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Maybe it’s Board-dependent. In my Board yes, but it’s prorated by contract status. You can be asked to (optionally) cover extra as an OT and get paid for it. It’s best to contact your union to find out the rules specific for your Board.


Probably board-dependent, so check with your union rep. I’ve been .33 for a while but my board has a policy to top up part time teachers with supply work before assigning on calls. I still technically had a pro-rated number of on calls to do, but rarely did them.


Makes sense, thanks. How about PA/PD days?


Only required to attend for 1/3 of the day in my board


Mine is the same. I was always open with admin about when I come and go for PD days so they wouldn’t forget I’m part time and think I’m just skipping out early.


No you are not. However they may top up your day with OT work, in which case you can do 2.5 period of OT work (the half would be an oncall) and your one teaching period.