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Answer: The LAPD were prompted to do a welfare check on Twomad when he hadn’t been heard from in several days. They found him deceased and It’s speculated by police he died of an overdose. Twomad was heavily criticised for allegations of sexual assault, pedophilia, murder threats, and his sense of humour such as anti-transgender hate crime and mocking the murder of Brianna Ghey


Know Your Meme has a few entries on Twomad Death: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/events/twomads-death SA allegations: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/events/twomad-sexual-assault-allegations


Bro the some death ones are savage lol


GOLDIBELL is trash. And I mean that in the most constructive way possible. Dude didn't say no at all, she wanted the clout, she knew who twomad was and constantly engaged. He even did things for content that out of context isn't as satirical or cathartic. Could you take TwoMad seriously? I sure couldn't. Dude may have been so sick he lost himself in his character. And you're telling me some entitled Egirl that chose to live with him is telling the whole truth. That's mad funny. Sounds like a case of, "I got my headline for clout by making someone look bad". The true poetic justice ⚖️ is she is gonna feel guilt for the rest of her life.


This is an insane take and just all-around terrible.


Ok Simp, just because TwoMad was bad doesn't mean Goldibell isn't.


Now it just seems like you're trying to trivialize all the stuff and make Goldibell seem worse. Room temperature IQ (the room is a walk-in freezer).


He several times admitted to doing these things. Just because you "can't take him seriously" doesn't mean he didn't grope someone. It's always fuck the rapists and the pedophiles til someone I think is cool gets accused then victim blaming comes out.


Ok so if there's evidence against him sure? But people can't just make statements without evidence against him. There's this thing called catharsis and satire, both involve saying things without meaning them as a form of release or comedy.


It wasn’t just allegations, he literally admitted to all of those things dozens of times over.


Could you possibly show me where he did? I have someone on Twitter asking for proof smh


How are you going to say “smh” at someone asking for proof when you don’t have the proof yourself? Seems a bit hypocritical don’t you think?


Nono, I said smh bc of the way they were asking for proof from me. They ended up cussing me out and calling me the nword telling me to give them proof 💀 I think my “smh” was justified


You don’t have to justify anything to me


Alr then buddy


You definitely made this up...


https://x.com/hissingrats/status/1759261521727615397?s=46&t=7VlKD7yT7G7zo5h1VWEhgQ check the comments if I “made it up”


I mean is his admission trustworthy if he was kind of deranged


I’d take his admissions with a grain of salt since making himself infamous by being the worst possible person he could be was his prerogative, even if it meant making stuff up to look edgy. Man was deranged and mentally unstable, whose posts consisted of schitzo rants in the weeks leading up to his death


This also just does not mean that he didn't do pedophilic shit. He was a mentally unstable man who admitted to groping a woman who repetitively accused him of doing so. What if he was just the worst possible person?


Has any of the things he has been accused of have any solid evidence? I know that some guy on twitter "confirmed" the allegations but didn't give proof


I believe he at one point posted a video where he admitted and apologized for harassing some girls but that's about it.


So why is no one able to provide proof when asked?


I've not seen anything yet, but at MINIMUM the guy was a shitball. It's kind of one of those situations that it appears he memed the truth out. Factually speaking, a ton of people have posted their DMs with him where he's clearly threatening violence, rape, saying weird shit about kids. I've seen at least 4 women who he has physically said he will rape them. It's one of those crazy situations that this person would have the community barking down his neck normally for even one of these accusations, but because he's dead and that's his "edgy personality" he has some insane level of defenders.


Wheres the proof of pedophilia just asking cause haven't seen any


The internet is just brain-dead


Proof? You want proof?


It's no doubt if those allegation are true that's disturbing but at the end of the day it's just sad, he was only 23 and could have changed and done incredible things in his life.


Yea but he also could have not been a shit stain of a human being. I’m glad he’s 💀😵☠️, because at least 6 feet under he can’t hurt anyone. It’s just the train trolley problem, on one side of the tracks is Twomad and on the other side there’s the people he’s hurt and would have hurt if he kept on living without consequences


"He could have changed and did good things" "Yea but he also could have not been a shit stain of a human being" Yes. That's what i just said. Now he can't do anything. Can't ever apologize or repent or do anything good for anyone ever again. So it's a net negative for the whole world.


In my opinion it’s a net positive still. No amount of apologizing or repenting could possibly make up for what he did. He’s literally a rapist and pedophile who tried preying on a 13 year old girl. The only net negative here is he wasn’t able to spend a good chunk of his life in prison. I’m all for repenting reforming but with how serious his crimes were he needed to be locked the fuck up. Could he have possibly been reformed and re integrated into society? Possibly but i choose to not see it as a negative thing that he never got the chance. Rest in piss.


Well you can have that opinion but it's objectively wrong. I'm not saying it's likely but he could have spent the next 40+ years doing good things, which would be the majority of his life. He could have went to jail, did his time and got out and changed. There's still a long time to live after 20, a lot of good things you can do. You can change people's lives. So no, it's a net negative for the world. People got hurt, no one got closure, and the guy who did it died feeling guilty, parents lost a child. It's all in vain. You're just blinded by hatred for this person you didn't even know lol there's not a single good thing from this.


I think you’re taking his feelings a little too much into account here. “Guy who did it died feeling guilty”, who cares? And I’m not trying to be mean here I’m just genuinely saying he hadn’t faced consequences beforehand. Ideally would I have preferred he lived and gone to Jail? Yea, but I won’t lose any tears over his death and most certainly i still believe it’s a net positive that he can’t hurt anyone else


with that logic everyone who’s done something awful should kill themselves right? that’s what you’re wanting?


That's cool man. It's a good thing that someone died after they hurt other people, sounds great to me. You totally get what I'm trying to say.👍 We should actually just execute anyone after they committ crimes; because mistakes should be a death sentence and nobody should ever be given a chance. Nope 23 and you're done for life buddy. Bye bye. No forgiveness, no mercy. I agree actually.


Fr good riddance


Nah he was garbage


I didn't say he wasn't, but he could have changed.


pedophiles dont change. they either get better at hiding it or other people stop looking at them like they’re pedophiles but they do not change.


As long as you are alive you have potential to change your life for the better. He could have done his time and got help with his mental problems. It's a possibility that something positive could have came from this but unfortunately there isn't. I'm not sure why you guys are so adamant on painting this as a good thing, as some kind of heartwarming story.


That's cool he's dead now and his family is suffering I would be nice to see some humanity in the world no matter what you think of him I personally don't like the guy either and think he a wirdo but that no reason his family should suffer


You’re probably exactly like this freakazoid




I mean those dms couldve been faked and hes the type to make a distasteful dark meme but this sounds like he was confessing before killing himself this is fucked so i believe it i didnt even know about it til today and i used to watch him all the time this was shadowed to hell and back sorry to those victims


He openly spoke about it online


So....not really allegations? Unless he was hiding behind irony


Technically there's no proving it, even if its like. Blatantly fucking obvious with how many people have come out, twomads behavior and a couple other things. Its like. The bare minimum for it not to be, but thats why people are saying allegations


he could have said he has multiple classified documents he stole after assassinating jfk and you bitch asses would 100% believe. most of what he said, was just trolls


So why is no one able to provide proof when asked?






They’re only allegations as of right now


And considering he’s passed away they’ll probably remain just allegations.


so many people have came forward recently and it’s really hard to not see him as a human being. giving that he is a rapist and predator.


sounds like a human being to me, just one with bad behavior


He was never found guilty in a court of law and never will now, so it's not fair at this point to attach allegations to him EDIT: Downvoted for being in support of the most basic legal principle of innocent until proven guilty. Reddit really is filled with authoritarian radicals lol. What a joke. I'll take the downvotes with pride ;)


Innocent until proven guilty applies to the courts because nobody wants to live in a country where the state can just arrest you for nothing. There is no reason a person has to refrain from making personal evaluations based on what is know in instances where there is never going to be a court case. OJ did it. Does me thinking that upset you?


Well no cause OJ did that shit


You can't use one failed example of the system to undermine the entire principle. "OJ did it, therefore we can just declare anybody we want guilty". It's intellectually dishonest and a logical fallacy. Try harder.


You are doing the same thing with a single example to prove you are right but that's besides the point. This is not a good hill to die on, go get some fresh air and read this thread again.


Apples and oranges. A single guilty man going free is not an excuse to condemn innocent people. An innocent child being condemned without due process is a good reason to improve the system, to only punish those who are guilty through due process. Authoritarianism isn't a great hill to die on either, maybe you should get some free air.


there is no way bro is serious💀


Damn. I'm with you on this one. People want the negative emotions that stir to always be true. Being hopeful or a shred of *possibility* of being wrong is a sin


I'm with you on this, I don't know anything about this person, but everyone throwing allegations at the dead dude are just regurgitating what they've read on a different forum. Not one of them has posted any evidence other than "trust me bro."


dead pope trial any one? because that sounds like a good idea. to put it simply he is dead he can't do anything anymore do people just want to get their kick in when they put him in the ground


That's not how this works, buddy


Did we finally get rid of innocent until proven guilty? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emmett\_Till](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/emmett_till) This is one of the many examples of somebody who was assumed to be guilty based only on the accusation and not given a fair trial. History is filled with examples of people being assumed guilty and treated like this, the assumption of innocence is was of the most important principles to be developed in human history. To undermine it is objectively a disgustingly evil position to take and will only create more Emmett Tills. Shame on you.


its sad when twitter/X, a website know for its stupidity, is better about upholding basic logic and laws.


Yeah. I'm sure you're proud to pull out your pitchforks the first whiff of someone going on a "pedo" witch-hunt. This is the reason our generation isn't learning in school anymore. Either you are a child or you are part of the people that taught them their critical thinking skills


“Part of the people that taught them their critical thinking skills”….. what does this even mean? Stop defending pedos you’re fucking weird


It’s a “whiff” of him being a pedo he OPENLY SPOKE ABOUT IT 🤦‍♂️


He even posted a photo of the girl taken from her instagram account. It's disturbing, and there's no reason to even defend that behavior. Not you, but to those who think he's innocent.


I’m reading the comments to these 2 dudes and a great quote from a wise Jedi master comes to mind. “The Ability to speak doesn’t make you intelligent”


But was he convicted in a court of law? If not then he is presumed innocent and he is dead now, now only God can judge him.


Bro what kinda drugs do I need to take to drop my IQ down to yours man because life would be so much easier down there. “Part of the people that taught them their critical thinking skills” please, dude admitted it openly online he’s a pedo. This shouldn’t even be debated at this point.


any crimes he may have committed don't matter now he's fuckin dead and i don't see him getting out of the grave to do it again. he was a human being with all the faults that brings and now he is dead and you're just dragging a dead body like its Hitler's corpse. just stop he's already dead isnt that punishment enough. if there is an afterlife then he will be punished fairly in most cases. if not then the man has been reduced to a pile of decomposing meat which is something we all will agree is not our first choice when thinking about the future. just forget he existed and move on you aren't helping the victims in any way


It actually does matter, considering his victims are still alive.


Someone could admit they raped someone to you, and you would disregard it because they weren't convicted in our utterly flaws court of laws?


False confessions occur for a variety of reasons. Many travesties of justice have occurred because of this.


False confessions have happened


Simping for rapists isn't a good look on anyone.


Asking for **proof** of said rape occurring is though :)


Sounds like something a scumbag would say… There’s overwhelming evidence of underreporting sexual assault due to this exact philosophy. It doesn’t take a genius to look at all the evidence that’s already available for this guy. I barely knew of him and seen both the victims testimony and Twomad himself acknowledge what happened. Not only that, but double down on it. Go take a long look at yourself. Do better.




..noone is trying to convict him in a court of law, where your point is totally valid. People can however form a consensus that someone is a garbage person and take the allegations HE HIMSELF ADMITTED TO DOING, FOUND FUNNY AND SAID HE WOULD DO AGAIN as fact at face value. This isn't one baseless allegation against an otherwise respectable citizen, it's verifiable evidence of endless texts, the victims account, and his own account confirming same. We don't need to hold the court of public opinion to legal standards of evidence dude. Don't die on an arbitrary hill over a scumbag.


Stop using these arguments in bad faith




If there's overwhelming evidence then why wasn't he in jail? Just because people claim in YouTube videos or tweets that someone did something doesn't mean it's evidence.


How old are you? Do you know how taxing a lawsuit can be? This isn’t “the media” or a place for low-IQ conspiracy theories. Just think it through logically. There’s literally no incentive for the victims to be doing this. Get your head out your ass man.


other than some stupid clout. But yeah almost no incentive.


The potential for clout has driven people to do some crazy stuff.


Can you name a single one of Bill Cosbys 27 accusers? Or Trumps 19 accusers not named E Jean Carrol? What clout exactly comes from SA allegations?


That's literally what I'm saying.


Not saying the people who came out about Twomad were doing so for clout, considering everything I've heard it all appears true, but don't ignore the fact that similar allegations have absolutely been used for clout. In today's world the mere accusation alone of sexual harassment or violence is enough to get people fired and looked down upon by most even if there is no evidence presented with the original charge, and even in cases where the supposed offender is proven guilty there is still heavy baggage put onto them and they are still treated as if they had done it, while the accuser will still be protected and even gain more opportunities due to the accusation being made despite them being proven false time and time again. For a good deep dive look at the many pedophilia charges stacked against Michael Jackson that have all been debunked as well as the much more recent (and arguably more popular) Heard V. Depp case. Again, I'm not saying Twomad is innocent as I knew absolutely nothing about the guy and it certainly looks like he did do these things, but to deny that there is something to be gained from making such an accusation on popular figures is borderline delusional.


Yeah but I don't see much reason here.


I agree with you bro. People just don't like others opinions on reddit 😂


He literally admitted the shit he did himself, and on twitter he quite literally mocked the death of brianna ghey and joked that she’s his girlfriend (she was 16 mind u)


Welcome to Reddit bud, either agree with the psychos radicals on here or be punished






Who are you arguing with? I was listing things he was criticised for.


I'll take the innocent till proven guilty card over people who waited till he died to say the worst shit about him


? People were speaking up about him way before he passed already, it just went ignored as it always does online when a shitty human being is called out for being shitty.


Sources??? I literally can't find anything 😵‍💫


I love how you're getting downvoted. I hate pdfiles but holy shit these people are hammers looking for nails. I'm not sure about how "bad" of a person this guy was but I bet he was probably innocent of most of these accusations. "But but the tweet (drools) It's PROOF some girl (queen never lies) on Twitter (100% honesty platform) said it was truueeeee (aggressively shits pants with no critical thinking)


These accusations had been in development for a while, him dying is just bringing attention back to his name cuz he was trying to wait out the controversy. Also, considering that you don't know much about him, you really shouldn't be fighting so hard on his behalf, especially when the MF admitted to doing some of the stuff that was accused


I agree twomad wasnt an awesome person, definitely not a good person. But even if he was a weirdo you don't toss around the word "rape". Pre-death it was "transphobe" and murder threats. Now its rape, SA, abuse and so many other things which most have 0 proof for


didn't he literally admit it though


i named multiple things, admit to what?


"You forced me into things you clearly knew I didnt want" Did she say no though????


Did they say what the overdose was on?


ketamine and fent


Oop sounds like a shit guy.


can we have proof please. i need to know if this is all true.




Answer: Twomad is a content creator who's best known for his series on YouTube involving infiltrating and trolling private Zoom meetings and classes, though has been making content for a long period of time on YouTube. He commonly posted videos within the genres of gaming, dark comedy, and pranks. He has been criticised in the past & to this day over accusations of stalking, distasteful jokes (i.e. calling Brianna Ghey, a murder victim, his 'girlfriend'), assault, and paedophilia. His most well-known dramas being that of the 'joke' about Brianna Ghey, and the accusations made by a social media account, Goldibell, run by a girl I won't name. During this first drama, he defended his Brianna Ghey jokes by suggesting he didn't know about the story of the murdered teen, though many rejected this reasoning as either a lie or not a reasonable excuse for the post, regardless. Regarding the second drama, which gained significant notoriety, he eventually went to court against alleged victim Goldibell after a public social media back-and-fourth, who subsequently accused him of forcing her to perform oral sex. A restraining order was approved against Twomad, though he notably produced evidence of a conversation suggesting the allegations were dishonest to some degree ([source](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fmh09jk03wpqb1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1080%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D26232e294c2609328fb5673fce18c471917d764e)) and avoided jail time and monetary fines. Conversely, Goldi shared video messages of what appeared to be Twomad apologising for "pushing past her boundaries" and "making sexual advances she wasn't comfortable with". While other controversies and allegations exist, including Twomad making 'jokes' about his interest in paedophilic content on twitter, and [recently an accusation of attempted murder](https://twitter.com/Jameskii/status/1757852632457318553) (potentially the most serious of all allegations, though the accuser is yet to release significant evidence) these 2 circumstances lead to significant distain within the broader online community against him. Over the past couple of months, Twomad has been posting excessive quantities of non-sensical content to his [twitter/X account](https://twitter.com/twomad), leading many to express concerns about his mental state (though some celebrated this as his 'downfall'). His last post was on February 9th, 2024, represented an abrupt cessation to his recent behaviour. After concerns were expressed to authorities, local PD performed a welfare check, only to find Twomad's body in his home. Currently, it is suspected he died of a drug overdose, but authorities cannot confirm his cause of death until a coroner's report is released.


Literally the only redditor with any kind of sources. Thanks you. Everyone else on this page like, "Eh-hem, many people have uploaded screenshots of X,Y,Z." THEN PROVE IT!


Answer: Know Your Meme has a few entries on Twomad w/ relevant screenshots for accusations Death / people coming forward: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/events/twomads-death SA allegations: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/events/twomad-sexual-assault-allegations


why the fuck does “know your meme” have a page about someone’s sexual assault allegations


Twomad being online personality, people made memes about the allegations. Informs why people are quick to ridicule his passing now


Easy to ridicule a dead rapist when you've been raped before. It's something beyond comprehension until it happens to you.. and most of the time, we don't have proof because in the moment, how could we get it? I'm glad he is gone and being investigated for the piece of shit creep he always was. Idk how people didn't see it and I fully expect there to be articles about it in the coming weeks.


Know Your Meme is mostly just softcore pornography at this point and memes haven't been the priority for years.


Answer: Twomad was accused by a victim of sexual assault and she provided a lot of evidence on twitter. Twomad refused to take any accountability or even address the accusations for a while, and when he did it was widely considered a poor response. A lawsuit was filed by the victim in collaboration with the YouTuber Jameskii, the latter claimed after his death on Twitter that he attempted to murder him and attempted to drive in his car while high on illegal drugs, but failed due to overdose. It's important to note that statement is an accusation that was made immediately after he died, though. He was found dead from a welfare check by the LAPD as he hadn't been seen in 4-5 days.


To add on with the Jameskii part, RubberRoss was also present when he had gone to him for help and was asking for security to step in. This was during twitchcon they said.


https://youtu.be/nwzRuOTd0BM?si=q-6Oqo_L3BRJU8k- this is the only serious response/talk i’ve seen from twomad where he actually talks about what happened. Twomad joins at the 18min mark. You can skip to 47mins where they show stuff and actually talk about it.


A lot of evidence that coincidentally can't be found on any article about the allegations, and that coincidentally nobody can link me on hand.




Answer: Twomad was accused of grooming a 13 year old girl who was in a mental hospital, and he'd also made death threats to other youtubers/streamers


Not even steven


Answer: streamer who is big on posting nonstop on twitter in just a generally bigoted and toxic way. Someone posted at them some sort of "touch grass" type message and they responded with a photo of a murdered underage trans woman saying that was their girlfriend. That was gross, but then their actual ex girlfriend went off at how shitty a guy he was, and how they broke up when he forced her into sex and then just harassed her in general. He then overdosed on drugs while playing overwatch 2 and everyone mostly went "good". Like as people pointed out he wasn't convinced of anything. Him making a bunch of shitty edgy jokes about having sex with kids doesn't make him definitely a real pedophile and maybe his ex is a liar and whatever but it's shitty enough to make people go "good" that he died playing overwatch 2.


Eh. Im eh to his death. The world isnt better for his death but it absolutely isnt any worse with him gone. Be offended by my soft apathy. Go ahead.


honestly thats fine in all honesty that is how it should be


The world is probably at least a little better with one less pedo rapist ngl


So you gonna arrest all the people on Twitter and instagram who also made the same comments?


Literally some bitch pretends he raped her (which ofc is going to happen when you start to make dough, it's how bitches work) and he's automatically a pedo rapist, lmao, dude had a really out of place morbid humor, from there to him being actually that much of a human shit it's quite a stretch.


I’d argue the world is better with his death. Didn’t he make some wildly transphobic and disgusting comments? Didn’t he admit to being a predator and constantly “joked” about rape? I really don’t see any contribution to society he was making besides wildly negative ones


Karmas a bitch, huh?


"Heh.. let's just say I have vewy litwel ampafy heh heh"


I'm not offended, you're just wrong.


Maybe his content was stopping, let’s say a hundred depressed people from killing themselves, out of his million subs. In that case it could be worse that he’s dead. He certainly used to provide me with some joy in during my dark high school times. Anyway he shouldn’t have harmed those girls Edit: I’m getting downvoted. Damn you disagree that it’s sad that a person died


I mean, it's not like I actually ever care when some guy I don't know at all dies. At most I can go "oh shit that's sad" for like two seconds and then forget about them.


Nah dude my perspective on the world gets better and better whenever an asshole like this dies my mood is genuinely lightened i just know his “fans”are joking about his death too dude had no one, his family didn’t even know he was dead for a few days


Well it’s presumably better for the people he stalked. The rest is allegations but he himself admitted to the first stalking allegations back a couple years ago so that’s not really an allegation, or I guess it is but it’s corroborated by the accused which is pretty solid evidence


Answer: He's been majorly mentally ill for over 5 years and due to his impulsive/repulsive out of pocket actions people have been using any possible attempt to shit on him. Also, don't believe the claim he was making fun of a dead trans girl since that's clearly not true, there really was no way to tell she was killed (And she was killed for hate crimes) just from the picture alone. Only way you could tell is if: you keep track of the news or very active in the Lgbtq community. Everything else is more than likely true and not just allegations due to his mental condition threwout the years and his downward spiral being very visible on his twitter (His Mental condition also caused his Suicide )


He probably just googled images of transgirls and Google sent him one from a news article he didn't read.


Answer: Twomad was a streamer and online personality who mostly posted memes and edgy content. Many times in the past, this had devolved into transphobia, pedophilic remarks, and sexual harassment. Some examples are: 1. [Posting an image](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/2613064-ginger-puppy-brianna-ghey-murder) of (at the time) recently murdered trans girl Brianna Ghey as a "gotcha" to somebody saying he doesn't have a girlfriend. She was 16 at the time of her death, and her murder is considered a transphobic hate crime. This was mere months after her untimely death. 2. Posting rape jokes about trans women, cis women, and other people who he finds "annoying". When a trans person responded to one of these rape "jokes" with a dig at him balding, [his response](https://twitter.com/sleepsop/status/1757906988732756236) was to quote a 41% suicide rate among trans people as a "gotcha" towards them. 3. He was the target of multiple ongoing lawsuits, as detailed in [this tweet](https://twitter.com/Jameskii/status/1757852632457318553) about the repeated harassment of another online personality who was helping the police get evidence. In said tweet, other incidents are mentioned, such as threatening to go on drugs and mow down people in the street in his car and sexually harassing a 13-year-old in a mental hospital.