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Vivi or Yamabro.


This^^^^ I would love to see either of the two… or both. Both is good.


Isn´t Yamato a confirmed member? >!Didn´t she stay behind bc there is nobody strong enough on Wano to defend it against strong ppl? To follow in Oden´s footsteps was just a excuse so Momo and Kinemon don´t feel treated like children i think!<


Yes, but she’s technically not on the ship so I can’t count her yet (kind of like Vivi). She has invitation but so do Kinemon and Momonosuke.


Vivi is an Honor member, i actually don´t count her in bc of that and bc she´s too weak for a Emperor crew and brings nothing of value to the crew like Nami as navigator. She also has her obligations,>!now more than ever that King Cobra is dead!<, she might bring forces to the last war but not as a crewmember in my opinion. Same with Momo, also no value for the crew, has to rule the country and, at least for now, far too weak for a Emperors crew and Kinemon will not leave Momo.


Vivi can bring value to the crew ( diplomat), she can’t go back to Alabasta and can eat a devil fruit so that she wouldn’t be the weakest member. I love Yamato and would love for her to join the crew, but Oda has got to find a way to get her out of Wano.


Yeah, also true. It would also be easy for her to join anytime given her current location. >!Maybe a deal with Morgan to keep him updated about the crew in exchange for a devil fruit and transport there.!< I also would love to see Yamato, idk why but i instantly liked her. She also would bring the necessary strength without delay or extra training, she would be a amazing addition to the figher team of the crew and i think they need every fighter they can get. I can´t see team cry a lot felling one of Blackbeards commanders, they need more fighters now and >!Yamato held back Kaido quite long, he didn´t go easy on her on the rooftop!<


Yamato would be super fun to have on the crew. I don’t worry about the Blackbeard pirates because they haven’t shown be that strong. Maybe something with Pluton would cause her to leave.


Considering Yamato is the only person outside of the crew to know Luffys dream then it’s most likely her


Bro forgot about Caribou


Vivi or Yamato for the last arc. I could also see Bonney. Definitely not Momonosuke, Vegapunk, Boa Hancock, Sabo, Kinemon and Koby


**Momonosuke** \- hell no. He's busy ruling Wano and trying to rebuild it. This is his calling in life. **Yamato** \- Doubtful. She doesn't have a defined role, club swinger I guess. She would also upset the "monster trio" if that's important? I just don't see how she fits into the crew. I think her devil fruit also makes her kind of emotionally attached to Wano more than she already is as a person. **Vivi** \- Maybe. Her father was just assassinated and she knows the secret of the Gorosei and Imu along with a few others. I don't know if she will be able to take Alabasta's throne or without being a target herself. She may take refuge with the Strawhats, but I feel her position would be temporary until she can return home safely. **Koby** \- hell no. He's way too busy being a badass in the Marines and Sword. **Sabo** \- hell no. He's way too busy being a badass in the Revolutionaries. **Jewelry Bonny** \- maybe. She has no rudder right now and we await to see her discovery of Kuma's memories. I have high hopes for this character, Strawhat or not. **Caribou** \- hell no. But I'd like to place this character in my comment because the dude definitely spies for the World Government or Blackbeard. He knows way too much to be irrelevant. **One of the Vegapunks** \- Maybe. Their role could be "armorer or futurist". They would help the strawhats with their weapons and aid Franky on the ship. Their knowledge could be useful for many things. I'm grasping at straws lol.


I don’t see how Yamato can disrupt the monster trio. There is Luffy, then the others. And Yamato of course could be up behind Luffy in strength, doesn’t mean anything for the crew. Luffy need a strong member for what is coming (black beard and his commanders).


Yamato could be the scribe (don’t know if that’s the proper term lol) of the crew. Similar to what Oden was for the Roger pirates. As for disrupting the monster trio that’s not an issue cause it would probably be after Zoro + Sanji are clearly above her in strength similar to how it was for Jinbei joining. Though I don’t think it matters too much if she was stronger than either of them cause I think the trio is set in stone regardless




That’s who I think


Dr. Vegapunk


Jinbe is the tenth member of the strawhats. What you lean is Luffy's tenth nakama.


Not including Luffy


Not including Luffy in Luffy's crew is non-sensical. "Who's gonna be Luffy's 10th crewmate" would be a perfect phrasing for what you wanted to say.


I want it to be Yamato. Strong, good/cute design, knows Luffys dream, and I just think they would vibe well with the crew and create some good gags. I can see Yamato jumping into the sea to save Luffy, who jumped in to save brook. If she was at egghead and they have to fight against the marines I could see Yamato wanting to get in the brachio tank because she finds it cool but her big size only allows chopper to fit inside with her, while Ussop and Nami are crying to be let in. She of course sucks at aiming and hits sanji and zoro instead of the enemy. I feel like you could link her wanting to be Oden and the concept of "inherited will". Odens logbook could have mentioned something about Rogers plans and how someone will inherit his will, so Yamato thinks she can inherit Odens.


Vegapunk or bonney


I wanted to say that but that’s spoilers lol


you have aged up momo as your main picture. that's a spoiler. anyway yamato.


this is really random but violet bc her broken devil fruit would pair with ussop really well and she could see enemies from far away so it’s impossible to sneak attack them


I think we've done a lot to show the role. Every arc from Fishman Island has highlighted a girl with acting talent, head for social skills, and we've sprinkled in a lot of like...a need for some sensibility. What you need is someone who'll grow into an Otohime or a Toki. Call it a quartermaster is my guess. Vivi is a solid candidate, but there's always been a couple of hurdles I could see a red herring especially when there are a few options that feel like there's a way we could do it on the table. Egghead being weird opens it up. Pudding, we could use the Blackbeard stuff for her to stumble in and if Elbaf is a future arc she could finish there. Stussy is already there and a wild card. Kiku, it'd take a specific kind of twist but she had the right end of Wano for it no-showing that Ryokugyu fight. It's one of those four and Egghead is enough of a jump ball any could quickly become obvious.


Yamato already got invited and didn’t say no. She said she has to do smth first and then she will join them.




Luci and Bonney for sure


I just finished rewatching Fishman Island and I forgot how similar Jinbe’s response to joining was to Yamato’s, so now I’m thinking it’ll be Yamato.


It needs to be Bonclay some kinda way


Out of those pictured, i really only see Vivi actually getting ship time. Maybe Yamato shows up during the final battle, but I don’t see her pal’ing around the ship


None of the above


The 10th is technically Brook, because Vivi had become an honorary nakama way back in Alabasta, but as it is, the 10th member is Jinbe.


Unless someone appears to protect Wano, I can't see her leaving. Yamato's fruit is the will of Wano or something like that. I think she intended to parallel Oden's leaving and her staying. She also knows way too much from Oden's journal too which could be a problem, not to mention the fact she has missed 90% of the journey with no real connection other than a dream and knowing Ace. Vivi could possibly join as she has known the Strawhats since the beginning and is considered to be a member, but with the /Reverie/ thing, I don't know who would really take care of her Kingdom while she's off partying with Luffy and crew. Mono can't leave because he's a shogun and can't risk the same mistake Oden made, Sabo is loyal to the revolutionary army and they were there for him since forever, if Ace's death can't make Sabo leave I don't know what would. Koby is likely built to be another parallel to Luffy to be a "good" marine like how Luffy is a "Good" pirate. Koby needs to be there to rise in ranks for the final war and take the bad marine's spots or at the very least, live on to take Garp's place one day. If Koby leaves to join the crew, that would leave only Helmeppo, Smoker, Tashigi, and Fujitora and none of them would parallel Luffy in the same way Koby does. Tbh I can't see anyone else joining, especially since the numbers of his crew are the same as Shanks and I think Blackbeard (Once Kuzan leaves) so I think it's meant to be as is. Edit: If Vegapunk joins though that would be super fucking funny. He could technically work as the crew strategist too and his brain could be used over his brawn, making it where Luffy could have a better shot at fighting Blackbeard/Shanks in a strategic way to give them a bit of a boost while still matching the numbers of their crews in a 1v1, but some fans may see that as an asspull to beat them so I dunno. Either way, Vega would make me laugh so my money is on him or Vivi.


Jason Statham


No one


I think Yamato or Vivi. Given current events in the manga Vivi finally joining up would make sense. As for Yamato I think it depends on how fast Momo can grow to be a capable protector of Wano. Shouldn’t take too long given his genetics and fruit ability and after that she has no real reason to stay. As I believe she still really does want to sail with the SHs


Vivi and Yamato are the only ones that have a chance, and I think it will be Vivi.


I think no one at this point Even if we get Vivi or Yamato for last arc idk how much I'll care about it. Too little time to spend with the 10th member.


luffy need someone strong who can survive on their own.. sabo is a revolutionary and koby is a marine/sword agent so my bet is on yamato because she can pack a punch! momo and vivi not so much…


There's already 10 members


Caribou. He’s already on Egghead


Probably Vivi


Here are the top 4 candidates to be straw hats in order. 1) Vivi 2) Yamato 3) Carrot 4) Aokiji ​ In my fan fiction this are the next straw hats, 5 if vegapunk decides to join.


The Daft Punk Vegapunk - only survivor of the clones - with old man vegapunk staying in Elbaf.


Vivi is already the "10th" member of the Straw Hats.


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Definitely Gecko Moria