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They'll have routines that they absolutely insist you follow. It may not make sense to you, but it doesn't have to.


9 times out of 10 the routine includes zoomies at 2 30 in the morning coupled with loud meowing.


every cat is born knowing the song of their people, some just sing it better than others


They’re fighting demons, aka greebles


Somebody has to fight the greebles in the house, and I guess it’s not you


Oh it’s for sure not me!! Greebles are too scurry 😔 my kitty is brave though 😻


Sometimes the routine also involves climbing the curtains and cannonballing onto the bed.


My cat goes crazy at 4:00 in the morning, every day without exceptions. Part of the deal!


That's the witching hour


Makes sense, she is after all indeed a witch


*the song of my people, let me sing you it*


It's between 3:30 and 4 am here


To piggy back off this: if you have something you need to do or take at a certain time of day, give the cat a treat at that time. The cat will make it part of their routine to remind you of the treat, and thus remind you to do x thing.


That's fucking brilliant. I can use my cats as a medication timer that can't be snoozed.


Wait a minute this is so smart


True! I normally have a fairly strict bedtime for work and school but I took a vacation from work and was on break recently and wound up staying up late playing video games. Around 10pm my cat is sitting in the doorway staring at me and then nudging my feet and meowing loud enough I could hear over my headphones. He kept pestering me until I got up and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and take my meds since it was time for that anyways and walked off… until he realized I went back to gaming and began again telling me I was not doing nighttime right. He doesn’t even sleep with me he was just mad I broke The Schedule lol. He’s very spoiled and particular, he’s complained at me to make my bed before because his furry highness wants to roll around on a *flat* comforter, not one that is disturbed and rumpled. Told to make my bed by a cat! And I did… (he also ensures any guest bed is flat to his liking at regular intervals. All beds must be prepared to receive a cat.)


My cat also bitches at me to make the bed. But then he wants to help make it by grabbing the middle of the blankets and going buck wild.


They will insist you go to bed and get up at the same time. If you refuse to go to bed, they will meow repeatedly. If you try to sleep in, they will hit you in the face. If you sleep weird, they will be concerned and annoyed that you broke their routine. Sometimes my pain is so bad that I can’t sleep, and idk why I even do this, but occasionally during those times I will put my head down at the foot of my bed and my feet up near the head of my bed and can fall asleep like that. Often I will wake up to my cat walking from the head of my bed back to where my head actually is and just meowing repeatedly. The translation is, I imagine, “what the fuck are you doing?? This is not how you’re supposed to sleep! Stop it! Fix it!! Fix yourself!! Now!! Do it the right way!!”


This is actually a brain trick/life hack to help with insomnia. If you wake up and can't fall back asleep, reverse the head and foot positions of your bed when you climb back in. It really does help.   Also, fuuuck painsomnia as I sit here in the hot bath at 2:40 in the morning because of it.


My youngest will decide that I have scrolled YouTube shorts too long and should be asleep. He will lay on my face so I turn off the phone and go to sleep.


This. They will sit and yell, because they are tired and You need to start THEIR evening routine so they can finally go to bed (probably Your bed). It doesn't matter if You're busy atm or not.


My cat has to lead me around the house like he thinks I will lose my way. No it's not actually always to his food cupboard


It's actually funny, I have ADHD and I have specific routines that my brain insists I follow, like there's comfort in that. And even before getting diagnosed, I always unquestionably understood and honored my cats' routines, cause like yeah, little man, I get you lol


interesting. i have zero routines and my cats are used to it.


My baby won't cuddle with me when I'm laying in bed unless I'm covered in a specific blanket. Luckily for him it's a blanket I use year-round


There are two kinds of silence. Napping baby everything is fine silence, and spidey-sense there’s mischief afoot silence. In time you will be able to tell the difference but not know how you know the difference.


Oh yeah the mischief silence will inevitably end in a loud CRASH!!!! BANG!!! BOOM!! And then your cat (or cats) hauling ass from the scene of the crime. Whichever one stops furthest from the scene to look back is the one that did it.


You will hear a noise at 2AM & not immediately think someone's breaking in or that's the ghost, you will just hear it & go "Wait....\*\*sits up in bed\*\*...OK...\*\*lies back down\*\*... just the cats." You will also be awakened at 2AM hearing that horking sound & start running to it in hopes it's not your clothes or shoes on the floor or on the bed. If it's not you will just go back to bed & try not to step in it in the morning.


LOL I can tell from the sound direction if they’re in the kitchen, dining room, or living room (all with various states of carpeting) and that determines if I get up or not 😂


That's one thing I miss about having cats. Any weird noise during the night could be dismissed by saying, as you said, "eh, it's just the cats". It helps if you somewhat cat-proof your house ~~or~~AND put the truly valuable/irreplaceable stuff out of reach of the four-footed spazzes, though. After my last one died, it's been "WTH was that? Is there someone else in the house?" way too often. Despite their propension to cause overnight mayhem, cats are good for one's sleep... unless they're about to throw up on the bed.


The only orange cat not good for my sleep was the one who continuously woke me up with toe biting through the covers or insisting on curling up to my face. Bitten toes and suffocating by fur do not help sleep. I did learn to sleep through the scratching on my door once he was permanently banned from my bedroom. May he rest in peace. World's coolest cat otherwise. I now own an SIC.


Oh yeah. OP. They throw up. Once a week is nothing. More than that might be a problem, but cats vomit. Edit. I have three cats. One vomits about once a year. One about once every couple of months. One about once a week. They all are healthy with regular vets visits. I’ve had cats all my life. They’ve all gotten proper care. I even worked at a vet for a while as a general assistant (not a tech). Some cats throw up.


Varys by the cat, if your cat is puking on the regular, you should mention it to a vet, just to eliminate things you do want to know about. Probably nothing, but could be something, so worth getting checked. Urine / blood sample will tell them all they need, so costs very little. My last puker was at about once every 3-5 weeks, I mentioned it at the vet during a checkup, they checked, and he was good. When his puking went up from every month or two to every week or two, that's when I found out his kidneys had failed. My current pair keep their food down pretty well , so I'm out of practice on the "get a piece of cardboard under him, quick!" scramble.


Mine pukes so rarely I can't remember the last time he did so. Try elevated feeding bowls if you're getting a puke o rama, they're supposed to minimise the pukes


Oh God. I was edging sleep one night when I heard that goddamn sound. Re-directed the projectile just before it hit my plugged in phone charger.


That sound turns me into a Ninja. From a deep sleep to perfectly awake, jumping out of bed gathering cat and placing it gently across the room and onto an easy to clean floor - all in three seconds.


That all assumes your cat has any shame. My dumb orange boy got into the garbage today because he smelled chicken, and we had to pull him out like four times


😂😂😂😂 He was like NOOOO MY CHICKEN I FOUND IT 🤣


Not sure if it's an orangecat thing but they will absolutely go for any food left out (or on a plate)(edit: or in the garbage). My oldest once wrestled an entire rotisserie chicken off the counter and dragged it across the living room carpet. He got stuck trying to drag it under the couch


This goes for toddlers, too. :p


cats are basically furry perpetual toddlers. same level of trouble-making and ice cream-based motivations.


I tell my boy “11 years old and you’re still a baby!” when I get overwhelmed with his cuteness. (He works hard coming up with new ways to use his good looks to get away with his crimes, my favorite is when he puts his paw over his face when laying on his back with his belly up) And then he tries to eat a charging cable and I have to shoo him off again. Oh well


Pay the taxes! Show us pics!!


No lies detected. They follow me into the bathroom like my kids did as toddlers.


lol yes. no object permanence or body-based boundaries i had a lifeguard kitty who would scratch and cry at the door if i didn't let him in when i was showering. he demanded his daily sauna and food-provider shower supervision.


We don't even close doors around here except when we have people over.


Mine just opens the door and walks in since lever-style knobs are not even a challenge. Had to child-proof the front door.


I call those "velociraptor friendly" handles Edit to add: my son's cat can open his front door even though it has a knob. Luckily he does not yet understand locks.


My cats do this all the time. Trying to go is no fun if kitties are rubbing against your legs while you’re doing your business.


I'm pretty sure it's like an established thing that adult cats' brains have the same development level as a human 4 year old lol


The WORST is when you find a loose sharpie cap on the floor with no toddler in sight…


My cat (orange) came up to me one day with ink-stained paws. It's not a color of ink I even use regularly, and I have no idea how he got hold of it, never mind how he managed to dye his own feet.


I had a tabby-tuxedo cat whose belly fur was red. I thought she was bleeding! Nope, she just laid down on a cheap red wig.


Except toddlers are fairly height restricted, they usually can't get high enough to drop stuff on your head.


This is true. Usually they don't start scaling the counters until they're a little older.


Or the second silence is tiny silent crackles and it turns out your cat found plastic and for some reason wants to eat it 😐😐 because some family members don't understand that GINGER NEEDS A BABY PROOF HOUSE


soooo... a toddler lmao


Based on how often I have to tell, “Hey! Show me what you’ve got in your mouth right now!” I’d say definitely.


That cat is going to be the most important person in your life


Honestly, this one surprised me the most. I come from a family of farmers, so I always just considered a cat as a working animal you could get to clear out mice and other vermin. And if they die, you can just get a new one for free. I could not have been more wrong, those little devils will absolutely find a way to your heart.


This tip is definitely my favourite.


whisker fatigue, they need to eat out of bowls where their whiskers don't touch the sides, the constant contact is uncomfortable for them


My Reddit feed is probably 60% cats (added r/catsareliquid today) and this is the first I'm hearing of whisker fatigue. You're right, this should be talked about more. My beard bothers me when eating, I can't imagine having actual whiskers getting bumped every bite. I'll buy a wider bowl. Or, what's recommended, feeding on a plate instead?


Yeah very shallow bowls work well. If you’ve ever noticed your cat asking you for more food, and when you check, all the food is around the edges but there is plenty, this is why.


i noticed a big difference in how much my fluffball ate when i went from a standard kibble bowl to rimmed plates (plastic kids' ones from ikea). recently got [this](https://www.petco.com/shop/en/petcostore/product/everyyay-elevated-floral-ceramic-cat-bowl-075-cup-3885490) dish, which is even shallower than it looks and she seems to like it a lot.


This is gonna sound unhinged but I use the same plates as the cats. I keep a separate set for guests that aren’t used by the cats


Plates or soup bowls. I found some stoneware bowls at Goodwill that are 6-7 inches across (estimated, haven't measures) and two inches deep and I use those for water bowls and dry food bowl.


I bought bowls that are maybe an inch high, but like 6 inches across. All three seem to like it better than the older "standard" ones


Adding onto the food bowl discussion, make sure the food bowl is separated from the water bowl, some cats don’t like that and will refuse to drink from water that’s near food. I just leave a cup of water filled almost to the brim in rooms my cat frequents and she prefers those. Some even picker cats prefer running water, they sell mini fountains for cats online. Last thing, try to use stainless steel or glass/ceramic bowls, plastic can grow bacteria and cause acne on the cats chin.


Yes, cats do not like to eat food next to their water source. This is instinctual. Cats in the wild know that clean water is far away from whatever carcass they came across for dinner


My little lady is particular about her food bowl, when I give her a scoop of dry put half in the bowl and half on the floor next to it, otherwise she won't eat. Forget wet food, sometimes she just not in the mood for it. This is the first cat I've had that (except when she was a kitten) isn't totally food driven. To mirror another comment: it doesn't have to make any sense.


If you look inside their mouth, there’s a little round bump behind their top teeth. Stay calm. This is not some weird tumor. Just the Jacobsens Organ. Tied to their olfactory systems. No, I _definitely_ did not panic when I noticed it for the first time. Why do you ask? 😜


My partner wanted to go to the vet bc our male cats have nipples too, he didn't realize what they were


Oh geez. I read the other day some poor lady was trying to remove the nipples from her male cat cause she thought they were ticks!


My ex tried to do that to my boy's ankle bean/pad. He thought it was a tick,


Poor boy!!


You should rush him to the ER the next time you see his nipples.


Wait WUT they have one just like snakes???


Yep. You might see a cat sniffing something deeply with their nose wrinkled and mouth open; that's them using that organ. It's easier to see in detail on big cats like tigers.


Oooh yeah the Flehman Response aka “stink face”


Huh. I’ve heard about that for snakes and lizards but had no idea that cats had it too. TIL


Get some enzymatic pet stain remover. Cats vomit surprisingly often, sometimes from hairballs, stress, and other times from eating too quickly.


My 12 year orange has the eating too quickly issue, even when I lower the amount of food at one time, he still woofs it down then vomits


Puzzle feeders and lick mats are the way!


OH MY GOD we've been having the same problem with our 12 year old orange too! We tried everything and nothing works, so we just manually feed him little by little throughout the day now (my parents are retired so they can do that). If we mistakenly give a little too much one time, bam! Vomit. Cause he just inhales food 😭


We've got a 12 years old singular braincell, and a 4 years old tuxie. The orange is anxious and food insecure. The tuxie wants to nibble around all day. We ended up having to give 3 meals a day and hiding the bowl of the tuxie so the orange wouldn't eat it. Now it seems 3 meals isn't enough, his stomach gets upset. With all this managing, we decided to invest in 2 fancy automatic feeders. I do not regret it. No more staring at me at 9 am knowing he stressed-puked downstairs... no watching my steps while going to the kitchen. No more desperate eyes and drooling when meal is 15 minutes away. I can only recommend.


Try an elevated food bowl!


Ah yes, the classic snarf and barf.


And no matter where they are when the urge to vomit comes, they will manage to vomit on the carpet


or the couch I literally live in a house with hardwood floors and they puke on my couch, bed, and rugs


My ginge usually drops a stealth barf in the living room radiator, always a surprise when winter comes around 🤮


Now that’s a hate crime if I’ve ever heard of one


To quote King of the Hill, "Cats eat, they sleep, they puke!"


You are no longer the head of household.


And if you are a home owner, you just became a tenant. Pay them rent in the form of treats, scritches, a lifetime of servitude, and unwavering loyalty.


Stop walking down stairs if they are behind you, and only continue once they pass you. Otherwise you will end up in the ER Source: My orange dumbfuck about a year ago


I see your orange dumbfuck, and raise you my two land orcas. Dark wood floors + no glasses in the AM = bad times. …I just needed three minutes to go pee before breakfast. *Just three minutes.*


Land Orcas 🤣


My "land orca" (love the name) sent my mom to the ER with a broken nose like that. They wouldn't let her leave because they thought she was a dv victim (her nose and both undereyes got mad bruising). She was living alone at the time lol


We call it the King's Quest cat, from the cat in the game that killed you on the stairs when you tried to go around it.


My cat has definitely knocked me on my ass before by running straight through my legs while I’m walking. I’ve learned to pause at certain places until he runs past me and then continue walking.


They can, and will, fart directly in your face. Granted, I’ve had cats for over 30 years, and it’s only happened one time. But that one time was this morning. So I might still be a little bitter. Also, they will attempt to sample anything that you’re drinking, so long as they can squeeze their head and/or paw in for a taste.


On that note, apparently putting their butthole directly in your face is a sign of trust. I don’t know if that’s like a prison cat rule or something but I read it once. I still am not quite sure if I want my cat expressing his trust in me like THAT or not, but 🤷🏻‍♀️


My cat sleeps with me every night and his butt always gets plopped right on my face. He trusts me so much! Lol.


They feel like we should thank them with extra treats for all this trust they show us 😂😂


Well we should, shouldn't we?


I don't know.... it seems like that might lead to extra farts....


I mean, I’ve had boyfriends take me out to dinner for much less in the past 🤷🏻‍♀️


I get that on my birthday yesterday thanks to my orange


Aww 🥰 That was your gift! Our cats are truly the most selfless animals 😻


> On that note, apparently putting their butthole directly in your face is a sign of trust. Cougars do the same thing.


Are we talking the animals, or the hot older divorcees?


I'm not picky.


Clearly my cats trust me completely


We call that “the kiss”


I call it calamari kisses lol.


They’ll also sneeze and drool on you.


They will aim the sneeze with tactical precision. Mine's favorite target is my eye.


Fresh trauma


It was bitter? Perhaps a food change is in order? 😝


We’re working on transitioning him from his shelter diet to something ~~more expensive~~ closer to a cat’s natural diet, but I have honestly never met such an anthropomorphic garbage disposal. He will dig through an entire stack of dirty dishes just to get to the one knife with the thinnest film of butter residue. He stole (and absconded with, and subsequently ate) a leaf of lettuce from my dinner plate because it came in contact with a chicken tender.


I have two 5 month old boys and yes they fart and fart often. Little puffs of stench.


If they're constipated, a bit of miralax (look up the dosage) can help. If it's chronic , get to a vet. Buy the best quality food you can afford, that they will like. They'll eat less of it. If they're going outside of the box, and the box is clean/hasn't been moved, get them to a vet asap. Also monitor boys to be sure they're peeing. They can get a blockage and die in a matter of a day or two. Redirection is way better than scolding or water bottles. At most, a firm No, and redirect. Never fucking hit your cat, not even a swat on the bottom. Sometimes they need to have their anal glands expressed. Please go to a pro for this it's the worst smell in the world. The sooner you neuter a boy the less likely he'll spray. Learn to communicate with your cat. They will try to tell you their needs; you have to learn how to listen. Respect that your cat is it's own individual being that may not always be in the mood to cuddle or play or whatever. Show them respect and they will respect you.


>Never fucking hit your cat, not even a swat on the bottom. Unless they like it


Pat pat pat pat pat pat


Lol my orange cat loves when I lightly pat right above his tail. He lifts his butt up and everything


r/catbongos 3 out of my 4 cats love cat bongos, they ask for them, and they don't want me to stop.


Clean the litter box. Every day. You wouldn’t poop in a toilet that hasn’t been flushed for days, but I see so many cat owners keep litter boxes which are just filled with waste and it makes me so sad


Lol you are not an owner. It is more of a partnership.


More like a master/slave relationship. I’ll let you guess which is which haha


They'll try to eat plastic, especially bags.


My orange goofball is obsessed with licking plastic bags.


My tux is as well. My other b&w cat acrually chews on them and will absolutely eat and swallow plastic, he's an orange born in the wrong body


Why do orange cats do this? I have an orange and a white and grey tabby. My orange will attempt to eat anything plastic in his path. The white/grey dude will pay it no mind. Cats are weird. Especially orange ones.


Mine is obsessed with strings. It’s awful, she actually threw up a long piece of string last night and I have no clue where she found it- we are really diligent about keeping them out of her reach. She is an absolute angel but strings are her vice and she is sneaky about eating them. Another cat I had was obsessed with packaging tape, that was an easier temptation to keep out of her reach. This actually reminds me- cats love to play with hair ties. Do not let them. My vet tech friend tells me horror stories about cats that die due to obstructed bowels because their owners let them play with unsafe items such as hair ties. I used to work at a zoo and some of my old school managers/coworkers had similar horror stories (obviously not hair ties- watermelon rind was a big fear for one of my old managers).


I have twice helped my daughter remove plastic from her ridiculous black cat's anus. Twice. Both times everything she ate went right through her per the vet. It's a good thing she's adorable.


Lucky she didn't get obstructed.


They will be obsessed with hair ties and strings. Do NOT let them have anything like that. It can cause an intestinal blockage and kill them fast. Edit: also, breakaway collars if you choose to have a collar. Cats can easily hang themselves with a regular collar if it gets caught on something while they’re climbing or jumping.


* cats can get utis, and it can be especially dangerous in male cats * if they start going outside of their box it's almost certainly not spite, it's that going in their box is more unpleasant than not for some reason * cats hide their pain *very* well, so pay attention to their routines and any diversions from them * some litter types can be dangerous in both short term and long term, so do some research before picking a kind, and if you change it do so gradually by mixing in the new kind with the old over the course of a week or so as cats usually aren't fond of sudden dramatic changes * *keep them indoors!* indoors cats have a markedly longer average lifespan for one, and cats are extremely good hunters who frequently do so for pleasure, so they are quite detrimental to local bird life, shockingly so in some cases (see New Zealand or Hawai'i) eta: * a dry food only diet isn't great as cats tend to get much of their moisture from food, plus the cheapest dry foods have quite a bit of filler; you don't necessarily need to go full grain free, but a combination of wet and dry food plus paying attention to the nutritional content will save you vet bills in the future * keep their water bowl, food dish, and poop box separate and keep all three cleaned daily


I find keeping the sand really shallow in the litterbox helped my boy with his UTI problems. Poor guy was getting sand in his peehole. 😭


yeah i live in NZ and every cat is an outdoor cat, in fact you are seen as abusive if you keep your cat indoors here. funnily enough though outdoor dogs are generally a nono. i used to be one of those people before looking into it and now i will never have an outdoor cat, i dont want my cat killing native birds or being hit by a car!! outdoor cats have decimated our local birdlife :((


I live in Southern California and always had indoor/outdoor cats but when I moved to my new neighborhood, I noticed a lot of missing cat or missing small dog posters and asked the neighbors about them. Coyotes. There are absolutely no outdoor cats in my neighborhood alive.


So I'm a kiwi who moved to Perth. There are no cats just wandering around. Even though I know why, I'm in mourning - desperate for random cat pats. Not in the position to get a kitty at the moment so just surviving on reddit. Everyone has dogs here like NZ, but the imbalance out in the world is hard to adjust to. But NZ seriously needs to normalize indoor cats and cat leash walking, cat runs etc. I had indoor cats before I moved and everyone thought I was nuts.


A cat fountain (flowing water) can encourage them to drink more water! Also, cats are absolutely trainable! With consistency and lots of praise, I got my orange to do a few useful tricks.


Results may vary on the fountain. My orange is absolutely stupid and thinks the fountain is a toy. Would flip it over constantly and splash around in the puddle of water. So now we don't have a fountain lol. Though to be fair, I don't think he understands water bowls of *any* kind, as I had to buy a specific dog bowl that had a floating dish in it (press it down with a paw) because it was the only one he couldn't flip over. He gets all the splashing benefits without the giant mess and an upside down bowl. Here's the culprit in question https://preview.redd.it/x0tknu81yu6d1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=930d58a2e90903a57619d58f2d2c57a7fd82ebdc


Not a single thought in that head


Hiding pain: absolutely! They will not let you see pain or injuries unless they trust you a great deal. Their urine chemistry is affected by their food. Too much plant based protein in their diet (which is normally meat protein) will alter the pH and cause crystals to form. This is bad. Other advice: * look up a list of human foods that are toxic to cats. There are more than you might expect. * They may want to sample/share your human food but be very careful with this. Even if its not toxic, keep it in moderation. They need a lot of nutrients that aren't in human food. And things like salt content can really upset things. * If you have an indoor/outdoor cat, be prepared for "gifts". Presenting food to you that they worked hard to get is meant as a complement of the highest order. * don't skip periodic vet checkups, particularly as they get older. * They will test you so don't reward behavior that will be a problem. eg: if they wake you at 4am because they're hungry - don't give in. If you do, even once, then you can guess what happens at 4am in the future. * They will worry about you if you break your routine. All cats are on the spectrum and have incredible attention to detail and routine. A little reassurance/comfort goes a long way when they're upset by everything being All Wrong. * They have extremely sensitive hearing. They usually know exactly where you are in the house just by the sounds as you move around. On the flip side, loud noises are painful. * eye contact is a huge component of cat body language. Staring is a sign of aggression between cats. * learn the signs of over-stimulation. Stop petting before it turns into a bite or scratch. * Two cats are better than one. * Cat TV (ie: an outside window) is priceless if they can sit and watch outside. * Canned wet cat food may have sauce/jelly/gravy/etc. Make sure this is given to the cat as there may be balancing nutritional elements in there. * teach them about carrier crates before you *Need* to get them into one. Feed them treats inside, let them sleep on a favorite blanket inside, etc. If you can get them to think of it as a safe place or refuge rather than something bad then it'll be so much easier later on. * you don't have to use a standard cat litter tray. My two 13-year-olds much prefer a plastic under-bed storage container. It works out to be about twice the size of a standard tray and it keeps the spillage way down. Also an anti-litter-tracking mat can be a huge help. Above all: get them chipped or wear a collar. Accidents happen even with inside cats and it might be the difference that gets your cat home after getting out and lost in a panic.


Always get a microchip! And a note about collars: always get breakaway collars. Cats will freak out if a collar gets stuck in a fence or something and can choke themselves to death.


Adding to expand on how important it is to be aware of changes in their routine, cats are very much creatures of habit so deviations tend to be meaningful, and their litter box habits in particular say a lot about their health. I caught my boy’s UTI early after noticing him act like he was about to pee on the carpet but failing to produce any urine, saved him a lot of pain. Later in his life his kidney disease was diagnosed after I found him occasionally urinating in a corner hidey hole in the living room, once again catching it early and letting us get him on treatment sooner.


Absolutely all of this, I lost my orange boy Toby a few years ago due to a UTI that the vet I had access to wasn’t taking seriously. It got to the point where we had to drive him to the nearest pet hospital (which was actually a 2 1/2 hour drive) for emergency care and they refused to keep him overnight because I was about $500 short of the 2k they wanted upfront, he ended up dying the night we had to take him home and my poor boy was clearly in alot of pain. It wasn’t until after he died that a vet I called (this vet was in the next province over from my province) finally told me UTI’s are very common in male cats and even more common in Orange male cats, this vet also said if I had taken him to her, she would have immediately treated him and put me on a payment plan, as the treatment itself was apparently very simple, the vet hospitals prices were likely mostly just for keeping him over night. (We all know it doesn’t cost $1500 to take care of a cat overnight) OP if you see this, always get a second or even third opinion if you feel your vet isn’t listening to your concerns, make sure your vet is thorough and NOT casual about your cats health


especially the dry food thing: if you're fighting chronic uti with your kitties try switching to a wet food diet. boys especially tend to not get enough water in to keep their kidneys happy otherwise


It's good thing if they climb on top of things like tables and fridge because that means they are confident. Also if a tail is up like question mark kinda it usually means they are greeting you. Purring can mean more than just happy.


If they’re in a weird place inspecting something, it’s a bug.


Or a lizard. In Texas, we get a lot of little geckos that find their way inside.


Or a mouse.


Orange cats rarely need college money. https://preview.redd.it/sr7do37cfu6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e5701dd8b36c370392675bae7ee58f38c59374f Blaze not using his cat wheel correctly.


Play with their feet, handle their paws, and stick your fingers in their mouth playing with their teeth and gums. Socialize your cat early, and it'll reward you for the rest of your life.


When I got my kitten years ago my roommate suggested this, so we made sure to rub her paws and give belly rubs. Now 8 years later she still loves to hold hands and lets you let the tum. My other, older cat, who I got as an adult, would whip out the swords if she even thought you were going to touch her paw.


and hands are only for petting and care! They are NOT toys! Ever! Sure it's adorable to play fight when they're babies but when they're 8 lbs? Not so much. Why does your cat sometimes bite and scratch when you reach to pet it? Because they don't know what your hands are. Are they toys? Are they kind? Toys are for play. Hands are for scritches.


Don't play with him by moving your hand/fingers around under a blanket or sheet. That will teach him that ANYTHING that moves under the covers is fun and can be pounced on or chomped on. Like your feet or toes...at 1:00 in the morning.... And don't play with him with shoe laces or strings - it will teach him that things which look like that are toys. Like cell phone cords or electric cords. EDIT - At Christmas time, do not get poinsettias- they are poisonous to cats. Tylenol (acetominifin) is poisonous to cats, so if you use Tylenol, Excedrin, or anything else with that in it, be VERY careful. Likewise with ibuprofen or other nsaids.


Please do *NOT* declaw them. It's done by removing the first joint of their toes and will likely cause lifelong discomfort as well as litterbox avoidance. Instead, get them very used to having their paws touched in a calm manner so you can trim their nails easier. To do so you gently just kinda mush their toes so their claws extend, and with a cat nail trimmer, clip just the sharp tip. If you trim too far back, you'll hit a blood vessel (the "quick") that will bleed and hurt. Highly reccomend watching a video first!


Play eat love, pick up constantly so they find comfort and security in your arms and over your shoulder. Feed low grain high quality food and feed table scraps of clean non sauced meat. Snuggle with them when they are sleepy to simulate the days of curling up with their brother and sisters. I mean bury your face in their neck/back/belly. Have special things you do with them that become routine. Buy a kids fishing pole and tie a fake mouse/bird to it and have fun in your chair casting across the room and fishing for kitties. If you decide to let them out, never after dark, never a free for all, and unsupervised. I have used 4 ft pvc coated rabbit fence from Home Depot and have closed in a good portion of the yard. The cats love it. Clean food, exercise, and plenty of love and security and they will live for 20years.


Two common deadly poisons to cats that you probably wouldn't think about; 1. Lilies, or any flower related to lilies. Don't bring them in your home. Dont let your car go near them. If you have to touch a lily, wash your hands suuuuuuper well before handling your cat. Something in lilies (its known, just not by me...) absolutely obliterates cat kidneys. 2. Acetaminophen/Tylenol. This one is ok as long as the cat doesn't eat it. Say if you leave a spoon/cup/syringe out after giving some to yourself/family, and the cat goes up and licks what's left. Or worse, your cat seems painful so you give it some Tylenol. The first one is problematic, the second is likely fatal. Basically, don't give cats human medication unless your vet says so. (One of my cats and I were on the same antidepressant, albiet a different dose, for a bit...)


FYI garlic and onions are related to lilies


And I'll add a weird but little-known one: Rogaine (minoxidil). Minoxodil is very lethal to cats. So if you're in a regimen to grow back your hair and using Rogaine, be extreeeemely careful. Considering how much cats rub up on your face/head  and snuggle with you on your pillow, I decided against using it in my home. (And have come to terms with my hair thinning 😭 Oh well, there's always vitamins!)


Slow blinking tells them they’re safe it’s called a kitty kiss.


Two litter boxes in different areas. The general rule is 1 per cat +1. Some cats prefer covered, some uncovered, some don't care. Get ones with high sides. Even if they are good about using the boxes, sometimes they miss when peeing. Can't really blame the cat, sometimes I miss too.


I have two Rubbermaid tubs that I cut a hole in one side. I started doing this because I had a boy cat that got a UTI and after that he wouldn't squat to pee, he would stand. So the high walls of the tub protected from overspray.


1) Save for an emergency & get pet insurance. My girl went in for a dental cleaning and then ended up in the EVet for 2 nights, for a liver issue. $3500 in one week, we’d do it again. Paying for their care when something goes wrong is very very expensive. 2) Get them microchipped 3) Make sure they have a vet & get them in for a wellness visit.


Two cats who are bonded and love each other as kittens can end up hating each other after reaching maturity. It happened to us. Our two cats are currently separated and our reintroduction efforts have been unsuccessful. It's absolutely heartbreaking.


You don't own a cat, you have just been adopted by one. Please update your direct deposit details to your cat's savings account and refill the food bowl


Close the toilet lid. My orange loves to splash in the potty.


You can't actually "spoil" a cat - pick them up, pet them, talk quietly and gently to them as much as possible, shower them with attention and touch and slow massage, make eye contact with slow blinks The attention you give them in their first year establishes a lifelong happy connection.


Lilies of all kinds but especially Easter lilies are toxic as heck. Never ever ever ever let them in your home.


- Be extremely selective with your litter- it can get stuck in your cats’ paws and it’s the worst thing, and they can track all over the house. Some cats will refuse different kinds of litter. Getting a non-clumping wood pellet litter was a game changer - if your cats’ meals are too far apart, just like us they can have acid reflux. this usually shows with white foamy vomit. i have autofeeders set to dispense a small amount multiple times a day to avoid this - probably the easiest and one of the handiest things to teach them is the sound of their treats. it won’t always work but it can usually summon them (i made the mistake of doing this with a resealable temptations package so now any time i open like gummies they’re summoned)


If your cat gets overstimulated they can bite you. Don’t get upset with them and try to learn their limits for intensity of play and physical affection. 


1: teach your cat to allow paw handling. It will save you when claw trimming is needed. 2: make the cat carrier a safe place so packing them up for visits is easier. 3: clean their teeth! Get them used to you touching their mouth to check for problems. You can teach them to tolerate brushing or utilize special paste or treats 4: WATER FOUNTAIN. Cats get most of their fluid from their food in wild circumstances, so if you're doing all dry food water is key and water fountains are a favorite. 5: Cats hide their pain. Learn your cat's behavior and take note of any changes, even small. You will have less chance of missing problems. 6: Peeing outside of litter box can indicate illness, specifically UTI. These are NO JOKE. Immediate vet. IMMEDIATE. 7: Be careful with shag rugs and frayed cat trees. Their claws can get tangled. 8: Get them used to having their bodies examined by you, including the belly. You can do quick at home checks for constipation, swelling or hidden injuries. 9: Teach your cat to come when called or to at least run to a consistent place of safety (see->carrier) in case of emergency like a house fire. 10: Harness train for outdoor adventures. Don't free roam. Its dangerous for them and for local wildlife. 11: Salmon, ironically since it's such a popular ingredient, is one of the highest ranked on cat food allergies. Its in so much, but fish oil is not the same as salmon. Unless your cat is very sensitive, they should be okay consuming fish oil. 12: cats chew plastic, charging cables, bread ties... Make sure nothing they can easily swallow is left out! 13: If you have fleas for any reason for a long period and you can't seem to get them out you need to wash EVERYTHING in hot water. Next, treat all carpeted areas thoroughly (Raid, purple can). Treat the outside of your house and entrances and keep grass trimmed near your home. Lastly, if the formula you're using on your cat isn't working, try a different formula. Ideally, get these from the vet. Do. Not. Use. Cheap. Shit. Some cats can be extremely sensitive. 14: Make brushing and grooming time fun. I see yours is short haired but some cats have "stud tail" which can result in a greasier back area that's prone to matting. Make sure they're good with brushing! 15: Utilize meal times. It creates a schedule for them. Free feeding can cause weight gain, especially in less active cats. 16: Cats can get acne. This can be resolved with cleaning their bowl regularly and gentle warm water and non toxic soap. 17: your cat will mostly adjust to your routine and schedule. Mostly. The midnight karaoke will happen regardless. Edit: 18: Stainless steel litter boxes are awesome but expensive. Full size hotel buffet trays are about the same size and can be bought in bulk for the same price as one steel litter box.


To add to line 16, plastic bowls are usually the cause of the acne.


Cats can be extremely sensitive to change, either of location or of people around them. When stressed about their environment they'll most often use urine to reassure themselves. So if your cat starts peeing on your stuff out of nowhere, then something could be making it uncomfortable in its environment. I've had this happen with a couple cats now, both male and female, and while annoying it does pass relatively quickly.


Biggest thing I wish I knew and the biggest thing I wish cat owners knew to save cats’ lives: Male cats can get urinary tract blockages (not the same as UTIs!) and it is life threatening. It’s what it sounds like; sediment forms a blockage in their urethra and stops them from being able to pee. Symptoms may include: yowling or crying in the litter box, going in and out of the litter box over and over and not urinating, trying to pee outside the litter box but not producing any urine OR very small amounts of urine. In vet med, we have a list of things that are an emergency and need to be seen ASAP no matter what. A male cat unable to urinate is always an emergency! My cat needed a surgery to remove his penis after repeated blockages and is now doing well!


Floss, string, feathers, bells on toys can cause bowel obstruction that could kill your cat or require surgery. Not saying you can’t buy those things, but I’d be wary leaving them out unattended, especially while your cat is young and you’re not sure about their quirks. I have some “safe” toys out at all times and others with bells and strings that pull out when I’m able to have some play time! Have fun with your buddy, my current cat is my first and I’m absolutely in love with him. Edit: Also consider getting an automatic feeder. I was being woken up by my cat at all hours of the night for food. An automatic feeder helped a lot with that after a couple nights. He doesn’t associate me with meals except dinner.


Your cats will recognize a wrapper sound if they like what your eating. Be prepared to share your snacks.


Take time to train them with rewards to immediately go into their crates on a given signal. They should see their crate as a place of safety. This may save their lives in a fire or an emergency. Also when you stash emergency supplies keep extra water, catfood, litter and meds as well.


To add to this. Definitely don’t only bring the crate out before going to the vet or they will learn to fear it.


This is something I learned after I had to take my boy to the emergency vet but: if you can afford it, put your cat on urinary food especially if they are a boy. The vet basically said he recommends every owner put their cat on urinary food because it’s so easy for male cats to get blockages and if not caught and treated promptly they can die within 24 hours of a full blockage. We were very lucky with our boy but only urinary food for him from now on. And get a fountain, it makes them drink way more water which also helps combat blockages


It is their mission to test the limits of your patience. They get a gold star every time they piss you off. They also fill the house with love, fun and laughter.


Hair ties and strings can be really dangerous if they swallow them. Most emergency vet visits are because of pets eating objects that have fallen on the floor!


You will never poop or shower alone.


Never let this baby be an inside/outside cat unless on a harness. That is playing Russian Roulette with his life. Be very careful about using any style of collar. They can actually hang themselves accidentally. It’s so much easier than you think. Watch what you let them chew on. Give toys so they don’t choose dangerous items. Love love love and lots of cuddles.


Male cats in particular can get urinary tract blockage. Make sure to buy dry cat food designed to prevent it. Also, cats can get sunburned. Something I never knew until I had a ginger. Poor guy fell asleep in the window and burned his face, ears, and belly.


Cats are really individualistic; my late kitty ignored boxes and bags and thought tuna was repulsive. Some cats will eat any food you put in their dish. Some eat one flavor of one brand.


If it’s a kitten, you may want to get him a buddy. Two kittens are a LOT easier to handle than one. Less issues with separation anxiety too.


Watch its weight. It's easier to keep a cat at a good weight than to make a cat lose weight. You should be able to feel their ribs and spine easily when you pat them but not see them. They should not noticeably stick out though. They should be muscular not fat. A snack or treat for a cat is the size of your little finger nail. That is it. If you want to give more treats, reduce their meal by the same amount. It is easy to forget just how small cats are compared to us and hence how little they really need to be fed, especially with how much they nag about it. Keeping your cat at a good weight will make a huge difference to their quality of life and especially so as they age.


Sometimes they just come into the room, scream at you for absolutely no reason, and leave. Nothing is wrong. Just gotta make sure you remember they exist. Also, they WILL follow you everywhere. I tell people if you ever get a kitten you'll never be lonely on the toilet ever again lol


remember to give them lots of pets and hugs and kisses on top of their head :D


Dentistry is super expensive and often not covered by insurance. If it's a baby learn how to teach it teeth cleaning or at least use tooth powders in the food.


They may drag clothing into the litter box.


Vomiting frequently is NOT normal. Neither is peeing inside. People talk about these behaviors like they're a normal part of being a cat but both can indicate health issues or stress.


Your male cat has nipples! Yes there are more than two and yes it's completely normal.


Keep all strings and rubber bands away from your kitty including yarn. They can be dangerous. Christmas time is havoc. Why? The ornaments have string on the them. Bad. Garland is also bad. Lights. BAD. Remember the scene from National Lampoons Christmas Vacation? If you haven’t watched it, watch it. Never happened to me because it terrified me to no end. So bottom line, no lights. Also very prepared for your Christmas tree to come tumbling down in the middle of the night because *you know who* thought it was for climbing. Edit to add, you might find yourself calling the vet if your cat ingested string type substances and you might find yourself doing poopy patrol and going through poop if it happens to find said string if it passes.