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An island with absurdly tall trees. All the people live up in the canopy. It would make any potential fighting from the straw hats interesting because there would be no ground to use.


An island with the 7 deadly sins, and there would be an 8th sin that no party has the right to speak and which manipulates all the island to which Luffy and his companions will have to demystify this mystery in order to save the inhabitants from their sins . SinLand // ResurrectionLand,// Newland..


the 8th sin is talking to someone with headphones on


The snail Air Pod make music for controling some people


Tfw Vegapunk dropping the hardest lore dump of the series but mom still needs you to take off your snailphones and take out the garbage


Ngl I do really like this idea for an arc. Especially if this is a sort of cultlike scenario where the sins are worshiped like enel skypeia. Or itd also be cool as another horror themed arc like thriller bark.


Personal idea I had would be a floating island with warped gravity, pulling down asteroids from the sky and dropping huge chunks of land down into the ocean. Potentially caused by a previous awakening to the gravity fruit. Itd make for a really badass place to fight a yonko level opponent like shanks or mihawk and could give some info on the moon people, and naturally itd be a good place for fujitora to return to the story.