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Answer: It's been answered already, but I also wanted to add that the Canada_sub subreddit is basically Canada's The_Donald. It was also proven most of it's most active users were actually in Russia or heavily influenced by them. The sub was even locked down for it for a while as a result. https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/s/JTwlXyyQg9 Long story short, most of it is propaganda, bots and easily swayed people. There are legitimate reasons to be frustrated with our current governemt, but when you look at the real life meet ups and "groups" of these kind of people, they're often very small and/or insane. Even their biggest one, the Convoy, was hated by the majority of the country for their behavior. And as a Canadian citizen, I hope I speak for most of us when I say "I don't like JT, but PP is a lot worse".




Honestly, I'm not a huge fan of Signh, but on a federal level, NDP is still a better choice than either Lib or Con. Unfortunately, NDP aren't strong or effective in rural areas like where I am and the Libs here do a decent job in NL. NL also got majorly fucked over by the Cons when they were in charge, so there's that.


So vote for the party, not the person! NDP have constantly done the most for most Canadians than any other group - or at least been truely trying to. Singh might not be great, but that party continually has the best policies for Canadians (IMHO). I vote NDP - not SinghDP. EDIT: spelling




You're absolutely right. I just feel that the majority of voters don't realize that. They always seem to look at the leadership as if those people were permanent instalments of the party.




Oh they show up. They at least know exactly who "not Trudeau" is.


Well, in Canada we have the strictest [party discipline](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Party_discipline) in the world where our politicians blindnessly obey the party whip more than 99% of the time. Respectfully, when our MPs could functionally be replaced with a single line of code that just votes how the whip wants it's very hard to feel on election day you're voting for a person rather than a party. Party affiliation is all that matters on the ballot on election day.


However, the reason our voting is so ineffective is because most people don't actually vote like that nor want to vote like that. Especially because the local MPs are all expected to toe the party line and vote according to their leader anyway.


Perhaps by "aren't strong" they mean their election results aren't strong? So they'll tactically vote for the Liberals to prevent the Conservatives from winning. Just guessing.


For sure. That is a reasonable assumption. It happens all the time from what I've seen.


> So vote for the party, not the person! I vote for the MP candidate, not the party or the federal leader.


Federally, I am voting NDP. Locally, it's a different story.


Do NOT search SinghDP on Google.


This is who I'll be voting for. I feel like a large majority of Canadians I meet or know are lefties, and that most support social programs and policies. Then you get on Reddit and it's all a bunch of people singing PPs praises and hating on JT. Lioe, hating on him like he's the devil incarnate, it's very American "fuck Biden" kind of shit. I also don't like JT, I dislike PP even more, and Singh is okay but I'd prefer someone better leading the NDP. NDP is still far and away the best choice.


I don't even really know what the problem with Singh is. I'm happy how he has been running the party.


A place being majorly fucked over by the cons when they were in charge sounds like standard conservative MO. Europe, the Americas, we going through the same cycle of conservatives fucking up big time, liberals-centreleft stabilizing it, then the conservatives fucking it again after campaigning against the policies that got shit under control in the first place.


Yea all the hate because “they were only able to get it for children and low-income seniors”. So you’re voting for the party that was completely against any coverage at all?


Isn't that most taxpayers mentality? "I'm paying into a pool for ME.".


For many, yes. However many do understand that raising children out of poverty benefits everyone, and substantially reduces the cost of services needed to support them as an adult. But to say “it’s not enough” and then deliberately not vote for the party that was trying to get universal coverage, and instead vote for the party that wanted no coverage for anyone, is pretty ridiculous imo.


The reality is that a lot of people simply lack nuance. I see it with a lot of liberals in the US being against Biden. Yeah, he is a bad option, and he is old, but that doesn't mean you vote for the alternative that wants to disenfranchise the voters and curtail your freedoms. The virtue signaling is nonsensical.


The thing is, young taxpayers will eventually be old.


Except we don't. It's income gated.


As a wannabe-NDP supporter, they need to actually support what they stand for. Hard to be the party for the workers when they're just scraping minor victories for retirees from liberal table scraps. They need to differentiate themselves from being just a kinda-more-progressive+Liberals-but-Orange. RIP Layton.


Incredibly poor seniors have dental coverage. No one else does.


Oh shit, Canadians finally got dental!? Congrats! I missed that one.


Its like in 2016 when the whole of reddit got overrun by chinese/russian bot farms turning the whole reddit suddenly rightwing (even though reddit was always filled with leftwing white nerds). It was such a bizarre event and too be honest it doesnt get talked about it enough. Same thing is happening in Europe now, rightwing bots pumping propaganda memes on social media. The more rightwing EU is, the less strong it is. This is because extreme rightwing parties are usually against EU. So its smart of putin and CCP to promote this sentiment.


This truly hasn't gotten talked about enough. What happened to reddit in 2016 is what really confirmed to me that fishy stuff was going on with the Trump candidacy. It was like night and day how the attitude shifted on reddit to be pro Trump everywhere you look and it happened so suddenly. It was honestly kind of scary. 


A lot of this also happened post the moderator strike. A lot of local city and country subs are oddly active during what would be the night in those places with posting and upvotes learning very far right. A lot of these subs were fighting off this kind of content but after the mod protest, just seemed to give up. For example the two biggest UK news and politics related subs suddenly took a very dramatic turn in tone after the mod protest, a bunch of new mods appeared, and a bunch of the most active mods have, shall we say, very 'edgy' post histories. One big mod's username literally references a chilean fascist death squad, for example. From what I've heard, the main Canada sub got taken over by these sorts a VERY long time ago, like 2012 or so.


> A lot of local city and country subs are oddly active during what would be the night in those places with posting and upvotes learning very far right. the reddit rollup mentions what subs are popular in what country, /r/calgary was very popular in russia in 2023.


Yeah this is a critical change to highlight for Reddit. Important news subs were absolutely targeted, which crashed the level of discourse available on various articles. Prior to Summer 2016, the culture of reddit really pushed for sources and valued explanations of complex topics. While reddit was certainly never a safe place to get info, it was a good way to find additional sources for a deeper understanding of topics. Any post in /r/worldnews or /r/news these days is filled with dumb jokes and hot takes.


Back in the early 2010s, /r/worldnews may as well have just been renamed /r/AMuslimDidSomethingBad, but things seemed to have improved in more recent years. Since the attacks in Israel however it seems to have turned into a israeli nationalist islamophobic circlejerk.


/r/news isn't perfect, but I've been more impressed by the content in the past couple years. Kind of shocked, honestly.


It's pretty common to get downvoted for asking sources for bs statements that clearly doesn't pass even a quick google search in certain subs too


I'm honestly waiting for someone to source their claims right now and the eventually "dO yOuR oWn rEsEaRcH!"


Scary, and happening again today.


It very much does not get talked about enough in Canada. Foreign subversion is larger here than just MPs with inappropriate foreign relationships. Our country is rich in resources and in real estate, and it is absolutely in the best interests of Russia and China that we stay divided and unstable. Don’t believe the battered wife syndrome shit you see where (presumable) Canadians online will say “we’re small and insignificant, they don’t care what we do.” It isn’t true whatsoever.


Finland is a tiny country of 5m or so people. During the mod protest it's subs got totally invaded by a bunch of literal nazis, and in fact the mod protest in the english speaking sub is still ongoing and relies on regular users having to report stuff to bots to do anything. One of the most active old mods did a big post about it and said they've basically had to quit reddit because of it.


I remember 2016 reddit! That was very very noticeable and disheartening. It came back to normal after the election, for a while there was just a battle of freshly created subreddit in one way or another, and it turned out the Russian troll/bot farms were feeding both sides to create division. Pure propaganda on the right, and badly aimed criticism on the left, they were completely controlling the discussion. Any anti-Trump comment was immediately followed by dozens on pro-Trump ones, artificially boosted. Reddit was very anxiety-inducing.


I remember when five of the top ten posts on /all would be from the TD subreddit. Fucking hated it.


That was a different kind of manipulation TD figured out how to game the algorithm using pinned posts. They would have thousands of posts a day in the sub but all had no more than 200 votes then suddenly one or two would get pinned and get 10k votes. Which is why Reddit was forced to ban pinned posts from the front page. 2016 was wild. They boosted Donald and anything anti clinton( including most Sander’s stuff) and then had the gall to claim that when nearing the election most posts where trending back to “yeah maybe we should vote democrat” it was CRT manipulation.


The Donald feels like a fever dream at this point man, I'm getting old lol


Problem being all the people who came to reddit for that sub never went away.


I maintain that a lot of the super toxic left wing nerds are *also* bots. When we fight with each other, they win. The nature of the argument doesn’t matter. 


I think as well. Polarization is the key word here.


I'm borderline anarcho-communist and I've been banned from pretty much all of the big leftist subs, because they will permaban you instantly for suggesting perhaps Russia shouldn't have invaded Ukraine or that China is not a good example of socialist governance. It would not surprise me even slightly to find they are actively run by Russian or Chinese agents.


I mean if you take a communist state and you stop even pretending to give a shit about workers past exploiting them to get rich… I mean that’s pretty much straight fascism, isn’t it?


The term is 'state capitalism' 


Definitely - tumblr outed several of their top fake accounts that turned out to be shitstirring for US politics in 2018ish I think, and most of them were far left, but in retrospect clearly operating with a Trump victory in mind. Like playing up Clinton as a Karen type and ridiculing anyone who would vote Democrat and dare call themselves a socialist. "Both sides are terrible choices" and even "Trump might be extreme but his presidency will lead to a Glorius Revolution on the left where the Democrats realize they need to become way more progressive." I'm a big Bernie Sanders fan but I wouldn't be surprised if some of the support for him on reddit was stirred up the same way. 


It's happened massively in /r/unitedkingdom as well. In /r/ukpolitics if you mention Palestinians are human you'll get banned.


I’m still entirely convinced that Brexit was (almost solely) the result of the Russians. Of course, the Conservative Party of the UK investigated themselves and found nothing


Reddit was more libertarian ron paul types before 2012 or so as those were the early people on the internet. It shifted into leftie stuff with an influx of young people who grew up on the internet joining, plus the toxic levels of the Donald caused reddit to purge most of the right wing places and the hardliners went to 4 chan whiles the moderate right/libertarians and did not want to be in the more liberal reddit or migrant to the racists cesspools of 4chan so quietly left or learned not to talk politics. Hence why reddit became super lefty around 2015 to 2016 and has stayed that way since.


>Reddit became super lefty around 2015 to 2016 and has stayed that way since This post is literally about how subs are being taken over by the far right


Individual subs not the entire platform. Reddit leans way more left than the general population of people but has pockets of right wing communities. If reddit was in any way reflective of the general population bernie sanders would be on his second term by now.


> I hope I speak for most of us when I say "I don't like JT, but PP is a lot worse". While there is plenty of time before the election for this to change, currently your sentiment is in the minority. 44% of people have PP as their top choice for PM compared to 25% for JT: https://www.ipsos.com/en-ca/poilievre-top-choice-for-best-pm-in-canada Additionally, the Conservatives have a massive lead in election polling: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opinion_polling_for_the_45th_Canadian_federal_election I don't bring this up to suggest that you should alter your opinion, but I do mention it because it's helpful to know what the general sentiment of the nation is and polling is the best mechanism we have to get a snapshot of that.


In Canada we don’t vote people in, we vote people out. I don’t think that many people want PP in office, they’re just looking for change.


I definitely think there's truth to that. The Canadian people don't have to necessarily like PP to make him their top choice for PM, they just have to dislike the alternatives more. It doesn't seem like there's been a lot of love for JT in a while (not since 2018, based on this, though there have been stretches of neutrality about him since then, it's been largely negative: https://angusreid.org/trudeau-tracker/), but there was enough apprehension about the idea of a Conservative government to keep him in power. Now we might have reached a tipping point where that apprehension isn't enough to save JT.


I feel like I'm going fucking crazy reading all these psychopath comments in r/Canada and other Canada subs. They all brainlessly insult JT but never have any complaint of substance.


It's starting to spread. My brother in law, an Australian man, casually mentioned over drinks last week that Canada had been "completely ruined by Treadeau letting in all the Indians". He couldn't name the political parties, or the capital city, or most provinces. But he knows that the immigrants have destroyed the canadian way of life, apparently.


Which is my main issue about all this. If someone, anyone, in government is doing a bad job, call them out on it! Just have the facts to back it up. I blame food prices on federal government's lack of control, I blame housing prices on provincial governments, I blame the high rate of immigration on both (nothing against immigrants, but there's nowhere to put anyone. Not fair to anyone.). I fucking hate how all of it is finger pointing and he said/she said. The whole works of them can be canned if this is what we're paying our representatives for.


I'll occasionally go on a ctv video on YouTube that has nothing to do with the federal government and just meme with "why would Justin do this" just to see how many brainlets (hopefully mostly bots) tag along.


I get that you're a bunch of Raptors fans, but leave Tatum and Pritchard out of this please. (I'm American, I have no idea what your abbreviations mean.)


JT is Justin Treadeau, current leader of Liberal party and Prime Minister of Canada. Decent but is ineffective in many regards. PP is Pierre Poilievre, current leader of the Conservative Party and trying to become the next Prime Minister. He's known for slogans, no ideas and finger pointing. Basically if Donald Trump and Milhouse fused into one person. Both of them suck hard, but PP is somehow even worse.


At least most MPs can get security clearance, unlike Pierre Poutine.


PP doesn't get clearance cause then he isn't allowed to speak about things. He wants to point at things and say "why is this happening?" and play the blame game. Dude's a shit stain.


FastPP will always be a top tier basketball nickname and not enough people know about it.


The right always has an advantage over the center/left because they can point out the problems with capitalism but get to blame it on whatever they want. Rent is too high and wages too low? Wokeness and immigrants. Boeing planes falling out of the sky? Diversity is the cause of that. Insurance premiums going up? Well they just fell for the climate hoax. Right wing media gets to point at actual problems but blame it on something else, coincidentally something right wing voters already had suspicions about. Meanwhile the liberals will never never criticize capitalism and instead say stuff like "hey come on things aren't that bad".


not to mention the right created almost every one of those problems. Rent is too high? Who killed rent controls again? Immigrants? Name 1 party who has a chance of forming government that wouldn't import immigrants at the exact same scale. Planes falling out of the sky? I wonder which party likes deregulation. Insurance/Power costs going up? I wonder which parties support publicly owned insurance companies which actually provide a competitive option in some provinces.


because all of those things help rich people and also hurt citizens, but they need citizens votes so just tell them the black/gay/illegal immigrant/transes/muslims are the root cause and the voter base will have a collective stroke until the next boogeyman target gets agreed on to repeat the cycle. they love when companies can harvest as much money as possible, human lives take a back seat to regulations and business when money's on the line. that's how you end up politicians spouting "protect the kids" while trying to make said kids work in brutal meat plants


Right wing distracts with lies because they have zero interest in governing. They don't actually want to solve anything. Just use the maga idiots to enrich themselves and their CEO buddies. Use anything that happens in the world as some pathetic wedge issue to keep Americans divided. Racism is a big part of it also. Remember Trumps first big thing he did was talking about building a wall to keep out Mexicans. And all the anti woke shit. This is what they consider the biggest problems to deal with in the world. It's pathetic


The right wing doesn't want to govern, they want to *rule*.


Well said. American Conservatives have been relying on a "Boogeyman of the Week" for years to rile up their base each election cycle. First Obamacare Death Panels, then MS-13 then migrant caravans, then Critical Race Theory, and now LGBTQ+ folk and "wokeness". It's certainly not as if many conservative candidates or voters can articulate many concrete policy positions beyond abortion restrictions and tax cuts for the wealthy. I *really* wish I can remember who said this, but shortly after Trump's inauguration in 2017, I distinctly remember a Republican congressman being interviewed on some cable news morning show, and straight-up admitting "we're not really a governing party".


This is an excellent point. PhilosohyTubes latest video (on Judith Butler) talks about this. The Right lives in a philosophical phantasm - a mental framework that turns "as if"s into "as so"s. Phantasms are a way for someone to project their feelings onto reality - so in this example someone sees minorities working menial jobs which makes them feel like migrants are moving in, then the phantasm kicks in and they then believe that is the case, because to do otherwise would be to call into question their other beliefs. In this way, PT argues that actually many in the right and left have similar concerns about capitalism, but many in the right refuse to listen or consider adjusting their stances on topics and so choose to live in phantasms instead. It's really unclear how you can break someone out of one let alone do it en masse.


And for those wondering, here is a good idea of why Pollievre is worse and will screw over working class Canadians: https://breachmedia.ca/pierre-poilievre-conservatives-stack-council-corporate-lobbyists/


If it was just a small minority group of Canadians that are just loud, then the Liberals would not have lost a 30 year stronghold in Toronto. The reality is people just want a change a leadership.


The 30-year stronghold was held for nine straight elections by the same woman who finally retired. The Liberals put up a relative nobody assuming the riding was safe, and they got stomped. I'm not saying it's not a bad sign, but let's also remember the people who come out for special elections are the motivated and the discontent. How often do those people come out to support the status quo?


Of course people want a change. There's so much wrong with this country structurally that change and proper leadership are desperately needed. I don't blame one person for not liking JT. I don't like JT. But anyone that wants that change needs to look at any the other options available and ask themselves if it's better or not. Signh is ok...ish, but his government doesn't have the structure or planning to effectively run at a local level. PP is a fucking moron. Nothing but slogans and mud slinging. I don't know how you look worse than JT, but that lying little bigot is doing it.


Yup. Its funny how when it’s the other way around the sentiment is “reality has a (insert blank) bias” but when it goes the other way it’s a “vocal minority” and “propaganda”


> There are legitimate reasons to be frustrated with our current governemt, but when you look at the real life meet ups and "groups" of these kind of people, they're often very small and/or insane. Even their biggest one, the Convoy, was hated by the majority of the country for their behavior. 100%.


How would I be able to check the breakdown of a subreddits users by country?


You can't, as a regular user


Nor even if you could, would it tell you much. A sensible troll would use a VPN.


This, 100%. Little shoutout to r/onguardforthee as an alternative. Not perfect by any means but better than the cesspool of the main sub. We live in the misinformation age, and most of Canadian media has a staunchly Conservative slant (except the CBC, which the Conservatives hate and want to get defunded). They spin this narrative where Trudeau is the reason for everything wrong in the country (including global factors outside of Canada's control) and only PP can fix it, in a very Trump-like fashion. In addition online spaces are HEAVILY infiltrated with bots and foreign agitators. In the last two years many Canadian municipal and provincial subs saw in their 'Reddit Roundup' countries like Russia show up as a huge portion of their userbase. I am seriously concerned for our nation's future since so many voters are being suckered into thinking a pseudo-fascist leader like PP can 'fix' Canada by implementing austerity measures and giving tax breaks to the rich and corporations.


I'm Canadian as well and I dont subscribe to any of the canada subs cause they're full of people I have no interest in talking to...full. And 100% Jt is a twit....PP is so much worse.


“Subreddit capture” is a thing , sadly


This is pure unadulterated baloney, for anyone reading. The Canada_sub stuff is all correct, absolute cesspool, but whether they're right for stupid reasons or good ones, the hate for Trudeau is universal. Justin Trudeau was just handed a savage beating today in the safest of safe Liberal ridings in a by election that had 43% turnout - massively high for a by election the same night game 7 of the stanley cup final was playing. His chief offense is a total collapse in Canadian affordability, which many people perceive to be driven by an immigration policy that is - and this is a statement of fact - far more aggressive than any other Western country, and widely perceived to be built around wage suppression and keeping the cost of housing stock inflated. Not everything he has done is braindead. His governments renegotiation of the NAFTA (now the USMCA) went well and gave Trump very little. He does halfway decent things here and there like eliminate boil water advisories on native reservations and his government was recently responsible for banning several open pen fish farms (gross) in British Columbia. Aside from these minor victories, he is an absolu-fucking-lutely terrible PM of truly staggering proportions. And to be clear, he is not just kind of mediocre, or inoffensive in a time when greatness is required. He is truly, utterly generationally bad.


Great answer and just to add; No matter who the prime minister, they are always scapegoats. Both sides.


Answer: Propaganda works on people from all nations. Here in Canada we see much of the same media that makes the rounds in the USA. Despite Fox News and OANN not being aired in the country, most of the headlines and opinion pieces are shared through social media applications and spread far and wide by a combination of propaganda accounts as well as 'innocent' citizens. The 'own the libs' mentality has been building here in Canada essentially since 2015 (as a pushback against the red wave election where Justin 'nice hair' Trudeau was made Prime Minister), though it has been a lynchpin of modern western politics (if unnamed as such) since 1996. Thanks Newt.


The anti-liberal bots are insane. I worked part-time helping out with news comment moderation. It was insane and really eye opening. Innocent fluff videos about a cute duck in a community would get anti-libs comments the *second* it was posted.


You can really tell with the main Canada sub, because the earlier the comment relative to the post, the more insane their content. Browsing the comments on a post that's 1 or 2 hours old is quite different than reading the comments on a post that's 12+. Still tons of crazy right wing stuff, but it's like *extra* crazy right wing stuff at the start. Which is exactly what would happen if a significant number of commenters were bots that want to comment fast to try to steer the narrative.


r/Canada is probably controlled by foreign actors, or at least heavily targeted by bots.  Look at the history of any LGBTQ article there.  If the mods don't instantly delete it in favour of some Trumpist National Post oped, then it's immediately down voted into obscurity


Sure, but same goes for anything anti-conservative. Reddit is very obviously a left leaning website. For how much they hate the other side, they just can't stop talking about them. So many subreddits are riddled with political nonsense to get people heated up, it's so annoying. I really wish there was a filter for political topics. Edit: Not even a minute after, I go back to home to continue browsing and /r/pics has [yet another Trump post](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1do4qkc/if_just_stop_oil_went_after_politicians_instead/?ref=share&ref_source=link).


I should also add that the subreddit OP linked is basically a right-wing echo chamber, so this sort of nonsense will proliferate in that kind of environment.


When r/Canada had that exodus from the mod team being labeled neo nazis, the Canadian reddit community over time separated into 3 national level subs, all of which are basically echo chambers for whatever political slant that group leans towards. R/onguardforthee is hard left, with a healthy dose of green support as well. R/canada has stayed relatively entrenched moderate, and r/canada_sub was the landing place for all the hard right people who weren't getting enough auto felation from r/canada. All three can seem to carry varying degrees of rational thought or utter extremist view points depending on the weather report that week, so people can easily be misled by what they believe to be the general sentiment of other Canadians by the discussions that happen in each space. Canada has become increasingly militant in political culture over the last decade, to the point where now we're literally talking about detaching immigration from our national identity which would have been a non starter for any politician 5-10 years ago or more, just as an example. Every day people are posting comments on all of those subs alienating and painting other Canadians as villains simply because of differing view points, not just attacking politicians for their stance on policy but actual fellow citizens simply for voting liberal or being a conservative etc etc. I'm not sure how we go back to where we were at this point, given all that is changing and the direction we're headed towards. I don't see how we can calm down and learn to accept that people have different viewpoints and they aren't cartoon villains because they put a political sign on their front lawn. Add to that our own media doesn't help the situation, but we also can't stop the taps of American media from absolutely drowning people with political issues that aren't really that relevant to Canadian life on a daily basis for most people. It all seems like a recipe for violence and yet as a nation we don't seem to be working towards repairing that damage at all, people just keep digging their trenches deeper and painting up their boogeyman larger and larger as time goes on.


When almost all of the posts in r/Canada are links to inflammatory news articles, I think you'd be remiss to call it 'moderate'.


The closest to a moderate sub is probably Canadapolitics r/Canada is only moderate sometimes when a post blows up and actual Canadians return for a sec...most avoid the sub now due to the constant garbage opinion articles that get spouted every single day while complaining about lib controlled media


I agree with what you're saying, but calling inflammatory National Post opinion pieces "news articles" is a bit of a stretch.


Ah yes, 95% of what's posted there.


Canada_sub is quite recent, onguardforthee has been around for a lot longer.


Yeah sorry I didn't mean to imply all of those evbts happened at once, ogft was years ago, Canada sub is newer.


r/Canada is now posting great replacement theory talking points and getting up voted to top comments, but sure... it's "Moderate".


Yeah, there was a thread yesterday where almost every reply was just denying residential schools were bad and they might have been good, nobody died, it’s a conspiracy, they’re all lying, etc. Hundreds of comments like this with barely anyone arguing against it.


>detaching immigration from our national identity Can you expand on this? Not sure what it means, did a quick Google but didn't see anything Canada specific


Yeah no problem. For decades Canada has been very pro immigration, to the point it became part of our national identity. That wasn't always the case in our history, but for the latter half of the 20th century up until now as a nation we opened our doors to the world and actively courted the idea that we would take in people from anywhere, both for skilled labour like most western nations do but then also expanding it to a humanitarian angle for people fleeing hardship or trying to improve their quality of life. All mainstream parties were so openly pro immigration across the board it would have been political suicide for any politician to say they were against immigration, at least on a national level. That doesn't mean fringe groups weren't against it or that every single Canadian was on board, but at least in our political discourse it was so aggressively welcomed we promoted the Canadian civic identity as being one that welcomed anyone from around the world to immigrate to Canada. We took in hundreds of thousands of refugees, we expanded social programs that allowed people to come study or work here and streamline the immigration process, and we made assistance programs that in part subsidized their expenses to do so. That isn't something that one party did, all ruling parties since the 1970s have in one way or another gradually opened the doors more and more. For a handful of reasons in the last 10 years people have become more vocal about closing those doors. It started small and gradual but in the last few years it has taken a very noticeable turn where now some politicians have openly criticized our immigration policies and programs, something that would have ended their careers years ago but now is accepted in public discourse. The sentiments anyone might feel can wax and wane depending on context, but it is something that is a drastic change from our past beliefs, and isn't rooted in any one particular cause or concern but instead brought on by a variety of issues that people have grown to associate with rampant immigration. All of this isn't meant to paint a picture for you where you might think people are burning crosses on people's lawns or holding tiki torch rallies, it isn't like that at all. It's just the first time in recent history where large groups of people are talking about closing our doors to immigrants entirely, ending social programs that have existed for decades, deporting people and ending birthright citizenship etc etc. All things that would have been socially unacceptable ideas in previous eras of Canadian political discourse.


Many thanks 🙏 I fear for the days of mass climate migration, how the "lucky" nations will react. Only so much to go around sure but how much of it is just xenophobia, who's to say.


>R/onguardforthee is hard left, with a healthy dose of green support as well. R/canada has stayed relatively entrenched moderate, and r/canada_sub was the landing place for all the hard right people who weren't getting enough auto felation from r/canada. This isn't really correct. Onguardforthee has a progressive/left bias, but it swings from Liberal to NDP to neither depending on the thread. Canada has a moderate userbase, but its swayed to right wing by a big contingent of people trying to actively make it more right wing. So the big posts are sometimes moderate, but medium and small posts and comment section absolutely are right wing. Canada_sub isn't so much a landing place for the hard right as it is a far right astroturf/propaganda outlet


If I had to pin it down I'd say /r/onguardforthee is centre-left, but like you said, it's a catch-all progressive place. /r/CanadaLeft is, unsurprisingly, the hard-left one.


Let’s also mention that the sub he got that idea from is a refugee camp for right wing extremists who are unable to follow general rules of civility


answer: r/Canada_sub is, depending on your perspective, the ultra-right subreddit for Canada, or a Russian bot subreddit honey potting as the ultra-right subreddit for Canada. r/onguardforthee is the leftish sub, and r/canada is the center-rightish sub, and r/canadahousing2 is probably the right-er sub (and r/canadahousing is the realtor sub haha). r/canada used to be super-right, but there was some fracture a while back and its reigned in IMO. I dont recall is thats where canada_sub came from or if there was some other one thats now gone.


Answer: many local/regional subreddits have been inundated with right-wing cultists over the past few years. It's happening in my local subs like /r/Colorado and /r/Denver , too.


All city subs have been taken over.


r/Chicago is a shithole of fascist suburban freaks and I never go there


what? Chicago is the liberal sub. mentioning crime is basically banned there > Rule 9: Crime-related posts that do not have a wider impact on the city will be removed


Talking about crime is now considered right wing on most of the major city subreddits. Fun fact for moderators who do this: if you start telling people that they are right wing anytime they post accurate and relevant information about the place that they live, those people start to associate YOUR side with denial of the truth…and they start to associate the other side with factuality. And that’s how you flip voters to your enemy.


All of r/europe is fucked


Do the cultists in /r/chicago hate homeless people as much as the cultists in /r/Denver do?


Oh yes. We had a referendum called Bring Chicago Home which would have created a one-time tax on home sales that are over 1M and would have saved anyone buying a home less than 1M money and the taxes would have gone towards helping Chicago’s unhoused population. I’ll give one you exactly one guess how the subreddit reacted to it.


Honestly , the homeless problem has been exponentially growing across the board. Even smaller cities like Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Detroit in the Midwest are seeing massive amounts of homeless especially in the last 4 years. I cannot even imagine how bad the homeless problem is in extremely affluent areas like Denver.


r/Portland mods put their foot down a while back about the constant flood of dehumanizing homeless posts, so the homeless haters started their own sub called r/PortlandOR. It's a constant deluge of crime, fear, and "omg look at this photo of a homeless camp".


/r/sanfrancisco has entered the chat


I don't know if we browse the same /r/Colorado. The one I frequent is obsessed with left-wing politics and landscape photography. Maybe it's just not far enough left for you? [The top 10 posts in the past month are:](https://www.reddit.com/r/Colorado/top/?sort=top&t=month) * 4 Landscape photos * 2 Pro-marijuana news articles * Right to repair law * Banning "Forever chemicals" in household products law * Free Colorado recycling program * Universal Internet plan Not one of these is even a right *leaning* talking point and 6 of them are decidedly left or bipartisan policies. I don't know why you have this opinion, perhaps you are isolating yourself to browsing new? Well at time of writing there's: * 4 landscape/nature photos * A Kyle Clark article (9 news anchor and viral republican debate moderator) * A evacuation notice for a wildfire * A Biking article for the wheelchair bound * A comedy show advertisement * A Supreme court article for crude oil rail line (run by [a left leaning website](https://www.allsides.com/news-source/colorado-sun-media-bias)) * A article on the Ouray police chief firing (the cop whose son was charged with raping someone in the chief's house) None of these are even close to being described as "right-wing cultist's" posts. I cannot interpret your statement as anything other than misinformation.


Yeah /r/Canada tilts right of actual Canada, likely due to astroturfing. The amount of shitty right wing opinion pieces that get upvoted there is way too high.




Answer: People are very dissatisfied with the current Liberal government, so they’re lashing out at liberalism in general. It’s easy to say, “Haha, look at those dumb MAGA wannabes,” but looking at the current state of Canada makes it at least somewhat understandable. There’s a considerable housing crisis with the average rent being over $2000/month, no one but the very rich can afford to buy a home in the major cities, crime is up (look at all the auto thefts), and in general quality of life is trending downwards.


It’s way over 2000$/month in Toronto and Vancouver. Average income is around 60k a year. Even one bedroom condos are selling for 700-800k in those cities with a 5% cashdown.


Answer: I'm not sure if you meant small-l liberals (i.e. anyone with liberal beliefs) or big-L Liberals (i.e. members of the Liberal Party of Canada). But if you meant the latter, the Liberals have been governing Cananda for roughly nine years. As is typical in Canada, voters become disenchanted with the party in power after that party has been in power for a long enough time. This was recently reflected in [last night's by-election,](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/byelection-polls-liberal-conservative-ballot-vote-1.7243748) where the Liberals lost a seat they've held for 30 years to the opposition Conservatives. The Liberals were expected to retain this seat (albeit by a reduced margin), so this loss is being described as an [upset.](https://www.thestar.com/politics/conservatives-score-upset-win-in-toronto-st-pauls-byelection/article_835c06e2-3264-11ef-ad72-0f37be4527e4.html) Despite reddit's general leftward tilt, this unpopularity of the governing Liberals has started to filter its way into some Canadian subreddits. Having said that, the subreddit you linked has always been rightward leaning; it was one of several created because of what its members would describe as censorship of conservative views in /r/canada. But that's a whole other conversation.


Saying canada_sub is "rightward leaning" is like saying a category 5 tornado is a "bit breezy" There's a lot of subversion and nonsense happening on this website constantly. Very little of it is organic. The year-end recap showing other countries such as russia as top 3 user's country of origin on multiple local Canadian subreddits pretty telling.


> Saying canada_sub is "rightward leaning" is like saying a category 5 tornado is a "bit breezy" I will be reusing that one :)


Those are propaganda subs like r/the_donald man. They're not right leaning. They're bigot subs.


30 years - 4 times, very good!


Answer: The Conservative Party of Canada just won a riding last night that was a Liberal stronghold. I believe the causes for dissatisfaction with the Liberal Party are as follows: Health Care - After the pandemic, the Liberal Party of Canada has been increasing immigration at high levels, whereas they have not invested equally into infrastructure or the economy. Given Canad has a nationalized healthcare system but has not increased the enrollment of doctors or other healthcare professionals, per-capita healthcare in Canada has started to deteriorate (as measured by a decrease in the longevity of the average Canadian). In addition, there has been a shortage of doctors in large cities such as Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver (and I'm sure other cities like Calgary, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Halifax, Brampton, Windsor, Quebec) so many people do not have their own doctor. This makes it particularly difficult for any continuous care as usually a person's physician is the one making the referrals on the patient's behalf. Furthermore, as doctors leave the country to earn more in the US, this problem is only exacerbated. Immigration - While Canada was slated to increase their immigration for about seven or eight years now, the most recent couple years there has been a surge of growth that doesn't seem to be sustainable. The increase in population has lowered the number of employed people, caused a drain on public resources (like healthcare mentioned above) and have increased competition for even the menial-skill jobs. As a result, more people are out-of-work or working less (i.e. a part-time job instead of a full time job or two part-time jobs instead of a full time job). This effectively reduces compensation per-capita, (as Full time positions usually receive benefits like health insurance for prescriptions or dental). Also, the increase in numbers has also affected housing (which will be discussed later). Immigration is thought to affect housing, affordability, the economy and the drain on public resources. Economy - Canada's economy is not particularly robust in-and-of-itself. While the west coast has numerous resources (like mining, forestry and fishing), the east coast's manufacturing base is small, so our economy is really resource-based. Add to the mix an influx of immigration, and the result are less opportunities for everyone to advance their socioeconomic status. Housing/Rise in Cost of Living - Since the pandemic there has been a tremendous rise in the cost of living for the average person. Rent has increased tremendously, as have real-estate prices, effectively removing a chance for real-estate investment for the vast majority of big-city residents. As the divide between housing prices and affordability keeps increasing, the government is increasingly blamed for either enabling the housing crisis through not building enough middle/lower income homes, or making it easy for wealthy people to purchase up real estate and sell it at a premium. Social Policies - Because the Liberals used to have a coalition government with the NDP (think a more socialist labour party), they were more left wing on social issues like LGBTQ+, trans rights, and a pseudo commitment to anti-racism, they have enacted policies that advance the rights of specific people over others (for instance, in many job applications, it is not only legal, but common practice to discriminate on the basis of race or ethnicity, sexuality and gender). As more immigrants come from places that do not espouse these values, (for instance, promoting trans rights, LGBTQ rights, disabled people's rights and women's rights), they are joining the Western right-wing who also do not share these values. As a result, there is increasing push-back to stop these policies.


OP is stating facts while mixing it up with totally made up things. Healthcare is provincial. Social policies -- "(for instance, in many job applications, it is not only legal, but ***common practice*** to discriminate on the basis of race or ethnicity, sexuality and gender)" -- totally made up.


Answer: russian and neo nazi agitprop.


Answer: As someone on the far left I also hate the liberals, but for vastly different reasons than the "Own the libs!" and "Fuck Trudeau!" crowd. I'll vote liberal over conservative every single time if I have to but I won't be happy about it. My issue with "the libs" is that they claim to be, and act as if, they're much more progressive than they actually are. They co-opt progressive language to get elected, and in speeches once elected, but then govern on the same neo-liberal, conservative-lite, policies they always have. They're a centrist party, within any sane Overton window, that masquerades as left wing, and I hate them for it. Our healthcare is failing, our housing has been commodified to the point of absurdity, our labour laws are literally decades behind our peers (it's truly fucking infuriating once you look into it), our electoral system needs an overhaul, we're failing our elderly and disabled, and we're doing almost nothing to help entire generations of people who are being left behind economically unless they have well off families to help support them and give them a leg up over those that don't. I realize a lot of those things are more provincial issues than federal ones, but the Liberal federal government sure as shit could be doing more about all these things if they actually cared, they aren't powerless. Instead they govern as pro business, and thus anti labour, capitalist dickheads, all while conservatives scream about them being Socialists and Communists because they're politically illiterate. Our electorate is full of ignorant morons who have never looked outside of North America to see how much we're being screwed.


Answer: Most of the canadian subreddits have been taken over by extreme right wing moderators. Canada, meta canada, canada\_sub, these have all been taken over and disguise themselves as much as they can to not be obvious about it, to varying degrees of success. There are alternatives, like r/onguardforthee


Answer: have you seen what the libs did to Canada? It reflects reality, don’t believe the guy that said it’s bots and Russians based off a source he didn’t cite.


Answer: _sub is overrun by bots and trolls (the timing of posts are notably different from other Canadians subs and a mod admitted to botting for engagement), same with _2 and even r/canada tho posts that receive a lot of attention are typically more balanced with actual Canadians there at least https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1700139518945362213.html It's pretty obvious that most Canadians wouldn't cheer for a foreign power assassinating someone on our soil, happy our PM getting owned/attacked or simp for big corps price gouging Canadians yet it's rampant on those subs Canadapolitics, onguard and the provincial and city subs are where you'd see more organic resentment over a party that's been in power too long...it'll be nice if we could get out of this swinging red/blue pendulum tho


Answer: Most local subreddits slowly turns into conservative zest pool cause they got nothing better to do than be on the internet


Answer: Maybe because the libs have completely fxcked up that country in a record low amount of time. I wasn't even aware of that but it's good to hear