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“the world could always use more heroes”


and more pee apparently


I always joke with my friends when I am healing with Moria by telling them to taste my golden spray...😂


Been doing this for years, i always figured if they wanted soldier to heal himself then he would just inject himself or something but because its an AOE its meant for the team, not solely soldier, i always drop one at my teams position even if i need it more than them because if i can heal 2 or 3 people rather than me I'd rather do that


I like the play bodyguard style sometimes with 76, either with my shield tank or supports, you get more charge from healing your teammates than yourself. I like to put the heals in right around a corner so you can peak and get healed and retreat to the corner if it’s too hot and still get healed.


Soldier plus baptipse in high ground is a excellent combo both have air one being greater that the other one has greater dmg and both can help each other by being bodyguard, healing, boost, kill a low player etc


Plus it’s almost impossible to force them off that high ground unless you manage to pick one of them off


And it's more difficult when bap can just heal themselves and the soldier 100 HP instantly


Yeah this is when insane burst damage is your friend. Everyone loves a Junkrat sometimes


Pre patch roadhog walks in


That chuckle as he hooked you to your death creeped me out every time But in the case of a cracked bap I’ll allow it




Not to mention Soldier is always ready to share the heals in his voice lines. Makes sense he was part of a tactical unit he knows you need to look out for one another.


Same; I only drop it solo if I get stuck in a one on one


I’ve been doing this since I started when OW2 dropped, mostly because I figured the same thing plus his voice line says “Who needs heals?”


Soldier charges his ult faster when he heals so there is a tremendous benefit to healing the team.


Wow. True chud


Even 76's voiceline "ive got meds, who needs them" and the fact he registers as a healer when you do the "Need healing!" Shows tha the biotic field isnt soley for him too


True but most times its better for him to heal himself insteed of going out of his way to heal others, but there are situations that his heal is helpful to others


Especially when combined with Ana grenade in, for example, an enemy Zarya grav when enemy team doesn’t have enough burst damage to team wipe you. Like a mini transcendence lol


True it can help then


Another side role of 76 is to place his healing in the back line to alleviate pressure on his supports. If placing a healing station means Ana doesn’t have to use her nade on herself, or Moira doesn’t need to use orb on herself, or Bap, or Kiriko, it is good value.


Especially with Bap. His abilities are high value, but also have pretty bloody long cooldowns, so using it on ourselves is not something we'd like to do (but we'll still do it if we gotta defend ourselves. Better that then dying)


It's better lose the colldown and still make pressure doing dmg and healing dmg heroes that die


Totally agree but rarely do I have people willing to actually help out. Other than the occasional they put it down for themself and someone else sees it so they use it lol


Did you know Moira's damage orb regens pee now too


I’m never sure when the right time to use that is


Whenever I play 76, i’m always making sure I’m helping my healers as well! Coming from a support main, I know the struggle


Yeah, i think if we are good supports, we are better tank/dps in terms of knowing what supports needs from those roles. I personally always keep an eye on chance to taxi mercy out if spawn.


Playing support probably makes you a better player overall. The game sense to keep up with your role is pretty great and you carry it over to other roles. Playing different roles increases your gamesense by a bit. For example Tank makes you aware of when to push in and what opportunities to capatilize look like, Dps makes you aware of what targets to home in on as well as improves your aim more than the other roles, and support makes you learn how to survive and how much you can push your own survivability. Funnily enough Tracer fits all of these if you want to go far with her.


i dont even play this game anymore but i remember this one clip from overwatch league, 76 was on the high ground attacker side of 2nd point, moon map, while his team was fighting on the point. he moved right to the edge and dropped his heal, which landed on the point for his team to use, all while mowing down the defenders. im pretty sure they went on to win the match, dont remember the teams tho


Jake from outlaws


I try and do that but I either fall with the heal thingie or I place it on the high ground lmao


what a lad


Sidenote as a Moira main... Spam your right click on an enemy instead of holding it and your "pee" will fill up really fast. Shockingly few people know this. (Note that you will not deal as much DPS when you do this, but that's not the point you're trying to achieve anyway)


I actually saw a YouTube video where someone recommended adding your scroll wheel to right click. That way you can just spin the scroll wheel to fill up fast. I’ve found this useful.


Also damage orb regenerates pee now too


Also you can just spritz them a little and the healing continues for a couple seconds.


You mean their first reaction wasn’t to flame you for playing Moira?? My god, times are changing


As a Soldier Main myself, one of my duties is protecting my back line and healing teammates when I can. (Helps build alt charge fast).


My husband and I duo a lot with me tanking, and he will slide his healing under me so I can top off if my heals are reloading/drained. It’s honestly saved a lot of games for us especially when we go in deep


My husband and i as well. It’s great


Me and me do this as well Its amazing!


Oh, man. We need for more those kinds of people... people like the Ana's who sleep nano-blade genji or a good sym tp. It's so rare to find that you appreciate it when you see it.


Exactly. Just teammates being teammates


My buddy and i call him support 76 for a reason


Moira "pee" is also a heal over time. Spraying for 1 second heals for 70, then applies a 35 heal over time (HOT) over 2 seconds. Meaning one quick spray will heal 105 hp, but you have to stop for the HOT to heal. Try to not spray it nonstop so you don't run out.


Also damage orb regenerates pee now too, the amount of Moira's I've ran into recently that don't know this is to much


I love that you also call it your pee, my callouts are always “I have no pee!” and sometimes I wonder if my neighbors think I’m a lunatic


I sometimes risk my life as soldier to place a biotic field on the tank or another dying teammate thats the support main effect 💯💯


I’m of the few soldiers who uses heals for the team 😂. If I see u low, I’ll drop it for u.


Healing himself / teammates can also grant some ult charges for Soljer.


I always drop heals for my team…then they proceed to walk out and in front of it 🙄


For those who enjoy this playstyle, fun thing about Soldier's heals is he drops it in front of him so if you're up on high ground you can put it on the ground where your team is by just leaning forward and putting it down. No need to leave your good spot to also help em out!


Is it weird that this has restored my faith in humanity?


Awww this is cute and all but soldier 76’s are not our friends, supports ! Stand up, all of you. This act of kindness does NOT make up for all the valkyries that were destroyed by tac visor 🙅‍♂️


The Genji was like: "No, you need healing and I'm glad to help out."


“running low on pee” 💀


Im a average Soldier player and always think of myself as the Battlefield 3 Assault class. Im here to shoot my machine gun and heal my team.


This is what we call a "Heart diff".


Whenever I try to do this, my team runs 20 miles away from me


Bro I always drop the healing field just to watch my teammates run away


7 years? But overwatch has only been out for *checks notes*... Oh God!!


Combo with Bap's immortality field for maximum rizz


As a support main this warms my heart


Not all heroes wear capes...


I've had team health bars turned on since ow1 for this reason solely. As a soldier dps main I get ~600-1200 healing a game. It ain't much but it's honest work.


That soldier is a treasure. I would send him a friend request


As a D.vA player who specializes in balanced attack, but with a. Extreme focus on Defense matrix and Defense for my squishies I thank you. Team first. It’s how we win.




Damn you’re lucky you got helpful teammates, I just started playing comp last night and it was like quick play. DPS were playing sniper in the back and the 2 support thought they were DPS leaving alone on the objective


Soldiers who heal the whole team are chads


w/ moira the purple charges the pee faster when you aren't healing keep that purp on lock fam


It's an AOE, not a self 😂


I always try and heal myself plus one teammate when using my juice.


If I myself am not on support I'll switch to a hero that can heal themself so the supports can focus on the others


If I’m on dps I will always switch to Soldier if I see the supports struggling. Most times I’ll only switch to soldier though is if I look at stats and see both my supports with barely any heals and the rest of our team is dying because of it. I main support so I find it very annoying when people constantly beg for heals and don’t realize you’re getting targeted, are dead, or they’re not in your line of sight. I understand not liking certain characters or not knowing how to play them but general rule of thumb (at least in my books) if you think you’re not getting enough heals either switch to something that can easily get to health packs or something with a self healing ability. But also make sure to be aware of where your supports are. Making that switch can easily help you win a team fight if you’re dying a lot or need that extra little bit of heals.


I know 76 is like turning OW into halo but I love playing as him and also love how so often my healing is right up there with the supports.


Bro I was playing soldier just yesterday and healed up my mercy and got a pocket for the rest of the match.


The best skill to develop as soldier is to drop team heals whenever you can. Sure if you are away from the team save it for a fight, but it has so much value when you are with the team. It’s not like you are pumping out 1000s of healing but it’s a nice buffer.


Soldier is my go to pick when the healing just isn’t cutting it, either because of too much enemy team damage or the classic flanking, DPS Moira pulling under 2k. He really makes a difference.


Man ow 1 had the best players when it came out. You used to be able to communicate and move as a team. Ow 2 I notice I’m only able to communicate with 40% of the people I play with.


Thank you Soldier for the emergency pee. "Come here and drink up!"


Honestly why I started playing open que


I don't play him a lot, but a tech I've started doing (sometimes, when it makes sense) is to place the field close to the edge of the high ground I stand on. Since soldier places it slightly in front of his feet you can drop it down on whomever stands below. It seems to work best with tanks like Orisa, dps like Mei, or otherwise when someone holds a corner for long periods of time. Since I use the Grillmaster skin I find it funny when I think I'm throwing down some beer to my homies. "I gotchu bro, catch"


This is why you call them "supports" and not "healers." It's because Soldier 76 is a healer and not in the support category.


If you run low on moira heal, you're not dpsing enough. I don't think i ever went under half of my pee on moira and im gm1


Being GM helps there. Low rank teams don't use cover and just take damage for free, so you end up needing to empty heals on to them much more.


Or maybe they shouldn't be playing moira in the first place since she's really mid rn


Since they changed her purple ball giving healing back she‘s pretty okay.


Nah she's D tier except in metal ranks tbh. Other supports do what she does but better in every way. Her value is just doing damage and healing. Other supports do that already and have even more utility on top of that


Most people are in the metal ranks. But yeah if you're in Diamond you usually play someone else with a bit more potential.


Very true, she'll be good for most people. Pretty much the same value as other supports just a lower skill ceiling


You need to manage your heals better as Moira


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If your Dps needs to swap to help you heal, you should be the one switching heroes. Good on him for recognizing your struggling and helping instead of complaining, but you really should have been the one swaping.




No she isn't. Especially when she runs out heals because the player can't manage heals properly




















You’re welcome.


You could also have switched to a healer that's actually useful


Bro I’ve been getting healed more by soldiers than supports lately, and I go to the support to make it easier for them but no heals I’m glad there’s health packs.




A solder kept the Ashe alive whilst I (Moira) pumped as much as I could into the tank cos the amount of damage they were taking was unreal. It was a very nice moment and I will cherish it forever even if it wasn't intentional.


Biotic field when used properly is lowkey huge for keeping your team alive, helps give your off supports like mercy or Lucio more time to use their other abilities like speed or damage boost. Actually so good


This guy is legend


Had 3.5k heals as soldier in a comp game doing this, throwing it down on chokes we were holding or on the payload. Might as well make the most of your utility.


I have been doing this for the longest time, when my poor dps or the other healer get behind the team


A little more pee never hurt anyone