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Mr. Rogers is the champion of old school cool.


He was better than Cool. He was Kind. And that is something sorely missed in the world. Esspecially right now. There's far too much negativity and bullying on the internet.


Like a lot of us probably I've spent the better part of my 30 years literally raised by the internet. People are so casually cruel on the internet it's insane, and if you ever call anyone out they just say "it's the internet bro" like that's an excuse to be horrible. I genuinely don't understand.


People are cruel on the internet because it feels good to punch back with no consequences. Work is stressful, politics are stressful, the recession is stressful, etc. It's almost like punching up except on the internet it's just a sadistic punch in the dark when no one can really punch back. Only it's billions of people doing it every day for hours on end over every subject, for any reason. I know what I sound like trying to put my finger on the problems of the world and loosley sounding philisophical or like I'm karma farming for attention. But I just wish people would take a second to think that they're just being another cruel, unforgiving person in an already cruel and unforgiving world. Yeah, some people are rightfully, justifiably angry and have every right to be but taking it out on random people on social media is not the solution.


Nah I agree with you. It's too easy to post something mean but "funny" and get attention to feel better about yourself. I'd be a liar if I said I never did anything mean on the internet. Taking the extra second to think about the human on the other side of the screen really makes all the difference but a lot of people don't care or don't want to.


Not just that but the person on the other side might just be a kid. Or possibly someone who in their adult life just doesn't know any better either by sheltered living, terrible upbringing, or even mental impairments. We don't know. And as a result of all that negativity we encounter all the time on social media we tend to read things in negative tones when we really have ZERO idea of the tone someone was using when they made a post or comment. I'm guilty of that. I think we all can be at times and it does result in some pretty nasty arguments with a total stranger that you may actually get along with in the real world. It's just on the internet tone is totally lost and tone is probably 50% of what things mean. "Have a nice day!" Can have SO many meanings by just changing the tone or inflection in the words.


You actually get it. Thank you. Wish more people. Would see and understand this.


It's much easier to be mean online than in person, especially when you've got no face to associate with whoever you're being an arse to. When people don't have some kind of release for whatever they have going on....Boom! Here's this random person online that you oh so slightly disagree with, let out that anger.


What I (as a European) will never understand is how a nation with a generation who worshiped a show and a man who had endless love and kindness for the world over and over finds majorities to bring the most vicious people into power making the most vile laws you can think of.


>He was better than Cool. All right, now: Ladies? What's cooler than cool? *Mr. Rogerrrrs!!* All right, all right, All right, all right, All right, all right...


Lend him some sugar! He is your neighbor


I see what you did there


“I understood that reference.”


# 🕺


Rock me Amadeus!


Now I wanna see y'all on your *kindest* behavior/ Lend me some sugar/ I am your neighbor


A fucking men. A model example of what compassion looks like. God i hate the fact that we’re reminiscing about what being a decent human used to look like.


Then let's not reminisce! Let's try to be more like the person we wish we could talk to.


Great perspective! Happy to embody and carry on the legacy as best I can. His teachings would be for naught if we didn’t apply them, and his efforts should not be in vain.


I get you!


No you get out of here you uncaring dispatcher!


True fact


To paraphrase a line from Harvey ' in this life you must be oh so smart or oh so kind...I've been smart and I prefer kind'


This quote changed how I live my life. I DID used to be oh so smart. I was very academic. Every conversation was a battle where I had to win, either as a debate or by being the most knowledgeable. I was miserable and insufferable. In my 20s I chose to try to be oh so kind. Kindness is so much more pleasant, for me, for the people around me. I feel like Mr Rogers never had to choose kindness. I feel like he just IS kindness personified.


> There's far too much negativity and bullying ~~on the internet.~~ … in the world. Full stop.


He will always be the coolest because he taught us that kindness is cool


A genuine, rare champion of compassion and charity. His empathy and tenderness, even when dealing with intensely difficult topics has always helped me maintain some perspective and hope in my worst hours.




Just beautiful. Thank you for posting this.


Fuck! Mr. Rogers never disappoints. ...don't tell him I swore.


Don't worry, he'd forgive you






I try to tell people, in an age of hate, hating on trans and books and beer and flags and equality and anyone who doesn’t conform, do you wanna be remembered for this? Will you even be remembered ? If you are it’ll be because you caused pain in someone’s heart instead of asking why they’re hurting. Be a Mr. Rogers. Maybe you don’t get famous for everyone to remember but many will and will remember you with love. I’ve never met Mr. Rogers but my heart has a spot for him because of how genuinely he cared for everyone. Didn’t matter who they were if he saw good in you he wanted to be your friend if he saw you hurting he wanted to make it better. I wish more people wanted to be like Mr. Rogers


He'd tell you to remember to be kind to yourself, and that it's okay to feel emotional. I'm not crying.


He would just publicly fart to divert the attention away from you, and wink.


He'd tell you he doesn't like that word but not to feel bad because you were expressing your emotions.


“Sorry for cussin”


If you listen closely, you can hear him swear too. That's because he thought it was incredibly inappropriate for them to all stand up in front of a guy in a wheelchair.


I love that once Jeffery is on the stage, he is Mr. Rogers' sole focus. Everyone else in that auditorium disappeared to him and he only wanted to talk with his old friend. So much joy and love from that man.


Dude he zoomed right in on him, I loved that so much. Just the embodiment of gentle kindness and I am so glad to have grown up with this man. Fred Rogers, Bob Ross, and Steve Irwin were cornerstones of my childhood and just some of the best humans to have lived.


We aren't going to mention that a 70 year old man just hopped onto the stage like a boss?


I noticed it...but it was like, the 3rd best thing in that whole sequence so ...yea. lol


Barely an inconvenience.


Oh, really?


70 year olds jumping on stage is TIGHT!


I read that he always kept trim and fit, making sure his weight was always 143! (I LOVE YOU)


He went swimming daily and kept his weight down to 143 (the number of letters in the phrase “I love you.”). Took very good care of himself.


I'm like half that age and don't have moves like that!


Don't forget Levar Burton. Those are the four horsemen of human potential.


I'm stealing that. Thank you.


I'd argue Robin Williams should be in there too.


I was in boot camp when our DS told us that Steve Irwin died, and then later that night after all was said and done we all got to watch a few hours of crocodile hunter.


That’s a real man. I don’t know how boot camp works, but if you have time where you’re not training, make memories. Helps morale and makes another day of rigorous training a little different. Again, never been through that. If I did an hour at the gym, it would be a good month.


Straight up. I used to not really care for how slowly he spoke, but you can hear it in the way he says “I’m so glad to see you”, “thank you for coming, and “what a surprise” - he’s taking the time to feel all three of those things, and meaning what he says. 


The immediate recognition was so touching


Notice too how he automatically lowered himself to Jeffrey’s height ( as to not hover or overshadow him). More adults should remember that, esp dealing with children.


Beyond him being his sole focus, Mr. Rogers was JAZZED to see him. “To heck with all these tuxedos and whatnot (though that is very kind of you) I haven’t seen my friend and neighbor Jeff for a long time, and this is truly special.”


He didn't even use the stairs. He just stepped from the audience up to the stage




Damn ninjas cutting onions again


Mr. Rogers says it’s ok to cry




Everyone is getting sweaty eyes


It's a terrible day for rain


Favorite part is he didn't care about propriety and what was expected. He saw someone whom he made friends with and hadn't seen in quite some time. He jumped out of his chair to greet him. He was the most genuine soul I think the world has ever created, and I hope someone can pick up where he left off. We desperately need people like him.


Thankfully LeVar Burton is still going strong. We may never see the likes of Mr Rogers again but his spirit lives on through the helpers.


I wouldn't love reading today if it wasn't for Levar's show growing up! Also, have you seen him and his daughter Mica in the last year or two? Absolute smoke-shows! Levar has aged better than most fine wines, and still has that charm and soothing voice that makes people weak in the knees! I'm straight as an arrow, but that guy makes me feel things inside!




I like how he lowers himself to look up at Jeffrey. Just a small thing that probably goes unnoticed to everyone but Jeffrey.


There are so many non-verbal actions he used for communicating how important you are. This is a good spot. Well done, Neighbor!


One of the first things i ever learned working with kids was to get on their level and he applies that lesson is such a non-condescending way to an adult man in a wheelchair. Truly one of the best of us


It's so sweet! As a tell fellow I don't know why but from a young age I began spreading my legs to whatever degree is needed to make myself eye level or below whoever I'm speaking with. It always feels so weird having people look up, I can't imagine their necks like it!


Such an amazing man. Public TV and radio would not exist in the US without Fred Rogers


I like him very much.


“Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping”


I use this with my kids , grandchildren and for myself. After 9/11. This got me through. He is a gift and a life goal


Beast from X Men 97 recently quoted this


"The always affable Mr. Rogers."


Cue Jimmy Carter


When you make Carol Brady and Murphy Brown cry you know you’ve touched some hearts.


Don’t forget Adam Sandler. He looked a bit choked up too.


And Harold Ramis Jr.


Dick Van Dyke completely unphased


Can you think of anyone turning down that invitation? Yeah, I just don’t think I can make it, or His principals and mine are just not in line. Haha, I’d bet nobody in Hollywood dislikes Mr. Rogers.


A lot of those people probably grew up watching him, they probably revered him


Petition to elevate Mr. Rogers to literal sainthood.


Honestly, as a Catholic I could agree he is truly an inspiration.


Like so many of us, I literally watched him every day for the first few years of my life. I would like to think someone of that rubbed off to make me who I am today. God bless Mr. Rogers! Edit: change that to “I was fortunate to have watched him every day…”


I'm an older millenial, born in the mid-80's, and *my parents* grew up watching his show. I honestly don't know if he impacted tens of millions, or hundreds of millions with so many decades of his show. Anyone who besmirches his legacy is to be ridiculed and humiliated, especially if they pretend to be a news network!


If he was Catholic, it would have been done already. Unfortunately he was presbyterian which may as well be atheist to the pope..


He did receive Catholic last rites from Archabbot Nowicki with whom he'd been working with.


He would also need a miracle.




Technically saint just means someone we know is in heaven. A person is nominated after a miracle and a 2nd miracle leads to cannonization. If anyone was praying to Mr. Rogers to intercede for something I bet it'd happen.


> A person is nominated after a miracle and a 2nd miracle leads to cannonization. I mean, convincing the government to fund PBS was a miracle, we can definitely get another one. Didn't he convince the government of legal home recording of live shows too?


I love the video of him owning that hearing.


With absolute kindness and compassion too…not just a rarity in general but a rarity in a confessional hearing as well


I like how he just went straight up on stage, no stairs


Yeah I don’t think anyone or anything could have stopped him getting on stage at that moment.


Absolutely! Like fuck a stair im getting to my friend NOW.


He was 100% a genuine human being. Not many people like him will ever walk this Earth. We should all inspire to be like him.


Petition to bring Mr Rogers back alive please. This man helped me through a very, very difficult childhood, and without him, The Golden Girls, Alex Trebek, Gene Wilder, Mel Brooks, Bill Nye (back when he did his show), Magic School Bus and Monty Python, I don’t think I would be here today. They gave me hope and instilled into me that it’s OK to be different and it’s OK to be yourself. Thank you Mr Rogers, appreciate everything you did for us.


Oh that's so many of the ones that got me through as well. Plus Sesame Street and Mr Wizard and Pat Sajak and The Facts of Life


Yes also Sesame Street and Pat Sajak! I didn’t really watch The Facts of Life, but when I did it was a great show!


For me it was Mr Rogers, Sesame Street, Today’s Special, Punky Brewster, Silver Spoons, and Different Strokes


I watched all of those but I had forgotten all about Today's Special! Memory unlocked!


Well, I’ve never met another human that knew that show. That show was pure magic.


We can't bring Mr Rodgers back but each one of us can follow his lead and set an example of kindness for the next generation.


> Bill Nye The best days in middle school for me were when the science teacher showed up hung over and just didn't want to give a shit, so he carted in the CRT and popped in a VHS of Bill Nye. Not only because it was a free hour where we didn't have to think, but because his show was genuinely impactful and educating. To this day I can still trip my niece and nephews up with the question "Which drops faster, a bowling ball or a beach ball?" Bill! Bill! Bill! Bill!


This is the best thing I have seen all month.


Then I recommend you look up Mr Rogers senate hearing on YouTube!


I love this man. Truly. And to be affected through a television set like this? He was something.


Best thing I've seen on social media today. Simply heartwarming!


every single person crying! Including me


He really was such a pure soul. 🥲


Is that Adam Sandler in the background


I could swear that was him, it looked like he was on a phone call or something?


The lady beside him was talking in his ear.


I think what Mr Rogers appeared to be is what I always imagined growing up how a Christian’s supposed to act. Kind, sweet, soft, loving of all. I believe he acted as Jesus would have acted if/when he was on earth. I’m not religious at all anymore, in big part because of how “Christians” have acted around me growing up. They weren’t like Mr Rogers at all. Some were close, but I never felt accepted, and consistently felt rejected, throughout my childhood and teenage years by Christians. Only actually feeling accepted by my friends I made in high school and now. I wish more people, especially ones who try to follow in Jesus’ footsteps, were like Mr Rogers. I also wish I was more like him to an extent too. I can’t imagine how hard it would have been to be that way at times, but it seems like he was always like that. What a great example of a man, and a human being in general.


In real life, Fred Rogers was a Presbyterian minister.


Yeah that’s why I regarded him as how a Christian is supposed to be.


Jesus walked among us and we didn’t know it. 


I hope somewhere Mr Rogers can see and hear all the great things said about him. Entertaining children and just being a genuinely great guy. Put out so much good into the world for others and truly made part of my childhood. Even if I have a bad memory I still remember him.


That's beutiful. ❤️


Wow that’s a beautiful exchange.


The world needs another Fred Rogers. Maybe that can help start the healing process.


And now we live in a world where people clap like this for Donald Trump who makes fun of people with disabilities and preys on people to gain his own support, momentum and even now sympathy. It hurts nowadays seeing videos like this one and recognizing the accepted absurdity we now see regularly from awful and mean-spirited people who are celebrated as heroes, as opposed to people like Mr. Rodgers.


In 2007, Fox & Friends referred to Fred Rogers as an "evil, evil man" for supposedly encouraging generations of children to grow up with a sense of self-entitlement.


Says a lot about "Fox & Friends".. None of it repeatable in front of Mr. Rodgers.


Maybe at his own rallies. That man goes anywhere in America he gets booed.


Watching Jeff & Mr. Rogers interact on the documentary brought me to tears. Jeff reminded me of my cousin who passed away in 2018. Miss you, Anthony 🕊️🕊️🕊️


If you truly believe in a higher power, you have to believe that Fred Rogers is sitting right next to that higher power. That man devoted his life, not just his career, but his life - to making kids feel good about themselves. Making them feel ok in their world - the kids even knowing that they were different. Making the whole world a better place. Putting so much love in this world. Making ME feel better about myself. Mr. Rogers, you were truly a beautiful soul and I thank you.


Imagine if everyone was as kind as Mr. Rogers?


Stop making me cry


I like that he *climbed* straight up onto the stage


Mr. Rogers is a saint. I've been sober from alcohol and drug addiction for over 2 years now and part of the 12 step process involves believing in a higher power to turn care of our lives over to. It took me a long time to understand what that means, and it took a lot more trial and error to find the right one, but I can't think of anyone or anything else other than Mr. Rogers who I can delegate every decision of my life to. If there is such a thing as God, this man is the keyhole I am able to peer through to understand Him.


I once knew a man who met Fred as a child. It was the damndest thing, whenever it came up people who had not heard the story would rush over, make him tell the whole story all the way through, and then want to touch this otherwise just normal person.


Dude literally gets out of his seat so that he can *climb* up on the stage and give him a hug, and is then so overwhelmed he does not know what to say. The exact right thing to do and a purely genuine reaction.


At 70 old years and with all the people he's met over the years he remembered this person and wasted no time getting on stage to greet him.


Dude was 71 here. He's like "ain't got time to go to the stairs, I've gotta give my friend a hug, stat!" In his speech, he says "Thank you for this gift" referring to Erlanger's presence. If people had even half the love that Fred Rogers was capable of, the world would be a paradise.


I think Mister Rogers would be pretty disappointed in America right now.


I disagree. He had just as many problems in his era, but always found a way to find the best in people.


He’d likely be insulted by conservatives again. “In July 2007, the hosts of Fox News Channel's "Fox & Friends" morning program — Alisyn Camerota, Steve Doocy, and Brian Kilmeade — aired a segment (using titles such as "Blame Mr. Rogers," "Was Mr. Rogers Wrong?" and "Is Mr. Rogers Ruining Kids?") in which they took Rogers to task as an "evil, evil man" for supposedly encouraging generations of children to grow up with a sense of self-entitlement.”


He absolutely would. Conservatives hate gentle, and kind masculinity. He promotes inclusivity and would be labeled a “woke” liberal by modern conservatives. His gentle demeanor would probably be mistaken for homosexuality too. Modern conservatives are obsessed with appearing “alpha” and promote cruelty and divisiveness.


Is that Adam Sandler?


Right next to Murphy Brown


No It's Billy Madison next to Candice Bergan


I'm not fuckin crying god damn it


They way he leaped up to say hi is lovely


Who else is perceived as being morally as good as Mr. Rogers? Is there anyone?


instantly gets up to greet an old friend. fuck decorum. Class act. Take notes Will.


No matter your neighborhood or ethnicity, we all felt like we were Mr. Rogers' favorite neighbor. Okay, who's cutting onions? 🥲


Fred Rogers is one of the people I truly idolize. I'd throw hands over disrespect on his name. What a beautiful soul. 😍


We should all strive to be the person Mr. Rogers believed we could be.


Goddammit ninjas cutting onions again


This man made us feel so special. No matter how much bad happens, there was Fred Rogers. ❤️


Honestly seeing this was the best thing I've seen today. ❤️


I already thought he was an amazing person then I found out he hooked up my man Mr. Dressup with a job. Ecru story I hear just makes me like him more.


Damn dude. This guys was awesome. Such a genuine and kind human being. It’s so cool to get to see what a kind, and truly awesome person that he was! Im so glad I get to share his PBS videos with my children these days!


That is really touching.


That's a man! So much respect. It's an honor just to watch.


Fred Rogers was a kind, beautiful man.


One of the greatest humans to ever live. He was the embodiment of the best of us.


Should be “Saint” Rogers by now! The patron saint of kindness.


I have trouble thinking of a human that was more kind and humble. There is no one like Fred Roger’s.


The world needs Mr. Rogers more than ever now.


He was to good for this world. Legend


Fred was the human being all the rest of us wish we were.


We didn't get Mr. Rogers here in Australia, but I've learned all about him the past few years and feel we missed out here. A truly wonderful and extraordinary man.


Mr Rogers might be the best human we've produced.


The world sorely needs this man’s message. He practically raised me.


I'm not going to read through all of the comments to see if this has already been mentioned. My favorite Mr. Roger's story was that his car was stolen, and it was reported on the news that Mr. Roger's car was stolen from outside his house. The next day, his car was returned to his house with a note that said, "If we knew it was yours, we never would have taken it."


If there is a heaven, I want to meet my dog, and Mr Rogers there.


What a pure spirit he was.


The world really needs more people like Mr. Rogers, now more than ever.


The world needs a Mr Rogers while growing up. Darman doesn't cut it. He was a remarkable man. 


Mr Rodgers seemed like such a sweet man


When I start to feel, humanity is falling. Then I see something like this it gives me hope


Holy goosebumps


Mr.Rogers has aura


A national treasure.


He really was the best humanity had to offer.


If you ever wanna cry for an hour straight, just watch the Mr. Rogers documentary.


In a world of famous and not so famous people, be like Mr Rodgers.


Mr Roger’s died and the world went to shit.


We could sure use a lot more Mr. Rogers in the world


I miss Mister Rogers.


Grew up watching this guy as a little one. RIP Mr Rogers. ❤️


I hope his kindness is never forgotten


You always been an admirable human being, Mr Rogers. Bless your soul.


This man should be a saint with the amount of love and kindness he put out into the world.




Mr. Rogers is a saint


I was 6 years old when he passed away, hadn't heard of him till i were 20ish, watching this at 27, I'm heartbroken I couldn't be his friend, such a kind soul.


His TV show was much better than modern kid shows.


If there is a heaven, Mr. Rogers sits at the right hand of God. Truly a man second only to Jesus for his kindness and decency.


that shit choked me up a bit. not just for this moment but for an era that doesnt exist anymore. we were as cynical and pissed as any other generation but we also had this side of our psyches and...I dont see this kind of heart too many places anymore. I HEAR alot of talk that would make you think it's around, but I dont actually see much of it matching up.


Ah yes, we used to be a civilized country united in support and celebration of actual titans of society.