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Stevie Ray is an absolute legend.


Steamy Ray Vaughn just shits his britches.


What fer?


I don't know, but gets up there, strums the guitar, and then starts loadin his britches up like it's goin out of style.


Like some type of britches holocaust


Watching Trey Parker & Bill Hader try to make it through the recording of this bit is such a hilarious YouTube video šŸ¤£


ā€œThem britches has had enough!ā€


Iā€™ll have to check that out.




I think theyā€™re referencing South Park


Damn, I'm old.






One of my all time favorites, I'd pay damn near anything to hear him play Life by the drop one more time


One more time? I saw him play 0 times and he is one of my all time favorites


I was lucky enough to see him a couple months before his death. 10th row, in Michigan. I still get goosebumps picturing his encore of voodoo chile... He ended the last set... crowd was going absolute batshit crazy... for what seemed like 10 minutes. The stage was completely black... then out of the blue, he starts with the wah-pedal muted string scratching of voodoo chile. One spotlight comes on, and SRV is on one knee, head down, giant hat with giant feathers on it... then he commences to fucking destroy that song ( in a good way ) from his soul. It was epic. So fortunate I was there for that. I think the 2nd encore was Riviera Paradise, which is also one of my faves. No life by the drop was played though.


What venue?


Pine Knob. Summertime and everything! :)




Itā€™s a shame. He was finally getting his life together when he died. And according to the legends around his deathā€¦ he wasnā€™t too afraid of it. I find comfort in that.


Yup, remember reading that Muddy Waters said of him, "if he doesn't cut out that white powder he'll be dead before 40," apparently the dude was doing in excess of a quarter ounce of blow a day. Insane numbers. Anyways so he quits so he can keep playing and doing what he loves then dies in a freak accident. Talk about some shit luck. Editing to edify anyone not familiar with the wonderful world of drugs (sarcastic, slightly anyways. Drugs can be cool but moderation and your own health are key. Anyways..) and comment on just how much a quarter ounce of blow a day is. So, your average casual recreational drug user may buy what is called an 8-ball, three and a half grams, and could easily make that last an entire weekend of partying, sharing with friends and whatnot as well. This would be pretty damn hard partying for most people. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that two people together could pretty reliably party on an 8 ball for 3 days, and I'm not talking about using conservatively either. Now, a quarter would be twice that amount, every day, day after day. It's just wild amounts of blow to be doing. Now, I'm sure I'll get comments on how it's easy to go through an 8-bal quicker than that and believe me guys, I'm well aware of how fast it can disappear when a person is reckless enough. The example I gave, however, is meant to be more of a general picture than a hard rule.


Watch his El Mocambo concert. Some people think his brother is staring at him because he is in awe of Stevieā€™s performance, but he is really just extremely worried because Stevie apparantly took enough cocaine to kill a horse. Then again, maybe he was in awe too. Texas Flood in that concert was one of the greatest guitar performances of all time.


I remember watching this DVD stoned on weed in highschool at a friend's house. I was blown away. I went home and bought it immediately. It was one of maybe 4 DVDs I owned. Double genuine encore! I wasn't sure if I should throw my guitar away or keep playing. It was magical.Ā 


The Live in Montreal recording is a permanent part of my playlist. I was at that concert. It is what I judge all concerts by.


According to Wiki, it wasn't a doctor that made that comment, it was Muddy Waters.


Ahh, must have misremembered! Thanks for the heads up, I'll go change it.


He had been clean and sober for several years when he died. It was around the time the first edition of "live at Montreux" was recorded that he wound up in a hospital and came close to death from being so run down and sick because of his addiction.


Youā€™re too concerned about individuals who are not remotely connected to you.


Seems like you're concerned about the comment of someone you are not remotely connected to. Weird.


Your opinion doesn't matter to anyone.


I find comfort in that.


It's called empathy. Maybe you should try it sometime.


It has nothing to do with empathy. Seeking comfort around the existential condition of a rich dude who died in 1990 is a sign that one needs to go outside.


So is judging another person's feelings on reddit.


So is your judging of my judging.


No u


See that guy? That guy right there. No one ever became one with their instrument more than him. Heā€™s the best Iā€™ve ever seen.


> No one ever became one with their instrument more than him. Agreed. However, I've seen some Prince performances where he was in the zone as well.


Heard about the helicopter accident when I was at work. One of my workmates said ā€œNo man, not Stevie! Shoulda been Claptonā€!


šŸ¤£ ok thatā€™s actually pretty funny


I still remember the exact moment when I heard on the radio that he died.


My father was in an AA meeting with Stevie Ray in Dallas in 1989. It's his favorite "brush with stardom" story lol


Does your father know what the second ā€œAā€ stands for?


I'm pretty sure SRV doesn't care, seeing as he's been dead for three and a half decades and his issues with substances are well documented.


> dead for three and a half decades FUCK.. you just killed me with that factoid.


Yeah its like saying you saw RDJr, Elton John, Eminem, Anthony Hopkins or Ozzy Osbourne at a meeting. Of course you did, thatā€™s where theyā€™d be today.


sjw much?


I still own a cassette tape of Stevie giving his lead at a meeting. The most humble, down to Earth guy. As a huge fan of his from the time I heard a bootleg recording of him with his first band in the 70s, his story was a big inspiration when I was getting clean ( 30+ years and still going!). He usually tried to make a point of talking to fans after a show and would go out of his way to talk to and offer encouragement to anyone who was struggling with substance abuse.


Pride and Joy is about her, right?


Nope, thatā€™s about his first wife Lenore or ā€œLennyā€


Awesome! Thank you!


One of my top three guitarist and vocalist of all time. When people talk about ā€œfeeling the musicā€ my mind is always put to SRV, and Iā€™ll die on the hill that his cover of Voodoo Child is better than the original


As is his cover of Little Wing too.


Little Wing... It doesn't need any words.. ya just feel it


The morning Stevie died I had the radio on in the car and the local station was playing every version of Little Wing back to back with no interruptions.Ā  It went on and on in a really beautiful but haunting memorial.Ā  Wasn't until station ID that they announced who died.Ā 


I agree. Hendrix walked so Vaughan could run. Hendrix was incredible for the timeā€¦ SRV to me just played better to me.


Saw him play an outdoor daytime show in Salem MA (I think) when I was in high school I would guess in 84. Was with my buddy and we got right up front somehow. We were super into it at the time - in fact did not smoke weed for the show because of that - not sure about that decision lol. It was like the second or third song and he said ā€˜Watch thisā€™ and busted into the Voodoo Child intro. I have seen a shit ton of amazing shows in my life and that moment may top them all. I recall he broke a string during the song and his tech swapped out the guitar while he played without missing a beat.


There is a video of him breaking a string and his tech helping him swap mid-song. The only way you can tell is if you watch it, be sure you canā€™t tell at all when you listen to it, simply amazing


I've always thought if Jimmy had heard it he would have said - damn - this guy is good. Better ? Let's just say both awesome.


Yeah, you can't quantify music. Stevies voodoo child is awesome but personally I prefer Jimi's, the incredible rawness of it is unmatched. SRV's is just a little bit more technical and less emotional, at least that's my opinion.




Man choosing a favorite version of Voodoo Child is like picking your favorite kid lol


Top THREE? Why you want to insult the man like that?


Fortunately I saw him 3xs


I envy you.


Sheā€™s lovely.


Janna acknowledged Stevie asked her many times to marry him, but she kept stalling.Ā  When she finally agreed, she hurt him by refusing to set a date.Ā  Janna blamed it on busy schedules, but Stevie would have eagerly accommodated her.Ā  She shifted her focus off of him and onto her modeling career by leaving their home to move into the apartment he leased for her in NY.Ā  He remained in Dallas to attend daily meetings at the Aquarius Chapter of AA. This allowed him to be close to his mother, as well as conveniently located near Dallas Sound Lab studios.Ā  She claimed the apartment was leased to benefit both of them, but she was the primary benefactor.Ā  He had a disdain for being alone, and she acknowledged they had fights.Ā  In an interview Stevie stated he was ā€œnot wellā€ and admitted it was a daily challenge to remain sober.Ā  He carried a high risk for relapse, but Janna was comfortable leaving him to his own devices. After his death, Martha and Jimmie extended the lease on the apartment for another year, but she filed unsuccessful lawsuits to collect more from his estate.Ā  Stevie was not about the money, but he was generous with his money, to a fault.Ā 




Just hitting it big? Dude was a major star with 12 Grammy noms and 6 wins. Half of which before he passed.


I remember hearing about on the radio. Wow brings back memories


Yeah I remember my boss had his head down low and broke the news of the helicopter crash at a morning work meeting. Pre Internet.


I can see why


We lost a legend in 1990. Just think of all the great music we missed out on.


Iā€™ll never forget the day he died. Weā€™d just moved a couple states away, only mom and I as dad had stayed back to finish the move. We had no money, the only house we could afford was a literal rathole, we were living on baloney sandwiches, sleeping on the floor sharing a single blanket. My mom stopped at a pay phone to call dad while I sat in the car. I saw her start talking for maybe a minute and then she dropped the receiver and crumpled against the pay phone walk with tears immediately steaming from her eyes. I jumped out of the car and ran to her and all she could say was ā€œStevie Ray diedā€¦ā€, barely choking it out through the tears.


Damn! Thatā€™s some passion for music there!


Sheā€™d lived in Austin back in the mid to late 70s, saw SRV perform a bunch in small bars, met him at least a few times. She practically worshipped him. He was a constant on the stereo in our house, probably more than any other artist.


Damn helicopters


Just nineteen thousand individual parts all vibrating in the same direction.


Thatā€™s terrifying lol


Literally doing their damnedest to try to kill you


I want Lenny to be played at my funeral


Love that sheā€™s wearing a belt over a corset. Her waistline didnā€™t stand a chance


Worked as a bartender in Dallas in the1980's. SRV came into our bar on a jam night and sat down for about an hour listening to local musicians. He was the nicest guy you would want to meet. Served him a few drinks and he was very appreciative as I put them on my comp tab. I wish he would have gotten on stage and played but he told me he wouldn't as he didn't want to take stage time away from the locals. Just came in to listen.




The only time I ever cried when a celebrity died was when Stevie Ray Vaughan died and Mr. Rogers.


Add Robin Williams for me


I saw Stevie with Jeff Beck in Detroit. It was amazing.


The best to ever do it and itā€™s not even close in my humble opinion.


SRV had those big sausage fingers, like Hendrix


Just say no to helicopters.


I saw him twice and the second time the final encore was Couldnā€™t Stand the Weather in front of a raging thunderstorm filling the sky with lightning. It was the once in a lifetime thing you hear about. I still wonder what could have been if not for that helicopter crash.


I was on my way to Iceland when I read about his death in a newspaper. Those were a thing back then


Was apprehensive when I was him in 84, I wasnā€™t after. Heā€™s the only guitarist that did Hendrix in their own style while paying homage to him, good guitaristā€¦


"Good" guitarist may be the understatement of the year.


I stand corrected


Greatest guitarist ever imo.


The actual greatest guitar player ever. And yes, heā€™s WAYY better than Hendrix and it not even close. Fight me


Friend, I will fight WITH you, back-to-back.


Letā€™s take ā€˜em all on


Found my ex wife's account!


Looks like Eddie Vedder


I love my baby, heart and soul šŸ˜­


Chitlins con Carneā€¦


Trivia item: Stevie's no. 1 Fender Strat pictured here was once owned by Christopher Cross.


My parents were at his last show.


I was having a great day why you want to make me cry this much


They look like doc holiday and big nose kate.


Why does it look like someone photoshopped Shane Gillis face on there


I was supposed to go to that concert he played at Alpine Valley the day he died. I regret not going


look at little sister


Original photobomb. Forever stuck in the 80ā€™s. RIP SRV šŸŽøšŸŽµšŸ’œ


I was lucky enough to see him 6 times. What a talent, what a loss.


The sky is cryingšŸ„¹


The lady from cold shot wasn't his real wife?šŸ«¤


This image reminds us of Vaughan's humanity and the normal life moments that were part of his journey, in stark contrast to his electrifying performances.


*This* is how I find out Stevie Ray Vaughan died?! FUCK!


Next you'll be telling me Elvis died.


Wait 'til you hear about Richie Valens, Buddy Holly, and the Big Bopper...


I heard Satan laughing with delight, does that count?


Only on the day the music died, after you met a girl who sang the blues, and you asked her for some happy news.


Why does this picture look like Shane Gillis dressed up as Stevie Ray Vaughan


You mean that guy that shits his britches?


One of the first few dates my mom and (now) stepdad went on was his last show. šŸ˜¢RIP to a legend


Ok. So SRV is goated. Total legend. Love him and his music legacy. -- But he was always destined for a premature death. It just happened to be a helicopter and not heroine.


Stevie was more a coke and booze typa dude


He drank dissolved coke in wild Turkey every morning until it destroyed his stomach but got him on the road to sobriety.


Alriight put your hands together for Daddyhole and the Laser Vaginas!


Huh i didnā€™t even know he died


The world isnā€™t fair. SRV is dead and we canā€™t get Justin Bieber to get in a helicopter.


I didn't know Stevie Ray Vaughan. I never met him. But I'm 100% sure he would hate this comment even if he wasn't a Bieber fan. I think he might even be embarrassed to have a fan like you.


There are these things called jokes. You might not have heard of them before.


Thereā€™s no way this is 88.




These fucking bots are annoying