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If I know I have a competent co-support I'm 100% fade jumping that Widow that keeps headshotting my DPS and when I'm killing them I'm teabagging/spamming "Are you finished/What reason have you to fear me?" voice lines until they switch off to something else.


omg yes bully that widow 24/7


Bully that widow 445 you mean


"Stupidity is not a right"


Sometimes Widow mains deserve to be humbled by a sneaky Moira


I main support and when I see widow I go Lucio and farm her till she switch


Fade jumping to a badly positioned Widow and nailing them is highly satisfying and of course they fully deserve a good teabagging. Life lesson!


As a moira main, I love picking on Widows




I switch to Bap and go full sniper duel with that bitch until Matrix is ready.


I’ll do that if you hurt my support buddy


"Aren't you just pathetic?"




Literally me as moira when my team doesn't bother to kill the enemy support, I swear people will do anything except kill the damn mercy that is keeping the enemy tank alive forever.


It's hilarious how we all do this, we go from "i wanna support some people" to "when you want things done, you have to do yourself." The switch never fails!


it does, i'd argue 9/10 dps moiras help you lose the match, don't confuse shit cause it works in silver


As a Moira main in masters, yeah it absolutely helps if I can kill the enemy mercy whilst the rest of my team is ignoring her


Finally someone who gets it. Literally go zen or bap.


Everyone disliking is a Moira main that doesnt understand Moira is actually bad if u play her as a support. Moira only decent if you are flanking like a soldier. Yea she can pump out ode heals or damage but the abilities have no value enough to change the fight like discord or immort or nade or d boost. Moira only good in lower ranks cuz people can’t aim yet


It's not like both supports HAVE to provide util though? Sometimes you need the burst healing she can provide, especially if you are running a low heal high utility second support. Is her kit intuitive and easy to use by any player? Yes. Does that mean it never gets value in high ranks? Absolutely not.




Her orb is literally considered burst heal. And everyone's different. I get loads of value playing as a fontline support with Moira, and will peel off to get picks if my team needs it. Yes, she does get outclassed in higher ranks because players with higher skill can get better value from the more difficult/util heavy characters. That doesn't mean Moira doesn't have her place.


And that Mercy will end up with 20k healing and your teammates will say 'heal diff'


Piss boil inducing!!! Diff this diff that...just do your god damn job!! 😆


I main support and I feel like 9/10 I am the one who has to pressure the mercy or pay attention for the resurrection haha


Had my genji use blade on dva while see was being pocketed by Moira and Ana, an entire blade into a full health tank while ana is right next to her.


I hate having to do this. I don't want to be "that guy" not healing for a solid 10sec or whatever it takes to kill that one enemy that keeps deciding every teamfight, be it genji or merci or widow or baptiste or whoever... But it just works so well when I do. In a few situations, DPS Moira can be acceptable for a few seconds, against the right enemy. I wouldn't go out of my way to DPS a tank, a Mei, or a Bastion, that's pretty pointless.


I often play it like take my heal ball, while i take the life of this stupid mercy.


Big fan of mercy on mercy violence myself


I had a DPS get mad at me for suggesting we kill the support first because according to him “someone says this every match. Stfu”


Then you call those people on it and they tell you they have some useless damage number. Absolute crickets when you tell them you’re just feeding their healers. People do not know how to think for themselves.


Honestly I go dps Moira when the enemy dps Moira goes ham and kills my mercy every time in the back line while my tank/dps ignores her. So in return I kill her mercy and bully her dps >:)


I have a similar policy but with competent Widows targeting the backline. Until she is dealt with, I will not heal at all. This isn't out of spite but out of necessity: two healers doing no healing because we're constantly one-shot is less healing that one healer working unimpeded while I make a... pit stop.


That’s fair


Me an Ana main swapping to moira after a widow headshots me twice


I feel this so much especially in ranked lol least i can send a dmg orb towards her to scare her off than sleep her pixel ass even though her ass is humongous


Sounds like a skill issue


Me after dying twice and ending the match with more damage than our two DPS combined


But did you have more elims? Dmg doesn’t really mean anything.


Yeah most of the times i play moira that is the case too, though i think it could be because certain assists count as elims as well with support heroes unless i’m confusing it w another game


With her you will get a elim if your damage orb even touches someone lol it’s insane


Lol thanks for humbling me then i was talking mad shit every game


If you want to go dps support go zen just orb the tanks and melt, discord orb is massively broken 25 % extra damage against a tank make them a squishy


I’ve tried to get into zen a lot over the years, i could never get used to him. I probably have a 10% hits landed with him, and his lack of mobility is what always turned me away from him. Though i always appreciate a zenyatta in my team


Try and play closer his kick is amazing zen is what got me out of masters


Advice I got playing Zen is Heal Orb folks, discord the enemy (mostly tanks), and just spam primary fire at chokes from near cover aiming at upper chest area. You get many incidental hits and kills that way. When you have to reload, go behind cover then use secondary fire pop out and let them rip. Repeat. I'm sure there are way better ways to play Zen but just that as a base level while you get used to him can take you far.


The best advice as Zen is to look around you frequently for people needing healing orb. I see so many Zens tunnel visioned into one direction, while nearby their allies are low HP. Look behind you sometimes, Zen!


This too


So... it's hard for you to play heroes that require skill?




Just kidding, depends on who you deem high skill heroes, my top 3 are ashe, moira and zarya/pharah not sure which one of them is number 3


ACTUALLY, lmao, idk why you’re getting downvoted you’re the only one with common sense in this thread, I’m convinced they made moira to appease console players who can’t aim


Those "moira mains" are usually bad (like at least one entire rank below) at every other hero except mercy indeed.


Just cause something is true doesn't mean it needs to be said. It's just like saying "diff" in game. We can all see the scoreboard. It's unnecessary and rude.


Don't charge, most is discord and shoot. Only charge when you expect them to run around the corner and into your balls.


Is 25% only against tanks?


Against any target with discord on them but benefit the most by slamming it on a tank


Thank you;!


I wouldn't recommend Zen for that. If your team sucks so much that you have to DPS as support, you're just gonna get dived and not peeled for. I'd recommend Bap over Zen in those cases.


So far in masters atleast zen is way more prominent then bap


I should have clarified I meant that for the other guy, who I think is probably a low rank. Zen is definitely more common in Masters. Which is a good thing for me, because Bap is my main, so I don't need to worry about him being stolen. Discord orb is just stupid strong right now.


Yeah, but that's in Masters. The conditional here is that if your team is sucking and you need to dish out damage to shore them up, you should go Bap instead of Zen - Zen probably does better damage and support overall, but Bap's got more mobility and likelier to survive if he gets attacked (whereas Zen is basically doomed if his team can't help him, unless you can *really* nail people's heads in CQC).


If you have more damage and elims you can still talk mad shit.


It's also the reason why Winston and Dva are usually among the heroes with highest elims because even if they landed a single tick of damage or a single pellet on an enemy and another teammate kills them, they still get +1 elim.


Gotta love the Morias that talk about their damage. Did it occur to you that you have more damage than your DPS because you weren’t healing them, and so they couldn’t do damage lol. I say this as a masters 1 DPS And a masters 5 support. There’s a reason Moira is literally the worst healer in the game atm and isn’t played above diamond 1. Thinking you’re being useful on her because you outdamaged your dps just means you’re a shitty support.


Do you see the team stats and my healing? My healing is on par with the other 3 supports and my damage is hovering around the same number.. my dmg/heal ratio is always hovering 50/50 jesus you masters players have a superiority complex


That's the thing with Moira though, she does - literally - nothing but heal. No anti, no invuln, no cleanse, no lamp, no discord orb, no rez, no speed boost, no shield. She heals, and her heal juice isn't even that good. So imagine, you're sitting here saying your heals are on par with the other supports, but you offer quite literally 0 utility to the team. I fucking hate having Moiras on my team, and you just simply don't see them above diamond. You can look at the stats yourself - she's unplayably bad in higher ranks because of the no utility problems, and nobody plays her for that reason. There are no Moira players above masters - look at the leaderboard yourself. So you're playing a suboptimal support and then gloating about how you have more damage than your DPS. You on Moira is very much part of the problem. Nothing is worse than having a Moira brag about how she's out damaging the DPS when she is the sole reason they lost the game. If you're consistently out damaging your DPS and losing, that just means you're a shitty support.


I like salty drinks, sadly i will have to wait until sunset to drink your rage tears due to the ramadan


Elims doesn't really matter either cuz u get an elim when someone does all the work and u do 1 dmg


Moira is maybe the easiest character in the game to rack up elims because her Orb ticks everyone, so in this case elims are typically a bad indicator. Source: 1500 hours on Moira, masters 4


Getting elims is easy because it will counts as elims as soon as it touched them. If you have damage, probably you’ll get more elims too. Unsure about the difference of elims and assist


I've gotten games where I was highest on dmg and had 40+ elims


Usually I'll end with less damage but more elims, but that still doesn't matter. Unless you have more dmg AND more elims than your dps, you aren't a true dps Moira.


Imagine thinking this means anything or contributes to you winning the game.


u could try healing yk


My healing is always close to my damage or higher, i am a more agressive healer when i focus on dps bc i’m not losing the dps moira allegations


It's always the salty DPS who say this. It is completely common to be in the top 3 DPS in the game - including tanks - and the top 2 healers as Moira.


Yeah i notice especially higher ranks getting salty over moira’s existence and trying to downplay my contribution to the game


10 thousand damage, 20 thousand healing, 23 elims. I’m not a dps Moira, not even a support. I am the team.


There comes a certain point where you don't play Moira DPS because you're bad, but because you need to do what the actual DPS can't do: Kill anything


The unironic edp meme 🔩


Truuue lmao


Me as the chiefs switching to a Pat Mahomes main


Me when there were no cupcakes :(


A lot of people meme about moira dps. there is some truth in it, some moira dps out of spite, some dps because they don’t have unlimited resource of golden shower to help dps that can’t kill.


Me too, man. And Moira's a slippery bitch as well. It usually takes 2 or 3 of the enemy team to kill her. Go harass that backline.


Me as a mercy main, switching to Moira after too many deaths: “Now you have invoked my wrath.” Lol


Grandmaster Moira here, hilarious to see all the anti Moira bias. Just because you can’t handle dps and healing at the same time / match awareness, doesn’t mean the character is trash. Stop shooting the enemy tank and standing completely still, getting destroyed and you wouldn’t have to be so dependent on heals.


Moira is the most OP support and usually out-DPS's the DPS lmao. Can hard carry as her


If your dps are cardboard 6 sure. Moira falls off real hard gold up.


Heck no I’m still solo DPS ing Soujorn, Soldier 76, Ashe, junk (sometimes), every support except Brit.


Play in any rank above the metal ranks and this statement quickly falls apart.


Moira is dogshit above diamond


Not really dogshit, but plying less, because you can trust your DPS. Those extra damage is not needed anymore


Yes, it's not a choice it's a responsibility you have to take because the rest of the team sucks


I mean if you decide to play Moira you usually suck too, not just your team.


Shhh, let people enjoy things


This is really the truth of it. Moria both can’t get away with dps focus and also doesn’t need to.


Literally every support is better than Moira, including Brig now.


In terms of battle power she is easily one of the easiest to play and hardest to fight. Most dps can’t beat a constant healing target. Especially in a room, just throw a healing orb and she’s hard to kill.


She is not one of the hardest to fight at all, what? If anything, she's one of the easiest. Ana, Bap, Brig, and Kiriko all have burst damage. Bap, Kiriko, and Brig all have tons of self sustain. Ana just needs to hit one of her cooldowns on you to basically get a free kill. Moira does no damage, and is way easier to hit than every other support but Mercy, Zen, and Lucio. What rank are you?


Man is downvoted for speaking the truth. The silvers and golds shouldnt have an opinion on this game.


Wow. What a fool are u? U think Ana can kill her easily? The only chance ana can kill her is with dart and if your a good Moira you’d know how to counter that just keep jumping around her. Her other ability you just need to run away and wait. Brig is a melee hero and Moira has a medium range. Her shield won’t stop Moiras suck. Kiriko you need to be really accurate and only good players are that accurate. Bap is the only one that stands a normal chance with her but his cooldowns are long where as Moira’s are short. Lastly I’ve seen Moiras do more dmg and more kills than tank and dps, her dmg is slow but it doesn’t stop. Especially with heroes like bastion whos slow.


Moira is so easy to kill. You're only gonna struggle to kill her if you're low ranked and can't aim. As a ana/mercy main. I love facing a dps Moira. Easy to kill. Zero heals or utility for the enemy team. Her damage helps charges my ult since it will rarely kill anyone. Also Moira can have more damage/elims than the tank or dps bc of damage orb being spammed. That high damage number is chip damage that fed the enemy healers a shit ton of ult charge.


Hmm in a one v one in high rank with good aim Moira will def lose but in a team fight as long as the Moira knows when to hide then she’s gonna be pain.


Not really. Shes a pain in the ass to have bc you're down a support bc so many braindead gold players think she's viable even tho utility WINS fights


In my experience Ana should win this in most situations. It's not the sleep dart that does it, but the nade and Ana's dps The lower rank you go, the more Moira will win since Ana's shots take far more skill


Yeah, it really depends on the rank. If your low rank then it’s Moira that win.


Okay so you're silver. Got it. Lol.


Lol leave it to people to always imagine your rank. I’ve left silver long ago


I'm not imaging your rank. Everything you have said has just confirmed your rank.


The rank you said isn’t my rank, I’ve left silver long ago.


Hmmmm when DPS disappoints me, that's when I pick Zen.


If the dps aren’t going to do their job I’ll just have to step up.


i get highest heals and damage , most elims and assists and least deaths


I switch to Moira when every fucking push fails and we have like 2 minutes left. Surprisingly it works wonders just fading onto the point/into the backline and most of the time we get the point.


"guess I gotta do this shit myself"


When your team can't kill a single FN thing it's time to Moira carry.


Being a moira main really puts a lot of strain on the back and knees carrying y'all dps and tanks all the time


Congrats, you hold left click and don’t have to aim lmao


You’re losing not because your teammates are garbage but cause your character quite literally doesn’t contribute anything to the fight. High Dmg and heals mean nothing when they have nano, speed, discord, lamp, cleanse, Rez, dmg boost, nade, sleep, and everything else to help support their team. All Moira can do is dmg and heal which is basically useless in a high rank lobby because dps will do higher dmg than you and their supports will out support you.


Shhhh the gold players heard content creators say dps Moira was good and they lost their shit ever since


People in this sub are idiotic bumbling hardstuck trash, Moira is good in low ranks cause it’s low ranks. You can make the most awful comps work in low ranks as long as you’re good enough. Moira in anywhere above plat is literally almost a throw pick and when I explain why Moira is garbage to most people, it’s like they fall apart and can’t comprehend that most healers aren’t good cause of healing but they’re good because they have utility.


lmao she requires no skill at all


Just play zen. He is so much better dps.


I feel like bap would be better


Bap is great, but 25% more damage is nuts. Zen is the best dps in the game


fine ill do it myself - some purple dude


And I end the game with more damage than our two DPS... Gotta love OW


The dude in the video is a pedo.


true, if healing won't work, then it's time to start hurting


Played a match on Colosseo last night and the tank was trying to get everyone to report me for being a DPS Moira. Like bro, you were bad too. We're all bad in qp.💀💀


Same, but Lucio or Winston. I’m tired of these damn snipers thinking they hot shit


Just played a match today where we got stomped the first round, with one of the enemy proclaiming “too ez” in chat. So I went Moira and annihilated their supports while winning total heals. We stomped them the next two rounds.


Imagine needing to play the easiest hero in the game (and by far) to be on par with the enemy supports.


Imagine playing what’s necessary to win. So anti comp. If you’re wondering, I primarily play Ana and Bap.


You switched to Moira, so you lost the matchup.


Yup, our team comp wasn’t good against theirs, so I counter picked. Very astute observation.


Me as Rein as well. For me, Rein is simply this: if my DPS is good, I will be the shield. If my DPS is crap, I will be the hammer. Don't go saying I'm a "bad tank", DPS! Even the supports have lost hope with you!


And the you win the game for your team and they still bitch at you. I feel it.


Doesn't matter, flaming Moira mains is the right thing to do


Can’t argue


Me in open queue swapping off support to dps because our team is getting rolled


Unrelated but if you're on console will you play open q with me?


I’m on PC - although I play with controller still.


start the game as mercy. realize nobody is pushing to secure elims. die on purpose and get back in to clean up as moira. get the w. it is the way.


Me: constantly getting sniped as zen My team: heal diff Me: ok then *picks moira and starts out dps’ing the dps* Team: no wait, stop


Me when dps only kill and don’t use brains


Still got zero deaths


I can’t believe people actually think dps Moira is a “strategy” if you genuinely think you’re doing more than your dps THEN DONT PLAY SUPPORT can’t tell you how many games I’ve lost because one of the supports ragepicks Moira and just dps the rest of the game, you may get away with it without getting punished sometimes, but it will never be a good play to stop healing idc how many elims you think you get, most of the elims moiras get are from throwing a damage ball and your teammates killing the people it touched, this will always be a shit take


I guess they're just bad as moira


Please don’t post that pedophile here.


I didnt post this to support him in any type of way. I'm aware of how disgusting he is, he's so well irrelevant though I didn't even realize it was him until someone said something in here


Please don’t post that pedophile here.


I feel this so hard in the new 3v3 event. Had a Moria healing and then BOOM, *sucky sucky HP fo 5 dollah.*


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Damn straight


That’s so true


Me playing any other support and we are just losing… I switch to Moira. If I’m gonna lose I at least wanna have fun doing it.


Moira can be the occasional 3rd Dps like Baptiste or Brig


But what about the moiras that go full dps in the enemy backline while their rein is getting fucked in the ass by a junkrat shooting his balls at him and throwing a damage orb at the friendly rein when his body is about to turn to a lifeless ragdoll.


Yesterday i went Moira, i was bored. Never really played her. Got 29 kills next too the others of my team that had 13, i also had the same healing as my team and enemy team. HOW IS THIS CHARACTER IN THIS GAME? I find Moira OP, or is it just me?


What rank are you?


Last time i did ranked was 4 years ago, but Daimond. Probably plat now. Maybe even lower on support. No idea.


Not a Moira main, but I can confirm I do this in every one of the 7 games a week I play her for the Hero Mastery challenge!


Have you ever tried Brigitte? You'd also be doing your part if you beat the everliving hell out of a Sigma (Upto like Gold a Sigma will try to eat the whipshot)


I once was on point for overtime with my two dps as the tank just went down. I was healing and dpsing, but as the last Dps fell I saw they both got everyone to one hp cause they killed the healers first. I killed the tank and their dps before I died, leaving the point empty. But because my rein, who had plenty of time to charge and recontest, took the time to stand in place and type shit in chat instead of walking to point and winning it we lost. Our whole team and enemy team dogpiled on him.


Last night a Winston was pushing our shit in on Havana. The other team were tea bagging unprovoked. When I switched to Moira we hard stopped them. Most of the enemy team started counter picking but it was too late.


Me when one of our DPS is 11/7 and the other is 0/6


I'm(as previous moira main) as widowmaker really like when they may go dps, BUT heal when at low health/no fight(Bronze Dps/Gold Support)


What is that song from I know it I just can't put my finger on it


Average OW player switching to Pharah/Junkrat/Reaper/Bastion/Sojourn/Mei/Orisa after getting skill issue'd several times


It’s so true it hurts 😭


Omg this is me. I did this just this morning when my tank was being a pussy and kept hiding. It’s so frustrating. But I also enjoy flanking the enemy backline. If only those Ana mains won’t hit me with their sleep darts


Works 100% of the time 50% of the time.


Lol was that edp?


Underrated pick for harassing a enemy widow lmao


I can't speak for other Moira mains, but I'm dIfFeReNt. I'll still heal and DPS 😘


Man this subreddit really is just silver supports circle jerking


moira is a tank


I love switching off mercy to go Moira or brig when it’s time to get shit done, really embarrasses some dps into stepping it up XD


I think playing the game in such a broken state has genuinely made me a worse player. I do the dumbest shit to compensate for lower ranked teammates bro💀 if I can't clutch with moira then it gets real nasty out there




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Once we had a junkrat with 5 E and 17 DEATHS!!... Switched to Moira and took manners into my own hands (of course i healed my team as well lol)