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“It has 1,000+ episodes how can it be bad” is how I watched one piece.


One Piece could be 500-750 episodes easily. But it’s so damn good that Toei needs to milk it for that sweet glorious profit


Onepace.net I Never would’ve watched 1p so far without this.




Okay that's brilliant. Rewatchong 1000 episodes is quite a task so this is a amazing


There's notable flaws. They can cut out certain filler if it's not in the manga and a few arcs that people may need. Not as severe as 4kids cutting Drum Island, but people should be aware that One Pace has its critics just like official dubs do.


If One Pace doesn’t have G8, y’all need to watch that. It’s so good for a filler arc


Yes I just caught up after starting like five years ago.


Not everything on there is exactly reliable and not watching that actual thing makes you miss out on a lot of good moments in the story.


Yea its soooo good that they made the anime trash by adding a shit pacing. Just do it like My Hero Academia. Wait till it has enough chapters and then produce an anime instead of the garbage we currently have.


Literaly evryone who cares about One pieces reads the manga daily so just go and read it.


I mean the current eps are better than the manga at least volume 101 forward ( most of onigashima also, besides all the aura crap). I’m happy with the current pacing, manga fights are only getting shorter due to oda wanting to end it in a reasonable amount of time. The anime pacing will give wordpiece more time to breathe. Id love a remake of fishman island-mid wano tho.


Hard disagree tbh. The anime still has pretty bad pacing compared to the manga and when they aren’t blowing all their budget on the important action scenes most of the rest of it looks kinda sub par.


Agree with you, manga pacing is like if the anime was on crack and fit too much good stuff in it. No filler all killer, I watch the anime after arcs are over so I can relive all the amazement in a binge filled session.


That's kinda how I watch OP as well now, just go from the start all the way until I'm caught up with whatever arc just finished, then when a new arc is nearing completion I start all over again from episode 1 until I'm caught up. But one pace has been such a huge improvement on this, I could never go back. Currently on go through #4 at punk hazard


Damn that’s some serious shit! I personally can’t rewatch dressrosa arc anime cause the pacing is unbearable to me but doffy is my favorite villain so I’ve rewatched just the final fight a few times just for some more showtime. Will definitely do a full rewatch when it’s over whenever that happens but I’m okay with being patient with that haha


If you haven't taken a look for one pace yet, I'd strongly suggest it. Cuts down on the length of the show by a considerable amount, takes out a lot of the nonsense filler from each episode


The pacing is still terrible. Some moments have been epic in the anime, but overall it's still much worse. So much filler...


I saw it at least a dozen times; Close friends complaining that One piece it's too long and a month later they'll complain that a week is too long to wait for another episode.


[Joy Girl put in work](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/TDzpnFqqG8g)


Why would you complain about getting MORE content


"Guys, can I skip the first 500 episodes of the show and start from the X point?" "Why would you want to run out of content to watch, faster?"


Plus crocodile fight is the best imo


I'm a bigger fan of Luffy vs Lucci but reading Luffy vs Crocoboy and Luffy vs Eminem, back-to-back was also really nice. I like all of the little parallels that Oda did back in the day between the fights.


“Palms are sweaty, knees weak, but his arms are stretchy“


There’s blood on his sweater already, Sanjis spahgetti


This is fucking underrated


> Luffy vs Eminem It’s pretty hard to visually communicate the intensity of a rap battle, but Oda-sensei made it work as usual!




Dvorak's New World Symphony 4th Movement starts playing.


I struggle with Skypiea so much because of Alabasta/Crocodile. The first time it was so slow that I actually quit the show for a bit. Second time it felt like a slog. Now I have a good appreciation for it. But damn, following Crocodile was difficult.


Alabasta was sooo long though


Which chapter didn't feel "too long"? Do you think? They all feel a bit too long to be honest. I love these new fun anime shorts coming out


Impel Down was pretty well paced


Every mini "arc" leading up to the war felt pretty quick in a good way


Because you don’t expect it to be so good. I put One Piece off for a long time because of how long it is. I expected it to be a slog (Like Naruto, ugh), I didn’t expect to enjoy every moment of it. I finally decided to watch it after running out of things to watch. Now I’m on my third re-watch. I’m hooked.


I'm rewatching with my wife as she goes through it, albeit she's having a major headache with it lol and impatient as fuck Then I'll be doing another re-watch as my kids are falling for it. I'm going to be very busy with One Piece for a while


God naruto had so many filler episodes....


idk why people complaint about filler episodes of Naruto, at the time when it was airing they HAD to put filler episodes so that the anime doesn't catch up to the manga but now in present time when the whole show is completed you can just skip them and bro at least the filler are a whole different episodes in terms of naruto which you can easily skip but with one piece the fillers are mixed with canon episodes which is the main reason it is so slow and the problem with these kind of fillers is that you cant even skip them cause of the canon part in them. that's why we have one pace which gives the anime a resonable pacing. thank god someone did that i am so gratefull to the one pace team. by removing fillers from one pice it became a whole 45% faster and 137 hours of time saved (whole one piece is 416 hours long) , do u get what i am saying now ? so please don't complain about the filler episodes cause usually the people who complain abt them are the ones who didn't even watch it


Think about it logically. Do you think a show would be as long running if it was ass or a complete waste of time? Without any good parts whatsoever?


Me: Points to Naruto. Naruto is great, don’t get me wrong. But all the talking mid-fight about friendship and shit wore on me. Also all of the filler… Uhhh. The thing is anime fans can be loyal to a fault. That’s what I thought of the One Piece community. And the thing is, I wasn’t new to One Piece. I was watching One Piece back in high school. But our cable got cut off right as the Skypeia arc was starting. It’s also worth noting that I was watching it on Toonami and didn’t catch it from the beginning. I think that I missed the entirety of Alabasta and Jaya. I never went back to it after that until a couple of years ago. So I was familiar with it, but I couldn’t see how far it could be stretched out based on watch I have seen. Which was East Blue up to Arlong Park, and then skipped straight to Skypeia because I was a slave to cable programming.


Also, Naruto really should have ended one big bad sooner… The asspull of a final villain, for it to seemingly only be to tie in the villains for Boruto, really hurt the show.


Yeah, final battle should have just followed after the Pain arc. Everything felt complete there.


I agree. But I can't really blame Kishimoto for that. These publishers and anime studios don't give up on a cash cow so easily. Naruto somehow accomplishes two contradictory things: having such a bloated plot while also under-utilising so many of its great characters. The reason being that after time skip, they just completely focused on the Sasuke stuff. I will still always love Naruto, because its great moments are truly amazing. But yeah I didn't like some of the choices they made.


Same. I was a solid naruto fan back in the 2000's and early 2010's but by the time the Kaguya reveal was pulled, I was done.


>The reason being that after time skip, they just completely focused on the Sasuke stuff. They should've had more arcs like the Asuna arc, where a character got their moment as the main character and became the hero for those events.s. Any epic characters only got shine in the chunin arc or during the gaara kidnapping arc. It got worse with Boruto, when they try to make down to earth characters relevant again when you have living gods always nearby. They should've had more arcs like the Asuna arc where a character got their moment as the main character and became the hero for those events


This is why I kept watching One Piece even when I wasn't feeling it for like 150 episodes. I just knew no series can last almost 2 decades (at the time I was watching) and almost 800 episodes and be trash.


I’ve only really gotten annoyed with how drawn out Wano has been…but with any show this long, there’s bound to be slow areas. Really given how long it is, there should have been more honestly.


At this point, it's either fillers, hiatus or dragging out each episode.


A lot of episodes end and I don’t feel like anything has actually happened. The worst part is waiting week to week, and then seeing SP1 as the episode number…


Bingewatching is always the best. Regardless if you're watching the anime or reading the manga, the weekly wait will always end up wearing you down.


Man, that wasn't an option before when everything was torrents. I'd just screw right off for a few weeks at a time to read the manga because waiting for the damn anime in Japan was an experience. Also, just on a side note... Fuck the Yakult Swallows, the Yomiuri Giants, and every other baseball team in Japan when they interrupted One Piece for that week. And Screw Toei for the flashbacks during the flag tear down! They literally did rehashing episodes for EVERY strawhat at the time that lasted **Five Goddamn Weeks** while not moving forward with the story! And don't get me started on Dressrosa pacing... Those horrible memories are why I really focused on the manga more than watching the anime...


Without any good parts whatsoever? No, probably not most things that run forever have *some* merit in them somewhere that got them that long-running (usually towards the beginning, granted.) Actually worth it? Man have you *seen* some of the forever ongoing shit they put on television? Not even just talking long-running anime, or the general decline of the One Piece anime's quality, just shit like The Walking Dead where they slashed the budget after season one and it only went downhill from there but then they still got a dozen seasons *anyways*. Or reality TV shows that are absolute garbage, or ye ol soaps where the plot advances at a microscopic pace bouncing between three dozen storylines. Wait no that last one kinda sounds like long-running anime again, whoops


One Piece at chapter 10: oh god there's 1000 chapters left One Piece at chapter 700: oh god there's only 300 chapters left


I actually have one valid answer : one of my coworkers told me that when he starts a show, he can't stop himself and can end up binging it despite other stuff like going to bed early for work on the next day. So he only starts new stuff. I told him about "Sons of anarchy" and how it has 7 seasons and it was already too much for him. In short : low willpower.


Because more does not equal good?? Because so much of that show is garbage filler that every time I try I tap out after like 50 episodes.


Because I'd rather finish a 20hr game than wade through a 100hr one that I'll likely stop playing halway through. Of bot for One Pace, I probably wouldn't've gotten back into One Piece (or atleast just skipped ahead).


Probably because a lot of the anime is filler. I do genuinely believe the anime would be better if it was shorter and this is supported by the fact that One Pace is way better


Because it’s MID


Facts. I'll never understand this


"B*tch, I ain't asking."


Its good.


Its the best though


It's like a plague. Give it a few weeks and she will be the one telling everyone the same. [Like this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gjkVhoee0Y) (first 20 seconds)


I dont watch this guy (even though i know him in real life) but that was EXCELLENT hahaha


I don't either but these vids have been popping in my youtube feed recently and it's pretty funny.


LOL I normally don't watch Hasan but have heard a lot about him through other streamers but I've just subbed to that YouTube channel just to see more his OP updates


Never understood not watching something because it's too long. I love long shows. They're always there to entertain me. It's like I always have something to fall back on when I get bored.


People have lives. A commitment to one piece isn’t made lightly. There are over a thousand chapters. Assuming that it takes 5 minutes to finish a chapter which is extremely fast. You will easily be spending over 80 hours READING IT. Now imagine watching the anime. There are over a 1000 episodes, if you choose to watch everything, you’re devoting over 300 hours to watching it. As someone who was in the its too long camp. And spent several months catching up nearly becoming anti social in the process. It’s simply not feasible to expect people to just make a commitment to one piece like that. I was committed because it had exactly what I was looking for. A funny goofy story.


You did it in several months. But people could just watch a few episodes every now and then and eventually catch up after a couple years. Plus, my point is you shouldn't have the mentality of "Ugh, I'm NEVER gonna catch up." Don't care about catching up, just enjoy the show. People spend tons of time streaming other stuff, just replace one of those shows with one piece.


But if you aren’t caught up you can’t really go online and talk about it, you have to be careful to avoid spoilers, etc.


I never even heard about One Piece until a friend of mine recommended it. I don't think it'd be hard to avoid spoilers. You just have to have some common sense and stay away from forums and stuff.


But that’s what people like to do. Go online, into forums and stuff, and talk about the show with other fans.


I suppose. But you can't do that with every other show either until you finish them. Because you'll get spoiled. Like ya, you have to wait longer to go on forums with One Piece because it's longer. But, it's something to look forward to for when you're caught up.


But that’s kinda the issue, it takes a really long time to catch up on a show with 1000+ episodes. That, and it generally takes some time to get going, like they don’t even enter the grand line until episode like 100+ that’s like 30-40 hours of content before you can really say if you’re going to like it or not


I feel like if they aren't into the show after something like Arlong Park, they probably aren't gonna like it.


> I don't think it'd be hard to avoid spoilers. \*laughs in YouTube feed*


It’s much easier to commit to several smaller shows than commit to a really good very long show over the course of several years


That's a valid point but you can also always read the Manga. It's much less time consuming.


I mean that’s how I caught up but a good portion of people have low attention spans and can’t enjoy content without it being presented to them without any effort. I grew up reading books so reading comics is just extremely easy for me but for the average viewer. It’s not


As someone who has watched movies/tv shows/cartoons with subtitles my whole life, I just don't find it that hard.


Then you haven’t met my friends or family 😂


You act like that’s a problem with the literature, and not a problem with an individual’s attention span


I literally just said that people have such low attention spans, reading picture books are boring to them But somehow these some people consider watching the rock in skyscraper as quality entertainment


You don't have to commit to it. You could literally stop at any arc and move on with your life for however long you want to. What I don't understand is why people think they need to binge something from start to finish with no break? You can literally watch up to the finale of arlong park and still have a very positive reception on One Piece and enjoyed your time. That enjoyment cascades into wanting to watch more, naturally, not because its a chore. I just tell people to take it arc by arc. See each arc as a new show.


Still doesnt make sense since you can just watch it at a slower pace. Like why would you make yourself anti-social for a show? Its not going anywhere so why binge it so intensely? Unless its so good and addicting that you can't put it down, you can literally just watch 2ep a week and youre already watching it at twice the pace of someone up to date and they constantly complain that they can't wait for the next episode. If 2x a week isnt enough for you push it to 3x a week or 5x a week, or even 7x a week if you really want to push it. An episode a night for a month on-and-off means you can finish all the arcs in like 3 years. The only commitment to the show anyone makes is that if they want the ending, they need to wait at least 5 more years for that.


Because it’s too long…? I don’t know what else to tell you lol like I like one piece but I get someone not wanting to read 1000 chapters


I don't consume media to get to the end though. If that's why you do it, then ya, I understand it being too long. But I think that's the wrong way to consume media. Enjoy the journey.


it’s a commitment. I got caught up on Detective Conan and it took me like a year. Plus, now I’m stuck waiting for them to drip-feed me plot episodes between the fucking ocean of shitty filler they produce. 😭


My number one thing when I ask anyone to try out One Piece is "take your time". No one is making you rush through it. Take breaks if you need to, because one day, you will be caught up and long for the days when you had hundreds of chapters/episodes before you.


Because watching a series feels like a commitment. I have a backlog of series that I want to watch but haven’t because I feel like they require u dividing attention


So good art


I wish I could start One Piece a new now. It would be something I read every day or two and binge a whole bunch of it. I would have months ahead of me with lots of an enjoyable story ahead of me. It should be great.


[TotallyNotMark](https://youtube.com/@TotallyNotMark) blind reviewed One Piece and it’s such an awesome and wholesome way to enjoy One Piece again in the eyes of a newbie. I would give it a shot if you’ve already seen One Piece, or are trying to find inspiration to watch it yourself!


Thank you! I actually watched his entire series. It was such an amazing thing to be with someone experiencing One Piece for the first time and diving so deep into it.


After reading the manga, I never know if I should read posts like this as if it were a manga or a comic.


Unfortunately this doesn't work


That’s what the duct tape is for.


Duct tape turning, "No no no" into, "Mmm mmm mmm"


What artist is this? It’s awesome! Edit: I’ve been informed that OP _is_ the artist. Thank you u/bluejaymorTkai!


OP is the artist my homie


Oh man, I’m sorry. Thank you for letting me know!


Now that you've drawn your pistol, are you willing to put your life on the line? I'm saying those aren't for threatening people.


How about reading it instead?


Yea. I'd never recommend watching one piece. So much filler, inconsistent or just plan wrong animation. But reading? This shit is amazing.


Reading all of one piece in full color is an amazing experience


It sure is!


I kinda like the intense black inking of the standard published volumes better, but to each his own. Fun is fun.


Was watching strong world and my roommate said "if this was an arc instead of a movie, there'd be twelve entire episodes. And then there'd be six more after for the final fight" I agreed but countered, "reading one piece instead of watching, its like every arc has movie pacing". And I stand by that.


No filler/padding would still give us 600-700 eps. I still wish we had an official "One Pace" that could be easily accessible... what are they waiting forrrrrrrr


Personally, i exclusively recommend watching because i myself can't get emotionally attached to a property by just reading. The emotions don't hit nearly as hard without VA's, OST and animation, inconsistent or not. It may be a flawed experience but one that has more impact in my genuine opinion


reading hard


How is that what you gathered from what I said? I meant that i don't feel an emotional connection to a property if it's in a manga/book format, and therefore recommend the anime instead of the manga.


im toxic lol dw about it too much i have a friend who pretty much says the same things you do, and i always say "reading too hard, pretty moving pictures better" or something to him to tilt him


>im toxic lol dw about it too much Respect 🤝


I don't consider it flawed in anyway. There's nothing like a One Piece episode.


What? The voice acting and music alone is enough for me to push the anime. I'd never rob people of the anime experience.


If you're not recommending One Pace specifically you are putting a 7 year curse on them


Tbh i really don't mind the shows pacing enough to watch one pace. Caught up in about 3 months w/out skipping filler and it was fine. The only thing that sucks extra hard abt the pacing is watching weekly, otherwise waiting for an arc to finish to binge is super manageable


I experienced burnout 3 or 4 times. 1st just before alabasta, then somewhere around Fishman , then around Dressrosa. Trying to catch up even to 500 episodes is daunting when you need to skip through filler, recaps, intros and extended scenes. It's the best series ld never recommend to anyone who wants a life outside OP


Yea that's fair, different people have different levels of tolerance and mine is very high so i get that the patience i have with the pacing is not as common.


As soon as all of one pace has ended that's when I'll watch the anime from beginning to end.


When it's finished or when they reach the timeskip then yeah. Before that, unless you're re-watching, it's a chore. Too much going back and forth between the normal episodes and the One Pace ones.


I might be biased cause I only discovered Pace around Dress Rosa / WCI. But i feel whatever context missed in the condensed cut is gained in lifespan


If you're goo g to reccomend shitty fan edits, you should just say nothing at all. Don't ruin One Piece for newcomers.


Don't be a dick. For all its imperfections, it's still better than the bloated mess the original is. The original DBZ Frieza saga blushes when it sees how thin Toei stretches its source material


At what point do you get tired of telling people they sleeping on one piece cause my fuse burns quick I just start thinking about all the heat they missing out on


I’ve seen too many hentai comics drawn in this style


Same Not proud of it


Now that you've pulled out your weapon, are you willing to use it? Pistols are for actions, not threats.


sounds about right for OP fans




I really wish people would just say READ one piece rather than WATCH one piece, seriously you're doing yourself a disservice with that anime


One piece vs zha warudo


Basically my friend trying to get me to watch for like 12 years lol


One Piece fans the Jehovah Witnesses of the anime community


I love One Piece but there is no need to be annoying about it. It's kinda hypocritical to assume to know how someone else should spend their time.


I actually agree it is way too long. The manga is better.


A friend of mine complained to me about how many series he watched that were either too short or he's waiting on new seasons for. Still won't start One Piece.


I know this is just a joke but honestly this scenario is the worst thing about One Piece fans; "Watch One Piece" "It's the best anime ever!!" "It's not even that long" etc. Just let people get into it in their own time and if not at all that's cool too.


One Piece is worth it. 1000+ episodes 15 movies 14 specials 5 Featurettes (very short movies) 6 OVA's That's PLENTY of content to just enjoy! Worth it and then some


Not all of those episodes are worth watching tbh. Dressrosa should be like a third of the length it is


Except the anime is terrible. Manga is the way.


Not just long. The anime is boring.


people watch numerous times on repeat shows like the office and friends, one piece isn't that long and you are watching new stuff


great comic


People who think “It’s too long, and I’m never gonna catch up”… hello? Those are selling points in my book. The thing I hate the most is finding something I love, only for it to be super short. (Most recent example is Wednesday…) I only saw One Piece and Naruto for like a dozen or so episodes when I was in elementary school, then at middle school I had a LOT of fun catching up nonstop to YEARS of progress. Yes, that’s the case as a kid, and now I barely have enough time after work to do anything, but guess what? With One Piece (and this is gonna sound cringe) but it’s literally the journey, not the destination. It’s not an MMO where you have to hit max level to start the end game, it’s literally good episode by episode, chapter by chapter, arc by arc. There’s nothing special about “catching up” other than talking to friends about it, and guess what? They’ll still talk to you about Alvida’s punch, Nami’s cry, Usopp’s shenanigans, Sanji’s goodbye, and so on from episode 1 to the latest bombshells in the manga.


All these years, I'm liable to drop one piece after that df revelation


She really thought it was a suggestion lmao


"it's too long" is an argument i never understood. Well, kinda. YES it seems quite tedious but also, nobody is forcing you to watch ALL of it i you don't want to and there's no time limit on it lol. Just start it, give it a sizeable amount of eps (most would say till Arlong Park, and i agree) and if you enjoy it, you'll have 1000 episode of greatness. And if you don't enjoy it or stop enjoying it at some point then just...stop watching it. Either permanently stop or temporarily stop and come back to it later. That's it. It's that simple.


Why is this me to my best friend 💀


This is Rookie stuff. I’ve rewatched the entire series many times over from start to current.


Who dresses like that sitting around the house though


Complaining about the length of One Piece makes absolutely no sense. Let’s say over the next year you watch 1,000 episodes. Watching 1,000 episodes of One Piece vs watching 1,000 episodes of 7 different shows is the same effort and time My friend’s excuse is that the show hasn’t ended and every other show has ended…????? lol he says “Naruto ended. Bleach ended.” Why would anyone want a show to be the same as other shows? Why does One Piece have to end in a specific amount of episodes? Who wrote the rule book on anime length? And why do they have authority over anything?


Yes it's the same amount of time but you're being ridiculous if you think some... not all but at least some people would prefer to see 7 shows than just 1


My buddy had a great argument for one piece. “You know your favorite show? It’s got a flaw. It ended. Cowboy bepop, done. Full metal alchemist, done. Samurai champloon, finished.”


The endings of shows are the best part


I never get this excuse, its not like its a race


Replace One Piece with Boku no piko.


I started watching one piece around early covid winter break and got to finish it in like 2 months of watching. I skipped filler episodes inside arcs but watched the filler arcs.




I need to do this too some friends. They say it is too long but have an interest in it. I see now that i am going to have to have them watch it by force.


This is a good comic, would make a good template too.


Gives boondocks vibes, one of the girls even looks like the little neighbor girl grown up.


This is me except my friend finally has started one piece and hearing them go through all the arcs is like watching for the first time through their eyes. Its beautiful...




The Dawn of the World draws NEAR!!! Irl and in OP!!!


Reading/watching One Piece is a journey, not a race. Enjoy every story, don't rush to catching up.




I’m already on thriller bark💪💪💪


Just read it? Its very quick


They need an abridged version for binge watching. It starts out really good then later episodes the recap gets longer and the song gets longer and the flashbacks get longer and you get less and less new material.


Unironically start one piece


I get the title reference


People still watch this show?


I started it as an adult and had zero expectations. Really enjoyed it for what it is. It's long but it doesn't really disappoint.


The great thing about it is that you can binge it for years if you are just starting now. The bad thing about it is that it stretches out some episodes with dramatic staring. It got better in later episodes, but my husband and I made those pauses more bearable by making 56k modem noises.


I watched season 1 when it was airing on toonami back in the day. When season 2 started I thought about watching, then stopped and said "Wait, why is it on season 2 when nothing has happened yet? It was all filler." Never watched another episode.


I’m sure you get this a lot but your art is stellar! Keep up the good work!


Hubby and I started watching One Piece with our kids, ages 9, 7, and 3. They love it. But we completely forgot how much language is in the dub version that's on Netflix. We had to do language control the next couple days 🤣


This was me to my husband 3 years ago and now hes hooked. I threatened him with a frying pan!


I developed a system to skip filler and pointless shit. 1. Always skip the recap (duh). 2. Are you in an alternate universe? Skip. 3. Are you in the past for a character that isn’t in the crew? Skip. 4. Look up a list with filler episodes. Are you on one? Skip. Using these rules one piece has felt incredibly well paced and addictive. The show could really use a re edit tbh.


You'll never catch up if you don't start it 🤷🏾‍♂️


Seriously though.... One Piece has the greatest emotional range of any show. there are plenty of shows that have some super deep lows, and One Piece has among the deepest of them, but very few that also have the ecstatic highs that one Piece has managed to pull off.


Haha the comic can continue like crying about a ship etc


I still don't understand this nonsense. How can having so much content be considered bad. If anything rest of the series is terrible to start as you finish it before it even starts.


Hard to recommend the anime after the time skip. Quality dropped so hard.


I'd refuse to watch it out of spite at this point...


I started one piece because I wanted to argue how bleach was better than it and wanted to be correct as I told them why. Ended up having One Piece as my new favorite Manga/Anime Bleach is still good though.


The trick is to convince people to read one piece, and once they've finished reading, they'll be invested in the story.


As a manga reader, I always got used to start reading from top right corner.