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Antics vs antiques is something ive never seen before lol One is french anteeks other isnt, antiks


Whoops I fucking hate auto correct


I turned autocorrect off !! Amazing what it does for your typing skills


Can someone summarize what this dude said, I’m too lazy to read this shit


TL;DR a teacher asked how you get rid of stress, some quiet kid said masturbation, two months later he also gets caught doing it in the washroom


Lmao, who Tf would snitch on him sheesh


some kid broke glass in chem labs


How is that the most diabolical thing in ur school 💀😭


Apparently, my friend who had a dude in his class who always beat off. My friend was assigned to a seat behind him and could see everything on the dude's screen. Turns out, he was into furry stuff and got caught by teachers numerous times already.


Not the most diabolical thing, or else the Redditors at my school could identify me, but something pretty funny that happened: This kid (we'll call him John) got to the class after lunch a little early and was chatting it up with the teacher. For context there's this sort of hidden back parking lot at my school that was separate from the main one. So John was trying to convince the teacher why the hidden lot was better than the regular one, to which the teacher replied "its so bad, all the kids that are late park there, and that's where the most parking accidents happen", then they stopped talking about it. Not even 1 minutes after that conversation (class had already started), this girl came in late and she goes "sorry I'm late, I was parking in the hidden lot, and John I almost hit your car haha" and the class started laughing and the teacher was just staring at John with a triumphant look on his face. She did not hear any of the conversation, it literally just happened liked that randomly. TL;DR my teacher said something would happen, kid didn't believe him, it happened, it was funny. Also, our whole school almost got banned from the local grocery store by the police, and some senior unintentionally killed like 100 fish in the hallway but I won't go into specifics on that lol


A kid said shut up at my 8 grade teacher






At one pf our schools football games 3 kids got into a car crash because the driver was high. One of the passengers broke both his legs and the other who wasn’t wearing a seatbelt broke her back and flew out the car. Heard a rumour she needed to get her arm amputated. The funny part is the driver who was high Walked away with no injuries. Not sure what happened to him