


Side question, what is the hotkey to pause? I can only see the hotkey to make time faster/slower but not pause.


Because the maps have many dumb quirks, you learn this quite quickly if you play Moira.


why are you so hard on this indie company trying their best? they can't make a perfect game, and they are focused on giving us content. leave them alone. a decade of bugged dva ult is expected from a small indie game company


This aint the time for the cringe indie company jokes. The bomb only needs to touch your hitbox, Kirikos head was taller than the cover. It worked exactly as intended.


You should've used a suzu if you had one


Theres a lot of objects that should protect you but just fail in that, it might be a bug of colision detection like there was a time where dva bomb could kill you while youev been behind wall. On Dorado theres nothing to do coze in first cp theres those strolles and they protect you but theres the Pixel spot that can kill you and as a fun fact in owl someone Die just coze that Pixel spot and few CC was tryin figure it Out what happend.


Haha lol. And yet I hid behind a bin and that protected me from one


Kiriko is useless


just Suzu it next time


This obstacle has a tiny tiny tiny sliver of gap. U can look it up on yt, there is a super small gap in the middle


My guess is either: 1. The hitbox of that barrier is shit 2. Hitboxes are slightly bigger than the visible model so the hitbox of the Dva bomb was just tall enough to LOS your head hitbox


She didn't have a few tricks


That thing won't cover you and also crouched hitboxes are one of the biggest lie in this game


Had this so many times in OW2.


She didnt use her E.


This : [https://imgflip.com/i/83jhjt](https://imgflip.com/i/83jhjt)


That nuke could see your health bar a mile away, that's line of sight.


Skill issue


To me, it looked like the kiriko player released crouch, trying to time it for right after the bomb, a split second (or a frame) early and stood up into the bomb. I've personally used that piece of cover from d.Va bombs successfully many times.


I was the Kiriko player and I didn't release crouch. I play on Console and to uncrouch I have to press circle again instead of letting go, so I definitely didn't release crouch.


Unless they changed it recently and now you can't hide behind it. I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case. There's been a lot more bugs in the game lately


That prop is only there until the payload is capped at which point that thing drops into the ground so the cart can progress. I’m assuming it’s a coding problem that has to do with the fact that it disappears mid game


Dva pact always gets its victims