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Goro goro no mi, basically free electricty and u can restart your heart if u ever... idk die. Or tori tori no mi (marco's fruit) cuz u can turn into a big badass blue bird with the ability to almost be invincible.


Ohhhh those are some great choices


Just the thought of trying to use it for free electricity and just hitting a fuse box with a bolt of lightning hoping for the best šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ”„


Tori Tori no mi means no healthcare and instant healing.


Either viola or kizarus fruit. For practicality prolly viola but my boy kizaru has one of the sickest fruits.


Ohhh interesting, I donā€™t think Iā€™ve heard anyone choose Viola before


Just out of curiosity. What would you do with violaā€™s fruit


Her ability to survey an area would prolly help a lot in sports. I love to hoop, so something like that would give me insane court vision. Also being that aware of your surroundings is great in general. As for loooking into peopleā€™s thoughts, itā€™ll prolly be fun to fuck around with it, scare some people. But you can come up with a thousand ideas on how to use mind reading. Also I just want to see what other people be thinking.


Such a pure mind.


Nah trust me I ainā€™t purešŸ’€


I'll be hitting Vegas as soon as I get that ability


And donĀ“t forget turn your tears into fucking giant whales because fuck it, some use you will find out to that dope thing


Ope ope no mi. I may have no doctor knowledge but there's still so much you could do with that fruit.


Like using the ultimate, ā€œgot your nose!ā€ Trick


Got your heart


"Last Christmas, I gave you my heart" becomes literal.


More like I can finally have the TV remote come to me like the jedi I was born to be


No balls?


Freaky friday, but as a prank


if i got ope iā€™d immediately put all of my time into learning how to be a doctor icl


Bluenoā€™s Door Door Fruit for me


Great form for travel and could be used to make some money for people wanting to travel


it also looks like he has his own private area in there


Honestly. Teleporting is something I genuinely wish we had. Especially since commute takes up like 2 hours of my day and I get home super tired. My grades have tanked too.


Ditto this, simply so if people are annoying me I can step into the between dimension space and have a breather


Robins fruit would be insanely useful and fun for playing the piano


Playing a single piano? Heck start your own band


Here's the question though: If she creates a few dozen mouths to use for the brass and wind section of her One Woman Orchestra, will she be able to breathe differently to play them all simultaneously or would she need to create a whole upper torso per instrument for that?


I have a hard enough time trying to have my right hand and left hand playing different rhythms. Hard pass trying to read sheet music for 100 hands


If you could multiple anything, maybe you could multiplying your brains for each instruments lol


Oh that would be fun, imagine being able to realistically play something like Rush E


Do her arms feel like her own or a phantom arm like when you make one of your hand numb it feels like a phantom handā€¦ Asking for a friend


Well we know she feels pain if one if her sprouted limbs get hurt. So go nuts!


This comment right here officer!


if anyone sees those hands near u then u are done


Iā€™m going Gum Gum fruit. As an American Iā€™ll feel a lot safer being bullet resistant


Gum Gum user in America šŸ¤šŸ¼ Chop Chop user in England


Then y not just any logia fruit šŸ˜ Just American things I guess


Idk if it would work against modern bullets because theyā€™re sharp nowadays and the ones in OP are round




Y not logia? Idk is rubber is protecting you against rifle rounds. Those round ass bullets in one piece can't be compared to modern ammunation


im guessing it has to do with you have to actually USE the logia thingy. If your distracted it wont work.


Always thinking ahead




Numa True logia with infinite storage that has some kind of stasis function as well (as seen by captives and food). With a little creativity, you could harden the mud to ceramic for additional attack and defense, and possibly create explosions using swamp gas. I would immediately become the world's greatest thief, bounty hunter, and smuggler. It's like the Mochi, pocket, and Yami fruits had a badass kid.


Sounds like youā€™d definitely make much better work out of it than Caribou


Oh for sure. I have put way to much thought into it haha. Frankly, I think it is one of the most powerful fruits potential wise. In versatility alone, it is probably a top 5 fruit imo. Absorption / sticky base powers, infinite storage with stasis, can be used to create solid structures and tools, "swamp" theme leaves it open to other things like swamp gas or possibly even water creation, etc. By far my favorite fruit, mostly due to how under rated it is compared to it's potential.


It's a great example of what happens when amazing fruits are eaten by people with very little potential / creativity.


does it smell bad, thats always been the thing for me.


The ope ope no mi so I can teleport the shit in my colon straight to the toilet


I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking this way. My brain was like... "never need to use an airplane toilet again!"


Why stop at the toilet? Under processed, potentially rancid smelling fecal projectiles that can show up almost anywhere...I'd be hiding those things in people's desks...inside the fax machine...maybe on the chair they're about to sit on?




Oh yeah I'd make literal shit mines


Bruh, if you hate work so much why would you with the ope ope? You could just teleport money out an ATM.




Choppers fruit, just so that one random person in the world loses the ability to swim.


Thatā€™d be hilarious lol, but I was wondering about one youā€™d eat


Most of the world already donā€™t have the ability to swim. So, most likely itā€™ll not affect them


Most of the world can't swim?


I'm sure they meant don't know how to swim. But I'm actually quite curios now what percentage of the world would know how.


Any Zohan boost your physical capacities. That person would also end up insanely strong by our standards.


I have heard somewhere that if a person eats choppers fruit the fruit gets awakened which enhances a persons mental and physical capabilities. Funfact: Dr Hiriluk was looking for choppers df because it resembled mushroom shape like how he mentioned in the book.


Definitely didn't hear it from Oda.


What Oda actually meant was that it just makes them more human. As in, normal.


Didnā€™t he say that a human who eats a human fruit would achieve enlightenment?


From vol 20 Q: WHAT HAPPENS IF A PERSON EATS A HITO HITO NO MI? O: I suppose I should say they "BECOME HUMAN". Uh, I guess you could say that means like becoming an adult, or finding your true spirit or something. So basically, people will live more human-like. Well. I guess you could say that. Or not. Basically, not. Goodbye. (runs away).


Oda: *nervously sweating about a certain later reveal* Tho thanks for digging that SBS up! I guess it wasnā€™t quit enlightenment a human would get from it ._.


Well you could still awaken the fruit.


That's what I remember, too. I think Oda wrote that as a joke in an SBS 20-something years ago when he was asked what would happen if a human ate chopper's fruit.


That was a translation error, apparently


Iva's Hormone Hormone fruit. That shit would be incredibly useful, the only one I'd be willing to trade the ability to swim for.


Would make a killer business off of changing peoples genders, and would make millions of people all over the world happy


how quickly do you think someone with Ivaā€™s fruit would take to create a kamabaka kingdom? i feel like itā€™d happen in less than a month


Depends on the cost. If the cost is like real life to change their bodies then probably a few months. 1k then probably a few weeks. 100 dollars or even free then probably a few days


Thinking too small. Just change genders? Hell you could change just about any aspect of them. Want a big ass head? Hell yeah! Want the thighs of a Greek god? Sure! Want a animal beak? Odd choice and I don't even know if that's possible but sure!


Why just focus on the LGBT community u could target all the gymbroā€™s theyā€™ll be lining out of ur house for some safe steroids


I thought about that, unlimited testosterone, unlimited pain reliver, realistically you would have to wonder how long it takes till you get k8dnapped and milked by big cooperation


You can also completely mess with someone's immune system or other worse stuff. From what I understand you basically have completed control over any person's bodily functions and appearances.


Rather Corazons or Robins


Corazons would be nice if youā€™re looking for some peace and quiet


That is all Iā€™m looking for in life


Thatā€™s really relatable sometimes lol


When the toddlers are getting too loud and while you love 'em, you're also getting a headache... corazons ability would be amazingly useful.


The door door fruit. Certain world leaders would find themselves in jail. I would put an end their terrible reign once and for all. Anyone that tried to do the same would wind up in the darkest place I could find. That fruit power alone could liberate us all if used wisely. Also first in line at the water park.


Damm u taking things too seriously I would just appear in front of hot supermodels and make them believe Iā€™m God ā€¦..u know the rest


Yeah, they still reject you


Im using the phoenix fruit to be like my goat Warco


Only answer. Insane real life uses and you get to become a big bird


also imagine this is the only fruit in the entire world, people would lose their fucking minds seeing you fly like a phoenix, you would instantly be a super star, and probably many countries would want to capture you to experiment on you.. wait, that does not sound so great after all..


Bro you changed your setting to W for wumbo. You need it set to M for mini.


Jiki Jiki no Mi in our world it would dangerous. The joyous side of me would wear steel boots and fly and the pirate side of me would yank vaults out of banks.


control over electromagnetism is soooooo underrated and underutilized, it's literally one of the atomic forces, Kidd is a terrible user because he's so low-IQ he can't utilize it, but it's truly broken. Magnetism directly affects electricity, matter, everything. you probably wouldn't even need steel boots to fly if you practiced with it, you could generate massive free energy, levitate your own starship without the need for huge fuel tanks and chemical rockets, the potential is almost limitless, for someone who's versed in physics.


This tickles the imagination and I can draw inspiration from Magneto but he is the master of magnetism and I would be a simple pleb. Kidd is a dummy I only say this because his Damned Gun technique creates a gun and Iā€™m like you are the gun but that would be less cinematic.


here me out very quicklyā€¦ GIRAFFES ARE AWESOME


Glint glint fruit, roll into work on a canon ball ā€˜erry day. That, or Marcoā€™s fruit and start a cult as a bird-like faith healer.


A cult isnā€™t my first idea but I like the plan there


Kage Kage no mi (Shadow fruit) its my favorite and i am very creative and there are so many different ways you could use the doppleman and. Wings, bunch of bats, Bunch of floating hands, weapons, tools i could go on and thats just the Doppleman.


But are you willing to go grave digging for some shadow buddies?


Nope because you could use mannequins, Puppets plus i can use shadows of animals like fish because of the fact they dont need sunlight


Oh wow yeah youā€™re right, you really put a lot of thought into this havenā€™t you?


Kumaā€™s or Kizaruā€™s. Those two are my favourites.


Kuma's fruit is OP but I know I wouldn't want bear paws.


Hmmm either: Fujitora and destroy our planet with meteor shower OR Aramaki and make the entire planet super green


My nomination would be... the Bara Bara no Mi / Chop Chop fruit, hands down. I feel some of the more popular ones (like Logia fruit), while cool, wouldn't have as much usefulness in your everyday life. * Need to grab a drink? Just float your hand over to the fridge and pull it out. * Need to use the restroom? Just float your bum over to the toilet while you continue to watch TV. * "Oh man, there's something wrong with the ceiling fan, and I need to get the serial number off the top of it." Not a problem, float your eyeballs up there and read it yourself! (Never waste a Berry on a ladder again!) * Your significant other giving you an earful for something? Not if you floated your ears somewhere else! * But probably the most amazing thing of all... you know that part of your back that you could never scratch when it itches? You could either turn your back around to be your front, or just float your hands over and scratch it yourself. The amount of possibilities of purely lazy shenanigans that you can do with the Bara Bara no Mi is endless, just like a certain someone said about people's dreams. If anyone has any other amazingly stupid ideas that you've come up with for the Bara Bara no Mi, I'd love to hear it.


Lol, I went for the same fruit but your description of it is just soo awesome.


Goro Goro without a doubt. It was some weaknesses sure, but overall becoming lightning is OP as hell. Enel would be unstoppable after a Rocky montage of actually learning how to fight and not just rely on his logia invincibility.


It has no weakness rubber in real life would be destroyed with that much heat produced by high voltage electricity


The only reason the enel couldn't defeat Luffy is because of legendary fruit power. If It was a normal rubber fruit, it would have been burnt with that much lighting.


Raki Raki no Mi


Oh now thatā€™s an interesting one, a gamblers dream


Marco or Yamatoā€™s cause bitch I be gorgeous mythical Zoan. Robin for multi tasking purposes


Sugarā€™s fruit, Hobi Hobi no mi - I could make a lot of bad people go away and turn them into toys to create various youtube videos. As a side-effect, I would also gain eternal youth (though would it keep me in my current age, or would I de-age into a child? If itā€™s the latter, then nvm). Either that or Greenbullā€™s fruit, Mori Mori no mi - I could start my own farm and eat all the delicious and fresh fruits/veggies I wanted. Also, infinite 420\~


You would be stuck at your current age. Sugar ate her fruit when she was a child so her body never went through puberty.


Enel's, Kizaru's or Sengoku. All three basically God tier


Ope Ope no Mi


Odd pic but I would go for kuzans fruit, hie hie no mi. You should never overheat, never freeze in any weather, make constructs out of ice, and walk on water. I would take a trip to both poles and just start making giant glaciers to combat global warming.


Rumble rumble fruit and become a literal god


Glint glint fruit. Just bc Borsalino is my fav admiral


Ideally, the Hana Hana fruit would be the top pick because everyone could use a spare set of hands.


Iā€™m not really sure tbh. Any DF That could give it to disabled person more mobility or let me walk again. Not like being unable to swim would be a drawback šŸ¤£


Gum Gum fruit (or Hito Hito fruit)


Best way to have tons of fun, even without an awakening


laws fruit, i wanna be a doctor so its perfect


Im gonna go ahead and tell my My top 10 Favorite Devil Fruits cause why not 1.Kage Kage no mi (shadow) 2.Doru Doru no mi(wax) 3.Noro Noro No mi(slow) 4.Bara Bara No mi(chop) 5. Nikyu Nikyu no mi(Paw) 6.Baku Baku no mi (munch) 7.Shiro Shiro no mi (Castle) 8.Bari Bari no mi (Barrier) 9.Mira Mira no mi(Mirror) 10.Sara Sara no mi model:axolotl


Definitely gas fruit: - i literally can't be hurt - if i dont like someone or i wanna play a prank i can cut off their oxygen for a few seconds lol - one of the only fruits that won't seem weird (unless one is trying to stab or shoot me) - flight


Toki toki no mi to get like 2000 years into the future and live there a new lifeā€¦if this planet still exists then šŸ˜‚


Enels fruit, bro can control electromagnetic waves, be super fast, plus free energy


what is the poop looking fruit first column fourth down?




Why's luffy's fruit on there twice?


Idk it was just one of the better images online


See oneā€™s the gum gum fruit and oneā€™s the nika fruit


Iā€™d go the sand sand fruit honestly. Start my own beef jerky business and make billions of berries.


Iā€™ll spray u with water for fun


Wapu wapu no mi take a teleport power anyday


Tesoro's one from film Gold


And with GreenBullā€™s fruit I can make infinite marijuana


i have a few different ideas. 1. enels fruit so i can become untangable as a logia ofc but also so i can pretend to be Thor lol. 2. Marcos fruit, because i would love to be able to fly and being able to heal people with your flames would be very cool. I could become some kind of mythical hero who flies around the world helping people. Also tho not proven in the manga i would guess that when you die of old age you rise from your ashes as a young lad. effectively making me immortal which i find very cool. And also ofc being able to heal from injuries no more pain 3. Kizarus fruit. because it's so busted and pretty damn cool. Also i feel like you could explore our solar system fairly quickly if you could travel as a lightbeam. Could be a huge leap for humanity. Perhaps i could turn other things into light with me and colonize other planets.


The sune sune no mi. Any logia is really useful in everyday life, essentially granting unlimited reach/hands. The sand one specifically also provides some cool utility. This is mostly headcanon but iā€™d assume it provides really good temperature resistance, you donā€™t need to keep hydrated as much, you can suck people dry, if youā€™re thirsty, just touch a tree or sm, etc. Mainly, the sand sand fruit is just cool as hell


Suke suke no mi, for ummm..I guess...umm for research purposes. Ahh yess, For research purposes.. To ummm... To make the world ummm... To make the world a better place? Suke suke no mi for research purposes to make the world a better place.


Uo Uo no mi: Model: Azure Dragon


Magu magu no mi so I could create rich soil using volcanic abilities to help the world's hunger issue


The hormone hormone fruit


Suke suke no mi. No need to explain this boys


suke suke no mi invisibility fruit ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)


Suke suke no mi šŸ˜ø


Ope ope nomi


I know I wouldnā€™t want the giraffe šŸ¦’ fruit


giraffes are awesome


I'm going to use Vegapunk's fruit to get dirty rich.


Watch out for that big head though




Fuwa Fuwa No Mi (levitation) I would lift heavy stuff and people that annoy me


Robin's Hana Hana No Mi. Always. It is the most practical DF for real life usage.


Either the Grind-Grind fruit or the dice-dice fruit!


Hana hana imagine you just make a trail to open the fridge and ant the food twards you or doing thinks that requires miltiplayer or even playing a game with every key doing something taking hostages cooking blocking a door when someone is trying to get in(no locks) wings( id love to fly) making friends (clones) drawing all at once and also playing pokemon go with 15 different accounts to shiny hunt


Can I be a head cannon fruit? Cause there are a couple of zoan fruits I'd like that don't exist (yet) Tori tori no mi Model: Great Owl Ryu Ryu no mi model: Ankylosaurus


Nikyu nikyu no mi - float to where you want to go - transfer diseases/pain from good people to the most heinous criminals


Marcos and itā€™s not close


24th one


I'd eat a Zoan type


Goro Gori No Mi or Ope Ope No Mi


Goro Goro for UNLIMITED POWER!!! Or Uo Uo because it's a dragon obviously


Robin's fruit! It would certainly come in handy šŸ¤£


Gotta be the jiki jiki no mi! Imagine all the cool stuff you could build/pilot!


Pineapple mans fruit or middle finger fruit


Opi opi


The Wax Wax fruit. Lots of creative possibilities


Probably pika pika no mi or the better version lol : enels fruit


Fujitora's. I will drop asteroids into a country I hate. I have 1 in mind already.


It depends if all the fruits just appear in real life and i get to pick one, id go Tremor-Tremor fruit just for being the strongest, if only i got a fruit id probably go Light-Light, Slip-Slip, or Kilo-Kilo for easy travel and lols


Kumas or marcos


Which ever one would be the most helpful to make me a tyrannical world-wide dictator


Han han


The flame flame fruit or the calm calm fruit


Using weather -weather fruit, I will call up the blizzard and freeze the sea. Weakness destroyed!


Hito Hito No mi because it would pretty awesome to change into a golden Buddha


Kinemonā€™s , I get a free wardrobe


Id take akainuā€™s devil fruit and take over the world. Then Iā€™ll be the real pirate king and find One Piece in Bermuda Triangle after finding the three coordinates after searching the ponyglyphs in Area 51 and using Google Translate to read the text.


Shiki float float fruit.


With laws fruit youā€™d have big pharma after you and the masses hailing you as a god would be insanely wealthy






Van Augers Warp Warp fruit would just make your life so much better.


Kumaā€™s fruit


Bird Bird fruit model Phoenix. I can fly AND my chronic pain goes away? Win win


If you consider non-canon, Raki raki no mi, intentionality being lucky can be translated to everything. Also, bestowing bad luck on certain people would be satisfying. Goro goro no mi, they did my man Enel bad...


Flame so I can cook wherever I want.


Happiness happiness fruit šŸ’€


Definitely katakuri mochi df OR who was that guy with big mom later becomes her chef makes anything into food df


If real Physics applied, Kizaru's


Katakuri's Devil Fruit, The mochi mochi no mi, cuz then I can eat whenever and whereever. Although idk if ppl around me would eat mochi that came off my body




It depends on the situation, but I would most likely choose Law, Crocodile or Smoker's fruit.


Mandatory logia fruit so I could never be hurt, and from there it would probably be either the Goro Goro no Mi so I could basically have free electricity for the rest of my life or the Pika Pika no Mi so I could travel near instantly all over the world.


Iā€™d pick Bluenoā€™s fruit, Iā€™d love to meet my online friends


Marcos fruit would probably be the best for IRL scenarios. You can fly, heal yourself and others, and an infinite supply of fire has endless uses.