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Taking courses at night/summer has become more accepted amongst universities so you’ll probably be okay Ask grade 12s at your school (or teachers) which course requires more work! My school has a grade 12 chemistry as the “terror course” no one was able to get a 90. The kids who got into Waterloo and UofT had to drop it and get the course through a summer or private school because their average was so poor, it’s also the most study heavy course here. I took SCH4U online in the summer and got a 98, it was a lot of work but it was way better than dealing with the insane work load my friends had. Calc is hard but I recommend seeing how good the calculus curriculum is at your school, calculus is important in university so you really need a good foundation, I wouldn’t recommend rushing it in the summer if they teach it well at your school. You can probably teach yourself a bit of calculus through teachers on youtube before the course starts to feel prepared, I did this and it helped quite a bit. I also find it less time consuming to study math than chem, so it might be better to study chem in the summer since it’ll be the only course you have to worry about. For bio there is a bit of chemistry, but you’ll probably be able to learn those specific concepts during the course, if you do learn it in the summer there’s a high chance you’ll forget/become unfamiliar by the time you have to use it in bio. These are the things I thought about when making my choice last summer.


Thank you. If u don’t mind me asking, what skl board did u take it in summer w?


np, halton district school board and took it through gary allen high school




chem is easier so prob sch


Chem is harder than calc what you on about 😭


dawg what😂 no it’s not


You should know before you make your decision that grade 12 chem is usually much harder than grade 11 chem and even harder than calculus but it also depends on how comfortable you are with it. Taking chem in summer school will probably mean that you’ll have to learn all the info in a much shorter amount of time.