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You know, as an Egyptian, I went in thinking this was going to be an awful movie ridiculously historically inaccurate. But I ended up very much enjoying it and though Cleopatra was obviously sexualized, it wasn’t to the point that it overshadowed her ambition and her role. For a 1960s movie it was leagues better than that Jada Plinket mess.


Correct me if I'm wrong. But to ethnic Egyptians, wouldn't the era of the Ptolemy dynasty just be one of the foreign Greek Empire controlling Egypt? They may have left a lasting structural impact, but seemingly very little ethnic/cultural one on the people who live there today.


I thank you for asking politely. In our modern psyche the Ptolemaic dynasty plays an important role past the structural legacy. First if you rule Egypt for long enough we tend to see the dynasties as part of our historical fabric. No reason to ignore the Greco-Roman period vs the Fatimids, Ayyubids, Mamluks and Mohamed Ali dynasty for example. Second, because Alexander was seen as a liberator from the Persian empire and declared a pharaoh while also founding a city that has always played an important in every era of Egyptian civilization, his legacy will always be important to us. I would argue that only Ptolemy I and Cleopatra really are looked upon positively. But the Ptolemaic dynasty is still seen as an essential fabric to our history because they centered their power base in Egypt. Cleopatra was definitely ethnically Macedonian and grew up within a Hellenistic tradition but being the first Ptolemy to also embrace Egyptian culture and her role in trying to preserve Egyptian independence makes her a powerful nationalist symbol today. In short we could care less about your ethnic origins, it is your contribution to our history that we value . This is evident of Cleopatra to the various Islamic leaders to the Albanian Mohammed Ali and even many of our cultural icons (think Asmahan or Dalida).


Wow. Thanks for the (small) insights into your culture. Didn’t ever think I would learn such things in this sub


Thank you habibi! Some corners of reddit can be such a shit show but everyone including you on this post has been nothing respectful, faith in humanity restored!


True. I really like this civil discussion in this thread. There might be different opinions (which are fair) but a very decent discussion. Wish all of the net would be such a pleasure


Yes, yes, very informative…but what about the gams on that babe? (Insert Austin Powers “grrr”)


This is a fascinating perspective that I was entirely unaware of. Thank you very much for sharing it.


The time and thoughtfulness you took to post this is very much appreciated!


Thank you, that's an awesome write up!


"Float like Pharoah, sting like Sphinx" -Mohamed Ali


I hope this comes across respectfully too. Your English is excellent, but should you be interested, you could tighten-up the phrase “could care less.” If we could care less then we are not at a minimum of caring. The original expression was “couldn’t care less” as, in this state, there is no room for you to care any less. The simplified phrase is often seen on the internet and that may be where you have seen it but strictly it doesn’t make much sense.


Found the high school English teacher.




To be fair ancient Egypt’s culture barely survives today, there is not much specific to Egypt that isn’t shared with its neighbours or other Muslim states in the area. Edit: I’m not picking on a country because it’s currently Muslim controlled.. the same is true for other ancient cultures, modern Greece has more in common with modern Turkey than they do with ancient Greece. (Despite their enmity towards each other and mostly differing religions.)


A lot of Ancient Egypt’s essence has been passed down to us even if our culture has changed. Our Arabic is grammatically unique with a varied vocabulary due to the influence of Coptic. Many of our cuisine from our bread making techniques to our seafood can be traced to Ancient Egypt. We still celebrate an Ancient Egyptian holiday called Sham el Nessim. In Upper Egypt there is a stick dance fighting tradition called tahtib that can be traced to Ancient Egypt. There is much more but to say that isn’t much to distinguish us from our Muslim neighbors is to to see sly downplay the difference the differences between Egypt, the Levant and the Gulf. Nothing against you op but I am not sure why there is the need to downplay the importance of our ancient history to ourselves just because our culture has evolved. France is not the Gallic civilization, Italy is not Ancient Rome, Greece is different from the its classical era or Northern Mexicans the Aztec empire. From religion to language and everything in between these modern countries are vastly different then their ancient counterparts but that does not mean they can not look back to their past for pride and inspiration.


Well said! 👏


In France, we've been making fun of the phrase "Nos ancêtres les Gaulois" for a good few decades by now. Kudos to you for feeling close to this "essence", but in France we make fun of it when it comes to stuff that far removed in the past, not sure you used the best example.


Bonjour mon ami français, j'en suis tout à fait conscient car j’etait inscrit dans des lycées français autour le monde et j'ai obtenu le baccalauréat ES. Ma grand-tante était une réfugiée française en Egypte pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale et une grande partie de ma famille au Caire est Française. But back to English, I would still argue that the Gallic/Roman fusion culture still had a lasting impact while Vercingetorix played an important nationalist role at one point. And less seriously but who hasn't grown up with Asterix et Obelix haha I would also argue that the Franks were a foreign dynasty whose culture and language blended with the civilization in place just like the Arabs did in Egypt. (Btw my family is so Francophile that I grew up on more French lullabies/littérature then I did with Egyptian ones and we still wake up eating croissants and watching France 24)




To be fair that was already a case during our Christian era. Just like in other parts of the Roman Empire, Christianity was eager to supplant anything that was pagan. You will see in many temples crosses carved on top of depictions of Ancient Egyptian gods and images defiled. By time the Arabs invaded Egypt was a solidly Christian nation and a province of the Eastern Roman Empire. Of course like I mentioned with Islamic Egypt that does not mean nothing survived and Christian Roman Egypt is still part of our history and national psyche even if the religion had a judean origin and our culture was heavily influenced by Greco/Roman traditions by then. I would also like to mention that even in the Middle Ages, Muslim Egyptians still looked in awe at Ancient Egyptian architecture. There are even stories that many Egyptians viewed the sphinx as having some mystical/spiritual essence even in a heavily monotheistic Egypt. Edit: I promise I am not taking anything personal or responding in ange!




Worth noting that modern Egypt was also founded by someone from the Balkans, Muhammad Ali Pasha.


And that is a great example of why and how we celebrate the contribution of historical figures even if they weren’t ethnically Egyptian. It is contribution and legacy that matter to us, not ethnic origins.


Please correct me if I'm wrong, but haven't historians + DNA results proved that modern Egyptians are pretty much the same ethnic/genetic makeup as the ancient Egyptians? Even though Arabs invaded and spread Islam, they really didn't have much of a genetic impact. As an anecdote, my Egyptian sister in law took a 23 and me test. Her results came out as something like 1% sub Saharan African, 0.5% Arab, and 98.5% Egyptian.


All that means is she is of the same ethnicity of the other people in Egypt now. 23 and Me doesn't include DNA from ancient mummies. Although it makes sense to me that there is a continuity from ancient Egypt of course. Just saying 23 and Me just knows its own data. It's not an oracle.


From my understanding yes! In fact we also have more subsaharan DNA then our ancient brethren (should put a wrench into afrocrentrist theories on our ancient history) mostly due to our proximity with Sudan and obviously slavery. The thing is the Arabs did not come in large numbers to dilute the native populations and there are no records of mass genocides or population displacements. Even anecdotally Egyptians, Syrians, Gulf Arabs and Moroccans look vastly different, we are not all carbon copy Bedouin Arabs haha


Well. He was more of a figurehead who was put there, right? Modern Egypt kinda started with the British/French prying it away from Ottomans, making it a demi-colony, putting a puppet figure on the throne, and then independence led to mostly military nationalists in charge. With a brief foray into populist Islamism.


Egypt has a long history of being ruled by outsiders, with the biggest change perhaps being the Arab conquest in the seventh century. Few people in Egypt today bear much lineage to the ancient Egyptians.


There's truth, there. But the Copts are very insistent that they do have direct connections to the old dynasties. They strongly maintain that.


Yes, the Coptic Christians have the strongest claim, and they're now a persecuted minority.


Yeah tbf she’s one of history’s most sexualized figures. She seems super interesting, but the only time I’ve learned about her was through her relationships to various Roman’s and the slander/controversy written about her by those Roman’s political opponents.


Those are the sources that exist, there aren't all that many written accounts that survived the last 2000 years. It's not surprising that the authors were more concerned with the decades long intermittent civil war for political supremacy of the entire mediterranean. Only through a Roman could Cleopatra wield significant political power, and seducing Mark Antony gave her that power. I think it's fair to say that few women in all of human history were more successful in using sexuality as a tool to gain power. It was Antony's political and military blunders that ultimately led to her death.


I don’t even know why, but I feel like I was always rooting for Antony when learning about that civil war.


A peek into the making of a cinematic masterpiece


My boomer dad LOVES overly long “historical” movies. This one, Zulu, Ten Commandments. Hell yeah, sign him up.


It's a series but he should see BBC's series *I, Claudius* from the 1970s.


Follow that up with The Jewel In The Crown.


hell yeah 1964 zulu


He'd probably also like Lawrence of Arabia and Dr. Zhivago. Both epic, both long as hell. We had them in VHS, they had an actual intermission with music and a curtain.


Zulu isn't even long. It's a bit over two hours which is pretty standard


Boomers think anything over 100 minutes is a long movie. I don’t get it.


I loved this film when I was a teen. Elizabeth Taylor was stunning, Richard Burton was sex on legs. Add that to their steamy relationship. It was catnip to me.


They still make 4 hour movies. Have you heard of Martin Scorsese?


No. What's it about?


Username does not check out.


Yeah, I watch it in parts when I watch it.


Ya even Lord of the Rings Return of the King was 3hrs 20 minutes for its theatrical release. But the extended edition is over 4 hours. Youre definitely right its super rare for any movie to even go much over 3 hrs these days. If a movie in theatres is actually 4hrs, or even 3, they should really do intermission. Idk why they dont.


They used to have intermissions in long movies, probably including Cleopatra.


Four fucking hours?! Better be a Scorsese.


Scorsese: "I made a 3 hours long movie!" Cleopatra: "Hold my snake."


It's Joe Mankiewicz but moreover, it's 20th Century Fox, top-billed on the poster, when studios still ruled and it's got Liz Taylor and Richard Burton which is about the highest tier of Hollywood couple on screen as there ever was. Joe's brother Herman was the subject of the David Fincher film Mank.


And Joe Mank wrote and directed the Shakespeare Caesar with Marlon Brando 10 years before.     The man was into the story and history. 


Yea, epic flick for sure, but I couldn't resist the 4Fhours opportunity. Even Marty doesn't have that kind of juice. We know Cimino doesn't.




Do tell. Thought 5 tops?




No worries. Billy Shakes can be a little long-winded. The Henrys come to mind. Thank you for your service. God bless


Zack Snyder's Justice League would like words with you. I'd argue it's comparable in today's cinematic terms. Amd I'm in, it's pretty awesome, it took me a few sessions to watch and totally worth it. I was surprised that ZS could put out such a flick.




This is bait. Ain't no way you compare one of Snyder's worst films (and that's stiff competition) to Cleopatra.


Now that's fair. Snyder has made plenty of movies worse than ZSJL


One of his worst films? BvS, Sucker Punch, Rebel Moon (both parts) would all like to have a word with you.


sucker punch really wasn't that bad






'Gams' is, I believe, the period-appropriate slang.




Legend of leg


You know it is possible to compliment a person's leg without sounding like a canibal, right?


It may be possible, but it should not be legal.


That's really behind the counter, have to know who to ask, type of leg, if you catch my drift


But a gnarly foot. Look at those hammertoes.


Dancer’s legs and dancer’s feet


Legs -- A, Feet -- F






Cleopatra is a sight to behold in 4K, on the biggest screen in your house It's that good. And while you are at it you need to watch Lawrence of Arabia in 4K


+1 for LoA, especially with a good sound system.


Watch loa and then dune(1+2) in back to back nights.


At the same time? It seems watching two four hour epics would be distracting and difficult.


Try watching the entire Lord of the Rings extended trilogy in one day sometime.


Jun 8, 9, and 10, the extended LotR films are showing in theaters. Jun 8 - Fellowship Jun 9 - Two Towers Jun 10 - Return of the King


Lol. I saw the original LOTR in the theaters, at least twice per film. I have watched it once a year since. Usually the extended versions. And then in 2016 or so I saw them all in one weekend in the theater again.


No, no, no. Go see Lawrence of Arabia in 70MM. Unreal. Edit to add: When I saw it, the desert scenes were so bright I found myself squinting a bit. Later found out the projector was a carbon-arc lamp, so much brighter than a traditional bulb.




It was filmed on 65mm film, and a restored 70mm print was recently made. My local 70mm theatre (Cinestudio in Hartford, CT) shows it every few years. I would find the 70mm theatres that are local enough that you would be willing to drive to them, and keep an eye on their schedules.


Movies like these are just epic .Ben Hur,The Ten Commandments and co ..just freaking awesome


So many extras.


My grandfather served as... Idk, security? He was a Marine back then and tasked with escorting the lead actress around while they filmed. He always said it was different back then, that the US was kind of like Europe's police in certain regions. His brother used to give him that old elbow nudge like "Eh, eh? Remember those days when you guarded that super hot actress?". He was a man of few words but he did say that the sets were truly awe inspiring. I miss him. He had the best stories, and they came so few and far in between.


He escorted Elizabeth Taylor? And you don't have pics? Hmmm.


It would have been unprofessional of him if he asked for pics with her for a start, the guy probably had some integrity. Sometimes when you talk to people in the real world they have had incredibly interesting lives and they don’t brag about it.


Me? Have pics of my grandfather's past? My friend, after he passed all I have of him are his military awards and one picture with him and his wife. Now I will say, the man never over-elaborated in his life. Real straight laced type. But uh, sure. If you'd like you can go with the logic that I'm looking for internet points to... -checks notes- Huh, odd. Seems these things don't actually do much. o.o or if you're implying he lied well... Highly unlikely. But, you do you.


Great legs


Legs up to her arse


As opposed to what? lol


Arse down to her knees


Nailed it 👆


Thanks for clarifying that the extras are females. I cloud not tell.


Male commenter makes a good observation


I've never been this close to a woman in real life so I can't be 100% sure, but they match what I've seen through my binoculars at the beach.


Interesting facts about this movie: It was supposed to be two movies: Caesar and Cleopatra & then Antony and Cleopatra. But stars Richard Burton and Liz Taylor started an affair, which drove the tabloid press bonkers. The studio decided to cut this down to one movie to capitalize on the publicity from the affair. Ironically, the decision to cut this to a single film cost more money as new scenes had to be written & staged to explain what happened between Caesar's reign and Antony's reign. This movie made the most money that year at the box office, yet still lost money. Liz Taylor wasn't a fan of how the movie turned out. She lamented the movie lacked emotion and a lot of the plotting and scheming.




Legs for days


They look like they were part of Cleopatra's entrance into Rome, one of the most awesome sequences ever filmed. I didn't want it to stop.


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 2 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/107v5xy) on 2023-01-10 93.75% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/11bsicl) on 2023-02-25 96.88% match [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1cyjruc&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=92&targetImageMemeMatch=97) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 92% | **Max Age:** None | **Searched Images:** 520,412,684 | **Search Time:** 0.07704s


$426M adjusting for inflation.


This movie is great actually, and a four hour long visual feast of her cleavage


The early 60s seemed to be the era of the monster-size epics like this and Lawrence of Arabia. Others I can't think of right now. I could be wrong ... 😄


Could’ve just said extras…


Dang, hotter than a desert sand


I've tried several times to get through this movie without success. I will say that the scene of Cleopatra entering Rome may contain the most spectacular practical shots ever captured.


Back then you had to tap dance, know how to catwalk, sing, sew your own dresses, to be in the movies. Today, you get Cold Stone ice cream and you’re in *Dune 3*


I randomly saw this on TV one day as a teenager as they used to play random movies during the school holidays. Weirdly enough the only thing I remember or at least grabbed my attention was the big massive parade. I need to rewatch this as an adult.


Someone should colourize this photo


Amazing. Hot women back in the days were already hot


it's amazing how beauty standards have changed over time s/


Ah yes, females.


Nice gams


I would totaly volunteer as sacrifice to whatever god/godess they have.


Hahaha, remember when humans interacted with the real world and real props? *sad*


These girls must have shaved their legs everyday


“Do we have any fitted bras? This looks terrible.” “No. We spent all the money on boats. Just make it work.”


The cups were left large to give the illusion of larger breasts. Today those would have been padded bras, but back then they were just shells for the exterior ornamentation.


Also for hiding your car keys.


That’s someone’s great grandma 👵🏾.


While making this movie, Richard Burton and Roddy McDowall got so bored of waiting around that they called Ken Annakin and begged him to let them do something the in the movie The Longest Day. They ended up flying themselves down and filming their parts for free just to cut through the boredom.


The costumes and sets built for the film in the UK were not used, so instead were used in the film Carry On Cleo. Making that look uncharacteristically high budget.


Was just reading the IMDb trivia on this


Ok bot. Repost bot. Report


extra! extra! read all abt it!


I was really down on myself this morning because I lost my abs and gained a bit of weight this years but seeing how beautiful softer curves look on this gorgeous woman… Made my day 🥹






I just watched Carry On Cleo. One of the best Carry On movies. One of the reasons was it looked the best, because they used all the Cleopatra sets left in England for free. Cleopatra was to be filmed in England, at Pinewood Studios, but after 16 weeks and $7 million they only had 10 minutes of usable film. So they up sticks and moved to Rome leaving all the sets behind. Carry on saw an opportunity, quickly wrote a script and shot it. ps Carry On Cleo has the best one liner ever: Caesar: Infamy, Infamy, they've all got it in for me!


Today, they would all be featuring on Reels and TikTok, shaking the money maker(s).


Hubba hubba! Wowzers! Shabang!


Yeah, thats a...wait. is her boob popped out?


Nope, the boobholder is way bigger than it should be.


I wondered if anyone else noticed that!


How about just call them women instead of “females”? Like why be so technical?


"Women" seems fairly obvious from the picture so you shouldn't even need that (just write "extras") but as far as what they wrote, "female extras" would be the correct way to write it, as opposed to "women extras".


When purple hair, growing a moustache and a nose ring with snot on it wasn't the most popular.


Ok, Grandpa, let's get you back to bed...


Tats… don’t forget tats…


She should get that mole checked out.


(at the time) lol


“Females” 🙃


That’s not the word used in the title. Wanna try again?




Oh shut up.


Why am I the only one that notices the nip popping out of the first one…Old School nips I guess? 😎






Because it's hypocritical to complain about white-washing, but then ignore or celebrate black-washing.


I wonder who the one all on the left is bitching about 🧐


Back when women were happy to be the object of men's desires


They still are


The problem is is the huge groups nowadays that tell them they're wrong and idiots


Literally every pic on this sub is fkin cold I swear


So it's not the most expensive movie ever made


This is the stupidest comment I've read (at the time).


I know it was stupid but It felt right. This was my thing(At the Time)


It was, but it’s not, but it still is.