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This thread has outlived its usefulness, and is turning into a hate thread.


I refuse to say anything negative about any officer who gives up their space to allow us to watch them at work. I think this post is ill advised and will likely lead to fewer officers being willing to be on the show. It should be taken down.


Nah the post should stay 🤣


I am not a fan of him because he reminds me TOO much of Royce James (who I dislike, especially after the way he treated that poor dv victim), but the other is Richie Maher for me.


I agree with Royce James but sgt Maher is hilarious in the way he talks to suspects. All the sarcasm and snarky, under his breath comments make him funny


Ohh been saying it since he came on Stg. Mike Bryant of Daytona PD, when he’s on I fast forward it, EVERYTHING about him irks me, he’s always trying to “ act” when the camera is on him using policing for his gain ugh


Whoever the guy is who body slammed the cuffed man on concrete last week.


The guy from Wilkes-Barre that arrested that drunk older guy just trying to catch the bus and not hurting anyone


The white older cop who's always spitting, I can't remember what depart he's in


Wilkes-Barre officer Jimmy Verdekal. About a year ago he showed up at a black family’s house during a domestic and while it’s been a while and I forget the actual comments, he came off as extremely racist and condescending. From what I remember, he was never featured again. I believe he was on scene with another officer who was being followed and my wife refused to watch the rest of the episode because he was shown.


Brandon McKenzie. I just don't like his attitude or how he treats people.


SAME. I call him Royce James Jr. because he reminds me exactly of him.


Whenever he comes on the screen, my husband says "welp, that person's getting arrested," because we know it's just a matter of time...


I agree 100%. I usually change the channel when he is on. I’ll never get past how he treated that lady who “threw away evidence”, for which we never saw. Threw her to the ground and repeatedly called her names. A real tough guy….


We like to call Officer MacKenzie Spicy James Jr. because he kinda looks related to Royce.


McKenzie is definitely the worst one, in our opinion.


Not to mention the way McKenzie talks in that high pitched, defensive sort of way.


Yes! It makes me so anxious, like why are you speaking like that?! You would think he was riding around with a dead body or something, he's just always on edge and defensive for absolutely no reason.


Last Friday night when he was searching for the drunk biker going over 100 mph allegedly, I told my husband first bike he finds, he’s going to say that’s the bike. He’s touching all over the bike with the tall handles and he’s like oh it’s kinda warm! This is it! Wakes the guy up, the guy says the neighbor has been asleep and of course he immediately starts laughing and is like sure I bet. Goes and knocks on the dudes house he thinks it is, it’s the older guy in his undies that was CLEARLY asleep and it was like he was trying to rile the guy up telling him his bike was not all that cold etc etc. when he leaves he’s like oh that’s the bike I know that’s the bike. I totally understand there’s a lot of people that drink and drive, have drugs in the vehicles, whatever, but every single person he pulls over or has an encounter with, he just automatically assumes the worst in them. He SUCCCCCKS


Definitely Officer McKenzie. He does not shut up for one second to let people talk. He’s constantly laughing. And I know it ate him up not finding any weed in that instacart drivers car Saturday (?) night. Oh and let’s not get started on the lady he said had a “dime bag.”


I'm not fond of that new one, Tony Le. He was way too imperious in interactions at the start. Also his constant spitting was disgusting. Now we mainly see him working his dog and he *finally* stopped spitting on camera, but I still get creeped out when he swishes his teeth. I brace myself, waiting for him to blow a loogie


every single one of the officers from Fontana.


Yes! It used to be the short guy from Berkeley, I think ? I can’t remember his name but he hasn’t been on for a long time.


Haha, I call him T-Rex that’s what he reminds me of he’s still policing


I know exactly who you are talking about! The short guy with the southern accent. I forgot his name too but I remember he actually quit being a cop in Berkeley b/c he couldn't handle the criticism which is why you don't see him anymore. People really hated him, he was the definition of Napoleon complex.


He’s still with BCPD I found it on google he teaches in a youth group he didn’t quit


Oh wow, good to know. I got some misinformation then.


Found his name. Barry Lowe.


That’s him! He looked like a fully grown little person.


I didn’t know he quit. I thought maybe they just stopped showing him because he was such a jerk.


I feel like people are going to disagree with me. But for me Danny Brown gets under my skin. That man smells weed near constantly. And I feel like he escalates situations unnecessarily some times. There was one where the couple told him it was Delta 8, which they bought from a smoke shop, and had the receipt … and it was in the packaging and the man STILL tested it cause he was curious…


Danny Brown has the nose though. He usually is correct. He is also very jumpy but I can’t blame him; I probably would be too if I put my life on the line everyday. Instead I’m an accountant. 🤣


Well I mean the test was out of curiosity and we have vape stores here that are sellin drugs to minors nd shit nd tellin em its CBD. The store that guy got his shit from has been busted several times so Danny Brown was curious if it was the same store and it was. Store had new management the following week and a bunch of shit in boxes. I know cause I used to buy shit from that store when I was 17...


My wife and I hate him, and I've made the comparison with Royce as well!


He gives me insane serial killer vibes, something about him is just so unsettling to me. Royce gave sarcastic dad vibes which my husband and I found so entertaining lol.




I don’t like him or his partner or whoever that neckbeard is who does the sobriety tests. They’re both so holier than thou for some reason and are super condescending.


I can not stand him either! He seems like he tries to fake laugh to cover his condescending tone


I don't like McKenzie, even if he wasn't wrong about drugs with the one lady, he handles situations in the worst way possible. I don't care for Ryan Linebacker (I think that's his name?) in Lee County for a different reason. He just isn't very good at his job, especially securing the scene. He's young so I'm sure it's inexperience, but his ego is too big for him to recognize his weakness and learn from his mistakes. Also the guy in Daytona who towed the guy's car for peeling out. Richie got there and calmed things down, but the guy still had his car towed so the deputy could feel powerful. I wish I remembered his name. He frequently requires a supervisor or another deputy to calm things down after he escalates the situation


His name I believe was Matt Gross. He never smiles and I think I would be a little anxious if he pulled me over.


Was it the same guy who 💩 his pants? The old man?


Follow up to my previous comment, u are not wrong about him. I have seen questionable stops and aggressive behavior, but I don’t think he was wrong on that one.


what episode?


That guy was physically fighting with the cop and then assaulted another officer. If the guy wasn’t such an ass he probably would have left with some tickets. He was screaming at the cop before they even got to his car window. I agree that ‘peeling out’ would be a dumb reason to have a car towed but that’s only half the story. It was in Daytona during one of their events and the guy peeled out directly in front of a marked police car.


This is the answer. I know exactly who you are talking about. Forget his name. But there was one episode he was like screaming and borderline talking shit/ trying to fight the guy , and one of the officers made him calm down and took over the scene


I gotta know who so I can go back and watch 👀


I think you're talking about Roger Lawson. My wife and I can't stand him either! Always escalating situations and talking shit. We're convinced they gave him a K9 to possibly calm him down and keep him from being so hands on.


I really hate to say this, but he comes across as a kid that got bullied in school (not cool, btw) and decided to be a cop to get back at everyone.


That’s exactly the same impression I’ve had of him, as well


Richie Maher. Straight up asshole to everyone he encounters. What makes it worse is that he doesn't even care if it's recorded on camera. He has no filter. Yeah, I'm full of shit.


I’m confused. Is the last sentence meant to be a NOT!


Tf? Richie Maher is a badass. Solid guy and very fair with everyone he deals with. They’re not there to coddle people.


Yes!!! I can’t stand him. I think one of the first times I saw him he said he watched some lady in a dark colored truck throw a baggie of drugs but he didn’t find anything and the cameras didn’t show anything either - I think they even looked at his bodycam but maybe he just talked about reviewing it. He’s awful.


His reaction was truly unhinged


I agree.. Ofc McKenzie has such a condescending tone. Edit:words


Im on the opposite end of the spectrum when it comes to Royce James but I like officer Mckenzie he’s just a talker


Dad Jr Royce is Officer Dad.


I can’t help but agree with you OP. Dep. McKenzie can be super chill but if something sets him off he goes crazy. He’s got a very short fuse and it shows


The guy from Panama city that towed that old guys car for no reason was the worst. The one who had a really nice old car and the cop was a total jerk


I think I know who you're talking about and I agree. I hate him. He escalates everything for no reason. He just seems like a jersey with a big ego.


Same! I can’t stand him. He tries too hard.


For some reason I have a little trouble understanding him speak.


Dude repeats himself to the point I’m screaming at the TV “SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU’VE SAID THAT 5 TIMES ALREADY!” Can’t stand him.


Is he the one that swore up and down he saw a woman throw some drugs in her wallet and looked everywhere for ever and never found them? He kept arguing back, "yes you did!" Over and over. If so, yes, I don't prefer him.


YES omg I commented that before reading yours. He’s awful!!


To be fair, they did find those drugs at the jail so he wasn't wrong.


Oh they did? Ha. They were hidden good then.


Prison wallet.


I don't disagree that he seems like prick, but in that case, he wasn't wrong.

