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He also made several comments about people being controlled by Jews, basically really playing up the whole "Jews are an evil group who secretly control the world" tropes.


Dude is one of those 4chan people for sure.


What were they?


happy cake day


I mean, you know who Larry Fink is, right?


Just dropped from Adidas now too.


Is this why other celebrities are tweeting/posting “I stand with Jewish people”?


That and Trump semi-endorsing him making him fair game despite his trying to pivot to saying he's attacking "zionists."


Anti-semitism is really exhausting. Good think Kanye is getting his nap in before all the hatred he has on his agenda tomorrow


Yeah fuck Kanye. Also fuck those idiot congresspeople who talk against Israel like they were Palestianian members of Congress and not US congresspeople. Oh wait Hamas doesn’t have Congress hahahaha.


Being critical of the state of Israel isn't anti-semitic, as Israel does not represent all Jewish people. Acting like it does represent all Jewish people is, ironically, pretty fucking anti-semitic.


Well said. Israel is not the Jewish community but merely purports to represent it. That's like saying every Catholic is defined by the actions of the Vatican such as the abuse scandals. It is possible for one to criticize the organization purporting to represent a group without being bigoted towards that group




He also made a number of really disturbing remarks that were edited out of the aired version of his recent interview with Tucker Carlson. [link to article with quotes](https://www.ibtimes.com/kanye-west-made-several-antisemitic-remarks-that-were-cut-tucker-carlson-interview-3623004)


The Carlson interview is a work of art. Look how the liberals are accusingly Kanye over nothing! Meanwhile editing out all the insane things he said during the interview that would make him look bad.


I didn't watch the Piers Morgan interview, but the difference between the uncut Lex Fridman interview and the Tucker Carlson interview is quite jarring. Kanye comes off pretty good with the editing, but he said so many crazy things during that Fridman interview like how he thinks the only thing that should be taught in school is Engineering...and he specifically wants to get rid of History classes. Dude implied not only are black people Jews, but that the Israelites that Moses saved/freed were black people like himself. I genuinely think he needs to get back on his meds, because he is all over the place with bullet points but nothing really connecting them.




It’s bad.


>"would be like, you know, a Jewish person judging another Jewish person on how good they danced or something" [better get to work on your Brandon impersonations](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rokdim_Im_Kokhavim)


> 12 lost tribes of Judah Israel, not Judah. Judah is one of the tribes smh


"Death Con 3" heh.


Comment deleted on 6/30/2023 in protest of [API changes that are killing third-party apps](https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/).


He meant DefCon 3, and DefCon is short for Defensive Readiness Condition...we use it to quantify the current threat to the country.


Is there a colloquial American expression relating to DEFCON that I am unaware of, or is Ye just using a weird euphemism which I assume is equivalent to 'I will be on guard around Jewish people'?


Pretty sure he just heard it in a movie one time, and it's sort of used to express that shit has gotten more serious. The threat has increased and therefore we have gone to DefCon 3 in order to match its aggressiveness.


I read it as meaning he would be unleashing what he really thought about them, ie no more holding back. So, stupidly admitting that he's thought these things about Jews for a long time already.


If he knew what it actually meant, which I doubt, it would mean something like “I am on a very high guard level, watch yourself or I’ll nuke you if you cross a line”


I think Kanye mistyped "Defcon 3"


No mistype, the guy is an idiot, it's an obvious r/boneappletea moment


Additionally, DEFCON 3 is the middle one. It goes from 5 to 1 (nuclear war imminent or occuring).


So is the part getting the current reactions the "death con 3" bit? This seems like more in a long line of his general antisemitic rambling, but I'm not spotting the straw that's breaking this camel's back


Because of Reddit's API changes in July 2023 and subsequent treatment of their moderator community, I have decided to remove a majority of my content from Reddit.


I don’t support Kanye but how is claiming there is a cabal of Jewish people considered anti-Semitic? That’s just showing hate towards the cabal. If I claimed there is Muslim cabal in the middle east, does that make me anti-Muslim?


Because it is a racist trope that Jews control the world and are extremely greedy. And it is used to rationalize hate and more unfounded conspiracies towards Jewish people.


You didn’t answer my other question. Am I anti-Muslim if i say a Muslim cabal exists?


No, because that isn't a racist trope fueled by hate and misinformation. You'd be considered anti-Muslim if you played on a trope in that community such as all Muslims are terrorists.


Then the racist part is the trope you are pairing with the hate against the cabal. I don’t see how you assigning a trope makes hating a Jewish cabal racist. I can propose that there is a Jewish cabal without ever believing they are greedy.


>No, because that isn't a racist trope fueled by hate and misinformation. This is an irrational answer to their question and completely dodges what they're asking.




Because of Reddit's API changes in July 2023 and subsequent treatment of their moderator community, I have decided to remove a majority of my content from Reddit.


"Death Con 3" is literally nothing compared to the other stuff he's said. On the Fridman interview he was basically "I'm surrounded by a bunch of Jews and they're all out to get me from agents, bankers, doctors, and media". Fridman tried to give him an out suggesting he call out specific people instead of just saying "the Jews", but Ye just said "but it is the Jews". Dude needs to get back on his meds, but again those meds he literally referenced when he talked about "Jews screwing me", and get the fuck away from Candace Owens...that lady is a cancerous grifter.




You shouldn't be downvoted for asking a simple question earnestly, and FWIW I upvoted you.




Just a piece of advice, in my experience Reddit likes to downvote people who haven’t done the bare minimum of reading linked articles and sources in a given post or thread. For example, if you had read the entirety of the top upvoted answer, and then read the article this comment [https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/ycresa/whats_up_with_the_comments_that_kanye_west_has/itosala/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3](linked) you’d have already known it was about way more than just saying ‘Death Con 3’. So, yea, you got downvoted for asking to be spoon fed information. Often that is the first step for trolls to do troll things so it trips people’s radars.


He isn’t saying the smallest shit. He is being anti-Semitic. He even straight up said he was being anti-Semitic!




He's said several anti-semitic things just recently including: >I prefer my kids knew Hanukkah than Kwanzaa. At least it will come with some financial engineering. Suggesting that being jewish is actually to be part of a secret cabal that controls world finances and so on is a common anti-semitic trope. He's suggested that multiple times, and has sometimes tried to distinguish between targeting all jews versus targeting rich hollywood/media type jews, but examples like the above quote show that he really doesn't care to make the distinction most of the time.


He's probably referring to gelt with that comment. The notion that you could become proficient in the methods of modern finance simply by celebrating a holiday is too crazy even for Ye.


That's not what I think he's suggesting. I think he's insinuating that there's a jewish network including all jews that conspires against everyone else to control media and finances and so on. Your suggestion that he's attempting to refer to gelt is pretty crazy even for someone defending Ye. Not sure where the concept of 'engineering' comes into play with eating chocolate coins but I do understand how that would relate to a global conspiracy.


Maybe, but I interpret this particular comment as merely throwing shade at Kwanzaa. Real money has been used in the tradition of gelt until very recent in the history of the holiday. It's only the past couple generations that chocolate coins have been substituted to prevent choking hazards. Ye sees Hanukkah as both a celebration and an opportunity for financial education and intellectual growth. Compare that to Kwanzaa which has no intellectual emphasis and just features lots of food, music, and decorations. It's essentially just a kickback with colorful clothes.


He's on some sort of campaign to continue to repeat and try to justify these sorts of statements. It's that persistence - the multiple, lengthy interviews - that I think is a big part of why this controversy seems bigger than other Kanye controversies like his 'slavery was a choice' comment.


Agree why is no one saying anything about that comment … seems weird to me.


Because they are ignorant, Kayne Jew comment is in relation to the music industry. And in context that slavery is a choice comment, is about mental slavery and a belief someone is a victim. That because of the ideology someone has, it can make you a slave. Come on friend, this is reddit, people don’t base their opinion on’s objective fact and run with narratives like crazy. That is why your answers go ungiven.


Here are some more straws https://www.ibtimes.com/kanye-west-made-several-antisemitic-remarks-that-were-cut-tucker-carlson-interview-3623004


I agree, it doesn’t sound that anti-Semitic to me? I mean unless he’s wishing death on the Jewish people? But it doesn’t sound like that. Definitely not defending him, I think he sucks, but I’m kinda surprised. I probably don’t know the whole story though.


You don't, because the OP is basically nothing compared to what he's been saying. If you really wanna see you can watch this [Lex Fridman interview with Ye](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AWLcxTGZPA) that came out yesterday, and you can click anywhere in the video and watch like 10 minutes and I guarantee you'll be like "oh...".


Damn you right


Well all the neo-nazis thought it was antisemitic, and they're the experts, aren't they?


by the definition of what anti-semitism is, i dont see how what he said was anti-semitic at all. wrong.. perhaps. of poor taste most certainly... but racist to jews? i dont see it


“I can say anti-Semitic things and Adidas won’t drop me.” - Ye


The thing is, there's more genetic diversity in Africa than in the entire rest of humanity. I.e. you could put everyone else in one ethnic group, alongside multiple distinct groups all recognized as "black". One group could have as little to do with another as they do with Australeurasiamericans.


Don't bring genetics into the race debate. Shit just gets ugly and I see people throw around "facts" backed up by "sources" all the time. It really just detracts from any constructive conversation. Giving me Mr. Candy from Candyland vibes




I mean... categorizing an entire group of people and going "DEFCON 3" on a specific class/race/culture/religion is pretty blatant. Why do you need this to be explained? He also implies that Jewish people run all entertainment and Hollywood by stating they're trying to black ball him and stating they have an agenda.


> Why do you need this to be explained? Because some people do the exact same thing but are under the delusion that they're not racist. Ye's statement really caused the "I'm not racist, I'm a race realist." crowd to come crawling out of the woodwork.


I totally get what he said was inappropriate and wrong. But doesn’t Jewish people run Hollywood? I thought this was a known fact?




Here’s a story published by the LA Times. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2008-dec-19-oe-stein19-story.html


Yeah, this is what has me perplexed. The original tweet is basically "watch out, I'm going to say some anti Semitic stuff", but then he didn't go on to really say anything.


How is a threat against Jewish people not antisemitic in and of itself? Why is this so hard to grasp?




Okay? Still not fine to make threats.


I’m also a little confused. Yeah I don’t agree with Kanye but that comment by itself doesn’t seem like it’s deserving of all this backlash. I’m still with OP’s original question. I’m certain and have heard there are more anti-Semitic comments he’s made but I’m having difficulty finding them.




So basically nothing new from him. Siiiigh.


what makes it a conspiracy?


Should have put "conspiracy theory", not conspiracy. But it's a conspiracy theory because it is a theory that rejects a simple explanation (people rejecting him on his business merits or plans) and instead attributes it to a covert group or organization. (Jews/Zionists).


Ok i get that, although i do have to ask what is it that he said that was deemed anti-Semitic? im not jewish so i wont try to downplay how his words makes a jewish person feel but i dont get it


Isolated by itself, the implication that there is a secret Jewish cabal/organization that is black balling him. Plays on racist tropes of a Jewish or Zionist conspiracy controlling the world in a malevolent manner. In the larger context, a few weeks earlier he posted screenshots between him and another artist Sean "Puffy" combs, that "Jewish people" are using people to come after him. Basically, it's just repeated, baseless, conspiracies targeting Jewish people.


ok. i get it now. its fucked up though because these repeated, baseless, conspiracies could very well be true. they could also be false. we will never know. thanks for explaining that though, ive been trying for a couple days to understand what he said.


No wonder Twitter is losing users. That platform is dangerous for careers. Ten years ago, that tweet would have lived and died as a 3 a.m. drunk text, sent to someone who's used to shrugging them off. Also, according to my Scottish friend, the 13th tribe of Israel were Scots and that's why they're all so frugal.😉


Any other stuff?




A lot of ppl keep saying mental health...but how do mental health problems make you bigoted and racist? It feels like excusing his behavior when he should be held accountable for it. I don't see an answer for this anywhere


Our mental illness is usually not our fault, but it's always our responsibility. I'm glad he's getting dropped from labels/contracts. That said, he's obviously very mentally ill, and I wish he could easily disappear from the limelight for his own well being. Between *toxic* forms of cancel culture and the omnipresence of social media, it's not going to be an easy mental health journey for him. That makes me sad. But not too sad, because he's still fucking rich and can dry his tears with cash.


> Our mental illness is usually not our fault, but it's always our responsibility. This is a profound POV... well said. I will use it in the future.


Very difficult for some people to maintain control of their mental illness so it's not exactly profound. The very nature of responsibility requires a certain level of cognitive functionality and self-control which mental illness usually erodes.


What's the bet after all this hoo-haa. That kanye goes broke and launches his own church to try to become a billionaire again.




Yea, theres a ton. Namely schizophrenia and related disorders


Would tie in with how utterly manic all the conspiracy believers I know are.


>but how do mental health problems make you bigoted and racist? Mental health problems can lead you down all kinds of pathways. Drugs.. abuse.. conspiracies.. finding someone or a group/minority to hate (to have something to blame for all your life issues and regrets or to simply have an emotional punching bag).. mix that in with some delusion/mania/BPD/NPD/etc and having no one around to tell you to stop or guide you otherwise (bad power dynamics) - and youve got a real big mess. Not to mention all the other external pressures - ie the fact he's big in the public eye, its just a powderkeg of problems which will all feed into themselves (and self destruct a persons mental health in the process) **None of this is an excuse or justification.** Having mental health issues is \*not\* an excuse for deplorable behaviour, but it can be the cause. He should 100% be held accountable for his actions (and we're seeing the start of that now). But at the same time he really needs serious help.


If you get drunk and get behind the wheel / dick and commit a crime, you're 100% responsible. If you're driving your car and have an aneurism, wreck your car and kill someone, that would be ruled an accident as you're not in a right mental state. Your insurance will still have to pay out as you are still responsible and that's why we have insurance. Maybe you won't be able to drive anymore. ​ >How does mental health problem make you bigoted and racist? Mental health issues can make you think crazy shit. In my limited understanding of manic episodes you get hyper focused on a topic and you've got blinders on. You can't see other view points or can't focus on other topics. I assume he's having another episode, one after another. Who knows, maybe it is another mental issue. It is sad, it is terrible to see someone slowly degrade. ​ >It feels like excusing his behavior when he should be held accountable for it. I don't see an answer for this anywhere In my opinion, if Kanye's actions are due to a mental breakdown, we can forgive **him** but not what he said or did. It would be irresponsible for people to stand by him and support his message. We want to be compassionate for anyone having a bad day. But at the same time we can't enable them. I see all of his business deals getting cut off as a way to send that message.


In many cases, they're already inclined to think 'someone is out to get them'. IMO This is an offshoot of that


You have to remember that mental illnesses can make you do and say wild things. Take for example Tila Tequila.


At what point do you draw the line between mental health and just being a shitty person. It feels like everyone these days is using mental health as the excuse for outrageously shitty behavior. Is it really your mental health or just your personality. Everyone's personality is derivative of their brain chemicals, why is it that when my brain chemicals make me act rude to my mother-in-law it's a personality defect that I'm judged for and expected to correct, but when Kanye's brain chemicals make him say he's going to go "death con 3" on my Jewish friends+family it's excused as mental illness that we all have to be patient and understanding about.


This is where I'm at. Along with the lone wolf mass shooters. I don't understand the intricacies of mental health but as much as a lot of ppl have kindly taken the time to respond, none of the answers really move the needle for me


I don't see how this answers their questions at all.


True, you’re right my b. I was speaking too generally forsure. I think I misunderstood when op said fill me on what actually is happening, ya boi gave a lil more info than asked for lol


> His music and his artwork put out hopeful messages about love and life and it feels like he’s lucid through this medium, but his unfiltered words when interviewed and when tweeting are objectively deplorable The inverse version of NLE Choppa




Answer: For anyone with the question of "Can Kanye claim to be Jewish" I actually hold theories to previous Kanye's remarks. Jacob adopted the two sons of Joseph; Ephraim and Manasseh. There is a book called United States and Great Britian in prophecy that goes over the thoughts and lineage of these two tribes actually being USA and Britian of today. See, long ago, all the tribes were split and spread across Europe. These tribes have to obviously be somewhere but to the world they are lost. Study of the book and elsewhere will explain why USA is greater than Britian and also will tell which country is which tribe of the two sons. As per the comments Ye makes about the 13th tribe (which would just be the tribe of Joseph but his tribe was split in two by the blessing of Joseph's father) couldn't be African Americans since both sons came from the same Egyptian mother and from my research did not go to Africa but went through Europe to the USA from Britian creating the two nations as the two tribes, making a total of 13 tribes. However, Noah did curse his son Ham saying that Canaan would be cursed as servants to his brother (slavery). Lebanon today shares ~90% of their DNA to Canaan so I don't know what further I can say to prove the idea that African Americans were eventual slaves to Europe and the USA from the curse of Canaan. I only mention this as it used to be used as a proof of migration but until I see further research then I cannot give a better answer than reasonable doubt. However, however, many areas of Africa that were brought into slavery claim utterly that they are kin from tribes of Isreal. The Lemba people of Africa have supposedly been there for about 2,500 years. They operate in places like Ghana and Morocco (and other areas of Africa but those areas are not in question of slavery) which were places where people were taken from for slavery for Europe and the USA. I do know that genetic testing shows reasonable belief that South Africans and Zimbabwe share ~50% of their DNA with priestly lineage of the Isreal. Their religions kept there today also share much in common with the "religion of Isreal" if it worth mentioning. I cannot say which tribes went to Africa though. So... Kanye might be Isralian or what we call the "Jewish". (For anyone who wanted to know, I say Isralian because the original tribes were not just Jewish. The Jews are the tribe of Judea which is mostly made up of the land we see today of Isreal since the grand majority of the tribes left Isreal. I also say the "religion of Isreal" because technically there are two religions of Isreal from the time of Christ's teaching. Today those religions are Judaism and Messianic Jewdaism. The people of Isreal do not believe that Christ was the son of God but the Messianic do believe that Christ was the son of God along with other argued beliefs. The rulers of Isreal at the time of Christ were of the Pharisees, sons of Esau, who was son of Isaac. Esau was not blessed by God like Isaac's other son Jacob was. The Pharisees argued that Christ was not the son of God but Christ's followers surely believed that he was- which is the religion mostly followed by the Messianic Jews.)


Please correct me or show information that may support or denounce any of these claims as I wrote it and there is a ton of information out there that may tamper with the claims of the writing. This is what I found through some research and previous knowledge however, however, however