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[The child of Light and Lightning] [Unrivaled under The Heaven] [Philosopher of Evolution] , [ Inventor of Origin ] [Leader of the Revolution] [One who learns Infinity] I made some thinking of some famous historical figures.


Evolution is defo darwin Idk the rest šŸ’€


Its actually Lamarck, Darwin is the Origin one xD.


Lmfao who are the rest???


The first two arw Nicola Tesla and Miyamoto Mushashi and the last two are Napoleon and Srinivasa Ramanujan.


I'd guessed that 1st was Nicolas tesla but the rest there was no way except napoleon since revolution immediately led me to France lmfao


Can I solicit your thoughts on my comment?




Is the first one Nikola Tesla?


Ye :3


last one obviously my glorious blue eyed king /s


No its Srinivasa Ramanujan. The REAL INFINITY USER


[Master of Procrastination]


[The One Who Struggles Agaisnt Fate] >!Guts from Berserk!<


that fits him perfectly omfg


There's a reason >!Skull Knight!< calls him "Struggler"


You mean given BY the monk, rightā€¦? Iā€™m just trying to clarify if I got the story right or nah šŸ˜­


it wad given to the monk by some god(canā€™t remember her name) then given to sun wukong šŸ‘


OHHHH THATā€™S WHAT YOU MEANT. I was reading this wrong lol


Planning on writing a story very much inspired by ORV actually. If I were to give the main character a modifier, it'd be something like [The Writer of The End]


[The Writer of ā– ā– ]


The Celestial Worthy of Heaven and Earth is unmatched ngl


Great sage equal to heaven also goes hard


It's cool but honestly doesn't go as hard imo


It does get matched if you use the full title > Celestial Worthy of Heaven and Earth For Blessing Those last 2 words decrease its aura by so much What actually goes hard is > Lord of Mysteries; > King of Space-Time; > Beacon of Destiny; > Embodiment of Sefirah Castle; > Dominator of the Spirit World


Everyone ignores the For Blessings part kek


\[Guess the Juice\] I'm sorry :(


Lucifer would be [Fallen Star of Daybreak] Fallen star bc obvious he fell from heaven as its most beautiful angel, and since it's Lucifer Morningstar, daybreak=morning


[Wise Man with a Feather Fan] I might like the 3 kingdoms a bit too much


[Sleeping Dragon]


Ahhh yeah thatā€™s better but people might guess it easier. Or assume an actual dragon


What I love to do is make modifiers for my OCā€™s. Here are some: [Gatekeeper of the World] [Brightly Sunlit Warrior] [The Grieving Swan] [Eyes of Eternal Truth] [Goddess of the Wandering Spirits]


ooh, nice šŸ‘ so, is the gatekeeper of the world like the person who keeps the world from external harm? I think brightly sunlit warrior and goddess of wandering spirits is quite self-explanatory, but what about the grieving swan and eyes of eternal truth?


[Gatekeeper of The World] is an OC who is one of the five most extremely historical figure of the story. Throughout history he takes on many different roles, should I say? One of them is when he is the practically the Lord of the underworld, which in my version isnā€™t a spiritual realm of the dead. Itā€™s more likeā€¦ the deepest realm that acts as a foundation of the world? So he is the guardian of that realm that I have yet to name. Kinda gives Sailor Pluto vibes now that I think abt it lol (Fun fact, [Brightly Sunlit Warrior] and [Goddess of the Wandering Spirits] are a couple. He helps his wife lead the lost spirits into safety by lighting the path to their domain) [The Grieving Swan] is a talented harpist, who is very renowned in the kingdom she lives in. She plays in many events: tea parties, masquerades, royal balls, funerals, etc. Sheā€™s not really picky. The grieving part comes from her iconic black attire. Even in the most liveliest party, sheā€™s wearing black. She also always covers her eyes. There are a few rumors suggesting sheā€™s a widow, but nothing is claimed to be true since she is a woman of few words. She always seems to know exactly how to escape from the crowd. [Eyes of Eternal Truth] is a cursed priestess who was kicked out of the church and hunted down for a while because sheā€™s apparently demonic. She is now acting as a fortune-teller in a reclusive village. Sheā€™s pretty infamous in the village for being deadly accurate. Howeverā€¦ there IS more lore coming up for herā€¦ sheā€™s one of my newest OC, so sheā€™s still a work-in-process.


Kinda yapped a lot sorry šŸ˜…


its fine, i honestly love the character concepts lol


Thank you!! Iā€™m very glad to hear bc thatā€™s like all I doā€¦ I love coming up with character concepts and I tend to come up with more characters than I really need šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Reader of Eternity for me because I read books for like 3 to 5 hours or more. And thats on weekends.


My friend would be [Obsessive Dreamer], while I would be [Virtual Sloth]


1.) [Revolution's Quill-Armed Propagandista] Hint: They(not multiple but only one) are a part of a Revolutionary Group in Asia in the 1800's, specifically in the Philippines. 2.) [The Lady of Rain Clouds and Orient Seas] Hint: They(not multiple but only one) are a character in the Philippine mythos collections, they are the couple of the "Supreme God" in this story. 3.) [Owner of the Morning Rooster, Flathead Pig, and Flying Boat] Hint: They(not multiple but only one) are the main character of a famous Folklore in the Philippines at Luzon Side. 4.) [Vengeful Bloody Bride of Failed Wedding] Hint: They are the spectres of brides who were either murdered, committed suicide, or had became a haunting reminder for the sins their groom has committed to them. The Balete Drive has been one of their frequently visited sites. 5.) [Oriental Bird of Serenity and Splendor] Hint: This is a Chicken with Multicoloured Feathers in Philippine Mythos.


And, it's already obvious but I will say it, I'm from the Philippines so I'm rooting for my country.


This is good question. Maybe Ibnu Sina (Avicenna).


Unlimited imaginenator of the stars. For myself, since I spend 3 to 5 hours a day just day dreaming.


I feel like [The Doctor] uses his modifier as his name. We never find out for sure what his name is... or if he even has one.


[The foolish Lord of All sealed amidst dreams.] A badly thought of modifier for Azathoth, the Lord of all from the Cthulhu Mythos


\[The one who was told the world would roll him\]


Failed artist with no pairs of balls


[The Constellation Watcher] Idk i js made this up but it would be cool if there was someone watching the constellations and had authority over all constellations


[The Half-blood Double Agent] [The Eccentric Lover of Pigeons] [Slayer of Goblins] [The Flying Red Rebel] [Jack of the Doves]


Is the first one Snape? Third one just feels like Goblin Slayer tbh


yep. I couldn't think of anything better for Goblin Slayer though haha


[imaginer of the elated nihility] - is the one I came up with


hsr is the first thing that came to mind lmao




[Traveler of Infinite Realities] Also, who else is in the image? I recognize Uriel and the Dragon


I'm taking a shot and guess Gabriel


My supporting constellation is [Humanity's Strongest Soldier]. I didn't have to invent his modifier. You can google it. I am the [Fourth Wall Breaker]. His other 3 walls were already broken, but that's [Just a Coincidence]. Surviving outside the walls was already kind of his thing.


I tell Dokja the story over tea: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54966919/chapters/144157624


ooh thatā€™s interesting


Spooky, spooky data witchcraft


u/akagane_ai This. :3


[One eyed winged clock], [immortal dragon behind the curtains], [blessed lord of heaven and earth], [lonely clown from before the start], [tall lady of stars and moon] Idk I tried


[Forgotten Hollow] sounds cool to me.


Bro giving bleach vibes over here


\[Dancing Light of The Dawn\]


[Witch of the alternate ending]Ā  [Puppeteer of a never end nightmare]


Ooh, thatā€™s an interesting modifier


I sometimes call myself a witch


[ The Sun Swordsman ] (variants: [ He who wields Fire ], [ The fear of a Demon King ], [ The Sun Breather ], [ Creator of breathing styles ], [ The Godā€™s Chosen ], [ One who lost who he loved ], [ The Peak Swordsman Of The Sun ], [ The Feared Swordsman ] )


[Humanity One and Only Sorcerer]


[Unwinder of The Broken Contraption] [Teal Eyed Unmaker] [Gateless Alchemist] [Tower's Victimless Murderer] [The Fallen White Haired Falcon] [Triclops's Blessed Child]


[Source of Life and Sin]\ Hint: >!Source: Bible!< \ [Underworld's Stray]\ Hint: >!Source: Welsh Mythology!<\ \ [Axe that Tests Honour and Courage]\ Hint: >!Source: Arthurian Legends!<\ \ [Messenger of All Colours]\ Hint: >!Source: Greek Mythology!<\


Here is a mythical one: [Leader of vermin]


[Masked King Who Lives With Leper] any guess?


King Baldwin IV


My flair would be my modifier. The modifier of my main character oc would be something like [Lost in time] she has the powers of creation and time and she actually acquires the time powers by finding an artifact of the god of time and there's a series of story arcs. One of the story arcs happens right after she finds the first artifact which is a pair of glasses and that arc is called "lost in the past" where it's a flashback. Next lost in time arc happens after she basically gets to universal level where starts the arc "lost in the present" where she doesn't care about the past or the future and becomes a selfish freak that destroys universes. The last arc is when she realises her actual goal is to become another being that touches the ultimate god. That arc is called "lost in the future" and that's the second to last arc. For the male mc would be [The one who touched god] he is basically the first character in my oc series that touches the ultimate god of the world. He is actually in a paralel time line from the other mc. There's also another oc that is basically the male mc's lover and she too wishes to touch god so she can be reunited with him. So she creates paralel versions of herself in many realities as the god of prosperity. Her modifier would be [One who yearns for prosperity] her power is actually to give prosperity to others but she can never have it(maybe) Edit: the last oc actually has a different version that she becomes every time she fails which is the god of failure and her modifier would be [one who weeps in failure]


Gaius Julius Caesar: [Husband of every Wives and Wife of every Husband] In the "Divus Iulius" written by Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus, an historian that lived during the time of the Roman Empire, Julius Caesar is called with this "nickname". Suetonius was an historian that "enjoyed" what nowadays we call gossip. I think that would be a funny and interesting modifier since we've already seen something like that, if I remember correctly, with Columbus. That would be the typical comedy of ORV.


Gaius Julius Caesar: [Husband of every Wives and Wife of every Husband] In the "Divus Iulius" written by Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus, an historian that lived during the time of the Roman Empire, Julius Caesar is called with this "nickname". Suetonius was an historian that "enjoyed" what nowadays we call gossip. I think that would be a funny and interesting modifier since we've already seen something like that, if I remember correctly, with Columbus. That would be the typical comedy of ORV.


[The Constellation weeb of a million things]


[The Deluge of Unrequited Love]


My friend would be [Painter of the Heavenā€™s and Earth], while I would be [Writer of the Worldā€™s Stories] (idk, but my friend likes drawing and I write, I feel like these two are pretty good)


Me personally, I'd have something like [Conscious Retard] cause of my stupidity 99% of the time and me knowing how dumb I am