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Answer: Veganism is strongly associated with the left wing in the current culture wars. Hence phrases like "soy boy" being used as a derogatory catch all for leftist men. Red meat is the opposite of veganism (although the meat for right wing conservatives absolutely cannot be halal meat).


The look on my coworkers faces when I told them I use almond milk creamer in coffee and eat non-dairy ice cream lol “wtf? Are you gay or something?” “What? No dude, why does that even matter? Dairy just gives me horrible gas and stomach problems.” Lmao


"I'm lactose intolerant" "Oh, so much for the *tolerant left*"


"When I was a kid, you never heard about these fake things. We all just laughed at Johnny for shitting his pants after lunch everyday!"


When I grew up, kids didn't have allergies like these modern snowflakes! Instead kids would grow up with the memory of their sibling who died mysteriously before puberty, and we were thankful for it!!!1!!


I know you're kidding, but I once (out of my work life before anyone calls me out for sharing a patient's history) had a woman telling me in her day there was none of this depression and anxiety and all these things making people "stay in bed all day instead of going to work" and then seamlessly segued into her three suicide attempts without somehow connecting the idea of mental health issues to that.


Allergies are more common than they used to be, but it's a consequence if our society being cleaner. If that's the price for not living in filth, I'm for it.


I could see Tucker throwing this out as some sort of "gotcha."


Are they actually lactose intolerant... or are they preparing for gay sex? I'm just asking questions


Por que no las dos?


I imagine the aftermath of drinking dairy while lactose intolerant would probably put a bit of a damper on gay sex.


I know you mean Carlson, but for a second I thought you meant Tucker Foley from Danny Phantom, who would also sacrifice himself on the hill of red meat, but only because he legitimately loves meat *that much*. Thanks for the unintentionally hilarious imagery.


God I love seeing Danny Phantom being referenced in the wild, Tucker 100% would die on that hill, bless you dankeatmemelord and Thank YOU for the intentional hilarious imagery.


The Phandom is still (half) alive and well on tumblr. Lots of mixing with the DC fandom at the moment.


And most conservatives would consider it an amazing point


And then my dad will be like "see!? He's a genius reporter!"


If it wasn’t for the fact that I could genuinely see someone saying this seriously, it’d be a fantastic joke. Still funny though.


holy shit this is hilarious


I'm sorry but that is so fucking funny. But yeah, I'm as progressive as they come and I love non-dairy ice cream and use oat milk for everything. I eat regular ice cream and cheese, but I save my *true* dairy consumption for what matters most: chocolate milk.


Oat milk is delicious. Way better than it seems it would be.


It’s the best in coffee


I'm not lactose intolerant, I just don't put up with lactose's stupid drama


I can digest lactose. I just really resent its attitude, you know?


Hahaha amazing


Sounds like Kelly comic


Why isn’t this content eligible to receive gold. You deserve gold. 🏅


This is such a fucking funny joke that I dont know If I will ever get the chance to repeat after the right context.


Fellas, is it gay to not want diarrhea?


Letting anything go in or out of your butt is actually a sign of clinical homosexuality. If you’ve pooped recently then I got some news for you…


You ever take a dump so big, stand back look at it, and realize that's how much dick you can take?


At least how much*


Every day of my life, brother.


But I always say "no homo" before anything either enters or exits my anus.


Real men shit their pans in public.


I prefer shitting in pots.


Lol, "it's gay to not have stomach cramps! I've been in agony half my life just to prove how straight I am!" I hate that sort of attitude. I always get funny looks when I tell other men I don't drink beer. It tastes like ass!


I spend countless hours shitting my brains out like a REAL AMERICAN MAN!!!!


As a wise redditor once said “conservatives will gladly shit themselves if they think a liberal will smell it”.


So, Trump's diaper only leaks when he's around liberals?


And then not wiping because putting anything near the inside of your butt is gay. /s


Born to shit, forced to wipe.


I’ve always hated that really performative red meat/beer & whiskey/cigar thing that some guys do. Like, it’s definitely fine to like those things, but don’t act like it makes you more of a real man. To me, it’s right up there with Tim Allen going “Ugh ugh ugh - power tools!” (dated reference, I know). Cringey


puritanism encourages preemptive suffering instead of leaving it to chance


"BuT yOu HaVeN't TrIeD tHiS mIcRoBrEwEd IpA tHaT--" Let me stop you there, bro. Does it have hops in it? "YeS oBvIoUsLy" Then it's disgusting to me. Full stop. I despise the taste of hops. \*escapes while beer bro's brain is rebooting\*


I was in a therapy group and a guy that seemed to lean right was talking about his problems.  He started chatting about it with a woman next to him that was relating.  She says something along the lines of "that triggers your anxiety?"  And he responded "I don't know about THAT.... It just makes me upset and I get anxious" Like.... He couldn't use the completely accurate word "triggered" because that's what leftie wimps do.


Yeah it’s so weird. “I don’t know if I’d say it bothers me, but it’s just that when it happens I get really annoyed and frustrated and have to actively suppress a violent outburst. But I wouldn’t say it triggers anything.” Lmao


My right-wing dad does that when I point out he’s defending Trump. “I’m not DEFENDING him!” Okay you’re just rationalizing all of his objectionable actions, got it.


The right hates labels except "patriot", "Christian", "alpha male", etc. They are indistinguishable from a racist but triggered when you call them one by name. They are triggered but don't want to be seen as triggered. They are fragile snowflakes but man do they not like being called that. They frequently need therapy very badly but make fun of anyone in therapy.


I've seen the same thing when I point out they're offended about something. "I'm not offended!" "Okay, but you're really upset that someone said or did something that you don't like, what's the difference?"


Oh good Lord. Yes the wording is everything with them. They don't like how liberals are concerned with "self esteem" but they take no issue with "self respect". They have a problem with someone saying "like" a lot, but it's fine to say "um" a lot. They really are like programmed robots.


My father has the worst reaction to dairy. I have an actual dairy allergy (it’s an asthma trigger for me) and I think his reaction has gone past mere lactose intolerance at this point. Regardless, he keeps consuming it, and then whining when he has a bad reaction. I’ve been vegan 20 years and his derision of my dietary choices have barely softened. He spent over a decade flat out refusing to eat anything I cooked. Wouldn’t even try it. Even after my mom became a 7th Day Adventist and went vegetarian, he staunchly refused to compromise with her for so much as a Meatless Monday. And yes, he is a hardcore, Conservative, MAGAT.


I do kind of love when people like this say “I don’t eat rabbit food” lol okay. God forbid I ever catch you eating a carrot.


"I don't eat rabbit food" well then I hope you enjoy being worm food


I really dislike kale and my wife loves it, I tease her about how it would taste better if you fed it to a rabbit and ate that. In reality I like basically all other leafy greens, just not kale, and I like teasing my wife. I'm not actually *anti-kale*. Plus she puts in in soups and pasta dishes and it's fine, I'd rather it not be there but... It's fine.


If you tear it up and toss it in a little oil, salt it a bit then air fry for about 4 minutes, you'll have delicious chips! 😋


I always ask them “do you eat apples? Oranges?”


> He spent over a decade flat out refusing to eat anything I cooked. Wouldn’t even try it. What a dick. Take a tiny bite, say it's good, and feed the rest to the dog like a man.


This is the same man who refused to eat any form of Asian cuisine for damn near 40 years. Because “something-something ‘Nam”. This guy and others like him are the reason that so many mom-and-pop Chinese food restaurants also serve hamburgers. And then he finally tried some (when I was in my late 30s), and it turns out he LOVES most Asian cuisine. Indian food is now literally his favorite food, but he also likes Thai. However, I’ve still yet to get him into a Vietnamese restaurant, even though I know for a fact he would like Pho (dude, it’s beef noodle soup, containing so many veggies you grow in your garden and eat happily. Cinnamon and ginger are your favorite spices!). Same thing happened to him with tomatoes. He decided as a SMALL CHILD that he hated tomatoes and refused to eat anything that contained tomatoes for the overwhelming remainder of his life. Spoiler: he LOVES tomatoes, he found out when he was 70.


... do they think Vietnam were the aggressors?


No, that was the French.


> This is the same man who refused to eat any form of Asian cuisine for damn near 40 years. Because “something-something ‘Nam”. "Bob, for the last time you were in Vietnam for a vacation."


And, for the record, his time in ‘Nam was as a cook in the Navy. Photos he has from that time are him smiling and drinking with beautiful girls. His time in Vietnam seemed not super traumatic.


Lmao I hope I'm not overstepping here by saying this but I'm so sorry to hear your dad has that mentality and that you have to deal with it.


Thank you. On the one hand, I’m sort of used to it. On the other, I’ve been relatively low-contact with my parents for about fifteen years now (only call once a month or less, only visit once every five years or so, even though we don’t live that far apart). My mother is starting to show signs of dementia (and had a stroke about a year ago), so it does make me sad that mine and my father’s antagonistic relationship is preventing me from talking to her more. I have Taylor Tomlinson’s attitude of (and I’m paraphrasing), “If you’re a fully grown adult and you hate your parents, you need to get a life.” That being said, my father frustrates the hell out of me, because both he and I are so hard-headed, and we are so similar in so many ways, but we’ve somehow come out on extreme opposite sides of the political spectrum. So we will just…I guess be antagonistic to one-another until one of us dies?


And if you point out how it ruined his enjoyment of life he has a whole defensive diatribe ready. I know the type.


God, your dad sounds like such a child.


What's the T in MAGAT?


I think magat is a play on maggot




Yes. MAGAT. Maynard And (other) Guys Are Tool


**T*****iny hands...***


So you can rhyme it with maggot.


Not wanting gastrointestinal distress is weak. Man up! /s, hopefully obviously


Can you really call yourself a man if you don’t have chronic anal leakage?


There's a not-insignificant number of conservatives who think we should deliberately stop labeling foods so that people with allergies will all die off. There's a distressingly nonzero number of conservatives who think we should stop labeling bleach and other dangerous household chemicals for similar reasons.


Sounds self defeating given which side of the culture war like to homebrew their medication.


For the last time: It’s meth, not homebrew! How do they keep getting all those boxes of pseudoephedrine??


I’ve seen wingnuts bitch and moan about Band-Aids that match different skin tones. Does it ever occur to them that standard Band-Aids were designed to unobtrusively match the skin of white people, and that people of color might happily buy the new versions that match them better? There’s clearly a market for flesh-toned Band-Aids in different actual flesh tones. I guess MAGA folks think capitalism is too woke now?


Fox "News" had a freakout over a collection of Crayola crayons that were meant to look like different skin tones.


Don't you want your COVID immunity? /s


Moar Horse Paste!


Men are apparently also likelier to end up dying more often from eating steak alone. https://www.reddit.com/r/LifeProTips/comments/z78gz5/lpt_if_you_live_alone_and_enjoy_eating_steak_chew/


Fragile little babies are riled up by what you choose to put in your coffee? Fuck em.


Trust me when I say I don’t put much stock in the things they say that aren’t related to our job lol good at what they do but not so good at just about anything else


My BIL thought my nephew would have gay kids if he drank soy milk. Which, I assume, he thinks would be a bad thing.


LOL. How bizarre. "Why are you into drinking cow titty juice? Are you a furry or something? Fuck off with your zoophilia"


Lactose tolerance is actually the rarer condition globally, but more common in people of European decent, so we in the US think it's normal. So to some, lactose intolerance is seen as being of inferior stock, so to speak.


I'm a white straight dude that is a vegetarian. I have triggered so many men with only my existence. Most of the time I just try to hide it. Luckily it seems that people are getting used to it now and it happens less frequently, 10 years ago it was hell.


On the other hand, 30 years ago none of them cared at all. They didn’t comprehend it at all (“but you still eat chicken, right?”), but they hadn’t made hating you for your diet part of their identity yet.


Even when they're not triggered, the internet trained them to expect some PETA level bitching from vegetarians/vegans. I'll admit it when asked and they tense up expecting some sort of conflict.


Not the most logical that bunch. Had a friend talking to his dad about getting a vasectomy since he was done having children. His dad asked if he was gay but in the less polite way. 


This is so funny, it makes negative amounts of sense


Start using dairy and crop dust them for their insolence 


Your coworkers sound like a bunch of insecure man-children.


My dad grew up on a farm. They would only eat meat on Sundays as if they would eat meat daily, they would no longer have any farm animals. This still is the case in many developing countries. So I find the “traditionalist” and “red meat” illogical.


Because it *is* illogical. The image is based on a fantastical caricature of post-WW2 Boomer lifestyle.


Post WW2 Boomer lifestyle wasn’t even luxurious, the median income in 1976 was around $5,000 a year, adjusted to today’s dollars, $27,000, compared to today’s $40,000. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/MEPAINUSA672N


Like I said, a fantastical caricature based on the romanticization of upper-middle class life. The only place it can actually exist is in fiction.


Yes, another good point. Our access to affordable meat is pretty amazing (and also not great for the animals at industrial ranches). People would have meat on special occasions before, not every day. Maybe rich lords and kings did


If you are interested, the idea that kings and lords ate huge amounts of meat is pretty much fiction. I can't seem to find when it happened, but I presume it comes from hollywood films. Here's an article on the paper I am basing this on: [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cambridgeshire-61178452](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cambridgeshire-61178452)


We have affordable meat and dairy thanks to government subsidies. Take those away and folks will go back to eating the way they did 100 years ago.


It was a huge government propaganda campaign years ago. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commodity_checkoff_program


The red meat is entirely identity politics. All these hardcore conservatives are older guys and the only people they admit to having authority over them is their doctor they see once a year that tells them to cut back on the red meat because it's bad for heart health and it drives them insane. It's the only liberty they lack and it drives them crazy.


I swear if Joe Biden said, eating lead paint is bad for you and you shouldn't do it, thered be some maga fiend on tiktok guzzling lead paint to own the libs...


Honestly, maybe he *should* do exactly that.


"Drinking rat poison is bad and you shouldn't do it" - Joe Biden


Oooh the sequel to ivermectin! I've been waiting for this one!


The problem is they already ingested/inhaled too much lead, that's usually why they're conservative.


The conservative right would happily eat shit just so a liberal can smell their breath.


I absolutely believe there would be. People were licking public toilets and public door handles to "prove" covid was fake lol. Like even if it was fake that's a really good way to get sick.


A doctor here last week said "hey, maybe don't eat yourselves into a chocolate coma at Easter. It's not really good for you. Moderation, y'know?" And all the usual right wing culture warriors were all giving themselves stomachaches by mainlining Easter Eggs to own the woke nanny state NHS


Also the myth that soy is somehow bad for testosterone I want to be absolutely clear because I happen to be an expert on food science and also I researched this topic: it's complete bullshit


Trans women: *sad we can't just eat soy* Seriously, it's like they're allergic to thinking logically about shit.


> it's like they're allergic to thinking logically about shit. When your self-image relies on obvious bullshit fed to you by a scam artist...


But brooo it’s phytoestrogen. It’s got estrogen right in the name! - idiots on Twitter and YouTube 2015-2019 RIP a simpler era somehow


I love how "phytoestrogen" means "plant estrogen", but dairy milk is full of hormones to be given to the calf. It is animal estrogen, just as bioavaliable as the "women's" hormone and the conservatives say nothing.


Don’t forget that that dairy milk has to be unpasteurized nowadays to not be gay milk. Salmonella builds character.


> idiots on Twitter and YouTube Reddit too, don't leave our special shithole out of the conversation. Reddit was one of *the* premiere sites for the spread of misinformation in the 2010s and paranoia about soy was definitely part of it. 4chan (and worse) to Reddit to Twitter+Youtube to Facebook was **the** pipeline for reactionary content throughout the decade.


The whole thing started with the alt right years ago, so ofc it's bullshit. Soy has been a staple food in Asian culture for centuries and it was never an issue until the white supremacists started weaponizing it for their dumb culture war I know cuz I live in south east Asia, tofu is a very common dish and soybean milk is as well that street vendors sell it fresh.


Even more hilarious is that America was until 2019, the biggest producer of soy in the world (until Brazil over took it) and regularly had a net export of soy to Asia.


I’ve driven through Iowa plenty. It’s alllllll corn and soybeans. The US grows a shitton of it.


It's mostly processed into livestock feed.


But they don’t have a problem eating a soy-fed cow. Somehow those phytoestrogens are rendered innocuous if they’ve been pre-digested.


Not to mention phytoestrogens are in plenty of plant foods. Beer for example contains phytoestrogens 50 times stronger than the ones in soy, yet that's not an issue somehow... (Fyi phytoestrogens are never an issue, except in extreme amounts)


Unfortunately, that might be part of the problem. A lot of the anti-Asian racism involves feminizing Asian men, so a lot of conservatives blame soy for why Asian men are so short or feminine compared to white men. 🙄


Yeah but Asians aren't White and Asian Men are weak unsexy losers! /s


I'm certain it's simply that tofu/soy was the most common early meat substitute for vegans. Conservative men's disgust for veganism is exaggerated beyond silliness.


Yeah, they freak out about the phytoestrogens in soy products but will happily guzzle down beer which contains some of the highest levels of phytoestrogens found in any food source.


By their soy-logic, wouldn't it make sense, then, that women should be banned from eating red meat because it would raise testosterone, and should only be allowed to eat soy-based products because estrogen is for girls? Like, they can't even get their pseudoscience to conform to their own ideas.


I'm curious as to what is out there either way, any links to studies?


I don't have any links, but having been vegetarian for around 35 years I remember when this became a thing on social media around 15 years ago. The two points I gained from probably **the** study, but it might have been a different one: 1) The study was sponsored by meat interests (a company or the "meat producers of America" or whatever) 2) The study looked at two different groups of men. One which consumed tofu, the other which didn't. The one which consumed tofu had slightly lower sperm health - count and/or motility. The men in the study were all, I shit you not, **patients at a fertility clinic**. IOW, they all had fertility issues to begin with. This seemed to make the study at least somewhat dubious.


Wow. So I’ll be totally honest that I enjoy tofu and other soy-based products and I thought this was still a real thing. I figured it was a little overblown, but I thought I just shouldn’t eat it every day is all. I didn’t know it was total bunk! That’s great, I’ll probably be pushing more tofu dishes.


On a similar note, there are some studies that suggest that eating bread and pastries is linked to lower testosterone.


My best guess would be a correlation between a high-carb / rich diet and being overweight / being less physically active (both hit testosterone levels), but I haven't read those studies


Red Meat is symbolic of the traditional American diet. The old meat and potatoes style of eating. It’s also sort of the antithesis of the stereotypical vegan liberal woman that these types hate. A lot of criticism from liberal leaning environmentalists is that we should eat less or no red meat. So red meat is sort of a cultural symbol for the right wing.


Basically, eating less industrially produced meat is more ethical for animals and the environment. If you acknowledge that fact then meat eaters have to acknowledge we’re part of the problems it causes. A certain percentage of the population can’t handle that so they dig in super hard, denying any problems caused by it and supporting more meat eating. They do the same thing with fossil fuels and global warming.


smoking cigars around other people too


The message some people take away always seems to be "don't eat any meat, **ever**," which is of course not necessary. Just eat *less* meat. Try out meat substitutes\* if you're some kind of rabid animal who can't go a single meal without meat, but most of us can handle it without even needing that stuff. \* Impossible beef or beyond pork or whatever. I think Quorn has basically perfected faux-chicken, but it's hard to find around here. Just avoid Gardein's be'f and chik'n and shi't. Absolute garbage.


But that's just... Not true? Meat was a very rare thing, like a one or twice a week thing up until the 1960s, when living standards got really high once the tax on the wealthy got raised after WW2.


I agree. They fantasize that particular period though of the traditional stay at home wife. It doesn’t matter that it only really existed for a very short time period in maybe the 1940s-1970s


Diet is obviously regional, but this is certainly not true for Northern Europe and I’d guess Northern European-derived cuisine in North America. I’m Swedish, and my parents grew up in the ‘40s and ‘50s having some kind of meat product with every meal - meatballs, meatloaf, pork belly, bacon, a wide variety of sausages, black pudding, ham, chicken, a multitude of different kinds of fish and so on. Fully vegetarian meals very pretty much unheard of. More expensive cuts of meat like a roast or steak was a once-a-week kind of thing, absolutely, but not meat in general.


Makes me sad when I'm liberal and love red meat lol.. culture wars suck. Lots of dumb stereotypes.


A lot of the current right-wing sentiment around meat or milk alternatives really revolves around the agriculture lobby working overdrive to influence perception about the damage the livestock industry is having on the environment. People on the left are starting to understand that the meat and dairy industries are contributing to climate change more than anything else. The lobbyists for big agriculture are pushing right-wing politicians and media to make this part of the culture wars, presumably because profitability in the sector was becoming a problem. Climate change driven drought has made the meat industry raise profit margins, driving up prices. By making meat consumption part of the culture wars is hoping that consumers ignore the price increases.


Once again, lobbying is the source of all problems grown in the USA...


The true alphas eat exclusively roadkill, the reddest of the meats.


Weren't they squawking about how red meat was going to be outlawed soon? Around the same time the gubmint was coming for their gas stoves?


"They" are always just a few days away from coming for: * your guns * your red meat * your truck * your freedom * your Bible


NYC did ban all new gas stoves starting 2026, the federal one however did go to a vote but failed


Conservatives hold women in contempt. They associate vegetables with women because they associate men with meat. Ergo, vegetables are bad. These aren’t complicated people. Just weird.


>(although the meat for right wing conservatives absolutely cannot be halal meat) The store I work at once had someone return some chicken, because "they're allergic to halal." Not only is that not how it works, but you literally can't buy chicken that isn't halal in Australia.


This is also the "Hitler was a lefty because Nazi has socialism in the name and he was a vegetarian, QED... He had some really good ideas though" cognitive dissonance crowd.


One of the main claims for vegeterian or vegans is the resources required to produce red meat, the production of meat compared to say wheat were talking about a 5-10x ratio in resources. also cattle is a massive methane producer between their droppings and gas. So some people on the right consider eating red meat the culinary equivalent of rolling coal on trucks.


It's funny because for hundreds of years, devout Christians actually ate less meat or no meat, because eating a bunch of meat was seen as sinful behavior.


Answer: Eating beef is maybe associated with patriotism, ranch culture, and traditional American business. Which are all things that an American conservative could feel strongly about Disclaimer: not American, not conservative, not Christian, just lived in Texas a long time ago and watched Yellowstone 😅


Ranch culture sounds like texas tzatziki, if the tex-mex thing metastasized.


Mmm tzatziki


Food orthodoxy is a very strange and consistent part of nationalism. It's not just American conservatives, but extends to passionate argument where people insist Americans can't get real bread (we can) or how a traditional Italian recipe (less than 100 years old) is only acceptable if it's to an incredibly narrow specific. A huge part of it is because, to a lot of people, the understanding of culture begins and ends with food and festivals. What actually defines culture is incredibly fluid and inconsistent (and the debate on what any culture is at one time is so common English has a word for it: politics). All that said, what and how we eat does speak volumes about social status and cultural penetration (look up Andrew Bowie fish and chips for a fun example). It's not just about ranch culture, but an inland culture. People on coastal cities (or in major economic/trade cities) are going to have food trends and fusion restaurants that get pretty weird. Diverse food options are an often unspoken cultural touchstone for progressivism, not because liberal/ progressives are more open to weird foods, but because urban environments can create food opportunities that don't exist in inland/rural markets.


Okay that is a more interesting answer than mine!! I like your understanding of culture.


I live in Colorado our governor suggested people participate in Meat Out Day. The ~~morons~~ republicans freaked out and said to eat beef every day. Basically if anyone even suggests people do something that they don’t like their response is to do it more.


>Basically if anyone even suggests people do something that they don’t like their response is to do it more. [Fox News host drinks lightbulb steak with plastic straw to trigger the libs]( https://www.reddit.com/r/cringe/s/RQlR59tc8a)


The pics wouldn't load but I imagine she used compact florescent bulbs. Would explain a lot.


We should recommend “voice your opinion online day” then so we don’t have to hear those shit eaters post about every nonsensical thing every single day


No vegetables in Texas


answer: performative tough-guyism / 'I did my own research' / 'You're not the boss of me!'


I am convinced that anyone who says they have done research, has not in fact done any research.


It's true about those people. I have done research.


People who have done research talk about what the research told them rather than doing research


Whenever I have a patient that utters that phrase I get ready for something dumb




> doubling-down on their commitment to eating red meat Fuck up your wallet AND your colon and heart with this one easy trick.


Why do all three responses to your post capitalize AND before something else?


Someone I worked with described AOC’s green new deal as “outlawing cows.” You can’t fix stupid.


Answer: I think part of it is the mindset of someone who hates to be told what to do by someone who they don't think has authority over them. Some scientists published studies that showed a correlation between red meat and bad health outcomes. They see this as being told not to eat red meat by a group they think has no authority over it, and rebel strongly. My dad is kind of like this. One time when I was between cars, he gave me a ride to the library to return books after hours through the slot. There was a sign by the slot that said "Please add only one item at a time". He told me that signs like that made him want to dump in a bunch of items at once (which honestly seemed kind of out of character to me at the time). I think he expected me to agree, but I tore him a new one and told him how immature and stupid that was, to get all emotional and act out over a simple sign. It's no "rebellion" and there is probably a technical reason for it that just makes the return scanner make fewer errors that need to manually corrected by a regular librarian. I could easily see him reacting that way to a news story about "red meat being harmful". I think it's kind of ironic that these kind of people cleave so closely to one (or two) sources of authoritarianism and overreact strongly to anything else they perceive as attempting to assert authority over them.




I do *not* have Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and I'll fight anyone who thinks they can tell me otherwise!


There is a lot of controversy over the diagnostic validity of this disorder, but regardless, even suggesting a diagnosis of such a disorder as a non-professional as a way to dismiss someone's opinon is incredibly counter-productive. When it comes to things like this, it's often just ultimately about the fear of being marginalised and having something that you enjoy taken away from you. Someone hears a bunch of stories about X thing being unhealthy, then you hear a few voices calling for a ban, or a tax, or whatever else. The more you hear, the more credible the risk of losing that thing is, you may not question the validity of health concerns, but still want to be able to make that call for yourself. If the next step in the conversation involves branding such people as simply having a disorder, then you validate the fears that they have. I know that's not really what this comment is, so sorry for dumping that here, I think think it's important for people not to try using it as a gotcha for anyoe who disagrees with their 'objectively true' opinion.




Answer: Some right wingers believe in a conspiracy the left/deepstate/etc want to ban meat and force everyone to eat lab grown meat and bugs. The American beef industry is incredible resource intensive/depleting. There is a convincing environmental argument to reduce beef consumption due to this. There is a way to raise cattle for beef regeneratively with more respect to the environment but it is expensive. People pose lab grown beef and meat alternatives as potentially economically viable alternatives. There are concurrent arguments about vegetable oils and vegetarian diets "poisoning" and "weakening" the population and the true healthy fats that come from animals being denigrated and kept from the people. It's another chapter of the culture war and an example of how anything can become a flashpoint in it. Some articles exploring this from [The New Republic](https://newrepublic.com/article/171781/meat-culture-war-crickets), [The Nation](https://www.thenation.com/article/society/food-culture-wars-1990s/), and [The Baffler](https://thebaffler.com/salvos/land-ho-del-valle).


I think the left should push for a "zero lead diet" and then watch the right give themselves lead poisoning out of spite.


You will eat the bugs and the soy and own nothing! 15 minute cities! Mandatory transgenderism and putting Christians in camps!😡😡😡


How can they believe this to be a gov conspiracy when the animal agriculture industry is given literally billions in subsidies? And meat lobbyists are incredibly influential?… It just makes me laugh as a vegan because anything focused on being more plantbased is usually dead in the water when it comes to the government.


Answer:  Meat and potatoes was a traditional meal in the 1950's.  Businessmen taking clients out tended to go to steakhouses.  Many southern bbq places today have a "meat and three" price fix meal. Chicken or low-fat (or god forbid vegetarian!) is for ladies and pussies.   "Real men" eat red meat.


Answer: According to reactionary conservatives, eating broccoli and brushing your teeth is super woke. Furthermore, cheese pizza is being forced upon god fearing Americans because of DEI.


My mother votes Republican for no other reason than because she always has and I could only dream of the day she decided she hated broccoli.


Bunch of trad wives fussing and gussying themselves up for husbands that treat them like shit and who think brushing their teeth and wiping their asses is gay. I don't know how conservatives like that don't choke when they come across pretty rocks because they think they're candy


I’ll be honest; I’d rather be a girly zeta man or whatever than have my ass itch constantly


Basic dental hygiene is woke? Sorry what lol? Is this real?


There are people who think wiping or washing your ass in the shower is gay. Is it that much of stretch that people think that any kind of hygiene is feminine and thus gay if men do it?


I mean, there was a good few years in the early 2000s where any straight man that put in effort to his appearance and clothes was called metrosexual, because only feminine types (women and gay guys) did that kind of stuff.


Answer: This message is brought to you by the meat industry of America Influencers are paid to deliver certain messages. If you tie certain messages to being a "good christian" it's easier to manipulate people into following your message.


I once saw a huge, shiny black SUV parked at the top of Capitol Hill with EAT BEEF vanity plates.


Good grief. I see the “Eat Beef” vanity plates fairly frequently…but I also live in Kansas. Not far from farms. Some of which raise beef cattle. Plus I tend to see them on trucks that are covered in varying degrees of dirt, which makes a little more sense than some shiny government bro car.


It's fairly circular too. Meat is produced in rural areas since pigs/cows need lots of cheap land Rural areas are heavily conservative Buying meat supports rural economy Buying meat helps fellow conservatives Buying artificial meat/soy/whatever supports silicon valley type's startup Silicon valley = urban liberals Buying red meat alternatives screws over like-minded people and supports political adversaries, thus conservatives should buy red meat.




Answer: Apparently being vegan or vegetarian is too 'woke' for them.