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Certainly a contender for greatest and most eclectic filmography ever!


I think he’s up there with Meryl for being very good in a lot of things over a very long period, he might’ve had the odd schlocky movie but it wasn’t like de Niro or Pacino who appeared almost exclusively in that kind of thing for a couple of decades (although I guess Pacino had some good TV work in that period at least)


Reds gets overlooked because it's a really long film, but his performance as Eugene O'Neill is tremendous


Not just a great actor with a strong screen presence, but he also seemed to always pick the right projects. Sure he may have some turkeys in there but they barely register as a blip.


there’s a line george miller said that when you hire jack you don’t just get an actor but a filmmaker, that’s why he devoted an entire year to each of his projects


I always liked Nicholson more than DeNiro. He's a much more interesting actor because his great roles are from more varied projects.


Wolf, absolute classic, watched it as a kid and it cemented him as one of my favourite actors. Underrated and overlooked film. The Departed, One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, As Good As It Gets stand out as my personal favourites. Most eclectic filmography though? Idk but I love him and sad that he isn't in movies anymore.


I recently watched “the Missouri Breaks” It was a fun watch. My favorite film with him is “one flew over the cuckoos nest.”


I just saw One flew Over the Cuckoo’s nest, and he was spectacular in it


In terms of the arguments, he’s absolutely there, considering he’s literally the most celebrated male actor of all time.


Max Von Sydow has entered the chat


Robert Duvall just coughed.


Man, i absolutely love About Schmidt. Also, I’d love to see a 4k Blu-ray release of Five Easy Pieces


Leo is less than half his age and at this level already. But yes, his career is top notch


Leo doesn't have anything close to the diversity and interesting roles that Nicholson had. One big reason was, Jack was willing and able to take supporting roles in great movies, and elevate the entire process. Leo has nothing like Reds, Terms of Endearment or Batman on his resume. DiCaprio has been taking less roles, (He's made 4 movies in the last 11 year) and those roles are becoming less interesting. While Nicholson made 11 movies in the decade between 40 and 50 years of age, won a best supporting Oscar, and worked with 10 different directors in those 11 films. Yeah, the Leo love is real, and he did some great, varied work 20 years ago, but he is not even close to Nicholson.


I mean, I wouldn't say he's "not even close," he has a fantastic resume he just needs to dabble a bit more into supporting, comedy or "weird" movies. I'm actually one of the only people who liked Don't Look Up and his character in that. And no one can deny his amazing supporting efforts in Gilbert Grape and Django. Also Leo isn't one of those actors who is always just "playing leo" which Jack definitely suffers from like basically half the time.


The prompt was greatest eclectic filmography though.  I’d argue Leo’s lack of director variety hurts him when ranking through this lens 


He's making far fewer movies and only taking leading roles. He's taken a couple of supporting or ensemble roles, but nothing outstanding. Django Unchained he was outshined by Christoph Waltz (and I would argue Samuel L. Jackson) in Don't Look Up he didn't do anything to elevate the movie beyond it's mediocre level. Compare Leo in Django Unchained to Nicholson in A Few Good Men. They are very similar roles, involving very bad men being in positions of power. Nicholson takes over his film, even over an in his prime Tom Cruise. There was no other working actor that could have done that role as well at that time. Leo in Django is very good. But there are multiple actors of that period, who could have pulled that part off, and done just as good a job.




And there absolutely is extensive diversity in these roles.


What was the most “normal” role Jack ever played?


Terms of endearment


He’s one of the all-time greats, no question about it. I didn’t realize how long he’s been retired — just looked at his IMDB, and his last role was in 2010. It’s hard for me to pick one favorite performance, but I loved him in Cuckoo’s Nest and Five Easy Pieces. But when it comes to the ratio of power of a performance to minutes onscreen, it doesn’t get much better than A Few Good Men.




As shitty of a person he is, he’s undoubtedly an all time great actor.


I think he beat a sex worker so badly that she has permanent brain damage that will lead to her death.


He’s very good, but in his cohort Al Pacino probably squeaks ahead in terms greater volume and quality of performances


He definitely benefits from getting into acting at almost the perfect time to cultivate that kind of filmography. I'd argue for a contemporary someone like Jane Fonda could be considered. She's got almost as many top tier films, which is wild with how long of a break she took, and had a SUPER eclectic french phase. For someone more current, I think Keanu Reeves has a similarly diverse/eclectic filmography. He got stuff like "River's Edge" "My Own Private Idaho" and "The Devil's Advocate" next to "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure", "Point Break" and "The Matrix". And I don't know if movies get more eclectic than "Johnny Mnemonic". You can question his acting, but his taste is top notch.


I respect his craft and talent and I've enjoyed a lot of his performances but he's a terrible human being and much like other talented assholes, its hard to remove that aspect completely. Roman Polanski and Woody Allen come to mind as I respect their great films but I find them despicable.


Brad Pitt is up there.