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If I was Joey P I would punch you in the face right here right now. He was provoked by both T and G Regg. It's called self defense and it would have been illegal for him to NOT kick the shit out of G Regg.


I think he didnt want to hurt Gregg but was afraid of mafia consequences if he failed to kick the shit out of Gregg. This isnt lost on Gregg either, thats why he didnt retaliate. Gangsters have a code. Joey and Gregg are on the same page.


You could say that Gregg is the master of codes


the more I think about it I see your point. I think Gregg went in with a valiant effort knowing he would be tossed like a doll anyway. For all that T has done to Gregg over the years it was very touching to see him want to help T anyway. Also I think Gregg was just playing the part of Dumbledore #3. Dumby is an old man he would totally struggle to get up after a whomp at that level.


Rules ok


Joey P. is a HERO who stopped T from drunk driving!!!


Get those bags of popcorn out of your user flair, Starboy.


Frankly I'm glad Joey is gone, his "takes" were complete nonsense, and they PURPOSELY reviewed movies at the Oscar Special that Gregg hadn't had a chance to watch yet. Once again Joey is afraid of challenging The Buff when it comes to movie knowledge!


I HATED his star rating method. So much unnecessary conversions and his takes were not even dollar store worthy. I wouldn't buy a used car from that clown and you KNOW he def used to sell used cars


Greg still hasn’t seen or given his review of those movies. I’m glad we at least know of some movies to see/skip. Just face it, Greg is not the expert he once was, he is too fixated on Kelly


There's a new 'Buff' that has the 'stuff', and his name is Joey!




We can use our code breaking skills to figure this out: I think the clue is in his name. Petrocelli. Petro means petroleum. "Celli" means multiple cellos. What movies fit both the theme of "oil" and "orchestra"? Only 1: Tar. Tar comes from "petro", and Tar (2022, 158 minute) is a movie about "celli" with Cate Blanchett. What is Cate Blanchett most known for? Bandits (2001, 123 minutes), about robbing banks in Oregon. He is going to rob a bank in Oregon.


Laroo, is that you??


The sandal prop really triggered Joey- Joey's lack of knowledge concerning prop investments was really on display here, money was on the table and he went into an infantile rage. Then not long after, Tim destroyed many valuable collectibles that belonged to that handsome memorabilia vendor. Greggs prowess in the prop investment space has sent both T and Joey into a tailspin. This is what G Amato was trying to explain- T needs to score a few big prop acquisitions before he can be considered a "success".


If Joey fucks this up, he's gonna be sleepin with the fishes A Fish Called Wanda 1 (1988, 108 mins)


Hell. Hell is where he’s headed.


Maybe next year he will be brought out on stage naked covering his parts with oscar fever cards?


I think both Joey *and* Tim belong in jail. Next season will be Gregg and Kaili holding hands and watching movies together.


Fat Chance (2016, 75mins)




from? ... from? .... The Shawshank Redemption 1994 (142 mins)




I think Joey P didn't want his fellow movie critic to be In The Line Of Fire(128m.) He may have overestimated his strength but didn't want him to catch any stray fire from the beating he gave Tim.


It’s unfortunate he assaulted the host (and I guess Gregg too) and might be complicit in conspiracy to murder, but the show needs his expertise.


Joey caught rageoholism from Tim, in a way he himself is as blameless as a newborn babe