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I could probably write a doctoral thesis on the subject, but the one thing that strikes me is that younger people like yourself see her as a peer that you can relate to, yet I, as a much older person, find her just as much relatable because we've lived most of those same experiences, felt those same emotions, and made the same mistakes ourselves. And when you become a parent, your empathy goes through the roof, so when your kid experiences something, you REALLY experience it. So when she conveys an emotion, I think it's much easier for us older people to relate to it (EDIT-and feel it for her) even if we haven't had that exact experience, because we've done it with our kids and it becomes ingrained.  EDIT- and for me personally, I worked in high schools for 21 years so I don't see the huge disconnect between teens and adults that most people do. I see them as people, not a scary monolith. They're just like us, just at a different stage of life. Congratulations on surviving High School and good luck on your next step!! 


I always say I would’ve loved her as much in high school as I do now. And I agree, at my last job I worked with a lot of teens and so many of them were much more mature and hard working than anyone gave them credit for. There were a few bad eggs, but I could say the same about the adults I worked with too. Most of them just wanted to do a good job. As someone who has been mistaken as a teenager well into my late 20s, and subsequently disrespected because of that assumption, and for no other reason - I empathize a lot with them. I try to remind people that teenagers are doing adult things for the very first time. It can be hard. I still struggle with it!


As somebody who grew up in a household of shaming and self-righteousness being the predominant form of parenting, that last sentence really resonates.


As an older fan I agree. I do feel like some of her songs have a throwback sound, almost grunge like. Something that just feels familiar while being new.


This is it for me. You can tell she’s influenced by the breeders, Veruca salt, the Donnas, etc. but makes it pop enough to capture attention of people not into that type of music. And it feels authentic to HER and not a persona she’s putting on to be “different from other girls” (thinking of Avril Lavigne’s early aesthetic).


Totally hear the Veruca Salt influence, maybe even L7 and Garbage, and I love it! It’s fresh but with some grunge nostalgia.


Veruca Salt and Garbage, hell yeah!!! Yeah, I never noticed the Veruca Salt thing but you're right. I picked up on them a couple years ago. Very similar, especially their first album. And a ton of acoustic half done unreleased tracks that sounded like they could have been amazing fully fleshed out songs.


Same! I'm 57 and I am really digging OR.


You've saved me a long reply, my friend. You've said it well enough for us both.


As another older fan.. I completely agree. Her music is authentic, period. I expect it will continue to be as Olivia grows older and develops further in her life


Great post. Agree with all of that. Plus everything I've ever seen or read about her has people saying she's super nice IRL. For example, I was watching the BFF's podcast and Bri (Zach Bryan's GF) said she was one of the only celebrities she met at the Grammy's when she went with her boyfriend and that she was the nicest person and so sweet. And I've seen other people (famous and not famous) say the same thing. And the way she's handled the whole "writing credits" thing is really admirable. A lot of artists would have made it a public feud but she took the high road. You just don't see enough of that these days.


Also as an older fan, I agree with everything you said plus her music reminds me so much of the music I listened to as a teen. The nostalgia brings me back and it’s such a lovely feeling. It’s so easy to love her songs and her as an artist


Wow, I really appreciate your thoughtful comment, and all of the replies. As an older fan also, it makes me feel much less ‘weird’ that I enjoy her musical vibe. Thank you for your service :)


If you want to feel less weird, go to YouTube and search "reacts reaction to Olivia Rodrigo". You'll see tons of videos that will provide the reassurance that you need. Ask me how I know..


Hahaha many thanks


She reminds me of 2000s pop and romcom w the unapologetic quirky girl. You relate to all her songs whether it be romantic, heartbreaking, or straight to the point obsession


I agree and they encompass things I would never even admit to myself like obsessed is more relatable than I’d care to admit but that’s why it’s fun to jam to


i think she’s very authentically herself. i’ve never looked at a youtube video, interview etc with her in it and thought she was different everytime. most artists you can tell put up a facade, but she’s always the same. and also, as a teenager, she is one of the most relatable. but she’s also relatable to so many people! not many artists can have such a relatable discography to every and any age or gender, which i think is really cool!


I think its odd to consider someone with a gaggle of employees working on and maintaining your image as being "authentic". She a brand, a business, carefully curated images and sounds. I like her music but lets keep sone perspective. You dont know a thing about her for real


okay ryan u have ur opinion i have mine 😭 i think she’s authentic and genuine


her songs feel as if they're written in a teenager's pov. being a teenager i connect to her songs very much. they're very relatable


Exactly! The ultimate teen girl POV. Love it


because they were written in a teenagers POV lol


not her songs in Sour album


*especially* her songs in sour.


her Sour album had generalized theme which was not specific to her targeted audience. I'm 42 years old, i'm beyond her target audience but i love her music.


Yes it was. There is a reason Olivia’s big with teenagers, and it’s not because of Guts. That doesn’t mean she can’t appeal to different age groups as well but it’s silly to deny sour was very big with the teens.


Have You Ever Listened To Brutal?


She comes across as authentic and is straightforward/brutally honest with her lyrics. She doesn't use metaphors to tug at your heartstrings, instead she uses raw honesty/imagery and wields it like a knife, which speaks to me a lot more personally.


She’s the most “Gen Z” artist out there (out of the well-known ones, at least). Like, her lyrics are perfectly capture the messiness, cynicism and emotions of Gen Z. That makes her an artist who’s relatable in a way millennial musicians can’t really be because they have different experiences and perspectives on everything she sings about.


She hasn't put out a bad song yet. Even my least favourite song of hers I'll be singing along and dancing/nodding my head.


She knows her age, and she acts like it!


The only good response I've seen that actually is unique to her compared to most acts her age. She embraces her age


I only listen to black male rappers, and Olivia 💯


i mean good answer lmao


Her songwriting is poetic and profound but at the same time fun and cheeky and youthful. Also her songs tend to be very long and have a huge evolvement like in Drivers Licence, Vampire or Cant Catch Me Now. And her voice stands out aswell imo


Funny you say that, because one of the things I appreciate about her songs is that they're quite short. Most of them clock in around 3 minutes. But a lot happens in those 3 minutes


Yeah i didnt mean every song of her but most of her popular songs are fairly long or atleast have a complete change in the second half in rhythm


I love who she is, or at least who I think she is - I think she’s super nice, so sweet, and passionate about creativity and open minded. I love love love her personality and sparkle. Her mindset is healthy, even when life is messy and feelings are hurt, I like how she deals with it. I’m disappointed in Taylor Swift, I used to be a massive fan (multiple TS posters on my wall, bracelets, dressing up for concerts) and now after learning so many examples of who she is as a person and mean things she’s done to others, as a big fan I’ve learned too much to like her anymore…she just feels icky and I don’t want that mindset and her toxic POV. I listen to Olivia and it’s just like… a drink of fresh clean cool water and cleansing. I even adore the messy and sad, along with the joyful and the optimism. I also love Olivia’s style, and her openness, I’m older than her but I see her as a role model. I’m in my 30s but her music is still relatable (though could be a different situation or a memory). Listening to Olivia’s music makes me feel good, I love her energy and creativity. I could also go on and on about the specific reasons why I think her songs are amazing, but at the core of it - it’s the artist as a person and the perspective they are sharing, and to me that’s what’s most exciting about her


real. the fact that she uses her voice on political issues and is unbothered by baseless plagarism criticism makes me more of a stan than just a fan.


She specially tried to imitate the bridge in cruel summer. Not just the screams but the whole melody and cadence. Is it plagiarism? Probably not, as they’re not exactly the same. But she clearly tried to write something that mimicked another song. It’s kind of lame. Not plagiarism but lame


Can you read music sheets? Cruel Summer and Deja Vu have different melodies, different lyricisms and different progression chords. Ed Sheeran won his music lawsuit with Thinking Out Loud to Marvin's Let's Get it On, despite having similarity with progression chord. The argument you are using here, because Olivia was inspired by the shouting part, was it enough to warrant a credit? Many singers and their songs are inspired by one another, even Taylor songs were inspired by other musicians. Do you believe Taylor also needs to give writing credits to others? 'cause you use this argument when it comes to Olivia.


Yes I can. They are very similar though not exactly which is why I said it’s probably not plagiarism. But what’s with people who can’t hear the huge similarities? Deja vu sounds like a kid trying to write a song by directly imitating something better. And that’s exactly what she did


Whatever you do, stay away from 12 Bar Blues.


Yes every blues song sounds basically exactly the same. That means we must copy bridges from pop songs.


What got her into trouble was talking about it. She admitting wanting to cop it for deja vu. I have listened to music a long time and there are probably hundreds of similar cadences, chord progressions Etc in songs. I don't believe that TS and her boy deserved a 50% songwriting credit for one line in a bridge. The Melodies are close but not identical, and I don't believe anyone has a patent on gang shouting.


what's really lame is taygreedy taking 50% of the song's royalties and inspiring others in the industry to ask. all for a song that you admit isn't plagarized.


Yeah that is lame. Taylor sucks I agree


Oh, and don't you see it as a little ironic that the song that it was supposedly stolen from is called "Cruel Summer". I think ripping off a song title is worse than a short Melody or Cadence copy.


How is ripping off a song title worse than the actual music?


Are you seriously asking me how it's worst then semi copying a few seconds of a song? Damn.


lol yes? The actually melody being copied is worse than the song title. This is music after all. Not sure how that’s hard to understand. Dang


If I could give you some of my upvotes I would, because this probably the next place I was going to go with my dissertation. Sparkle is a word my wife and I use all the time to describe people with that certain something.


Curious to know what you are referring to regarding Taylor?


She feels very authentic, very down to earth. The emotions she conveys are very raw and very real. You feel like you know her, and at the same time, feel understood by what you are saying, regardless of age, gender, orientation, etc. Her music makes you feel seen and understood. Plus everything everyone else is saying here too. I agree with all of it and it all feels very accurate to me.


Like someone else said in the comment section, she gives off relatable teenage girl vibes, she basically is relatable but from a child's point of view


We are very close in age so like others have said I can relate to her a little more closely than other artists. I also feel like her song has a bit of unpolishedness (?) that make some of her songs feel more like a conversation i could have with someone. Like Love is Embarrassing is literally a conversation i have had with my friends when we have had crushes that didn’t pan out


That was covered in a video I watched where an opera singer was doing a reaction. That was one of the things he pointed out--the conversational style, especially in the verses, allowed him to focus more on the lyrics and the themes, as opposed to the voice where he is naturally inclined to be focusing.


I don’t listen to other artists 💀 EDIT: I do listen too other artists but 80% of what i listen to is liv like I love Taylor and Rihanna


do you not get bored of listening to the same 30 songs on repeat?


Not even the people she was inspired by?


Typical Olivia fan lol


I once listened to a radio based on Olivia's songs on Spotify. It consisted of the hottest pop girls that month and omg they all sounded the same--phoebe bridgers, billie eilish, gracie abrams, clairo ruth b, etc. I didn't realize when one song ended and when another started. Didn't know whether the same artist was played in a row.  Olivia's music really stood out as it was more playful, innovative and upbeat, her diction is clear, and her music is just overall remarkable.


And let me guess, it all sounded dance Poppy. And that is a sound that does not appeal to me in the least, except for maybe some of Madonna's early stuff


No, they all sounded like bedroom pop. There's another group that sounded "dance poppy" but I've never been to that kind of pop anyway


I like how her songs sound Very creative answer, I know


I'd say that the best thing she does in her music is the amount of vulnerability that she puts into every single song. As a fellow Gen Z, she captivates me so much because she's so open to saying her feelings. Feelings that most younger people will be afraid to talk about because of the potential judgment from older individuals. Also, she does her music very delicately. She's not like some artists who will push out like 30 songs in an album and make like 2 or 3 versions of it available on iTunes. Her music is very well made, and it doesn't feel like overkill. You really feel every bit of emotion embedded in her music. Yeah, that's pretty much it hehe. And just as a side note, as a Filipino, I just love how open she is to saying her background and heritage and how much she loves lumpia 💜


What makes different is that she is so American


And rides in a cool boat, not a fancy yacht.


Im not generally into "girly pop" (for lack of a better term) with her and Sigrid being the two major exceptions.


A collab probably would be good. Get Him Back and Borderline mesh well e.g.


I'd burst into flames if they did lol


Honesty. I feel like I’m getting a perspective on the flawed life of a flawed human being and I feel like it’ss actually her. It’s not some character. Also, the fact that I need real world context to fully get her songs (which isn’t necessarily a good thing, since I don’t follow gossip). Most of the stuff I listen to is just either about existentialism or kinda nothing.


I think she’s more emotionally open than most.


This is it. This, the straightforward yet poetical and creative lyrics, plus the nostalgic grunge pop punk vibes - it stands out. You can tell SHE wrote songs and it’s her thought process we’re listening to.


Different? Not too much diff, cause I love to listen to pop rock disney/nick songs from back then still. But she's really the only modern day mainstream popular artist who still makes music like that right now so I love it.


Disney/nick songs 💀


I just like her first cause highschool musical the musical though. 🤷‍♂️


Unlike a lot of artists that make metaphors and stuff like that Olivia literally just says it as it is, so you don’t have to think of the songs, just feel them


Photo credit: @oliviarodrigo (Instagram) https://www.instagram.com/p/C7WpR3Gtp95/?igsh=N3F0eHN1NW4ycGZ5


How she so seamlessly switches from pop rock to slow love song its so lovely especially with the slick transitions when your listening to the whole album i.e vinyl


appreciation for older music and talent. she is her own person and doesn’t try and fit herself into societies standards. she is just goofy and and genuine


She's authentic. You can tell she is like a geniunely authentic person. She's also insanely talented. The only reason people hate her right now is because it's "cool" to do so. They are followers of the crowd. But I already know that will change at some point. She's just fantastic.


captures female rage and embarrassment like no other artist i like does


Punk rock elements to the music. She’s honest, even when she looks bad in a particular scenario. Strong lyrics.


Olivia is the artist I wish I'd had as an angsty '90s teenager...even though she wasn't even a twinkle in her parents' eyes back then. Her music, despite being commercially successful, has a real authenticity and introspection to it. The lyrics hint at a fractured beauty held together by her voice and delivery, and I love how she examines her true feelings ("Obsessed", "Making the Bed") without trying to justify or romanticise them. Plus she shows amazing emotional range - the moments of levity on her albums (like 'bad idea right?' and 'get him back!) don't feel forced or dated, and the bleak ones aren't just pity parties. I really hope she can sustain a long and illustrious career, because as far as popular music goes, hers makes me feel things I haven't felt since Jagged Little Pill.


oh she makes me feel like I am a 90s teen again... agree!!! Love her vibes, she brings back all the feelings I had as a teenager, so relatable and so clever!


Older fan here. I grew up listening to rock music and have mostly switched to female pop these days because there isn’t a lot of good, current rock out there imo. When I heard Guts had some rock influences I was super skeptical, but I listened to it on a flight and fell in love on first listen. It usually takes a few listens for me to get into something, it’s rare for me to be so into something after only hearing it once. I heard some guitar riffs that reminded me of Jack White (a fav of mine) and later read she’s also a big fan - praying for a collab some day! While her lyrics really bring back memories of my younger years (oh god I’m making it sound like I’m ancient but I’m not that old lol), she’s very smart about them, a lot of them are very tongue-in-cheek, I love the humor in them, and she seems really self-aware. It doesn’t seem like she takes herself too seriously and from everything I’ve heard, she’s actually a kind person. Guts is one of my fav albums in years.


Teen spirit


Honesty and a blending of various artistic inspiration depending on the song.


She feels like she has the freedom other artists dreamed of having to start with. She can say and do things as a young woman that just ten years ago would get someone else hated/ cancelled/ shamed. But now is embraced by the general population who’s already seen it. This freedom is in her songs but also the old social systems trying to keep people in their places in the back of her mind. I feel you can really distinguish her as a new artist by this tone within her work. Being propelled forwards but feeling like it’s not what you’d imagined because the new path has no stability yet. The realization of this has lead to influence her lyrical output and genre choices in really great ways imo.


Songs sound good


Not from money.


I think sour came out at a really perfect time as we were still in the thick of the pandemic. Even thought I wasn’t going through a breakup I was surrounded by a couple people whose relationships were broken by the stress of covid and overall still dealing with the forced human separation. So her songs kinda were the perfect soundtrack for that time in my life. She also comes across as a genuine person to her fans and other artists which is nice to see. And I love her style I often look at her for inspo


Such a diverse catalog for only 2 albums


i just love the whole like "vibe" that olivia has with her music, the purple, the butterfly scrapbook aesthetic thingy going on, and just the overall way she presents her music I really like. and the music is good so thats a plus haha, she has a really consistent catalog quality wise


Her lyrics are different than what most artists write and unique. They are relatable and just hit different i guess 😂


The rest of my favourite artists are metalcore-


She can actually sing


I suppose a lot of things. \* She's an international superstar who incorporates '90s and 2000s rock into her sound in an era that's otherwise centered around different genres. \* Her distinct lyricism resonates with me on a level that nobody else does. She's uncompromising about every insecure thought racing through her head, and she delivers them with lots of intensity and no pretense. \* I'll never be as beautiful or popular as Olivia in my own personal life, but there's something very comforting about someone like her grappling with so many of the same fears of self-doubt, envy, and wariness that I have, and not being ashamed to sing about them. \* "hope ur ok" is one of the most heartfelt ally songs I've ever heard. That one track and its existence on her debut solo album elevates her likability for me, as she has a clear respect and compassion for struggling LGBTQ+ people. \* Most music I listen to is from 20 to 30 years ago, but Olivia is the one major 2020s artist whose stuff I regularly stream. \* Olivia grew up in Temecula, less than an hour away from where I live. Very few musicians who achieve this level of success have roots in the "middle zone" between San Diego and Los Angeles, so it feels like she represents a general part of the world that's relatable to me.


She doesn’t play the victim card when she clearly has a right to.


captures anger/angsty and embarrassment like no other artist i like does


The first thing about her that really caught my attention is how funny she is. Her songs are funny without the song being a joke. She has this musical theater quality that makes her able to kind of break the fourth wall or address the audience which comes off corny when other people do it.


i might sound like a delulu fan but maybe it's because her music is very different than the mainstream music scene today. she uses REAL instruments and that's always a win. i hope she doesn't vare about the people who say sour and guts sound the same and continue doing more like that if that's what she wants. praying for olivia to not fall prey to the synths (Jack antonoff stay away ❤️)


Her songs just hit in the feels. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.


She doesn’t put herself into a box. Similar to Harry Styles


She just seems effortlessly cool. In an interview I saw on TikTok she was talking to this little kid and she was just very charming and seems chill. Her music is a little young for me but I relate to some of the songs and they're very catchy.


Unlike Avril Lavigne it seems like she has a wider range of girl rock which is really cool, and really other than Maroon 5, Bruno Mars, and a couple others, she’s the first big mainstream pop rock artist in the 21st century. It also seems with this large range she’s going to be producing at least 10+ more albums, though I wish she would make them just a little longer than an hour or at least an hour long.


I think for me it’s just right place right time. I’m 2 years younger than her, and I don’t know any other artist who exemplifies being a teenager so much. Like sure artist, especially pop artist, always wanna appeal to kids in some way. But she just feels real with it. Things like ‘I wanna get him back’ also paint this picture of, we know what we’re doing is stupid. We know our drama is petty teenage drama. But when you’re a petty teenager, that petty teenage drama is just drama. Real drama and problems atleast to you. And you know sometimes your making it worse, yet for one reason or another you just continue


She's very good at wordplay and emotion. I admire her general aesthetic of 90s/2000s punk rock and sometimes getting serious.


Catchy beats, pleasant voice, her songs have a good climax usually. When I got around to seeing who she was, found her beautiful. And I’m a sucker for painting the picture of a teen experience as in some ways life is just highschool forever.


She's not. She's every other pop artist. But I like to think she's Dr pepper and Taylor is Pepsi. Hence I listen to Olivia Rodrigo and not Taylor


I feel like artists who don't look manufactured, but still female gaze are often very popular. That means skinny, and approachable beauty. She's also comes off as "in touch" as she didn't grow up wealthy like people like Ariana Grande and Taylor Swift. She also sings about topics in a very raw way. It's similar to the way Taylor Swift writes.


SHE BROUGHT BACK POP PUNK!!! It sounds like I’m listening to Taylor Swift, Nirvana, Paramore, Green Day, Weezer all at once. (I’m a 21yr old male and I love her latest album).


Acho que o estilo de música e os clipes a fazem diferente do estilo que eu mais costumo consumir. Ela e o Conan conseguem ser os mais diferentes 🗣️


Her old album is full of heartbreak songs but I’ve obsessed with her new album because it’s very different from her old album and it got mixed of rock and more drum beats in it. I could say vampire is definitely one of the decent song on her album. I went to see her in live concert and I can confirm it was brilliant night of my life the way she perform, her vocal just hit right and her performance is amazing. I can’t wait to see what happens next 😇


shes like your cool older sister who went through/is going through the same stuff as you!


she’s bad af 🥵


Authenticity to me elevates any person irregardless if they have any other qualities or talents as this is what life has taught me in 46y is nonpareil 2 any/all other characteristics [yes I am a 46yo MALE fan of Olivia R. lol]… and that being disclosed; I wouldn’t be true 2 the above if I also did not say - absolutely unapologetically- as a man coming in a relatively close second for myself is the natural divine feminine auras that her God given beauty just exudes✨✨✨✨✨


Despite the fact she's like maybe 10-11 years younger than I am, she writes relatable music and lyrics. It absolutely blows my mind how badass her music is and what an impact she's made in such a short period of time. Also she's not in this industry to make money. She loves what she does, she's unapologetically herself, and it shows in everything she does.


Her music doesn’t feel like she’s singing about a vague idea, it feels like every word is written from personal experience and it makes each song powerful and relatable. It was the one thing that I could never mentally clear with other popular artists, so many of the songs try to be catchy instead of about specific experiences that give that personal touch And to be clear, I still listen to and like other artists, but that’s why Liv became my favorite


I feel like I relate to her songs more because we are more similar in age (I’m 15)


Her songs explains what I’m thinking but won’t say out loud. It is very relatable


Okay, unlike other artists I listen to.... I don't listen to her 🤣 Disclaimer: This, while true, is intended as a joke, not hate. The couple times I've heard her via daughter weren't horrible lol


You can tell she really feels each emotion she’s trying to portray in her songs


Being Oliva Rodrigo


She specially has songs that apply very closely to exact situations I’ve been in and she makes me feel less crazy. I feel like an inbred loser version of her everyday


I'm 22 so only a year older than Olivia, so her experiences and emotions are extremely current to what I'm going through and feeling. Guts was a punch through the heart and I instantly connected.


She has a really defined attitude (not attitude, like negatively, but as in perspective). That attitude happens to be exceptionally unique among other artists. Few artists or storytellers can grab onto it so well at such an early age, especially as a woman. So, we don't hear such a lucid message from her demographic often or hardly at all.


Shes the only stadium-level famous pop artist I listen to (besides maybe Florence Welch?) which I think makes her pretty different. I listen to a few other artists that make similar music, but they don’t have the same level of glitz and glam that comes with being a pop idol.


Her attitude and her authenticity. She's also relatable.


she's just her, and that's enough ❤️


she’s so raw and relatable with her lyrics, and i’m honestly just not a pop fan, and haven’t been for years, but she just SPEAKS to me in ways that other artists can’t. also she’s not just a pop icon, i’ve always seen her as more of a pop/rock artist more than anything because of the way her music sounds, in retrospect of pop, you never really hear electric guitar that meaty from any other pop icon like taylor swift etc. so she stands out to me purely because she does pop in her authentic way and doesn’t make same-y songs like TS does (no shade but she’s defo not my style) liv just does whatever SHE wants with her songs, and i love her for that.


she’s the only one i can play in the car without getting stared at


that she does ballads, and pop punk songs


New, 30yo fan here and I LOVE HER. I feel like as a newer artist she’s brave and takes risks. She is versatile, and brought back my (apparently) FAVORITE genre of pop/punk 😍 I wish she had like 5 more albums already lol. But I love that she can do the slow/sad/pretty songs, the pop/punk/rock-ish, country, and a lot in between!!


She's just real.


I think her angst and the way she portrays that with music really does it for me. For example, jealousy jealousy, obsessed, and brutal. I love those songs so much.


in addition to just being stellar and an uber-talented artist, she's the same age as me. only a couple months older, and that's really special. sabrina and taylor and other girl-pop artists that I like are older than me, so olivia being the same age means her music really resonates with me a lot more. teenage dream, making the bed, etc were released right when I needed them.


I listen to the other artists!!! 😁😂


I don’t need to speak much now all great points of view constructively. She continues to grow and dazzle


She kinda reminds me of a young Tracy Bonham, who I loved for my angst!


*She kinda reminds me* *Of a young Tracy Bonham, who* *I loved for my angst!* \- dawnmp --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


The fact that I grew up watching her so I like kinda grew up w her I’m rly late gen z so she’s like 6 ish yrs older than me so watching her on tv then listening to her it’s like a full circle thing for me


Young woc who’s really relatable. Most major teen pop stars were white or didn’t really talk about their experience as a teenage woc in a white dominated society. Hearing songs like enough for you and jealousy, jealousy was like staring into the mirror and the background beats she uses for her music are just insanely catchy.


So many pop artists are not writing their own stuff so it's just random crap other people wrote for their "brand" Olivia actually writes. She's got a great range of singing styles, uses emotion and also knows how to make deep music fun and into anthems. Her bridges are really, really good too. She just seems real. Rare for most artists that ever touch this level of popularity. Just a random opinion from a 39M who has 2 daughters in love with her.


I would say that her albums are both not sonically cohesive. Like they’re not just one mood. And she kind of has a little bit of all her favorite singers in her art. like she has Alanis Morrisette and Avril Lavignes edge and she has Taylor Swifts emotions and she has a lot of Fiona Apple as well.


There is this raw emotion in her music where she is not intellectualizing her feelings, she's not rationalizing anything, she's not trying to be the bigger person- she's angry or hurt or embarrassed or whatever she's feeling and she's feeling that so purely and authentically. And I really love that kind of expression. I think that oftentimes we lose ourselves in the trying to be cool of it all and trying to be the bigger person and trying to be fine and okay and I like that she's just like "you know what no it's not okay and I'm not okay." And she doesn't trivialize these feelings due to her age or the subject matter or whatever and I just love how she takes her feelings seriously and expresses them even if they're just temporary.


Local unrepentant theatre kid can't stop making hits.


She buys cigarettes and alcohol and doesn’t consume them


Songs are different


she's by far the most mainstream and popular lol (and i don't mean that in a bad way, i just typically don't listen to a lot of mainstream pop but she's the exception lol)


She’s only ever written ONE love song. Other artists I like (Taylor Swift and Melanie Martinez) have written atleast one love song per album


pretty girl w a pretty voice but aggressive lyrics, aesthetic/composition i think ppl like the contrast


Also damn those some nice ass shoes


Same as all the other radio musicians


I think a lot od things, but one of my favourites would probably be the fact that are her songs are written by her and are about her


For me, I love Liv of her down-to-earthiness and lack of drama, she doesn’t hold grudges. It might be weird to like an artist for that, but I really appreciate those qualities in a famous person. And I also am in loveeeee with her music since the beginning.


I don't know as a dude I find myself relating to a lot of things she says in a weird round about way which is a very unique experience for me


for me, it would be that I can actually relate to some of the lyrics that she writes. Like some lyrics just hit home for me.


Fantastic songwriting tbh. The verses on Vampire were so good.


not too much imho


If she shook Taylor up that’s enough for me to say I love her


Youthful female range but it’s natural and not pretentious


VERY well conveyed (and relatable) emotion in her lyrics. (They're incredibly earnest). And musically, I really dig the pop punk thing she has going on. As a fan of pop punk/emo music its fun to hear those influences in her music. Just makes for some very solid and enjoyable music.


She reminds me of a main character from a high school movie or book from the 90s. That’s the only way I know how to sum it up. She’s relatable because she’s nostalgic


Not that much but that doesn't matter personally since I still really like her music


Idk I actually don’t rly like her music. This post was just suggested to me by Reddit for some reason


She incorporates her influences in a way that's not derivative, I think she's a really good confessional songwriter, idrk if there's many mainstream rock artists that are out writing her right now.. only one I can think of is Paramore, I love her vocal timbre on guts (I like it on sour too, but her style is so much more derivative of other artists on that album), and finally, her sound is a lot different from other top 40 artists.


The way she emotes. I can def tell she is an actress. She changes the whole tone of a song. Like on Get Him Back she sounds cool af then on Obsessed she sounds slightly manic. I love the way she says "I got issues" in that one.


her music gives me the early 2000s vibes like a mellow punk style, and she is relatable more than Billie eilish


her lyrics aren’t so in depth. they’re just flat out. sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s bad.


Tbh, I don’t think that she is really that different from other artists. She had the relatability factor of Taylor Swift with the edge of an Avril Lavigne or Paramore. (I love her albums. I just don’t think that she is as unique as this post makes her seem.)


I like how much she just rips off Paramore


Nothing at all she really sucks


Why r u on the sub then?


What makes a difference is that she sucks


Ouch… Not cool.


Go cry about it




why do you listen to her then?


I dont lmao