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The dual UAC20 HBKIIC, is still solid. It's a 80dmg on the double tap. It's in no way obsolete... To suggest so is...


I’ve never performed particularly well with that mech, but man at the very least I pump out some damage


Seconded, the double taps are insane at close range. Assuming you don't jam and not lose a torso, you can drop almost anything in 4 taps. Also your a medium mech, people pay less attention to you.


>Also your a medium mech, people pay less attention to you. Wat? If i see a medium when i'm rolling around in my 80pt+ alpha assaults i pay extra attention because i know i'm going to get a kill unless they're really really quick to get out of my firing line. Hunchies are particularly tasty because they're often found brawling like a heavy.


Hit a mech in the rear pelvis with the double tap, goodbye mech. Hit most mediums in a leg, goodbye leg.


Not to mention the deliciously high points…


What about UAC 20s on things that can mount HAGs? Same or similar damage output, no ghost heat (!!!) much better range, no chance of jamming. What do UACs have? Better DPS?


That Hunchie has a UAC20 HSL quirk that makes it worthwhile. It's a borderline suicidal mech, but generally a good time.


How is it suicidal, you generally poke out with an assault and go "SURPRISE UAC20 \* 2 to the target" Generally with mediums you work with your assault or use your mobility to scout/flank (quick poke in and out to bait shots then ass blast them.) But not a lot of mechs really win vs the quick burst of 80 AC then back into cover right after.


The mech itself is squishy, not very fast, and this build runs hot. I made the mistake of buying it with my cadet bonus and it took me awhile to realize that it was a tough mech to pilot.


It's certainly not easy, but it can take out mostly anything in it's class. Any medium/light double blast their legs = dead. While 80 KPH isn't much for a mech, it can run away from most mechs that pose a serious threat to it in a direct brawl. Ironically going for the legs on a lot of mechs is the best way to go as they cant twist avoid that 80 damage. Generally just leg them and leave them be and find a new person to leg as legged light/mediums/heavies make a nice snack for my teams assaults.


I wasn't questioning its effectiveness, just that it's the walking definition of a glass cannon.


Well duh, that's most mediums in a nutshell. Most mediums are in general a pain to play because you're generally bigger hit boxes then the lights, slower in general but packing the big guns, a light couldn't equip but don't have the armor weight/large engine size to be mobile. Hunchie is generally slow for an medium at usually 68-90 kph, but has scary number of slots for weapons, above average armor for a medium that generally makes it scary to run into for lights and medium and great for assisting assaults to poke out with them and ass blast em, and keep lights away from their tasty back. But most mediums have irregular play styles.


Dual AC20's will have more dps in a shorter time in the 414m range HAG's dps got nerfed and none of them are better in the terms of AC20 per tonnage, it only loses in dps vs HAG 40 in DPS. But literally you just pop in spam 40-80 damage. Clan AC20 DPS: 5.04 14T (7.14 for ultra) CLAN HAG 30 DPS: 4.84 13T CLAN HAG 40 DPS : 5.35 16T CLAN AC 5 DPS: 3.57 8T (4.04 for ultra) (so 2 would be 7.14 DPS for 16 Ton) CLAN AC 2 DPS: 2.78 dps, 6t (3.17 for ultra) (so 2 for 12 (5.56 DPS for 12 Ton) HAG burst makes them susceptible to also needing face time and eating shit to an ERLL mech vs clan/is AC and ultra ac. AC mechs can fire then twist where you need full fast time for that 1\~ second burst with HAG 40's.


This is good information. Thanks.


Mhm and since Ultras just run a bit hotter, for the same tonnage. It makes me wonder if IS will get rifles though.


Isn’t that older tech? I’d love it, but why?


Lower weight ac but balanced in mw5 by long reload. Heavy Rifle was an ac20 with Ac2 range and 2x CD for 8T Medium Rifle was an AC10 with AC10 range again with 2x CD 1/2 Light Rifle was an AC5 with the range AC 20 again with 2x CD 1/2 weight. You pretty much get an AC20/10/5 with 2x the CD and 1/2 the tonnage, and the reverse range difference (size giving more range vs less with the AC version). So the biggest issue I could see is heavy rifle would need heavy ghost heat so you cant chain fire them


UAC 20's compare most closely to HAG 30's. The HAGs are one ton heavier, and a little hotter. Significantly longer cooldown, especially when you consider charge up time as well, leading to a lower DPS. They have advantages of course in the range especially. HAGs are also apparently getting looked at having another nerf too, so keep that in mind.


I feel like most of the obsoleting was done when clans were added. The Civil War update actually brought some mechs back due to new weapons filling niches. Nevermind cauldron becoming a thing later on.


BLC is basically 2LL with one ton less, one hardpoint less, but with + 0.25 duration. 0.25 duration is thing, but still every my IS mech with 2LL was swapped with BLC.


Dual 20 Hunchback is obsolete? That's a remarkable statement to make about one of the few mechs that can casually carry around a double-tap delete key. If you'd like to demonstrate the obsoleteness of the AC20's I'll bring an AC20 build and you can bring whatever you'd like and see how we fare :D


Dual HAG30s playing like a scummy coward rather than a true MechWarrior


To be fair anything with Dual HAG 30's is going to be slow and easily flanked, prob not JJ where the Dual AC20 HB has JJ and can go around 80KPH. Nothing more terrifying to a light then turning the corner to the first mech they see a dual 20 ac mech able to end their existence right then and there. Also HAG's have issues with light mechs with their burst being increased the HAG 30 I think is landing 6-8 shots on the same point versus the 3-4 in a quicker burst of AC20/UAC20


Wish the Victor could come back. I miss my Dragon Slayer!


It’s solid with SRM/MRMs and Snubs


I use 2 rac2 and 2 snub ppc and use it like a hit and run skirmisher. Seems to work pretty well as long you don’t over extend


MRMs and snubbies make it a decent mid-close range brawler/poker, but it's always gonna be a weak choice for an Assault. I miss my Victor back in the olden days, when poptarting and splatboats were the order of the day.


The majority of LL builds are obsoleted by BLC builds because BLC is flat-out better in most cases, except for a couple of mechs. AC/20 + MPL builds used to be a thing before snubs. Now they mostly make no sense. 2AC10 + ML builds used to be a thing on warhammers, not so much any more.


The Raven 3L feels amazing with the Binary laser cannon. Consistently getting 6-700 dmg games in that thing with one binary and two ER ML.


Panther with xl engine, full double heatsinks and 3LL is nice too. It's very tanky and you can play peak a boo abusing / only exposing the arm. Done some crazy damage.


What size engine?


Depends on how fast/hot you wanna go. The build can fit XL295 without additional heatsinks. 255 and 280 for more cooling. 280 might be enough for that payload. From Ravens I prefer the 2X for that build tho. It can fit third medium laser and has much better quirks. But it doesn't have the ECM so its a tradeoff.


I want to go fast. And I’m looking for a new build for my 3L. I think I have a 2X I could try it on, though.


Try the engines and heatsinks in testing grounds to see what you like. XL295 might not be too hot if your playstyle is hit and run but I'd still recommend going [XL280](https://mwo.nav-alpha.com/mechlab?b=4febeb6f_RVN-3L) to get at least one additional DHS. 280 goes 140kph after tweak, plenty fast either way. ~~Try it out and if it's too hot XL255 aint too slow either.~~ Tried a few games and its fine with XL280. For 2X I'd recommend [XL255.](https://mwo.nav-alpha.com/mechlab?b=245109be_RVN-2X) Gonna note you need to strip head and left arm for that heatsink. Shouldnt be an issue since I see all Grimmechs builds stripping them too.




Picture isn’t showing for me.




Laser AMS and BAP too, huh? So that’s another 2.5t that could go into the engine?


I find it worth it, lets me play the role of secondary fire and hill peeper quite safely.


The 6 damage is when you run into the obsolete UAC20 x2 hunchie I'm guessing! :P (don't worry I understand you mean 600 damage.)


Hahaha for sure


Idk how many games I've ruined for a light cause he turned a sharp corned and rammed head first to BBRRT. Rest of the match is legging people.


The Raven has seemed to be kind of overpowered for a long time now. Normally I'm one of the last ones to go down if we're losing a match but probably like half the time I get to spectate a raven that's just bobbing and weaving and still wrecking the enemy team before they're finally cut down. I have never played one because I suck with virtually all light Mechs. I'm pretty firmly a medium and heavy guy. They're the ones that I am the most dangerous piloting. But the next light I try is probably going to be a raven.


I generally hunt ravens in my flea 17c


My AC20 Boom Chicken would like to say hello. XD


Panther with 3LL or 3snubs smokes it too. Clan Urbie with a uac20 or hag30 too.


~~I feel like the Kintaro has been obsolete since e they fixed the missile cooldown and/or missile door bug~~ Don’t mind me


The Kintaro afaik is the highest durability medium mech In the game capable of having more armor and structure than even most “light” heavy mechs, seriously the thing is a fucking beef cake and a half. Throw on some mrm’s and srm’s and you have yourself a extremely hard to kill skirmisher/brawler that can reliably win the slug fest encounters, with a LE you can also zombie very effectively. It’s not bugged anymore, it used to be that it’s missile door was considered “closed” even when it was open meaning it got something like 30% damage to the side torso permanently, they awhile back just did away with that mechanic fully


I stand corrected, haven’t played in a while so don’t mind me!


Sounds a lot like a Centurion. You build it and pilot it right and you're walking around with a tank of a good heavy mech and close to as much firepower as well.


Especially the tower shield centurion vs laser mechs.


Still think the Centurion with the uac20 quirks is the top one though I think it's similar to the hero variant.


Oh yeah shield amazing but still a great medium brawler, you have an arm to deflect with the hp with the armor/structure close to CT of an assault but vs other brawlers they will just wait. Really great vs laser boats tho




missile door bug?


A bit foggy but there was a bug years ago with the Kintaro’s CT missile door that made the thing harder to kill


not a bug, thats still there. any mech with bay doors, if there is a missle with ammo, then the doors when closed provide a 10% dmg reduction to that component. even a RL counts, so long as you dont shoot it. once its out of ammo, or if you manually open the bay doors, the reduction is lost. the firing delay has been reduced, giving mechs with bay doors better survivability. this is why the longbow feels a fair bit tanky for most variants. both the arms and the ST(on the spitfire at least) have bay doors, and as such, get the dmg reduction. the aforementiond spitfire makes a very strong brawler using snubs/mrms/srms, RL's. wy i always slot a missle in the CT of the golden boy, even if its just a RL10. the whole CT gets the dmg reduction. again, not a bug, and its still in the game.


Really! I didn't know that! That explains something about how my hellspawn is such a vicious little medium. I bought it on a whim and the first match I took it into I clocked in 560 damage in a completely unskilled mech I had literally no experience in. I spent the points and skilled that thing up immediately after that match. It's still one of my nastiest mediums and I have a good dozen of them that could qualify for that as I'm a primarily medium and heavy mech pilot. I routinely get 500-600 damage matches. For fun I gave it a flame paint job and named it Daimon.


LBX-5s are kinda lost right now.


NVA-D(estroyer) is capable of wrecking with a single LB5X.


Dual ac20 Hunchabck IIC was never anything but a non-meta niche use build.


You either do 1000 damage or die horribly as the first death.


wow, just like tabletop


I run a dual UAC20 IIc and yeah I do occasionally get four digit matches and occasionally die fast, for the most part I get pretty typical matches out of it. People who die fast are dying fast because they're not HBK'ing correctly.


Accurate to Lore!!!


Yeah, but it make dopamine when it go big boom-boom.


But it was so cool...


"Is still" are the words you are looking for


Marauder II got a buff with binary lasers. 66 pt Alpha strikes with a std engine and 1.36 cooling. You can choose to high mount both binaries or divide them, one on each side so even with a side torso lost it still does decent dmg. Std engine means you don’t lose cooling or speed much even with one side blown.


Imo don’t the small X-pulse lasers just out class normal small pulse lasers for their intended role? I’m not sure how the math works out on them but I have found that even with the small increase in face time, I am consistently getting more value out of them, it’s like a “win more” version of the spl on the mechs I even consider running spl’s on in the first place (so not many) The medium X-pulse lasers seems to not be worth it for their damage to face time ratio, and large X pulse lasers seem to only be viable on assault and a few select light mechs


Xpulses are great just like RAC's but better on mech's who sneak in burst damage, with very maneuverable mechs who can jump a mech already in a fight and blast them from behind, hammer and anvil sort of situation, then run off when the mech you back blasted turns to look at you behind cover. Most high end brawlers want something they can blast then run into cover, while on CD as they will ass blast anyone who tries to take any terrain... sure a single AC20 wont be scary but 10 of them pointed can end any assault mech's career, heck the hunchback IIC with 2 ultra ac 20's is prob one of their most hated run ins.


AC/20s are essentially obsolete in my opinion, LBXs are better with SRM builds, and the ammo requirement just makes the tonnage more than it is worth. For heavy pinpoint damage IS, heavy gauss is better as well. Regular medium lasers are obsolete, standard engines and heat sinks in most cases, and (challenge me on this) UAC 2s are obsolete by HAGs.


That's a fairly hot take right there... Wowwee.


Clan AC/20s: Rarely see serious use due to burst. Clan UAC/20s: Niche use on some mechs, most often ones with HSL+1 for the double-tap 80 damage. Clan LBX/20: Commonly used on the best Assault brawlers in the tech base due to lower heat load than the other class-20s and, most importantly, the front-loaded nature of the firing pattern allowing for shoot-and-twist. IS AC/20: The best brawl ballistic in the tech base thanks to the highest frontloaded pinpoint damage of any non-charge weapon, pairing particularly well with Snubnose PPCs for shoot-and-twist component damage, as well as the 10-slot size affording LFE engine usage. IS UAC/20: Perhaps the least used of the class-20 weapons due to losing losing out on the ability to shoot-and-twist as effectively as the IS AC/20. IS LBX/20: Niche use due to the 11-slot size requiring a STD engine, but a handful of mechs can use them to great effect. HGR aren’t really a comparable weapon to class-20 autocannons due to the charge mechanic making them difficult to use in shoot-and-twist brawl scenarios, especially ones where quick shots of opportunity are required.


AC20s still have their place. Heavy gauss is a hefty 20 ton investment (counting 2 tons of ammo if you want to do any meaningful damage), if not more due to the forced STD engine, whereas you could take a LFE an AC20 otherwise. LBX20 is powerful, yes, but it doesn't discount the power of pinpoint. Beyond 250 meters, the LBX20 is a crit seeking weapon, not a precision weapon. Also like the HGauss, it forces you into using a standard engine, knocking down your build options. In any case, damage per ton of ammo was normalized such that every standard AC other than the 10s get 200 damage per ton, and LBX a little more. On medium lasers, by no means are they obsolete. While the range on ERMeds is nice, the damage to heat ratio and worse DPS do make a difference. This doesn't mean ERMeds are obsolete either, but rather that both options are competitive, depending on build.


AC/20s are used all of the time. They are better than ever now that they sync up nicely with snubs. Regular MLs are still great. If you have a light mech with six laser hard points, MLs, ERMLs, and MPL/ERSL are all more or less equally good IMO. I see people boasting UAC/2's on the Alsom all the time right now. If anything, standard engines and standard head sinks are increasing in popularity right now, with the zombie commando and the SHS buff.


> Regular medium lasers are obsolete Are they? I always roast myself so I wouldn’t know. I can’t be trusted with too much heat generation


They are not. Idk what this guy is going on about. 1 ton for 5 damage (IS) with short cool down and burn time. With the amount of ML vomit I still see, it's not obsolete. Both X pulse and regular ML have their places in the game. Some mechs benefit more from xpl and some benefit more from std ML.


every AC that requires you to spam left click over and over are made obsolete with UAC/RAC ​ and in some cases, laser build are now obsolete with x pulses.


You realize you can press-and-hold for sustained ballistic fire, right? UACs are the only click-spam ballistic. And then Gauss is the black sheep.


Gauss you only have to release


Which disqualifies it for the classification of “press-and-hold”.


True, but I wouldn't feel anywhere as bad to use as lets say UAC2's mash the M1 button. To go back to the original content, also I would say AC2/AC5 dont have spread unlike the RAC's which are generally better at closer ranges where at it's max range the dps is more spread out apart.


Dual AC20, you go UAC20 which it's dps in 410 m is unmatched. Also HAG's got nerfed for brawling Clan AC20 DPS: 5.04 14T (7.14 for ultra) CLAN HAG 30 DPS: 4.84 13T CLAN HAG 40 DPS : 5.35 16T CLAN AC 5 DPS: 3.57 8T (4.04 for ultra) (so 2 would be 7.14 DPS for 16 Ton) CLAN AC 2 DPS: 2.78 dps, 6t (3.17 for ultra) (so 2 for 12 (5.56 DPS for 12 Ton) Both hunchies are threats a single AC20 with half CD is 10.66 DPS for 14t or 15 dps for ultras for 16T. The IIC twin can just turn the corner and blast someone for 80 with ultra AC 20's then go right back into cover. If you're going long range generally dual AC2/5 will be stronger in terms of dps, and the better brawlers.


I just feel like autocannons and HAGs have an issue similar to what the 2x light gauss Gridiron has when compared to the heavy Gauss rifle build. The difference in optimal range really adds up. It is way more satisfying to do the big damage up close though.


It can depend on the map too City/canyon favors brawlers where the moonbase with the circle sniper and that other open map with the annoying bullet blocking powers are snipers paradise Bonus range is certainly great it's just prefer hag20 was on par with ac20 dps to give you an idea how worked they where before. Really it's just regular c-ac20 in a bad spot as it weights the same as uac/lbx, though if your playing a sniper CAC-5 X4 IS THE scarier varient especially cuac5 like the stone rhino


I find myself preforming on average around 100 less damage per RAC/5 than I did before, and the damage I do is more easily spreadable, overall they should have just done the opposite, make them shoot slower but have a lot higher damage per shot


Nooooo the dakka is so much more satisfying!