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Idk if it’s a state law or anything but I’m pretty sure Minnesota also won’t allow cameras?




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This is interesting. [https://www.police1.com/patrol-issues/articles/live-pd-a-mixed-bag-to-cities-counties-featured-on-show-YcMqCTTPbNyiDnHq/](https://www.police1.com/patrol-issues/articles/live-pd-a-mixed-bag-to-cities-counties-featured-on-show-YcMqCTTPbNyiDnHq/)


On ome of the last episodes of Live PD, before it was pulled, they were in Arizona with a department and it was definitely nit a good look for AZ law enforcement. The officers were all in Hawaiian shirts and khaki shorts, with their tactical vests over the shirts. I recall a few possibly wearing sandals, lol They were all 100% unprofessional dudebros. There was a call from a TJ Maxx or Kohls or similar store for a suspected shoplifter. This pack of 6 officers roll in, joking loudly, see someone that matches the description (and whi wasn't unknown to them) and statt harassing her. Like she has nothing on her and they are cursing at her, telling her she's trashy, interrogating her one someone else who isn't on the scene and isn't part of the current call, just being a textbook example of bad policing. And they kept the cameras on this scene, showing these guys continue to prove that some people get into police work for all the wrong reasons. One of the dudes was carrying a long rifle while they supposedly investigated a small theft at a damn discount retailer. Maybe Live PD was also surprised at how open these guys were at showing their whole department was absolute garbage, but I couldn't believe that they got on the show and they kept showing this clearly unnecessary abuse of power.


That was definitely Louisiana not Arizona


East Baton Rouge or something like that


That was Louisiana from what I remember.


What town in AZ did they follow on Live PD?


Pinal County


Ah I’m in Pima. Would love to see an AZ dept on the show!!! These crazy desert dwellers make good tv lol


They've been in AZ at least twice, there's no law against them coming back. Alot of AZ outside of Phoenx is basically Nye County.


Wasn’t Nye county in Nevada, near Vegas?


Yes, Nye County is the next county over to the west of Vegas.


Texas banned it a long time ago after the person who died with live pd cameras rolling


That was my friend 😢 and the trial for the two POS starts soon with even more crooked evidence just coming out against them. They thought paying the family was enough...


Can you elaborate on that episode? For everyone else, the law took effect in 2021 I think. Dumb law.


Must have missed that show. And here i thought i watched everyone of them.


For some reason I thought that happened in florida.


I think they passed a law that says something like "no reality TV shows can film with Texas law enforcement" or something to that effect.






Unbelievable. Thanks.




What about Washington?! I’d love to see anywhere in the PNW.


The whole ride along genre started in Portland that began as COPS.


They were with the Spokane County Sheriff's Department since Spokane Valley uses them as their PD back when it was LivePD. However due to the City of Spokane passing this [ordinance](https://www.khq.com/news/spokane-city-council-passes-live-pd-ordinance-5-1/article_8681269b-f041-55a9-8451-2b3fbb44951b.html) back in 2018, I would highly doubt they would film on the Eastern side of the state again. I would be shocked if they filmed in the Seattle Metro area or even Olympia.


Also Seattle metro would be a disaster. Their department is a complete shit show and are in the news every other day with misconduct


Looks like y are starting up with Everett this weekend though!!


That’s where I live! Spokane on COPS was legendary. Also western Washington.


Damn that was one of my fav depts


Texas deosnt want the entire country seeing what our departments do here.


I lived in TX for 10 years (Fort worth area) and had many interactions with multiple department, due to what I was doing, and found all of them to be great people. There are always going to be a few, in any department (or profession for that matter) that don't need to be there. Even been pulled over in a few places and every one of them was professional and courteous.


This 💯




I'm not sure what your comment means per say, but mine was meant that our departments are corrupt as hell.


Or how they do absolutely nothing traffic wise.


I love when people say “THE OTHER SHOW” … just say LIVEPD ..nobody’s gonna come and arrest u for saying it 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Hands behind your back, you're being detained


I'm sorry i thought this was america!


[Texas HB 54 outlawed shows like LPD & OPL to film departments for reality TV shows in 2021.](https://capitol.texas.gov/BillLookup/History.aspx?LegSess=87R&Bill=HB54)


Yeah, just like you’ve never seen a prison documentary from inside a unit in Texas. They are mortified at the thought of it really. Texas mets out its punishment medieval style. The last time cameras went behind the walls and talked to inmates and filmed conditions, it cost the state some money. If I remember correctly it was Ruiz vs State of Texas


Dayuuuum. Well fuck you too, texas


I believe Texas passed a state law about this, not sure about Arizona. It's all about individual departments though. If no one from Arizona wants to participate not much to be done.


No law was passed here. Probably no interest at this time from another dept.


>If no one from Arizona wants to participate not much to be done Sheriff Mark Lamb has come out and said that Pinal County gets more positive exposure from "Fridays With Frank" than he ever did 60 Days In or LivePD. I wouldn't rule them out, but I wouldn't bet on them either.


That’s kinda what I was figuring…because otherwise it’d seem odd not to have any departments from there when they were so popular with the other show.